Addendum/ DATE: MAY 16, 2014 MEETING DATE: 05/19/14 ITEM NO: 6 ADDENDUM TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: GREG LARSON, TOWN MANAGER SUBJECT: OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGETS A. CONSIDER THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS PROPOSED OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014/15 B. CONSIDER THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR FISCAL YEARS 2014 -2019 C. PROVIDE DIRECTION REGARDING ANY CHANGES TO THE FISCAL YEAR 2014/15 OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGET OR THE 2014 -2019 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGET REMARKS: In response to Council inquiries, staff reviewed possible sources of one time funding to meet additional Town priorities for next fiscal year. For the past two fiscal years, the Town Council has approved setting aside funds for either special studies or as a draw against reserves if needed to maintain a balanced budget. The funds were not utilized and $490,000 remains in the Town's unreserved fund balance of the General Fund (see Proposed Budget page C -24). Staff requests that Council consider the following additional allocations of those funds: 1. Code Enforcement: Up to $100,000 could be used for augmented temporary part-time staffing to respond to rising concerns regarding code enforcement outside of normal business hours as follows: a. Police Community Service Officer to respond to evening/weekend noise complaints; and/or b. Code Enforcement Officer to respond to evening/weekend C.U.P and other planning and building violations. 2. School Traffic Study Analysis and hnprovements• Up to $100,000 could be used for a comprehensive school - related traffic study for the streets surrounding Los Gatos High School, Fisher Middle School, and Van Meter Elementary School to identify potential Town or school improvements that might help alleviate some of the current traffic PREPARED BY: GREG LARSONA Town Manager Reviewed by: Assistant Town Manager Town Attorney NA[v MAdminWorkFiles\2014 Council Reports\May 19\5 -19 -14 Operating and Capita! Report Addendum.doc PAGE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGETS MAY 16, 2014 3. problems at the start and end of the school days. Similar studies were done with some success for Saratoga schools a few years ago, and would be in keeping with the newly- added Strategic Goal of Engaging with schools to explore options to address traffac and parking issues. The funds could be allocated contingent on participation by and financial support from the affected school districts (e.g., Town- $100k, each School District- $25k). 4. Affordable Housing Funding Request: The balance of funds could be designated for affordable housing as requested at least to the $237 k alternative presented in the budget staff report. Town staff is separately providing responses to over 15 Police related questions as an addendum to the Police Study Session agenda item. In addition, just today, we have already received an additional 35 questions for the general Budget item. Given the State of Our Town event this afternoon, staff will not be able to respond to most of today's questions until Monday. We will try to provide an early Desk Item then and a later one if need be.