2017-058 - Rescind Resolution 2001-167 adopting cellar policiesRESOLUTION 2017-058 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS TO RESCIND RESOLUTION 2OO2-L67t RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS ADOPTING CELIITR POLICIES WHEREAS, the Town Council is responsible for establishing municipal policies that provide clear direction for process and procedures by which the Council and staff shall conduct business and activities; and WHEREAS, examples of these policies include the Town Code, Town Council policies, General Plan, Design Guidelines, and Area Plans; and WHEREAS, the many benefits of having established policies includes greater consistency as well as more government transparency and accessibility by the public, the council and staff; and wHEREAS, the Policy committee forwarded a recommendation to the Town council to rescind cellar Policy Resolution 2002-167 (Resolution ofthe Town council ofthe Town of Los Gatos Adopting Cellar and Attic Policies) at its January tS, ZOLT meeting; and wHEREAS, this council Policy has been deemed obsolete, redundant and/or incorporated into Town code Resolution 201.7-058 Lof2 October 17,20!7 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission forwarded a recommendation to the Town Council to rescind cellar Policy Resolution 2002-167 (Resolution ofthe Town council ofthe Town of Los Gatos Adopting Cellar and Attic policies) at its June Zg, ZOLT meeting; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE lT RESOwED THAT, the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos does hereby rescind Resolution 2002-767 (Resolution ofthe Town Council ofthe Town of Los Gatos Adopting Cellar and Attic Policies) attached hereto as Exhibit A. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting ofthe Town Council ofthe Town of Los Gatos, California on the 17th day of October, 2017 by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: Marcia Jensen, Steve Leonardis, Barbara Spector, Mayor Marico Sayoc NAYS: Rob Rennie ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None SIGNED: MAYOR OF T LOS GATOS LOS GATOS,FORNIA DArE: to- 25- 17 ATTEST: CLERK A OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATO9, CALi FORNIA DATE; TOW Resolution 2017-058 2of2 October 17, 2017 RESOLUfiON 2002-).67 RESOLUTION OFTHE TOWN COUNCIL OFTEE TOWN OF'LOS GATOS ADOPTING CELLARAND ATTIC POLICIES WEEREAS, the Towo of Los Gatos docs not curreatly have any writtco codcs or policics rcgulating ccllars and anics, aad WEEREAS, the General Plan encourages use of baserDeDts atrd cellars to provide hidden square footage io-licu of.abovc ground visiblc mass (Policy L.P.2.1); and WEEREAS, adoptio! of such policics will help providc clear directioa to developers aad homeowners processing dcvelopment applicatioDs (Gctrrral Planlmplcrncnting Str*ery L.17.4); ad IVEEREA.S, adoption of such policies will belp reduce thc bulk and mass anil scale of ncw aod remodeled homcs; and TIIERETORESE IT RESOLVED: the Towa Couocil of thc TOWN OF I,oS GATOS . does hcrcby adopt the Ccllar and Attic Policics attached hcleto as Exhibits A aud B. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a rcgular meeting of the Town.Council held oa the 21st day of October 2002, by the following vote: COUNCIL MEIVIBERS: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTA]N: ATTEST: Stoven B1anton, Sandy Decker, Stevc Mayor.Rardy Attaway. None None None SIGNED: 6/1i.t-'", yo" pi12prli CI-E.RK OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CAUFORNIA MA THE OFLOS GATOS LOS GATOS, rl,ta^fr) LnY*- E)OIIBII A I I TOWN COT]NCILPOLICY TOWN OF LOS GATOS Subject: Cellars Approved: Page 7 of 2 Enabliag Action: 2W2-16'r Effeitive Date: October 21, 2002 Randy Attaway, Mayor PURPOSE: Gencral Plan policy L.P,2.3 states: 'EDcouragc basements and cellars to provide "hiddcn" squart footage ia-licu of visible mass." The followiag policy shall be used by staff when rcviewing plans that include a c.cllar. DEEINITION: A cellar is an enclosed area that does not extend Eore than four feet abovc the existing or finished grade ia any location. Cellars, as defined herc, shall uot be included il the FAR. Ttat area of a cellar where thg luilding height excceds four fect above existing or finishcd gade shall Dot be includcd in tbis dcfiaition and shall be included in thc floor area calculatioo. For purposes of this policy, whichcver grade (existing or proposcd) rcsults in thc'Iowest buildiag profile of a building shall be uscd. POLICY: In rcviewing plans for ccllars staff shall consider thc followiog: A cellar shall not extend more than four feet above the adjacert finished grade at any point around the perimeter of the fouudation. Bclow grade floor area must meet the above definition of cellu to be excluded fiom the floor area calcuiatioas for the structure. e\DctJ'E! rd sadr$l4sD.t\lrel S.lr$radc.&4otry.tt J R.rbd S.t@L.?o1!@ L I I l i If any ponion of a ceUar extends eore thal four feet above gmde, that arEa shall be included in the floor area caiculation- I i I a Light andexit wells may eucroachinto front and sideyard setbacks providedthat amini.murn three-foot wide pedestrian access is provided, around the light well(s). Light wells aad exiting shall be the minimum required to comply wi& the Uniform Buildind Code critcria for natural light and ventiiation. Below grade patios may extend out from a cellar into the required rear yard provided that a minimum l0 foot setback is retained from thc rear property line. Celiars and basenents (except light and. exit welis) shall not exrend beyond the building footprint. The Planning-Commission nay allow an exccption to this policy based on extenuating or exceptional circumstancas applicable to the property including size, sha1rc, topography, location or surroundings. The Commission shall make frndings to srpport such a decision. ClDoalrtanrt rrd SsrbfirrlRriuau-oel tcrtlt|J\TspElb{o ky.std a a a t, Ci\Dcru$ sad Sc.&dMR$nu:tllml S!ttgq51f6/C.[r-goEcr.vFi Rrvtd $eEilts?0.1Q2 I I .t t PLANNING COMMISSION POLICY TOWN OF LOS GATOS Subject: Pianning Cornmission lnterpreration of Cellar Policy Approved: Bud Lortz,Deveiopment Effective Date: October 5,20O4 of PURPOSE To establish a poiicy on the number and location of cellars perrritted under the Town Council's Cellar Policy SCOPE This policy applies to cellars as defined bythe Town Council Policy adopted under Resolution 2002-767. POLICY A cellar shall not extend beyond the fooprint of the main building (included attached garage) or detached accessory structure. One cellar is permitted per property. Additional cellars shall be included in the floor area calculation. N:\DEWudic\Outbox\2005\Policy - Ccllars.wpd t, I I i I I i I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I i i I i