Attachment 36Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Bob Gio nfriddo < Bob .Gionfrid do@herbank.com > Monday, April 30, 2018 ll:45 AM BSpector; Steven Leonardis; Marcia Jensen; Rob Renn ie; Marice Sayoc; Town Manager; Joel Paulson ; Arn Andrews 'voiceheard@401albertoway.com ' I support 401 Alberto . This is a very fine proje ct that will enhance the commercial appea l for Los Gatos . Please vote in favor . We li ve off University and see no concern for traffic iss ue s. We are more concerned about mitigating summe r traffic through our downtown neighborhoods. Vote in FAVOR of the Alberto Way project. Thank you Robert Gionfriddo, SO Chester Street Bob Gionfriddo .I ] L J-<,_ r -r~~G E \ \" K ) r c .., 'I ~t f R r ' Executive Vice Presid ent , Director of Business De ve lopme nt 150 Almaden Boulevard San Jose , California 95113 408.200 .8737, ce ll 408.489 .1200 ==================DISCLAIMER ================================ Thi s email may contain co nfidential and privileged material for the so le use of the in t ended recipient. Any rev iew or distribution by other s is stri ct ly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipi e nt, please contact the se nde r and delete all copies of it from your system. The sender accep ts no re spo nsibility for viruses and it is your respo n sibility to sca n attachments (if any). No contracts may b e co ncluded on behalf of the sen d e r by mea ns of ema il comm unicat ions unless expressly stated t o the co ntrary. Please note: Sending an un enc rypted emai l is not a sec ure method of transmitting confidentia l personal in formation such as soc i al se curi ty numbers o r account numbers. To t rans mit this type of information to us, please visit our w eb site at https://www.heritagebankofcommerce.bank and use o ur Sec ure Email sys t em . ==================DISCLAIMER================================