1991-227-Adopting Policies And Procedures For The Los Gatos Downtown Neighborhod CenterRESOLUTION 1991- 227
WHEREAS, the Town desires to provide policies and procedures
through which individuals and organizations can rent the facility
on an hourly basis; and
WHEREAS, the fees charged to community service groups for use
of the Neighborhood Center may deter them from using the facility
and may, consequently, jeopardize community benefit; and
WHEREAS, the Town wishes to provide guidelines for discounting
rates to community service groups;
HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: that the Los Gatos Town Council does
hereby adopt: 1) the Resolution providing policies and procedures
for use of the Los Gatos Downtown Neighborhood Center, attached as
Exhibit A; and, 2) the following guidelines for discounted rates
to resident community service agencies as defined in the policies
and procedures:
Discounted weekly payment = $115 + '°" weekly ea„nent - $115
The discounted weekly payment is calculated by requiring all groups
to pay the first $115 of any weekly fee, plus half of any costs
exceeding $115.
FURTHER RESOLVED, this Resolution supersedes Resolution 1989-
CSDOOA: \RES0S \[5102191. 229
PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town
Council of the Town of Los Gatos, California, held on the 21st day
of October, 1991, by the following vote:
AYES: Randy Attaway, Joanne Benjamin, Steven Blanton,
Mayor Brent N. Ventura
ABSTAIN: Eric D. Carlson
CSD08:A: \PES0S \CS102191.229 - 2
To set forth policies and procedures for use of the Neighborhood Center on an hourly basis.
This policy applies to the Neighborhood Center.
I. Reservations
A. Applicants
B. Procedures
C. Facility
D. Fee Schedule
II. Use Regulations
Fee Schedule
Eligible Applicants
The Downtown Neighborhood Center may be scheduled by the categories of users
listed below:
Category I: Community Service Groups
Groups qualifying as community service groups include the following:
• Nonprofit organizations which have obtained 501(c)3 ruling from the State
(must be documented by ruling letter from State).
• Los Gatos Service and Community organizations - groups which provide
recreational, cultural, leisure or other community service activities to Los
Gatos residents, including the Los Gatos - Saratoga Department of Community
Education and Recreation.
• Government organizations.
• Los Gatos Elementary School District and the Los Gatos Joint Union High
School District.
a. To qualify as a "resident group, at least 51 percent of the Board of Directors
or membership attending the function must be Los Gatos residents.
b. "Non- resident" groups are those that meet all of the criteria of a community
service group, but do not meet the definition of a 'resident'.
C. Fundraising Activities:
Community service groups applying for use of the facilityto hold a fundraising
activity or activity for which admission will be charged must meet all of the
criteria under a. above. Resident or non - resident rates are charged depending
on the residence of members or activity attendees.
Cateoory II: Private parties
a. Residents of the Town
For private parties or wedding receptions to qualify for the resident fee,
($60 /hr) the Neighborhood Center may be reserved either by a Los Gatos
resident or by a non - resident's immediate family member who is a Los Gatos
resident. An immediate family member is defined as: mother, father, sibling,
children of applicant, grandparents, step - children and parents.
b. Applicants who do not meet a. above
*Documentation required for a. above: Drivers license or other personal picture
identification, including the applicant's address and telephone number.
2. Ineligible Applicants
Use of the Neighborhood Center shall not be granted for:
a. Commercial use by private groups or individuals for the purpose of sales,
promoting or negotiating for sales for profit.
b. Any group or individual, political or otherwise, that acknowledges its intent
to use the facility to advocate the overthrow of the United States Government
or the State of California by force or violence or other unlawful means or to
violate any other County, State or Federal rules, regulations, ordinances or
C. The Town shall regulate or prohibit such activities or uses which are deemed
to be of a hazardous nature or of a nature which endangers property or which
are not in the public interest.
d. Religious activities (deemed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development as an inappropriate use of the Center).
3. Priority Policies
Category I applicants have priority over Category II applicants for use of the Center.
B. Procedures
1. All reservations are made on a priority basis (see Priority Policies). Applications that
are on an equal priority will be processed on a "first come, first served" basis. When
a reservation is granted, the Neighborhood Center is committed for that activity.
2. Applications must be made in person by the applicant. Forms for reservation use
permit must be filed at the Neighborhood Center, 208 E. Main Street, Los Gatos, on
Mondays through Fridays between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. NO RESERVATIONS WILL
BE TAKEN OVER THE TELEPHONE. The security deposit must be paid at the time
the reservation form is submitted. Applications are not mailed out nor received
back through the mail.
3. The reservation form must include all decorating and clean -up time and must be in
a continuous time span
4. Applicants must be 18 years of age (21 if alcohol is being served) and must be
present during the use of the facility. Keys may be picked up from the receptionist
on the day of the event or on the Friday before the weekend by 4:30 p.m. Person
picking up keys must be 18 years of age.
5. Reservations are made up to six months in advance of the date of event.
6. Any required security deposit must be paid at the time the reservation form is
submitted to secure the reservation. Rental fees may be paid at the time of the
application or any time no less than two weeks before the scheduled date.
a. If rental fees are not paid at least two weeks prior to the event, then the
application may be terminated.
b. If a reservation is cancelled at least two weeks before the scheduled event,
100 percent of the security deposit and room rental fees which may have
been paid to the Town will be returned.
C. If notice is oiven to cancel an event less than two weeks before the scheduled
C. Facility
Below is a description of the rooms available for use.
1. Multi- Purpose Auditorium ( #11 -12)
Will accommodate approximately 200 people in a banquet style setting; 365 people
in an auditorium style setting.
2. Lounge ( #4 -5)
Informal setting with fireplace. Accommodates approximately 49.
3. Other Activity Rooms:
a. Upstairs Lounge ( #204); occupancy: 7 people
b. Conference Room ( #205); occupancy: 10 people
C. Craft Room ( #206); occupancy: 25 people
d. Upstairs Conference Room ( #214); occupancy: 25 people
D. Fee Schedule
A. Any person or persons violating the established policies or constituting a public nuisance may
be required to leave the Center. Misuse of the Center or failure to conform with other
applicable Town, State or Federal rules, regulations, ordinances or laws will be sufficient
reason for terminating the permit or event.
B. Groups composed of minors must be supervised by at least one (1) adult for every ten (10)
minor children at all times while they are using the facilities. (Minors are considered anyone
under the age of 18.)
C. The applicant shall procure at his /her own cost and expense, all permits and licenses required
for the intended use or activity at the Center. This includes, but is not limited to, purchase
of a one -day liquor license which the applicant must first procure from the Los Gatos Police
Department before going to the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, (located at 100 Paseo de
San Antonio, San Jose - 277 -1200) as appropriate.
D. Gambling or wagering is prohibited unless a use permit is obtained from the Los Gatos
Police Department.
E. Permits cannot be transferred, assigned or sublet.
F. The Town of Los Gatos is not responsible for accidents, injury, illness, or loss of group or
individual property. The Town may require proof of insurance coverage where the activity
for which the permit is sought involves food or is indirectly hazardous to life and property.
G. Application for a Use Permit to hold a dance which is open to the public (attendance of 50
or more persons) must be filed with the Town Chief of Police not later than ten calendar days
prior to the event. If needed, evidence of approved dance permits must accompany
Neighborhood Center use application five days prior to event.
H. Users may not restrict membership on the basis of race, religion or place of origin.
Furthermore, use of the Neighborhood Center will not be restricted because of race, religion
or place of national origin.
In addition to completing and signing the use application, applicants must sign the following:
1. Hold Harmless Agreement
2. Key Check -Out (if there is no recreation leader)
3. Kitchen cleanup check list, If Rooms 11 and 12 are used.
J. No smoking in building.
K. Serving of alcohol is allowed in the Hall and Lounge, only.
L. The Community Services Director, or a duly authorized representative on duty, shall have the
right to enter all facilities at all times during any and all occupancies.
M. Neighborhood Center chairs, tables or other equipment are only available for use within the
building unless written approval is obtained from the Community Services Director.
N. Applicant is liable for all damage to the facility and equipment resulting from the applicant's
use of the facility. Applicant will be charged the costs of repairing the facility and equipment,
or replacing equipment damaged.
O. Any user must provide a Certificate of Insurance at least two weeks prior to event. See
P. Any exceptions to the use regulations must be approved, in writing, by the Director of
Community Services.
Q. Any decorating or covering of, or changes to the facilities shall be discussed at the time of
application. The applicant shall be responsible for putting up any decorations and all other
special preparations necessary for the function. All decorations shall be removed at the
conclusion of the function. Applicant shall be responsible for the removal of all decorations,
special preparations, and applicant's personal property, owned or rented.
1. All decorations must be flameproof or fire retardant.
2. All decorations must be applied with masking tape. The use of cellophane adhesive
tape, nails, staples, screws, etc., is NOT allowed. All tape must be removed from all
surfaces at the conclusion of the event.
3. Decorations may NOT be hung from light fixtures, ceiling, smoke detections,
emergency lights, or acoustical wall /ceiling tiles.
4. Absolutely NO open flames are allowed.
5. All plants, trees, and shrubs must be in waterproof containers and must be carefully
placed so as not to damage floor or block fire exits.
6. No foreign substance may be applied to the floor.
7. No rice, birdseed, confetti, etc., is permitted at the Center.
8. Relocation or rearrangement of Town equipment is not permitted.
CSD13:A: \contract \naborhod.P &P
Hall Kitchen* Lounge Room
Category I: Community Service Groups
1. Activities (nonprofits)
a. Resident $20/hr $20 $15 /hr $10/hr
b. Non- Resident $40/hr $40 $30/hr $20/hr
c. Security Deposit (only
if alcohol served) $100 N/C $25 N/C
2. Fees Charged for Fundraising Activities
a. Resident $40/hr $20 $25/hr $15 /hr
b. Non - resident $50/hr $40 $40/hr $30 /hr
c. Security Deposit $100 N/C $25 N/C
Category II: Private Parties
a. Resident $60/hr $20 $30 /hr $20/hr
b. Non - Resident $120/hr $50 $60 /hr $40/hr
c. Security Deposit $100 N/C $25 N/C
*Fee charged only when Hall is rented for three or more hours.
1. Use is limited to ten hours.
2. If use exceeds hours on application form, then fee is charged at 1.5 times the rate.
3. The cost for the Recreation Leader's time is $7.00 per hour. Leaders are employed by
the Town on behalf of the applicant. Recreation costs are charged to the applicant.
Recreation Leader required under any of the following circumstances:
alcohol is served;
more than 50 people are in attendance.
4. Security Guards are hired directly by the applicant. Verification that services have
been contracted for must be submitted to the Neighborhood Center office at least two
weeks prior to the scheduled event. Security Guard required under any of the following
alcohol is served, and;
more than 75 people in attendance.
5. Refundable deposits are returned within forty -five days by the Town of Los Gatos.
Fees Adopted 5/13/91
Fees Effective 7/15/91
CSD13:N: \contract \naborhod.p&p