2coW N of MEETING DATE: 4/1/2013 ITEM NO: lF Loos TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT DATE: March 27, 2013 TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: GREG LARSON, TOWN MANAGER SUBJECT: ACCEPT FY 2011/12 COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT (CAFR) RECOMMENDATION: Accept the FY 2011/12 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). BACKGROUND: The attached FY 2011/12 CAFR presents the Town of Los Gatos's financial, operational, and current economic conditions for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2012. The CAFR received an unqualified opinion from Chavan & Associates, LLP, the Town's external auditors. An unqualified opinion indicates the financial data of the Town is fairly presented according to general accounting principles. New auditing standards require that any "significant deficiency" or "material weaknesses" discovered in the audit be communicated in writing to management. A material weakness is a significant deficiency which could lead to a material misstatement of the financial statements. The auditor's report found the Town's internal control structure to have no reportable material weaknesses. DISCUSSION: Chavan & Associates, LLP, the Town's auditors, conducted an audit in accordance with Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GRAS) and the standards for financial audits contained in the Government Audit Standards (1994 Revision), issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. These standards require that they plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance as to whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. Staff and Town's auditors, Chavan & Associates, LLP; met with the Council Finance Committee on Tuesday, March 26, 2013 for an in -depth review of this year's reports to the Finance Committee. The Committee a wised by staff that the audited statements for the year ended PREPARED BY: Step, ay, Administrative Services and Finance Director NAFINANCE \CAFR\FY 2011- 12 \CAFR_Staff Report final.doe Reviewed by Assistant Town'Manager Town Attorney ,Finance PAGE 2 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: ACCEPT THE FY 2011/12 COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT (CAFR) March 27, 2013 June 30, 2013 received an unqualified or, "cle4p" opinion for the year, meaning the financial statements are fairly presented and contain no material misstatements. The CAFR reported that the Town has positive net assets of $132.7 million at the fiscal year end compared to $116.2 million the prior year. Of the $132.7 million, $90.3 million represent the Town's investment in its capital assets and infrastructure. The remaining $42.4 million reflects a comprehensive accounting of working capital and restricted funds; which ensure responsible fiscal management, and funds designated for specific purposes. Also, in accordance with AB 1x26, the Town of Los Gatos Redevelopment Agency (RDA) dissolved and ceased to operate,as a legal entity on February 1, 2012. Prior to February 1, 2012, the final seven months of activity of the Redevelopment Agency continued to be reported in the governmental funds of the Town. After February 1, 2012, the assets and activities of the dissolved Redevelopment Agency are reported in a fiduciary fund (RDA Successor Agency private- purpose trust fund) in the financial statements of the Town. CONCLUSION: As noted in the auditor's opinion, the CAFR fairly presents the fiscal year ending June 30, 2012 financial activity for the Town of Los: Gatos,,. . ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The recommended action is not a project defined under CEQA, and no further action is required. Attachments: Attachment 1 Management Representation Letter Attachment -_ Council_ Auditor Communications Letter dated February 20, 2013 Attachment 3 Town of Los Gatos Management Letter dated February 20, 2013 Attaclunent 4 Town of Los Gatos & Redevelopment Agency California Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2012 January 22, 2013 TOWN OF Los GATOS Chavan & Associates LLP 1475 Saratoga Ave Suite 180, San ,lose, CA 95129 FINANCE DEPARTMENT P.O, Box 697 Los GATOS CA 95031 This representation letter is provided in connection with your audit of the financial statements of Town of Los Gatos, which comprise the statement of financial position as of June 30, 2012, and the related statements of operations and cash flows for the year then ended, and the related notes to the financial statements, for the purpose of expressing an opinion on whether the financial statements of the various opinion units are presented fairly, in all material respects, in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (U.S. GAAP). Certain representations in this letter are described as being limited to matters that are material. Items are considered material., regardless of size, if they involve an omission or misstatement of accounting information that, in the light of surrounding circumstances, makes it probable that the judgment of a reasonable person relying on the information would be changed or influenced by the omission or misstatement, We confirm that, to the best of our knowledge and belief, having made such inquiries as we considered necessary for the purpose of appropriately informing ourselves as of January 22, 2013: Financial Statements 1. We have fulfilled our responsibilities, as set out in the terms of the audit engagement, for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements of the various opinion units referred to above in accordance with U.S. GAAP. 2, We acknowledge our responsibility'for the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. We.ac nowledge our.res- onsibilj!y for the _desi.gn�inlplemcntation,,aDd maintenaii ce of internal control to prevent and detect fraud. 4. Significant assuunptions used by us in malting accounting estimates are reasonable. 5. Related party relationships and transactions have been appropriately accounted for and disclosed in accordance with the requirements of U.S, GAAP, as applicable. 6. All events subsequent to the date of the financial statements and for which U.S. GAAP requires adjustnient or disclosure have been adjusted or disclosed, 7, The effects of all known actual or possible litigation and claims have been accounted for and disclosed in accordance with U.S. GAAP. ATTACHMENT 1 8. With regard to items reported at fair value: a. The underlying assumptions are reasonable and they appropriately reflect management's intent and ability to carry out its stated courses of action. b. The measurement methods and related - assumptions used in determining fair value are appropriate in the circumstances and have been consistently applied. c. The disclosures related to fair values are complete, adequate, and in conformity with U.S, GAAP. d. There are no subsequent events that require adjustments to the fair value measurements and disclosures included in the financial stateme e. nts. 9. All component units, as well as joint ventures with an equity interest, are included and other joint ventures and related organizations are properly disclosed, as applicable. 10. All funds and activities are properly classified. d. 11. All funds . t rat meet the ql antitative' criteria in GASB Statement No, 34, Basic Financial StatenMnts —and Management 'S` Discussion andAnalysis for State and Local Governments, and GASB Statement No, 37; Basic 12, Financial Statements- °erne Md;�agement.'s Discussion and Analysis � for State and Local Governrrierits: Omnibus, for presentation as major are identified and presented as such and all other funds that are presented as major are considered important to financial statement users, 13. All net assets components and fund balance classifications have been properly reported. 14. All revenues within the statement-Of activities have been properly classif{ed'as program revenues, general revenues, contributions to term or permanent endowments, or contributions to permanent fund principal. 15. All expenses have been properly classified in or allocated to functions and programs m the statement of activities, and allocations, if any, have been made on a reasonable basis. 16. All interfund and intra- entity transactions and balances have been properly classified and reported. 17. Special items and extraordinary items have been properly classified and reported'. 18. Deposit and investment risks have been properly and fii:lly disclosed. 19. Capital assets, including infrastructure assets, are properly capitalized, reported, and if applicable, depreciated. 20. All required supplementary information is measured and presented within the prescribed guidelines Information Provided 21. We have provided you with: a. Access to all infornlatiorl, of which we are aware that is relevant to the preparation and _fa z 12rgserj tation of,tl e nano ial staternei�ts of t t6! _various o rnton riots refi red to above, such as records, documentation, meeting minutes;$ and c�tlrelr'matters; b. Additional 'ffifdiiiation that you have requested 1%111'us for the purpose of the audit; and G. Unrestricted access to persons within the entity 601h whom yogi determined it necessary to obtain audit evidence. 22. All transactions have been recorded in the accounting records and are reflected in the financial statements. 23. We have no knowledge of any fraud ors• uspected fraud that affects the entity and involves: a, Management; b. Employees who have significant roles in internal control; or c. Others where the fraud could have & material effect on the financial statements, 24. We have no knowledge of any allegations of fraud, or suspected fraud, affecting the entity's financial statements communicated by employees, former employees, vendors, regulators, or others. 25. We have disclosed to you all known actual or possible litigation and claims whose effects should be considered when preparing the financial statements. 26. We have disclosed to you the identity of the entity's related parties and all the related party relationships and transactions of which we are awe, as applicable, 27. There have been no communications from regulatory agencies concerning noncompliance with or deficiencies in accounting, internal control, or financial reporting practices. 28. The Town of Los Gatos has no plans or intentions that may materially affect the carrying value or classification of assets and liabilities. 29. We have disclosed to you all guarantees, whether written or oral, under which Town of Los Gatos is contingently liable, as applicable. 30. We have identified and disclosed to you the laws, regulations, and provisions of contracts and grant agreements that could have a direct and material effect on financial statement amounts, including legal and contractual provisions for reporting specific activities in separate funds, as applicable. 31. There are no: a, Violations or possible violations of laws or regulations, or provisions of contracts or grant agreements whose effects should be considered for disclosure in the financial statements or as a basis for recording aloss contingency, including applicable budget laws and regulations. b. Unasserted claims or assessments that our lawyer has advised are probable of assertion and inust be disclosed in accordance with GASB -62, Codification of Accounting and Financial Re or°ting Guidance Contained in Pre- November 30, 1989 FASB and AICPA Pronouncements. c, Other liabilities or gain or loss contingencies that are required to be accrued or disclosed by GASB -62. 32, The Town of Los Gatos has satisfactory title to all owned assets, and there are no liens or encumbrances on such assets nor,has any asset or future revenue been pledged as collateral, except as disclosed to you. 33. We have complied with all aspects of grant agreements and other contractual agreements that would have a material effect on the financial statements in the event of noncompliance. 34, We have disclosed to you all significant estimates and material concentrations known to ,.. _ _ _ ...... ...._ management-that-amiNl_red to be disclosed in accordance with GASB =62. Significant ....._ _ _ estimates are estimates at the balance sheet date that could change materially within the next year. Concentrations refer to volumes of business, revenues, available sources of supply, or markets or geographic areas for which events could occur that would significantly disrupt normal finances within the next year. Supplementary Information in Relaiion to the Financial Statements as a Whole With respect to the supplementary information accompanying the financial statements: 34. We acknowledge our responsibility for the presentation of the supplementary information in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in-the United States of America and GASB 34, 35. We believe the supplementary information, including its form and content, is fairly presented in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America and GASB 34 36. 1 The methods of measurement or presentation have not changed from those used in the prior period. Required Supplementary' Information With respect to the required supplementary information accompanying the financial statements: 37. We acknowledge our responsibility for the presentation of the required supplementary information in accordance with U.S. GAAP and GASB. 38. We believe the required srtpplemcntary information, including its form and content, is measured and fairly presented in accordance with U.S, GAAP and GASB. 39. The methods of measurement or presentation have not changed from those used in the prior period. OMB Circular A -133 40. With respect to federal awards, we represent the following to you: a. We are responsible for understanding and complying with and have complied with the I requirements of Circular A -133. b. We are responsible for the preparation and presentation of the schedule of expenditures of federal awards in accordance with Circular A -133. c. We believe the schedule of expenditures of federal awards, including its form and content, is fairly presented in accordance with Circular A -133. d. The methods of measuremenf or presentation have not changed from those used in the prior period. e. We are responsible for including the auditor's report on the schedule of expenditures oC federal awards in any document that contains the schedule and that indicates that the auditor has reported bn "such information. £ ._ Nlen_the acbpLi& 6f_e p d'tres off. eralavids:is not ,presented with;tlie audited -financial statements, management will 'make the'Wdited finari' ial -statements readily available to the intended users of the schedule of expenditures of federal awards no later tlian the date of issuance by the entity of the schedule of expenditures of federal awards and the auditor's report thereon. g. We have, in accordance with Circular A -133, identified in the schedule of expenditures of federal awards, expenditures made during the audit period for all awards provided by federal agencies in the form of grants, federal cost - reimbursement contracts, loans, loan guarantees, property (including donated surplus property), cooperative agreements, interest subsidies, food commodities, direct appropriations, and other assistance, h. We are responsible for complying with the requirements of laws, regulations, and the provisions of contracts and grant agreements related to each of our federal programs and have identified and disclosed to you the requirements of laws, regulations, and the provisions of contracts and gr4fit agreements that are considered to have a direct and material effect on each major federal program; and we have complied, in all material respects, With these requirements. i. We have provided to you our interpretations of any compliance requirements that have varying interpretations. j, We are responsible for establishing and maintaining effective internal control over compliance requirements applicable to federal programs that provide reasonable assurance that we are managing our federal awards in compliance with laws, regulations, and the provisions of contracts'and grant agreements that could have a material effect on our federal programs, Also, no changes have been made in the internal control system to the date of this letter that might significantly affect internal control, including any corrective action taken with regard to significant deficiencies, including material weaknesses, repotted in the schedule of findings and questioned costs, k. We have made available to you all contracts and grant agreements and any other correspondence with federal agencies or pass - through entities relating to federal programs. 1. We have received no requests from a federal agency to audit one or more specific programs as a major program. m. We have identified and disclosed to, you all amounts questioned and any known noncompliance with the requit�erncnts of federal awards, including the results of other audits or program reviews. We also know of no instances of noncompliance occurring subsequent to the end of the period audited. n. We have charged costs to federal awards in accordance with applicable cost principles, including amounts claimed or used for matching determined in accordance with relevant guidelines in the U.S. Office of Management and Budget Circular A -87, Cost Principles for State, Local, and Tribal Governments, and the U.S. OfFice of Management and Budget's, Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments. o. We- have -made available to you -all documentation related to the compliance requirements, including information related to federal program financial reports and claims for advances and reimbursements. p. Federal program financial reports and claims for advances and reimbursements are supported by the books and records from which the basic financial statements have been prcpar_ect.(and are_prep.arcd a.n_.a l�asis�onsisienttith_the_ schttl�. cif e �pcneiiture5..o.f .._ .... federal awards). q. Tlie copies of federal program financial reports provided to you are true copies of the i reports submitted, or electronically transmitted, to the respective federal agency or pass - through entity, as applicable. r. As applicable, we, are responalX le for and have accurately prepared the summary schedule of prior audit findings to include -all findings required to be included by Circular A -133, and we have provided you with all information on the status of the follow -up on prior audit findings by federal awarding agencies and pass - through entities, including all management decisions. s. If applicable, we have disclosed to you the findings receiv &a and related corrective actions taken for previous audits, attestation engagements, and internal or external monitoring that directly relate to the objectives of the compliance audit, including findings received and corrective actions taken from the end of the period covered by the compliance audit to the date of the auditor's report. t. We are responsible for the accurate completion of the appropriate sections of the Data Collection Form as required by Circular A -133, and we are responsible for preparing and implementing a correction action plan for each audit finding, if applicable. u. We have disclosed all contracts or other agreements with service organizations and disclosed to you all communications from these service organizations relating to noncompliance at the organizations, as applicable, V. We have reviewed, approved, and taken tesponsibility for the financial statements and related notes and an acknowledgment of the auditor's role in the preparation of this information. w. We have reviewed, approved, and taken responsibility for accrual adjustments and an acknowledgment of the auditor's role in the preparation of the adjustments, as applicable. x. We have disclosed to you the nature of any subsequent events that provide additional evidence with respect to conditions that existed at the end of the reporting period that affect noncompliance during the reporting period. Stephen ConViay, Finai& Administrative Services Director a A Certified Public Accountants Li: YIi: X,&}($ OY�%' A (.�H8d4ivLZh9T.vi•��••'""•.•"°" "•`- 4GEtes"�G+'�m— gy_n..acev- axn�-— �.£"`+� m"fl,fiffiuF —..°.. BLSSI3�i�.:9kSmY$� Town Council The Town of Los Gatos Los Gatos, California We have audited the basic financial statements of the Town of Los Gatos as of and for the year ended June 30, 2012, and have issued our report thereon dated January 22, 2013. Professional standards require that we advise you of the following matters relating to our audit. Our Responsibility under Generally Accepted Auditing Standards As communicated in our engagement letter, our responsibility, as described by professional standards, is to form and express an opinion about whether the financial statements that have been prepared by management with your oversight are presented fairly, in all material respects, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (and when applicable, Government Auditing Standards). Our audit of the financial statements does not relieve you or management of your respective responsibilities. Our responsibility, as prescribed by professional standards, is to plan and perform our audit to obtain reasonable, rather than absolute, assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit of financial statements includes consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, as part of our audit, we considered the internal control of the Town of Los Gatos solely for the purpose of determining our audit procedures and not to provide any assurance concerning such internal control. We are also responsible for communicating significant matters related to the audit that are, in our professional judgment, relevant to your responsibilities in overseeing the financial reporting process. However, we are not required to design procedures for the purpose of identifying other matters to communicate to you. Other Information in Documents Containing Audited Financial Statements Pursuant to professional standards, our responsibility as auditors for other information in documents containing the Town of Los Gatos's audited financial statements does not extend beyond the financial information identified in the audit report, and we are not required to perform any procedures to corroborate such other information. Our responsibility also includes communicating to you any information which we believe is a material misstatement of fact. Nothing came to our attention that caused us to believe that such information, or its manner of presentation, is materially inconsistent with the information, or manner of its presentation, appearing in the financial statements. Planned Scope and Timing of the Audit We conducted our audit consistent with the planned scope and timing we previously communicated to you. si '�Mfk:6fie5}:Y#L *`_'siti6'§f5i�#f "'^ " Sik/. fiN�sT. S: iTnfAH[ �4`." v✓ df: �3P�U` NZ�±'l �wi' Zn�d�Xi. .( ¢GiL1k�43'9»TNUF€!C�4tt:""""""', Wsr8i�1tGY�idS# "4iti`.�ttE5fiF4F+�f.'F2'd3?P""° PRi Page 11 1475 Saratoga Ave, Suite 180, San Jose, CA 95129 I'd: 408 -1 F -8741) e F- h.m: - 180 - 2,17 -5523 sheldon @cnallp.com • www.cnallp.com ATTACHMENT 2 Certified Public Accountants Qualitative Aspects of the Entity's Significant Accounting Practices Significant Accounting Policies Management has the responsibility to select and use appropriate accounting policies. A summary of the significant accounting policies adopted by the Town of Los Gatos is included in Note 1 to the financial statements. There have been no initial selection of accounting policies and no changes in significant accounting policies or their application during 2012. No matters have come to our attention that would require us, under professional standards, to inform you about (1) the methods used to account for significant unusual transactions and (2) the effect of significant accounting policies in controversial or emerging areas for which there is a lack of authoritative guidance or consensus. Significant Accounting Estimates Accounting estimates are an integral part of the financial statements prepared by management and are based on management's current judgments. Those judgments are normally based on knowledge and experience about past and current events and assumptions about future events. Certain accounting estimates are particularly sensitive because of their significance to the financial statements and because of the possibility that future events affecting them may differ markedly from management's current judgments. The most sensitive accounting estimates affecting the financial statements are accumulated depreciation on capital assets and unfunded liabilities and expenses based on assumptions in actuarial studies performed on defined benefit pension plans. Management's estimates are based on generally accepted accounting principles using a rational basis for allocation and presentation. We evaluated the key factors and assumptions used to develop these estimates and determined that they are reasonable in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole. Financial Statement Disclosures Certain financial statement disclosures involve significant judgment and are particularly sensitive because of their significance to financial statement users. The most sensitive disclosures affecting the Town of Los Gatos's financial statements relate to: cash and investments, capital assets, long -term obligations and the dissolution of the Redevelopment Agency. Significant Difficulties Encountered during the Audit We encountered no significant difficulties in dealing with management relating to the performance of the audit. Uncorrected and Corrected Misstatements For purposes of this communication, professional standards require us to accumulate all known and likely misstatements identified during the audit, other than those that we believe are trivial, and �32'S FS'�71�51`itS.ifStviiY "�4'&✓TA _ ---- .irl4.Yi'te f4Afil51ia1 _ __ .a,T :4..� . Page 12 1475 Saratoga Ave, -Suite 180, -Sam Jose, CA 95129 - - -- O: J08-21'7-8740 - E -Fax: 480-247--623 sheldon @cnallp.com • www.enallp.com igofir' z n � H tc 4'. _h tl.r R - i � �'t• Certified Public AccOuntants -- ._.----- _ - -- -- - - -- - - -_ - -- - — -- - - -- - - - - - -_ -- - - -- - -- communicate them to the appropriate level of management. There were no known and likely misstatements identified during the audit. In addition, professional standards require us to communicate to you all material, corrected misstatements that were brought to the attention of management as a result of our audit procedures. There were no material, corrected misstatements resulting from the audit procedures performed. Disagreements with Management For purposes of this letter, professional standards define a disagreement with management as a matter, whether or not resolved to our satisfaction, concerning a financial accounting, reporting, or auditing matter, which could be significant to the Town of Los Gatos's financial statements or the auditor's report. No such disagreements arose during the course of the audit. Representations Requested from Management We have requested certain written representations from management, which are included in the attached letter dated January 22, 2013. Management's Consultations with Other Accountants In some cases, management may decide to consult with other accountants about auditing and accounting matters. Management informed us that, and to our knowledge, there were no consultations with other accountants regarding auditing and accounting matters. Other Significant Findings or Issues In the normal course of our professional association with the Town of Los Gatos, we generally discuss a variety of matters, including the application of accounting principles and auditing standards, operating and regulatory conditions affecting the Town of Los Gatos, and operational plans and strategies that may affect the risks of material misstatement. None of the matters discussed resulted in a condition to our retention as the entity's auditors. This report is intended solely for the information and use of the Council, authorized committees and management of the Town of Los Gatos and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. c�f 'A alp San Jose, CA February 20, 2013 Page 13 1475 Saratoga Ave, Suite 180, San Jose, CA 95129 Tek 408 - 217 -8749 a r, Fax: 480- 247 -9523 sheldon @cnallp.com www.enallp.com THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Certified Public Accountants 4StR�, ��4Ap'3.�6kooY,T+A4�.tZ't�l�i4: - �:. agRTi'&LS}1'k+.,S°.'&fltS'0lll�'. -'°" ,"•IkBB'S' �. -" aFi'^.& X�R @.P8`J�^.r�lw'ki5�?^v�2'kki�i - emt�kS�.FEetT�F.3T&L°.':9,.�°'� Town of Los Gatos 110 E Main St Los Gatos, CA 95030 In planning and performing our audit of the financial statements of Town of Los Gatos as of and for the year ended June 30, 2012, in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America, we considered Town of Los Gatos's internal control over financial reporting (internal control) as a basis for designing our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinions on the financial statements, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of Town of Los Gatos's internal control over financial reporting. A deficiency in internal control exists when the design or operation of a control does not allow management or employees, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent, or detect and correct misstatements on a timely basis. A material weakness is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control, such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the entity's financial statements will not be prevented, or detected and corrected, on a timely basis. Our consideration of internal control was for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph and was not designed to identify all deficiencies in internal control that might be deficiencies, significant deficiencies, or material weaknesses. We did not identify any deficiencies in internal control that we consider to be material weaknesses, as defined above. This communication is intended solely for the information and use of management, the Council, others within the organization and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. C � �4 a/p San Jose, CA February 20, 2013 Page II 1475 Saratoga Ave, Suite 180, San Jose, CA 95129 TO: 408 -21' -8749 - E - Fax : 480- 247 -"523 Sheldon @cnallp.com • www.enallp.com ATTACHMENT 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK