M06-17-2015 Town Council Meeting 08/04/15 Item #1 MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL/PARKING AUTHORITY MEETING JUNE 17, 2015 The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Special Meeting on Wednesday, June 17, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Marcia Jensen, Vice Mayor Barbara Spector, Council Member Steve Leonardis, Council Member Rob Rennie, Council Member Marico Sayoc. Absent: None PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Jensen led the Pledge of Allegiance. The audience was invited to participate. Mayor Jensen advised that the City of Monte Sereno did not approve the amendment to the police services contract that the Town Council approved on Tuesday, June 16. MOTION: MotionMayor Marcia Jensen by to place this matter tentatively on the August 4 calendar for reconsideration unless and until the Town receives by the close of business on July 21, 2015 an executed contract from the city of Monte Sereno as approved by our Town Seconded. Council last night. by Council Member Steve Leonardis VOTE: Motionpassed unanimously. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS Angelia Doerner - Thanked staff for the great effort on the Operating and Capital Improvement Program Budgets, specifically Mr. Morley and thanked Council for trying to find funds for the Almond Grove repaving project. John Shepardson - Commented on the funding for the Almond Grove repaving project and the budget. Sara Walker - Thanked Council for its decision on Bachman Park, stated the citizens want outreach, and want some sort of structure to work with the Town and Parks Commission to address the concerns. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. North Forty Specific Plan, General Plan Amendment GP-14-001, Zoning Code Amendment Z-14-001, and Environmental Impact Report EIR-10-002. Project Location: the plan area comprises approximately 44 acres located at the northern extent of the Town of Los Gatos, bordered by State Route 17 and State Route 85 freeways to the West and North, Los Gatos Boulevard to the east, and Lark Avenue to the south. APN 424-07-009, 010, 024 through 027, 031 through 037, 052 through 054, 060, 063 through 065, 070, 081 through 086, 090, 094 through 096, 099, 100, 424-06-115, 116, and 129. Property Owners: Thomas & Miyoko Yuki, Herbert & Barbara Yuki, ETPH LP, William Mattes, Peter Brutsche, William Fales. William Hirschman, Elizabeth Dodson, Patricia Connell, Hans Mattes, Tak Petroleum, Dewey Ventura, Alexander & Betty Moisenco, Lucy, Dagostino, Robert & Georgianna Spinazze, Marianne Ezell, Los Gatos Medical Office Center, LLC. Applicant: Town of Los Gatos. a. Consider adoption of the North Forty Specific Plan b. Consider adoption of General Plan Amendments c. Consider adoption of an ordinance effecting a zoning code amendment d. Adoption of a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, and adoption of Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations (Continued from 6/2/15) Opened Public Comment at 7:23 p.m. Marianne Ezell - Commented in support of the North 40 and thanked everyone for the work on the project. David Lilienstein - Urged Council to vote to approve the North 40 and addressed open space and commercial issues. Bill Hirschman - Commented on the currently allowed uses of the existing businesses and how the motion to not allow medical use in the North 40 will affect them. Linda Mandolini - Commented in favor of the proposal and the affordable housing aspect of the plan. Matthew Hudes - Commented on the economic impact in Phase Two. Rhodie Firth - Commented the landscaping along the Highway 17 and Lark Avenue. 2 Town Council/Parking Authority June 17, 2015 Mary Roach - Commented on the possible traffic increase, water availability, height limitations, saving the barn, and the landscaping. Piyush Kothary - Requested that Council keep the existing rules and approvals for the existing businesses. John Shepardson - Suggested that solar panels and cool roofs be considered as part of the Specific Plan, as well as more bike paths, underground parking, and smart traffic lights. Natalie Dean, Greenbelt Alliance - Commented in favor of the plan. Lee Quintana - Commented on the medical office use and requested that Council direct staff to review and improve the readability of the final document. Susan Landry - Commented on the open space. Ann Fisher, Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition representative - Commented in favor of the plan. Mark Miller - Commented in favor of the proposed plan, suggested the residential portion not be the primary focus on the southern side, and requested no big box stores. Don Capobres, Grosvenor - Commented on the commercial design guidelines. Jak Van Nada - Commented that Council should continue to encourage a high level of design in Town. Gina Robinos - Requested that Council move forward on approving the plan. Devin Groves - Commented on the existing medical office uses in the existing buildings and that all the current uses should be allowed to continue. Sara Walker - Inquired if the Town would pay for watering in the proposed open spaces and if potable water would be used for landscape irrigation. 3 Town Council/Parking Authority June 17, 2015 Closed Public Comment at 8:46 p.m. Recess at 8:47 p.m. Reconvened at 9:00 p.m. Council discussed the matter. MOTION: MotionCouncil Member Marico Sayoc by to allow medical office uses on specific properties (Assessors’ Parcel Numbers 424-07- 102 through -112. 424-07-099, and 424-06-129) as part of the existing 66,000 square feet (sq. ft.) of non-residential uses. In addition, approve the language for Table 2-2 to read: The new non- residential portion of the project shall include a mixture of commercial (shopping center), hotel, and/or stand-alone general office that does not create a significant unavoidable impact as a result of the development. The total new square footage shall not exceed 435,000 sq. ft. No new medical office will be permitted and the existing 66,000 sq. ft. of recently constructed buildings is in addition to the 435,000 sq. ft. for a total of 501,000 sq. ft. Each project shall provide a current traffic analysis demonstrating SecondedMayor Marcia compliance with this requirement. by Jensen. VOTE: Motionpassed unanimously. MOTION: MotionCouncil Member Marico Sayoc by to allow the existing buildings on the parcels referenced above to be rebuilt after a fire in substantially the same manner as they existed before their SecondedCouncil Member Rob Rennie. destruction. by VOTE: Motionpassed unanimously. MOTION: MotionCouncil Member Rob Rennie by to include the multi- modal path language on page four of the June 2, 2015 staff report: All projects for development shall include multi-modal paths, physically separated from vehicle roadways running from north to south and providing connectivity to perimeter paths at both the SecondedVice Mayor Barbara Spector. north and south ends. by VOTE: Motionpassed unanimously. 4 Town Council/Parking Authority June 17, 2015 MOTION: MotionCouncil Member Steve Leonardis by to include the phasing language contained on pages four and five of the June 2, 2015 staff report: All infrastructure necessary to support the development shall be constructed in a capacity that allows for current and future phases, subject to approval of the Town Engineer. All infrastructure stubbed for future use, including utilities and roadways, shall be constructed so as not to appear unfinished. All construction of private and public infrastructure will be funded by the developer(s) at the time of construction based on the proposed phasing. All on site infrastructure improvements required by the project will remain private with all ongoing maintenance responsibilities belonging to the developer or a successor entity established for this purpose and approved by the Town Engineer. The project will be required to pay development impact fees, such as Traffic Impact Fees and School Impact Fees. The amount of development impact fees to be paid by the developer is set forth by Seconded the Town and other agencies adopted fee schedules. by Council Member Marico Sayoc. VOTE: Motionpassed unanimously. MOTION: MotionMayor Marcia Jensen by to retain the 30% open space requirement of which 20% should be publicly accessible; no minimum percentage for specific recreational activities; and eliminate the 200-sq. ft. private open space maximum to create SecondedCouncil opportunities for communal open space. by Member Rob Rennie. VOTE: Motionpassed unanimously. MOTION: MotionCouncil Member Marico Sayoc by to include the drought tolerant plant language contained on the bottom of page five of the June 2, 2015 staff report: A licensed landscape architect shall certify that all landscape plans include drought tolerant plants and meet Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance requirements. SecondedVice Mayor Barbara Spector. by VOTE: Motionpassed unanimously. 5 Town Council/Parking Authority June 17, 2015 MOTION: MotionCouncil Member Marico Sayoc by to allow mixed use and mixed income developments to build to 45 feet if they provide a minimum of 40 percent affordable units to households of Extremely Low, Very Low, and Low Incomes as defined by the federal SecondedVice Mayor Barbara Spector. government. by VOTE: Motionpassed unanimously. MOTION: MotionCouncil Member Rob Rennie by to incorporate the recommended language for Policy I-10 contained on page two of Addendum B for the June 2, 2015 Council meeting: Developers are encouraged to work closely with School Districts to project enrollment growth and address overcrowding by assisting with identifying strategies for providing needed school facilities and SecondedCouncil Member associated sources of funding. by Marico Sayoc. VOTE: Motionpassed unanimously. MOTION: MotionCouncil Member Steve Leonardis by to not include the four bullet points recommended on the bottom of page two and the top of page three of Addendum B for the June 2, 2015 Council meeting due to redundancy with other content in the Specific Plan. SecondedMayor Marcia Jensen. by VOTE: Motionpassed unanimously. Council discussed the matter further. MOTION: The Mayor recalled the prior motion. VOTE: Motionpassed 4-1, Council Member Rob Rennie opposed. MOTION: MotionVice Mayor Barbara Spector by to include a table of store sizes and percentage of total without getting into the specific Seconded Council Member Steve numbers themselves). by Leonardis. VOTE: Motionfailed 2-3, Mayor Marcia Jensen and Council Members Marico Sayoc and Rob Rennie opposed. MOTION: Motion Mayor Jensen by to not include a table of store sizes, not create an economic advisory committee, and to keep table 2-2 with the 435,000 sq. ft. and language in Specific Plan pertaining to uses. Motion failed for lack of a second. 6 Town Council/Parking Authority June 17, 2015 MOTION: MotionMayor Jensen by to not include a table and simply have the non-residential maximum of 501,000 total sq. ft., do not create a new economic advisory committee, and require an applicant for a new commercial use to submit an economic/market study to assess Seconded the proposal’s impact on Downtown competitiveness. by Council Member Rob Rennie. Friendly amendment Council Member Marico Sayoc byto require new commercial applications to go to the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee to allow for a public vetting of the Friendly amendment accepted proposals. by the maker of the motion and the seconder. VOTE: Motionpassed 3-2, Vice Mayor Barbara Spector and Council Member Steve Leonardis opposed. MOTION: MotionVice Mayor Barbara Spector by to request that staff come back with a table explaining how the Conditional Use Permit controls are different in the proposed Specific Plan (Table 2-1), SecondedCouncil Member Steve Downtown, and Townwide. by Leonardis. VOTE: Motionfailed 2-3, Mayor Marcia Jensen and Council Members Marico Sayoc and Rob Rennie opposed. MOTION: MotionCouncil Member Marico Sayoc by to keep Table 2-1 as SecondedMayor Marcia Jensen. is. by VOTE: Motionpassed 3-2, Vice Mayor Barbara Spector and Council Member Steve Leonardis opposed. MOTION: MotionCouncil Member Rob Rennie by to suspend the rules of reconsideration for step 1d and step 2 set forth in Council Agenda Motion failed for lack of a second. Policy. MOTION: MotionMayor Marcia Jensen by to adopt the North 40 Specific Plan incorporating tonight’s motions, understanding that a redline would be available to the Council at the second reading; adopt the General Plan amendments; introduce the zoning ordinance; and adopt the Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations, and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. SecondedCouncil Member Rob Rennie. by VOTE: Motionpassed 3-2, Vice Mayor Barbara Spector and Council Member Steve Leonardis opposed. 7 Town Council/Parking Authority June 17, 2015 MOTION: MotionMayor Marcia Jensen by to waive the reading of the complete ordinance and the read by title only by the Clerk. Seconded Council Member Rob Rennie. by VOTE: Motionpassed unanimously. The Clerk read the Ordinance title. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 11:25 p.m. Attest: ___________________________________________ /s/ Laurel Prevetti, Assistant Town Manager/CDD Director For Shelley Neis, Clerk Administrator 8 Town Council/Parking Authority June 17, 2015