interviews addendumMEETING DATE: 10/20/15 ITEM NO: Interviews and Appointments cosAoS ADDENDUM DATE: OCTOBER 19, 2015 TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: LAUREL PREVETTI, TOWN MANAGER �L ? Y ���- SUBJECT: INTERVIEWS AND APPOINTMENTS TO THE AD HOC CITIZEN COMMITTEE REMARKS: After the initial staff report was distributed on October 15, 2015, staff received the following inquiry from a Council Member: Please briefly describe the work of the Ad Hoe Citizen Committee. Answer: At its September 15, 2015 meeting, the Council identified an interest in exploring two revenue options that are subject to voter approval, an increase in the Town's Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) and /or Utility User Tax (UUT). Staff recommended establishing an Ad Hoc Citizen Committee to work with staff to study both of these revenue options, including various UUTs that could be imposed. Both TOT and UUTs are subject to voter approval and therefore the Committee will be tasked with seeking public input, including a community survey, to assess support for an increase in TOT and/or implementation of one or more UUTs. Finally, the Committee will report back to the Council with a recommendation and drafted ballot language, if any, by March 2016. PREPARED BY: JENNIFER CALLAWAY Interim Assistant Town Manager v Reviewed by: Assistant Town Manager °� I-Town Attorney Finance 7 f— N:\MGR\AdniinWorkFi1cs\2015 Comet) Reports \October 20\Ad Hoc Committee Addendum.doe Updated: 11/2013