Attachment 1STRATEGIC PRIORITIES FY 2018-2020 CORE GOALS: COMMUNITY CHARACTER GOOD GOVERNANCE • FISCAL STABILITY QUALITY PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE CIVIC ENRICHMENT• PUBLIC SAFETY SMALL TOWN SERVICE, COMMUNITY STEWARDSHIP, FUTURE FOCUS COMPLETED Adopt Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Adopt Smoking Regulations Facilitate a Veterans Memorial Obtain Age-Friendly Community Designation Increase Public Involvement in the Town Council Finance Committee Complete Ordinances (Cellar and Cannabis) IN PROGRESS Reconstruct remaining Almond Grove Streets (Funded; completion expected in 2019) Finish North 40 Specific Plan Amendments (90%) Complete Ordinances as Prioritized by the Town Attorney (Varies; for example, Accessory Dwelling Units 90% and Wildlife Fences 80%) Enhance the Diversity of Businesses in the Downtown (60%) Modify Planned Development Policies (50%) Sell or Lease Certain Town Properties (30%) Reduce Summer Cut Through Traffic (30%) Complete General Plan Action Items (25%) Complete an Economic Vitality Strategic Plan (20%) Address Downtown Parking (10%) Create a Complete Streets Policy Implementation Plan (10%) Update Alcohol Policy (0%) ONGOING Address Pension and OPEB Obligations Develop Measure B Transportation Projects and Funding Requests Install Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements Participate in Regional Communications and Interoperability Attachment 1