Addendumlow " -oF MEETING DATE: 05/19/15 ITEM NO: 15 oy 6A��g ADDENDUM COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT DATE: MAY 15, 2015 TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: LES WHITE, INTERIM TOWN MANAGER SUBJECT: PPW JOB NO. 13 -31 — ALMOND GROVE STREET REHABILITATION PROJECT PHASE I (BROADWAYBACHMAN) 411- 811 -0003 STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT THE TOWN COUNCIL: A. APPROVE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE ALMOND GROVE STREET REHABILITATION PROJECT PHASE IA (BROADWAY /BACHMAN) AND AUTHORIZE STAFF TO ADVERTISE THE PROJECT FOR BID. B. AUTHORIZE THE TOWN MANAGER TO AWARD AND EXECUTE A CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $2,861,812, WHICH INCLUDES CONTINGENCIES OF FIFTEEN PERCENT, WITH THE LOWEST RESPONSIVE BIDDER. REMARKS: Town staff extended an offer to review the project scope in the field to all Council members. Three Council members expressed interest and staff conducted site visits at two separate times on Monday May 11, 2015 to review the scope of the project. During the site visits staff reviewed information previously provided to Council and the public in past meetings and memorandums, and in the current Council report. Items of particular interest included public outreach, trees, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements, and street design. The discussion in these areas included the following: Public Outreach: Staff reiterated the involvement of the neighborhoods and the intentional direct outreach that has occurred. Examples include directed outreach to every property owner where the street trees are affected to ensure each property owner had the opportunity to review the plan both specific to their property and to the streets in general. Concerns have been addressed and resolved on an individual basis. Staff has received positive feedback on the community engagement effort. PREPARED BY: MATT MORLEY Director of Parks and Public Works Reviewed by: 101 A-Assistant Town Manager Town Attorney's PAGE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: PPW JOB NO. 13 -31 — ALMOND GROVE STREET REHABILITATION PROJECT PHASE IA 411 - 811 -0003 MAY 15, 2015 REMARKS (cont'd): - Trees: Discussion was held on specific trees that would stay or be removed, noting that the emphasis for staff was to keep trees where possible and to remove trees where it made sense. Staff noted that larger canopy trees, such as Sycamores and Ash, will remain unless the Town Arborist determined the need for extensive root pruning that would prevent survival of the tree. Trees that are considered unsuitable street trees are being removed, including Liquid Amber and Magnolia trees, which have high root structures that lift sidewalks, curbs, and gutters causing tripping hazards and blighted trees or those easily prone to blight. Additionally, staff stated that the project specifications require a 120 day watering/maintenance period for the newly planted trees by the Contractor. Following this period, Parks and Public Works will continue the tree maintenance until the trees are established. - ADA: Discussion was held on specific sections of sidewalk that would be removed. Staff provided detail about the need for removal of the driveway approaches and areas of sidewalk in order to meet ADA requirements and new pavement grades. Staff confirmed that the ADA requirements are non - discretionary with this project. Staff also noted that the specifications require the contractor to work with town staff to identify areas of sidewalk that should remain. - Street Design: Staff discussed the new pavement design, noting the design provided considerable project time and cost savings by modestly raising final pavement grades to prevent relocation of numerous underground utility lines. Staff also identified areas where the width of the street would change, noting the changes are minimal, with the goal of retaining the overall historic nature of the neighborhoods. Typically plans and specifications for capital projects are made available at the Clerk's Office the Friday prior to the Council meeting for review by the Town Council. Because plans and specifications are available in digital format for this project, they will be posted on the Town's Almond Grove webpage and distributed to the Council Members via email on Friday May 15, 2015. Additionally, the attached Public Comment was received after the initial agenda distribution. Please note the first email references a 45 -page Conceptual Design Report for Almond Grove District dated March 2011, which was originally distributed to Council in March 2011. Attachment (Previously received with staff report on May 14 2015): 1. Public comments received through 11:00 a.m. Thursday, May 14, 2015. Attachments (Received with this Addendum)_ 2. Public comments received from 11:01 am Thursday, May 14, 2015 through 11:00 am Friday, May 15, 2015. From: John Shepardson [mailto:shepardsonlaw @me.com) Sent: Friday, May 15, 2015 12:32 AM To: Marcia Jensen; Council; Robert Schultz Subject: Budget 5/19: No $ to Repair Tait & other AG Streets? Dear Mayor and Council: How can we legally be considered financially sound if we apparently lack the monies to fix the AG streets that have needed repair for many years, decades? If they are broken, should't we fix them now? Don't we face serious legal liability? Should a study be done to determine which streets pose the greatest legal liability? I was informed by staff a liability analysis had not been done. In terms of risk management don't we need to know which streets pose the greatest liability risk based on condition and amount of usage? Doesn't Broadway (concrete area) get less traffic than other streets in AG? If the Town is on notice of a DANGEROUS condition and doesn't fix it, doesn't that expose the Town for legal liability for injuries caused by the dangerous streets? Isn't it odd that wealthy Los Gatos lacks the funds to fix streets that feed into the downtown area? Bachman was the last to join and the first to be fixed? Isn't this a little like cutting in line ahead of others in the AG? Map of AG at htty: / /www. city -data. com /nei ghborhood/The- Almond - Grove- Los - Gatos- CA.html Bachman not listed as part of Almond Grove. http://www.scegov.orWsites/fin/Controller- Treasurer%20Department/ABx I26implementation/ Documents /No %20Obiection %20- %20ROP S %2014- 15B %20- %20Los %20Gatos.ndf ATTACHMENT2 PAGE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: PPW JOB NO. 13 -31 — ALMOND GROVE STREET REHABILITATION PROJECT PHASE: IA 411 - 811 -0003 MAY 8, 2015 BACKGROUND fcont'dl: Additional funds will most likely be needed for the reconstruction of Tait Avenue; however, this will depend on the bidding climate and bids received. Funding for any additional amount needed . to reconstruct Tait Avenue and for the remaining seven streets has not yet been identified. At the December 17, 2012 Town Council meeting, staff provided an update to Council on rehabilitation options for the project and requested that Council provide input to staff regarding the project, including pavement material. Council instructed staff to hold discussions with the community on various project options including pavement choices for the rehabilitation of the streets. At the December 2, 2013 Town Council meeting, Council authorized the Town Manager to execute a consultant design services agreement with Nichols Consulting Engineers for the design of the Phase 1 Almond Grove Street Rehabilitation project, which included Broadway, Bachman and Tait Avenue, in an amount not to exceed 8298,500. In addition, Council authorized staff to execute future change orders in the amount of S30,000. Community outreach was conducted and discussed below. Staff provided a design update to the Council on the project at the March 3, 2015 Town Council meeting. Staff requested Council provide direction on preparing bid documents to allow for bidding the project for both concrete and asphalt pavement and provide other deign direction as desired. Council directed statfto design the project for bid with concrete pavement. In alignment with this Council direction, staff has undertaken no additional work towards design or costing for asphalt. DISCUSSION: The proposed improvements on Broadway and Bachman will complete the pall A of the Phase I Almond Grove Street Rehabilitation project. Part B of the Phase 1 project, reconstruction of Tait Avenue, is scheduled for the summer of 2016. The development of the final project plans and specifications for the Almond Grove Street Rehabilitation project is the culmination of several years of design development and community outreach on the project. The public outreach on the Almond Grove Rehabilitation project has been unprecedented and includes: • Six Community meetings conducted by PPW staff • Three Community update reports mailed • Community ballot on paving material preference mailed and tabulated • Three update reports to Historic Preservation Committee (HPQ • Presentation to the HPC with community outreach • Design discussion and presentation to Council with community outreach • Numerous community notifications by mail, Almond Grove a -mail list, and Next Door on public meetings ac well as Committee and Council meetings • Establishment of an Almond Grove website for residents to obtain current project information Thank you for your attention to this email. JS:)