2.3 Staff ReportW3 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MEETING DATE: 02/02/16 ITEM NO: 2.3 COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT JANUARY 19, 2016 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL LAUREL PREVETTI, TOWN MANAGER TOWN CODE AMENDMENT A-15-004. FORMULA RETAIL DEFINITION. INTRODUCE AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AMENDMENTS TO SECTION 29.10.020 OF CHAPTER 29 (ZONING REGULATIONS - DEFINITIONS) OF THE TOWN CODE TO REVISE THE DEFINITION OF A FORMULA RETAIL BUSINESS. RECOMMENDATION: After opening and closing the public hearing, it is recommended that the Town Council: 1. Move to waive the reading of the Ordinance and ask the Clerk Administrator to read the title of the proposed ordinance; and 2. Move to introduce the Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos effecting the amendments of Town Code Amendment A-15-004 (Attachment 4) and make the required findings that the amendments are consistent with the General Plan and its Elements and that the amendments are exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act [Section 15061 (b)(3)]. BACKGROUND: In September 2015 at the request of the Town Council Policy Committee, the Town Council began discussing a variety of issues that relate to businesses in Los Gatos. One of the issues was the Town's regulation of formula retail businesses. The Town defines formula retail businesses in Chapter 29 of the Town Code (Section 29.10.020) as: Formula retail business means a retail business which, along with seven (7) or more business locations, is required by contractual or other arrangement to maintain any of the following: standardized merchandise, services decor, uniforms, architecture, colors, signs or other similar features. (29.10.020) Staff benchmarked other jurisdictions and provided a recommendation for definition amendments for the Town Council to consider including the number and location of existing PREPARED BY: MONICA RENN Economic Vitality Manager 191 Reviewed by: Assistant Town Manager Town Attorney Finance CAUsers\Slombardo\Desktop\Staff Report - Formula Retail.Doc PAGE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: FORMULA RETAIL DEFINITION FEBRUARY 2, 2016 BACKGROUND (cont'd): business locations as well as qualifying factors to more easily identify formula retailers. At the October 6, 2015 meeting, the Council continued their discussion of formula retail businesses, and recommended that the Planning Commission consider and make a recommendation on the definition amendment presented by staff. This draft was discussed by the Planning Commission at their January 13, 2016 meeting. The verbatim minutes are attached to this report (Attachment 1). DISCUSSION: The proposed definition is: Formula retail business means a type of retail sales establishment or restaurant which, along with seven or more other retail sales establishments or restaurants located in the United States, maintains two or more of the following features: a standardized array of merchandise or menu, a standardized facade, a standardized decor and color scheme, standardized uniform apparel, standardized signage, a standardized layout, a trademark, or a servicemark. 1. Standardized means identical end or substantially the same. 2. Array of merchandise or menu means 50% or more of in -stock merchandise or menu items. 3. Fnade means the face or front of a building, including awnings, looking onto a street ' 1 or an open space. 4. Decor means the style of interior finishes, which may include but is not limited to, style of furniture, wallcoverings or permanent fixtures. 5. Color Scheme means the selection of colors used throughout, such as on the furnishings, permanent fixtures, and wallcoverings, or as used on the facade. 6. Uniform Apparel means the standardized items of clothing including but not limited to standardized aprons, pants, shirts, smocks or dresses, hat, and pins (other than name tags) as well as standardized colors of clothing. 7. Signage means a business sign pursuant to Section 29.10.135 of the Town Code. 8. Trademark means a word, phrase, symbol or design, or a combination of words, phrases, symbols or designs that identifies and distinguishes the source of the goods from one party from those of others. 9. Servicemark means a word, phrase, symbol or design, or a combination of words, phrases, symbols or designs that identifies and distinguishes the source of a service from one party from those of others. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: During the January 13, 2016 meeting, the Planning Commission spent time discussing the proposed amendments. In a 4-3 vote, (Commissioners Erekson, Hudes and O'Donnell opposing) the Commission moved to recommend adoption of the proposed amendments with the two modifications shown above in bold type. For the three Commissioners who were opposed to the 32 PAGE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: FORMULA RETAIL DEFINITION FEBRUARY 2, 2016 `-' PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION(cont'd): motion, they expressed concern about using the United States as the qualifying boundaries for existing locations, rather than anywhere (i.e. globally), as the current definition reads. In addition, several of the Commissioners expressed interest in the Council establishing a ratio of independent restaurants and retailers versus formula restaurants and retailers that may exist within the Town limits at any one time. A specific ratio was not included in the final motion. CONCLUSION: It is the recommended that the Town Council accept the Planning Commission's recommendation and move to introduce the Ordinance, by title only, amending Section 29.10.020 of the Los Gatos Town Code (Attachment 4). ALTERNATIVES: Alternatively, the Council may: 1. Reject the Planning Commission's recommendation and not modify the definition of formula retail; or 2. Accept the Planning Commission's recommendation with modifications; or 3. Continue this item to a date certain with specific direction to staff; or �. 4. Refer the item back to the Planning Commission with specific direction. COORDINATION: This report was coordinated with the Town Manager's Office, Town Attorney's Office, and Community Development Department. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines under the General Rule [Section 15061 (b) (3)] because it can be seen with certainty that the proposed Town Code amendments will have no significant negative effect on the environment. Attachments: 1. Verbatim minutes from the January 13, 2016 Planning Commission Meeting 2. Planning Commission Staff Report prepared for the January 13, 2016 meeting, including Exhibit 1 3. Letter from McCarthy Ranch presented to the Planning Commissioners at the January 13, 2016 meeting. 4. Draft Ordinance � 193 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A P P E A R A N C E S: Los Gatos Planning Kendra Burch, Chair Commissioners: Mary Badame, Vice Chair Charles Erekson Melanie Hanssen Matthew Hudes D. Michael Kane Tom O'Donneil Town Manager: Laurel Prevetti Interim Community Development Joel Paulson Director: Town Attorney: Robert Schultz Transcribed by: Vicki L. Blandin (510) 337-1558 J4 LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION 1/13/2016 ATTACHMENT 1 Item #4, Town Code Amendment A-15-004 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 P R O C E E D I N G S: CHAIR BURCH: We are now going to open the public portion of the hearing this evening and we are going to consider Item 4, Town Code Amendment Application A-15-004, which is considering amendments to Section 29.10.020 of Chapter 29, Zoning Regulations. This is regarding the definition of formula retail business. We are being asked, my fellow Planning Commissioners, to forward a recommendation or comments or whatever to Town Council this evening. Ms. Renn, I understand that you're going to be giving us a Staff Report. MONICA RENN: Yes, good evening. I'm Monica Renn; I'm the economic vitality manager. Starting in September the Council began a conversation about the provisions that we have for businesses to be permitted in town, and from that conversation several items were identified that they wanted to take a look at. Formula retail was one of those items. On October 6`h the Council considered, one, do they still think that formula retail restrictions are appropriate? We heard from both sides on that, but they did LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION 1/13/2016 Item #4, Town Code Amendment A-15-004 2 195 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 P R O C E E D I N G S: CHAIR BURCH: We are now going to open the public portion of the hearing this evening and we are going to consider Item 4, Town Code Amendment Application A-15-004, which is considering amendments to Section 29.10.020 of Chapter 29, Zoning Regulations. This is regarding the definition of formula retail business. We are being asked, my fellow Planning Commissioners, to forward a recommendation or comments or whatever to Town Council this evening. Ms. Renn, I understand that you're going to be giving us a Staff Report. MONICA RENN: Yes, good evening. I'm Monica Renn; I'm the economic vitality manager. Starting in September the Council began a conversation about the provisions that we have for businesses to be permitted in town, and from that conversation several items were identified that they wanted to take a look at. Formula retail was one of those items. On October 6`h the Council considered, one, do they still think that formula retail restrictions are appropriate? We heard from both sides on that, but they did LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION 1/13/2016 Item #4, Town Code Amendment A-15-004 2 195 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 come to the conclusion at that point that they did think it was appropriate, and Staff recommended that if we do (continue with the formula retail provisions that we're much clearer in what criteria, and the criteria that makes it a formula versus an independent retailer. Currently we define somebody with seven or more locations anywhere as a formula retail store, so if you have seven existing locations and you want to go downtown, you would require a Conditional Use Permit. If you want to go outside of downtown and you're larger than 6,000 square feet, you would also require a Conditional Use Permit. The changes that are before you tonight for your discussion and consideration and then recommendation back to the Council would be one, that we've changed that to look at just the United States. There have been two instances in the recent past where we've had a business that wanted to open their flagship U.S. location in Los Gatos, but because it was a franchise or they didn't have the money, the CUP basically scared them away. The second was that we've added criteria that's pretty standard language used in several other jurisdictions that allows us to say what the criteria that we're looking for is. It's been pretty ambiguous in the past and we've had to just tell someone, "Hey, we looked on LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION 1/13/2016 Item #4, Town Code Amendment A-15-004 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1e 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 your website. Looks like you have seven," or whatever it is, so this just gives us the ability to provide a clearer explanation to the applicant. That concludes my presentation. If you have questions, I'm here for you. CHAIR BURCH: Does anyone have any questions of Staff? Commissioner Hanssen, then Commissioner Erekson. COMMITTEE MEMBER HANSSEN: I went back and looked at the Council discussion. I had no problem with the definition and the proposed changes to the definition, but this is clearly part of a bigger picture where a lot of things are in play and the definition is just one thing. I wondered just from looking at it if there was any discussion about the actual number of locations being different for a formula retail? What I'm bringing up is—and if it didn't come up for Council or it isn't an issue, then so be it—it seemed to me that there's a huge, huge difference between a company that has seven locations in the United States, or even in the state of California per se—for instance, Super Duper Burgers who is not downtown but over at Los Gatos Boulevard—and Apple, or Starbucks or something that has thousands of locations. So I just wondered if the number had been discussed, is it the right number? LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION 1/13/2016 Item #4, Town Code Amendment A-15-004 4 197 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MONICA RENN: Thank you for the question. One thing that I failed to mention in my intro is that restaurants were also added to the definition. Thank you for that, it jogged my memory, but the Council did have quite a bit of discussion about the number. Seven seems to be the most restrictive number of any of the jurisdictions that we looked at. Some were a little bit harder to enforce. One jurisdiction locally said you couldn't have more than nine in the Bay Area, which then you would have to define Bay Area. Lots of places will say more like 13, 15, and 20 in the United States. Staff had asked Council if they wanted to make that change, to go higher or lower. They felt that seven was appropriate. We don't have any historical data on where that seven even came from when the original formula retail definition was put into place. So there definitely was that discussion, and nobody that I worked with through the benchmarking, and nobody in the room at the time, really had any magic number that they felt comfortable with outside of seven. COMMITTEE MEMBER HANSSEN: So the follow up question is does the Council intend to -it seemed that the answer is yes -put in some kind of metric for how many LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION 1/13/2016 Item #4, Town Code Amendment A-15-004 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 is 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2s M formula retail owners we should have relative to other kinds of independent retailers downtown? MONICA RENN: I don't believe so. That was not discussed. There was kind of this thought out there at some point that we had an 80/20 rule, and the reality is that 80/20 rule was never actually established, it was just kind of this idea that had been talked about. There's never been a limit to the number of formula retailers you can have versus the number of independent in our downtown or anywhere, and it don't think that there is the intention to that. COMMITTEE MEMBER HANSSEN: So then the actual definition of the formula retailer doesn't mean all that much, because all we're doing is flagging them as a formula retailer and then it comes to the deciding body to say it's too much or not? We've seen a few of these, and then it's like you know what the numbers are or how many of them there are, but since there's no guideline on how many there should be, it's like all you can do is say that they are a formula retailer. MONICA RENN: You're correct, and I think actually something that you all could consider tonight as a Commission is a) Would you recommend that we keep the formula retail back to the Council? or b) If we do, would LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION 1/13/2016 Item #4, Town Code Amendment A-15-004 N 199 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 you recommend some sort of magic balance or some sort of limits on that? That's certainly something that you could add to your recommendation to them. COMMITTEE MEMBER HANSSEN: That answers my questions, thank you. CHAIR BURCH: Commissioner Erekson. COMMITTEE MEMBER EREKSON: Thank you for the great work on this, as well as another item we're going to talk about tonight. I have a question about the addition of the United States. I understand your answer to it, but I guess I always assumed that a primary reason for having this definition, and then having some steps to go through if you had a formula retail, was in part to protect the backside, to then ensure that we had, not always locally, independently owned, which have a different nature and a different flavor that a "formula retail" business. If that's a primary reason for it, it's not clear Ito me why it matters if the seven were in Canada as opposed to in the United States. And don't we leave ourselves open to let's say that the seven exist internationally, if we then put a limitation in the United States that we become the first, and a month later there's one in San Mateo, and two months later there's one in you name the next place, LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION 1/13/2016 Item #4, Town Code Amendment A-15-004 7 _0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 and seven months later it's effectively a formula retail, because we just happened to be the first place in the United States that did it? This is a two-part question. Why does it matter that they're outside of the United States if it's the flavor of a formula retail? And then do we leave ourselves vulnerable to have let someone appear not to be a formula retail when really we just happen to be the first place in the United States where they opened a shop? MONICA RENN: I have I guess two thoughts for that. One is I think part of the intent of the Formula Retail Policy was really to add interesting different types of shops in a certain area, so that you aren't a Valley Fair or Santana Row or something that we're used to seeing the same stores over and over. Hypothetically speaking we could be their first U.S. store, or we could also be their sixth U.S. store, and they now go gangbusters and there's 600 in the U.S., but as long as they were here first, whether they were in Canada or here, there is still the potential that they could become formula retail at some point, but we wouldn't make them go back through the process as long as the one that was here was within their first seven. LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION 1/13/2016 Item #4, Town Code Amendment A-15-004 201 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1e 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Does that make sense? So even if they don't have a store in Canada, if they open their sixth here and now they open them worldwide, they still potentially could become that large corporation. COMMITTEE MEMBER EREKSON: Can I ask a follow up question? I understand that. I don't think you really addressed the question of the flavor of an independently owned business versus a formula retail and why it matters that the other formula retails are outside of the country, because it would seem like to me it would still have the flavor. So I could hypothetically have 100 in Canada, and this would just be the 1018L one. MONICA RENN: I don't think there's a specific answer for that. I think it would be also up to what somebody would see as the flavor. Does it bring something new to Los Gatos if the next nearest one is in Canada? I don't know, I think that would be completely subjective to whoever was thinking of it. I'm sorry, I wish I (inaudible). COMMISSIONER O'DONNELL: No, that's okay. That's fine. No apologies; that's a fine answer. CHAIR BURCH: Commissioner Hudes. LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION 1/13/2016 Item #4, Town Code Amendment A-15-004 i _02 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 COMMISSIONER HUDES work on this. Thank you, Ms. Renn, for the I think that since this is not coupled with a ratio of formula retail stores it's really important that we get this right, and so my question is to what extent has the new definition come from benchmarking, and where on the scale are we with all of these nine criteria? MONICA RENN: With the exception of the seven, that definition is pretty standard. There's at least three other jurisdictions in California—and I don't want to rattle those off off the top of my head, because I wouldn't be exactly correct on them—but that's a pretty standard definition that's adopted for cities that use formula retail outside of the ones that have had the one-off of the Bay Area and things like that. CHAIR BURCH: Commissioner Badame, and then Commissioner O'Donnell. VICE CHAIR BADAME: Would that include the United States limitation as well? MONICA RENN: Yes. VICE CHAIR BADAME: Thank you. COMMISSIONER O'DONNELL: I have a minor point that I'd really like to address to the Town Attorney. LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION 1/13/2016 Item #4, Town Code Amendment A-15-004 a 203 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 On the draft, which is Exhibit 1, under the definition, in the first line we say formula retail business means a type of retail sales establishment or restaurant, which I understand. In the next line, however, when it says which along with seven or more retail sales establishments, but doesn't say restaurant, I would suggest that it say, `nor restaurant." That's the really huge comment I've got. CHAIR BURCH: We're going to pause for a moment with our questions for Ms. Renn and open this up to the public. We have one card: Larry Arzie. Mr. Arzie, you've got three minutes, and just make sure you pull that microphone close up to you, and state your name for the record. LARRY ARZIE: I wasn't going to talk very much, but a couple of things have come up. Thank you, Mr. Erekson, for bringing up what you have about the loophole, should we say, in this ordinance. Benefit, when they came in, is an international operation and they don't have a CUP, to my knowledge. They just opened up and were given an (inaudible), so we have a big loophole where that's concerned. LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION 1/13/2016 Item #4, Town Code Amendment A-15-004 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Also, to answer your comment about where did the formula retail number come from, we originally had the ordinance was any more than one store would require a CUP. I got up and fought for twelve, and we compromised at seven, so now you know, Monica. Secondly, Monica brought up another comment that I don't understand, that the CUP concept was brought into concurrence because we wanted interesting shops. Well, the CUP Ordinance was not brought in to bring in interesting shops; it was brought in to keep them out. We did not want a supply of nationals coming into Los Gatos. To define formula retail is wonderful, but the loophole that allows new franchisees to avoid formula regulations only adds to the problem if a franchise operation just starts and they intend on opening up 100 stores across the nation and the first one is going to be in Los Gatos, then they're a franchise organization. There should be a CUP requirement to get a CUP, or an ordinance to get a CUP. That's the biggest hole we have. That's what happened to the candy shop, which is on the agenda tonight, but that's not what I'm talking about. They opened up without a CUP because they were the second operation to open up and they didn't have to have a CUP because of that. LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION 1/13/2016 Item #4, Town Code Amendment A-15-004 12 205 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 If we can recommend to Council to formulate some concept of how do you handle a new investment company with the intention of opening up multi chain stores across America, and their first one just happens to be Los Gatos, then we should designate this operation as a chain store operation. If you make that announcement that franchises are available and for sale, then this is a franchise store. That's a big loophole. I only brought up two issues where that happened, but thank you for bringing that up to them. CHAIR BURCH: Thank you. Does anyone have any questions for the speaker? No? Thank you very much. All right, we're going to close the public portion of this item and ask if any of my fellow commissioners have questions of Staff, or comments on what to recommend? Commissioner Erekson. COMMITTEE MEMBER EREKSON: I have a question probably for Mr. Schultz. Given Mr. Arzie's comments -I'm not suggesting that we should, but let's assume for the moment that we had an interest in doing that -is there a way to effectively write the ordinance that would allow for the potential of anticipated (inaudible)? ROBERT SCHULTZ: Not only during my research for this town, but I've done it for other cities and towns, I LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION 1/13/2016 Item #4, Town Code Amendment A-15-004 13 -06 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 have not seen an ordinance that has tried to approach that just from a logistic standpoint of being able to get an applicant to admit that they are going to be franchising or know they're going to be franchising, and once you've given them that vested right, then you can't take that away. But it's something that if the Planning Commission thinks that's an issue, we could research it further. I haven't done the research on that specific issue; I'm just going by what I've seen in all the other jurisdictions on this issue. There's been quite a lot of case law on this issue on whether there... I almost see at some point in time there might be legislation to prevent 14 (this. is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 These formula retail ordinances, a couple of them have gone so far as when you're having a formula... The main case is the Subway versus Arizona case where they tried to make certain that you could bring Subway in, but you had to change your sign, they didn't want the yellow signs, and they lost that case. So there are tremendous restrictions on what you can and can't do. I know this one is legal, but we can certainly look at that issue if it's something the Planning Commission wants to do. CHAIR BURCH: Commissioner O'Donnell. COMMISSIONER O'DONNELL: Two points. LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION 1/13/2016 Item #4, Town Code Amendment A-15-004 14 207 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 one Commissioner Erekson already made and I agree with him. I don't think the international thing really applies. What I'm really concerned with is the somewhat cookie cutter store. Whether they're in Europe or whether they're in Canada, they can still be a cookie cutter store. So I don't agree with saying the international doesn't count, it's only what's in the United States. Secondly, on the franchise that Mr. Arzie makes the point, I agree with both of you. I think it's very difficult to enforce that, although at the end of his remarks he talked about somebody having franchise information out, and it would seem to me that if I'm the first store than I'm going to be the franchisor, and I already have circulating that intention. I don't know what you do with that, because if I come into town and I want to sell widgets, and my long-term goal is to sell widgets all over the United States, that doesn't make me a chain store, and most widget stores haven't done well, but if in ten years I've got 100 of those stores, so be it. If you could come up with some way to show that's what a person was doing, but I'm not sure it's worth the effort. I would agree with them if there were some way to really know that, but I have a feeling we would just get sidelined and the arguments legally would not be pleasant. LAS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION 1/13/2016 Item #4, Town Code Amendment A-15-004 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ROBERT SCHULTZ: Certainly from the standpoint where you explained with the widgets and you're opening your first one, there might be some mechanism we can do where you've got the person like you just mentioned that maybe have three or four, they fall under the seven, but certainly if you do the research on them you can see they want to grow to many, many more, so within a year or two you're going to be over the seven, that might be something that we can add additional language or look into. COMMISSIONER O'DONNELL: The only problem I have is I don't think we want to say to our local businesses please don't grow; please don't be successful, because if you do we're going to have all these rules. I would love to see everybody in town be successful, and if they have their first store and that's all they have really in Los Gatos and then they're wildly successful and they have 100 stores, God bless them. CHAIR BURCH: Commissioner Hanssen. COMMITTEE MEMBER HANSSEN: As I was listening to this I had a question. Since there isn't any guideline or limit on how many formula retails we can have in town, when it comes in as a CUP couldn't if the deciding body as part of their investigation determines that this is going to be a 1,000 location retailer, whereas they're only at five LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION 1/13/2016 Item #4, Town Code Amendment A-15-004 16 %117; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 now, couldn't that be a reason to say no since there isn't any guideline saying that you can't say no? Okay. CHAIR BURCH: Commissioner Erekson, then Commissioner Kane. COMMITTEE MEMBER EREKSON: I want to follow up on the answer, the nodding of the head from Mr. Schultz. Assume what Commissioner Hanssen just asked, on what basis would we be able to turn down or force them as a town... Essentially we would force them to get a CUP, right? So the Staff would have to have some basis to then force them to have a CUP. One what basis would the Staff have to do that, not just to let them go forward with it? On the speculation that they might have seven stores at some point in time? I don't want to try to be the Town Attorney, but it seems like to me that's really... ROBERT SCHULTZ: It would be very difficult to write that language on... COMMITTEE MEMBER EREKSON: That would be challenging to ROBERT SCHULTZ: To know, and as Joel just pointed out, from a Staff standpoint if they don't meet that criteria right away and that's what they put in their business license application, it just goes to a business license application and doesn't get that detailed review of LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION 1/13/2016 Item #4, Town Code Amendment A-15-004 17 _10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 us doing the research to see where they're at, so it does become very problematic. CHAIR BURCH: Do you have a follow up question? COMMITTEE MEMBER EREKSON: I have a different question. CHAIR BURCH: Can we go to Mr. Kane and then back to you? Commissioner Kane. COMMISSIONER KANE: I understand the intent of Item 1 on the nine items in the Staff Report and in the proposed amendment to the Town Code, and if I do understand it I'd suggest clarity for Item 1, "Standardized means both identical and substantially the same." I think it would have effect, and if my Commissioners agree, then it should simply say, "Standard means identical or substantially the same," instead of trying to meet two conditions to create more arguments. You say this condition or that condition, and boom. So I would take out the word "both" and I would substitute the word "and" for the word "or." Thank you. My second point was on a probability standpoint, this may not be germane, but if there were seven Parisian dress shops and they're going to come to the United States and they're thinking New York, Chicago, San Francisco, or Los Gatos? Let me work on that. What's the probability of somebody targeting us for their invasion of the United LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION 1/13/2016 Item #4, Town Code Amendment A-15-004 18 211 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 States? It's possible, and I didn't think about what the Commissioner said, I just don't think it's probable, but you must have put it in there for a reason. MONICA RENN: We did recently have one retailer who came from New Zealand. There were 100 locations in New Zealand, and they wanted Los Gatos to be their first one. That was Blue Illusion, and they ended up opening up in Santana Row because the CUP process just took longer than it did in San Jose. We heard quite a bit of feedback on that, and the way that this particular business runs their business is that whoever they select as their manager actually runs the store like the owner, so they choose the merchandise, they choose that stuff, so it's actually each store is unique. It's not a business model we see here very often, but it was definitely the opportunity to look at this whole conversation from a different lens. COMMISSIONER KANE: I'm just thinking that if there is an organization that has seven locations somewhere on the globe, whatever they're selling is probably interesting if they want to bring it to Los Gatos, and I would want that to happen, I think. That's it. CHAIR BURCH: Commissioner Erekson, you had another question. LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION 1/13/2016 Item #4, Town Code Amendment A-15-004 19 _12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 la 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 COMMITTEE MEMBER EREKSON: This is a question for Ms. Renn. I can't imagine this, but I'm not an expert in this area as you are, but is there any way that we should think about this in relation to the shifting retail environment that is more online? To go nationwide, I may be able to do that based in Los Gatos without opening franchises in other places, because I can do it online. So is there any relationship to think about this in relationship to that shifting environment? I don't know, but that's not my area of expertise; it's yours. MONICA RENN: That's a really interesting conversation, and that's actually where all of this started from, that we are seeing sales tax decline. How the sales tax works currently is if there's online shopping in this county the money goes into a county pool and we get a percentage, a very small percentage, based on our size. There is legislation looking at actually sending the sales tax back to the zip code that it was purchased from rather than going to this county pool, which I think would probably be quite a benefit for us, because we probably do have a fair amount of people who do online shopping, and I think not just online shopping but delivery services, all of that. LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION 1/13/2016 Item #4, Town Code Amendment A-15-004 20 213 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 People don't leave their homes as often for retail goods, and I think that's also why we're seeing the shift in some of the vacancies and some of the smaller stores not being able to survive. It's the question of creating a place where people want to come that has shopping, that has dining, that has all of these things, and whether the formula piece plays a huge role in that I'm not sure. I don't know how it's going to line up, because things are progressing so quickly, and people are coming up with these concepts so quickly, that you just don't know where retail is going to be a year from now and I'm not sure how much this plays into that conversation. COMMITTEE MEMBER EREKSON: Thank you. CHAIR BURCH: Commissioner O'Donnell. COMMISSIONER O'DONNELL: I've been on this Commission a long time now and I remember when this started. My recollection is what we said is we don't want downtown Los Gatos to look like every other shopping center around, so that's where it started. When, however, people came in like Apple, like Jos. A. Bank... With Jos. A. Bank, for example, we said there are no other men's stores in town basically, and we said fine, that's okay. Apple came in and said you've got two choices. You can either take us the way we are, or you LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION 1/13/2016 Item #4, Town Code Amendment A-15-004 21 —14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1e 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 don't get us. I remember people said, "I don't like the front of your store," and they said, "We don't care if you like it or not, do you want Apple?" Now we're getting into this vacancy thing, and I think if somebody wants to explore the whole thing, are we worried about looking like Santana Row, because if that's still the driving force, that's one thing. It isn't clear to me anymore if we're worried about the change in retail and the effect of the Internet whether we ought to revisit that whole thing, but I think we're kind of tweaking the bomb rather than defusing the bomb What we're doing tonight I don't think gets to the real issue of what are we trying to accomplish? What we were trying to accomplish quite a while ago was in a better retail market and we felt that we wanted Los Gatos to be unique, and I still feel that way, but as vacancies come up it may require us to rethink, because I'd rather have stores in town than not. CHAIR BURCH: Commissioner Kane. COMMISSIONER KANE: Commissioner O'Donnell makes me think it's not just Santana Row, it's not just Sunnyvale, what we're trying to do here is underscore, create, and support vitality, and we have met the enemy and he is us, because what you left out of it was the North 40, LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION 1/13/2016 Item #4, Town Code Amendment A-15-004 22 215 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 is 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 and that makes me think now if I can do anything for the Central Business District, that's what I would be doing, because we're going to have some challenges in the future to support Main Street/North Santa Cruz, so if this goes to that end, I'm in favor of it. CHAIR BURCH: Commissioner O'Donnell. COMMISSIONER O'DONNELL: I suggest that we at least think about sending this back to the Council with these questions, because what we have before us I think, again, it's kind of fine, we could tweak it a little bit, but I think we're raising something that they're aware of and that we're not raising something they're not aware of. I just wonder if it's not the right time to address it? Perhaps we could be helpful to the Council by saying let's knot tweak this thing, let's really consider changing the whole ballpark. Now, we might say but in the interim here's how we feel about what's before us, for example, language changes we've talked about, the international thing. I still think whether there are 100 stores in Canada or 100 stores in the United States, they're a formula store, and the fact that we may say if they're in Canada they ought to be able to come in, but if there happens to be 100 stores LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION 1/13/2016 Item #4, Town Code Amendment A-15-004 23 -16 1 2 3 4 s 6 e 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 in the United States, they can't, doesn't make a lot of sense to me. So maybe we want to just get to the exact thing that's before us, or maybe we want to say a decision is premature, could we consider the issue? Now, knowing that, and knowing how long it took us before just to come up with the initial ordinance, it may be the Council says let's get something done now, and now we'll investigate it. I don't know, but I tend to think, having heard tonight's conversation, that it's a much bigger issue than the narrow matter before us. CHAIR BURCH: All right, so if I can pose a question quickly to my fellow commissioners. I think that's a good point. I think this has been a very good conversation. I would like to know maybe from Staff, if we were to move forward, if what we might be able to do is broach our direction to Council with, similar to what Commissioner O'Donnell said, maybe two options, one being we feel that there's actually a lot more work that needs to be done here based on Internet sales and other things, however, in the sake of time, if they want to say yes, that's something we're going to do but we need to have some language set in place for the immediate future, then we recommend the LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION 1/13/2016 Item #4, Town Code Amendment A-15-004 24 f'AitM 1 2 3 4 5 6 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 24 25 following changes to the wording pending that investigation, is that a direction we could provide? JOEL PAULSON: That definitely is. CHAIR BURCH: I'd like to ask my Commissioners how you feel about it? Commissioner Badame. COMMISSIONER KANE: I'll second that motion. CHAIR BURCH: You'll second the motion? Okay. Motion and a second. Comments? VICE CHAIR BADAME: I do like the idea of adding in the fact that it's made stricter by including restaurants, so I'm in favor of that. CHAIR BURCH: Commissioner Erekson, you had a comment? COMMITTEE MEMBER EREKSON: I would say the effort to clarify the definition is right on, that's taken at face value. I would not support including the language about the United States for reasons that are obvious, and while Mr. Arzie has been a source of perspective in history for the downtown area for me since I've been on the Planning Commission and I respect that, I would want the Council to be forward-looking, not backward -looking, as they think about this issue, not losing sight of history, but not being bound by history. LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION 1/13/2016 Item #4, Town Code Amendment A-15-004 25 U_ E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 It would be helpful to me for them to be clearer about what their intentions are as they look forward in the context of what we've been talking about, the change in retail, what their intention is for having a definition like this. There's no requirement to have a definition like this. Another option would be just eliminate it from the code. So as they think about this, why would they want it? Why would they want a definition and what would their intention be? That would be helpful. In my time on the Commission it's not always been clear on what basis we should approve a CUP for a formula retail, and so it would be helpful for them to be forward- looking from my perspective and to help us understand what the intent is. CHAIR BURCH: And I would probably expect that all these comments then would be shared with the Council in this discussion with our recommendation. Commissioner Hanssen, then Commissioner O'Donnell. Did you have a comment, Commissioner Hanssen? COMMITTEE MEMBER HANSSEN: I did. I just wanted to agree with what Commissioner Erekson said. I had talked about this earlier. When we've seen these CUPs in the past we'd get a map of where all the formula retails are, and then it's like what criteria do LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION 1/13/2016 Item #4, Town Code Amendment A-15-004 a 219 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 you use to make a decision? There's the thinking from the beginning where we wanted Los Gatos to be like this, but the retail world is changing, and so it's not always clear how to do this. And this, I thought the minute I picked it up it's just one piece in a whole picture, in a whole strategy for the town, and this is just a small item that doesn't reflect the bigger picture. I have no problem with the language of this as proposed, but it begs the question of what's going to happen after this? Is there going to be more discussion about what kind of retail balance do we want, and how does that play with the North 40, and so on and so forth? CHAIR BURCH: All right, Commissioner O'Donnell. COMMISSIONER O'DONNELL: If I understood Commissioner Erekson's last remarks correctly, and I may not have, it seems to me that it might be well to make a motion now to not adopt the proposed amendments, but rather to tell the Council the reason we're not adopting the proposed amendments is we think that the issue should be revisited, and before we tweak it the whole thing be looked at. Now, they may say look, that would take six months or whatever it would take, and therefore let's get some things implemented in the interim. But we don't know LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION 1/13/2016 Item #4, Town Code Amendment A-15-004 27 _20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 that, and I am concerned, because there are two Town visions on what we're dealing with here. Personally, I would like to say I don't think this is the time to be dealing with these amendments as opposed to dealing with the basic issue, and therefore I would propose that we adopt that kind of resolution as opposed to telling the Council in the background we'd kind of like you to look at this, but oh by the way, we're also going to tweak the ordinance. I'm not in favor of tweaking the ordinance, at least at this point, unless the Council just tells us time being what it is it's better to get something done and then we study it, but I don't think that we should presuppose that the Council would necessarily say that. CHAIR BURCH: So we actually have a motion out there, and since I was the one I guess that worded it, I was not saying I recommend approval. That was not what I was saying. I was actually saying that we recommend further investigation based on this conversation, and I just confirmed with Staff they would get verbatim notes of this conversation right now. Hold on. COMMISSIONER O'DONNELL: (Inaudible) back to the Council? LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION 1/13/2016 Item #4, Town Code Amendment A-15-004 28 221 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CHAIR BURCH: It does go back to Council. We're recommending to Council that in the immediate future if something needed to be dialed in on this, then we would approve this wording, but we're not recommending approval, we're recommending further investigation. Joel. JOEL PAULSON: Which is definitely one direction that you can go. I would just offer that if that is the direction without a recommendation either for or against the ordinance amendments before you, then should they say no we want to do something in the interim, this comes back to the Planning Commission, we have another hearing, and then you forward a recommendation that could be modified as you're proposing, or something completely different. Not knowing how that Council discussion is going to go, it may create some delay in and of itself if there's not a recommendation one way or another for the ordinance. ROBERT SCHULTZ: I guess there are two issues, and I don't want to confuse those two issues for you. The definition change really primarily is for Staff. We've had ones come in and we wrestle without the definition of all those terms, whether they fall within it or don't fall within it. LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION 1/13/2016 Item #4, Town Code Amendment A-15-004 29 _22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 OR It also helps the applicant. They might look at it and say maybe I don't fall under that, because I don't know what the definitions are here. So it helps us really. I think that was what Commissioner Hanssen meant was really what does this do for us? It really is more Staff driven, because we've had that problem. (Inaudible) is the one that comes to mind that we wanted code enforcement on, because they didn't believe they were part of it, and it was an interpretation. Now, with these changes, they definitely would have fallen under it. So that's the first issue really, just it was a cleanup that we saw, that Council saw also, with which one should come and shouldn't come for the definition of what a retail... Then the second issue was does this need more of what is the purpose and intent of it, so when it comes to you what are the findings we're trying to make? What are the other things we need when it does get to us to really make us decide on whether we should allow this formula retail or shouldn't? I will say yes, our ordinance is not as verbose as some of the other ones. I was just looking online. Malibu just did it, and a lot of them do do that percentage LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION 1/13/2016 Item #4, Town Code Amendment A-15-004 30 223 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 that we talked about, but some of those have also been challenged. So I think in my mind the recommendation is yes, this definition is great, but there's much more work to be done on this ordinance for us to get where we want to be. COMMISSIONER O'DONNELL: (Inaudible) we have a motion and a second, right? Okay. Would the maker of the motion consider, after listening to the Staff, any amendments to the motion, or is that what we're going to vote on? CHAIR BURCH: I really don't want to slow down the process, so I don't know if I change my motion to say we will recommend approval of the document in front of us, however, the Commission strongly requests additional research into this topic based on the conversation. Can I ask the seconder of the motion what he thinks? COMMISSIONER KANE: I agree with you. I think we should move forward. This is a recommendation, not a ruling or an ordinance. This is us telling them what we think. They've asked us to do that with this one and with the next item on the agenda, so we've kind of already done our job if they watch the tape or read the transcript, so I'm okay with what you said, Madam Chair, that we have some LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION 1/13/2016 Item #4, Town Code Amendment A-15-004 31 _24 1 2 3 4 5 6 e 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 amendments to this language—Tom made a suggestion, I made a suggestion—and that our recommendation is approval and get it back to Council, but then add all the other concerns we've had. We've got issues coming on the North 40, and we want to keep Business District here in Town vital and vibrant, and what can we do along those lines? I support your amended motion. I still second it. CHAIR BURCH: All right. Commissioner O'Donnell. COMMISSIONER O'DONNELL: I just want to make sure, I've heard at least a couple of us say we don't think the distinction on international versus national is a good one. So I don't know whether that's in the motion or not. I've also heard Commissioner Kane say, and I agree with him, that number one should say, "Standardized means identical or substantially the same," and I agree with that. I think we had one or two other things. Yes, the language about the retail sales including a restaurant, but the next line didn't include a restaurant, and I think we probably agree on that. I guess what I'm wondering is does that motion include those three items, or not? LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION 1/13/2016 Item #4, Town Code Amendment A-15-004 32 225 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 is 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ROBERT SCHULTZ: I think right now with definitely the two and the three, I think there was no opposition to that, but I think the first one, if in fact you want to change United States or eliminate that and put international, I think there would be more discussion necessary, or the motion would have to definitely reflect Ithat. CHAIR BURCH: Commissioner Kane. COMMISSIONER KANE: Well, again, the recommendation is listening to what we've said, and we've voiced our opinions. I'm thinking about the downsides to what Commissioner Erekson has brought up, but I like my Parisian dress shop example. If there's somebody out there with stores in Batchawana Land, or Paris, or wherever, and they want to come here with that store, they've probably got something interesting, and that would be good for downtown. I'm looking for the downside and the upside, and I'm leaning toward the upside. Whether or not that screws up this process of now we're going to have (inaudible), I don't care. I'll vote for it, but I hope they're watching what I said, which is whatever that shop is, it's probably going to be interesting, and I'd recommend it. CHAIR BURCH: Commissioner Hanssen. LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION 1/13/2016 Item #4, Town Code Amendment A-15-004 33 PEI 1 L 2 Ms. Renn. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1s 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 COMMITTEE MEMBER HANSSEN: I have a question for I'm looking at the Staff Report from the October 6th Council meeting. It talks about that our ordinance without the changes is more restrictive than just about any place, because of the international versus U.S., and so that was the reason for their recommendation. So if our intent is to make it easier for downtown businesses to get a CUP done, I don't know why we would change the recommendation unless there's more research that needs to be done on that. MONICA RENN: Would you like a response, or was that just a comment? CHAIR BURCH: Was that a question, or just a comment? COMMITTEE MEMBER HANSSEN: I guess I'm asking you to confirm that that is the main reason that was brought, because in your research you've learned that having it be seven locations internationally versus U.S. makes it more restrictive compared to other jurisdictions, is that correct? MONICA RENN: That's correct, and I think either way we need to be clearer about it, because that's probably one of the number one questions I first get: "Seven LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION 1/13/2016 Item #4, Town Code Amendment A-15-004 34 227 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 14 15 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 locations where? Seven locations in California?" Because we just don't say it. We say seven existing locations, and then you respond, "Anywhere in the world," and it's a little bit of a shock for that applicant to think about that for a minute. So whatever the choice is, I think we just need to be clear on what we're considering for those existing locations. CHAIR BURCH: To clarify, as the maker of the motion I would prefer to keep it as it is. I do believe with the second and the third word changes, but the motion that I have made is going to keep the wording as is for various reasons, but I'm going to keep it as is. Commissioner O'Donnell. COMMISSIONER O'DONNELL: (Inaudible)? CHAIR BURCH: I do not. I want it to stay just the United States. I do not want to make that change. My motion is going to make the other changes in Item 1, and the other item where we're adding the restaurant, but keeping the first paragraph where it states located in the United States as is. Does the seconder agree with that? COMMISSIONER KANE: Yes. CHAIR BURCH: Commissioner O'Donnell. LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION 1/13/2016 Item #4, Town Code Amendment A-15-004 35 F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 COMMISSIONER O'DONNELL: I just want to be clear. You're saying if I have 100 shops in Canada, that doesn't count? CHAIR BURCH: What I'm saying is I feel we have a very capable Staff, and if somebody comes in with a chain of the Canadian equivalent of Applebee's, I imagine they're going to take a good look at that and probably say we're having a hard time making a decision, and because we feel that this maybe rides on the fence, I think that we would probably see it or we may see some recommendations on this, or they just come on through. JOEL PAULSON: I'd look to the... COMMISSIONER O'DONNELL: Unfortunately, the reason we have it now is a chain store is a chain store is a chain store, and it doesn't make any difference where their locations are. We're making a substantial change to that and saying if you've got 100 stores in Mexico and 100 stores in Canada, it don't count. If you've got eight stores in the United States, it does count. I don't think that makes much sense. And as far as the dress shop is concerned, it's never been a question of is it a good store; it's been a question of is it a chain store? We could always admit a good chain store, which we've done in the past, but we have LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION 1/13/2016 Item #4, Town Code Amendment A-15-004 I 229 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 to make that determination, a use permit determination, which is the normal use permit requirements that you wouldn't have to do if you didn't need a use permit. So I will not support the motion if we're going to say we only penalize American stores. CHAIR BURCH: Any other comments, questions, or do we want to go ahead and take a vote? There's a motion on the table, and a second. All in favor? Okay. All opposed? Passes 4-3, recommendation to the Council. I assume because this is just a recommendation there are no appeal rights? JOEL PAULSON: That's correct. LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION 1/13/2016 Item #4, Town Code Amendment A-15-004 37 _.30 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT rc� Meeting Date: Januars 13, 2016 PREPARED BY: Monica Renn, Economic Vitality Manager mrenn a losgatosca.go\ APPLICATION NO: Town Code Amendment Application A-15-004 LOCATION: Town Wide APPLICANT: Town of Los Gatos APPLICATION ITEM NO: 4 SUMMARY: Consider amendments to Section 29.10.020 of Chapter 29 (Zoning Regulations) of the Town Code regarding the definition of formula retail business. RECOMMENDATION: Forward to "I'tnvn Council w ith a recommendation for adoption. CEQA: It has been determined that there is no possibility that this project will have a significant impact on the environment. therefore, the project is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act [Section 15061 (b)(3)]. FINDINGS: The Planning Commission must make a finding that the Code amendments are consistent with the General Plan if the recommendation is for adoption. ACTION: Recommendation to Town Council. EXHIBITS: 1. Draft Town Code Amendments BACKGROUND: In September 2015, the Town Council began discussing a variety of issues that relate to businesses in Lois Gatos at the request of the Town Council Policy Committee. One of the issues identified was the Town's regulations on formula retail businesses. The Town defines formula retail businesses in Chapter 29 of the Town Code. Staff henchmarked other jurisdictions and provided a recommendation for definition amendments for the Town Council to consider including the number and location of existing business locations as well as qualifying factors to make identifying and processing formula retailers clearer. 231 ATTACHMENT 2 Planning Commission Staff Report - Page 2 Formula Retail OrdinanctiA-15-004 January 13, 2016 At their October 6. 2015 meeting, the Council continued their discussion on formula retail businesses and recommended that the Planning Commission consider and make a recommendation on the definition amendment presented by staff. DISCUSSION: Currently, the Town Code defines formula retail business in Section 29.10.020. The current definition is: Formula retail business means a retail business which, along with seven (7) or more other business locations, is required by contractual or other arrangement to maintain any of the following: standardized merchandise, services, decor, uniforms, architecture, colors, signs or other similar features. The proposed amendments include adding restaurants, limiting location constraints to the United States, and providing greater detail and qualifying information to allow for clearer guidelines regarding formula retailers. The proposed definition is: Formula retail business means a type of retail sales establishment or restaurant which, along with seven or more other retail sales establishments located in the United States, maintains two or more of the following features: a standardized array of merchandise or menu, a standardized facade, a standardized decor and color scheme, standardized uniform apparel. standardized signage, a standardized layout, a trademark, or a servicemark. 1. Standardized means both identical and substantially the same. 2. Array of merchandise or menu means 50% or more of in -stock merchandise or menu iterrrs. 3. Fagade means the face or front of a building, including awnings, looking onto a street or an open space. 4. Decor means the style of interior finishings, which may include but is not limited to, style of furniture, wallcoverings or permanent fixtures. 5. Color Scheme means the selection of colors used throughout, such as on the furnishings, permanent fixtures, and wallcocerings, or as used on the facade. 6. Uniform Apparel means the standardized items of clothing including but not limited to standardized aprons, pants, shirts, smocks or dresses, hat, and pins (other than name tags) as well as standardized colors of clothing. 7. Signage means a business sign pursuant to Section 29.10.135 of the Town Code. 8. Trademark means a word, phrase, symbol or design, or a combination of words, phrases, symbols or designs that identifies and distinguishes the source of the goods from one party from those of others. 9. Servicemark means a word, phrase, symbol or design, or a combination of words, phrases, symbols or designs that identifies and distinguishes the source of a service from one party from those of others. '\ ,.., 32 Planning Commission Staff Report - Page 3 Formula Retail Ordinance A-15-004 January 13, 2016 �— CEOA DETERMINATION: The project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines under the General Rule [Section 15061 (b) (3)] because it can be seen with certainty that the proposed Town Code amendments will have no significant negative effect on the environment. PUBLIC COMMENTS: At this time, the Town has not received any public comment. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION: A. Conclusion Based on their consistency with the General Plan, staff recommends that the Planning Commission forward the draft Town Code amendments to the Town Council with a recommendation for adoption as outlined below. B. Recommendation For the reasons discussed in this report, staff recommends that the Planning Commission forward the draft Town Code amendments to the Town Council with a recommendation for adoption. The Commission should also include any comments or recommended changes to the draft Town Code amendments in taking the following actions: 1. Find that there is no possibility that this project will have a significant impact on the environment; therefore the project is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act [Section 15061 (b) (3).]. 2. Make the required finding that the Town Code (Zoning Regulations) Amendments are consistent with the General Plan; and 3. Forward a recommendation to Town Council for adoption of the amendments to the Town Code (Exhibit I). Alternatively, the Planning Commission may: 1. Forward a recommendation to the Town Council for adoption of the Town Code amendments with modifications; or ?. Forward a recommendation to the Town Council for denial of the Town Code amendments; or 3. Continue the matter to a date certain with specific direction. 1�1— 233 Planning Commission Staff Report - Page 4 Formula Retail Ordinancc/A-15-004 January 13. 2016 A Prepared Monica Renn Economic Vitality Manager N DEQ' PC REPORTS 2(lih l,, mili RM,I OrdtmmcdocA Approved by: -------- Jcel Paulson, AICP Interim Community Development Director DRAFT AMENDMENTS TO SECTION 29.10.020 OF THE TOWN CODE CURRENT FORMULA RETAIL BUSINESS DEFINITION AND PROPOSED DEFINITION CURRENT DEFINITION: 29.10.020 Definitions. PROPOSED DEFINITION: 29.10.020 Definitions. Formula retail business means a type of retail sales establishment or restaurant which, along with seven or more other retail sales establishments located in the United States, maintains two or more of the following features: a standardized array of merchandise or menu, a standardized facade. a standardized decor and color scheme, standardized uniform apparel, standardized signage. a standardized layout, a trademark, or a servicemark. 1. Standardized means both identical and substantially the same. 2. Arrav of merchandise or menu means 50% or more of in -stock merchandise or menu items. 3. Fagade means the face or front of a building, including awmings, looking onto a street or an open space. 4. Decor means the style of interior finishings, which may include but is not limited to, style of furniture, wallcoverings or permanent fixtures. 5. Color Scheme means the selection of colors used throughout, such as on the furnishings. permanent fixtures, and wallcoyerings, or as used on the facade. 6. Uniform Apparel means the standardized items of clothing including but not limited to standardized aprons, pants, shirts, smocks or dresses, hat, and pins (other than name tags) as well as standardized colors of clothing. 7. Signage means a business sign pursuant to Section 29.10.135 of the Town Code. 8. Trademark means a word. phrase. symbol or design, or a combination of words, phrases, symbols or designs that identifies and distinguishes the source of the goods from one party from those of others. 9. Servicemark means a word.. phrase, symbol or design, or a combination of words, phrases, symbols or designs that identifies and distinguishes the source of a service from one party from those of others. EXHIBIT 1 235 N-\DEV\PC REPORTS\2016\Formula Retail Ordinance Exhibit 1.Dock This Page lntentionaU), Left Blank _36 ®i MCCARTHY R A N C H January 13, 2016 Town of Los Gatos Attn: Planning Comission VIA EMAIL 110 E Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Honorable Planning Commissioners, In December 2015, Town staff approached the council on certain topics regarding the relationship between parking and restaurant seating in the downtown. The council directed staff to bring some options forward to you for consideration, indicating the Council feels there are some issues that need addressing. We would urge you to seriously consider this matter, as our downtown is suffering more and more as they days go by from fierce competition for commerce from nearby communities. We are in strong support of Staff's recommended language to allow seating capacity to be governed by parking per square footage and firellife safety code. Please also refer to the letter we submitted to Town Council on December 14, 2015 which is included below for reference. Additionally, In October 2015, the Council gave direction on Formula Retail policy. This policy is also creating difficulties for Los Gatos to compete for business. There is a fear that if there were no restriction on formula retail that Los Gatos would become "the mall" overnight and lose its charm and vibrant mix of uses. This is an unreasonable assumption, and the fact is Los Gatos is currently losing its charm and vibrant mix of uses due to new strong competition from neighboring downtowns. Due to the nature of the buildings downtown with various constraints such as on-site parking, size, amenities, visibility, etc., there are many locations that would simply not be suitable for formula style retail tenants. Couple this with the close attention that the Town staff pays to all projects processing though the Town, if the Town thought that additional formula retail uses were becoming detrimental to the stability of downtown, there would be plenty of time to take corrective action to reinstate the restrictions on formula uses. At this point in time, however, we need to work to create more of a draw to our downtown to in turn support all of the mom & pop businesses that would benefit from added shoppers, and a good way to do this is to allow for new concepts, whether they are hard goods, services, or restaurants; and regardless of their "formula" definition. The proposed language the Town Staff has provided in fact makes it more difficult for Formula business to open in Town, and for some reason now includes restaurants. There are many new restaurant concepts that would be considered formula that we should be welcoming to Town that would be a draw. These restaurants typically incubate in states where real estate is more affordable, so by the time they enter the California market, they will most likely surpass the number of locations that qualify as formula, so the Town would be eliminating this market from the outset. These changes seem to stand directly in the way of progress to bring back vitality to the downtown. We recommend eliminating the policy on formula retail, even if only temporarily. 237 ATTACHMENT 3 McCarthy Ranch/Rootstock Wine Bar 15425 Los Gatos Blvd Suite 102 Los Gatos, CA 95032 (408) 356.2300 Fax (408)356.2338 ORDINANCE NO. '_"N ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AMENDING SECTION 29.10.020 OF THE LOS GATOS TOWN CODE TO REVISE THE DEFINITION OF A FORMULA RETAIL BUSINESS WHEREAS, the Town Council wishes to provide greater detail and qualifying information to allo%% for clearer guidelines reearding tomtula retailers; and WHEREAS, the Town Council wishes to include restaurants in the formula retail definition; and WHEREAS, the Town Council wishes to apply the definition of Formula retail business to businesses located in the United states rather than globally; and WHEREAS, the proposed code amendments are consistent with the General Plan and its Elements. NOW, THEREFORE, THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I The definition of formula retail business in Los Gatos Town Code Section 29.10.020 is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 29.10.020. Definitions. Formula retail business means a type of retail sales establishment or restaurant which, along with seven or more other retail sales establishments or restaurants located in the United States, maintains two or more of the following features: a standardized array of merchandise or menu, a standardized facade, a standardized decor and color scheme, standardized uniform apparel, standardized signage, a standardized layout, a trademark, or a servicemark. 1. Standardized means identical or substantially the same. 2. Array of merchandise or menu means 50% or more of in -stock merchandise or menu items. 3. Fagade means the face or front of a building, including awnings, looking onto a street or an open space. 4. Decor means the style of interior finishes, which may include but is not limited to, style of furniture, wallcoverings or permanent fixtures. _38 ATTACHMENT 4 5. Color Scheme means the selection of colors used throughout, such as on the furnishings, permanent fixtures, and wallcoverings, or as used on the facade. 6. Uniform Apparel means the standardized items of clothing including but not limited to standardized aprons, pants, shirts, smocks or dresses, hat, and pins (other than name tags) as well as standardized colors of clothing. 7. Signage means a business sign pursuant to Section 29.10.135 of the Town Code. 8. Trademark means a word, phrase, symbol or design, or a combination of words, phrases, symbols or designs that identifies and distinguishes the source of the goods from one party from those of others. 9. Servicemark means a word, phrase, symbol or design, or a combination of words, phrases, symbols or designs that identifies and distinguishes the source of a service from one party from those of others. SECTION II The Town Council finds and determines that the adoption of this ordinance is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per CEQA Guidelines under the General Rule [Section 15061(6)(3)], which sets forth that the CEQA applies only to projects which have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. It can be seen with certainty that the proposed Town Code text amendments will have no significant negative effect on the environment. SECTION III If any provision of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this ordinance are severable. This Town Council hereby declares that it would have adopted this ordinance irrespective of the invalidity of any particular portion thereof and intends that the invalid portions should be severed and the balance of the ordinance beenforced. SECTION IV Except as expressly modified in this Ordinance, all other sections set forth in the Los Gatos Town Code shall remain unchanged and shall be in full force and effect. `-' 239 SECTION V This Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos on February 2, 2016 and adopted by the following vote as an ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos at a meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos on February 16, 2016. This ordinance takes effect 30 days after it is adopted. In lieu of publication of the full text of the ordinance within fifteen (15) days after its passage, a summary of the ordinance may be published at least five (5) days prior to and fifteen (15) days after adoption by the Town Council and a certified copy shall be posted in the office of the Town Clerk, pursuant to GC 36933(c)(1). COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN SIGNED: MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: CLERK ADMINISTRATOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA N:1DE V \ORDSQO 16,FonnulaRetaitDefinition.docx ', _40