1993-168-Renew And Redefine The Business Improvement Area Known As The Downtown Los Gatos Business Improvement District And To Levy And Collect Assessments For Fiscal Year 1994RESOLUTION 1993 -168 RESOLUTION OF INTENT OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS TO RENEW AND REDEFINE THE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA KNOWN AS THE DOWNTOWN LOS GATOS BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT AND TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1994 AND AMENDING ORDINANCE 1876, OR IN THE ALTERNATIVE TO REPEAL THE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT CREDIT ON BUSINESS LICENSE TAXES PROVIDED BY TOWN CODE SECTION 14.20.120 WHEREAS, Streets and Highways Code Section 36500 et sea. (the "Act ") authorizes cities to establish business improvement areas for the purpose of imposing benefit assessments and charges on businesses therein for certain enumerated purposes; and WHEREAS, the Los Gatos Downtown Business Improvement District (the "District ") was established by the Town Council as such an improvement district; and WHEREAS, the District has filed an annual report for fiscal year 1993 as required by Streets and Highways Code Section 36500 et sea; and WHEREAS, an alternative proposal would repeal the business license tax credit under Town Code Section 14.20.120 for businesses within the Business Improvement District in return for not levying an assessment for the District and thereby provide an alternative source of money that the Town would use to enter into an agreement with the Los Gatos Downtown Association to provide marketing and economic development services for the Downtown area, NOW, THEREFORE, THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND FIND AS FOLLOWS: 1. The recitals set forth above are true and correct. 2. In response to the request of the Board of Directors of the District, the Council hereby declares its intention to continue the Downtown Los Gatos Business Improvement District (the "District "). 3. The Council hereby declares its intention to change the boundaries of each separate benefit zone as set forth in Exhibit A and incorporated here by reference. MGR065 A:ACN'CLRPTS \ll- 15- 1.RC?S -I- 4. The types of improvements and activities authorized Ordinance 1876 to be funded by the levy of assessments on businesses in the District are as follows: The acquisition, construction, installation, or maintenance of certain tangible property with an estimated useful life of five years or more including, but not limited to visitor amenities such as benches and water fountains. b. Activities including, but not limited to, the following: (1) Maintenance and enhancement of District public areas (a) Encourage the Town of Los Gatos to carry out programs that include physical clean -up of streets and sidewalks and sidewalk steam cleaning on a regular basis. (b) Plant downtown trees, shrubs, flowers, and plants downtown (2) Commercial Marketing /District Advertising - Image Building Campaign Create an institutional, long term, image - building campaign Design and implement a campaign to encourage community shopping in Los Gatos rather than in nearby malls and competing commercial districts Create and implement an annual program of downtown- oriented retail events and activities Coordinate closely with Chamber of Commerce regarding overall, Town -wide marketing plan Establish Commercial Recruitment and Retention Program that will actively seek the most suitable new businesses to fill existing vacancies or vacancies as they occur. Aggressive recruitment of most desired new businesses will be pursued by creation and production of a marketing package, which may include a video. Provide support services to existing businesses in the form of small business assistance financing and merchandising seminars in coordination with the Chamber of Commerce. During the current period of downtown parking shortages, this program will assist with the development of a shuttle service to act as a people mover throughout the year for both customers and employees. MGR065 A:ACNC1.R1 "FS \71- 15 -1.RES -2- The shuttle service will provide free transportation to all persons throughout an expanded service area in coordination with other Los Gatos marketing groups. The proposed changes for 1994 are: a. Marketing The entire 1994 marketing budget will be used to continue the long -term image building campaign. Newspaper and radio will be utilized to promote a positive image of downtown Los Gatos. The theme of "Discover The Los Gatos Experience... Downtown" will be prominent in all advertising. b. Beautification The Beautification Committee has adopted the following program: • Improve the appearance of newspaper racks • Continue to provide flowers for business owners • Continue the electrolier banner program with seasonal banner changes • Work with Town staff to develop and implement a streetscape design • Coordinate Downtown Holiday Lighting Program c. Administration Administration will focus on education, business recruitment, working with the Chamber of Commerce and Town, and daily operations. 5. A copy of a report detailing the activities for the fiscal year 1993 is on file with Town Clerk. 6. The Town Council intends to levy a benefit assessment in 1994 to pay for all improvements and activities within the area except where funds are otherwise available from other sources. The method and basis of levying the assessments on all businesses, trades, professions and vendors within the District is set forth in Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 7. The proposed budget for fiscal year 1994 is set forth in Exhibit C and incorporated here by reference. MGR065 A: \CNCLRPTS \11- 15 -1.RGS -3- 8. The Town Council does not intend to exempt new businesses from the levy of the assessment. 9. Public hearings shall be held before the Town Council on December 6 and January 4, 1994 at 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as this matter may be heard in the Town Council Chambers, City Hall, 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, regarding the levy of assessments for fiscal year 1994, the change in District boundaries, the change in definition of businesses and the change of Benefit Zones. 10. Protests may be made orally or in writing by any interested person. Any protest pertaining to the regularity or sufficiency of the preceding shall be made in writing. Written protest shall be filed with the Town Clerk at or before the time fixed for the public hearing. A written protest may be withdrawn in writing at any time before the conclusion of the public hearing. Each written protest shall contain a description of the business in which the person subscribing the protest is interested sufficient to identify the business and, if a person subscribing is not shown on the official records of the Town as the owner of the business, the protest shall contain or be accompanied by written evidence that the person subscribing is the owner of the business. 11. Further information regarding the proposed changes to the District and a copy of the Annual Report for fiscal year 1993 may be obtained from the Town Clerk at Town Hall, 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, and from the BID Board, Joe Hargett, President (Phone: 408/354- 1501). The Annual Report contains a full and detailed description of the improvements and activities to be provided for fiscal year 1994, the boundaries of the area and any benefit zones within the area, and the proposed assessments to be levied upon the businesses within the area for fiscal year 1994. 12. As an alternative, the Town Council shall consider repeal of the business license tax credit found in Town Code Section 4.20.200 and not levying an assessment for the Downtown Business Improvement District. This would mean that businesses in the District would pay the same rate of business license taxes as other businesses in the Town. It would be the intent of the Town to use these and other funds to enter into an agreement with the Los Gatos Downtown Association to provide marketing and economic development services to the Town. 13. Further information regarding the proposed repeal of the tax credit may be obtained from the Town Clerk at Town Hall, 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, and from the BID Board, Joe Hargett, President (Phone: 408/354- 1501). MGR065 A:ACNCLRPTS \11- 15 -1.RES -4- 14. The Town Clerk is instructed to provide notice of the public hearings by publishing the resolution of intention in a newspaper of general circulation in the Town once, at least 45 days before the January 4, 1994 public hearing. 15. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, California, held on the 15th day of November, 1993 by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: Joanne Benjamin, Steven Blanton, Linda Lubeck, Patrick O'Laughlin Mayor Randy Attaway NAYES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None SIGNED: MAYOR O THE TOWN F LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: CLERK OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA MGRO65 A:ACNCLRPTSV71 -15 -1.ID'S -5- 1994 AsSESSMENT ]PROPOSALS BUSINESS TYPE All Professionals All Restaurants All Services All Financial All Retail AssEssmENT M. $350 Equal to Business License Fee with the following minimums: ZONE A ZONE B ZONE C $150 $125 $75 BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT PROPOSED 3 YEAR BUDGET PLAN EXHIBIT C YEAR 1 % YEAR 2 % YEAR 3 BUDGET ITEM 1994 1995 1996 Marketing Beautification Administration $45,000 60% $15,000 20% $15,000 20% $45,000 60% $15,000 20% $15,000 20% $45,000 60% $15,000 20% $15,000 20% TOTAL $75,000 100% $75,000 100% $75,000 100%