ss attach 1TOWN OF LOS GATOS CORE VALUES COMMUNITY GOOD FISCAL QUALITY PUBLIC CIVIC CHARACTER GOVERNANCE STABILITY INFRASTRUCTURE ENRICHMENT PUBLIC SAFETY Preserve and enhance the 1: Ensure responsive, Maintain ongoing fiscal stability to provide cost Mainta in the condition • and Foster opportunities for 1 Ensure public safety through appearance, character and environmental quality of the accountable and i effective core services availability of public transportation systems, & ement, and cultural, recreational and Community collaborative government that meet the needs of the other public infrastructure individual enrichment community Police Economic Vitality Library Ongoing Core Services Planning, Building & Code Compliance Parks & Trans Arts & Special Events Streets & Parking (representing roughly 80% of Town resources) Envimnmental Services Youth & Senior Services Emergency Preparedness 2014 — 2016 Strategic Goals Consider employee Partner with the Veterans Implement migration to Zd 7pt _9_ improve condition of streets in Committee to develop a I regional communications P! anZM� 5. ActionCD­lMw� d, pact f:" (Co Platte) the Almond Grove district Veterans Memorial grading ordinance (in Progress) (Pending Council Direction) in Los Gatos (in Progress) ... .. Review and revise Tom policy Explore inding Develop plan to enhance the In c'njunction with County related to the service of te as re:,urce Fire, implement alcohol . entertainment (In cornm�n,nty (in i Progress) Progress) .S A 111kVir. Facilitate effort to Develop a strategic plan update of contract and monitoring program address options for Downtown and 25% trim regulations in for the library Monte Sereno (Complete) parking suppi (in Progress) Tree Ordinance olice services to reflect • _ continued diversity of indep d assessment information and national businesses improve traffic safety (in in the downtown (In Progress) Progress) N..•. .vvouuuNNN...•... /............••t....• - - - - ..NN.....N /N••N,. N \• / /•NN•••NN••. NNN!• \. /N /..1N. \N• /� - • properties - .N /NUN ................... ........ NNNN•t ..uNUUNNUNNU \N.NI create one-time for crime prevention /vvu•upuu....../u... /N /•uN.N•NUVUN.w i.• and response (in Progress) .......NNN•.•N•..I••...NI ii :•.•• \N.•.•.. /•N /N \.•• . /NN•..I •.NN. N. N. /..t.•. :•:::::: ....................... ......./ .............. ............................... .............. \. \..........N... - ...............N•.•..NN.� ........................... ........................:. ............... ............... ............... N............. ...•.•..•\.•/•.. ................. ............N.................. ...•.....a..................... N............................ ........................... ...N........\...//..../..., " • • - L. N.• . /NN. uu. \••...•. a ..u.NN.vN.uuuupNN...N•NN..NNN.. /•.•...••. /..Nt /... \........N /N....N•.. ........................... ..LNN•.uuv\N•NNU• • - I 1.:.= t•..N•. N.NN•. /N..•.N.•.NN...........•N.. .N.•••.. N.....•.N•..f... N.....t....•N• •.••. \..• \• ::::....N..•••... t.•....••N /N.\ /•tNN . ./.....Nt......N..... N ............. ....... ..N... N ...f .. .NN•..tI.N..N .N..N\... .. .N. .... NN .. N../N...•N.N...•N. ./••.NN....•tNN.N...t..N.tN..•.•.N. •..•.N.N...1...N.....•....N..N N.•N•.N. .....N•...... N ....IN••.•. n NN\t• ....t..N/. •\.. ./.\N..N .N .N...N . . ....•....... /..N. .N. N ..... t. /..AT .NN - . ........•I regulation of on-street • .=.: ... NN. NN ••.•.NN \N•N•••N. \N.. \N.•••NN.N..... /.......••NN. N•.•..••.N..N.•t.N.t..• / /NN....... _ _ - - .................. ..N• .NN \N. \...•NNIN.....•... /....•..•.I• \. t.t.N •.•NN..... ..............I.NN.N /. • ....• ......NN.. • ��.:.• .\ \....N.. .... .......... ...NN N.NNN•.•.N N.....•............ \NN••.N /. N.::::NN N. ..I... \N. // ODOPTEDFF UARY 18, 2014