1991-174-Concerning The Traffic Impact PolicyRESOLUTION 1991 -174 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS CONCERNING THE TRAFFIC IMPACT POLICY WHEREAS, it is the intention of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos to amend the policy requiring developers whose projects are shown to generate additional traffic in the Town of Los Gatos to establish the community benefits that would result from the project and to participate in the cost of constructing capacity enhancing and transit improvement projects to reduce traffic congestion. RESOLVED, that the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos does hereby adopt the Policy Statement as shown on the attached Exhibit "A" as the Town of Los Gatos Traffic Impact Policy. FURTHER RESOLVED, this Resolution rescinds Resolution No. 1990 -147. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos at a regular meeting held this 5th day of August 1991, by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: Randy Attaway, Joanne Benjamin, Steven Blanton NAYS: Mayor Brent N. Ventura ABSENT: Eric D. Carlson ABSTAIN: None SIGNED: x2�/? MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: `r LO'60 CLERK OF THE OS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA C9 \MISC \TRAFFIC.4 TOWN OF LOS GATOS TRAFFIC IMPACT POLICY A. POLICY STATEMENT 1. The deciding body may approve a project with a minor traffic impact (one or more and less than five additional AM or PM peak hour trips) subject to payment of a traffic mitigation fee 2. The deciding body may approve a project with a traffic impact of five to nineteen additional AM. or P.M. peak hour trips only if it is determined that the benefits of the project to the Town outweigh the impact of increased traffic and subject to payment of a traffic mitigation fee 3. The deciding body may approve a project with twenty or more additional A.M. or P.M. peak hour trips only if it is determined that the benefits of the project to the Town outweigh the impact of increased traffic and subject to: a. preparation of a comprehensive traffic report. b. Payment of a traffic mitigation fee C. Payment of a proportionate share of the cost of the construction of circulation improvements in the immediate area. 4. Where benefits to the Town are required to be shown, applicants shall submit a letter of justification which clearly states housing or economic benefits and /or specific sections of the General Plan and any applicable Specific Plan which show that the type of project will benefit the community (See Section 2.5.6 of the General Plan). The burden of proof of community benefit is on the applicant. 5. In order to determine if a project will generate additional traffic, the Town will use composite trip generation rates derived from the following sources and updated from time to time: ■ Institute of Transportation Engineers (TTE) ■ San Diego Association of Governments (San DAG) ■ California Department of Transportation (CalTrans) ■ Other Municipalities such as the City of San Jose EXHIBIT A TRAFFIC IMPACT POLICY The spec mitigation measure(s) required would be based on the magnitude of the project's traffic impact which would also establish the procedure for processing the project as set forth below. B. REVIEW PROCESS 1. Staff will initially determine whether a proposed project generates a net increase in traffic. If the project does not generate a net increase in traffic, the traffic policy does not apply. Therefore, the project will be recommended for approval or denial based on the merits of the project. 2. If there is a net increase in traffic, staff will review the applicant's proposal and determine if the project will create minor traffic impacts or major traffic impacts. a. Minor traffic impact is defined as one or more and less than twenty additional AM or PM peak hour trips. b. Major traffic impact is defined as twenty or more additional AM or PM peak hour trips. C. The determination of whether a project has a minor or major traffic impact is based on a traffic analysis prepared by the Town Engineering Department based on standardized trip generation rates. 3. If a project is determined to have a major traffic impact, a traffic report shall be prepared by a private consultant, hired by the Town at the applicant's expense. The report will include an analysis of generated trips and any linked trips. If an applicant does not agree with the results of the Town's traffic analysis or the traffic report prepared by the Town's consultant, the applicant may have an independent traffic report prepared at the applicant's expense. 4. Projects that generate additional traffic of five or more peak hour trips may only be recommended for approval if the project's benefits to the community override the traffic impacts as determined by specific sections of the General Plan and /or any Specific Plan. If a project generates additional traffic of five C9 \MISC \TRAFFIC.4 2 TRAFFIC IMPACT POLICY or more peak hour trips the burden is on the applicant to cite economic or housing benefits to the Town and /or specific sections of the General Plan and any applicable Specific Plan that demonstrate the project's benefit to the Community which outweighs the traffic impact. The deciding body must make specific findings which demonstrate that the benefit(s) of the project outweigh the impact in order to approve the project. 3. If a project is determined to have a major traffic impact, a traffic report shall be prepared by a private consultant, hired by the Town at the applicant's expense. The report will include an analysis of generated trips and any linked trips. C. MITIGATION OF TRAFFIC IMPACTS If a project with a traffic impact is recommended for approval by staff and /or subsequently approved by the Planning Commission and /or Town Council, traffic mitigation measures shall be imposed. The traffic mitigation shall be in the form of an in -lieu traffic impact mitigation fee. The mitigation for projects with major traffic impacts will be the required payment of a traffic impact mitigation fee and a proportionate share or construction of intersection and /or roadway improvements within a specified distance from the project. D. FEES Based on a traffic analysis required in A above, any project which is found to cause a net increase in traffic shall pay a traffic impact mitigation fee, as established by separate resolution. The traffic impact mitigation fee and any proportionate share of intersection improvements shall be due prior to Final Map approval, issuance of a Building Permit, or occupancy permit as applicable. The traffic impact mitigation fee shall C9 \MISC \TPAFFIC.4 3 TRAFFIC IMPACT POLICY be used to construct capacity enhancing projects (i.e., signals, street widening, etc.) that are listed in the Capital Improvement Program and transit improvement projects that are identified by the Town as a means of reducing traffic congestion. E. RIGHT TO DEVELOP NOT GUARANTEED Compliance with the provisions of the Traffic Impact Policy is not to be construed to be a right of development. The Town specifically retains the right of review and approval (or denial) of each project based on its merits. 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