1995-111-Authorizing Agreement To Prepare An Environmental Impact Report For Proposed Construction At 50 University AvenueRESOLUTION 1995 -111 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT TO PREPARE AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION AT 50 UNIVERSITY AVENUE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, County of Santa Clara, State of California, that the Town of Los Gatos enter into an agreement with Kreines & Kreines, Inc., to prepare an Environmental Impact Report and that the Town Manager is authorized, and is hereby directed, to execute said agreement in the name and in behalf of the Town of Los Gatos. This award and authorization is conditional on the Town's receipt of $95,129 from the developer or his representative, and should that sum not be received by August 21, 1995, the award and authorization of the contract contained in this resolution shall automatically expire. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, California, held on the 14th day of August 1995, by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: Randy Attaway, Joanne Benjamin, Steve Blanton, Linda Lubeck NAYS: None ABSENT: Mayor Patrick O'Laughlin ABSTAIN: None SIGNED: MAYOR O PTHE TOW OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: l CLERK OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA Third Revised Proposal for Services to the Town of Los Gatos Preparation of the Old Town Center Project EIR for Zone Change Application (Z -95 -1) & Downtown Specific Plan Amendment (DSP -95 -1) Alternative B: • There is no Stage 1. • Stage 2. Excavation of private, below -grade parking lot and construction of a new parking garage with 30,550 square feet commercial retail (Building E) at- grade. • There is no Stage 3. • Stage 4. Completion of renovation and rehabilitation of the Old Town Shopping Center. Submitted by TI Kreines & Kreines, Inc. 58 Paseo Mirasoi Tiburon, CA 94920 (415) 435 -9214 August 12, 1995 Table of Contents Third Revised Proposed Scope of Services: Alternative B ......... ............................... 1 I. CEQA Documents to be Prepared ............................................ ............................... 1 A. Initiation of EIR Project ....................................................... ............................... I B. Prepare Administrative Draft EIR ..................................... ............................... 2 C. Prepare Draft EIR ................................................................. ............................... 2 D. Prepare Responses to Comments (Final EIR) .................. ............................... 3 E. Prepare Mitigation Monitoring Program ......................... ............................... 3 F. Prepare Findings .................................................................. ............................... 4 G. Attend Meetings ................................................................... ............................... 4 H. Preparation of Additional Drafts of Documents & Additional ReportCopies ....................................................................... ............................... 4 H. Approach to Preparation of the EIR ......................................... ............................... 5 A. Introduction ........................................................ ............................... B. Summary ............................................................. ............................... C. Project Description ............................................. ............................... D. Results of Scoping and Community Meeting ............................... E. Environmental Setting, Impacts and Mitigation Measures........ F. Alternatives .................................. ............................... G. Impact Overview ......................... ............................... Schedule ............................... Cost.................................................... ............................... Appendix A: There is no Appendix A Appendix B: Willdan Associates Proposal for Transportation/Circulation and Water Appendix C: Environmental Consulting Services Proposal for Noise Appendix D: ENGEO, Inc. Proposal for Earth and Risk of Upset/Human Health Appendix F: Visual Impacts Analysis, Inc. Proposal for Visual Simulation Appendix E: Donald Ballanti Proposal for Air Quality Appendix F: Visual Impact Analysis, Inc. Proposal for Photosimulation .5 .5 .5 .6 .6 15 15 17 lu Third Revised Proposal to the Town of Los Gatos Kreines & Kreines, Inc. for the Old Town Center Program EIR: Alternative B 08112/95 - Page i Third Revised of Services: Alternative B This proposal is for the preparation of a Project EIR on the following two actions by the Town of Los Gatos for the Old Town Center: • Zone Change Application (Z -95 -1) • Downtown Specific Plan Amendment (DSP -95 -1) The Old Town Center project is separated into two stages or independent parts, as follows: • There is no Stage 1. • Stage 2. Excavation of private, below -grade parking lot and construction of a new parking garage with 30,550 square feet commercial retail (Building E) at- grade. • There is no Stage 3. • Stage 4. Completion of renovation and rehabilitation of the Old Town Shopping Center. The project sponsor of the Concept Plan is a private developer who has submitted Proposed plans for the Old Town Shopping Center. However, several decisions have yet to be made. It is understood that future decisions by the Town of Los Gatos on the project may require subsequent environmental clearance. I. CEQA Documents to be Prepared This section of the proposal outlines the proposed Scope of Services for the completion of the environmental documents for the Old Town Center Project EIR. A. Initiation of EIR Project I. Project Start -up Kreines & Kreines, Inc. (K &K) will initiate the Project EIR, identify concerns and issues, review the EIR process and confirm the EIR schedule, as follows: • K &K will confirm with staff the precise description of the proposed Old Town Project that will be used in the EIR. • The Town staff will provide K &K with a list of proposed, contemplated and reasonably foreseen projects in the Old Town area that will be used to prepare the cumulative impacts section of the EIR. This list of projects to be provided with quantifiable units acceptable to Willdan Associates for preparation of traffic impacts. Third Revised Proposal to the Town of Los Gatos for the Old Town Center Program EIR: Alternative B Kreines & Kreines, Inc. 08/72/95 -Page 1 In the event the list of proposed, contemplated and reasonably foreseen projects in the project area (to be used to prepare the cumulative impacts section of the EIR) changes after being provided to K &K at Project Start - Up, additional time and cost will be necessary to review and rewrite document sections with written approval of the Planning Director. The Town staff will provide Willdan Associates with the following: • Town of Los Gatos Zoning Ordinance. • Any existing or proposed drainage plans for the Old Town Project Area. C Any hydrology and hydraulic methods required by the Town of Los Gatos. • Any existing hydrology/hydraulic reports that the Town has pertinent to the project. • Town of Los Gatos Master Storm Drainage Plan. K &K will coordinate preparation of the EIR with Town staff and maintain close contact with staff through telephone calls and meetings. 2. Prepare Notice of Preparation K &K will prepare a Notice of Preparation and submit it to the Town for distribution. Product: One copy of the Notice of Preparation. B. Prepare Administrative Draft EIR K &K will prepare the Administrative Draft EIR. The following "Approach to the Preparation of the EIR" section describes the organization and contents of the EIR. The Administrative Draft EIR will be submitted to Town staff for review. Product: Ten copies of the Administrative Draft EIR and two copies of reports prepared for use in the EIR. C. Prepare Draft EIR K &K staff will meet with Town staff to discuss the Towns comments on the Administrative Draft EIR. The Administrative Draft EIR will be revised to a Draft EIR based on the Towns comments and submitted to the Town for distribution. With written approval of the Planning Director, K &K could distribute copies of the Draft EIR per the Towns distribution list for an additional cost. Product: 75 copies of the Draft EIR and two copies of reports prepared for use in the EIR. Third Revised Proposal to the Town of Los Gatos Kreines & Kreines, Inc. for the Old Town Center Program EIR: Alternative B 08/12/95 - Page 2 D. Pre are Responses to Comments Final EIR The Town will circulate the Draft EIR for review and comments to be received within 45 days, unless the Town receives authorization from the State Clearinghouse for a 30 -day review period. At the end of the review period, K &K staff will meet with Town staff to discuss comments received by the Town on the Draft EIR. The Town staff will provide K &K with a single consolidated set of comments. Any comments received after the 45 -day (or 30 -day, if authorized) circulation period will not be responded to by K &K. 1. Prepare Administrative Draft Responses to Comments K &K will prepare a document that addresses all written comments received by the Town and all verbal comments made at noticed meetings regarding the content and adequacy of the Draft EIR. The Final EIR will be in the form of Responses to Comments (an attachment to the Draft EIR). The Responses to Comments will include an Errata section, if necessary, containing any necessary revisions to the Draft EIR text with notations identifying revised portions. The Responses to Comments will also include an index of comments received, a collection of verbatim comments (letters, memoranda, minutes, etc.) and a written response by the EIR authors to all substantive environmental points raised. The Administrative Draft Responses to Comments will be submitted to the Town for staff review. Product: One copy of the Draft Responses to Comments. 2. Prepare Final Responses to Comments After Town staff review of the Administrative Draft Responses to Comments, K &K staff will meet with Town staff, if requested. K &K will prepare the Final Responses to Comments based on Town staff review. The Final Responses to Comments will be submitted to the Town for distribution. Product: 75 copies of the Final Responses to Comments. E. Prepare Mitigation Monitoring Pram K &K will prepare a Mitigation Monitoring Program in compliance with AB 3180. The format for the Mitigation Monitoring Program will be approved by the Planning Director. The Program will specify the tasks, schedule and entity responsible for each mitigation measure. i nira Kewsed Proposal to the Town of Los Gatos for the Old Town Center Program EIR: Alternative B Kreines 8 Kreines, Inc. 08/12/95 -Page 3 1. Prepare Draft Mitigation Monitoring Program A Draft Mitigation Monitoring Program will be submitted to the Town for review along with the Draft Responses to Comments. The Draft Mitigation Monitoring Program will be a stand -alone document not intended for public review. Product: One copy of the Draft Mitigation Monitoring Program. 2. Prepare Final Mitigation Monitoring Program The Draft Mitigation Monitoring Program will be revised to a Final Mitigation Monitoring Program based on staff comments. The Final Mitigation Monitoring Program will be a stand -alone document not intended for public review. This document will be submitted to the Town along with the Final Responses to Comments. Product: One copy of the Final Mitigation Monitoring Program. F. Prepare Findings 1. Prepare Draft Findings K &K will prepare written findings of fact in accordance with Section 15091 of the CEQA Guidelines. A draft of the findings of fact will be submitted to the Town for staff review. Product: One copy of the draft written findings. 2. Prepare Final Findings Revisions to the Findings, if necessary, will be made by K &K based on the Town's comments. Product: One copy of the final written findings. G. Attend Meetings Mr. Kreines will attend two public hearings or meetings to present the findings of the EIR and listen to public testimony. A representative of Willdan Associates will attend two staff meetings and two public hearings or meetings. With the written approval of the Planning Director, representatives of K &K and any of the subconsultants will be available to attend meetings and/or hearings in excess of those specified in this proposal for an additional cost. H. Preparation of Additional Drafts of Documents & Additional Report Copies With written approval of the Planning Director, additional drafts of documents could be prepared with additional time and cost and additional copies of reports can be provided to the Town at K &K's cost. Third Revised Proposal to the Town of Los Gatos Kreines & Kreines, Inc. for the Old Town Center Program EIR: Alternative B 08/12195 - Page 4 II. Approach to Preparation of the EIR The EIR will contain the following information and will be prepared in the following format. A. In--- troduc .lion The introduction will briefly discuss the Town's decision to have an EIR prepared on the proposed Old Town Project. B.B. Sin, The summary will briefly describe the proposed Old Town Project, the impacts of this project and the mitigation measures designed to eliminate or reduce those impacts. C. Project Description This chapter will contain a description of the proposed Old Town Project and its location. Any other projects planned for the area will be identified as well as any other agencies having jurisdiction over those projects, such as the Congestion Management Agency (CMA). K &K will present the history of the Old Town Shopping Center, from its conversion of a surplus school to a specialty commercial complex. The history of previous approvals and conditions for the Old Town Shopping Center will be summarized. The proposed project will be defined as a rezoning and an amendment to the Los Gatos Downtown Specific Plan. Rezoning to PD (Planned Development) will include all requirements of a CUP and an Architecture and Site Review in Los Gatos. Conditions and assumptions which might relate to the proposed Old Town Project will be identified. In addition, the surrounding area of Old Town will be described. This includes the portions of downtown to the west and northwest, the residential/office area along University Avenue, the outlying areas across S.R. 17 and south to Main Street. In the event the project description changes after the project description has been confirmed with staff at the Project Start -Up, additional time and cost will be necessary to review and rewrite document sections with the approval of the Planning Director. for the Old Town Center Program EIR: Kreines 8 Alternative B Kreines, Inc. 08/12/95 -Page 5 Both Kreines & Kreines, Inc. and the Town of Los Gatos recognize the potential for including Parking Lot 6 within the Old Town project area. However, a deliberate decision to exclude all discussion of Lot 6 from the proposed EIR has been made, except for the discussion of Lot 6 in an environmentally superior alternative. If the Town decides to include any evaluation of Parking Lot 6 in the EIR, written approval from the Planning Director will be necessary to authorize the additional time and costs required. D. Results of Scoping and Community Meeting K &K will use the summary of the Scoping Meeting held on July 26, 1995 for this section. E. Environmental Setting, Impacts and Mitigation Measures 1. Land Use For the environmental setting, the project area will be mapped for one quarter -mile in each direction. The environmental setting will identify existing land use as opposed to current zoning. Impacts will be measured in terms of the degree to which proposed commercial retail land use in the proposed project has been located more closely to existing development. This impact will also be considered in the "Visual' section of this EIR. Mitigation measures, if necessary, will include changes in the site plan and/or the addition of landscaping to screen the proposed project. 2. Conformance to Plans and Policies The following documents would be described as they pertain to the proposed Old Town Project: • Los Gatos General Plan • Los Gatos General Plan EIR • Los Gatos Redevelopment Plan • Los Gatos Redevelopment Plan EIR • Los Gatos Downtown Specific Plan • Los Gatos Downtown Specific Plan EIR • Los Gatos Zoning Ordinance • MTC Regional Transportation Plan • Bay Area 1991 Clean Air Plan We will describe how the project conforms with the goals, policies and implementation measures provided in these documents. Third Revised Proposal to the Town of Los Gatos Kreines & Kreines, Inc. for the Old Town Center Program EIR: Alternative B 08/12/95 - Page 6 The general tone of the Los Gatos planning documents is to preserve and enhance the small town character of the downtown. By comparing the project to these documents, K &K will determine the degree that this project enhances the downtown character. K &K will review the private developer's plans within the criteria required by any proposal for a PD (Planned Development) in the Town of Los Gatos. If applicable requirements (e.g., setbacks) are proposed to be modified from the appropriate zoning district, then the PD review will identify such requirements and discuss how they may be waived or altered to accommodate the private developer's plans. For policy impacts, wherever previous plans and policies set direction or proposed approaches which would conflict with the project, such impacts will be identified in this analysis. Conformance with the C -2 LHP zoning district by the project will be discussed. Impacts will be described by a checklist of all zoning requirements compared to the proposed Old Town project. For example, are 0 -side yards allowed? Does parking garage square footage count in FAR? What are refuse area requirements? Mitigation measures, if necessary, will be offered in two ways: • Listing those portions of the project that might be altered to fit previous policy, or ... • Listing those portions of previous policy that could be amended to accommodate the project. If mitigation measures require existing policy to be revised, the Mitigation Monitoring Program will identify those sections of policy documents requiring revision. With written approval of the Planning Director, K &K could prepare documents necessary to amend any Los Gatos plans and policies such as the General Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Downtown Specific Plan, Redevelopment Plan, etc., at an additional cost. 3. Transportation /Circulation The "Transportation/Circulation" section will be prepared by Willdan Associates. Please see the Willdan Associates proposal attached in Appendix B. Third Revised Proposal to the Town of Los Gatos Kreines & Kreines, Inc. for the Old Town Center Program EIR: Alternative B 08/12/95 - Page 7 Willdan Associates will describe proposed traffic mitigations in text form only in the EIR. With the written approval of the Planning Director, graphic exhibits such as drawings or diagrams of traffic mitigations could be provided on an extra -cost basis. 4. Water (Flooding and Drainage) The "Water" section will be prepared by Willdan Associates. Please see the Willdan Associates proposal attached in Appendix B. 5. Visual (Aesthetics) The environmental setting will determine the publicly accessible vista points of the two stages of the proposed Old Town project: • Stage 2. Construction of Parking Garage and shops above. • Stage 4. Completion of renovation and rehabilitation of the Old Town Shopping Center. Photographs will be taken of the areas as they exist today from several publicly accessible vista points. Elevations provided by the private developer of the reconstruction of the private, below -grade parking lot and additional construction of the Old Town Center will be placed in their respective places in each photograph. In the event that complete elevations are not available, then shaded areas, configured to represent the size and shape of the proposed Old Town project, will be used. Determination of significant impact will be on the basis of: • Degree to which original views are disrupted. • Degree of tree removal and lack of replacement. Introduction of new or incompatible materials into the immediate area. Estimates of tree removal and landscaping replacement will be based solely upon Tree Survey to Include Tree Preservation and Protection Plan prepared for the Hagman Group and Mr. William Hagman by James M. McClenahan, 5/31/95. Mitigation measures, if necessary, will be offered in terms of modifications to the site plan, a reduced level of development, revised materials or textures and/or buffering or screening through the use of landscaping. With written approval of the Planning Director, Visual Impacts Analysis, Inc. (VIA) can prepare the following three tasks for an additional cost of $6,280: Third Revised Proposal to the Town of Los Gatos Kreines & Kreines, Inc. for the Old Town Center Program EIR: Alternative 8 08/12/95 - Page 8 I. One project model view in an 8 -1/2 -inch by 11 -inch black - and -white half- tone format for inclusion as an exhibit in the EIR. 2. A photograph of the existing conditions from a viewpoint agreed to by the Town Planning Director. This will be the "before" condition and will be provided for comparison purposes in 8 -1 /2 -inch by 11 -inch black -and- white half -tone format for inclusion as an exhibit in the EIR. 3. Data from 1 and 2 above can be used to create a photosimulation of the proposed project of the "after" condition. This will be provided in 8 -1/2 inch by 11 -inch black- and -white half -tone format for inclusion as an exhibit in the EIR. Please see the VIA proposal in Appendix F for more information on this task. The $6,280 cost is included separately in the "Cost" section for the preparation of the above task. This proposal does not include any revisions to the above three tasks at the Administrative Draft EIR, Draft EIR stage or the responses to comments stage. With the written approval of the Planning Director, revisions to the photosimulation could be undertaken. 6. Noise The 'Noise" section will be prepared by Environmental Consulting Services (ECS) by H. Stanton Shelly. Please see the ECS proposed attached in Appendix C. 7. Plant Life This section will be based on the Tree Survey to Include Tree Preservation and Protection Plan prepared for the Hagman Group and Mr. William Hagman by James M. McClenahan, 5/31/95. No field work will be undertaken as part of this proposal. Based on the above mentioned report, K &K would identify: • Existing trees in the project area (or directly adjacent to it). • Trees which might be removed or affected by the project. Removal of trees will be compared to Section 3:20.020 of the Los Gatos Zoning Ordinance and to Ordinance 1264. Mitigation measures in the Tree Survey to Include Tree Preservation and Protection Plan will be described. i mra Kewsed Proposal to the Town of Los Gatos for the Old Town Center Program EIR: Alternative B Kreines & Kreines, Inc. 08/12/95 -Page 9 Replacement trees will be suggested. In addition, mitigation measures from the "Visual' section would be made consistent with these mitigation measures so that trees and shrubs can be used as screens or buffers for any visual impact. With written approval of the Planning Director, a K &K subcontractor could undertake additional work that may not be included within the Tree Survey to Include Tree Preservation and Protection Plan prepared for the Hagman Group and Mr. William Hagman by James M. McClenahan, 5/31/95. This work would entail additional time and costs. 8. Light & Glare For the environmental setting, we will identify all the existing sources of illumination in the project area which can be seen from residences within a one -block radius. Residences currently exposed to this illumination will be identified on a map of the surrounding area. For project impacts, K &K will identify the additional lighting which will be added as a result of the project. The degree to which this lighting will aggravate existing illumination exposure to residences identified in the environmental setting will be documented. Residences not previously impacted by illumination will be identified on a map of the surrounding area. A list will be made of each property impacted by the proposed illumination of the project, both before and after construction. Mitigation measures, if necessary, may be offered in terms of illumination shielding, landscape buffering and a revised site plan. F :F M41 This section of the EIR will be prepared by ENGEO, Inc. based on the following description and the ENGEO, Inc. proposal attached in Appendix D (as modified by the ENGEO, Inc. Revised Cost Estimate). ENGEO, Inc. will review the "Earth" section from the Expansion of the Old Town Center EIR prepared in 19861 and update where necessary, including: • Geology. • Seismicity. Update to include Loma Prieta earthquake information and susceptibility of Old Town Shopping Center to seismic damage. 1Kreines & Kreines, Inc. Draft Environmental Impact Report, Expansion of Old Town Center, Conditional Use Permit (U- 84 -12A), Architectural and Site Plan Permit (S- 76- 32I-I), August 1986. Third Revised Proposal to the Town of Los Gatos Kreines & Kreines, Inc. for the Old Town Center Program EIR: Alternative 8 08/12/95 - Page 10 Soils. Review soils report prepared for private developer, if one is provided, and include information from it in the EIR. If the private developer does not provide a soils report, the preparation of such a report could be undertaken by ENGEO, Inc., with the written approval of the Planning Director, for additional time and costs. • Structural Evaluation of Existing Structures. ENGEO, Inc. will review structural evaluation of the existing structures prepared for the private developer, if one is provided, and include information from it in the EIR. If the private developer does not provide a structural repo, -, the preparation of such a report could be prepared by ENGEO, Inc., with the written approval of the Planning Director, for additional time and cost. 10. Air Quality The "Air Quality" section will be prepared by Donald Ballanti, Consulting Meteorologist. Please see the proposed attached in Appendix E. 11. Natural Resources The new construction will require the use of fossil fuels and building products. These would be pointed out as a one -time loss of natural resources as a result of construction of the project. Mitigation measures will consider the use of recycling demolition and other waste materials. 12. Public Services Fire Protection. The environmental setting will determine the Central Fire District's regulations for commercial spaces, particularly through narrow parking aisleways as suggested in the private developer's plan. The impacts will be the degree to which the proposed plans meet existing fire codes. At a minimum, the clearance between separate structures proposed in the project plan should be identified for purposes of fire fighting. Mitigation measures may require alteration of the project or sprinkling of the new buildings. Police Protection. The environmental setting will document the degree to which crime is a factor in parking structures in Los Gatos. In addition, the incidence of crime in the Old Town area, particularly those areas which are enclosed and hidden from public view, will be identified. Impacts will be determined by reviewing the private developer's plans with the Los Gatos Police Department. The degree to which additional hidden areas and enclosed parking structures might induce additional crime will be identified. Third Revised Proposal to the Town of Los Gatos for the Old Town Center Program EIR: Alternative B Kreines & Kreines, Inc. 08/12/95 - Page 11 Mitigation measures may be required in terms of modifying the private developer's plans or establishing security systems within the project. 13. Energy The proposed Old Town project will generate additional demand for heating and lighting. The setting will identify the wattage now demanded by the project and establish estimates of watts per square foot or per luminaire demand. The impacts will include estimates of internal project demands as well as the energy demanded by the increased VMT (vehicle miles traveled) generated by new patrons to the Old Town Shopping Center. Mitigation measures may require energy - saving techniques, a change in the site plan, reduction of development or trip reduction techniques. 14. Utilities The environmental setting will identify the water, sewer and storm drainage facilities in the area. We will assume that the private developer will provide preliminary utility drawings to determine where the private developer's plans will hook up to existing water, sewer and storm drainage. Impacts will be determined to the degree that proposed utility connections can, or cannot, be made. For example, if subterranean drainage and sanitary sewer in the parking garage are at a lower elevation than existing lines, such impacts will be noted. Mitigation measures will include pumping of drainage and sanitary sewer flows to lines at higher elevations and modification of the site plan if easements or lines are changed by the proposed Old Town project. 15. Cultural Resources The environmental setting will identify the Old Town Shopping Center as an original school built in 1881. The degree to which the original and subsequent buildings will be involved in the proposed Old Town project will be identified. We will identify the Historic Building Code and the Historic Commercial District, either of which may regulate some of the proposed construction. Third Revised Proposal to the Town of Los Gatos Kreines & Kreines, Inc. for the Old Town Center Program EIR: Alternative B 08/12/95 - Page 12 Impacts will be identified to the degree that proposed construction will alter the appearance and the original integrity of the existing structures. K &K will rely on the Town of Los Gatos Historical Preservation Committee for determining impact, if any. For example, the private developer's plans for the main building show that the grade -level below and the balcony itself will be expanded outward. How will that addition change the appearance of the original structure? Mitigation measures will be determined to the degree that proposed construction requires changes to the appearance or integrity of the existing structures, and/or the degree to which the Historic Building Code (if applicable) is not met. Mitigation measures may also include proposed changes in policy. With the written approval of the Planning Director, K &K could have a buildings in Old Town assessed for their historical value by a historical structures subconsultant. This would entail additional time and costs. 16. Risk of Upset/Human Health ENGEO, Inc. will undertake a peer review and an asbestos survey as detailed in their proposal attached in Appendix D (as modified by the ENGEO, Inc. Revised Cost Estimate). The asbestos survey includes collection of sampling for laboratory testing and specifications for the removal and handling of the asbestos either prior to demolition or renovation of the structures. The peer review will include a review of a risk of upset/human health investigation report to be prepared by a consultant to the Hunter -Storm Partnership (hereinafter "investigation report ") and preparation of this portion of this section of the EIR based solely on that investigation report. Kreines & Kreines, Inc. assumes the following regarding the investigation report: • A copy of the investigation report will be provided at no charge to Kreines & Kreines, Inc. • Kreines & Kreines, Inc. will receive written permission from the consultant for the Hunter -Storm Partnership to use the investigation report in the EIR. Third Revised Proposal to the Town of Los Gatos Kreines & Kreines, Inc. for the Old Town Center Program EIR: Alternative B 08/12/95 - Page 13 • The investigation report is a stand -alone document submitted to the Town for inclusion in an EIR and that the investigation report will meet the requirements for EIRs as specified in the California Public Resources Code and the California Administrative Code. The investigation report will include, at a minimum, all of the following: • A section describing the existing environmental setting. • A section describing all of the impacts of the proposed project. • A section listing all of the significant impacts of the proposed project. • A section detailing a mitigation measure for each significant impact identified. • A section detailing a mitigation monitoring program for each mitigation measure identified. • Exhibits or figures in 8 -1/2 -inch by 11 -inch format. In order to maintain an arms - length relationship, Kreines & Kreines, Inc. staff will not meet with or discuss the investigation report with the authors of the investigation report or representatives of the Hunter - Storm partnership regarding the investigation report. • In the event the investigation report does not meet the requirements of CEQA, each of those sections which fail to comply with CEQA will be identified as "significant impacts" in the EIR and the need for rewrite will be identified as mitigation measures. With the written approval of the Planning Director, K &K and its subcontractor could undertaken any of the following tasks for additional time and costs: • Preparation of any information necessary for the 'Risk of Upset/Human Health" section that is not contained in the investigation report. • Surface or sub - surface investigations. • This proposal includes only testing for asbestos as specified above. Testing or sampling for any other materials could be undertaken. • Meetings with agencies to determine acceptance or sign -off of these mitigation measures. • Abatement, replacement, use or removal of products, materials or processes containing any asbestos, hazardous materials or wastes. Third Revised Proposal to the Town of Los Gatos Kreines & Kreines, Inc. for the Old Town Center Program EIR: Alternative B 08/12/95 - Page 14 • Prepare a Phase III Remediation Plan and obtain federal, state, regional and local agency approval of the plan after the EIR is certified and the project is approved. 17. Other EIR Sections With the written approval of the Planning Director, K &K could add sections to the EIR such as Animal Life, Population, Housing, Recreation, Fiscal Impacts, Market Support, additional Utilities, and additional Public Services. F. Al_ ternatives CEQA requires that real alternatives be studied and that the no project alternative be studied. We will discuss two alternatives: the no project alternative and an environmentally superior alternative based on one of the following: • Alternative B with the addition of Parking Lot 6. This alternative assumes that Parking Lot 6 will result in a greater ratio of parking capacity over parking demand than exists today. • Alternative B without the retail commercial over the private developer's Parking garage will be discussed. Air quality, noise and traffic impacts will not be calculated for the two above alternatives and will be expressed in qualitative terms. All other potential impacts for the two alternatives will be described in qualitative terms. G. Impact Overview We will prepare the appropriate discussions and documentation for the following required sections: 1. Unavoidable Significant Impacts This section will be based on the determinations of significant impact in the EIR. 2. Significant Irreversible Environmental Changes This section will be based on the determinations of significant impact in the EIR. 3. Growth Inducing Impacts An expansion of parking may induce retail/commercial growth beyond that currently possible in Downtown Los Gatos. We will identify the degree to which the parking garage meets the following standards and demands: Third Revised Proposal to the Town of Los Gatos for the Old Town Center Program EIR: Alternative B Kreines &Kreines, Inc. 08/12/95 -Page 15 • Requirements of Los Gatos Zoning Ordinance. Actual demand, considering proposed development additions and net change in parking availability, in the Old Town Shopping Center area. Additional demand from Los Gatos downtown satisfied by the Old Town project. If there is additional demand after the first two points above are satisfied by the Old Town project, there may be a growth inducement to create even more commercial square footage in the Los Gatos downtown area. This will be quantified by K &K. 4. Cumulative Impacts The traffic and visual sections of the EIR will include impacts from other projects identified by the Town of Los Gatos at the Start -Up Meeting. Air quality, noise and traffic impacts will be calculated for cumulative as well as Old Town project impacts and will be expressed in quantitative (numerical) terms. All other cumulative impacts will be described in qualitative terms. 5. Effects of the Project that are Not Significant K &K will summarize those impacts found not be potentially significant. Third Revised Proposal to the Town of Los Gatos Kreines & Kreines, Inc. for the Old Town Center Program EIR: Alternative B 08/12/95 - Page 16 Schedule Task Receipt of Signed Contract &Project Initiation Date Submit 10 copies of Notice of Preparation August 18, 1995 Submit ten copies of the Administrative Draft EIR and two copies of reports August 31, 995 November prepared for use in the EIR 151 1995 Receive Town staff comments on Draft EIR Submit 75 copies of the Draft EIR and two copies of reports prepared for November 22, 1995 December 22, use in the EIR 1995 End of 45 -day review period for Draft EIR/Receive all comments from Town February 8, 1996 Submit ten copies of the Draft Responses to Comments & ten copies of the Draft Mitigation Monitoring Program February 29, 1996 Receive Town staff comments on Draft Responses to Comments & Draft Mitigation Monitoring Program March 7, 1996 Submit 75 copies of the Final Responses to Comments & ten copies Final March 14, Mitigation Monitoring Program 1996 Submit five copies of the draft written findings Receive Town staff comments on draft written findings March 14, 1996 Submit five copies of the final written findings March 21, 1996 Attend Meetings (two public meetings) March 28, 1996 As directed Kreines & Kreines, Inc. will make every effort to complete the in project accordance with the above schedule. The schedule is based upon the assumption that the Town staff and private developer will provide Kreines & Kreines, Inc. and its subcontractors with requested information in a timely manner and that the Town will adhere deadlines for review of documents. to This schedule is also based on receipt of an investigation report from a consultant for the Hunter -Storm Partnership by September 29, 1995. The investigation report is described in the 'Risk of Upset/Human Health" section of this proposal. If receipt of the investigation report is delayed or if receipt of a signed contract is delayed, the schedule would be delayed by a commensurate amount. Third Revised Proposal to the Town of Los Gatos for the Old Town Center Program EIR: Alternative B Kreines &Kreines, Inc. 08/12/95 -Page 17 U c N � �a Y � m^ N d � �o _. m N m c0 � J 3W F m yO 0 o a` a c nm O U CL d� 00 o Z Z w O o b o w o S p 0 w w �A.. ar O ^. >, ar G v � C x [ a •: p C O vivo." N yo pp o C -O G .m O O A cn V V [ R N A G 0 u m [ OyJ .0 G Gi v u °i y u L _ v y 4 .G ° u v 5 w" w"° > c v CC, y C7 w v Ca: W G v p 5 v uwOA j.Y y X ca W U O W U O G m w v O :� w aj O ., v m O v W> .5 G1. a f1. v „� y oar .G O T3 M aJ ti A 01 v v R 79 vx v.y v o o Qa° w ed O a` cu G cn oj A C +'�+ •� '�% • 0 ,C� 5 O O aJ N G m O O G A J 0 U o ° d a, J G W C a a, a v� pv cc y� ;� Y f1. o.5 A C cc y > ,5 m V N R. w vi "' cz m ACU av" `o v�arm.5 " VO >•op� 4 Ti <C 'C. a51 �7 '"' nY O V °vv n m a Ay F N 3 5 ° C oco c N � �a Y � m^ N d � �o _. m N m c0 � J 3W F m yO 0 o a` a c nm O U CL d� 00 o Z Z o b o w o S p 0 w w N O 0 L C7 W U O W N O m w w n b O w O a` b J W C Y a `o a 0 O W a m ?' m � c E E s E Q W U m • v a o` m a yc o 'c o v N W o 2 Em L A O O N c N � �a Y � m^ N d � �o _. m N m c0 � J 3W F m yO 0 o a` a c nm O U CL d� 00 o Z Z U � C `- N d N c a y Y � d � C O m m CD N � O 0 C N r J O K 3W F � _ rn 0 oa m cN C a� oU d` 3 � o N ~ 0o d0 o� o N ON N t0 f� N M Yf O w m J _m L w m c a Y ONj VS N c0 L a 0 0 b O N O m a C O N O O O O O O O O O O O N o c W E f m a m N tp © h N !� A i(J N R d Vi N N 19 O 19 Yi 19 l9 O O O O h >a E E g d 0 C 3 V m v O {7 O i � N H F- � N W N N (p vi Y 19 N bi e9 N YV W W N W W O N� � W m Z' °n v 0 g N C m L m ^ J N m .m. m m c2 O oC N N H J H a m c v O O a E y E E m o m g' o ti e W U V .0 0 mill, mp O C C CL p o m c U N Z Q O O O m m L C N YOj O m m m m m LL m m LL a 'C g1 .Q 5 s0 �N � 50 � 50 � m 0 0 0 0 g Lm Lm A T n m N T n m T n T n T n T n n `� C W m ssm 3 8 g NN V s � �m> a E v S k C p c N c c c c O O N 2101 O O O 010 2 O, a LL Ul N ON N t0 f� N M Yf O w m J _m L w m c a Y ONj VS N c0 L a m N m U O m a C � C Nm m _ c of J Q o c m 4 O J E m C W o o c E f m a m N i a C ` N R d N m C � O N W d O C C w >a E E g d 0 C 3 V m v m 0 i � N H F- � B: Willdan Associates Proposal for ortation/Circulation and Water Proposal to the Town of Los Gatos for the Old Town Center Program EIR: Alternative 8 Kre� ^es 8 Kraines, Inc. 07/10/95 IA7 WILLDANASSOCIATES ❑ ENGINEERS &PLANNERS Professional Consulting Services Since 1964 July 6, 1995 Mr. Ted Kreines, AICP Kreines & Kreines 58 Paseo Mrasol Tiburon, CA 94920 Subject: Proposal to Provide Engineering Services for Old Town Center EIR Dear Ted: Pursuant to our telephone discussions and recent meeting, Willdan Associates is pleased to present this proposal to provide engineering services as a subconsultant in connection with the EIR for the proposed Old Town Center program concept in the Town of Los Gatos. We will prepare the technical traffic study and the hydrology /drainage section of the EM, respond to comments, and attend meetings as described below. We can meet the following schedule: • Provide traffic data to noise and air quality subconsultants: Four weeks from contract execution and receipt of notice -to- proceed and all necessary information (including up to date definition of existing and proposed project, Gruen & Gruen report, market study, and zoning ordinance sections relating to parking) from the Town, private developer, and Kreines & Kreines. • Provide draft traffic study and hydrology /drainage text for Administrative Draft EIR: Six weeks from contract execution and receipt of information identified above, as well as hydrology and hydraulic calculations from the private developer. • Provide revised traffic study and hydrology /drainage text for Draft EIR: Two weeks from receipt of Town of Los Gatos comments through Kreines & Kreines. • Provide response to public comments on the Draft EIR: Two weeks from receipt of all comments on the DEIR. • Provide mitigation monitoring procedure for each identified mitigation measure: Two weeks from receipt of all comments on the DEIR- Our scope includes my attendance at up to two public meetings and two staff meetings, and Scott Alman's attendance at up to two public meetings and two staff meetings. Attendance at additional meetings can be provided for additional compensation of $900 per person per meeting. 374 POLL STREET • SUITE 101 • VENTURA, CALIFORNIA 93001-2613 • (805) 6536597 • FAX (805) 643 -0791 July 6, 1995 Page 2 To evaluate all four phases of development, including Town Parking Lot No. 6, Willdan's services will be provided for a lump sum fee of $27,528. If evaluation of Lot No. 6 is not to be included in the scope, the fee can be reduced to $26,276. Please indicate in your authorization to proceed which scope and fee is authorized. Invoices will be submitted monthly, with total progress payments equal to or less than the following: • 50% prior to submittal of traffic information to the noise and air quality subconsultants. • 65% prior to submittal of the draft traffic study and hydrology /drainage section for the Administrative Draft EIR • 85% prior to submittal of the revised traffic study and hydrology /drainage section for the Draft EIR. • 100% prior to submittal of the response to comments and mitigation monitoring procedures. A breakdown of the traffic study fee is as follows: A breakdown of the hydrology /drainage section fee is as follows: Alternative A Alternative B Ungluding Lot 6) (exclude, ine Tot 6) Administrative Draft Draft $15,650.00 $15,150.00 Response to Comments 500.00 600.00 500.00 Mitigation Monitoring 04 00 600.00 Total -.250,00 o. o U-0 00.00 50 16 00.00 A breakdown of the hydrology /drainage section fee is as follows: It is our understanding that you will invoice the Town within one week following receipt of our invoices, and provide payment within one week following receipt of payment from the Town. Notwithstanding the progress payments identified above, we understand that your Alternative A Alternative B Godudin¢ Lot 61 (excluding Lot 6) Administrative Draft Draft $7,520.00 $ 6,768.00 Response to Comments 376.00 1,128.00 376.00 Mitigation Monitoring 04 00 1,128.00 Total — —�— 51-0,528.00 04 0 L9-776.0 It is our understanding that you will invoice the Town within one week following receipt of our invoices, and provide payment within one week following receipt of payment from the Town. Notwithstanding the progress payments identified above, we understand that your July 6, 1995 Page 3 progress payments to Willdan will reflect a 10% retention, if such retention is held by the Town of Los Gatos. As we discussed, the technical traffic study will be prepared by Willdan Associates and will be summarized by Kreines & Kreines. The scope of work for the traffic study and the hydrology /drainage section of the EIR will be as follows: Traffic Study r - ming_uonaitions A 24 hour directional traffic count will be conducted on Edelen Avenue to establish a base from which project traffic intrusion can be estimated. No other 24 hour traffic counts will be conducted, as street capacity analyses are neither relevant nor included for this study. Level of Service (LOS) calculations will be provided for both AM and PM (but not weekend) peak periods for the following intersections: Santa Cruz Avenue at West Main Street Santa Cruz Avenue at Los Gatos/Saratoga Road Santa Cruz Avenue at Blossom ITill Road University Avenue at West Main Street ° University Avenue at Los Gatos/Saratoga Road University Avenue at Blossom Hill Road Los Gatos/Saratoga Road at Los Gatos Boulevard Because the proposed project is not anticipated to generate freeway traffic volumes that exceed the 1% threshold established by the Congestion Management Program (CMP), freeway capacity calculations will not be performed. The intersection LOS calculations will be performed using the CAPSSI software program based on signal timing and count data provided by the Town, supplemented with new AM peak counts for the intersection of Los Gatos/Saratoga Road at Los Gatos Boulevard and new AM/PM peak counts for the following intersections: Santa Cruz Avenue at Blossom I-fill Road University Avenue at Blossom Bill Road University Avenue at West Main Street The report will include a description of existing conditions, consisting of street function, number of travel lanes, turn lanes, and bike lanes, availability of parking, and posted speed limit, for the following streets in the project vicinity: West Main Street University Avenue Santa Cruz Avenue ° Los Gatos/Saratoga Road July 6, 1995 Page 4 Blossom I-Ell Road Los Gatos Boulevard Edelen Avenue Based on one or more 8Y," x 11" exhibits to be provided by the applicant, existing site parking and circulation will be described, as will pedestrian and bicycle access. Existing transit stops in the project vicinity will be identified. F Based on the current list of approved developments, it is estimated that approximately to - 12 developments could have sufficient influence on the study area intersections to warrant evaluation. Additionally, the currently unleased space in the Old Town Center will be included as a separate approved development. AM and PM traffic associated with these developments will be estimated based on impact studies prepared for the developments (where available) or the ITE publication entitled Trip Generation, 5th Edition. This traffic will be distributed and assigned to the local street system based on available patronage surveys (such as the Gruen & Gruen report), field observations, and current traffic flow patterns reflected by the traffic counts. LOS calculations will then be performed for the AM and PM peak hours for the same seven intersections . This will represent the pre - project scenario. To develop the post - project scenario, AM and PM traffic associated with the project will be estimated based on the ITE Trip Generation category for shopping center. This traffic will be distributed and assigned to the local street system similarly to the approved development traffic, and AM/PM LOS calculations will be performed for the seven intersections. If significant project impacts are identified, an attempt will be made to identify feasible mitigation measures such as intersection restripin9, signal modification, and construction work hour restrictions. Although this effort will extend only to a text description of the identified mitigation measures, conceptual and/or preliminary desi Provided if necessary for additional compensation. gn exhibits can be The quantity of parking spaces required by the Town zoning ordinance will be calculated and compared to existing and proposed project quantities. It is important to note that this scope assumes that the discussion will merely quantify required parking and the quantity provided onsite and offsite (within the parking district), and that there will be no deficiencies. A discussion of downtown parking patterns, the parking district, and potential future plans will not be provided. The only exception will be the identification of Lot 6 as a parking district project rather than a private developer project. In addition to evaluation of intersection LOS and parking supply, the following operational aspects of the proposed project will be discussed qualitatively and/or semi - quantitatively: Surface and structure parking areas will be discussed with respect to circulation and access. July 6, 1995 Page 5 • Pedestrian and bicycle circulation and access will be discussed (transit will not be discussed). • Impacts that may result from the staged construction will be discussed. For instance, the quantity of available parking versus that required will be quantified for each of the 3 - 4 stages (including the Lot 6 parking structure, if applicable) and potential disruption to pedestrian and vehicular access/circulation during construction will be discussed. • A quantitative estimate will be made of the potential project traffic intrusion into the adjacent neighborhood. This impact will be discussed relative to the "environmental capacity" of Edelen Avenue. The following information will be provided to the air quality subconsultant: Table of trip generation (including peak hour and ADT) for the project and related developments. Description of existing lane configurations for the study intersections. Average cycle length for existing signal operations for the study intersections. The following information will be provided to the noise subconsultant: PM peak hour link volumes for up to seven street segments (to be estimated from intersection turn volumes) for existing, existing plus approved projects, and existing plus approved projects plus proposed project scenarios. Current posted speed limits for the same seven street segments. The potential impacts of a no- project alternative and an environmentally superior project alternative will be discussed qualitatively, relative to the impacts of the proposed project. In the event that Alternative A is analyzed as the Program Concept, then the more environmentally superior alternative will be Alternative B (excluding Lot 6 redevelopment). In the event that Alternative B is analyzed, then the more environmentally superior alternative will be Alternative A, assuming that Lot 6 will actually result in a greater ratio of parking capacity over parking demand than exists today. In the event that the Town of Los Gatos believes that Alternative B will be environmentally superior and Alternative B is the Program Concept, then Alternative A without the retail commercial over the private developer's parking garage will be the environmentally superior alternative. Hydrology/Drainage A review and evaluation of the short and long term impacts of the proposed project alternatives on hydrology will be performed to quantify the proposed project's impacts on July 6, 1995 Page 6 water quality, drainage patterns, existing drainage facilities, erosion and sedimentation. This effort will consist of the following tasks: • Identify existing drainage patterns and facilities that affect or are affected by the property. • Identify any flood plains in the area that have been mapped by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. • Identify long term impacts of the proposed project with regard to hydrology and surface runoff, particularly in relation to existing drainage facilities and existing creek-ways. • Identify potential compliance requirements to meet the NPDES Non -Point Discharge Permit -Best Management Practices (BMP) for Santa Clara County for the construction and post - construction periods. • Identify any necessary mitigation measures for the previously listed items. The tasks described above assume that the following information is provided: • The private developer will provide existing and proposed drainage plans, as well as hydrology and hydraulic calculations for the project. • The Town of Los Gatos will provide hydrology and hydraulic methods required by the Town, any existing hydrology/hydraulic reports pertinent to the project, and the master storm drainage plan. Again, we are pleased to present this proposal, and look forward to working with you. If you need any additional information, don't hesitate to call. Very truly yours, WILLDAN ASSOCIATES A"�4�P _�7"_ Mark Wessel, P.E. John F. Knipe, P.E. Supervising Engineer Vice President MSW: 5MO237.M copy: Scott Alman, Willdan Appendix C: Environmental Consulting Services Proposal for Noise Proposal to the Town of Los Gatos for the Kreines & Kreines, Inc. Old Town Center Program EIR: Alternative B 07/10195 Environmental Consulting Services Phone: (408) 257.1045 Susan /Ted Kreines Kreines & Kreines, Inc. 58 Pasco Mirasol Tiburon, CA 94920 Dear Susan and Ted, 20430H Town Center Lane Cupertino, CA 95014 FAX: 408 257 7235 July 8, 1995 I appreciate the opportunity to respond to your request for a proposal for a noise study for a new Los Gatos Old Town Center Development program EIR. This would be similar to the 1986 ECS study on the original Project, except that four different conditions would be considered and new noise measurements and traffic data would be acquired. Since all traffic and noise data will be different, and the monitoring, analysis. modeling, and perhaps even the mitigation measures. must be completely redone, this cannot be considered an "update' of the original report. The outline below is a proposed scope of %york for the noise study to evaluate the potential noise impacts and develop mitigation measures for construction of the Old Town Center project. PROPOSAL: OLD TOWN CENTER NOISE STUDY I. SETTLNG/ EXISTING CONDITIONS A. At seven representative locations in the project area, monitor specific local noise sources and ambient noise levels in L x and Lcq noise descriptors. The seven locations could be the same as in the original study. However, one or more new receptors could be substituted as required. B. Review suitability of the project site noise environment for the proposed uses, including nearby present and future traffic sources. II. POTENTIAL PROJECT NOISE IMPACTS A. Identify significant sensitive receptor locations that could be affected by noise impacts from the proposed Old Town Center project, including the Center itself. B. Evaluate potential noise impacts from project-related activities, including project traffic and stationary equipment. The traffic noise analysis would based upon the field noise monitoring and the NCHRP Report 117 Traffic Noise Model, the same as was used for the prior study. The four traffic conditions and cases evaluated for noise impact would be: (a) no-project case (b) proposed project case (c) alternative project case (d) cumulative future development case. Complete link- volume data for each receptor location and traffic condition would be required to allow accurate and efficient traffic noise modeling. C. Evaluate potential noise impacts from project demolition and construction activities. D. Analyze potential project noise impacts relative to the adopted Los Gatos Noise Ordinance, General Plan Noise Element, Los Gatos General Plan E1R, and relevant Cal ifornia noise control standards. III. RECOMMENDED NOISE - MITIGATION MEASURES A. Develop feasible and effective noise mitigation measures for significant project noise sources. B. Develop a monitoring procedure for each noise source or mitigation measure as appropriate. Los Gatos Ol wn Center Project Noise Proposal Page 2 IV. REPORTS A. Prepare an Administrative Draft report describing measurements, analysis procedures, potential impacts and mitigation measures. B. Respond to questions and comments related to the Administrative Draft noise report. C. Prepare Final EIR noise report. The relative effort for each phase of the proposed study are as shown in the table below: Data gathering and field work 25% Analysis and modeling_ 25 ivlitieation measure and monitoring development 15 Draft report preparation 25 Respond to comments and prepare final report 10 The new project scope includes an Alternative A with phases 1, 2, 3, and 4, and an .Alternative B with phases 1, 2 and 4. The professional fees for field noise measurements, data compilation, noise modeling and analysis, mitigation and monitoring development, and draft and final report preparation as outlined above, for Alternative A would be S4850 and for Alternative B would be 54350, based on a standard hourly rate of S90. All aspects of the project would be handled by myself as Principal. I have over Is years of experience with community noise impact and mitigation studies, including many similar to this project. I have enclosed a summary Statement of Qualifications. A list of representative ECS noise studies can be provided if desired. Fork to complete the initial draft report would require roughly three weeks after go -ahead and receipt of all relevant traffic and project information. If you need more details on this proposal, or if the scope or cost of the project is not satisfactory, please let me know immediately, so that we can make a mutually acceptable modification. If this proposal is acceptable, an authorized signature at the bottom of the page will allow this to serve as a Letter of Agreement, and work can proceed at your convenience. I look forward to working with you and your team on this project. Sincerely, sna4'V ShazL / H. Stanton Shelly Acoustical Consultant Encl. FOR KRELNES & KRENES, NC. M TITLE DATE Environmental Consulting Services Cupertino Appendix D ENGEO, Inc. Proposal for Earth and Risk of Upset/Human Health Second Revised Proposal to the Town of Los Gatos Kreines 8& Kreines, Inc. for the Old Town Center Program EIR - Alternative 8 08/10/95 INGEO INCORPORATED GEOTECHNICAL A. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTA In Reply Please Refer to: July7, 1995 - Revised August 10, 1995 4014 -Fl Mr. Ted Kreines Kreines & Kreines 58 Paseo Mirasol Tiburon, CA 94920 Subject: Old Town Shopping Center Los Gatos, Califom a PROPOSAL FOR EARTH, RISK OF UPSET AND HUMAN HEALTH SECTIONS FOR PROGRAM EIR Dear Mr. Kreines: ENGEO Incorporated is pleased to provide a proposal and cost estimates for the Earth, Risk of Upset and Human Health sections for the Program EIR being prepared for the Old Town Shopping Center in Los Gatos, California. The scope of work and cost estimates were developed from a review of the information on earlier site studies provided by your office and the site walk through of July 6, 1995. The Town of Los Gatos is currently planning to update and revise a 1986 EIR into a Program EIR for a new project under consideration by the Town for the Old Town Shopping Center and the Town of Los Gatos Parking Lot No. 6. Consequently, the Geology and Seismicity sections from the earlier EIR would need an update of information regarding earthquake activity and seismicity since the 1986 study. It is our understanding after our site meeting of July 6 that the primary concern on the property is the status and acceptability of the environmental assessment reports previously prepared by others for the project site. Based on the conversations with you at the site and after reviewing the reports provided, we see the areas of concern as follows: (1) hydraulic fluid leakage under the elevator in the front of the main building; (2) possible remnants of dyes and products used and disposed in the area of the kiln; (3) the status of the soil and possibly ground water in the area of the former underground fuel storage tank in front of the maintenance building; (4) possible impacts to the site from ground water contamination migrating toward the subject property from the Town of Los Gatos Parking Lot IV; (5) possible impacts to the soil and ground water beneath the parking lot across University Avenue due to an adjacent railroad right of way and use of the property as a lumber yard; and (6) asbestos containing materials used in the building construction and the impacts to the proposed renovation and rehabilitation of the buildings. ■ 2401 CROW CANYON ROAD • SUITE 200 • SAN RAMON, CALIFORNIA 94583 -1545 • (510) 838 -1600 • FAX (510) 838 -7425 Kreines & Kreines Old Town Shopping Center, Los Gatos 4014 -F1 PROPOSAL FOR EARTH; RISK OF UPSET AND HUMAN HEALTH July 7, 1995 SECTIONS FOR PROGRAM EIR Page 2 Our proposal will be presented with a breakdown of what we perceive to be the required scope of work and subsequent costs. I Farth Our proposed scope of work would include a review of the latest geologic literature for the project site and vicinity. The seismic data developed after the Loma Prieta earthquake along with the increase in knowledge regarding seismicity and the performance of structures will be reviewed as it pertains to the subject property. The proposed costs for this phase of work would be $1,800.00. As an optional task a soils investigation could be conducted by our office for the proposed site redevelopment. Exploratory test borings would be drilled in the area of the proposed Steamers restaurant relocation and in the area of the proposed underground parking lot across Universi Avenue. The report would include foundation design recommendations along with crit ty eria for dewatering the excavation for the parking structure. The cost for the soils investigation would be $8,500.00. The project structural engineer will review the developer's structural evaluation at a cost ofs1,o00.00. If a structural report for the auditorium and the Old Town Shopping Center are not provided our Project engineer will conducted a site walk through and prepare the structural report. This report would incorporate the seismic data collected by our office. The cost for this study would be $6,000.00 II. Risk of UpsevHamrnr Heakh The six areas of environmental concern were discussed previously. Our address each proposal will issue and the level of our concern based on the report review and the site visit.. A Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) The earlier environmental reports included some information on the ACMs at the project site. These reports seem fragmented and incomplete. We recommend a detailed asbestos survey of the Old Town Shopping Center Structure with a separate survey of the Steamer's Restaurant. This separate asbestos survey would be undertaken if just the Steamer's structure is scheduled for demolition and the renovation of the Shopping Center is delayed. We recommend that all the structures be studied at the same time in order to more clearly delineate the anticipated costs and regulatory concerns. The cost for the asbestos survey of both structures with the collection of sampling for laboratory testing and a quantification of the ACMs would be $2,500.00. If you wish to just study the Steamer's structure the cost for the survey would be $500.00. Specifications for the removal and handling of the asbestos for either prior to the demolition or renovation of the structures would cost $750.00. Kreines & Kreines 4014 -Fl Old Town Shopping Center, Los Gatos July 7, 1995 PROPOSAL FOR EARTH, RISK OF UPSET AND HUMAN HEALTH Page 3 SECTIONS FOR PROGRAM EIR B. Former Underground Storage Tank/ Kiln/ Elevator Hydraulic Fluid — this section is deleted from the proposal. After reviewing the environmental reports and from the findings of the site visit, it is our opinion that the concerns on the eastern or rear portion of the structure could be evaluated at the same time during a subsurface exploration. With regard the former underground storage tank, it did not appear that adequate information is available to recommend closure of the tank at this time. A review of the earlier data does not seem to suggest a significant problem and we would typically recommend excavation and removal of the impacted soil . For the purpose of the EIR we recommend two additional test borings in the area of the former tank to further characterize the extent of the contamination. We would test the site soil and ground water for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline and diesel, benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene and xylenes as well as for oil and grease. These test results would then be used in developing a work plan for submittal to the regulators with a work plan for site closure. While the drilling rig is on -site we would move further to the south in order to collect a ground -water sample to test for hydraulic fluid. It is our experience that hydraulic fluid releases from elevators tend to be localized and be cleaned out by over drilling the shaft excavation after the removal of the hydraulics. The purpose of the ground -water sample would be to screen the down gradient ground water for indications of a significant hydraulic oil release. The environmental concerns regarding the kiln seem to be localized with a potential for shallow soil contamination. We propose to collect near surface soil samples down slope of the kiln using a hand auger. The samples would be tested for metals and solvents. We would also collect a soil sample from the area of the suspected leachate on the slope above Los Gatos Creek. This sampling and laboratory testing would allow an evaluation of the water seepage for possible solvents and/or hydrocarbons draining beneath the subject property. C. Possible Mi ration of Contaminants from Parking Lot IV. — this section is deleted from The proposal. There is a concern that the contamination found on Parking Lot IV northwest of the subject site could be dispersing beneath the subject property. Review of the environmental reports did not find significant concentrations of contaminants that could impact the proposed use of the study area. Prior to undertaking a field exploration we will review the regulatory files to update the Parking Lot IV data. As a prudent measure we recommend that an exploratory test boring is drilled in the parking area adjacent to Steamer's restaurant. A ground -water sample would be collected to test for TPH as diesel and Volatile Organics Compounds (VOCs) analysis. A soil sample collected from the saturated zone soil would also be submitted for similar laboratory analysis. Kreines & Kreines Old Town Shopping Center, Los Gatos 4014 -F1 PROPOSAL FOR EARTH RISK OF UPSET AND HUMAN HEALTH July 7, 1995 SECTIONS FOR PROGRAM EIR Page 4 D' Proposed Underground Parking Area and Railroad Easement deleted from the proposal. — this section is Sanborn records showed the proposed underground parking area to have contained a lumberyard with significant use of the railroad easement possibly used for maintenance and materials storage. It is currently proposed to extend the parking lot excavation further to the west resulting in the excavation Of up to 10 to 15 feet of soil along the former railroad alignment. We propose to drill a series of four exploratory test borings along the western limit and in the parking lot in the area of the proposed cut. Soil samples would be collected to evaluate possible impacts to the soil that might require special handling at the time of excavation. The samples would be analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Volatile and SemiVolatile Organics, Metals, and Oil and Grease. We would also collect two ground -water samples for laboratory testing. It is our opinion that the exploratory drilling and laboratory testing for the areas described in sections B, C and D could be more economically addressed with one to two days of drilling. Given the Proposed four week time frame this approach seem the most manageable. The costs for this phase of work would be on the order of 523,000.00. Based on the findings from this study we could then be able to identify those areas requiring work Plans for additional characterization which would be used toward regulatory closure. Our review of the earlier environmental reports did not find the potential for significant soil or ground water contamination emanating from the site or from near by properties. We believe this level of investigation would supplement the earlier test data and address most of these issues. E. Response to Comments As the project manager Brian Flaherty would be assigned to respond to comments from the Town Of Los Gatos and from the public review. Mr. Flaherty would also be available to attend the public hearings with the appropriate team members as deemed necessary based on the public comments. Mr. Flaherty will respond to comments and appear at the public hearings at a fee of $140.00 per hour. Word processing revisions to the reports would be billed at $40.00. We would expect to bill two hours for revisions to the administrative draft and two hours to respond to public comment. The total costs to respond to comments would be $720.00, F. Insurance ENGEO Incorporated currently carries -General Liability insurance with errors and omissions and worker compensation coverage. The General aggregate limits of the insurance is $2,000,000 with $1,000,00 for Errors and Omissions and $1,000,000 for Workman's Compensation. Kreines & Kreines 4014 -F1 Old Town Shopping Center, Los Gatos July 7, 1995 PROPOSAL FOR EARTH, RISK OF UPSET AND HUMAN HEALTH Page 5 SECTIONS FOR PROGRAM EIR We look forward to working with you on this project. If you have any questions regarding the scope of work, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, ENGEOINCORPORA D Brian Flaherty Certified Engineering Geologist 1256 Registered Environmental Assessor 923 ENGEO, INC. REVISED PROPOSAL & REVISED COST ESTIMATE FOR PROGRAM EIR INPUT OLD TOWN SHOPPING CENTER LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA Revised Proposal The attached proposal letter from ENGEO, Inc. is modified as follows: Section II. B. is eliminated. Section II. C. is eliminated. Section II. D. is eliminated. Add a Peer Review of the investigation report to be prepared by a consultant to the Hunter - Storm Partnership Revised Cost Estimate I. Earth - Review and update geology and seismic sections of EIR .................. $1,800 Structural Engineer review of structural evaluation ........ ............................... $1,000 Optional - Structural Engineer's Report with Site Visit - $6,000 Optional - Soils Investigation - $8,500 II. Risk of Upset/Human Health A. Asbestos Survey .............................................. ............................... $2,500 Specifications for asbestos removal and handling . ............................... $750 B. Peer Review of investigation report prepared by a consultant to Hunter -Storm Partnership .............. ............................... $2,300 III. Respond to Comments ....................................................... ............................... $M Total............................................................................................ ............................... $9,070 Appendix F: Visual Impacts Analysis, Inc. Proposal for Visual Simulation Second Revised Proposal to the Town of Los Gatos Kreines & Kreines, Inc. for the Old Town Center Program EIR - Alternative 8 08/10/95 August 10, 1995 Ted Kreines VIA VA/OI impOCt Anolyys Kreines & Kreines W5 B son Morin Or., suite 250 58 Paseo Mirasol a o Box 1926 Tiburon, CA 94920 Novato, CA 94948.1926 Tel. 415 897 5505 A PROPOSAL. FOR VISUAL SIMin.ATION Fox. 4158973373 OF THE 0 D TOWN NTEg LOS r.Tm Dear Ted: Thank you for the opportunity to present this proposal. The cost schedule will be in a "menu" format so that you may quickly identify the components that you require. VIA proposes to analyze the project data and from that data, using computer aided design techniques produce a 3D CAD model and rendering of the proposed Old Town Center re-model and new parking / shops structure for the purpose of design evaluation. Because there are no building or design details at this time other than elevation sketches, VIA will need to scale and develop dimensions to the extent reasonably possible from the project documents. Specifically the buildings to be modeled are A,B,C and E. VIA assumes the level of architectural detail of the CAD model to be: 1. Building Envelope and significant architectural planes in relief. 2. Windows, openings and doorways. The project model view will then be printed to 8.5 x I1 size paper in black & white half -tone suitable for duplication. I. Viewpoint Photo eranhv. VIA will take existing conditions viewpoint photographs from points to be approved by Kreines & Kreines. Viewpoint photography will be color single film frame 35mm printed and enlarged to 8" x 10 ". 2. Line -of -Sight and Scaling. The traditional method of producing cross sections from the topographic / site maps should be sufficient to detemune scaling and line of site from the viewpoints selected. 3. The data v_�loped in tasks #1 nd #2 can b uscd to r te the photocimuladonc. VIA can generate one "before" (existing daytime conditions) photograph, and one "after" photosimulation for each viewpoint. The 'before" view will be unaltered and unmanipulated, and will be provided for comparison purposes. The "after" view will contain proposed project elements, digitally photomontaged into the site. The simulations will be provided in 8.5" x 11" color or black & white print format The proposed structures will be represented by a rendered digital model of proposed building elements, situated, oriented, and scaled using Computer Aided Design techniques. Orientation and scale of project elements will be based on project documents and analysis of the cross sections. Landscape mitigation will also be included at a maturity specified by Kreines & Kreines. # Task Cost 1 Viewpoint selection and photography Cost: $ hr 3 Modeling of Old Town Center So/ 4600.00 5 Producing a viewpoint simulation by composing the rendered building and landscaping elements with the digitized viewpoint photograph and then printing to 8.5 x 11 . $1680 per view. will b e billed extra at 110.00/hr Rdideetings olor studies will be billed at 110.00/hr. donal 8.5 x 11 prints are $14.00 each b -Total #3 4600.00 10 Calif. Sales Tax on the prints ( #8) 11 Total 4600.00 Kreines & Kreines will provide VIA with all necessary and available project documents, including site /topographic plans, relevant photographs, architectural and engineering plans. Any design changes, alternative siting, landscape mitigation alternatives etc. as expressed in photosimulations will result in extra cost. This proposal does not assume any obligations regarding comments to the EIR. VIA requests its customary deposit of 45% of the total cost of VIA's services to begin work. The balance will be due thirty days after the completed images are submitted and invoiced. Again, thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal and cost schedule Very truly yours, Harry Benke Approved Project Manager