Ord 0125-CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION IN THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA STATE OF CALIFORNIA AST 17TN'ANt~ GA.I,TT~i~G A SP~(;IA~ _.I~;I,EGTTON .Tl`T 'S'I-IE TOWN 0~? T.OS GATtJ~, f",O1Tld'1_'"k' Or SANTA (3T+AIi,A, S`!'A`~,~.+, 0~'' CAZ~F0~3IAt. Is'QR Tf£P 'k?UFtYO~.'~u QP StTI?~ , TJI;CTTI;I+1G `PO .I'FI.~ QUAZI.n'I4~. VO'1'A;FiS 0~,' cAI7~ ~OkA~"'1,'90 F'Ft03?OSITI03~S `l'0 TNw t;U33 1~~~IDI~ Il~lj vI't3`.!'.H~JN~~S TQ PAY `1~1,IE CQST 0~+' Z~ZTALI+T ~UB>~>;(1 A9IITtIC]PAI, TI~Tip~T.~{{;xrtFl`TTS 0~ gAID TOWN THE G05T OI+ y7t~fICH ~iIII,J, 3L `P00. GRiTf;T 1;0 ;~3E ~',A,Ii7 fG~Qi7T QF 7'HE- ©RT~Z~TARY ANI~t3AI, ~EVEIdtT.~ Q~' 3A'~I? T~?WN o _,., ... 1~TIF~t+' ~ tka:~ ~q~~~~c~,~a.~t~~ "bx~tznoh off' t1~.~ '.~otvri ~~E L~as3 Gf~.t4a~t d.i.d x~n •~I?,~a ord. CIaY. ~~ brs~c~3a~ax, A.~,.y ~,~~;~,~, by ~ U'a'~~ q;~' ~~rrom~,ha.rd,~ ~~° r~.~.~. th.~ ,~ea•~.b,~r~ of sa~.d ~~:5~.~~~.'~~.~~ ;ta~~7.n€:n clc~'~/o,~tnin~ :i,n ~Icr:~ ~;z~c~ p1~4~ },~e~ ~',a~rn ~'hz~•~ t;rr~ 3P~b~.o in'~axe~~ a,~7d ~a~.rYa~_G n~~,e~,ss~.'~;~. C1.t~s,~3d. er~X'° wars I>~a,b~.'~a. mur?3.csaF,~,;7. ~.i~~Ia~'czvrv~ar;?n~,~ ixs ~.n.F1 k"~•,x° ~,~,id. 9'ca'+r~i`sJ~' ~~~ Gfti~:~i~, '~e~~~~si~;: ~.. Thy ~;s~q?:~ie~i~t~,.c~n.t m~on~t~^~tc;ti4r €~ncY csaxn~?]:.5~~.~.caza ol:° ~: c~at~or~~~ .,.;: p~;~e~ t`~d ~,'~iQXJC; 1zr~,d~ca. CPlrCI'Y° •~T1~ L~zk~ Crzs.~ca~ ar<~~1t ~,nd .cs~ers~~z ?a.pc~i~ ~r~4~,~ra S~~"~.~:1 .:tn the-•~~~:Li.ca Tavr~; off' l,Q~.C~~.pp ~17a~ ~:~ •~~ ~rz~ra a 17a~ic~c: 1~ui'.1 sQ:P C:oi1c 1 <; t e; ~ ~n c~. ^;^~,i b f~1(e f> r; c>z Lfa a~ E3~yi~~1 ~' c~1 ~ ~~. t~7i th' p€1. u~ e~ ° .w'~u,r~ ~°.~`""e 'Yltia~«~ i(/L ~/ .~ti.ti~ { ky (~.(,-~,<4! ~~ /'~:iLl.~lic. ~f"iM"/b .id:7 ~..-n !`3l.iL+Q,..O~~ ~. Th:~ ~,oqt?i~xt~.on5 cson~st~'i~ci~~.•ora Dand esa~~a1~1:~,Qxi 'off" ~, ~s£~~w~:~°, ~F.~~;~:cs ~~,rilt; ~n~ ~sarrar,~~~~ ,:~~a ~;a~n ~'csr o~r'.~y~n~ a~~' and H~.,€~~or~~;~?g ,4 ~hc~ ~:e~rer~ge~ ~~•" '4Y~~ w~F,ter;~ x,id~P: of ~;h~ ~'t~~rn ~F Toys GrzGo~; 11's:r~,•~ ~; ~~ ~,~;~: u~ t'rl~.,u 1~~,~~ off' ~,T~~ ~'pwn ~~:' T.c~~ Crt~tU~ ~rw~u~~•~E, tr7e a'~ ~];~ 1;Ya; 1~I~ITJ 'U,~~I.}~~I,~ ~~;hr~ :~~~~~~~v~ , t?P ~~,a.:d, `.i'atNn ~~' 1~0;~ GU, t,ca;,~ c' a:s1 aaa, '~17.r~ ;1°d c1r;1.y off' 0<,tcla.~r, A.P~ , ~.~~~, dlx~3r :end: rPt;ta7.a.i°:!_;5~ ra:Ia3arc~v~3 ~aae;ka. ~~Ct~.oii u~''~~iic~ ~,r:'(~x,a'1.Ct.t(.~1c; ;i~~~arzaEz and ~h<> ~'c~ua7.u l1ai?, 1>~,y 'VAS-icli ~r-.],c1 . NQ~I J~I~F'.f~'C)t~I~ '~lz~ Iiaaz~d. a~ "?-'rus~G~e~ o;~ ~h~ '~o o~ Iesaaa G~~4ca~ d9 ~~ci~i.x~ ~~ :I'c>:i.low~.e ~; ::,,. ~. . Saa~ton 1, .~ ax~~a~~ul ~~Lt~ati c~~1 ~.r kxPreby c~:1.:l.t~d. ~'aa9 ~,rzti, hY~.~,~.'1 „ ~~ ~1FY~ef3~ 7>x1 thQ' `.I.''WV~l~'1 t?~` .~,O~i` Gc'ltan`3, :~xi 'tih£3 Ei4J}lxl~"iy .G~' ~~.nti~. ~l~.x'a, .~i't"t~dfe~ ~: a~' ~1~1.~.:Eax'rz:~.~., an 7~~_"~~p'~' txza ~,r~ n / , ' A.~.; ;1:~)~~, to ~tzbYrzi.~t;. ~:~rzd, rat urh~;.e3h ~~,a.d e~~zot~:an ~h~.1L k~cz nubr+a9-tted . ~a fihe s~uaJ.~~:i.c~~i, vata~e a;E',,~~~•r~ !1'avm ~~'":L,ft~s Cratc2~ the ~'91.3.aw?:xa~ ~x~a~ ~a513tona to 1t~zcLir ~nt~;c~b~edn~.,s "€~z, arz,s3: by e~~s3 `.Cairn, to°v~ra.t: ~,« `.[?19.x: ~~"Q~c,~~,4~:an 'Gu;'3ncv.r ~. b~nd~d ~xzdeb'~t~cV.xze~'e t1~..:m~b131~' ~'[13p31'Y~1`T~ ]J(37,~.~.u in ~;olci" oa`~, a~ tha U'n~.tad. ~z~~t~~ a~ Amc;x`~oe„ fear tha Qb~ep~ ~~d. 1?~x'.l~o~e Gi:~- ~Z~;ya:ng the oo~~ of the ~•oe3u~.~lt~.arz,. aan~tx'tzot~.az~ a~:nt~ c~c~ni~lati.i~ti "tay ;a~,d '1'avlrz a~' ~L aar~ox•c~~~,; a~aa"~. end: ~tc~na bric~;~;e ovE:r the ~o,e CTrx,tae Lraeic F,nd. a~;~:zGZa~ ~yavn ~~,~n ~~~'cae~ ~.n the '1'ov,In of [,oxs G~.#Q~( ih~t :i,~ to ~ayr ~, bx'i:d~c~ bxa.a.~.t ~~ auzaux~~i~~ ~,ne3 x°ubbla €;t~?rae x'o-ta~'czx~ur~d. tva:th zx'~aa~, anll: to ~;~pz9:t~ b,axzd.s off' ~a.t~ `Cavlzx f;la:aa':~?~'ar ~'ox^ 1s1-z;~ ~ux~ptr~a a~' 3x~Y~:r~~; tlz~ c,o~f'~ tlz~x°~laP a~ hc~roxz ~~?'~, fi" ax, 'kh • ~. 't'l~ie. prrag~s~~i'~:zean 'tip a.nctzx• La, :~ir.,;aci:ed, 'inde'i~~ledn.~a~r~ off' ~'OLT13 7.'13~Uul~Ssl~ D~?;GTta ~,a~ ~C?L41 ac>ai~, off' 'i',hs~ TJr;~t~Sd. Eits1.~`~~ A~' A:rzc~rs.o~a. ~'~~' •uhcz cib~aat ~snd ~a~z~zo~~ a~ p~~r:i~,~ th® :cot~~G a# the ~~c3~~~ati-4xx, oan= ~'~rtx~i;~Gfoxz end czam~a3.a't~axa lay ;~~a~.ct ~.'avllz ~a~ ~ r~~vlex', ~~~atet 3;an~ c~nd, ~owe.~_r~~;e s~r~tem ~'ax° .a~.rryx~g a:t #' ~,z~zd d:i~~ a~:•xz~ a~` tl~.r'z s'.ev~ex•~,~e o~ tl^lt; 1Nf9~~;$X'Xl ~l,de. ~?;~' tla'c3 `,3'C?V~Ik1 a~ ~a4~S tl;?1`Q8 th'C•Lr ~:~ ~ifl ~~?,y: '()~C' ~kl¢d~"e ~z~z,rt c?~' ~~~:d `~o~ln a~ ~.ae 'C~itue Sri uua~e wef9t <>:r.' .~h~ I,o~ C~~ta~a Crc~elc, ~,xzd .t; ca a.~~u:e baxa:d'~ a~ ~~~c? Tuvlzz ~l~ex~.e~°ox* ~;r:.~c~ t'~z,. ~;ht: 3zu;~pa~ra c~~"' ~~Y° ~.n~; ~ha oo~~ t;kz.ar~q~' ~;s zzc~x°-oa.n ~G1; 2.a. r~l:. end :~s~id ~`rz~'~ xrzan#sa.az9.ed d,~,t~, to°,~a~,~: the ._w.-~ti~ drtiy ,a~" ~~,e~~e,.,,-.~z/ , 1~.. 17., :L~F1~, ~.~ Yxere~~y ~'3.~~d. ~~s ~hr: dr~.ta ~'cx° laald,.n~ :said:. alorst~:;ox~•, .A.ncl ~h:e s.a~'d t~WO zse~rcaral ~ropo$~ ta.on~ ~c>~:Iz1cu,~ ~xzun~ ~,ai~~i,7. ind~btedriu~s~ a~ ~a~:~d'`i"aviri ~,re lac;r~:?~;~ ~ubzyai~t,ad Ica ~~,;t:d, vatc~x'~s :t;tzx` ~Yz~ix' d'ete~°m~,n~ton a.t s~uah alcxat:tan, ~~ z°~:gv13..~ee End, ttkia~.:L x~` gsa.i.re the. `~'ata~s: cQ,~ too®thi.rda a•P~l~ ~~hp ~vcz4;er~ v~txx~~ at ~tr~.d, s~r~o1.~1. a.. ~~.acs~t~c~~ upc~ra. a'nJ' off' ~~~.d. ~aa°o~a~~.f>~~n,~ tQ aa,u~tla;or'~.~~ ~,1~.~ ~:~~ccaz°~~ra~ a~° ~;kxa ~.ncl~b~odn~c~~ ans l;l?.~ a,~s~ix<~;nc:~a c~C i;hca Ucancl~ i;lxesx'Q~ yr Propak;c~d ~n ... a,ny ~iial~ p~p~rc~.ici.Qn. .n ' ~,ECy"T'~q~I' ~. 'Pka;~ p'b~aot ~.rrd. ,~aux°pc~s~:s ~'c"r~ v~iY~~ch c~a~d. k~QYa~9QC~ ,, ind4~'Gc~dn~:~.~ of ~'1~1.~1~x'Y~~~~.'r~QT;7SAlala AQ~.:f.A~i~ ~.~ pru~aa~c<d. ~c b~ ;1r~~ ourr'~d ai;:~ 1;he~ ~oqua,~~.~~,~n, ec~1~~~r'ucal<~;on and. c4inlal~~tion o:f a coaa~ ,' CY'~''G~y dS'G9F31. ~1,Yld, ~i'Gs~rl@d ~1~";t:(l~@ UV'~x• ~t;;~a':~« 1~C1~ ("rFi."~PS} 'fir'e~,Jl~, c~,nd ~1~~ ~rxnn ., ~Ye~r'4o~' upon T±"Tei~n ~~hz^~~t :~ra Gh~ ~.Cq~tx~ a~ a~4~ C~s~,'Go.~; 1~h.a~L i~ tc ~;~yo - ~, b~l:d.~a 'tau~.~.'h o~ cc>r~c;rc~t~ €~,nfi. ~ulab~e ~tats~ x^~~,ni"crcec~. ti~~.tlz s3~F,c;~.. .. 7'hc~ eik?~gest; r~rld; ~~uY•po~;~: ~'cx wha.ch ~Y~~; ~~,3.d 'kiond:c~d. 3,nc1~1~#;oclna~~ . afi uhe s~wi±~ :~'Q[Tt 7.'I~QT7'~Al'.x~ DC)I;LA~3~ a~ ~i='c~~~,e,s~d trq lad ~.noux'r•ad: ~;~ tl~:~a ~;eclu~:~i.~Gio~,, c~c~x~s~~~ta:ctl,.c"n and. ~ef~.plo~;ion o;' a c~~:vr~x', ta~:za~:i~ ~;~xx~: ~snd, ... ~~vrenr~~,r€a ~yR~~~taYt tc?~' car'ry3n~; e~f'~' ct,nd d:~.~pc~~Gn~; o~ •t;1;:~ ~~~f:31"~.:P~~ off' ,~. ~Gh~> v!r~;~'Gcax'n ~~ci:~ off' ~hc 'Z'ov~xi of 3~ca~~ Cta'Go:~a tl~€,,1> t~ ~o a~~y; r~F ~Gr~s",t ~~ar~G. o.~" ~Yx~ `J.'(gvn off` l;c~~ CIa.~Gc~t~ .~'i~G~1_~~1:~ wer~.t ~~' th~a 7a~~ C<3;~;.o~s q~a~c~k~. Ta1,~nFs ~zn~i ~~~~:i.7n&'t~+p_ ~f: tY~c~ cu"st off' ~'Yzc~ ft~~:c~ ~c~z>tzx~r-s,1 p3~n~7bc~~,t~,ons he~'P~ 'k3~en: v~i~~l.~ key ~, ~o~np~'t;enL- ~~i~;inaQ~' lay. a;LtLhAr°i~y ~~' t-k1~ :t3o~,~,".d. A~' '~rus~.~o~ ~~ p~a.:t.~, ~'c:;;wn uvl?.l.ak~: p:1.a,ns grid c~~l;:rrxa~.o~ ~~r.~ X r rvr,irv ctCl to ~r~~d; 'Bae~rd An tli~ 3'x'd. clay c~' (~c~~c~~x°, l~.:t)-., ~r~04, ~,nd, w~x'e~ d;ut~:'J ~x~,rdn~d. end ~,p`~aaeovQd, 'by :~s?.ad l~c~'ax'd. a,nd ~C~~°~ du~;y ~'~_1~3c~, at~d, axt3 ~~a:~t, ... o'n l'a.1u in tlr.~ Ua;Aa;c~ off' 'Elsa G7_~3r~t. A~' ~»~,~il 2°ovtn ya;nd aru l~:r~x°c:~y x'e~c~~~r'ad ~o ~'~or ~`u~'~h.~~x"~ar~t4?,u~.ar~-,' ~~ St~C7'~0~3,~« TY~.s: as't~:3na~Gec1 c~n~~. ~i' ,tt2~ ~,a.clui~.~t~.url, c.azas~k°~,ta'~~c~xa ,. ~,n~ c;~ri2~i1^tiar~ p~' aal:d. lar'C:~~~ i~ '1'Trf~~~~~`"T'~3~tJ~~~'Vl7 `tu~T,T,~,~a;-, r-a,n ;,, ~~e, r stf.rnAtact v'aFa~ o~ 'Gh~g ~,caua..~;a;~~.on, oon~~;ruct.on -a:r~d..cc~~lxa.le'G;~„o~a a~' ~~,id ~~~rax', s~p~;a,a ~~.ri2~ €a,ncl; .:}«~r~~ra~;e p}~~~~zre is ~,r_d. ~a.11. laQ the ,. z~uxn o~'..ppU"Ft 7'k1GUiPND 17Q~1a~±~S,~ ~.],:~. iz1 ..~,,a~,d. aca.~,~a. off. ~;he ;UR~.9.~Ged. ~i'GJ;tc~~w. . o;~ Amar~,da. Tlt~ is€~~id, lan~.d~a anci t;ha €aai.d. k~ca~ro~'- r;Qp~c •Gar~ ~:nd; ~raw~z~a.,~a ~:y~'G~nt r~,ra hareb~ aa'Gab'7,~.~had a~a pu'b1~.cs rnuia~,c~.p~.7; a~miix'ave~~ ~o . xxon~:t~ off' ~u id. `.C'owrn, ~.PO'J',SQN ~.. And. it i.~ ~urtli,3r ore9.~axead. that ~:f` tka.ca iaro~o~,5,t.~.on .. 1'ir,^€~~~ a:Y,pxrc3 rzzt~xzti.on~d, to 1.nour ~1'aid i.nciebf,~d:xz®a~ in ~~d aura a~ 2'v~~;nty~v ,.~ . ` ~'~?''u~'~ '1'Yz.c,i~€~nz3 77€,11~r's :i,n g;;o:Lc7 eoirt r}f' •t•.hs~ Uzxitzrd; :;•ta,tr~ o~ .F~zueric~., ~.~ ~,fe>r:•A~a~,id for rrhe ,~ai.d c,k~jc~c~t ~ric~. ~11~}~c,;a~ •~a.z°s~ t~;boves nzc~nt:ion<ad. ~]za.l7. .~ ~,e ~ro~ap~c,d ~b.;y'~;h~ :r~iaa~li~'crd. vo•ti~r~ ezf ~r~d .~'c~'wn xa,ls zr~ this -ox°diri~:nce and. by 1€vUr prc,viclc~d., tkr:erl a~nc~ in •t}~:aG or~r~~a borld~ off' ~'~:a.d '.~ovJtz ~o thca ~; ~zrxlounfi, .E~i' 'J'vve~rct;ym,~i;~Z.~ "~hou~€a:nd. 1~c,7.:Lc~;r~s; ~:o1d ar~1x? af'' ~;h~ I7r•xi•L~3c~ ~t;~.f;~~ o~ Ain~ric3a; ~i~ a,~'or•~aai;d., r'or L-h~ ~,~.yrrxant o~ ~Lhz~., oo~t off' Ll:rt~ ~.equz:rz:n~, . oonr~truoL9,np; t~arid ct~rr~i~;letin~;• ~t€,,~.r~ br'9.d~;t1 ~Yzt~,],1 a.~,sua ck~ i'a1lo~rt~, ~Qm,,~ito . ;;~,id Y,c,nr.J~ ~laa,l~. l~ca nfs~;at,aabla :i,n :foa^rrz grad ~;ha.:1.1 Y,c~ a~ thq ohz~.r•raotar• lcnovvrz a~:t~ "S~;r3a,1~, ~' za:rrc~. k,+~~;x• tht~ r•~,te o~ ant~rok~t ~~ncl pk~a11 b~ ~,za,:l.d zap h.Praina:Pt:or' ~rovic~:c,dm . Arzd lf' iaha pr•Q~o~itJ.on ~aeandly s,,k,ovc~ ~rrc~xlt~.onad to inoux° ~a.id: . ;1nd:e'b~c~dn~as ;irx tY~~ ~LZrn c~' :C'c,ur ".Chau~~.n~ J)o:l'lar`~~s in ~c,:7,~. eoa.rz of ~;kza 1Jn;f'cf3e1 f,l;Ga.toz~, ~.~ d;f~~r~cxa~,J.d, #`c~r t,i;rr ~,ur•X~ra~e ~.nd; objHOt u.bUVe rncarltie,nocl, ~7;i`:~,,i;c31'~.r•~iic>s eibrl.atr`tota.li~= ~a,rrc3"cr,-~2~;1'atin~, Wr tic:~rhr, ~~pt•~,c .t~,n~l~ z~nd°eravae:.r~ ..,. ~~~GQ ~3~•~+tc.nt i'asa~ ca.a••ryi~r~ c,:E'i' anc~: d.i~~,~~raixr~ of t1~.c~ ~~vv~,ra,~c3 ~~' i~hr-,: vr~,~~wrra. ~~~ ~ie7:t~ oi' .~>Y,.c~ `.~~vvn o!~ T,a~s Cra.tA~a; that is to ~r~,y® crf, tJ"ca~ ;pa,r•t of thcv 'town ~.~* of ;Gos Crc~to~ ~1tzat~ vvos~ c>:k` ~;Yaa l.,oa (r~f~o~ Gr•a~~: ~shaal t,~ a,eoei~tod"~' • `'~ tkaea c~ua~.3t:ied vot`c;x~~a oi' ~a~.d `.l'ovJn ~z~ .a.n 1;1~:~ o~'ailn~,rto~ a;nd. by la.:w pr~.Uv]:d~c1 ~° th:en anc~: ~:n i;kla'•~ o~.~a burl~tt . a:~ s~a.ic7 7'awn ~c~ ~ha •~,movatat oi' ~'oux• '1'Yio~ts~.rzci 7~o:;L~arf, ~U:Ld coin f,f ohs ~Urx~.•~~,d ~~~ati~~ of Axn.~ri.e~c ~~ r~i'ora~aid, !far' 't~kl~ "' i?i~ylrl,errt pf tie ~:rs;~' ao~t ai' ,xxaJ~.in~ ~ueY~ ~ubl:a uzu~l.a.o~,~o;~ irr,~,x':ov~.rrlarat,,; •c.o~cra.ta a~ s~oc~zaix"alz~, c;on~tllao~ira~ ~;rle1: ;::c,~arp1E.~:Gn~ said. s~wgr., ~o~at~o ~a:~ ~znd ~~~rESr'~.,f3,~, sysi;ara x'or Gx~xr~yin~ oi':E' :rid die.,zi,os~•n~ o~ the ~ewerr~;,e oi'~tlez we~tc,c•n ~;.c~~ c~i' :~a~:d 1'c~w~n of I~c,tt Cxr:.,;tus a~ha,l:l. iasue s..,~; i'ol:~.owas ~.am .: Y7 ~ 1, ° ~:~a7-Cl l~cind:~ ~r,~;1.1 ]ac ri~~;,.~tir~'r~1.e: in ~clrza ~,nd ~:h~,11 ba af' the oJa.az°~otsr° krlovrxz cti~ ,r~~.r:l:al~e ranrJ sha11 Y~et~;x r~,'tc~ ai' n~~:i ~yw~ and bt; ~,x~,~d 50 ~.F~ l~.~reinp.~tet ~arpvidpd,. `1'Izr~ l:zptic3.~~ s,tzt}.~:prle„d tp btu a,sszac;;d. tit avid. r~J.c~c'tic~n kxux'sv4a,nt tp ~'~ the, ~rccopt~;noe r1y acid vn•r~zz~~s oP either o~ uaaicl tv~rea ~r'p~aa33,tioris Ana. ~`ar aithry~ o:[' the skid twp ~na.x°~c!~c~s ~h~~.;J.l, laaa,x• ntez°pkL' e'x'am their J:z.su~,nc~ u.zan't;i.l pr~~.cl:,~tt tkie rate cat' ,fiver(5)~cir <,enturtz ~acAx` ~;~zli~zzrP!, p~,yak~l.e ~ezrzi~ annza~a,J.7:,yo Thc~3 i~rinca.ka~a7_ ~.nd. ini:ex°est of said lzprzd.s :ah~,l1 tre ~p,yable3 in ~p~;d cpiza p~' "she iTn9;tc~d. ~t~ztc!s e,~ .~zuex~;l.e~,, 3:n thy. mF:.rinar 1'csll.c~ri.n~e 't c7-~ ,w t o ' Ozrevtvrc~nt~:p~l~ }~p,r'1; o!` 'thc; z~1hp1~3 ,;~nzaun:t~ p~ tlxa Y?rinci~ap,1 c,f' ~soa.c~. = 'bur!dt~ cr-c~€z.~tod ezndsx• eith~x° e,~" Uh~x st:*id. tc~tp .Ea x•opr~~titic:znq ~zh.~,11 'b4 ~!z!.:id e~c1•t ° p,nd, eve;x'ST ycar• c~,t the '.k`pvrrr tz^eKa.alay, cif str,:d 'Yp~~~r cf ~.,cs Cratpq on thc, d:rzy ° ,end datfl 'tp kin he;reinecft?r ~ixe;d ~;~. thF, l~gi€:xl~,tiv~ hrez,nch of s~~,d. xrzzxn- 3~a~.~aality, to~etl~:er vatYz 'tYie iritE~rca:st zx;~acrz a~.l, rrartzs rn~~~.d. c.t such d~te~; " ~ar•p~r,dpd tY!~1, the ?r!,tez•e~t pn ~z~,id bc,nr,~:s sY,.s,.l kze ~,a,a.d. F>~xnim~inriza:r~l'ly €sp . t}ztat ~tha'r~ shs,':1.1. 'bra rx. ~Zr~;ymr~r!t c~ intr~r•e;st pn c~.11. ~t!rrzs thfsri unYzai.c~ iza, c~vexy ..,,. hs,1xR'yea.r!,; one of grtch ,~rtt~:i.~~tinx7ui~l,t' 1}~~mnnj,~~ bra ~trcY~ ;yr;za.r be~n~ ~.~_>•thQ .. d.s.ttz ;a~' t~:e Tz~.yxnpnt -ai' ~Lh.p ra,nrzu~,l. ~.z~zst~lltneant of t~~.ca ~:r°irrc~.~>ez,1~{~a~' ~a3.cT ~.nd.~l~ta-,dn~:~'~, as r~furr~~a.i:d, s,azd fir.°pvdc~d :Pur°thc;z' th~'t, sa3.d/~tz~delrtadn~~~ ^~ ~sha~l 1?p c:v~~luno~c9 +~xi"th thca ~rp~ac^x° csozxppns ?.t•G~.phc.d. ,tQ; tz~ccsA! 'bcznci'~ar ;~~~eh e}e~rAi~~annv~~a;~. fzp,ii!n?sxnt pf inter'c;az~ t:ca l~ecczme :dza`e pn ~uoh bpx!~9..4 ~~. A,rr 7.:.it is ~'zzx°'the;x' prdc.x•ed ~,xzd: crdc~inrad: t1a.a'~ the total. 3~!~1~'l`° ^, ~ncla'~tedr!c~~s~. ra,uthor^i.~c+d •t,p txc;° c:'r',,~a~+.~c3; ~.t ss+,id el.ees;~ipn snal.l 'b~ repx'ose~ntT . . ;' ~sd. lz~ UO•nd~s, gz~'.~fablc~ 9;xi' thu mr~,nn;~r ~a<:~nxes~a.d;; ~,nc~! 'tY!at ~s,id: bond:a ~Yr.a]:l l.~.e lss-iced. izx. suci~. c~pr!oazi3.x~e~~~:pn~ Gx' d.c~n~r~inFrt:iprzs rtM tlzp ?3 c'>~rd. cf Tx'u~te~~s p~` :k~~ld `('oti•rn ~iYlal~. ,~?i~~?tc~i~~7c3 Gz,nd. ~hp.t si~.oh k~nndr~: ~l,a~_-~,. b4 Lzzc,cvn cis "~Lu:nao 1?t~:~-;:[in~r~:o•re~ment `~3ox'cds.',° S~EG9'InI~T ~ : Z t ~.:~ :~zaz t~r~;,° cirderpQ .=tha, t; tht3 zTarzn er~ 'pt' hti2dir~~ arid. p~jc~o:ita,l. ~zlc~e.ticzrz :~,nd tYz~ vptin~ tla:oro~t.:fpx° wnd. :;j.~;r:~,ins~t i,ncura^irag ~ic~~:d ~:nd~zbtadnQ~s ~Y!r~1.1 lad ~,s pra~r~.d;pd, in tl~!~.a urd.zxz~ncr~ tznd. t.Yz€~t in e rz~.]. l~s.rt9,oza7.r~x's xxeal; x°rroi.~t'.~~d. her~aiil pooh o:1.~acrtion ph€a:1.1 l:ac~ h.elrl. s,s ,tarp v~.e~~d. b~r~ 1ta;va :~nr k~p7:riir~a~ znun:taa.~rz:C e~eci;inxis ixr Nupkx rrauriioikata.l~.`~y, rarxd. . -, tl;xra.t in ~,uy Yas~rtioui;:x,.s z~:n~t rpca.~ael. r.er•craxx ~rrd npt gartav.d:ed fay 1«w :f pr hnld:~xx~ such znun,oi~~,1 c~:Lc:otinnr~, tla,t~ Czc~n.nrral JP,1.ect;lon ]:.~;vv's n;t~ the Sts.te ' Qi %w311'on1 s,a, sn f°r;~x• sra tka.ca s~.rrte TttG4.~ be ;~,katr].~.efable, yh.p,7.7. aY.~;~7.y~. ;;raid. r~].gptiox~ 4~?~:1.~. b.a ~4~.duc~.ed by s, Y3o~~,rd-Uf..H13.a`o~;ann--an ~ucYa. of 'the twn , °. °v91;in.~ r7r~caanp~t~- :of >tr-?:tc~; 'J'~,w~i f.~s hc,r°r~inatter es~a}a:l,iah©d p,rrd shill cean^~ - Nat p~ ~~ca ins~aec;tc?rr~, tarp ;jud~;er~, twea ole~r;kp ~a.xac~~,t.yrn 'I~s.llo~t clprk~s~ whea~n cltx.a.es.,`~nd Yaov~rers ph~f:1.7, b~ Lk~,e pr;~ms ~s 'tl~pse a:E' 'i~~kard:r~ n~ t!,lt;t:'tiern, grid .. of sztch calracticara caf!'!,<;p;~s r.~as~eo~:v:c3ly, tizn~t~r ~hQ 1a.va~ csor~f~r~.n~; arauni4s~,~ ,. p~7. alee'ttons rand. iti iaa~,x't~,.pzzlra.rra rip't n,ovr_~r'efc~ by t~tzpka. ;L~;?r~, fk~e~r1 unt~:ex the ' ~;srxaral s?QOfiQxz lsws p~ s~~,d ~ t;atac3, :Gi' axt;~ nf' tk?.e ma~taprs pi' said; _: Einp,rd,p: Yxt~a^e2..n~.~'i~c.r r~erxtl,pnet~: .E'~,iJ:s tea ~1;te~nd ads the pppnir~ of thq kapJ:ls pxx .thr; rnp~x-ia2~; of I~uesJx c~1.~~s~°ticarx, -thca ~i:aa~tnx.~ pi' the ~arocs~.ncs~l; kareserxt. :~,'t ~hra,fi hcaur' nr~Y suY~k~a;y' t;k:ttr ~1~.c;c~.. ca f' ~Yay.siach absent me~aat~c,r ~by a~~a~i;xr~G~ rererrt, ras prnv~.decl, by „;~r,td ~;erGSx'~s,7. Pletntx~.crn ;l.aur~a :,. := ~;~1(; s~aiE7."~.~f:G'~S~a..= F+l.f:Cl;:tCi11 Cl7e ~aLal:1:~? ~kl~.l.~: ~.~~? ,~?l)r,x1.4c3-';tt ~~Jiz. -.: o' clnel~ iri then a:norraki~t; yC' .thr; d:a:+~;y n;F a~uch t~lac'tura €a.rid rrtus t l;ar~ lc:~;;~'t u~~:z1 s ~d ~. unt:3.:1 ~ iv-~; o' c:l:~cl~ is _~the~: ~~tarn:npxa off' ~thc sa:ene d.r~~v~ vrl~:en tka.e 1ac~1,:Lp sYxai:.~: be c;1.pa F~d:m ' ,.;,. :a'pr ;h:4 ~aux~ppr~'c~' c~:f' saad ~~s:c;~.al a~,c.e~tipza paid `.t'c~?av~2 has bean ~axxd, Y e1' F` is ~,t,,ka.~x'.aby x°r~gulzz••ly',cc?:~p~itrz°tps~ sr.xj~d: ss'tsblishr~d: s.q t~v9 plradl;4n .~r'e~ "' :.• rsir?~ots, 'tc;:. lip ~rrpvaxz :a€s IfIuui;ca.~~l .rJ~7•~,oticrx ;E'reoinp>ts ;xr~rribt~x'.s px~.a and: twog ~: >•m bnih zxac~laz~~.v~, 'Lhe .s~.tFx~~.or bocxza~lztir9.e3~ a~ ~rhiGkx karac.i::x~p'ts ~x4 hc~rcaln~m " :w ai'tea' zsrat f"ortla.:o .'.l'kaq't s~~.~1<l. ~vpt7.z'~g pa~a;c~lrLCZ~GF3 p,ndr tha +p:l.ap~e or i?p:a.J.xxg '' ~ pl;s:o:cas the;~~ein at v~kai~h tl~a, .~pll~ ia~•..a11ah ~irvc~ric~ts tva.l.a. Ue optarleacl on ~~ s~a~.;d. d~3,~' 4:Y. sp.a:ci. .~~QOa.a~ i c~:l.~aotieaxz ~,Xx ;~ra,ie7. %r,~:;xx phall ba ~aizd. rare hex•~b~' n c,.a.tetilili;~head, nx"arz'~©~,-'r~nr1 ~1e:~~xi~nra4ad._ as: i'all;o.~ras, t53=vvit'a } ;~B,U'1Vi~C~1~tAT, ,L+'a]aPaa4~`l:CC1V, ~RP`,Gk:1VGi' ~,0. la. ~,i.]. tkiat pearti,?~~. a:~ 'tha. ~'caurxx pi' Zpp Gates pa.`tzxat~;, lyiz~~ s.nd t 7. besz~; on,~ tlir c>,;~;,,,e;r].y ~;iciN o;:' t;Yz.,; ce;.ra•Le~r lznc~ of l;Yic, ~oc.lth i•a.ci1"ic C;c,arsi; Ftt:~31a°9ad Cc,rraYr~~a•iy~1fs ntt~.i.n r•e°1:1r'o~d tr'z~ek(vattich ~~.:i,d x'~,31rvz~.d. l,r:xcz>r r°tatte:a tzni:3r?1:y L)cret:zt;ki :;~~.id `1'v~•n:t vi".S,vr~ LTtx.tsa~}ah~,:1]. con~.~l:3tt~tp €i~z~ci. 1:>t;, ::.nd. 3~+ Yi.ex'•~~l~;y d~~i~yrtL~tc~d, ~>;at~,Ya]~~:gl'z~c1 :x.nd c~ox3;sti.ttxte;d ~a~ €a~zad: xz~~rcr;d 'trt:tccieY~a,]. .k+J1~c,4,3c,n T~rc~c:inct ivo. 1 for ratL;tti rs1.~c~ta.+~n. 2'h c: ra:L~,,ce c7f.' vot;irzE in ~cc.id karecai.racf, No. 1 ~t~rzd ;i'car thea•vcatc3rra ~. tns*rf~vf t'or ,:t~,3d: c~],~,et3vrz r~h~;l1 bc~: r,~;i;/ tkz~~ `t'a•~uz~ Ya~,1:1 ~i~th~ `1'tri~~n c~~'..I:,o~t f~a~.t;a~3, va}~icYa: I.M .;a:°Glxta.t;.a vn G.I~~~Ilicirtl~,e:r7y ~.c'ie vt' T~~tst Y,"~.a,n ~~trc~at laQt~!rrvn 't;he .~',c~;,", ~c-ctv;3 ~x°eerlt: a,n/d ;~cr~•n ~7van .~Av$ntxe its: ~s-aid, TvWn of 7~os c°at~~. 9,'n.e v:Ffi':tcer~ o:E vlc~!:t,:i.un- to c~onciuct ~a:l.d: ~:1c~c~G3vn 3n Nrzl.Q, Atixn3p.~>a:l. E1eot9.vn ~'r~'sc?.nvt Nv,1 >~3;•~~ aa~zd. t~ah.o ~.re kzcarekar a;Y>Q ~viz~•t;c;d t'vr that r.ta.x°;~rv~a rerFZ n,a 3'ol]~ei:~r~+, tom~ai. f:.> 1nEt,}~evtc~rs~: ~€~. ,~. 1"i^~ra.n anti VJ. }C< ~rtx]_].~L~. e~Lld(i,'t,63 : :~'11"6d: Y~a'ik11!'1].P,£1 w,Yl(t /S • ~~ • ~!1 1,13:a.LTXa~. G1r~rl~a;: 1~7ni. ]>. ,TO7tr?scan rtnd. T.ce .~€;x'n~.7.: ;:., ,. ,, ~]a].1v'r fit c;z~?es : .k, .b . ~ r~zi •G"ra ~.nd ~' . 7fi ~t7] 1.3vetn a ~/lt7~T~~x~?AT, :ia]T,11L~'Tf)st PR~.GC~fk;2' '1~:~)., ~?, Es3.1 {;hrzt pvrG.t?n er1 ~~kiF '.I'cix~iri_ v3' Lv~ tacet0>;S ;,ii.tu.~.'Ge, 1.~'i.r>~; ~n;c't be°.an~ vn t.hv u~rc;ai,~~arl.~ .~iele e~:' thr, c,cintf~r ].].ne e~3' tkac+ ~'~tiuth I~acif.c ~vafxt l~rai.J.rv~,d, ioan~7any'~~ xn~:in rai.lrcja,d: Lr<,o]s:(vvh~,,ch ;:;a3d: rc~3:lra~,d i'Jx'aa7.e x•Lina ..ent9.r.•e1;y ~hx°vu.~h. ;need Tot~rn o~ I,o~ Cin:t~s~ nh~,],]. c~oxlsfi3tuse ~,nd. b~ r;znd 3~ h~x'erkal d:a3s3~;sin:-t,t~d;, c~~t~.'kal.iakxod axzd cen~t3:t,tttezi: t ~,nd, xaaznet~. a~~:in3e,pa]. _i+;:Lc;ef:i~an. k're;o]:nat ~v. ~ ~!'vr~ a~t?d:id ~1.octioaz. J'lis Za1~ct~ :off' vvt:rz~; in q~,id ~rF~cncst IVv. ~ anci fear tYir3 ~rcrt~ir~ tkzc,r~o!` t'vr ~a~.d. elcact3on z~h~:11 1~d ~,t tt~,ta court=x+ovm of t1~:~ ~t~~t3ee;°;~ Cvuz't of ~:~dvvvvd. `i'v~ran~]a;i~~; t}~~xt 1~ t:c~ ~sFt,~: ~t;:he; co7axt~rvozrz v:~ Hczn< 73. 1`U. ]~.~~z>,~,c, J'i~st3oG o3` tY~;~ ]'.~~~e 3n end ~'c~'r Rexeivvc~od. '.l'uv~rn:sla;i~a,, ,' (~oun'~,3? off' €--;~,n.t~; Cl~,a°a, ~tt~tq t'r:f C;~;13t'vrni~., ~sk~.eh a~i~3d vvtar'rr-roam ]:~ z~~.~uat:s vrz 'thy wv~~tt~x•1y ~a3dcr at ~~nt~ (:'rtx~ A~~zaue €~ ~hvx°t d.3 s3t~ Ei . s.no~ nar•tkz e~' tl~f~.:tn ~~t;rer~t in s~a,~d `i'c,vvn of 1,oa flatc;s. 7'ho a:fi'a.cc~rs mP P1eei4' . tcz ccandz.ao$ sF~.a,d 4slc~ction a.n >z~~d :(~iznic~,pEa,1 1'1:AOt9.c7n ~r•acnc,i> 1V<>. ~? s,z~.d ~;nc~ ta,rc; Ya,.~i°cby RF;Fii;~.n~;<~d .iax° twhu,t purpUSe3 za,rP a.s ~olla~,vs, tp~v,!ita 0 Inspectors: I. / I4'+l.t~~~~ rznd ~. V7. ~'1et,oYzc;~°. :Ttrcl~>c3~: has. 1-1. Lyne7on ~,nd ;f. I3. Vl~.te'rmrzn. Gler°Zrs; ;fa ~'. 1`t.~snd.~rscn ancl. I?o J'. ur•s.1,. ~~ Ta.11.0-4 ~:L:F~rl~s: ~T'. l~~~x•rz<>tt s,nd Ir.. ~~r. 'J'~~mplr~Ynan. 7'Yz.u,~~ mach c~ sza.d: pct"1.in~; placc:,s Ytr~s Y;~~e;rz ~'u•und tc; bc~ c~;nd i~ hsre'~;y d,~;terrn3.nc~d `tc> Ira, a, sttit~a,'b1:e zz,d ~;rapaz° p:l.s~,oe r'ur Y.la:td~.r2~ said, zrazrnf.cipal oJ.caat.iun in tkie preeii~tcti~t iz> v~}:zcYa: it !s =i, tua~.~h,~;, ~,~nd ss,d. . sevors,l I;er•scns kts.v~z k;ren t'cund. Lc be arzd. tarca %;zc~rczk;y d~tEriu:in~d "~9 bpi ~;>w~a"1.3.~`isd. Fcr th~~:z` :;e.id. rer~;ect~.~ve ~:aczt3i: t;ions a~ .rocXtzired. 1~~ 1.avv t~.nd ~'he=:y sh.tzll. r~:nd «x.:1.1 bey d:nd a:r~a .1~:€~rek;;y ~;pc;ir>:fed sueYr o!'f..,eex's tc ot;zic~tict s~:id. ,~tpeoial, raalectic;n s.rld s3~L~.1:1i. ccn,si..J,Lut:e re.sii~zes'~t:ivc~l.y' ., tho 'F'os:r.d~ o:i l+;l~sc~;~.czr> , ~:nd. ,°;?:yid lae~.rd~ o:E' H:LHCf.iGn and. r~:z~:.d ~~t~ _ _ , ~iaE~X'.`3 t~h~ti7;;L ce;iacl:uc;~t t:;rzd. are; ht:rcyl:;,y dircFcte;d 't;:e; ccncluct said. e~1~:u® " ~iax>: r~s b1 law ~:~rid ~,hlq U3"din~a;rzc:r~ pr•ovicicad ~.n erLak~ n,f thF~a.zr ~~z;td resy.Pr~~i;ve zntana:cipal calee~E;c~n pr orinctr3 her~sl'ik;c?#:c;r~ ind:icta.~t~~d r~.tad ;k'or vrhioh ~shsy 1;:•a;v~~: Yaeen NpFC~a„t.l,y ~~~~pe;in.ted,, e.~rld ~t;e; cstznva~~s t;kis !vg'tzas ~;i,v~n €;nd oa5~ €,~t sa1:e]. ~1pec~a:1. t.lE:Ctic~rz, ~,,rxrl to xns~:llo and r;i:~~ • liver i~~;~tx~ziaa tYz~rF:~:~ ~c~ s~,i.d I3vat'•d c~i' `,['rlar~t~l3s; €~ta.d it as :I.'ur~hsz c;z°dr~x'c~d ~l~~at sr~id..T3nu:rd. U:k' 3'rttsfioes .s~h.a,:1.1 Pnc~~ t:s7ad c~anva,ss se~.ic3. z'Qw ~>ar~~s `~rkzc~zz received. and. c3:eclwx•Rihe a^e~u_1~t, oi' ~su.a,d >~pe:ezal al~cti~n® ~'I1G"'.C201\T ~;. '1'1'i,r, rPi~,nrtc;r Qi' vc;~;lc~a~; sor er ~,I;F~I.ns'i; sac9 ir2d,sb~~~d3'1ss sha11. .~3 :cis .f'ul,lci~rVS, GCI^^`Pd~.;to A saa;k'FczenL n~xni;z4r o:~ k;~l.lots :~1~:€a,1,1 be s,r2c1. are 1~:~rx'~.by diri~a~~;c3 ~l:c7 b~; pr4~r.;z;rr~r.1 ;!:iir' c;c~,tz~ec~ .~c b.~ pz°a.rzt~d'rapon trzc? ~~x•apex' 1~~,nd, ~.f' vapor u~s~d, at E,Gnc~r'r~l clcac~~,ans in said St~~'te, by tkie u"1.ex^lz ci' .s~tiid. `.a't~vuYa., s,nd •t; c; ~a fuxn3.ohod,~,.artd ~ax•avid:~:d. t'ar bl•>o ciso a:t rho va•r;sx's a~. ~. ~s~ci. :~E,~ais~l s3l~;ai;ie,n, i~,t,.v a;rk,canfzce of .:icL1.G. 'f;/J'VlY.ly ;s alci. I?~,lloG,~ ~o ]ta.vc;~ t11a :~al;i.av!ra.nc* tn~~i;i;ctx~ }zY'lnf.ed 1;Yzc~:rvan, i.n a:dc3i°Li.a.rz to ~n;y o'i;he:r zn~,i,i;c3x• vvh;faYi. mt~y ~v x°e~,{u:ir~d 'key ;l.a~v, L.arw.k~: Ba IriS':~fi7'C~'~ Jl?i~ 'J:Q Vfi`C.~FiS t. ~1.~.~. ztxa.x•~S e~Uc3~dt #:hc~ ea^orz~ ~;.~:.)•;s~,x`t~ t cad- "bic9den. All di.~st3,neui.~rh:l,n{~; zupa.r•ka nx• er~~zxre~ ~x•e farri:c~dPrz end "~Plfe,'l~F; i;he 13~13.at \7'o,~.< x~ you i0.~]C'~~~~' ti`1'.AArr!?,'1`:~'~1~t o~° 1)~:'A(W~ TkLT~ "~3Al:~.LaOT,. z°e~°,ax•rz ~.~t 'G e} 1~Y+:e I.nr;l,~;aLar o:e. ~'~levi;ian ~.nd. o1:,t;c~in <~nolrkt~x^." "L'~ ~ Cxlz'1?f)S, ~'U1V:~GIt'A.;l.: i~1'~la(7~'.T.U~ta "s{~zeai~:,,l ~zlc~v~ian rizz'lazn:l.i;ti.~ng to.:i:he cYut~ll.fi:rset: vvt~x•~s o:[' tyre "'i'avrn oi' T,fJ~i GsL1;'1iG~S~ f;ozlnty o~ "><,:nta, C1~,r°a, ~stA;t,e ~a~' C~L:I.~~car•na.Gz,, ~ka.s "fv]:L©wi.az~; ~ax'~a~zv~~.t~,c~rl~, '1;~,~vfirl.t;.a. "I~x'o~,a~si-L:.un x1<?, 1a `~h:e ~a~~~',,r~r,i i,i art i<a izzc>zx^ r~ `bozld.Qe1 Lrzc~gb~ed:® "13~k~r^1. Q~ ~!1~ld+lll`lY~:~(217~t i'?OU~I~:Is~]~ '4~c)i1,A1;;> iri ~o]-cl. cc~irl 5~i' 'tlla TTt,it~^fl "St~,i;e£~ aS° Acue:x°z:c;a., ;EUr~ l;Y~e via,' ~,bt ~Lnd. ,I;,ux'~,oec~ ax' p~,?la.za~; the aus~~ z~i' "~c:c~u.iri,za~ie ovn~t,x"uv~9,n,~; ~:n~ cUZn;~>]_ats~lr~,_a r;csnax'r~i:ez, e~E?1 ~:nd z~t~?x~c~ , sB~i..i~~;e :i;t, b~; btz~.l~" of aot~az°~te, i'ut,~7:e ;, 1;e,Y~ez ~,xici r•e~~.nfor•eE•~e~ wi~1a. "~•~.e~l aar~r •Lhc~ TAUS t~~'~att ar•F,s~ ~a.nd ~rxc~ vv.~~in i;'Yzc;r~:air' tr~~axz .~t!'~~,rt B, axtx°~e~ .~:n ~f;h~ ,,~owr1 o' I~v,~ G~zt:v.~. ,r~x'o~v~~,Gzan Np. '2P '~'hsa ~ZA~n~,<,,, { La.Gn ~U ixiaur• a 1~oncl~~1: i:ndebiv.~zdm "ne~~' A~" FOUR `tF~UU~A~~ ~(JT~L~QE~~ in ~.,o1.r~'. ac~~i.n a~' ~,hu Un~'~'ad ~'1r~Ltea °o~ !{s~iex~ic~. fv~• i;he t'~~aua~ ~~,rxd ~}ax'po~te of k~r~;~~:Yr1{s i,:t~FZ co~~t o#' ~,GC~z~~.ra "ink, aoxxs~s~za.v~n.~ anc~ vaxn~ZlE~ti;n~ ~, r~ewox:~.~e ~y~ilexu, rse~,i,2.c "t~,ra~: 14~Ln:d ~c~+rr~ax° fox° tYze ~aizr,°x,,v~€~ uf° oax'x':Y~-n~ ~f'fi' r~rzel cl,;l.~po;;:l.ri{;; of the "~ew~x'~~~ of ~t3.e~ ~rr~,atc~x°n ~a~:dv a~ ~~Fazc1 Town of J;oa G>~rra~; iih~:,~ e t_o ti n~>~.Sr:> of thFZi: ~~rt off' L'kz~s '>?aurn af' ~,~a~3 G.~tati €~9 ~,czai:t~; Irv, t, c;:' l;:a.ta "ova C#cL~v~ arrze~. lo. ":ii'or' paid. _c~.r~~7o~s;l ~~,on 7Jr;, :L, 'b~ira~ t;o i.neuzn ra.~ tsor}cied :i.rlricabt;<st~:nr~~sks O.f ;i'~l'.kv2'Y~'ru. °`~'Ft~IIs~C17) 7~C):[,I,~li?~ t;o i~;-zy tkic: aosi; off' "rs.c~iLairn~, Uora:~~stx~uc~t;ixa~ rand aoml~l~t;iaa~; f ( " ) "rt e:onexeti~, f~t,c~~l r~rld Ut;oa~ bsWi,d~g:~; t: Q:.,:.~ ( ~~~ "be b;a~,~.o~ cono.~rc~t«~a.~:''uk;bl~ ~t;.c>ne x'c~~ ('- "'-.___.) t 1`7 ca „ . "i.ri:Forcc~d w~•t;}r ~a~L~€31., ~,c~ro>~s t;h~ I:,U:{ f3~zt;c;k~ ( ~~ ) °ca^cac~l: t~ncl t;i~,t: t;~ix man t;ks~rauf vi~on ~~rz,in - .--.______ "~1:.rFS~i; ir1 uf~r~ `.~ovvn of" ]:,oaJ (:«.~to~n !'Y+'or ~?c~ic~ iix'caX~o~itxon ~7A. 2, ]:~s;:n~; t;~ ira~ "otzx' ~. borxd.cd ia~rd~;bt;~zdaaa~s~ o:t ~~t7U:P "`i` Iif.?j1SANP ;~Ox~T, AT~~ 't; q i~aY 1;1:i t; e ca ~a t of "A.oeiaza..r~irsg, c~on~~ruc.Liri€}; ~z1'a°el: c;oan~;Lw3°Gi.rrEs „~: €~rc~4'TOra(~H rsy~st',Rm•, ~c~wcx' atncl ~elai,i::c "i'-~.ntc for° the ~urpo~se~_ of ~,~ar'3"Yin "oc'~' E~,rtci c`1~.~~floaira;~; er~'.~i;h-~~ k3E:~VVE~Td€~-ca.Gf. tsh~ ' "'m~e~i;~rxa sic3~ o~ >x~a.d ;~'C,vrra ~~' .Lo€; C<,.t;t~:4, isi~7ts4~ ~<~ -sao E~sa~: ofi tl~~t ~:tir; cad' ~~,ia `.k'a~rtn ,ia~~,t;u~,t~r '~1:~~t~G rsi~ Tq~ (T€z't;o~ U7. r,Flr.a n ) , .; Y~u~ e ,1 ,s '1°AraST vcxt,er v~rklo ae~i.rt~~ `~o vrJ ~. g i.n, #':~,vo:z^ o~ ~, ;~ro~c~.c:i.ti.c;n :~.xld "'~~ ~c~oept; ~)ttol~ iax~o~o;;ztaxa mtti;;r pia eso 'fay t3taxn7ling t2, crea~•~i(~) ix3 tla,e~ 'vt*r~t;rrt~` rq~:s~,x~e czXa tikzcsr~,~;hi> h~.rici. ;rrs~,s'F>a,n c~i' 12~:#s bf~.:1:1,.ot;, s,~i'~.e;r tad, acEj~sa~t~:l;~eR iJlae a~ox°el "Yas3", a:€'t;or taald cr~x•y7c,~i~E3 t;xz~ ~Y"o~kau;sil~.oxa tarl~icYa. °~Yr.~:- ~:o r~ccr~ki=~~s Q,rarl: 'f;r,~t,c.Y' ~atc:11 k~nllcst; ~ski~.]_7_ bcs ~o t~tzsri~ed. ~a;rrd. ,,~ta~;:t~. "~ia~; cl;akso~i'~~a is 'l<kic; l~r.~llok; 'bo~c tt s7a:~.:i.:L bc1 aranva;7,3csc7 €tincl coLira~~'r~ "~.a~ T,at>uvid:ecl by law' ~~~> ~, votc~t i.ra fr~~:~,x° ~1 ...rz,;i'`tl t,rb~tios,~ i •t i <zs1 •~ n<1 ~,o~..• "9expt;:i>n~ tYa4 ~e~nP• '~~z1y vo~cr vaho dr~~i.r'c~a~ to V(~ ~ €s,~ss.i,n~r~. ~, ;€;r.a~o~:t;.iora rtixlc7. .~.p 11, "xajac:t ~uat•> k?r~1aca~;;it:iarz uaay ci.o its by r~~G~znl~airx~5 Ez ara;~s(~)in tht "JG'L].YA(~ ~:czu~-zre: ~n 'Cht~ ri~,l~~t: lzr~.nd. x1l~r~~;in'of hi,ly bal:l,ot af'fie;r ~.nd a~~ ~,tac~.~.t~ t:hcr JrUrd '":tt©°, ~,f`t;er L.na ala~;a~,a.~,~ t:Y.ze ~;x'nk)~~it;icara ~arhi.ch Y1cj 3'x1 rc>,~c;c~L>:s, t•,xld t~:[.t,cr Ll~co b~z].~,Ut ~h~,:l.:l. 'bc~ aso ~;~t~m~red. a;nd ::sY.z~,1~. ksr~ "d.~t~;ursi.t-cd. in tk~~ b~l~.at be+~, .at iiiu_,.:i7. la,~ ca,rav~r.~;a~7. 7,zld. c.:our~tcad tint "~ax~ovicfed. bj~ ~l,cz4v ~,,.~ ~, v4a~€a ~.Lr~i,,:sr>€r>t, ~~:1c:k~.z ;~?~Q~aa~i.L:i~n L.ne3. rr,.jc~r,t:i:n~ .. ,~r ' 1°11rry ,rc,t:c)r xs.".~r vcr~c ~'ar ar,' r.+,,t,o.in,7'L Luny ants ar rrxor•c tl;~.n aizc; ~r• "ba~tl'~. al se~id r~ra~osa:t,iar~~„" ck;(7'1'TON 7. ~>~cl it; l~s lux t;ls:c;r ar'•d:c~z°~ael ~a.nd crd~,i.n~~d f;':i4~.~t ~,ny vate:t° t~~Y.s.a d:~ei?.x°e~ t:a 'voi;a :~'ar Ssriti. 9.n :f'avr~x° of ~, l?ro~~r.,w~.l,xr.,x~ io S~n~ aia,x° a. boraa~;a, ind:~bt;ed;r~c'~,~ ra,~ tz:E'arPnFaid:, rzrrc°t t;o ~,aaca~t ~suclz ~arai;~atai~ t,a.an rn~:y d<) a f:~.t ~~i,~cl ~x~r-,cics,l c:l.ectvn , r:~ra. M~.ri.t~;.d. r:t ~~:i.c9 l'crri? eta' ba:1.1.~i;, bY` ~st,~arfil~a.aL ~ a.ra,~ z(~');n.`•t~r vata.xt~, sclura,r°o ~t; ~tb..e: r•i~;h~ h~rsr2 u~".x°Lr;.i;n a:~ };i~ br~.:ll.i~t a:;~tc:r r~,~<i u~:,j c%~?it•c tbz vrar,d: '"Yesu, r„ft;ar a,~~a, oi?i>c%r~t.~l,.t~ i~he, ~~~r~':a!~u~~:i~i,i~~i vt~~ii~~ ~. l~i~; ra,cceg~,ttC~ at~d a::F'~r37 s<a.id `~k'~rr.2~pr . trh>~,:1.;L h~.v~ 'br3Fn ~%a ;;'l,t~.r,~,,i;Ci arse ~?iic,,ll b~; cle;~?oeiJ uc;r~ :ir>: t.h~ fav~]]_c)~ ~ksc;x ii .•}b~a_1 tac; c~r,nv>a,tisc~ci sa>>~'. c;ot~r?„r~ra ,~,~~`roc~u:t'rc~d "b;~ 7:Ea;vr ray a vc>t:r3 t:n. f'~,v'czr ai ~,~•~.:~ d T`~i^cn~aosit.toxa. t=~.rl~i ~~pc, , L~;nc~; 't:kaa ~.;a-s?io; :crt-ct th~~L vri}%~ vat;r-~x• .wb:c? clF,e;ir~v ~tc~ uc,t~: sr,~; 7 _:icft, t r ~ c:uu~itiorr t~ i.rLaaar r, k~ant'c:d i,nc~:~btcClrin~~,> ~~;~s ~f'oz•c;r~:s.1.C3, s+nd. to r~r~lec;t ruck K~ro~sa~,.<iLian;~czy dt,P ~.a ~ i:' ,raid. Fs~,~ci>~,~. c;]`caL'~~rr;,, es5 st,~.>-t c~~1 i.n ,s~.a.d i'or'~n afi' 1aa7.1ci1:, ;lay r3•t~sr~arzt; w~ cr•ar~s4~) ari t]a~? v.~it,:i.n~ F~quct.z°c~ cm ..Lhc~ r°,Ukit la;€~nd. nr~srf;:tr~ 4f hiss b~r,~:Lats c±,2'tFr ~,.rsct e,ZaR)o:~i~~ ~l_,=. vr~r.ei, "?,~u", a.l'tur ca.nd: o~~w,c>e>l,t~ tla.c~ ~aralar•,a~:itarara ~=rhieik~. Yzc: rt~,joc,~;-i <,,rlr; «itr4'r ~u©h b~:L1at ~71~a;11 b sa~~,ra~7:crd F+~ni:~ s~Y.sr~1.~. ~bc~ d~~a~t~;~i in i;b;c bz3;l:l.ot bl~~ tt F•iY):w 1.'L bo c~cr~~ v~,~sa~Mae1 a,nd aou~if,ac~, ~e,s Zarcrv:i~.ed by 1 ~,~r sxs ,:z vaLc Gae;~.inet; su<.h ~)x•o~ i ~~?F~],t;-~.i)k1 tarl'(7 ~" F,,l ';1~ f ,i;j):f; i:~1.F' ,`.".£LTiiC; l -~yflCi. "G)"I ,t; ~t3,Yx,)' :-at;i~x~ rii~1.j?- Sj'Ot:C3:....,~ f)Y'-:.~ _ ~ - qr ~~~tz:Lnst; ~,ny «n~. c?x• mars iha.n c~na~' c,~ x,:11: c? ac~a:.c~. ~~a^t»~~as;a.ti.~ri~e `1;~ . • ~~i:d x1t~.r~:~, .~11~i,11 7~e~ rn;~ad:e •c;,xt]oy wa.tYt xz ~;1;r~,t~a ~rrlt9.c;Yt wit}•i i:kt~ nr'.G= er~sa:z~fT pr_td~s and ink vr~.1.'l. 7;~ 77x•~4ri.c7F:d 1:'or e~E3~h "trot;ih i'ar t7, F3 ~'nzz^~,o:~,~.. • u~CT:~(31~F FS. `.['7a,;t~; Oydit'tt~;naE~ 7M.a,11. 'ha c,, a.rtc7 it ~ Y?t?rH7,?T nr°d,zred 7~tzblNk,:c~ei. ~~az ones ~z, vtne:lc~ ;f'e~t- 1;wo w7~kn in tkt~ 'sS.ox3 ~<at;c~~ ~ICa,i]:", 8t Y1F;t~l~S~~i~~~fir` ~t ,~?;t~T.lF9T't7.~. Eli.:~C:t'0.~.t:l~loT1 g~ta7>1,,~r~hed, ~,.P.i~~, tYta,t'T si?~ d:ay' a. ~veelc its r-szcl~t mt;tTTa.uit~a,lty, i;a-}~ri.'t.< ~au7;7.i,Nh~d u:GtC1,~: a. wca,caiLt:. ixt :i~id. `Gown, ~71tar~- bt~~7a~; rzo t~ca~uKl~€,,~;e,.r .n au;:f.d `i'~?rrc{ ii,ab~.i.:.;ktc~d c,rftttxttar tM:t~,T7 oitc~; ~, wc~c,1c, ra,'r~d, b7~,ra u~z;i.d: 7::ta~ C7<zl,ora r~t;;t~;7. xae:w~~ape:>" ha.~r_t.n~;~ ~ir,9t~xt x°~3m ~;talaz~~y 7„aY,:l.it~la'gd wc~~ltly .c~r•.;n<,•s`'f;lten tine ~jc,rzr J.a,si; z~a~t vri.•t<ni.n erzld. `.t'uvrrt of la~>k> C~~it9t~, E,:T1,5. ~z._vix~;~ la~4n du.r•1.n~, a,'11 y a.sZ tirn~; ,~.nd. now a. ne3wa~r~7a~r u~' ~;~T:orr~;l crcu~:a.Li.czTZ. • ~'Yzc; xix•~t ~;u7~7.i.eta,tiorz oi' ~rx~d ox°cli:rtt~.z~,e~' ~laa.11 a.~~~?ef:~r on ~~~~,~ ~'YttxT'a~i~Ys 't,k~~ ~.U•th clay oi? g7c~~Qnt7a~r^, ~. !~. ,:1:41(}9:.; ~7a.E~ ~c;~oGnd pu7alm ca.t~ oT7 0~ ,€a,a.d orc~.i.a,T1.t*,.~: ~l•:tid;:L'1 ~~~,t~~ca° o:n `Plu.r~~da.y ~Ye 17i;h c3:ayo.~' 1VoveTn'h'$r°, 1k.Ti;", ~:<a(~~' 1:1a~ third ~i:,ub:!_ica,-4iEin of s,~d ar•dn;~a~o~; .t3~h~1.1 a~,a ~r:~,r on "Th'i~rsd;~'J f;h-c: ~'.~f,k1 dau of T~tive;~rn7i~c~r, ~~..~)=,I~~O~]: ta~nd- ~;}z~~ 1'~,.zr~tYl y~nh7.sc..t.;-~;n ok` t~r~Jc] otc1i,~a.xi~,~, .'Y:i,7.1. -aY; ~t.~;'~on `J'h.,ar.~d~~ tn~2 l~~b Ci~1;T. n ]~,.c c~~xrk>~:.t^, ~h. ~7_. , 14)U~y ::itz r;xt'r; ;~~;~,~.-d. T.c~~ ~t•~tit;,od 1t9~sa,i1., T~TO C1 f;}~.F>r i~,~'~ic~t Eti~ ~a,zd t?1E;n'ti ~n neasd Tae p;avc~tz. ~i:C'a.';1.ON a. `.Ch.~.s Qrdi.nt;,;nts~: s:ha'la_ ,Ga1~f3 o~'fee:t grid 'Yar i.rx ~u1.1 iuroq:.;;t'~'orn ~-=,xzd_ .k~i'u~t, ;1~Lk, Z~€,;;€~Fx~le~ t:~Ttd ~Z~~x'ovGti;l. Exit,;°c,c3t~Gf;c1; :r:t~i~. rc?a,d i.tt :Full i:h~j 1rlt7T d:€t,4r af' C)c~~o7>.t>.r°, .~.:13., ~~3U9~y; k~:l a rP~;uLr?x. xned~a.nE?; t~1.' 'thr~ .t~,~f3.xd: ~~ ~.'T°ua~L•F,,~ ofi' 't>k,~ ~.'avTt ca# 1~~~ (rz~,'~o~, YT~1_d x,. t; tl~, '.P,cv~zi !I<.,_,I.:1. its ~t:,.d to•,=iTt ort the J_'%th. Eia.T n Qotoh~a.r, lt1C~4: ' Ta,~t~~~r.~; .a,TtC9 ~doiaGc~d tz;; ~,Tt orda.Ti,a.T~ee oi" t;l~te `1,ov;Tt c?i" 3ao~~ Grz,tc?~1 ~t ~ r't~j,it:L<~:r' tnr;Eahi.ntZ c. ;' i;kP 3c~eT°d. ~~~ti•u,at~,~;-;s ctF .:ir,,:i.Ei ':Covu~r 7ac~ld. ta„~t •~~.~~ 'C~?.in ,,a_<.1.1 axz ,: :3 Tot~n•G cin 17~r;,~~t_ ut~t~ aY ~rtY,.r', 1.90,.. ~rri'G7x ~. ~,nd 1~3* the Pollctvri,rz~ vote, 'Ls~-vv~:'E~ o A;ye:~ send. in ~~~~x" e~ t1v€r l~r~,:~~s~,~;c~ o~ ~s~.ad Ox•~3,nzr~xlce, T'rt~~atrc~~p: lakz~zent, 7:'x°uet~e~a; ~~~/'7"~. ~_._.._..._ ..._ ~.~~,~;ne;ti, ~.r,'~:~a~t4~~~ axid. ~,~r~.rt~ve;c1. ~~ ~,n Ord;n~,n~e ~~' ~h:e 7°ovvxj ~ 7:~a~, G~a,to~, ~zxz 1sh~;~s '7th d.q.y c:~fi Nc~ve7xal~~r, 1~30~, ~?x'~i~:id.a~at o~ c~E~ 71~~~.r•d ^G~' "P-r~~'t~;~5 Q~' t'~'e~', 2'p'v'R1 UC' Z~C~~:i ~`si?ti6k~. C_Lrjr1~ ~U1' ~G1~~ '1.~~w~~ ~~' ~.~O;s G~.1,~~~~. T 1aere3l~~r ~rzrzz^c~ve t1•~e ~;bc~ve rind t'ox°ea~;Uxz~g czx°d.xzsa.rzc;e ~li~.:~ '7t7i e1.~i;'y a~' :~quexszk~4;x", ~.:[). , ~:~~~~:, T+x's.~iel:~nt gat' `~;he ~3~zwx•ct a' °~'rzk;~t~~~ of ~kz,p Tawzl e~ l;o~ ~atue;. ~.L~ r