1995-090-Execute A Memorandum Of Understanding With Nine other South Bay Government Agencies For The Silicon Valley Smart Corridor ProjectRESOLUTION 1995 - 90 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANAGER TO EXECUTE A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH NINE OTHER SOUTH BAY GOVERNMENT AGENCIES FOR THE SILICON VALLEY SMART CORRIDOR PROJECT BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, County of Santa Clara, State of California, that the Town Manager is authorized to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (attached as Exhibit A) with nine other south bay government agencies for the Silicon Valley Smart Corridor Project. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, California, held on the 17th day of July, 1995, by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: Randy Attaway, Steven Blanton, Linda Lubeck, Mayor Patrick O'Laughlin NAYES: None ABSENT: Joanne Benjamin ABSTAIN: None SIGNED: MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: CLERK OF THE TOWN OA OS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA +uwry CLERK AGR:. RED .f�3 Memorandum of Understanding Among Town of Los Gatos, City of Campbell, City of San Jose, City of Santa Clara, City of Milpitas, Santa Clara County, Santa Clara County Transit District, Metropolitan Transportation Commission, California Highway Patrol, and California Department of Transportation for Silicon Valley Smart Corridor Project This Memorandum of Understanding is entered into by and between Town of Los Gatos, City of Campbell, City of San Jose, City of Santa Clara, City of Milpitas, Santa Clara County, Santa Clara County Transit District, Metropolitan Transportation Commission (hereinafter "MTC "), California Highway Patrol (hereinafter "CHP ") and California Department of Transportation (hereinafter "Caltrans ") relating to the Silicon Valley Smart Corridor Project. GENERAL The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to facilitate the development and implementation of the Silicon Valley Smart Corridor Project by coordinating the activities of the ten government agencies primarily responsible for its development and implementation: Town of Los Gatos; City of Campbell, City of San Jose, City of Santa Clara, City of Milpitas, Santa Clara County, Santa Clara County Transit District, MTC, CHP, and Caltrans. The Silicon Valley Smart Corridor Project will coordinate traffic operations along the Highway 17/Interstate 880 corridor and parallel surface arterial roadways in Santa Clara County. It is the intent of the parties to this MOU to jointly develop a system to cooperatively manage and improve traffic flows and transportation within the corridor. The parties to this MOU participated in the development of the feasibility study of the Silicon Valley Smart Corridor and endorse the concepts and preliminary system outlined in the study. The Silicon Valley Smart Corridor Project will enable the agencies along the corridor to improve the flow and management of traffic and transit vehicles along the corridor by upgrading deficient traffic signal equipment on key arterials, using real -time traffic responsive signal systems, exchanging real -time information and coordinating signal timing programs among the agencies along the corridor, improving transit operations, providing real -time information to transportation users, developing advanced park- and -ride systems, and implementing system traffic management programs in response to incident and non - recurrent congestion. The parties to this MOU intend to fully participate in the detailed design of the Silicon Valley Smart Corridor Project to the extent of the capabilities of their engineering departments. Design support includes providing and making available necessary information on traffic signal system equipment, street and utility construction documents, traffic information and signal timing programs, right -of -way clearances, and design requirements. The parties to this MOU intend to incorporate the elements of the Silicon EXHIBIT A Silicon Valley c rt Corridor Project Memorandum of Understanding Page 2 Valley Smart Corridor Project into their traffic control systems and participate in the multi- agency real -time data exchange and coordination computer network. This MOU constitutes solely a guide to the intentions, and policies of the parties involved. It is not intended to authorize funding or project effort, nor is it a legally binding contract. Responsibilities for constructing the project will be covered by one or more separate agreements as outlined below. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. POLICY ADVISORY BOARD A. Role: The Policy Advisory Board will be responsible for directing the policy and institutional issues of the Silicon Valley Smart Corridor Project including defining the institutional process for implementation, developing operating guidelines for the data exchange and traffic control system network, and updating the members' appointing governing boards on the status and issues of the project. The Policy Advisory Board will meet every six months or when the Project Technical Team, defined below, requests resolution of a policy issue. B. Members: The Policy Advisory Board will consist of nine members, one member from each of the following agencies: Town of Los Gatos, Cities of Campbell, San Jose, Santa Clara, Milpitas, Santa Clara County, Santa Clara County Transit District, CHP Golden Gate Division, and Caltrans District 4. It is the responsibility of each agency to appoint an executive or senior staff level person to participate on the Policy Advisory Board. C. Ex Officio Members: The nine Policy Advisory Board members recognize that the successful implementation of the Silicon Valley Smart Corridor Project may require assistance and participation of the regional transportation planning agency, MTC. Therefore, a senior staff person from MTC shall participate on the Policy Advisory Board as an Ex Officio member. 2. PROJECT TECHNICAL TEAM A. Role: The Project Technical Team will be responsible for the day -to -day activities of designing, implementing, and operating the Silicon Valley Smart Corridor Project including preliminary engineering design, plans and specifications, right -of -way and environmental reviews, development of operating plans, and construction management program. The Project Technical Team will approve the final plans and specifications to be used for construction. The Project Technical Team will meet monthly. Silicon Valley S rt Corridor Project Memorandum of Understanding Page 3 B. Partici'pafing_at Meeting: The Project Technical Team will be composed of staff members from each of the following agencies: Town of Los Gatos, City of Campbell, City of San Jose, City of Santa Clara, City of Milpitas, Santa Clara County, Santa Clara County Transit District, MTC, CHP, and Caltrans. The monthly meetings will be organized around specific design and implementation tasks. It is the responsibility of each agency to ensure that the appropriate staff persons who can address the specific issues on the agenda attend the Project Technical Team meetings. Decisions will be made by consensus; disagreements that are not resolved and that may impede the implementation of the project will be brought to the Policy Advisory Board. When coordination is needed with other agencies such as neighboring jurisdictions, congestion management agencies, Caltrain, etc..., such third parties shall be invited to participate in Project Technical Team discussions as needed. 3. RESPONSIBILITIES A. City of San Jose• San Jose is responsible, as the lead design agency, for managing the preliminary engineering, developing the final plans and specifications for the project, and managing the systems engineering work. San Jose will do the work with both in- house staff and outside consultants if necessary. San Jose will process the necessary State and Federal documents for the design stage of the project including environmental review, right -of -way and utility clearance certification, and authorization to expend Federal funds (FNM -76 agreement). San Jose will work with the Santa Clara County Transit District and Santa Clara County to develop the appropriate structure of the FNM- 76 agreements. San Jose will work with the Project Technical Team to assure that local design standards are followed. San Jose will agendize and chair the Project Technical Team and the Policy Advisory Board Meetings. B. Town of Los Gatos Cities of Campbell, Santa Clara Mil itas Santa Clara County, Santa Clara County Transit District and Caltrans are responsible for assisting in the engineering and design of the project and ensuring that the project meets the objectives, requirements, and standards of each agency. Each agency will review and approve the project engineering and design documents and provide and make available all necessary information about their individual traffic control systems and design standards. C. Santa Clara County is responsible, as the lead construction agency, for developing and managing the construction program for this project. Santa Clara County will work with the parties to this MOU to develop the necessary agreements and encroachment permits to construct the project. D. Santa Clara County Transit District is responsible, as the lead Smart Park agency, for the feasibility study and preliminary plans for the Smart Park system as proposed in the Silicon Valley Smart Corridor Feasibility Study. If there is support to further develop the Silicon Valley S° rt Corridor Project Memorandum of Understanding Page 4 E. Caltrans is responsible for administering the Traffic System Management Pr6gram," which funds this project. Caltrans will assist the Project Technical Team with the state and federal funding and administrative processes. F. CHP is responsible for managing traffic incidents on the freeway and selected_ expressways in the corridor. CHP will provide input and review the traffic management response programs designed to minimize traffic impacts caused by incidents. G. MHC is responsible for regional transportation planning, programming, and coordination. MTC will assist the Project Technical Team with coordination issues, including contracting, multi - agency agreements, programming and funding issues, and resolution of disagreements. 4. THIRD PARTY CONTRACTING It is the intent of any party to this MOU that engages in contracting or procurement activities for the Silicon Valley Smart Corridor Project to compy with all third party contracting requirements imposed by federal funding sources and to pass along relevant requirements to its contractors and subcontractors. 5. TERM This MOU is in effect as of August 1, 1995 and will terminate on August 1, 1999, unless the term is modified by the unanimous agreement of the Policy Advisory Board. Silicon Valley S rt Corridor Project Memorandum of Understanding Page 5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this MOU: TOWN OF LOS GATOS CITY OF MILPITAS By By David Knapp,Town Manager Lawrence Moore, City Manager CITY OF CAMPBELL COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA By By Mark Ochenduszko, City Manager Richard Wittenberg, County Executive SANTA CLARA COUNTY TRANSIT CITY OF SANTA CLARA DISTRICT By By Judy Nadler, Mayor Peter M. Cipolla, General Manager METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION By COMMISSION Jennifer Sparacino, City Manager ATTEST By Lawrence D. Dahms, Executive Director Judy Boccignone, City Clerk CHP, GOLDEN GATE DIVISION APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY By Micheal R. Downey, City Attorney Jack Healy, Division Chief CITY OF SAN JOSE CALTRANS, DISTRICT 4 By By Regina V.K. Williams, City Manager Joe Browne, District Director