1DRAFT Town Council Meeting 4/1113 Item # ) MINUTES OF THE TOWN. COUNCIL /SUCCESSOR AGENCY MEETING MARCH 18, 2013 The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Special Meeting in the Town Council Chambers on Monday, March 18, 2013 at 7:00 P.M. STUDY SESSION — 5:30 P.M. Discussion of code enforcement abatement for the Woodshed at Keith Holland Guitars (16905 Roberts Road) Jennifer Savage, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Open the public hearing. Mr. Olivet - Expressed support for the Woodshed at Keith Holland Guitars. Ms. Barnett - Expressed support for the Woodshed at Keith Holland Guitars. Mr. Jacob - Expressed support for the Woodshed at Keith Holland Guitars. Mr. Frost - Expressed support for the Woodshed at Keith Holland Guitars. Mr. Metzger - Expressed support for the Woodshed at Keith Holland Guitars. Mr. Thorvund - Expressed support for the Woodshed at Keith Holland Guitars. Mr. White - Expressed support for the Woodshed at Keith Holland Guitars. Mr. LaFrance - Expressed support for the Woodshed at Keith Holland Guitars. Page 1 Study Session - Continued Mr. Newlon - Expressed support for the Woodshed at Keith Holland Guitars. Mr. Rola - Expressed support for the Woodshed at Keith Holland Guitars. Mr. Holland - Expressed support for the Woodshed at Keith Holland Guitars. - Based on Council's questions, affirmed that he could comply with the conditions related to classes and performances as stated in the staff report. Closed the public hearing. MOTION: Motion by Council Member Diane McNutt to direct staff to abate code enforcement on this business and to allow the sales, services and performances that have been offered to the community with abatement to expire April 1, 2014. Performances must end by 10 p.m. with no more than 6 performances per month, no more than 80 attendees or no more attendees than parking provided and no alcoholic beverages allowed. Amplification is allowed so long as it is consistent with what operator described as currently happening. The motion also incorporates the following sections from page 3 of the staff report: HOURS OF GROUP INSTRUCTION: Group instruction is permitted only when the retail and repair business is not operating to meet parking requirements. NUMBER OF STUDENTS AND STAFF: The maximum number of students and staff allowed on site at any given time shall not exceed the limits based on available parking. The business is allotted 15 parking spaces. Required parking is one space for every three students plus one space for each staff member. An example of permitted student /staff participation is three staff members (three parking spaces) and 36 students (12 parking spaces). These limits must be calculated in conjunction with other uses, including facility use by community groups. HOURS OF COMMUNITY GROUP USE: Use of the facilities for community groups is permitted only when the retail and repair business is not operating, to meet parking requirements. Page 2 Motion for Study Session - Continued NUMBER OF COMMUNITY GROUP MEMBERS: The maximum number of community group members allowed on site at any given time shall not exceed the limits based on available parking. The business is allotted 15 parking spaces. Required parking shall be one space for every three group members. An example of permitted community group member participation is 45 participants (15 parking spaces). These limits must be calculated in conjunction with other uses, including group instruction. Seconded by Council Member Marcia Jensen. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER - 7 :00 P.M. ROLL CALL .Present: Mayor Barbara Spector, Vice Mayor Steven Leonardis, Council Member Marcia Jensen, Council Member Diane McNutt, and Council Member Joe Pirzynski. Absent: None. .PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Isaac Li from Alta Vista Elementary School led the Pledge of Allegiance. The audience was invited to participate. COUNCIL /TOWN MANAGER REPORTS There was no Council Reports or Manager Reports for this meeting. PRESENTATIONS Chief Kim Raney, Covina Police Department, -President, California Police Chiefs Association thanked outgoing President, Chief Scott Seaman, Los Gatos /Monte Sereno Police Department, for his year of service and commented on some of Chief Seaman's accomplishments as President. - Mayor Spector announced that the meeting would adjourn in memory of Peter Carter. The audience viewed a slide show of his photography. Page 3 CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Approve Council minutes of March 4, 2013 2. Resolution approving and authorizing the adoption of California Fair Political Practices Commission Form 806 listing the agency's report of public official appointments 3. PPW Job No. 12 -13 - Pavement Rehabilitation - Crack Seal Project 811 -9903 Approve plans and specifications for pavement rehabilitation - crack seal project and authorize staff to advertise the project for bid MOTION: Motion by Council Member Marcia Jensen to approve Consent Items #1 -3. Seconded by Council Member Joe Pirzynski. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Grigsby - Expressed concern about the speed of traffic on University Avenue. Ms. Morrison -Keller - Expressed concern about the speed of traffic on University Avenue. Mr. McAbee - Expressed concern about the speed of traffic on University Avenue. Ms. Jacobs - Commented that staff contacted the speakers. Ms. Robinson - Expressed concern about the location of story poles on Albright project and presented a petition. Ms. Carter Thanked the Council and staff for the tribute to her late husband, Peter Carter. Page 4 OTHER BUSINESS 4. Hillbrook School Public Discussion Discuss neighborhood concerns and staff interpretation for Hillbrook School's existing conditional use permit Jennifer Savage, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Council Questions - Requested clarification about the impact of Council's direction tonight. - Requested clarification about how did K -8 get defined outside of CUP. - Requested clarification about Hillbrook School's CUP modification application. Ms. Savage - Commented that this meeting was for a review of staff's interpretation of Hillbrook School's conditional use permit (CUP) - Commented that the CUP is not detailed so it is necessary to look to other documents from the public record - Commented that some environmental review is expected to be completed in the fall. Open the public hearing. Ms. Ehrhardt - Expressed concern about traffic near Hillbrook School. Ms. Hammers - Expressed support for Hillbrook School. Ms. Anderson - Expressed support for Hillbrook School. Ms. Kennedy - Expressed support for Hillbrook School. Ms. Aguilara - Expressed support for Hillbrook School. Ms. Cardona - Expressed support for Hillbrook School. Ms. Andrea Moore - Expressed support for Hillbrook School. Page 5 Item #4 - Continued Mr. Dodson - Expressed concern about the interpretation of Hillbrook School's CUP. Ms. Vindasius - Expressed concern about the interpretation of Hillbrook School's CUP. Ms. Gretchen Moore - Expressed concern about traffic near Hillbrook School. Ms. Willey - Expressed concern about traffic near Hillbrook School. Mr. Khani - Expressed concern about traffic near Hillbrook School. Mr. Sordi - Expressed concern about the interpretation of Hillbrook School's CUP. Mr. Alberts - Expressed concern about traffic near Hillbrook School, Ms. Dal Cielo - Expressed concern about traffic near Hillbrook School. Ms. Wagner - Expressed concern about traffic near Hillbrook School. Ms. Dodson - Expressed concern about traffic near Hillbrook School, Mr. Prezo - Expressed concern about traffic near Hillbrook School. Mr. Taylor - Expressed concern about traffic near Hillbrook School. Mr. Beritzhoff - Expressed concern about traffic near Hillbrook School. Page 6 Item #4 - Continued Mr. Orkoff - Expressed concern about traffic near Hillbrook School. Mr. Driscoll - Expressed concern about traffic near Hillbrook School. Ms. Beritzhoff - Expressed concern about the adult education programs at Hillbrook School. Mr. Nissen - Expressed concern about traffic near Hillbrook School. Mr. Jamieson - Expressed concern about traffic near Hillbrook School. Ms. Regan - Expressed concern about traffic near Hillbrook School. Ms. Richards - Expressed support for Hillbrook School. Ms. Greene - Expressed support for Hillbrook School. Mr. Wood - Expressed support for Hillbrook School. Mr. McEvoy - Expressed support for Hillbrook School. Ms. Ball - Expressed support for Hillbrook School. Ms. Brown - Expressed support for Hillbrook School. Ms. Wilcox - Expressed support for Hillbrook School. Page 7 Item #4 - Continued Mr. Connelly - Expressed support for Hillbrook School. Mr. Fox - Expressed support for Hillbrook School. Ms. Herman - Expressed support for Hillbrook School. Ms. Meyers - Expressed concern about traffic near Hillbrook School. Ms. Edwards - Expressed support for Hillbrook School. Mr. Shea - Expressed support for Hillbrook School. Ms.Thorton - Expressed support for Hillbrook School. Ms. Rice - Expressed support for Hillbrook School. Ms. Milo - Expressed support for Hillbrook School. Ms. Patterson - Expressed support for Hillbrook School. Ms. Bodner - Expressed concern about traffic near Hillbrook School. Mr. Rossi - Expressed support for Hillbrook School. Ms. Kaur - Expressed support for Hillbrook School. Page 8 Item #4 - Continued Ms. Zafiropoulo - Expressed support for Hillbrook School. Ms. Elliott - Expressed concern about traffic near Hillbrook School. Ms. Decker - Expressed concern about traffic near Hillbrook School. Mr. Lokteff - Expressed support for Hillbrook School. Ms. Amber Shaw - Expressed support for Hillbrook School, Mr. Mulcahy - Expressed support for Hillbrook School. Ms. Yu - Expressed support for Hillbrook School. Mr. Bennett Shaw - Expressed support for Hillbrook School. Mr. Queiroz - Expressed support for Hillbrook School. Mr. Silver - Expressed support for Hillbrook School. Page 9 Item #4 — Continued Council Questions - Questioned what is meant by "professional development" and why it cannot be held off -site. - Requested clarification about the sports tournaments. - Requested clarification regarding the Breakthrough program. - Requested clarification regarding the school's efforts to reduce traffic. - Questioned whether Hillbrook School coordinates transportation with other schools during the sports tournaments. - Requested clarification about what weekend activities are allowed on campus. - Requested clarification about student enrollment. - Questioned whether a student who attends Hillbrook as a Breakthrough student during summer would be enrolled in Hillbrook School. Mr. Silver - Commented that professional development means many different things and there is an advantage to holding the sessions in an educational setting at the school. - Commented that the tournament is an old tradition and is specifically, mentioned in the CUP for Saturday campus use. - Commented that Breakthrough Silicon Valley is an independent non - profit which partners with Hillbrook School to help students. - Commented that students carpool, walk to school, and use busses. - Commented that the school is engaged in the Safe Routes to School program and that an average of 92 students ride the bus each day. - Commented that there was no coordination among schools during sports tournaments but this idea can be explored. Commented that during the school year there are 315 students enrolled, but this number differs during the summer. - Commented that a basketball tournament, a volleyball tournament, and an open house are allowed in the CUP for weekend campus use. - Commented that the Breakthrough students would be similar to those who attend any other summ -er- program and would not necessarily be enrolled in Hillbrook. Mayor Spector requested a recess at 10:03 p.m. The meeting resumed at 10:10 p.m. Council Consensus - Decided that there may be a maximum of 315 enrolled students. - Decided that professional development should be provided for Hillbrook School faculty only and that conferences with outside people are not allowed on campus. - Decided that no outside schools may visit the Hillbrook campus for sports tournaments. - Decided that all students from Breakthrough Silicon Valley or any program must be within the 315 enrolled student maximum. rage 10 ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:42 p.m. Prior to adjournment, Mayor Spector requested a moment of silence in honor of Peter Carter, longtime Los Gatos resident, member of Los Gatos /Monte Sereno Police Foundation Board of Director, Member of Los Gatos Music and Arts Committee, and Community Photographer. Attest: Mazarin Vakharia, Clerk Administrator Page 11 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK