Attachment 1From: Julie Gilbert [mailto:iulesinl amail.com] Sent: Saturday, May 02, 2015 3:13 FM To: Council; saveourhoodLwyahoo.com Subject: Almond grove- oppose concrete and other improvements I am a homeowner in the Almond Grove and I do not want to see the street narrowed, the sidewalks widened nor do I want concrete. I have several issues with the proposed plan: First, I attended one of the meetings and was surprised I was going to have to rip out my hard scape in the parks trip between the sidewalk and curb. I was told the town would put in mulch. I have hardscape in the park strip because it is attractive and easy maintenance. If mulch is put down now I will have to pay someone to maintain this area monthly and pay to replace mulch. Mulch is proposed for all park strips. One of the things I love about Los Gatos is the variety of styles and architecture. If we ALL have mulch it will look to homogeneous. The reason given was because of the size needed for the trees they picked. I say .... pick trees with smaller roots! Two: When I remodeled my home I was required to pay and install a new sidewalk and curb to a tune of 10k + / -. My sidewalk and curb are in perfect condition. This is completely unnecessary and costly! Three: It seems the Town is picking the most expensive repair route which will leave many of the Almond Grove streets unimproved. I believe they should use asphalt for repaving which is much easier to make repair, remove problem trees and replace sidewalks that are a tripping hazard. If the Town takes this approach we may have enough money to complete all the Almond Grove streets. Julie Gilbert 243 Bachman Ave 408 309 -9999 ATTACHMENT 1 From: Andrew Joos [mailto:andrew joos(awahoo.com] Sent: Monday, May 04, 2015 5:06 PM To: Council Subject: Yes to Narrowing Hello, I'm sending you this message after reading the "Don't Narrow The Streets In The Almond Grove" article in the opinion section of the Los Gatos Times. I don't agree with the opinions of Angelia Doerner. I live in the middle of Tait Ave and I am extremely frustrated with the high speeds we see on a daily basis. I'm constantly asking people to Slow Down. It is time something is done to help slow down the traffic on Tait Ave. Once a new smooth surface is installed the speeds are going to go up, not down. If the streets are not narrowed then there needs to be another solution to help reduce speeds. I look forward to the start of the paving process. Question: is there any plan to install additional street lights when the road work begins? The street is in need of few lights. Andrew Joos Tait Ave From: Sarah Holloway [mailto:sarah.holloway4 (grnail.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2015 8:13 PM To: Council; SaveOur- Hood(t—t,,,vahoo.com Subject: Street narrowing Hi there, I have lived in Los Gatos for 15 years and I have never stopped to take the time to write in with my opinion on a town issue. But I read the opinion letter in Los Gatos Weekly regarding the potential narrowing of certain streets. It absolutely does not make sense to me to insure this cost AND take something so visually appealing away. When we first moved here, our favorite street was Broadway because of the beautiful wide street. This day and age, it is very unusual to have wide residential streets. It is very noticeable and desireable AND wide streets keep the historical aspect of the town. I am all for fixing any broken concrete sidewalks, gutters, etc. But let's spend the money that might go toward narrowing the streets for something else. AND keep the charni of Los Gatos. I also want to say I don't live downtown nor do I know anyone who lives on these streets, so I don't have any personal motive. I just love the look of the wide streets and feel they should be kept as is. We used to live on Almendra Ave and then University Ave, now live near the Happy Hound. : -) We hope to return to downtown after our daughter goes to college! Thanks for reading. Feel free to contact me. Cheers! Sarah Sarah. Holioway4(c7tgmail.com From: Angelia Doerner [mailto:saveourhood @yahoo.com] Sent: Friday, May 08, 2015 3:45 PM To: Council Subject: Almond Grove I am sending this at the request of Ms. Elli Anderson: Part of the charm of the Almond Grove is our beautiful Wide tree -lined streets. Please do NOT make our streets narrower or destroy the lovely landscaping in the parking strips. We do need to repair sidewalks, curbs and replace some trees. I live at the corner of two very busy, wide streets (Bachman and Massol). I really feel that making the streets narrower will make them more dangerous for vehicles, bikers and pedestrians. Also, our world- famous Cats Hill Bike Race will be in jeopardy with a narrower Bachman Avenue. Thank you for your consideration. Elli Anderson 328 Bachman Ave.