1978-127 - Adopting the Hillside Specific PlanRESOLUTION NO. 1978 -127 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS ADOPTING THE LOS GATOS HILLSIDE SPECIFIC PLAN WHEREAS, (1) Under the provisions of Government Code section 65503, the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a public hearing for consideration of adoption of the Los Gatos Hillside Specific Plan and its environmental impact report (EIR.), in sessions held on April 17, May 1, June 5, June 14, and July 3 and August 7, 1978. (2) under the provisions of Government Code section 65500 and section 15165 of the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 and the provisions of Town Council Resolution No. 1976 -161, the Town Planning Commission had previously conducted a public hearing concerning the certification of the EIR and adoption of the Los Gatos Hillside Specific Plan, and on February 8, 1978 recommended that the Town Council certify the EIR and adopt the plan. (3) during its hearing the Town Council considered all of the matters shown in Resolution No. 1978 -1 of the Town Planning Commission. (4) during its hearing the Town Council also considered all of the matters shown in Resolution No. 9448 of the Santa Clara County Planning Commission. (5) under Government Code section 65504, the Town Council referred several amendments to the Planning Commission for report and has received a written report dated June 28 and July 12, 1978 from the Planning Commission. RESOLVED: (1) The Town Council finds that the final EIR (77 -4) for the Los Gatos Hillside Specific Plan as recommended for certification by the Planning Commission on February 8, 1978 is prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act and guidelines and is complete. The EIR is hereby certified. (2) the Town Council finds that the Los Gatos Hillside Specific Plan as recommended by the Planning Commission on February 8, 1978, as amended by this resolution, (a) meets the requirements for a specific plan, (b) is consistent with the Town General Plan, and (c) that all proceedings have been conducted in compliance with the provisions of Government Code section 65500 through 65504. (3) the Los Gatos Hillside Specific Plan (including text and maps attached hereto) is hereby adopted as an official specific plan with the following changes: 5. ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE REVIEW: (added) Page 6 d. In subdivision design, preservation of the ridge silhouette from the Town shall be a consideration. e. No new construction shall be allowed which would protrude above the natural ridge line or otherwise alter its natural contour as determined by the decidino bodv. IV. FACILITIES, SERVICES AND STAGED DEVELOPMENT OF IMPROVEMENTS 1. AVAILABILITY OF SERVICES FOR DEVELOPMENT: (amended) Page 10 Development proposals sheu;4 shall be approved only if the necessary road, water, sanitation and other services required for the proposed use are provided to the property. 8. SERVICES COSTS: (added) Page 12 The developer shall pav all costs for providing services. V. CIRCULATION AND ROADS 5. COLLECTOR STREETS: (amended) Page 13 Collector streets, as defined in the Town General Plan, should net dead - end- bad -�aher be connected to other public streets to provide a basic roadway network of alternate routes, without providing attractive through routes to nonlocal traffic. Town's General Plan defines a collector street as "a street that serves abutting proper MY 6. TWO MEANS OF ACCESS: expressways." (amended) Page 13 a. As a guide to developing a circulation plan, two means of access should be provided to all areas where it can be found that alternative solutions to access, utility services, and circulation problems are satisfactory. If dual access is NOT available, the land use intensity should be Zimited in accordance with the access provided. b. Secondary access should be sought for existing dead -end streets. c. The second means of ac be limited to emergency access on 8. ROAD WIDTHS: (amended) Page 14 Because of unique problems encountered in development of hillside areas, the following standards are recommended for the streets of the study area: a. FZatZand standards: Right -of -way width 60' Cul-de-sac right -of -way width 56' Paved way width 40' Cul -de -sac paved way width 36' -2- b. Hillside standards (public or private) Right -of -way width 601* 40' minimum *, * ** Paved way widths: One -way 14' Cul-de-sac 20' ** Cul -de -sac 24' LocaZ 24' Collector 28' *The Committee has recommended to the Town Planning Commission that the slope density calculation for the HR zone and the minimum area calculation for the RC zone be based on "gross" land area rather than "net" land area, similar to the current County method. * *Cul -de -sac with a potential of six lots or less. ** *The right -of -way width be 40 feet for standard two -lane roads and slope easements shall be provi e where necessary an as necessary for slope banks. 19. PROOF OF ACCESS RIGHTS: (amended) Page 16 Documentation of proof of private access rights a4eu;d must be provided by the developer at the initial project review stage. 23. TRAILS: (amended) Page 16 the- prepeeea- p3a�- a�33- Ke t— axee3 ude- trati ;e- at- tkas- t$me--- The-vseuea te- the- R" ;0aa'e- £tU67y- Eetaasttee- ✓ �'he- �a'etxta,�'seataer� -ems tra�ae -aned- the- etaedy- e�'- metheda- te- s»rp$ement tkem- �s- eax- �rapertant- sssace- that- �aarrarcte- et�dy -by -a- separate- eerwn�ttee The identification of trails and the study of methods to imolement them is an important issue, however, due to its comDlexities. the L1_' c snould be studied by separate ls. The committees established r activities. he County level the Trails and cy Committee is preparinq a mas s at local and regional o levels should coordir Committee of the Planni and pathways plan for which includestrails through the studv area. formed nninq Commission, Parks staff a work out a trails plan that can inq of Town Council members. with the c 24. ROAD COSTS: (added) Page 16 The developer shall pay all costs for all required street improvements -3- SUB -AREA RESIDENTIAL DENSITIES SUB -AREA 1 - BLOSSOM HILL ROAD This sub -area presently lacks adequate circulation and utility services. Approximately one -half of the area has slopes exceeding 50 %. The developed properties are generally along the boundaries of the sub -area and are mostly one acre or less. The existing circulation system is characterized by overly long cuZ -de -sacs. Approximately 75% of the sub - area is within the Town of Los Gatos. Approximately 75% of the sub -area is within the Urban Service Area Boundary. The- Bem�ittee- fee$a- tkat -tkis This area shouZd receive special emphasis for future annexations. The - Semen$ ssien- �eeemnsende- that- witk- tke- previaien -ems pub$ie- utilities and - adequate -eireu $ atien,- -the The ultimate density for Sub -area 1 should be from ene -te -five 2, to 10 acres per dwelling, with a minimum lot size of one acre. The interim density without tkeee full services should be a minimum of 10 acres per dwelling. SUB -AREA 2 - SHANNON - KENNEDY ROADS The sub -area exhibits many of the same characteristics of Sub -Area 1 except that only about 10% of the area has slopes exceeding 50% and only about 25% of the area is within the Town of Los Gatos. Approxi- mateZy 50% of Sub -area 2 is within the Urban Service Area Boundary. The- Gemmittee- fee$e- that -this This area should receive special emphasis for future annexations. The- SeWveittee -reee ende- that -with- the- previ"en- ef- pubiie- ut$iitiee and - adequate- eireu3atien -the The ultimate density for Sub -area 2 should be from ene - to -f$ve 2, to 10 acres per dwelling, with a minimum lot size of one acre. The interim density without these full services shouZd be a minimum of 10 acres per dwelling. SUB -AREA 3 - DEER PARK- ARNERICH ROADS The sub -area has inadequate circulation and no public water supply or sewage disposal. Approximately one -third of the area has slopes exceeding 50 %. Most development consists of large acreages and less than one -third of the area is within the Town of Los Gatos. None of this area is within the Urban Service Area Boundary. The- Eeramittee- reee�aends- that - mater- and- aewen- faeibitiee -be- extended -irate the - eves -in- the - future- based- en- a- petentia$- density - range -ef- ene -te -five: The ultimate density for Sub -area 3 should be 2 -18 22 to 10 acres per dwelling, with a minimum lot size of one acre. The interim density without these full services should be a minimum of 49 20 acres per dwelling. SUB -AREA 4 - MONTEZUMA- BLACKBERRY HILL ROADS This sub -area is characterized by many developed properties, mostly one - acre or smaller, with limited water and sewer facilities. Even though the existing road pattern does not allow for adequate circulation for emergency vehicles or regular traffic there are strong neighborhood objections to the construction of new roads. Approximately one - fourth of the area has slopes exceeding 50 %. About one -third of the area is within the Town of Los Gatos and aZZ of the area is in the Urban Service Area Boundary. The - Cemptttee- reeeende- eexp�etsen -ems the- reed- ayee - -- Fine -hand te- be- taken- whseh- weu3d- eneeurage- the- eexp�etaen -ems the - read; -water -end e event- shen�d- future - hand- d¢v�saene be- perrastted- et- a- denatty- exeeeding- ere -unit- per -aere- The density for Sub -area 4 should be 2 -te -19 22 to 10 acres per dwelling, with a minimum lot size of one acre. This area should receive special emphasis for completion of the road system and for future annexations. SUB -AREA 5 - FOSTER - PROSPECT ROADS This sub -area exhibits the same characteristics as Sub -area 4 except that there are even stronger neighborhood objections to the construction of new roads to complete circulation patterns. Approximately one -haZf of the area is in the Town and three - fourths within the Urban Service Area Boundary. The- Semm$ttee -reee ends- that - future- Sand- dSV484ene- be- 34ra4ted- to -6-38 aeres- per- dwe$3ang -dxe Due to Zack of adequate circulation, the density for Sub -area 5 should be 5 -40 acres per dwelling SUB -AREA 6 WOOD- MANZANITA ROADS This sub -area exhibits the identical characteristics of Sub -area 5; however, the Zimitation on road extensions are more topographic than political. Approximately 50% of the sub -area Zies within the Town boundary and the Urban Service Area Boundary. The- Bemmattee- reeeaends -that- future - nand- davtetens -be- tutted -te The density for Sub -area 6 should be 5 -20 acres per dwelling. SUB -AREA 7 - NO7ITIATE- GUADALUPE COLLEGE This sub -area is ZargeZy undeveloped with most of the property owned by two parties. Approximately one -haZf of the area has slopes exceeding 50 %. The area is outside the .Town boundary but approximately 30% Zies within the Urban Service Area Boundary. There are presently no roads or other pubZic facilities in the area except a sewer main serving Guadalupe College. The only road recommended for this area is a ridge road connecting to Highway 17. The- 99R�Wittee- $a -reee endang- that -the- read - pattern - net- eenneet -te -any extetang -Te n-streete- and - that- uta ;4taes- net -be- extended - ante- tkas -area- The- ridge- read- eenneetten- te- K�ghway -��- has - been -reee� ended -en- the -bass€ ef- futnre- interehenge- at- �ighway -��� Because of the Zack of circulation, the Semittee- reeemmends- that - future - Sand- divisiene- be- e- inimura- of -� -3B density for ub -area 7 should be 5 -40 acres per dwelling. -5- SUB -AREA 8 - SOUTHWEST OF HIGHWAY 17 This sub -area has no roads, pubZic water suppZy or pubZic sewers and most of the area has sZopes exceeding 50 %. The Midpeninsula Regional Park Open Space District owns about one -haZf of the area. AZmost aZZ of the sub -area is outside the Town boundary and Urban Service Area Boundary. The 5emms tee- reeewRende -ghat -the density of tkie -area for Sub -Area 8 shouZd be 20 -160 acres e.-mere per dwelling. SUB -AREA 9 - WILSON INVESTMENT- PHEASANT ROAD This sub -area also has no roads, pubZic water suppZy or pubZic sewers and most of the area has sZopes exceeding 50 %. ApproximateZy 25% of the area is within the Town and none of the area is within the Urban Service Area Boundary. The 6emwtee- reeemmenda- that -the density for Sub -Area 9 shouZd be 20 -160 acres er -mere per dwelling. NOTES: FoZZowing completion of this study, the- 5emmee -reee sends -ha the Urban Service Area Boundary should be adjusted to incZude those areas of highest density where urban services wiZZ uZtimateZy be provided. The terms "interim density" and "ultimate density" which appear in recommendations n CIRCULATION CHANGES 1. Delete secondary loop connections from the ridge to Guadalupe Coll See Exhibit A). 2. Delete the grade separated interchan e from the Alma Bridge Road - Highway 17 intersection See Exhibit A). 3. Add a three -way emergency connection between Prospect Road, Foster Road and Guadalupe College Road. Add "three -way emergency access" to the circulation map (See Exhibit A). 4. Delete the portion of the Ridge %N!0 etween Aztec Ridge Road and the Guadalupe College Road (See t A). 5. Add an emergency access loop between Tourney Road and Quarry Road 6. Amend the Aztec Road - Kennedy Road emer ion of the Ridge Road to show .M Lane 8. Amend the Harwood Road to Shannon Road connection to show eme access (See Exhibit B). PASSED AND ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS this 7th day of August, 1978, by the following votes: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Ruth Cannon, John B. Lochner, Peter W. Siemens and Mardi Gual,tieri. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Thomas J. Ferrito ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: none. �h Il�e� ✓.erltN�iGh e ATTEST: CLERK OF ENE TOWN OF LOS GATOS -7- ti U) F Z -� 7�7 1) U T m ti U) F Z -� 7�7 1) U Lam 3vr�z� v cd ti C A 61 13 E R 'AVF,riiIE, ,"Ti u�l ,� r � �• S � w ti V` a h f c � tip r E 0 tl� f t � G O % � �1 77 LLI