Attachment 4 - Exhibit 9John R. Shenk jshenk@me.com | 408 -242 -9052 April 11 , 2013 Mr. Joel Paulson Senior Planner Town of Los Gatos Community Development Department 110 East Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95031 Re: Albright Way Entitlements Letter of Justification Dear Mr. Paulson: On behalf of LG Business Park LLC, we h ereby request a Planned Development Overlay zoning (“PD Overlay”) and an Architecture and Site (A&S) Approval (the “Entitlements”) for a 550,000 square foot Class A office/research and development project (the “Project”) at the property located at 90, 100, 101, 120, 121, 131, 141, 151, and 160 Albright Way and 14600 Winchester Boulevard (the “Site”), consisting of approximately 21.5 acres at the southeast corner of Winchester Boulevard and Highway 85. In accordance with the Town Zoning Regulations, we anti cipate submitting an application for a Vesting Tentative Map (“VTM”) for the Project following approval of the PD Overlay. The Site currently is developed with a low -density office/research and development project consisting of approximately 250,000 squar e feet in 10 buildings that were built in the 1970s and 1980s. As a result of the past two years of prior entitlement efforts during which ownership held the Site off the market for most leasing, the Site is now vastly underutilized; the majority of build ings sit vacant. During these years of entitlement processing we have held numerous community outreach meetings, one -on -one meetings with adjacent residents at their request, and participated in many public hearings. The benefit of this process is that w e have heard from the community at large that they welcome our significant investment into this fantastic property and neighborhood , and that the community desire s the jobs and other benefits that will come from this project. Some expressed concerns with the previously approved 85 -foot height limit, the residential component, and the request for a development agreement. We have re designed the entire development to address all of these concerns . T he maximum height has been lowered 20 feet to 65 feet, the residential component has been removed, and the request for a development agreement has been dropped. We are confident that the community is supportive of seeing this project proceed as proposed. For decades, the Town of Los Gatos has identified the Winc hester/Highway 85 area as a location with great potential for the implementation of development that is dense enough to support mass transit. This area includes the future terminus of the Vasona Light Rail line and park -and -ride lot, VTA bus/shuttle stops , and Highway 85 on - and off -ramps. The success of the Los Gatos Gateway development directly north of the Site and the goals and policies in the recently adopted General Plan that champion efficient development that decreases greenhouse gas emissions dem onstrate that the community believes in the Albright Way – Entitlement April 1 1 , 2013 Page 2  benefits of dense, infill development in this area. The Site is a prime candidate for redevelopment because it is an infill location that can accommodate the development density required to support mass transit with a significant number of future riders. The goal of the proposed Entitlements is to create an opportunity to attract and retain high quality businesses with larger Class A buildings, including corporate headquarters campuses, designed with the intent of taking full advantage of the superior transit access available to the Site. We intend to build upon the success of the neighboring Los Gatos Gateway mixed -use project and are committed to high quality designs that are complimentary to the Town’s charac ter and architecture. Proposed Entitlements As detailed below, we are requesting a new PD Overlay (replacing the existing PD Overlay) over the existing CM:PD (Controlled Manufacturing, Planned Development) zoning designation on the Site. The PD Overl ay would establish development standards and design guidance for the Site, while allowing flexibility to redevelop the site with new, Class A office/research and development space (including office -serving amenities) configured to meet the current demands of tenants in Class A corporate space. We are requesting your consideration of these Entitlements now because the Town has complete d a draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR). Through the draft EIR process, the Town has reiterated concerns raised by so me in the community, and we have worked to modif y the originally approved project to balance th ose concerns with the demands of the excellent employers we want to attract as tenants. Importantly , Netflix, Inc. has signed a lease for the first phase of our Project. This space will be an expansion of its corporate headquarters. Netflix maintains its desire to expand in Town, but based on its identified and projected needs, cannot do so unless they can be assured the ability to grow into the Project as desi gned in a timely way. This application includes a proposed PD Overlay that will establish the general planning and design intent of the development, the basic development parameters such as land use, density, height, setbacks, parking, signage, etc., and design guidance for the Site. The PD Overlay also will include conceptual plans for architecture, landscape, phasing, grading, signage, utilities, stormwater, and parcelization. The written and illustrative graphic components of the proposed PD Overlay p lan set provide the development parameters, which would ensure the Town of the nature and quality of development that would occur, while allowing the development to be configured and phased in a way that responds to the needs of future users. This applica tion also includes a request for A&S Approval with the proposed site plan and building architecture for the full redevelopmen t of the Project on the Site. Because of the number of lots we require on this Site , w e anticipate submitting an application for a VTM for the Project following approval of the PD Overlay. The following information gives a general description of the proposed Entitlements and explains how the Project would comply with the currently adopted Los Gatos 2020 General Plan as well as addre ss the desired community benefit to the Town and its residents. Albright Way – Entitlement April 1 1 , 2013 Page 3   A. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE ENTITLEMENTS As noted, the PD Overlay will establish the general planning and design intent of the development, the basic development parameters such as land use, density, height, setbacks, parking, signage, etc., and design guidance for the Site. The permitted uses would include up to 550,000 square feet of office and office -serving uses, including all uses permitted in the CM and O zones (excluding medical and de ntal offices), and excluding all conditional uses in the CM and O zones. To align with the growing demand for larger buildings of high quality office/research and development space and to complement the types of other office spaces available in the Town, the PD Overlay would create the opportunity for a development that would include 550,000 square feet of Class A office/research and development space (including office -serving amenities and accessory uses) in four buildings, one parking garage, surface pa rking areas, new access driveways, and new landscaping and open space, contained within a smaller building footprint than currently exists. The Project would remove up to 10 existing office/research and development buildings totaling approximately 250,000 square feet of space. The ultimate phasing and configuration of the new buildings would conform to the development standards established in the PD Overlay, as determined through the A&S Approval process. The PD Zoning would allow buildings up a maximum height of 65 feet measured from the finished floor elevations of the proposed buildings. This approach allows for a uniform measurement of the actual height of the buildings, and compensates for the fact that the existing development has many manufactured slopes and graded elevations that would vary from one side of a building to the other. Importantly, the maximum building height limit includes all towers, spires, elevator and mechanical penthouses, cupolas, wireless telecommunication antennas, similar s tructures and necessary mechanical appurtenances. The proposed height limit would allow buildings of a similar height as the existing 60 foot high office buildings located just north of the Site. This height and design will facilitate greater preservatio n of existing trees, landscaping, and open space than configuring the same amount of square footage in buildings with lower heights and therefore larger footprints. The height allows for a decrease in the lot coverage from what exists today. The PD Overl ay would establish the following: • Permitted uses • Permitted phasing of development • Maximum allowable square footage • Maximum allowable height of new structures • Minimum property boundary setbacks to proposed buildings • Minimum parking requirements • Primary Pr oject access points • Signage locations and areas • Conceptual plans for architecture, landscape, utilities, phasing, and grading Albright Way – Entitlement April 1 1 , 2013 Page 4  The A&S Approval would establish the following: • Site plan for new buildings • Architecture for new buildings • Grading and drainage • M odifications to existing on -site infrastructure and utilities to serve the Project • Modifications to site access and on -site circulation • Improvements to Winchester Boulevard along the project frontage • Tree removal and replacement • New landscaping and hardsca pe • Signage for new buildings and site • Improvement to the Emergency Vehicle Access to Charter Oaks B. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR OFFICE/R&D USES UNDER THE PD OVERLAY Parking : The expansion of the Project uses on the site would require parking facilit ies which would be governed by the PD overlay. The Town Code requires 1 stall per 235 gross square feet (or 4.26 per 1,000 square feet) of office space, and one space for each 1.5 employees and each company vehicle for research or testing space. The req uested (proposed) parking development standard for the Project would be a minimum of 3.3 stalls per 1,000 s.f. of office /research and development space. Surveys of similar development in the area showed that this standard would be adequate. To meet this proposed parking standard, the project would provide a minimum of 1,815 parking spaces within at -grade parking lots and the proposed parking garage. The proposed A&S plans include 1,925 parking spaces, which is equivalent to 3.5 stalls per 1,000 s.f. The Netflix/Aventino project has this same 3.3/1,000 s.f. parking minimum in its PD Zoning and actual parking of 3.5/1,000 s.f. in its A&S approval . Signage : Three types of signage are included in the A&S package: (1) monument signs at the new signalized in tersection at Winchester and the project entry , (2) freestanding building identification sign zones, and (3 ) building mounted sign zones. The proposed signage is consistent with the Town’s Zoning Code Section 29.10.135(d) standards with respect to sign lo cation, placement and area and has been designed to provide effective, aesthetic, and efficient way -finding signage for the Project. We have taken the Town’s Consulting Architect’s recommendations on the previously submitted A&S package into full consider ation, and as a result, have refined the placement and size of the building face signage. For each building, we will have only two signs on the exterior walls. We have also reduced the size of the building mounted signs from our initial proposal of 4 fee t by 30 feet (120 s quare f eet ) to be 100 square feet at the primary entrance and 50 square feet at the secondary entrance, respectively. This complies with current codes and will sufficiently serve future tenants. The PD Overlay and A&S submittal show t wo (2) appropriate exceptions from the Town’s signage policy given the size and shape of the Site . The first exception pertains to the entry monument signage. Town code allows one sign and we have shown two so that they may go on either side of the new m ain entry much like the Los Gatos Gateway project to Albright Way – Entitlement April 1 1 , 2013 Page 5  the north. The second exception would allow our internal way -finding and building identification signs to be built as shown on the plans at a maximum height of eight (8) feet , which is one (1) foot tall er tha n permitted by the Town ’s policy. We desire this height so that drivers within our site will be able to see the building identification more easily from their cars , even when landscaping and parked cars may be between the driver and the sign. We ne ed the additional entry monument sign to provide clear signage on both sides of the new main entry for easy identification from both northbound and southbound people on Winchester Boulevard. The taller way -finding and identification signs are critical to the viability and success of the future businesses occupying the buildings to be easily located from within the 21.5 acre site. These designs will improve circulation efficiency and streamline the flow of cars, bicycles, and pedestrians to and from their destinations. Due to the extensive amount of landscaping proposed, the sensitive orientation and placement of buildings on the site, the signage that is proposed will be clearly visible, though non -intrusive due to the screening of intervening vegetation, blending with the architecture, color palette and diversity of the exterior building materials. Similar to the signage that was permitted for the Aventino/Netflix Project to the north of our site , some of the building mounted signs permitted by the PD Zo ning and A&S submittal may be visible from the freeway. This visibility occurs because of the location of the proposed buildings (away from the Creek Trail and Charter Oaks) and the long shared property line with SR 85. Height: As shown on the PD Overla y and the A&S plans, the Project includes a maximum building height of 65 feet. The proposed parking garage would be 35 feet high (48.5 feet to top of elevator tower). Approval of the PD overlay zone would allow building heights to exceed the current 35 -foot standard . As noted above, the maximum building height limit proposed includes all towers, spires, elevator and mechanical penthouses, cupolas, wireless telecommunication antennas, similar structures and necessary mechanical appurtenances. The buildi ng heights are requested to accommodate 550,000 square feet in four Class A office/R&D buildings with appropriate floor plate sizes , thereby reducing the building footprint and lot coverage compared to existing conditions, allowing for greater preservation of existing trees, landscaping and open space, and allowing buildings to have enough total square footage in each to meet modern tenant demands. To diversify the office buildings available within the Town is a goal of the Project. C. COMPLIANCE WITH THE AD OPTED GENERAL PLAN The Project would accommodate new development and intensification of use at an existing office/research and development park. The Site is located within the Vasona Light Rail area in a location identified by past General Plans and aff irmed by the recently adopted 2020 General Plan in the Vasona Light Rail Element as being well suited for more intense development to support mass transit. This is a very important fact as the Town has made it clear to all for decades that this area is un ique within the Town and is the preferred Albright Way – Entitlement April 1 1 , 2013 Page 6  location for significant job creation because increased jobs, along with increased housing, will be able to support existing and proposed mass transit. • Land Use Element The existing General Plan land use desig nation is Light Industrial. The proposed land uses would be compatible with the adjacent land uses and intensification of development on the Site would adhere to the Town’s generous setbacks as well as the proposed design guidelines in the PD Overlay. Th ese development standards and design guidelines would ensure that development of the Project would not adversely affect adjacent land uses. Specific applicable goals in the 2020 General Plan include: LU -2 To maintain a balanced, economically stable community within environmental goals. LU -4 To provide for well -planned, careful growth that reflects the Town’s existing character and infrastructure. LU -7 To use available land efficiently by encouraging appropriate infill development. LU -9 To provide residents with adequate commercial and industrial services. • Community Design The design vision for the Project seeks to leverage the opportunities this unique Site presents. The proposed development intensity takes advantage of the Site’s proximity t o existing VTA bus stops and the proposed Vasona Light Rail Station. The size, shape, and scale of the Site permits a campus for corporate users to be designed to accommodate what is described in Understanding Silicon Valley as space that “enhances the se rendipitous contacts” from which so many successful local companies have benefitted. At the same time, however, the development will be set back from the street edges so that it will maintain compatibility with the character of the Town. The PD Overlay r equires generous setbacks on new development to allow the preservation of existing, mature trees along the Site’s perimeter to screen development. In addition to the perimeter landscaping and existing landscaped slopes enhance the visual buffer between th e buildings and adjacent residential areas. The interface of residential and commercial property can be challenging but we believe that the project improves this interface through the new restricted permitted uses, the site plan, and the landscaping. Fou r -story buildings will allow more compact development than fitting 550,000 square feet in additional two - or three -story buildings. Construction of four -story buildings directly meets the requirement for space within each building the majority of first ra te Valley employers are seeking. This building design and site plan enable s the preservation of useful, outdoor gathering spaces needed to attract major companies that demand a campus environment while still giving those great companies the critical mass of space they seek for their present and future growth. In fact, the lot coverage of the planned Project is less than the existing condition. Potential visual impacts of the building heights will be mitigated by the contextually sensitive architecture an d, as described above, by Albright Way – Entitlement April 1 1 , 2013 Page 7  generous setbacks and preservation of existing, mature screening trees. The heights of the buildings were reduced from the previously approved (prior) application to address community concerns and to better “mirror” the heights o f the 60’ office build ings just north of the S ite. Specific applicable Goals in the 2020 General Plan include: CD -1 Preserve and enhance Los Gatos’s character through exceptional community design. CD -2 To limit the intensity of new development to a leve l that is consistent with surrounding development and with the Town at large. CD -3 To require utilities, landscaping and streetscapes to contribute to Los Gatos’s high -quality character. CD -8 Promote, enhance and protect the appearance of the Los Gatos’s c ommercial areas. • Transportation Element The Site is in the Vasona Light Rail area and is in close proximity to a future light rail station and along established VTA bus routes, including the Los Gatos Town Shuttle route. The Site is also adjacent to H ighway 85 and its Los Gatos on and off ramps . A transportation impact analysis is being completed and will identify any transportation impacts and required mitigation as a result of the Project. Specific applicable goals in the 2020 General Plan includ e: TRA -2 To create and maintain a safe, efficient and well -designed roadway network. TRA -3 To prevent and mitigate traffic impacts from new development. TRA -8 To improve mass transit within Los Gatos. TRA -9 To reduce reliance on the automobile by promotin g alternative modes of transportation in the transportation system. TRA -13 To provide adequate parking for existing and proposed uses, and to minimize impacts on surrounding residential neighborhoods. • Vasona Light Rail and Highway 85 Area The Town’s ba sic planning philosophy for this entire area is that “development should be community, pedestrian, and transit -oriented, and designed and scaled to maintain a small -town character.” The proposed Entitlements will facilitate just such development by propos ing a level of density that supports transit ridership goals but that also allows the preservation of mature trees and creation of new outdoor gathering spaces. The proposed Project balances the interests of preserving the small -town character by redevelo ping and intensifying the employment density of an existing site rather than building in an area that has not already been extensively developed. Albright Way – Entitlement April 1 1 , 2013 Page 8  Specific applicable goals in the 2020 General Plan include: VLR -1 To promote the construction of Vasona Li ght Rail and mass transit facilities. VLR -4 To provide opportunities for a variety of non -residential land uses within the Vasona Light Rail area. VLR -6 To work with property owners and prospective developers to facilitate orderly development. VLR -7 To ens ure that the design review process produces a high quality mixture of residential and non -residential uses within the Vasona Light Rail area. • Open Space, Parks and Recreation Element The vision for the development contemplated by these Entitlements is a h igh -quality development similar to the Los Gatos Gateway project. That project demonstrates how a significant level of density (0.85 floor area ratio) and relatively tall buildings can be designed in a way that is compatible with the architecture, traditi on, and small town character of the Town. An important element of Los Gatos Gateway and all well planned developments is well -designed open space to provide a transition to adjacent uses and link different land uses o n - and off -site. The proposed P roject will incorporate similar design features to those of the Los Gatos Gateway project at a much lower level of density (0.60 floor area ratio). Specific applicable goals in the 2020 General Plan include: OSP -6 To consider the provision of open space in al l development decisions within the Town. • Environment and Sustainability Element As discussed above, the unique location of the Site supports the use of mass transit by its tenants, which will lead to less vehicle emissions, causing improved air quality. In addition, development on the Site would include low water, native planting materials to control exposure to sun and wind in the summer and winter and create beautifully landscaped spaces for the use and enjoyment of the users. Irrigation would be desig ned to conserve water. Permeable paving surfaces would be used in various locations to help manage water run -off. The site slopes gently to the east and will integrate a variety of storm water treatment techniques, such as bioswales, to reduce runoff and pollutants. The natural grade and natural surface drainage would be retained to its maximum reasonable extent. The core and shell (but not including tenant improvements) of all new office/R&D buildings would be designed with the goal of achieving the st andards for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) silver certification based on current LEED standards. Specific applicable goals in the 2020 General Plan include: ENV -5 To protect and preserve watersheds and water quality. Albright Way – Entitlement April 1 1 , 2013 Page 9  ENV -6 To con serve the water resources of the Town and promote the efficient use of water to ensure an adequate support of the Town’s plant and wildlife populations as well as human populations. ENV -9 To minimize the amount of stormwater runoff, as well as to protect a nd improve the water quality of runoff. ENV -10 To promote recycling and reuse as well as reduction in demand. ENV -12 To conserve the air resources of the Town and maintain and improve acceptable air quality in Los Gatos. ENV -13 To promote a sustainable com munity that protects environmental resources and the climate to prevent negative impacts to future generations. ENV -14 To reduce overall greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. ENV -17 To promote green buildings that minimize consumption of e nergy and natural resources. With respect to policy ENV -14 and in compliance with the Town’s Sustainability Plan, the Project as proposed includes numerous measures to decrease its greenhouse gas emissions. These measures are listed below: Transportatio n Measures • Secure Bike Parking (at least 1 space per 20 vehicle spaces) • Preferential Carpool/Vanpool Parking • Accessible to Transit Service • Bike and Pedestrian Accessible • Includes Showers/Changing Facilities Electricity Measures • Plant shade trees within 4 0 feet of the south side or within 60 feet of the west sides of properties. • Have cool roof materials (albedo >=30) • Have smart meters and programmable thermostats • Meet Green Building Code Standards • Include HVAC duct sealing Combined these measures result i n a substantial reduction in greenhouse gas emissions for the proposed Project. • Noise Element The Project as proposed is consistent with all applicable policies of the Town’s Noise Element. A noise report is being prepared for the Project that will iden tify any significant noise impacts and measures required to mitigate those impacts. Specific applicable goals in the 2020 General Plan include: NOI -1 To ensure that noise from new development and new land uses does not affect neighboring land uses. Albright Way – Entitlement April 1 1 , 2013 Page 10  NOI -2 To ensure that proposed development is not adversely affected by existing noise levels. NOI -3 To ensure that roadway noise does not adversely affect land uses. NOI -4 To ensure that equipment noise does not adversely affect land uses. • Safety Element Th e Project would not materially add to the demand for emergency services, or increase any risks of flooding or fire hazards. By modernizing the development on the Site, the new structures would comply with stricter seismic standards as well as have improve d fire suppression systems. The Project will also construct an Emergency Vehicle Access point at the end of Charter Oaks Drive to allow Emergency Vehicles to cross over the Project for the benefit of the Charter Oaks neighborhood, which will significantly improve the safety of its residents. Additionally, because the Project has the significant potential to generate a fiscal surplus for the Town, it would assist in providing recurring revenue for police, fire and other emergency services for the entire co mmunity. Specific applicable goals in the 2020 General Plan include: SAF -1 To incorporate fire safety precautions as an integral consideration in planning development. SAF -7 Provide adequate fire protection and emergency medical services to Town residen ts. SAF -8 Promote coordination between land use planning and fire protection. SAF -9 To reduce the potential for injuries, damage to property, economic and social displacement, and loss of life resulting from crime. SAF -10 Promote coordination between land use planning and law enforcement. C. COMPLIANCE WITH RELEVANT GUIDELINES • Guidelines and Standards for Land Use Near Streams. The Guidelines and Standards for Land Use Near Streams (“Stream Guidelines”) is a manual developed by towns, cities, the Water District, and other Santa Clara County groups to provide a single source for information about development near streams. The Town has adopted chapters two through four of the Stream Guidelines, which provide guidance for development in riparian corridors, next to water supply pipelines, and at stream banks. Even though the Site is not in a riparian corridor and no building will be located within fifty feet of a stream bank, the Project will incorporate many of the recommendations in Stream Guidelines. The Project includes shields on parking fixtures near the Los Gatos Creek Trail to ensure that light from the Project will not illuminate the riparian habitat around the creek. In fact, based on photometric studies of the proposed exterior light design, almo st no light slips over the prop erty line of the Project. The P roject also will comply with construction and post -construction Best Management Practices (BMPs) specified in the Project’s Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), as Albright Way – Entitlement April 1 1 , 2013 Page 11  recommended in the Stream Guidelines. Further, the Project’s exterior trash receptacles will be designed and maintained to exclude wildlife. • Commercial Design Guidelines. The Project will be designed in a contemporary style that conforms to the architectural characteris tics of other new development in the Town, such as the new Town library. Within this style, the project promotes the goals of the Commercial Design Guidelines. The proposed new buildings have a high level of architectural articulation. The façade will c learly express the structural column grid and includes a number of layers to break up the buildings’ mass. The façade also will gracefully wrap each building’s corners to provide continuity between sides; the sunshade at the top will provide a strong visu al terminus. The proposed buildings will be clad in high -quality materials, including colored concrete panels, high performance clear glass, and metal paneling. The proposed concrete parking garage will have similar colors as the buildings and its stair will use the buildings’ materials. Further, mechanical equipment will be screened and trash enclosures will be shielded in a manner that incorporates design elements of the buildings. To promote sustainability, the building core and exteriors will be des igned to meet current LEED silver standards. The proposed buildings will be surrounded by low -water landscaping consisting of non -invasive ground vegetation, new trees, and existing, mature trees. The majority of mature trees around the Site’s perimeter w ill be retained to provide a seamless transition between the proposed new development and the Town’s existing fabric. D. BENEFIT TO THE COMMUNITY • Increased Tax Revenue for the Town. This Project will provide for a substantially higher property tax bas e as a result of the re investment , which benefits the Town and the Los Gatos Union School District , the Los Gatos Saratoga Union High School District and the Santa Clara County Fire Department . The Town estimates that schools alone would rec eive an annual increase of over $1 million dollars in property tax without any student impacts. Additionally, the Project creates the opportunity for the Town to attract and retain high quality companies , like Netflix, which significantly increases the op portunity for more diverse jobs to be offered in Town as well as the very important potential for sales tax generating companies to remain in or to relocate to the Town. Local employees support the community by supporting community services such as din nin g at local restaurants, and sho p p ing in local stores. • Increased Employment Opportunities for the Town. Allowing new development to increase intensity and modernize, the existing office park would create opportunities for more jobs and potentially allow mo re Town residents to work locally. This would reduce travel time, congestion, and air pollution in the Town, benefiting the entire community. • Increased Economic Development Opportunities for the Town. The scale of future development that could occur on the project site as the result of the PD Overlay would provide the Town a site that has the potential to attract companies looking for sites Albright Way – Entitlement April 1 1 , 2013 Page 12  in the area with buildings that meet the relevant industry standard size requirements within a campus setting. At tracting new companies to the Town has the potential to provide tremendous benefit to the Town’s long -term fiscal stability, to the Town’s jobs/housing balance and would assist in maintaining the Town’s ability to continue to provide high quality services to the entire community. • Increased Incentive for the VTA to Prioritize the Extension of the Vasona Light Rail. The Town has championed the importance of the extension of the Vasona Light Rail line to provide a transit connection to San Jose and the rest of the Silicon Valley. Important criteria used to prioritize funding at the local and state level is ridership projections and indications of a willingness on the part of local jurisdictions to implement Land Use policies and decisions that support mass transit. The proposed Entitlements, which seek approval to develop a site in the Vasona Light Rail area more densely than it is currently developed, offer the Town an opportunity to prove that its land use policies and decisions support mass transit. L os Gatos is a unique community . W e are proposing balanced Entitlements that respect the character of Los Gatos while also diversifying the Town’s office/research and development offerings and supporting mass transit. Every effort has been made to comply with all goals, codes, and regulations of the Town of Los Gatos, while at the same time offering a beneficial and appropriate development for our community. We look forward to working with the Town to assure both the community and the owners that the En titlements are the best land use decision for the Town’s residents, employees, and companies. If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact me directly at (408) 242 -9052 or by email at jshenk@mac.com. Respectfully, John R. Shenk Owner’s Representative & Applicant