1998-034 - Allocating Community Development Block Grant Funds to the Town of Los Gatos for Fiscal year 1998-99RESOLUTION 1998 - 34 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS ALLOCATING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS TO THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1998 -99 WHEREAS, the Town of Los Gatos receives Community Development Block Grant funds from the Department of Housing and Urban Development through the County of Santa Clara as a non - entitlement city pursuant to the provisions of Title I of the Housing and Community Development Acts of 1974 and 1977, as amended; and WHEREAS, the Community Services Commission has reviewed all applications for funding from community agencies and made recommendations; and WHEREAS, the Town Council considered those recommendations and took public comment at a regularly scheduled council meeting on April 6, 1998; and WHEREAS, the Town of Los Gatos has appropriated funds for allocation to various community groups and Town operated programs which provide services to very low and low income residents of the Town of Los Gatos; and WHEREAS, the Town has been notified that the CDBG allocation for Fiscal Year 1998 -99 is $165,566. NOW, THEREFORE, THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 1 A. The Town Council hereby finds that CDBG funds are available for Fiscal Year 1998 -99; and B. The Town Council hereby adopts the recommendation of the Community Services Commission; and C. The Town Council does hereby authorize the expenditure of $165,566 to those CDBG programs set out in Exhibit A. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, California, held on the 6th day of April, 1998, by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: Randy Attaway, Joanne Benjamin, Steven Blanton, Jan Hutchins Mayor Linda Lubeck NAYS: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None 2 TABLE I: FY 1998 -99 CDBG FUNDING 1998/99 1998/99 1998/99 1998/99 1997/98 Total Preliminary Revised Adopted CDBG Funding Funding Funding CDBG Allocation Request Recmnd Recmnd Allocations CATEGORY I: Public Services Catholic Charities /Ombudsman $7,720 $7,950 $7,720 Live Oak Adult Day Services $16,530 $20,000 $16,530 SJSU /Health Place" $5,330 $13,625 $4,370 Second Harvest Food Bank $3,600 $3,600 $3,600 Category l Subtotal $33,180 $45,175 $32,220 CATEGORY il: Housing & Other ADA: Americans/Disabilities •' $53,760 $50,000 $50,000 Affordable Housing $0 $8,346 $8,346 Emergency Housing Consortium $10,000 $0 $0 Housing Conservation Program Housing Project Support $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 Loans and Grants $0 $0 $0 County Rehab Specialist $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 Category ll Subtotal $123,760 $118,346 $118,346 CDBG Administration TOTAL** FY 98/99 Total CDBG Funding: Public Service: $ 32,228 Housing /Other: 133,338 Total: $165,566 $15,000 $ 171,940 ($6,374 less than prior year) $15,000 $178,521 $15,000 $165,566 SJSU /Health Place FY 97/98 Allocations: $5,330 CDBG plus $6,040 Community Grant: $11,370 Total SJSU /Health Place FY 98/99 Request (CDBG and Community Grant): $27,249 SJSU /Health Place FY 98/99 Recommendation: $4,370 CDBG, $7,000 Community Grant: $11,370 Total FY 98199 Recommended Allocation (ADA Accessibility Improvements): Forbes Mill and Tait Avenue Museums (Los Gatos Museum Association) EXHIBIT A 3/23198 CSD37:a: \cdbg989 \fundtble.989 Town of Los Gatos FY 98/99 Community Develo ment Block Grant Program C Application Summary CSD41:a: \exhibits.989 ATTACHMM 2 ate o I: Pubhc Service; Agency/Project Catholic Charities of San Jose 2625 Zanker Road, Suite 200, San Jose, CA 95134 -2107 Long Tenn Care Ombudsman Program FAX: (408) 944 -0275 Contact: Donna M. DiMinico, Director Phone: (408) 944 -0567, X -261 Funding FY 98/99 Request: $7,950 FY 97/98 Allocation: $7,720 (LG- 98 -32) ** Number/Unduplicated Clients Served: 560 540 Cost per Year per Client: $14.20 $14.30 Total Program Budget: $265,525 $234,724 Projected % of Program Budget: 3% 3.3% Total Organizational Budget: $9,648,422 $7,798,212 Grant will be used to support Operations (salaries/fringe, volunteer recognition expenses, mileage). * *Matches FY 97/98 Contract Contract Term July 1, 1998 through June 30, 1999 Population Total number of unduplicated Los Gatos residents to participate in Program: 560 Served Note: Total 1,320 long tern care residents in Town The community's most frail and isolated seniors living in eight (8) Los Gatos nursing facilities and nine (9) Los Gatos residential care facilities (very low, low, and moderate income clients; most over 65 years of age). Project Description This program enables volunteer ombudsmen to receive, investigate and resolve complaints made by, or on behalf of, elderly long -term care clients of residential care and skilled nursing facilities. It provides for regular site visits by staff and trained volunteers to long -term care facilities where face -to -face contact is made with individuals at risk for isolation, exploitation, personal rights violations, and abuse. The need for continued local advocacy is demonstrated by the volume of formal complaints made to the Program. Project Rork Plan 1. Demonstrate an ongoing presence in Los Gatos long -term care facilities through regular site visits; check each facility annually for Ombudsman Crisisline Poster: 186 Site Visits 2. Contact individuals residing in long -term care facilities to familiarize them with program; establish role as advocate; identify needs or concerns requiring complaint resolution services: 560 Unduplicated Clients 3. Investigate complaints and advocate for fair resolution: 60 Investigations (45 Clients Assisted) 4. Witness Durable Powers of Attorney for Health Care: 10 Per Year Indirect Services: Information and referral, training to facility staff, volunteer recruitment and placement. FY 97/98 Program Catholic Charities continues to fulfill its contractual obligation with the Town. Requests for grant Performance payment and Project Monitoring Reports are submitted on a timely basis. CSD41:a: \exhibits.989 ATTACHMM 2 Town of Los Gatos FY 98199 Coinmunitv Development Block Grant Pro ram Application Summary mare o 1: Public Service; Agency Live Oak Adult Day Services 19 High School Court, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (Facility Location) Adult Day Care FAX: (408) 354 -6648 Contact: Leta Friedlander, Executive Director Phone: (408) 354 -4782 Funding FY 98/99 Request: $20,000 FY 97/98 Allocation: $16,530 (LG- 98 -33) ** Number/Unduplicated Clients Served: 21 16* Cost per Year per Client: $952.38 $1033.13 Total Program Budget: $128,506 $255,069 Projected % of Program Budget: 15.6% 6.5% Total Organizational Budget: $646,692 $533,948 Grant will be used to pay portion of Program Director's salary at Los Gatos facility. * Actual for 7 /1/97 through 12/31/97. * *FY 97/98 Contract: 25 unduplicated Los Gatos participants: $255,069 Program Budget. Contract Period July 1, 1998 through June 30, 1999 Population Total number of unduplicated Los Gatos residents to participate in program: 21 Served * Frail, dependent elderly and disabled adults over 60, typically victims of stroke, dementia, Parkinson's disease, etc. * Clients dependent on others for basic daily care. * Clients unable to participate in programs designed for healthy seniors (but not disabled to degree requiring institutionalization). Project Description This program provides adult social day care (specialized care and recreational activities) for frail elderly and disabled seniors, particularly those dependent upon others for basic daily care and unable to participate in programs designed for healthy seniors. Additional services include respite to caregivers, the provision of morning and noon meals, and support group counseling. Benefit to Clients: Social interaction with peers and professional care in a protected environment. Project Work Plan * Allow family caregivers to keep dependent senior relatives at home. * Avoid placement of frail elderly in institutionalized care (nursing homes). * Provide humane, dignified, and cost - effective alternative care. 1. Provide 1,450 days of adult social day care to Los Gatos frail elderly (6 hours per day). 2. Provide 1,450 days of respite to caregivers, corresponding to program hours. 3. Provide 1,450 noon meals (County provides meals). 4. Provide 1,450 breakfasts (Agency provides meals). Indirect Services: A. Staff consultation, counseling, assessments: 100 B. In -service community programs; presentations regarding elderly issues: 4 C. Information and referral; outreach to increase community awareness: 120 FY 97/98 Program Live Oak Adult Day Services continues to fulfill its contractual obligation with the Town. Requests for Performance grant payment and Project Monitoring Reports are submitted on a timely basis. Town of Los Gatos FY 98/99 Community Develonment Block Grant P..,.... Application Summary ' - care o 1: Public Service; Agency San Jose State University Foundation P.O. Box 720130, San Jose, CA 95172 -0130 The Health Place Facility: 208 E. Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Dr. Jean Sullivan, Faculty, School of Nursing Phone: (408) 924 -3151 Carol Sooter, Contracts & Grants Manager (408) 924 -1430 Funding FY 98/99 Request: $27,249 FY 97/98 Allocation: ** CDBG: $13,624.50 $5,330.00 ( LG- 98 -34) Community Grant: $13,624.50 $6,040 (Total: 11,370) Number/Unduplicated Clients Served: 296 296 Cost per Year per Client: $452.95 $452.95 Total Program Budget: $134,073 $134,073 Projected % of Program Budget: 20% 20% Total Organizational Budget: $5,205,900 $4,958,000 Grant will be used to pay 1) salaries/benefits to Nursing personnel and secretary, and 2) pay lease on Room 7 at Neighborhood Center. ** FY 97/98 Contract: 347 unduplicated Los Gatos participants; $134,073 Program Budget. Contract Period July 1, 1998 - June 30, 1999 Population Total number of unduplicated Los Gatos residents to participate in Program: 296 Served Elderly (65 +), primarily very low and low income (frail homebound elderly). Majority of clients suffer from activity intolerance, impaired adjustment, impaired nutrition, social isolation, chronic pain, self -care deficit, anxiety, or impaired physical mobility. Project Description The Health Place, a nurse - managed center, conducts five primary programs for the elderly of Los Gatos, including in -home nursing services (case management), blood pressure screening and monitoring, consultation for clients and caregivers, education, and information and referral. Services are provided by nursing faculty with students working under their supervision. Most services are delivered "in- home" or while the client is participating in another agency s program, i.e., Live Oak Adult Day Services. Over the past several years, the Foundation has shifted its focus from providing office services to providing HOME VISITS. This shift is due in part to the fact that clients are growing older /frailer (and often more ill) and therefore require a greater number of home visits. Project Work Plan * Provide affordable health care not available elsewhere; * Provide abuse /neglect prevention, case management, in -home services, mental health, and outreach; See also attached * Assist elderly with activities of daily living; Scope of Services * Prevent hospitalization. 1. In -Home Nursing Services for Frail Elderly 752 Services/50 Unduplicated Clients 2. Blood Pressure Screening/Monitoring 600 Services/70 Unduplicated Clients 3. Consultation 150 Services/100 Unduplicated Clients 4. Education 19 Services/ 76 Unduplicated Clients 5. Information and Referral 350 Calls /Contacts FY 97/98 Program SJSU/Health Place continues to fulfill its contractual obligation with the Town. Requests for grant Performance payment and Project Monitoring Reports are submitted on a timely basis. Town of Los Gatos FY 98/99 Community Develonment Rln [, t_s..t n. m Application Summary Public Service; Agency Second Harvest Food Bank of Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties 750 Curtner Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125 -2118 Operation Brown Bag ) 266 -9042 FAX: (408 408) Cynthia McCown, Director of Services Phone: 266 -8866 Site 1: Calvary Baptist Church, 16330 Los Gatos Blvd, Los Gatos Site 2: Villa Vasona Apartments, 626 W. Parr Avenue, Los Gatos Funding FY 98/99 Request: $3,600 FY 97/98 Allocation: $3,600 (LG- 98 -31) ** Number/Unduplicated Clients Served: 87 87 Cost per Year per Client: $41.38 $41.38 Total Program Budget: $1,763,272 $1,679,307 Projected% of Program Budget: >1% >1% Total Organizational Budget: $6,114,816 $5,823,634 Grant will be used to pay utilities. * *Per FY 97/98 Contract: 45 unduplicated Los Gatos participants; $1,439,930 Program Budget. Contract Period July 1, 1998 - June 30, 1999 Population Total number of unduplicated Los Gatos residents to participate in Program: 87 Served Very low income seniors (60 +), usually on fixed incomes (most are households headed by single individuals). Disabled clients between 55 and 59 years of age are also eligible. Project Description This program provides nutrition services to low income Los Gatos seniors. Each Friday morning, cases of food are loaded onto trucks at the Food Distribution center in San Jose for delivery to two Los Gatos sites. Volunteers in Los Gatos help the driver unload the truck, then bag and distribute groceries to members. To qualify for the program, individuals must meet age and income eligibility requirements (60+ and very low income). Members make a$ 10 voluntary donation each year to receive services. Groceries are delivered by volunteers to homebound members. Weekly bags of groceries usually contain between 7 and 13 fresh, frozen, or packaged food items. Site Locations: Calvary Baptist Church, 16330 Los Gatos Blvd., Los Gatos 8:45 - 9:30 am, Fridays Villa Vasona Apartments, 626 W. Parr Avenue, Los Gatos 9:00 - 10:00 am, Fridays Project Work Plan * Provide weekly on -going supply of food to very low - income seniors. * Help elderly maintain an adequate diet. See also attached * Promote health and independence among seniors. Scope of Services * Supplemental food items help to reduce expenses, so more funds are available for medications, rent, utilities, etc. 1. Provide weekly groceries to low - income seniors 87 Clients per Week/58+ Bags 2. Conduct quarterly nutrition/education programs 4 Programs per Year /58+ Clients 3. Senior Issues Newsletter 4 Issues Annually 4. Volunteer Recognition Events 2 Events Annually 5. Information and Referral Ongoing FY 97/98 Program Second Harvest Food Bank continues to fulfill its contractual obligation with the Town. Requests for Performance grant payment and Project Monitoring Reports are submitted on a timely basis. Town of Los Gatos FY 98/99 Community Develonment Rlnek Gr..,t P..,....— Application Summary " – – sate gory H: Housin Other Agency Santa Clara County Housing and Community Development 1735 N. First Street, Suite 265, San Jose, CA 95112 FAX: (408) 441 -0365 Urban County Rehab Services (County Rehab Specialist) Phone: (408) 441 -0261 Funding FY 98/99 Request: $15,000 FY 97/98 Allocation: $15,000 Number/Unduplicated Clients Served: 4 -8 Households (LG- 98 -53) Cost per Year per Client: $1,875 Total Program Budget: $165,566 Projected % of Program Budget: 9.1% Total Organizational Budget: n/a Note: $15,000 is the flat rate fee charged by the County for services performed in Los Gatos (regardless of number of services provided). Contract Period July 1, 1998 through June 30, 1999 Population Very low and low income Los Gatos residents participating in the Town's Housing Conservation Program Served (Rehab Loans and Grants) Project Description The Housing Rehab Specialist provides services to the Town as part of the Town's Housing Conservation Program. The Specialist inspects properties for conformance with building, housing and health codes; prepares Project Cost Estimates; assists property owners in the development and design of general property improvements; prepares cost estimates and bid specifications; assists in negotiating construction contracts; inspects construction work in progress for compliance with project specifications and applicable codes and ordinances; approves payments to contractors; resolves conflicts and performs tasks relating to project close out. Project Work Plan Provide rehab services to as many as eight (8) Los Gatos households. FY 98/99 Program The County Rehab Specialist works closely with residents receiving loan or grant funds through the Town's Performance Housing Conservation Program. The Rehab Specialist continues to demonstrate considerable skill in expediting and monitoring rehabilitation projects and is highly regarded by loan and grant clients. Town of Los Gatos FY 98/99 Community Development Rln k (Supt Pte......... Application Summary Agency Town of Los Gatos 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Housing Rehab Administration (Project Support) FAX: (408) 395 -8640 Contact: Regina A. Falkner, Community Services Director Phone: (408) 354.6820 Funding FY 98/99 Request: $45,000 FY 97/98 Allocation: $45,000 Number/New Unduplicated Clients Served: 4 -8 Households (LG- 98 -52) Rehab Accounts Maintained: 37 Cost per Year per Client: n/a Total Program Budget: $165,566 Projected % of Program Budget: 27.2% Contract Period July 1, 1998 through June 30, 1999 Project Description The Housing Conservation Program (HCP) assures very low, low and moderate income Los Gatos residents a safe and comfortable living environment, helps to maintain the existing housing stock, and meets the Town's General Plan housing objectives. It accomplishes this by providing low interest installment loans, deferred loans, and grants to income eligible Los Gatos households for home repairs and earthquake, safety and accessibility modifications. The HCP is essentially a social service program. Since the majority of the clients are seniors, their rehab projects require a significant amount of personal attention and care. Rehab Project Support involves: managing new rehab projects, from application in -take to rehab monitoring; handling inquiries on low income housing in Los Gatos; managing and monitoring approximately 32 (17 Active, 15 Deferred) existing housing rehab loans; assisting with new affordable housing projects/programs. Project Work Plan Loan Portfolio Management: Manage the Town's HCP loan portfolio (17 active loans; 15 deferred loans); maintain detailed HCP loan inventory database; prepare detailed account reconciliations for clients upon request; process loan payoffs and subordination requests; fulfill CDBG Urban County quarterly reporting requirements. Housing Conservation Program (HCP)/Loan and Grant Processing: Market program and conduct community outreach; receive, review and process HCP applications; verify income and expenses to determine eligibility; work closely with clients to facilitate projects and minimize disruptions; coordinate preliminary housing surveys; conduct rehab conference with Rehab Specialist and client to establish project scope; inform and advise the Town's Loan Review Committee; execute and process loan documents; facilitate mediation between homeowners and contractors; process disbursement of payments; finalize projects and establish accounts receivable. FY 97/98 Program Staff continues to fulfill all housing duties. Reference attached Housing Rehab Status Report for rehab Performance program activity occurring 7 /1/97 through 12/31/97. Town of Los Gatos FY 98/99 Communitv Develonment Mork [rant v...nr.n. Application Summary --- .are o --: tiousm Othei Agency Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Affordable Housing Fund FAX: (408) 395 -8640 Contact: Regina A. Falkner, Community Services Director Phone: (408) 354 -6823 Funding FY 98/99 Request: $8,346 FY 95/96 Allocation: $20,000 Total Program Budget: $165,566 (LG- 96 -11) Projected % of Program Budget: 5% Note: In April 1996, Town Council authorized the transfer of $100,000 from the Housing Conservation Program to Affordable Housing. Now that a specific affordable housing project has been identified (Miles Avenue), the Town can officially transfer funds with the County of Santa Clara. The proposed FY 98/99 CDBG allocation would increase available funds to $128,346. Contract Term July 1, 1998 through June 30, 1999 Population Served Very low, low, and moderate income Los Gatos households, including seniors, families, and singles. Project Description The Town's Affordable Housing Program addresses a variety of important community needs: * Provides adequate housing for Town citizens, regardless of age, race, or ethnic background; * Provides for construction of housing adequate for future populations and replacement needs (consistent with environmental limitations and in proper relationship to community facilities, open space, and transportation); * Supports the Town's goal to develop and provide affordable housing in the community; * Offers a choice of housing opportunities for low and very low income seniors, families, and singles; * Enables more people to work and live in the same community; * Enables more young adults to continue to live in the community where they were raised; * Addresses one of the California Legislature's highest priorities to provide a "decent home and suitable living environment for all." Project Work Plan These funds are intended to be used in conjunction with other city, state, and federal resources to facilitate the development of one or several significant housing projects. Effective March 7, 1997, the State found the Town's Housing Element to be in full compliance with State housing element law. The Housing Element was subsequently adopted by Town Council on June 2, 1997 (State certification is expected within the first quarter of FY 97/98). The Town's Housing Element states that the "Town will utilize the Affordable Housing Fund to provide financial assistance to non - profit and for -profit developers who develop housing affordable to very low and low income households in Los Gatos." The Affordable Housing Fund consists of deposits from the Redevelopment Housing Fund, BMP In -Lieu Fee Fund, CDBG funds, and any community contributions. Community Housing Developers has proposed the development of an affordable housing project accommodating 12 very low and low income households on Miles Avenue in Los Gatos. The project is proceeding through the Town's planning processes. If approved, it is likely to be funded , in part, with CDBG affordable housing and Redevelopment Agency dollars. Town of Los Gatos FY 98/99 Community Develo meat Block Grant Pro ram Application Summary CSD37:a\odbg.989%e)dubitc989 a-are o u: ttousm Uthei Agency Town of Los Gatos 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 CDBG Administration FAX: (408) 395 -8640 Contact: Regina A. Fanner, Community Services Director Phone: (408) 354 -6820 Funding FY 98/99 Request: $15,000 FY 97/98 Allocation: $15,000 Total Program Budget: $165,566 (LG- 98 -91) Projected % of Program Budget: 9.1% Contract Period July 1, 1998 through June 30, 1999 Project Description Administer funding and monitor service delivery of all CDBG funded programs and projects. Project Work Plan 1. Coordinate allocation of CDBG funding to qualified public service agencies and Town housing/ADA projects; 2. Establish annual City/County contract; 3. Establish and monitor contracts issued to public service agencies; 4. Receive and review quarterly Project Monitoring Reports submitted by CDBG funded public service agencies; resolve report discrepancies as appropriate; 5. Track and coordinate disbursement of funds to agencies; 6. Maintain accurate Cash Control Record; 7. Monitor progress of CDBG funded Town projects; prepare quarterly Project Monitoring Reports for such projects; S. Attend periodic Urban County staff meetings. arn. te. -1,11 toov CSD37:a\odbg.989%e)dubitc989 Taam -f Los Gatos FY 98/99 Community Development Block Grant Program Application Summary Catenory IT! Hnnainal(lther Agency Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95031 ADA Accessibility Improvements FAX: (408) 395 -8640 Contacts: Regina A. Falkner, Community Services Director Phone: (408) 354 -6820 Scott Baker, Building/Engineering Services Director (408) 354 -6876 Funding FY 98/99 Request: $50,000 Los Gatos Museum Association/ADA Total Program Budget: $165,566 Forbes Mill Museum Projected % of Program Budget: 30.2% Tait Avenue Museum A. FY 97/98 Allocation: $53,760 Project Number: LG -98 -41 B. FY 96/97 Allocation: $41,150 Project Number: LG -97 -41 Contract Period July 1, 1998 through June 30, 1999 Project Description The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) protects disabled individuals from discrimination in various areas, including state and local government services. The ADA mandates public agencies to provide services, programs, and activities that are readily accessible to disabled individuals. According to the 1990 Census, there are 275 people in Los Gatos with a mobility or self-care limitation (this figure represents people between the ages of 16 to over 65, without a work disability). The elderly population (65 +) in the Town is 3,475, which accounts for 12% of Town residents. ADA work benefits these populations. Project Work Plan Los Gatos Museum Association (LGMA) Improvements: Town Building and Engineering Staff toured Forbes Mill and Tait Avenue Museums to determine ADA accessibility improvements required at the sites. The attached list reflects the resulting scope of work and project cost estimate. The LGMA leases the Forbes Mill and Tait Avenue properties from the Town. A. Oak Meadow Park ($30,900 of total FY 97/98 Allocation): ■ Remove most existing playground equipment and divide the area into "Tot" and "School Age' areas; replace sand in these areas with resilient surface of chopped wood meeting Consumer Safety Playground Guidelines and ADA requirements; ■ Install concrete paved pathways from the existing disabled parking spaces to and around the play equipment areas; ■ Asphalt the paved pathway from the parking spaces around the entire boundary of the meadow/lawn area to include paved access to the large group picnic areas adjacent to the meadow; ■ Asphalt the paved pathway from parking area to existing restrooms and carousel area; ■ Adjust and modify existing disabled parking spaces to van- accessible spaces. A. Blossom Hill Park ($22,860 of the total FY 97/98 Allocation). Provide upgraded accessibility to the restroom/snackbar facility between the baseball field and tennis courts to include: ■ New diagonal disabled parking spaces at north -east comer of Park along Blossom Hill Road; ■ New paved pathway from proposed parking to existing paved walkpath; ■ Paved sidewalk on east end of restroom building to allow wheelchair access to the women's restroom; ■ Modify existing stalls and plumbing fixtures in men's and women's restrooms to comply with ADA standards. B. Library Restroom Remodel: The FY 96/97 CDBG allocation will be used to provide access upgrades to the Library restroom. Existing restrooms in the lower level of the Town Library are currently inaccessible to persons using a wheelchair. These restrooms need to be remodeled to provide for proper door access, interior room turnaround radius, and accessible toilet configuration. To the extent that funds exist after the restroom remodel, funds will be applied towards the installation of audible signals at designated intersections throughout Town (estimated cost: $3,000 per intersection). BCB: Match 23, 1998 C8D37a0cdbg.989\ezhibits.989 N 00 N M N ° N V $ > N N O �p L« m L N t c a Lr� .: Y ;a g m 16 0 TL m e v y E E yp m w Q (J c N E° c m m c? V - E v m lo w y`y _ y 8 C of y N O` N YO O C Z a `m fll y _C �°- c c �i O i T $ °° N E$«« d C N N N c '° m'° o o� Z N m c a m 0 B o a °c w E J t' o y E O N O. J C .0 N .F N C W v m c c o 0 m a o. `m �i e p E v g $ a ¢ E �. m e —i° ¢ a` y $ Bi w E 8 o E �i $ c$ Q o m �p T H d O N Z d N y N C E N N � m V 9 C 1-0 N (off >i .0 N Gl 0 O '° :° ] y C N 10 N j N N p Yl 0 NU O m N U V O 9 V ig Ei ° E m '`gym m N N �aUI- O R 3rL O y N E = �m N N N OOS�m`�a 3aOU. n.0 0 Q N NNq N d n A C x E m z o z a m 9, a ° d$ L L r N N w E L a y �°- z z° O A 8o 8V 8LL 8 8¢ 8= ppy 8O 1pOO SO O O O N N O O N N 10 10 t0 �O N N O N O CO O W N nl N (V .- M (V Ot Q N f9 N W N b) N N N 00 N M