Re-Use of Former Library Facility°w N o MEETING DATE: 05/14/12 STUDY SESSION COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT DATE: MAY 10, 2012 TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: GREG LARSON, TOWN MANAGER SUBJECT: STUDY SESSION ON PROPOSALS FOR RE -USE OF THE FORMER LIBRARY FACILITY RECOMMENDATION Discuss re -use proposals and provide direction to staff on next steps regarding re -use of the former library space, including which proposals to further develop and consider. BACKGROUND On March 15, 2012, the Town Council approved guiding principles and a process for considering options for re -use of the former library facility. Staff conducted a Request for Proposal process, and by the deadline of May 1, 2012, the Town received seven proposals from four organizations (including the Town itself). As part of the initial review process, the Town Council reviewed the proposals and individually submitted questions for each proposer. Staff provided these questions to each proposer prior to the Study Session. DISCUSSION The Process At the Study Session, each proposer will have up to 10 minutes to present the organization's proposal(s). In the case of multiple proposals submitted by one organization, the proposer will present all proposals within the 10 minute timeframe. The proposers will focus on responding to the questions they previously received. Council may ask additional questions following each presentation. After all the presentations, members of the public who would like to propose a use not previously discussed will have an opportunity to do so. PREPARED BY : PAMELA JACOBS V 4, a/.Z, ASSISTANT TOWN MANAGER Reviewed by: Assistant Town Manger • Town Attorney °' Finance PAGE 2 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: STUDY SESSION ON PROPOSALS FOR RE -USE OF THE FORMER LIBRARY FACILITY MAY 10, 2012 The Council will then have the opportunity to discuss the proposals and provide direction to staff regarding next steps. As a framework for the discussion, the Council may want to discuss the consistency of each proposal with the guiding principles (Attachment 1). The Proposals Following is a table that briefly summarizes the seven proposals received by the Town (Attachment 2): Proposer Use S . Ft. LG High School District Administrative space 6,000 Friends of the Library Used book store 1,300 Friends of the Library Storage 323 Friends of the Library Community room 3,700 Museums of Los Gatos Art & Cultural center 11,900 Town Community /meeting rooms Up to 5,000 Town Offices., storage space 1,000 to 6,800 In addition, the Town received communications regarding two other potential uses for the library space, and one communication in support of using the space for community meetings (Attaclunent 3). No proposals were submitted for these suggestions. Facility Information Attachment 4 is a set of floor plans for the former library facility, including estimates of square footage available in individual sections. The staff report prepared for this item on the March 5, 2012 Council agenda is included as Attachment 5 (without its attachments) as it provided detailed information on the former library space and factors to be considered regarding re -use. The factors to be considered include the need to expand the top floor restroom, the need to replace the air handling system, the parking requirements which limit the number of weekday spaces available, and the lack of funding for needed improvements. Regarding the restroom expansion and the replacement of the air handling system, staff recommends these costs be shared proportionately with any non -Town organization that is permitted to use some or all of the former library space. Further discussion on fiscal limitations is provided below in the Fiscal Impact section. Regarding the parking requirements, staff presents the following preliminary information. Additional analysis and /or environmental review may be necessary depending on the use(s) to be explored. As noted in the March 5 staff report, the Civic Center site is currently at capacity for parking, primarily due to the success of the new library. Several actions have been taken to increase the number of parking spaces available, both off - street (on- site) and on- street. These actions include entering an agreement with the Christian Science Church for PAGE 3 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: STUDY SESSION ON PROPOSALS FOR RE -USE OF THE FORMER LIBRARY FACILITY MAY 10, 2012 the ongoing use of 12 parking spaces for employees. The greatest increase in parking has been in on- street parking. In the environmental review for the new library, a surplus of one extra space was identified. As a result of these actions, 11 additional spaces have been created (primarily on- street, and thus shared with other businesses in the area). Given the increased demand generated by the new library, staff recommends caution when considering uses that create weekday demand for parking, even with the addition of 11 spaces. CONCLUSION The Town has received seven proposals for re -use of the former library facility. At the Study Session, the proposers will present the proposals and respond to Council questions. Staff is seeking Council direction regarding which proposals should be explored further, and which proposals, if any, should be removed from further consideration. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Discussion of the proposals for re -use of the former library space is not a project defined under CEQA, and no further action is required at this time. However, environmental review may be required for proposed uses that were not contemplated in the new library Environmental Impact Report (EIR). A community room and meeting rooms were assumed in the EIR. FISCAL IMPACT The Civic Center Re -Use Project in the proposed FY 2012/13 — 2015/16 Capital Iimprovement Program identifies funding of approximately $1.9 million, including approximately $80,000 from CDBG for ADA purposes. At this time, it is uncertain if these fiends will be available for this project due to the dissolution of the Redevelopment Agency, with the exception of the ADA funds which are already available and $100,000 of the GFAR funds. The Facilities budget includes "seed funds" of $30,000 for the replacement of the air handling system. This system is likely to cost between $100,000 and $130,000. Rough estimates for some of the other potential improvements include: Wall and door to create a back meeting room on the top floor $ 2,500 Catering kitchen with new plumbing $ 6,000 Upstairs restroom expansion $75,000 Downstairs offices $20,000 Downtown restroom expansion $30,000 Fine- tuning of these estimates, "tenant improvements" needed such as carpet, etc„ and the addition of contingency allocations would be needed as particular uses are explored. PAGE 4 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: STUDY SESSION ON PROPOSALS FOR RE -USE OF THE FORMER LIBRARY FACILITY MAY 10, 2012 Attachments: 1. Library Re -Use Guiding Principles 2. Proposals for Re -Use of the Former Library 3. Communication Regarding Re -Use 4. Former Library Floor Plans 5. March 5 Town Council Report LIBRARY RE -USE GUIDING PRINCIPLES The re -use of the old Library is a rare and significant opportunity for the Town of Los Gatos to enhance the use of the Civic Center and add to the quality of life of our residents. These Guiding Principles provide a framework for considering the many options for deciding on the best use of this valuable community asset. Guiding Principles 1. The re -use of the old Library will add to the quality of life of Los Gatos residents. 2. The re -use of the old Library will be synergistic with other uses of the Civic Center. 3. Remodeling of the space will be done in such a manner as to: a. Meet ADA access requirements b. Avoid imposition of higher building standards c. Minimize potential environmental impacts d. Minimize the operational and maintenance costs to the Town e. Eliminate any existing safety hazard f. Meet Town parking requirements g. Incorporate green building practices as feasible 4. Community collaborations and partnerships shall be explored. 5. Creative ways to use the space for multiple purposes shall be encouraged. ATTACHMENT 1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK