Attachment 14Reduce bulk, inass, and scale (BMS) by providing hidden square footage in lieu of visible mass RECEIVED OCT 16 2017 TOWN OF LOS GATOS NNING DIVISION A-17-~" I ATTACHMENT 1 4 1 i:: I > ~ • ~; '1 wC: \,; /n11i11(T ('ode <il'clinn 2'J Ill ll2ll Dl'li11itin11": I lorn \1c.1 <Ttfl"" entire floor counts 2 3 4 5 6 7 '" ~ . . /011i110 ( odl' 'il'clion "'! 10 020 lktinition..,· Stnl\ six-... four kl't • l BM"i • ( onsistcnt 1\ ith -1 ft bilscnwnt thre<>hold 8 c;. ";\n t•ft·,•11f1t111 i<> ,1 hori;ont,11 l1rlhl1gr,1phil-projection of ,1 building on tu cl \'l'rliLcll pl.me. All L'il'\'dl1on indudl''> till' I\ ,111 pl,lllL' ,111d mot." Su IP. t~a Ifo mal Definition: . · ·· · ': · . . ... •· ?_n11i11° Code Scdio11 2'l.IO:ll21l D~J~1itio11..,:J_l('1_.lli_<.111 l t.·,•11/11>11 I'> .in Prlhog1,1pl11L l'IOJl'l l1011 of ,1 building rq1rl'SL'nling l'itlwr the Iron!, b,irk, kit, \ll nght '>Ilk-\ IL'll'. 9 Blank 10 • "Below Grade Square ' Fm1tage" ~ ·~~·~-t· ... ~. : . 11 ( c • • /011i11g (ode '-,cction 2lJ.lll.ll20 lkfinition~· B.1~C'llll'llt ll11-c111L·11t llll',rns ,111 l'IKlosl'd clrl'cl thcit dol's not l'\.ll'nds morl' th,rn fnur feet ,1bo\ l' thl' cidjc1Ll'lll ti111slwd gr,1dl' 111 ,111y llllc1!1011. Blank 12 /oninF ( odl· 'il·rtio112lJ.I0.020 lktinili~)(_l__I \1e.1 "IO..,.., ~···~~ 13 /nnin" (ode Sec. 2<J.-l0.072 J:elm\ nr.1de <.< u.11e toot.1oe in 1e<.identi.1I /Olll' (,1)2. Bl'low gr.~de '.quar(' footage ic; ~'C'rmitted on!\· once on<. pro~'erty, dddiliondl h.>kl\\ grade .ueas sh<.!! bl' inc!ulkd m thl' tloor Me.~ L'dlcul<.tion. • Not visible ,... no 13l\1S • l'rovidl' opportu111ty lo hide /\DLJ sq ft without penalty 14 October 16, 2017 The Mayor, Vice Mayor and Town Council of Los Gatos 110 East Main Street Los Gatos California 95031 Re. Proposed Amendment to the Cellar Policy 148 Maggi Court Los Gatos California 95032 ~--\1 -' 00 ( RECEIVED OCT 17 Z017 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION Dear Madam Mayor, Mr. Vice-Mayor, and Members of the Town Counci l, Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed amendments to the Town codes and policies concerning below grade spaces. In my opinion Staff's proposed amendments are clear, simple and respectful of a vision for smaller, less impactful homes. If you are considering adopting the Planning Commission's modi f i ed proposal then you might consider some further modifications as follows: 1. Below grade floor area on new residential developments including renovations that propose lifting an existing building above the grade, should be limited to that area which is no more than three feet above the grade (as opposed to four feet). This modification of four feet to three feet was proposed by a number of the architects objecting to Staff 's proposed amendment so it is hopefully not contentious. It may be more restrictive than the polices in some other jurisdictions, but it is also less restrictive than others, and as the Los Gatos General Plan says, "Residents hold proposed development projects to a higher standard because what is approved in other communities may not be acceptable in Los Gatos ." 2. New partially below grade enclosed areas in hillside homes whic h are more than three feet visible at any point around thei r perimeter, must comply with the Hillside Standards maximum cut allowances i .e . the entire enclosed area, including the below grade area within it, should be subject to the maximum allowance. Burying floor area in a hillside might afford some hidden floor area, however at the same time the act of burying is inconsistent with the stated intent of the Hillside Standards which is to minimize impacts to the site "visually and physically". Accordingly the Hillside Standards say to "Grade to Page 1 of 2 the minimum amount necessary to accommodate buildings and to site structures consistent with slope contours." And, "Buildings shall be located in a manner that minimizes the need for grading". The Hillside Standards also say to "Step the building foundation and roofs with the natural slope." And "Vary elevations, such as stepping back second stories, to conform with topography." The compromise then is that hillside buildings might have an allowance for some additional floor area or possibly an allowance for maximum cut but should not have an allowance for both. Yours sincerely, Nick Williamson williamsonnick@aol.com 408 601 9284 Page 2 of 2