Attachment 23Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Peter Worstell < Peter.Worstell@viewglass.com > Tuesday, March 20, 2018 11:39 AM BSpector; Steven Leonardis; Marcia Jensen; Rob Rennie; Marica Sayoc; Town Manager; Joel Paulson ; Jennifer Armer voiceheard@401albertoway.com I support 401 Alberto. Follow up Flagged This building developed by Lamb Partners adds value, character and charisma to the city of Los Gatos. Cities are progressing and developing in many ways and projects like this are forward thinking on many fronts while maintaining the beauty and community feel of Los Gatos. I fully support . This message and any attachments may contain confidential information of View, Inc. If you are not the intended recipient you are hereby notified that any dissemination, copying or distribution of this message, or files associated with this message, is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by replying to the message and delete the message from your computer. ATTACHMENT 23 ,:I, March 21, 2018 Los Gatos Town Council Los Gatos Planning Dept. ALBERTO WAY PROJECT RECEIVED MAR 2 3 2018 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION I went to the meeting last night and wanted to mention a few things related to the Alberto way project. .......___i; appreciate<!.alt'the items the neighbors-1Ilentioned, their°'.1hou.~ere expressed irran-organized manner with valid points. I did not appreciate a few things the developer said. He has had 16 meetings with residents on Alberto way. This is a misleading statement for sure. He turned to the audience and said there are people here that don't want anything at all built on the land. I have never heard one resident voice this opinion either at a meeting or outside in the neighborhood. That was rude, arrogant and for the most part not true. He said to me several months ago that if the project is denied they will file suit against the city. When I first met the developer I said that this building is probably to large and it will most certainly create too much traffic for this area. I asked if he thought about the other developments looming in the future. Los Gatos Lodge and the site at the end of our·street. He said to me that's non of his concern and . ..--it does not relate to his project at all. I said the city may consider"th'ings like this. His· statement indicates to me a lack of concern about Los Gatos, its feel,residents and traffic. He should have understood the many variables involved and never proposed 93K sqft to start with. This lack of concern is also evident when you see how this property has been left for over a year. I said to him a long time ago that if it were mine I would keep it looking good for the area. He agreed and then did absolutely nothing. On March 22 they finally cleaned up the area a bit. Alberto way has a very high residential count compared to most other streets in Los Gatos. Subsequently the traffic in and out can be quite high at times. I do not buy into the traffic studies or methods accepted as adequate. All developers say there will be no significant impact and I have even heard developers say the traffic will actually improve. Turning onto Alberto way from Hwy 17 south is terribly dangerous due to the very short distance you have before you can cross Hwy 9 and get to Alberto . There could certainly be rear end collisions happening on the off ramp due to cars actually stopped waiting to cross. Also the left turn lane from Hwy 9 into Alberto Way may need to be made longer to help access Alberto Way and keep Hwy 9 clear. There are many traffic related concerns including future development but according to this developer it is insignificant to him. If Cal Trans has plans to alter the road and on/ off ramp areas this alone could be a reason to hold off on a decision to approve a new building such as the one proposed. I believe his main concern is getting the max sq feet building started asap. I cant say that I would be acting any differently if I had six million just sitting stagnant. Pg 1 I am not sure what the sqft allowed is for that size parcel but if they met the rules I can see his point to some degree. To keep a developer hanging when they have met the guidelines is tough on them. In the future the city could rethink how much bldg goes on what size & particular lot before a developer gets involved, that could prove helpful. I do not know what the legalities are and unfortunately it could decrease the value of certain parcels. I personally think the 74K may still be to large. Also having two story next to the long time residents next door is not good at all. I have spoken to a Realtor and he said the value of the town homes on that side would see a significant decline in value. If it were residential two stories it would be different but this is one big solid building and nothing like what is there now. The developer mentioned that the city is asking for class A office space, I was not aware of that nor did I know that he wanted to build housing and was turned down. A mixed use project could work there. Could be a nice office bldg on the hwy 9 side and residential town homes on the other. He could make a nice profit selling the homes and continue making money renting the office space. That could be a win scenario for everyone. Los Gatos has many problems with commercial. There is so much commercial overall and also it's often mixed in with residential, probably not a good plan from the get go . Sometimes it can work if it fits in but the size and style really matters. This is Los Gatos and we don't want it to look like downtown San Jose. I think the developer is correct to some degree showing the large trees currently blocking some views. The previous owner decreased taking care of the property quite some time before the sale, the trees were much more pruned before so his photos may not portray how the property looked in the past. I was quite shocked when I saw the photos colored in black below the story pole lines, does not look very scenic. I was not able to attend the last planning dept meeting but it seems as though they had valid concerns. The developer should return to the planning dept and submit another style with less sq ft. I like hearing about other ideas but do not think that spit balling design changes at the town council meeting is the correct place to make a decision for any changes being suggested. If there are any significant changes then certainly it should return to planning prior to a vote. I heard one council member a meeting ago who seemed to be frustrated about the back and forth meetings. I understand the position but that is just the right way to go about this process even though it can take longer. At this point in the towns history these type of projects need to be thought out very carefully so we don't ruin the town. It seems as though the council is doing just this and I appreciate your efforts. Thank You. 7~'11~1 Bradford Martin Alberto Way Resident Los Gatos Pg2 To: Town Council TOWN OF LOS GATOS CLERK DEPARTMENT RECEIVED ZDI 8 HAR 21 P I : 4 b From: Boards of Directors from Pueblo de Los Gatos, Las Casitas, The Los Gatos Commons Date: March 25, 2018 We are writing to address some of the public comment made at the March 20 hearing. Specifically, we want to clarify and correct statements made by the developer, Mr. Lamb, about the views, and we wish to make the case for a building that is 64,000 square feet, despite Mr. Lamb's avoidance of this solution to the concerns of the Alberto Way neighbors. THE MOUNTAIN VIEWS • Our photos were taken this month from the west sidewalk looking west toward the mountains; most of the pedestrians walk along the west sidewalk. (See photos 1-3, attached) • Our photos show that the proposed building obstructs completely the view of the mountains from the south and center of the site and most of the view from the north side of the site. To preserve the north view we need an 80 foot setback. • The loss of these views, especially the north view, will shut us in and isolate us from the natural world we are used to seeing on our walks. • Mr. Lamb's photos were not taken from either the west or east sidewalks, but rather from areas farther east and higher up, and he photographed views where there were no mountains (for example, looking north). • Mr. Lamb submitted a drawing of the proposed building that misrepresented the mountain views that would remain (see exhibit 1). Compare it to the photos 1-3 that show the story poles above the mountain ridges. WHY IS 64,000 SQUARE FEET A "GOOD NUMBER" FOR US AND THE DEVELOPER? • Good for us because after the portion of the proposed building that obstructs our existing view corridor on the north has been removed, the building has been reduced by 10,000 square feet (see exhibit 2). • Good for us because it would blend better with the neighboring structures than the proposed 74,260 square feet building that is 2 Yi to 3 times larger than the neighboring structures. • Good for us because it could have a smaller garage with fewer cars. f'. • Good for us because, although some residents would like a smaller building (and we would support that), the 64,000 figure is obtained objectively and therefore meets the expectation of the Council. • Good for the developer, even though he refused to consider it, because it accomplishes several of his goals: (See exhibits 3 and 4) Preserves the symmetrical look ofthe building Permits staging on site Does not require loss of surface parking Meets all the objectives he outlined in the DEIR (2-2, 7) Qualifies as Class A Has a 32,000 square foot floor plate (close to the 37,000 in the proposed building and greater than the 23,000 floor plate the developer described as Class A and acceptable in his first design) (DEIR 2-11) ADDITIONAL COMMENTS We recently discovered that the developer has submitted new information, an offer to reduce the size of the building to "slightly over 70,000 square feet" and to increase the setback on the north to 72 feet. We object to his using the same tactic he used in the 10/3 hearing, that is, to present "new information" in private to the Council members, when he could have introduced that information on March 20. We residents, your constituents, should be able to review this new offer and comment on it in a public hearing. We are adamant that the architectural plan, when finished, should go back to a Town Council hearing and not to staff where we have no input. WE WANT FAIR PLAY. Sincerely, The Los Gatos Commons Board of Directors: Jean F. Jones, Harold Vitale, Carol Rosenberg, Rosemary Harper Pueblo de Los Gatos Board of Directors: Jannette Scott, Cathy Cathey, Janet Prince, Rick Bawden, Alex Granas View from west sidewalk of existing, pre-project public ::l t C c C (; 0 < u > u ... :: u ... < CJ u u Q t- u !:: c,. u. C I= Cl'. <1 LL ~ C rx LL s w 5 ( C ~ ·:5 .0 QJ "C _c a., ~ E V) 0 .g c.. 0 .... a. :: a., a., ..c ·s; ~ .... .... -::::, 0 0 0 "C C: Cl) ·;: 0 -¥ .... ·-e u 0 0 u 0 ::0 ..c a. ~ t: a., n, 0 ..c ..c z I-+a ii '°' ,;:; 0 ex. 3 ~}+)00~ 1 1 • V "' Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Raymond Toney <raymond .toney2@verizon .net > Tuesday, March 27, 2018 12 :14 PM Jennifer Armer 104 Alberto way I agree with the Loretta Fowler letter and the Burke appraisal of the same. It is not ok to impose a 74,000 sq ft commercial building on the 400 current owners who have already invested multi-millions of$$$ in their homes, farseeing an Increase in their investment. A building of this size will be a detriment to the entire neighborhood and in no way fits the current status of building sizes. As pointed out in the Town Council Meeting, no other Commercial Building even approaches the size of the proposed building. Let the Town Council speak up for the Little People for a change; the Seniors; the Families, and let the developers build what they should have designed in the first place. They knew what would be acceptable from the first and should be held to a reasonable size . DO NOT DENY but hold to a more fitting size that is comparable to the neighborhood. Ray Toney 453 Alberto Way #241 Los Gatos CA 95032 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Jennifer, Kalane McDonald <kalaneella@gmail.com> Wednesday, March 28, 2018 8:04 AM Jennifer Armer 401-409 Alberto Way Please forward my letter to the members of the Town Council. Thank you. Members of the Town Council, Los Gatos, California : I moved to Los Gatos Commons in November 2016 from San Francisco. I am often asked, "Why?" That is an easy answer --too much congestion, too much traffic, too much construction, too much disruption to every day life. I chose Los Gatos because of the small town appeal, the ambiance, the town nestled at the foothills with views of the mountains, and the belief that this is exactly how the final third of my life would be . I have studied the General Plan for the Town of Los Gatos, and I firmly believe that the proposed project at Alberto Way and Highway 9 does not comply with the stated elements of the plan. I applaud the Planning Commission for all their time, their studies, their considerations, their recommendations, and finally for their unanimous opinion in rejecting the current proposal. I can only trust that you, as elected officials of the residents of Los Gatos, will reach the same conclusion . Sincerely, Kalane McDonald 443 Alberto Way B224 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Town Council, Carol Rosenberg <carol_rosenberg@sbcglobal.net > Wednesday, March 28, 2018 8:50 AM Jennifer Armer 401-409 Alberto Way As a member of the Board of Directors of the Los Gatos Commons, may I express my appreciation for and admiration of your stamina and patience in remaining until such a late, rather early, hour at the last Council meeting regarding the 401-409 property. I concur with The Los Gatos Commons request that you consider the proposal of a 64,00 square feet structure, which would give the building a smaller footprint than the larger square footage proposed by the developer and will blend in better with the current structures on Alberto Way. We approve of a building going in there, but hopefully it will be within the parameters of our proposal. Respectfully, Carol Rosenberg Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi Jennifer, Jorge Pelan <jorgepelon@yahoo .com > Wednesday, March 28, 2018 4:11 PM Jennifer Armer 401-409 Alberto Way Build ing Project Opposition I don't want Lamb Partner's proposed 7 4K sq. ft. building/s or even as large as the 64K sq. ft. building at 401-409 Alberto Way as the Commons committee proposed! There is no way that single-level garage can support parking for a 64,000 sq. ft. building, or even a 54,000 sq. ft. building, so the Commons has abandoned the single level UG garage (or less) that won't threaten our foundations and wet utilities. Legally, only what's in the record from our written submissions and 3-minute talks can be used in TC & PC decisions. So, omissions put us in a bind as a result. Lamb Partners has pitched 7 4K as "the min" Class A building size that is completely false. LP is not telling the truth about Class A size, THERE IS NO MINIMUM SIZE REQUIREMENT FOR A CLASS A BUILDING! LP's have consistently and purposely been misleading with their presentations . They have even been seen taking photos on a "cherry picker" to give a false impression of viewing angles of view obstruction. This "monster building project" is totally inappropriate for this location in particular and would create a multitude of problems and dire ramifications not only for the immediate Alberto Way community, but the addition traffic congestion would greatly diminish the quality of life for the citizens of Los Gatos. I don't want any 64K or 74K sq ft building. I never asked or advocated anyone to propose 64K and I strongly feel that the TC should deny the application. Sincerely , Jorge Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: gherardi2@aol.com [mai1to:gherardi2@aol.com] Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 4:20 PM To: Jennifer Armer <JArmer@losgatosca.gov> Cc: Bob Burke <bobburkeat@gmail.com> Subject: 401-409 Alberto Way Development Dear Town Council, I've been a homeowner on 435 Alberto Way in the Las Casitas multi-family complex since 1996 and have lived in Los Gatos since 1967. I'm writing to encourage you to deny the appeal that Lamb Partners has made regarding the February 2018 unanimous decision of the Los Gatos Planning Commission which denied the development plan. The Planning Commission did a very thorough job reviewing all of the information and did not "err or abuse its discretion". My home is on the north side of the proposed property development and adjacent to it. I'm enclosing a few pictures that show how the proposed development will change my viewshed. This is the view from my upstairs bedroom which faces the property: This is the view from my downstairs family room which faces the property: This is the view from the fence line from my backyard which faces the property: No one here disputes that the property is zoned for commercial development. What we do object to is the size of the development and how that will affect the quality of our lives. Recently, a number of residents spoke about a reduction of the proposed building size from 74,000 square feet to 64,000 square feet. Please be aware that many of us are not in agreement with that 64,000 square foot proposal. A 64,000 square foot development is no good if it still obscures the viewshed. I ask that you please uphold the Planning Commission's decision and deny the development proposal. Sincerely, Lisa Gherardi 435 Alberto Way, Unit 16 Los Gatos, CA 95032 My name is Thomas Dunn and have lived in Los Gatos for over 40 years. I live at 420 Albertro way #1 and I oppose the 74,000 sqft office building on Alberto way and ask that you deny the development. I support all of the time and the hard work that the planning commission has put into evaluation and deliberations to come up with a unanimous decision to deny this project. It's just not right for this neighborhood . The building is too large, has too large of a negative impact, creates a complete traffic mess and creates several safety issues. I'd just like to see a smaller, safer reasonable development. But my major concern is about Lamb Partner's experience, professionalism, their lack of honesty & integrity and misrepresentation of the facts for the past 2 years {!amb partners and Randy lamb should be checked out and vetted very carefully) Randy Lamb has represented to the town and the residents that they have built and developed millions of square feet of property and at least a dozen other properties like this. WRONG here is information from their website,. • Built 20 single family residence (Los Altos and Mt View areas) • Built only 88 units of multi-family product (Los Altos area) • 1 office building 620 National Ave. Mt view in a business park (151,998 sqft) • 1 industrial building 2045 Lafayette St. Santa Clara industrial park (300,000 sqft) • 1 office building under construction which they list as the property at 405 Albertro way My concern is not only misrepresentation of number of Class A office buildings they have done, but NO EXPERIENCE BUILDING CLASS A OFFICE that size and everything that goes along with it. Also the facts Lamb told the PC that Class A office is a minimum of 74,000 sqft. WRONG. There was a 30,000 sqft class A office just built on Winchester Shane said in meeting that they held 11 or 12 community meetings. WRONG Everyone on Albertro way remembers 4 to maybe 6 meetings. They told us what they were going to do whether we liked it or not. Lamb said that his project would create more mountain views not take away from it and he had pictures that he had taken to prove it. WRONG the pictures he showed were taken from the top of Albertro way and highway 9. And also from my elevated drive way at least 10 to 15 feet higher than the sideway where everyone walks.(see attached pictures #1 Lamb's picture, #2 sidewalk street level #3 sidewalk street level same side of the street as the project.) Lamb's trying to show us view that are not there. The only way to get a true idea of the views being taken away is for you to walk on both sides of the street and then up to the top of my driveway. Developers like this create problems in neighborhoods, and live elsewhere, and the neighbors are left with the resulting problems. This is just not right Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Marietta Riney < mariettariney@gmail.com > Wednesday, March 28, 2018 6:35 PM Jennifer Armer 401-405 Alberto Way Project Hi Jennifer; would you please circulate this letter to the Town Council? Thank you for your attention to this project. To the Town Council: Some pertinent areas of the Commercial Design Gu id lines that support the goal of maintaining the small town character of Los Gatos and also support a decision by the Council for the developer to reduce the size of his design. In the CDC, the introduction states that Los Gatos is characterized by relatively small size buildings and respect for neighboring properties. The purpose of the CDG{l.3 pg.7): Maintain a building scale that is consistent with the Town's small scale image. Protect property owner's investment by discouraging inappropriate adjacent development. The community expectations(l.4 pg.8) include maintenance of the existing small town feel.Also maintenance of a sense of place with views of surrounding hills .And a unity of design treatment with all sides of structure related to the design of primary facade. (i.e, 360 degree architecture). Lastly,a Basic Design Principle(2.l pg15)states the project shall posses a scale which is sensitive to the scale and liveability of the adjacent residential neighborhood . Thank you for your consideration, Marietta Riney 449 Alberto Way. #240 Los Gatos 95032 Peace , Marietta Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Dear Town Council, Bob Burke <bobburkeat@gmail.com> Wednesday, March 28, 2018 6:57 PM BSpector; Rob Rennie; Marice Sayoc; Steven Leonardis; Marcia Jensen; Jennifer Armer Please Deny the 401-409 Application and de-certify the EIR Arters -2 3-25-18jpg; Arters -1 3-25-18.jpg; Arters 3 3-25-18jpg; Alberto Way Citizens Rebuttal for LG Town Council March 28, 2018.docx I'm sending the attached submission and photos to you directly so that you are able to magnify the photos during preparation for next week's meeting to verify their contents. Regards, Bob Burke 408-896-7896 "Timely action combined with market knowledge creates excellence and value in the introduction of new technology." Dear Town Council (TC) Members: Bob Burke 420 Alberto Way Unit 49 LG, CA 95032 On behalf of the Alberto Way Citizens who signed the petitions previously submitted to the Town, this is to rebut several items stated and/or shown by Lamb Partners (LP) in the March 20, 2018 Town Council meeting. Mountain Views are not preserved by the Qresent design -The "as 401-409 exists now" photos without mountain views that LP showed the TC were taken from locations and angles without mountain views and some appear to have been taken at elevations and magnifications that enhance the appearance of no views. Two of the photos showing the netting below the tree line on the rear of 401-409 are views that are behind what would be the building and can't be seen from the sidewalks or street as the roof and tree line are hidden as proposed by LP. -There are plenty of views from Alberto Way and the rear of Las Casitas now, and we think all of you have been to Alberto to see them. Don't be misled. -The views that Mr. Burke presented in his 3-minute talk on March 20 are from pages 1 (1st view), 4 (10-year view with trees in front of LP site grown above the roofline) and 31 (74K sq. ft. building and UG garage footprint illustration) of LP's present 74K sq. ft. Plan dated Nov 17, 2017, contrary to Mr. Lamb's assertion otherwise. -The Illustrations of mountain views that LP showed you and represented as from and available with the current Plans showing mountain views above the proposed roofline of the Currently proposed 74K sq. ft. plan that Mr. Lamb used to rebut the views in Mr. Burke's 3 minute Presentation are not found in LP's Dec 7 submission of the current plans (dated Nov 7 in the left of the 1st page) to the December 13, 2017 Planning Commission meeting . ·we request that you view this document before the meeting to verify that Burke's illustrations are copied from it. -Mr. Arters was seen & photographed in a cherry picicer above Alberto Way on November 18, 2017 taking photos between 401-409 and 420 Alberto . They're attached to the e-mail this document is sent to you with. We attach the photos so that you may enlarge them to see that Mr. Arters is indeed in the cherry picker with a camera. Were photos from the cherry picker shown to you on March 20 from elevations above the street? Were photos from the cherry picker used to produce the view illustrations showing significant mountain views above their proposed roof line that Mr. Lamb showed at the March 20 TC meeting? They're not found in the Plans. -LP appears to be introducing new photos and illustrations to the TC that it unreasonably withheld from the PC and misrepresenting some to all of it by stating its presence in the current design. Mountain Views Preservation has been an element in the LG General Plan for decades. First written in 1963, the GP has been revised in 1971 , 2000 and 2010. Due to tree growth both on LP property and the CAL TRANS ROW, the Mountain Views along Alberto Way have not been preserved. LP appears to be assuming this means that the Town General Plan commands that the town only preserve the Present View and cannot subject application approvals to conditions that return the Views to their 1963 or earlier original state during development. -A "Preserve only some or all of Present Views" position for each new application would, if used by the Town Council and Planning Commission, only end up destroying most of LGs mountain views over time. We hope that this Town Council shows itself to be a good steward of the General Plan, and restore mountain views to their historic state at every opportunity, by insisting that developers restore lost former mountain views at every opportunity. -No trees that can grow tail should be planted in front of any new building on 401-409 since they will eventually grow to block the mountain views: this is planned mountain view destruction, not preservation. The PCs decision should stand -The PC was completely within its discretionary authority to deny the application: the Town Attorney should be asked to state so on the record during the April 3 hearing. -LP, in its application and redesigns to date, has never shown to have informed their Plan with the Town's General Plan or Commercial Design Guidelines, thereby violating the secUons noted by the PC. -LP and its architect made the false assertions in the Feb 14, 2018 Planning Commission meeting that class A buildings are at or above 74K sq. ft. The Town Council approved the 30K sq. ft. Class A building on Winchester late last year. -LP chose not to comply with many LG requirements and the Appeal should be flatly denied along with decertification of the highly defective misleading EIR, which cannot withstand a trial in civil court. 2 I P J r. ,.: LP Misrepresentations should be given no weight -Contrary to LP's assertions in many meetings with us, the PC and yourselves, Alberto Way Citizens ' goal posts have remained the same: a smaller building with smaller impacts to our residences and LP has never asked us collectively to work with them to determine what that could be. -LP has only shared with us what it wants and continuously told us in meetings what it thinks will melt our opposition to their monster building plans. At neighbor meetings, LP has always presented their design, has disingenuously requested comments, and then declared they would not make any changes to accommodate our requests or the LG rules, citing economic infeasibility and that they either won't or they don't have to. LP has, in the meetings, acknowledged traffic will be a problem, that getting onto Alberto Way will be challenging at times and asserted that will be the Town's problem to solve. -LP claims to have held 16 meetings with us -our recollection is they have had 4 meetings, with members from each HOA and they chose to hold those meetings individually with each HOA complex -their decision not ours -so if they took 4 times the amount of time needed to communicate with us it was their decision , not ours. The first 2 series of meetings were in small rooms on their property, making the meetings too crowded, with little opportunity for anyone to sit down. Subsequent meetings at the Commons were much more conducive to meetings with large groups but LP still wanted separate meetings with each HOA complex. A two Level Underground Garage is a serious threat to our Buildings -A 2-level underground garage , which is required for any building over -54K sq. ft., presents a danger from land subsidence to some portion of all 4 HOA's properties within the 250 foot radius of the excavation as a result of de-watering (pumping water out of the hold during construction). We want none of it. No Bond can be expected to withstand the decisions of developers' choice for escaping their responsibility: a common practice is that the developer and bonding company declare bankruptcy, which leaves Los Gatos as the only responsible party from which to collect. There is no official definition of a Class A building There is no recognized national or international standards body that exists as an authority and there are definitions on various organizations web sites that all offer differing definitions. The only thread that ties them all together is: high end finishes and high rental pricing . 3 I P~ • ., LP's arguments for Tenant Visibility -LP's assertion in the TC Appeal hearing March 20 that a 1 story North half of a new building on 401-409 denies a tenant the ability to place its logo & name on the Alberto Way side is false. There is plenty of room for that. -If LP wants Tenants to be able to place their logo and name in a visible place, it would have either: -picked an urban location that allows at least 5 or 6 stories or -wouid need to cut all the trees between the proposed building and both 9 &17 to afford a view of the buildings from the main highways -Alberto Way as a location affords no significant visibility to a tenant's presence at all. Lastly, no one on Alberto \Nay actually wants a building requiring a 2 level underground garage, which a 64K sq. ft. building would: That would remove most of the mountain views, threaten our buildings with foundation shifting and pipe dislocations / breaks, congest Hwy 9 materially in at least the AM & PM rush hours, perhaps noon too and cause safety threats from increased traffic. When the Commons committee began their 3 minute presentation on March 20, you may have seen the surprised audience when the Commons introduced the "64K sq. ft. compromise" as the audience turned to one another saying "Why did they say 64K sq. ft.?'' "Where'd they get the idea we want THAT?" "64K jeopardizes our buildings!" [land subsidence] "We lose our views from that!" We don't want that!" When the Commons committee claimed that the HOA Boards of Las Casitas, the Pueblo & Bella Vista had all authorized their submission to the TC regarding their suggested 64K sq. ft. "compromise," it wasn't true. Not one of the three had passed a Motion at a legally noticed Board Meeting. Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: jrmitt@gmail.com on behalf of John Mittelstet <jmitt@comcast.net> Wednesday, March 28, 2018 8:40 PM Jennifer Armer Suzanne Currie Noble; Bob Burke; Roman Rufanov; Melanie Kemp; Marietta Riney; Jean Farren Jones; Fowler Loretta; Marilyn Basham 401-409 upcoming Town Council meeting -April 3rd Dear Town Council Members: Please walk Alberto Way from North to South ( on the west side of the street) starting at the Las Casitas Driveway, all the way back up the street to Hiway 9. This is the path used by Las Casitas and Los Gatos Commons residents in their morning and evening walks, whether with dogs, children or just for the serenity of it. There is an old saying " ... trust half of what you see, and none of what you hear ... " We might add, trust photographs even less than what you hear - whether from the applicant or from the neighbors. Each has their own axe to grind. And I'm sure that from your own experience of taking photographs with your mobile phone (or a camera) that you know that you can stand in one spot, and tell different stories just by changing the elevation, and/or angle of the lens. I urge you to take the walk and use your own eyes to get the most reliable understanding of what the orange netting does to the views of the mountains. Respectfully, John Mittelstet 443 Alberto Way, Unit B-123 Los Gatos, CA 95032 From: Board of Directors, The Los Gatos Commons Date: March 38, 2018 Dear Town Council members, We learned on Monday, March 26, that the developer submitted a letter containing a new plan for the proposed building: a reduction of 4,000 square feet and a 72 foot setback. He also requests that the "exact design" be subject to review and input from the Director of Community Development, rather than the Town Council and the Alberto Way neighbors. The developer also asked the Council to grant the appeal of the Planning Commission's decision to denial approval for the 74,260 project. While we, the Board of Directors of the HOA at The Commons, appreciate the developer's willingness now to consider increasing the setback on the north property line, we oppose this plan, as do virtually all our residents, and we believe that the residents of the other developments will oppose it also when they learn about it on the 30th. First, the hearing on April 3 is an appeal of the denial of the 74,260 square feet project because the Planning Commission found many inconsistencies with the General Plan and Commercial Design Guidelines. The developer should show how the proposed 70,000 square feet building and the 72 feet setback would be consistent with the policies and guidelines cited by the Commission. The fact that he is submitting new information after the March 20 hearing should not in itself be grounds to grant an appeal. The "new information" should be thoroughly vetted. Second, the 74,260 or the 70,000 square feet project would have an immense impact on the Alberto Way neighborhood, and the residents should have the opportunity to review the "exact design" of the 70,000 square feet plan and comment on it in a Town Council hearing. If this vague "plan" simply goes to the DCD, the neighbors will have no input and will not have an opportunity to raise issues that might be considered for conditions of approval. Third, how is 70,000 an objective number? We neighbors have been told by Council members that the "number" we request should be arrived at objectively. We think we did that by computing how much of the building would have to be removed to preserve our existing view on the north (64,000 square feet). Finally, how does this plan represent a compromise with the neighbors? It was not presented to us by the developer and we had no opportunity to discuss it. The building size we requested when this case was before the Planning Commission was 56,000 because that size echoed two other developments on the street, blending better with the neighboring structures. The developer rejected that and insisted he could not reduce the building below 83,000. So 64,000 is the compromise, we think, not 70,000 . How does the developer justify a reduction of 4,000 square feet as a compromise compared to our acceptance of an increase of 8,000 square feet? Sincerely, Board Members Jean Jones, Harold Vitale, Carol Rosenberg, Rosemary Harper, Kalane McDonald Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Roman R <rrufanov@gmail.com > Wednesday, March 28, 2018 10:47 PM Jennifer Armer 401 TC Jennifer, I continue opposing this planned constructions . All arguments were already provided and were never addressed by applicant. The main are: 1-too large for the site 2 -too deep excavation with possible 1/2 settlement to Las Casitas foundation. We do not want that. 3 -too much new traffic on dead end street where children need to go to school and seniors take strolls. Additionally, do not believe pictures. I personally seen applucant's team member taking pictures from cherry picker as I was walking with my newborn. Roman Rufanov Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dear Town Council Members, Marjorie Cahn <artmarj@aol.com> Wednesday, March 28, 2018 11 :12 PM Jennifer Armer artmarj@aol.com against Alberto Way office construction We have lived in Los Gatos with our family since 1970. We moved here to enjoy the ambience of a small town with limited noise and pollution from traffic. The traffic has increased disproportionately to the population increase. The town has already become a thoroughfare for the beach and highway 9 traffic. Traffic is already gridlocked most of the day -especially on highway 9. It is difficult just to be able to enter Los Gatos Boulevard, Highway 9, Santa Cruz Ave and Main Street because of the constant flow of traffic -especially in the summer. Adding large office buildings for the employment of nonresidents will just lead to more congestion and danger to pedestrians, children and vehicles. We are against the proposed office building for Alberto Way . Already the traffic on Los Gatos Boulevard is terribly congested as it heads into town via Saratoga Los Gatos Road . To approve a building complex that will bring hundreds of cars and service trucks and visitors on to Highway 9 and then on to Alberto Way is unconscionable . Just the construction alone would be obstacle after obstacle and ruin the peace of the neighborhood and endanger the people living on Alberto Way -mostly comprised of retired seniors seeking a quiet environment. This is a safety issue. Currently, it is very difficult to navigate Alberto Way. We have a family member who lives on Alberto Way and it is always difficult for us to enter and leave the street.There is always some truck parked in the way now and the visibility on the street is hampered by the curve in the street making it difficult to see on coming traffic as it is now. It is not safe now to drive on Alberto Way and it will be even worse to walk or to drive there with major construction and a large office complex. Any underground excavation will disturb the ground and cause damage to the foundations of the townhouses in Las Casitas 4 which is adjacent to the property. There will also be running ground water -as there was across the street - and increased water pressure in the pipes causing multiple mishaps in the water connections of the homes nearby. It is a terrible idea . There should not be any underground parking garage, let alone a two level garage as proposed! The excavations will cause cracking in the foundations -which are cement, cracking in the walls of the HOA and disturb the land. The homeowners have worked hard to fix their homes and walls so there are no visible cracks inside the units. They do not want any new ones. The building is also too large for the lot and will be an eye sore towering over Alberto Way. As designed, it also blocks the view of the mountains. It is imposing and too close to Las Casitas 4. The Los Gatos Planning Commission has carefully reviewed this project and has denied it. They do not approve of it. We would like to request that you honor their conclusion and also deny the approval of this project. Let us preserve the charm and safety of our town and especially protect the home owners who live on Alberto Way. Sincerely, Dr. Edward and Marjorie Cahn 158 Clover Way, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: To the Town Council, Joan K Larson <joanklarson@aol.com > Thursday, March 29, 2018 8:57 AM Jennifer Armer 401-409 Alberto Way The proposed building will be at the intersection on this narrow twisting dead end road. Causing delays and backed up traffic. With the 300 additional cars using the roads and intersections there will be problems for everyone. There are occasional times of life or death episodes, especially at the Commons, and if emergency vehicles can't get through it can be too late. This area has daily backed up traffic so often now. In one of the early Planning Commission meetings a request was made to reduce the original size by 1/3. Which was ignored. It is simply too large even with this new proposal. The new plan has recently been submitted at 70,000 sq. ft. It needs to be reviewed (see actual design, etc.)for the residents and others so that we can have some say and comments about the project. We know that something will be built on that lot. Hopefully a project with less impact and more views for the residents on our dead end road. Thank you. Joan Larson 441 Alberto Way Sent from my iPhone Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Dear Jennifer, Marilyn Basham < marilynbasham@mac.com > Thursday, March 29, 2018 10:49 AM Jennifer Armer 405 Alberto Way CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL.docx Please include this letter in the materials for the Town Council. Thank you for all your help in this project. Sincerely, Marilyn Basham Dear Council Members, I am a mere citizen of Los Gatos. I don't have the expertise to know the appropriate timing for submitting Conditions of Approval from the perspective of the neighbors of Alberto Way. I want therefore, to submit the following to the public record those things that are important to the neighbors: • "Complete Streets": sidewalk separated, pedestrian and ADA crossing with lights, signals coordinated by CAL TRANS, signal and lights flashing for all on and off ramps of CA #17 • "Twenty-four hours allowed" surf ace overflow parking spots (8) at the 405 building. These will be reserved for neighbors deprived of street parking spots by the re- striping of the project. • Hours of operation for the 405 building will be 7:00am to 6:00pm • A Community member will be authorized to receive complaints from neighbors. Channels of official communication will be secured to deal effectively and promptly with resolving the complaints. • Excavation monitoring with disinterested second party to collect the data. Commissioner Janoff, in the Feb. 14 hearing, on pages 29-30, suggested that there needs to be additional wording and we want this revision to Condition 81: The measurements are to be made in accordance with best testing practices to apply strain gauges or appropriate data gathering devices to measure movement, stress, and strain on the neighboring residential structures. Measurement data shall be delivered to Town Staff on a weekly basis and shall be made available in a format that allows for public access and review. The monitoring should be supervised by a disinterested party and be transparent. • Construction/excavation performance Bond will be secured by the Developer to cover any damage to adjacent properties due to excavation, de watering and subsidence. • Stop signs at the both project driveways for exiting cars to protect children and slow pedestrians • There will be a need for a safe crosswalk across Alberto Way between Los Gatos Commons and the 405 project during construction • If CAT shuttle is used for festivals, the parking of cars from festival participants will happen at the 405 parking structure. No festival parking on Alberto Way. • Left hand turns out of Los Gatos Lodge are dangerous for right turns from Alberto south bound. This dangerous intersection needs review. • There should be some "street calming techniques" (speed bumps) for the street in front Los Gatos Commons north to the entrance of 4 75-485 Alberto Oaks so slow speeding cars. • Since it is unclear as to the final proposal, I hope there will be an opportunity to add additional conditions during the Town Council hearing, if warranted. Respectfully Submitted, Marilyn Basham Resident of Alberto Way, Los Gatos TOWN OF LOS GATOS CLERK DEPARTMENT Dear Council Members and Mayor, RECEIVED Thank you for all of the time you have invested and your interest in approl,~g ~f J gt t ~eig: 3 q development/construction and parking project proposal for 401 ·409 Alberto Way so it clearly adheres LG Commercial Design Guidelines and General Plan and requirements for residents of Alberto Way and Los Gatos. My family are owners, living at Las Casitas for a number of years. I don't want to include our names in this letter due to vandalize that occurred to our personal property right after one of the Planning Development meetings. Jennifer Armer knows who we are. Las Casitas has 18 units with many residents which includes many adults, -20 children, pets, etc. My family has a great many concerns about the massive scale construction/development project proposed for 74K sq. ft. and the 64K sq ft (offered as a compromise by some local residents last week) for the buildings & a 2 or 1 story underground parking lot proposed at 401-409 Alberto Way; these massive proposals would drastically, negatively affect residents' (of Alberto Way and of Los Gatos) safety, and dramatically increase traffic exponentially. Our understanding is that a 2-level underground garage is required for any building over-54K sq. ft. We absolutely do not want any building large enough at 401 to 409 to force a 2 level underground parking garage as well as we don't want a 1 story underground parking lot to be built. We believe a 2 Level underground garage would be a critical threat to our buildings/houses, to our safety especially increasing traffic on Alberto Way and all of the surrounding and nearby streets in Los Gatos and would destroy the quality of our lives on Alberto Way. We only support maintaining or creating a new parking lot on the street level at 401 to 409 Alberto Way. We feel it is imperative that LG Commercial Design Guidelines and General Plan and requirements should be maintained and protected in the existing neighborhood on Alberto Way related to the size /scope of the project for 401 to 409 and number of parking spots on the street level and no underground parking, the style, architecture, layout of the buildings and the view. Therefore, ideally our first choice would be to keep the building or buildings at 401 to 409 around the same SQ feet, have a similar layout, size and architecture style for the buildings to preserve our beautiful view of the mountains and keep our small town classy charm that makes Alberto way and our neighborhood so special. We don't think the scale of the project and development should be increased more than 40K sq ft. 54K sq ft is still too big for such a narrow dead·end street centered at the nucleus of our town, which would create a traffic nightmare that will negatively affect the entire town and largely increase many safety & health hazards. Our understanding is that there is no official definition or requirement for what a Class A building has to be. Our understanding is that the Town Council also approved a 30K sq. ft. Class A building on Winchester in October, rebutting the developer developers ( 401 to 409 Alberto) assertion that class A can't be less than 74Ksq ft. In its current state, before any new construction/ development is considered on Alberto Way in general, we are all concerned about the safety of all residents living on Alberto Way. We would like to invite all of all Council members and the Mayor to come during different times of the day and night especially during peak traffic hours to drive, walk and ride to and from Alberto Way Page 1 of 4 (throughout the whole street), and in addition please enter and exit Las Casitas' only driveway. It is presently very difficult to safely maneuver and very hard to see while driving on Alberto Way, and it is very hard to get in and out of our driveway at Las Casitas right now (whether cars travel fast or slow). We are worried that we won't be able to even straighten up our cars to get in line to leave Alberto Way because of the massive amount of traffic leaving and entering 401 to 409 if the proposed number of parking spots are approved which will lead to a huge number of cars driving to and from 401 to 409. Parked cars make it even harder to see (on Alberto Way and in particular at Las Casitas' driveway), but many of the residents of Alberto Way really need to use the parking spots on the street. We are very worried about safety for all of the residents on Alberto Way and for all of our town residents and guests to our town. Just visually looking at the street and doing calculations for how many parking spots 401-409 can fit at 74K sq ft or even 64K sq ft, or 54K sq ft) is not acceptable because we will not be able to safely drive, walk or ride on Alberto Way or will not be able to safely enter or leave our driveways from all 4 complexes with an increase in cars and traffic on Alberto Way, especially Las Casitas being right next to massive proposed development and the increase of traffic as patrons enter and leave the driveway(s) at 401 -409 Alberto Way; we are also completely against an extra long construction period to account for the excavation period for a 2 or I story underground garage if the building. We are very concerned about the ability to turn on to and to leave Alberto Way to get to HW 9 safely and on a timely basis, since we will be competing with all of the new patrons /employees/visitors to 401 to 409 -most who probably won't be residents of Los Gatos. Increasing the parking lot spaces and the size of the buildings on 401 to 409 from its existing size will very negatively affect the traffic on Alberto Way and over the entire main nucleus of the Los Gatos, HW 9 and HW 17 (which our residents will be trying to use but will have to constantly compete with the developers' patrons),Los Gatos Saratoga Road, Los Gatos Blvd, University Ave., North Santa Cruz and all of the surrounding streets and schools. Our town is already extremely congested by traffic and there are some very high traffic periods in the morning, day and evening that make it hard to drive and hard to drive safely in LG; we need to stop increasing traffic and stop approving development increasing the sizes of buildings which also includes the development at the end of Alberto Way, & the Los Gatos Lodge, etc. First we need to figure out away how to mitigate and dramatically low the existing traffic that we already consistently have in all of LG. Please remember how bad the traffic was all last summer in LG and how bad the traffic is to travel downtown most morning, lunch or evening times. We completely disagree with the traffic report's findings that the developer paid for & used;we don't think the traffic results on the report applies to our current traffic and they don't seem at all accurate! Residents of Alberto Way and Los Gatos should have the right and freedom not to worry for our safety and for our lives and the lives our families, children, love ones and pets every time we step out of our properties when we want or have to go somewhere by car, foot, bike, etc. I don't think it is fair to affect the lives of everyone in the town of Los Gatos and expose everyone to an increase in dangerous situations, traffic nightmares on a daily basis, which will destroy our charming curvy street just to support the developer's interests and revenue goals. The developers are not even Los Gatos Residents and clearly don't care about our residents of Alberto Way and of Los Gatos as they have clearly displayed in all public meetings and at private meetings with residents; the developers only care about their bottom line. Additionally, the increased traffic jams would also lead to very long periods of lost time, which would drastically affect many residents livelihoods due to the loss of time and the overall general quality oflife (for all Page 2 of 4 residents of Alberto way and all of Los Gatos) which we all deserve according to the general plan for the town, and if we have emergencies and need to get out on a timely basis to go to the hospital, urgent care, doctors, vets, school, picking up children, etc., we wilJ have to worry about getting anywhere on time, especially ifwe are in a hurry, etc. We would have to account for extra time every day, every trip. Having lived at Las Casitas for a number of years, we have seen the previous existing development at 401 to 409 Alberto Way only had about 1/4 to 1/3 of the parking spots filled by patrons at the current size. Therefore the proposed increase for building and the underground parking structure 1 or 2 levels would not just increase the amount of traffic for an extra 200+ cars (whatever the current count is for parking spots), but it would also add an additional roughly 75 to 90+ cars, which Alberto Way has not been accustomed to, which would increase the total of new traffic generated by the developer (401 to 409) competing to use our narrow, curvy dead- end street with the-400 (or more) residents (who call Alberto Way home), their guests, and deliveries or assistance needed. We need to widen and straighten Alberto Way; put in speed bumps to slow the employees rushing to get to their new office at 401 to 409, add a 3rd lane and a turn lane and possibly a turn light of some sort or possibly a stop sign, or multiple stop signs and give the right of way to Alberto Way residents. This massive development project and construction period would dramatically lower our property values at Las Casitas since many people will not want to live next door to such a massive development or construction project or want to deal with the massive number of cars, trucks and buses coming into the parking lot right next door for all of the reasons listed in this letter. We would like to suggest a 2nd option for consideration -to build residential housing especially townhouses & condos at the market values,which should increase our property values. Additionally, tech companies (the type of company the developer wants to rent/lease to)-today have multiple shifts of workers/employees, contractors, and delivery trucks from 7AM to 10PM so our street will not have a break from the new traffic dangers-affecting safety, which will also dramatically affect our right to peace and quiet. We won't be able to have quiet walks with our families during the day or after dinner where we have been able to enjoy our charming and quiet street. It will be dangerous if we walk anywhere near 401 to 409 ( as well at the other end of Alberto Way related to newly proposed development)7AM -10PM or later. Deliveries also have extended hours now to 630PM+ or, & there would be many additional cars, buses etc. coming to work meetings beyond the allotted number of employees &visitors #s (for the parking spaces). A 2 -level underground garage presents a very big danger from land subsidence to some portion of all 4 HOA's properties within the 250 foot radius of the excavation as a result of de-watering (pumping water out of the hold during construction), especially to Las Casitas. We absolutely do not want to risk this. An expert witness spoke at one of the meetings at the Planning Commission and confirmed there would a be a very good chance that this could happen, ( and previously there was a major flood when a big whole was dug, which filled up with water when they tried to excavate at the corner of Alberto Way and HW 9.) No Bond could be expected to withstand the decisions of the developers' choice for escaping their responsibility: a common practice is that Page 3 of 4 the developer and bonding company declare bankruptcy, which would leave Los Gatos as the only responsible party from which to collect. Therefore it seems very clear and it is important for any development related building has to be less than-54K sq ft. There will be no privacy for Las Casitas residents, families and in particular our children where the 2 story large buildings would be peering into our bedroom windows, yards, driveway and cars; our children and families will no longer feel safe and protected. The view that so many of our residents on Alberto Way covet and want to preserve on Alberto will be destroyed which is unacceptable and not allowed according to the Los Gatos Plan. We all bought houses on this street because it had a charm and did not have much traffic. We chose the street to live on because it is a dead-end street so outsiders and people trying to take short cuts through town won't just drive through. It is safer for our children and for everyone walking, riding and driving on Alberto Way to keep it a dead-end street so we can see everyone who drives in and who drives out, but we want to limit the amount of traffic. The scale of the proposed development, construction and increased # of parking spots, will also negatively affect the air quality, increase pollution (as well as noise pollution) for everyone in Los Gatos, which will affect Alberto Way and all of Los Gatos residents health & well being, especially dangerous to our very large senior population, children &those with health challenges. I don't understand why the Los Gatos plan protects all of the other residents of Los Gatos when someone wants to build a house that is much bigger or not according to the style of the neighborhood or when the new construction would block or negatively affect neighbors views. For example if someone wants to build a 2 story from a I story house when the other houses (even ifit is just a few houses) on the street are I story, then the individual who wants to build the 2nd story house would not be allowed to add the 2nd story for many reasons outlined in the town's plan(size, architecture, block the views, blockage of sun, etc.) Why would not the exact same principles and rules apply to Alberto Way & the 401 to 409 project as well as to any other development on or near Alberto way, where there are actually-400 residents at 4 large housing complexes. This large scale development proposal at 74K sq ft (as well as others proposing 64 Sq ft & 54 sq ft) is all just too big,& we are completely against a 2 or 1 story underground parking lot. We don't want anything larger than 40K sq feet and believe the project should actually remain at or close to its current size; there has been a huge outpouring of concern, dissatisfaction and disproval from most of the 400 residents on Alberto way + many residents of LG. This extreme & extensive disproval should be more than enough to show that the proposal from the developer does not match the town's plan & does not make the residents happy, which is 1 of 30+ reasons the Planning Commission fairly ruled to protect residents & our quality of life. We also agree with fellow residents that the developer chose not to comply with many LG requirements and the Appeal should be flatly denied along with decertification of the highly defective misleading EIR, which cannot withstand a trial in civil court. We feel the Planning Commission was completely within its discretionary authority to deny the application for the 74 Sq ft proposal for the building at 401 -409 Alberto way. We would like the Town Attorney to be asked to state so on the record during Town Council meeting/hearing April 3rd. We hope you will decided to uphold the Planning Commission ruling on 40 I to 409 Alberto Way & prevent the developers' appeal. Thanks for your time and consideration! Page 4 of 4 Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Lewis Darrow <arlxd777@gmail.com> Thursday, March 29, 2018 12:00 PM Jennifer Armer Loretta Fowler; Lewis Darrow FW : Proposed project on 401-409 Alberto Way From: Lewis Darrow <ARLXD777@gmail.com> Date: Thursday, March 29, 2018 at 10:53 AM To: Lewis Darrow <ARLXD777@gmail.com> Subject: FW: Proposed project on 401-409 Alberto Way From: Lewis Darrow <ARLXD777@gmail.com> Date: Thursday, March 29, 2018 at 10:52 AM To: "jarmer@losgatosca,gov" Cc: Lewis Darrow <ARLXD777@gmail.com>, Loretta Fowler <lorettakfowler@gma i l.com> Subject: Proposed project on 401-409 Alberto Way Jennifer, I am a home owner ay 449 Alberto Way at Los Gatos Commons and have watched the council repeatedly tell the developer the building was too massive, the square footage needed to be reduced by at least a third, the building did not fit in with the fabric of the neighborhood, the views of the mountains would be disrupted, the road access would be difficult for all vehicles including emergency vehicles, adding nearly 400 cars to an already saturated roadway during commute and lunch hours would be disruptive for all local residents, adding additional cars to highway 9 during the summer when the city closes the downtown 17 exit would create grid lock all summer for local residents and adding 400 more cars, service vehicles, busses and now proposed bike lanes is like throwing gasoline on to a burning fire!!! What is everyone thinking when the council reviews a single family dwelling for over an hour to debate the impact of views or aesthics . For over a year over 400 neighbors have participated in the public meetings and voiced a consistant disapproval of the project for ALL of the negative impacts. ANY new plan proposed by the developer should have a full public hearing with public comments and not simply sent off to the planning staff. As residents who have voiced dissapproval and worked within the system there is absolutely zero trust for the developer who has consistantly been untruthful on public record about everything from meetings held with neighborhood groups to the size of a class A building and has not listened to the staff reccommendations regarding building size and mass. Any project going forward at this point needs to be out there for the public to review and comment on before going forward with the developer behind closed doors. Thank you . A very concerned Los Gatos citizen, neighbor, tax payer and voter. Lewis Darrow Jennifer Armer From: Jennifer E Liebthal [mailto:jliebthal@gmail.com] Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2018 10:56 AM To: jarmer@losgatos.gov; Council <Council@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Please DENY 401-409 Alberto Way Current Proposed plan Dear Mayor and Town Council Members, I writing to ask that deny LP's proposed 7 4K sq. ft. or even as large as the 64K sq. ft. building at 401- 409 Alberto Way as the Commons committee proposed! As a resident at 420 Alberto Way I can say that residents and the HOA at 420 Alberto Way did not agree with this proposal by the Commons. Thanks for your time and continued service, Jennifer