Attachment 05II Vincinato Planned Development Wayne Scott 02/23/2016 Los Gatos Town Council Members: Marcia Jensen -lawyer, Planning Commission Steven Leonardis -Blvd Financial Group , Coldwell Banker Barbara Spector (Mayor)-lawyer, Planning Commission Marcia Sayoc -EPA, LG Plannig Commission, Sustainability Committee Rob Renie -likes small town charm I have lived in LG for 20 years. I live on Magneson Loop around the corner from II Vincinato. My commute path is turning right onto LG Blvd then left on Lark to Hi 17 north . Sometimes it requires 2 lights to get to Lark going E on LG Blvd. For commuters attempting to merge onto LG Blvd from feeder streets it is a real challenge to get to Lark. To get onto Lark and Hi 17, number of commuters are now turning right through the Panera parking lot then left at Office Depot to get through the intersection to Lark. North 40 adding 300+ homes many of these cars will also be trying to get on Hi 17 using Lark Ave . When North 40 comes on line this intersection will get much worse . This II Vincinato proposal looks almost identical . to one a few years ago. Building 11 residences at this location is still a bad idea for both existing residents and for the potential new residents. 11 residences X 2 cars per garage equals 22 cars . Since these residence can accommodate more than 2 people some residents will have ad~itional vehicles that need to parked somewhere. All these vehicles will be competing for use on LG Blvd. References : the following EMC Planning Group Reports Initial Study; December 14, 20015 Mitigated Negative Declaration/Initial Study: Dec 14, 2015 Section 16 : Transportation I Traffic . Paragraph alb refers to standard trip rates for ITE .Trip Generation Manual, 9th Ed 2012 and also Trip Data from San Diego.. · The Initial Study reports state "proposed project would generate 171 fewer daily trip rates" ... "than the previous land use". This is misleading because it does not state the conclusion was based on the Hexagon Transportation Report (paid for by Mr Plautz) which used model trip rate data for a fully operational auto dealership in San Diego and not the actual "previous land use". Page 1 ATfACllMENT 5 Most dealership traffic near this location was to the Honda New Auto Dealership across the street; the subject location is where they parked their used cars. The subject property has not been used as part of a car dealership for many years ·and when it was used traffic was very light; perhaps why it went oyt of business. Could it ever be approved again for a car dealership in the future? Why was this highest usage rate selected ? The trip rate usage is based.on dq,ta derived from· manuals not on actual observations. Since the used car dealership went out of business it has been a Funiture Store (went out of business) and a Wine Shop both with very low traffic. Trip Rate Data used for the calculations is a mis-characterization for this location and therefore the results are not accurate for this location. The calculations and conclusion (171 fewer daily trips) do not represent reality . The report states LOS B and LOS C assignments for this intersection which also does not reflect current reality at this intersection . See data below. Ask an actual commuter about their experience. An assignment of LOS D or lower is a more accurate assignment during commute hours . Cars heading Shannon West attempting to get onto LG Blvd will start making the illegal right turn onto Magneson Loop to get around the intersection which has a No Right Turn on Red {often ingnored). Magneson Loop is not a 2 lane commute lane. It is mostly 1 lane due to residents parking on both sides of the street. Existing residents alternatively move off to the side to let a car go by. CA LOS (Levels of Service) metrics for Two-Way Stop Intersections: A : =< 10 seconds B : 11-15 seconds C : 16-25 seconds D : 26 -35 seconds E : 36 -50 seconds F : > 50 seconds CA LOS was adopted in 1970 by Governor Reagan . SB 743 is in progress to replace the problematic LOS with the new VMT (Vehicle. Miles Travel) standard. Exit and entry to II Vincinato for the 22 cars is via a single driveway off Shannon. This wiil cause problems for an already well used Shannon for people traveling West to get onto LG Bvd. Cars are already backing up on Shannon blocking this single driveway contrary to the queing analysis in the Hexagon report . The Hexagon report used assumptions and Poison probability distribution to arrive at the queing conclusion ; again not actual data collection . Students walking and on bicycles going to Fisher and Van Meter will be more at risk. The report states everything is OK. The evening commute will cause even more problems. II Vincinato Residents wanting to get home will· Page 2 be faced with long lines on LG Blvd waiting to get to turn left on Shannon along with others waiting to get to LG Downtown. They will soon figure out they can tum early onto Magneson Loop then make a right on Shannon to get into the entrance. Magneson Loop is not a 2 lane commute lane. It is mostly 1 lane due to residents parking on both sides of the street. Existing residents alternatively move off to the side to let a car go by. Commuters wanting to turn left off LG Bvld onto Shannon have already discovered this Magneson Loop path and make the illegal left turn onto Shannon . Driving much too fast causing risks to residents, kids, pets. The No Left Tum is not enforced. We have no obligation to make a real estate developer's investment become profitable. Page3 This Page Intentionally Left Blank c: C) ·-en Q) Cl ""C a> .c. (.) ......, ctJ E co CJ) ! ·- 6, ::? u:::