Attachment 3 - Mitgatigation Monitoring and Reporting ProgramMITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM DATE: April 1, 2013 PROJECT: Albright Office Park, Albright Way PD-12-001, S-12-078 1 Mitigation Measure Implemen- tation Responsibility Timing & Monitoring 4.3 Biological Resources 4.3-2, Protection of Nesting Special-status and Migratory Birds: In order to avoid impacts to special-status and migratory bird species during project implementation, the measures outlined below shall be implemented. With the incorporation of the following measures, significant impacts on these species would be avoided. a. The removal of trees and shrubs shall be minimized to the extent feasible. b. If tree removal, pruning, grubbing and demolition activities are necessary, such activities shall be conducted outside of the breeding season (i.e., between September 1 and January 31), to avoid impacts to nesting birds. c. If tree removal, pruning, grubbing and demolition activities are scheduled to commence during the bird breeding season (i.e., between February 1 and August 31), a preconstruction survey shall be conducted by a qualified biologist no more than two weeks prior to the initiation of work. The preconstruction survey shall include the project footprint and up to a 300-foot buffer, access and sight-lines permitting. If no active nests of migratory birds are found, work may proceed without restriction and no further measures are necessary. If work is delayed more than two weeks, the preconstruction survey shall be repeated, if determined necessary by the project biologist. d. If active nests (i.e. nests with eggs or young birds present, or hosting an actively breeding adult pair) of special-status or migratory birds are detected, the project biologist shall designate non-disturbance buffers at a distance sufficient to minimize disturbance based on the nest location, topography, cover, species, and the type/duration of potential disturbance. No work shall occur within the non- disturbance buffers until the young have fledged, as determined by a qualified biologist. The appropriate buffer size shall be determined in cooperation with the CDFW and/or the USFWS. If, despite the establishment of a non-disturbance buffer it is determined that project activities are resulting in nest disturbance, work shall cease immediately and the CDFW and the USFWS shall be contacted for further guidance. e. If project activities must occur within the non-disturbance buffer, a qualified biologist shall monitoring the nest(s) to document that no take of the nest (i.e., nest failure) will result. If it is determined that project activities are resulting in nest disturbance, work shall cease immediately and the CDFW and the USFWS shall be contacted for further guidance. Required as a condition of approval. Directors of Community Development and Parks and Public Works Prior to issuance of any Grading Permit. Ensure these measures are incorporated into project plans. Monitoring: Prior to and during construction. 4.3-3, Protection of Roosting Bats: In order to avoid impacts to special-status bat species during project implementation, the measures outlined below shall be implemented. With the incorporation of the following measures, significant impacts on these species would be avoided. a. Prior to the removal or significant pruning of trees and the demolition of 90 Albright Way, a qualified bat biologist shall assess them for the potential to support roosting bats. Suitable bat roosting sites include Required as a condition of approval. Directors of Community Development and Parks and Public Works Prior to issuance of Tree Removal Permit and Demolition Permit for 90 Albright Way and any Grading Permit. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM DATE: April 1, 2013 PROJECT: Albright Office Park, Albright Way PD-12-001, S-12-078 2 Mitigation Measure Implemen- tation Responsibility Timing & Monitoring trees with snags, rotten stumps, and decadent trees with broken limbs, exfoliating bark, cavities, and structures with cracks, joint seams and other openings to interior spaces. If there is no evidence of occupation by bats, work may proceed without further action. b. If suitable roosting habitat is present, the bat biologist shall recommend appropriate measures to prevent take of bats. Such measures may include exclusion and humane eviction (see “c” below) of bats roosting within structures during seasonal periods of peak activity (e.g., February 15 - April 15, and August 15 - October 30), partial dismantling of structures to induce abandonment, or other appropriate measures. c. If bat roosts are identified on the site, the following measures shall be implemented:  If non-breeding/migratory bats are identified on the site within a tree or building that is proposed for removal, then bats shall be passively excluded from the tree or building. This is generally accomplished by opening up the roost area to allow airflow through the cavity/crevice, or installing one-way doors. The bat biologist shall confirm that the bats have been excluded from the tree or building before it can be removed.  If a maternity roost of a special-status bat species is detected, an appropriate non-disturbance buffer zone shall be established around the roost tree or building site, in consultation with the CDFW. Maternity roost sites may be demolished only when it has been determined by a qualified bat biologist that the nursery site is not occupied. Demolition of maternity roost sites may not be performed during seasonal periods of peak activity (e.g., February 15 - April 15, and August 15 - October 30).  No additional mitigation for the loss of roosting bat habitat is required. Ensure these measures are incorporated into project plans. Monitoring: Prior to and during construction. 4.3-6, Creek Protection: The following measures from the Town’s adopted “Guidelines and Standards for Land Use Near Streams” would ensure that site construction and operation would not result in indirect adverse effects on the riparian and aquatic habitats or Los Gatos Creek: Measures to be Implemented During Project Construction a. Project construction activities shall be restricted to daylight hours; nighttime work shall not be permitted. b. Use of elevated flood lights shall not be permitted; any exterior lighting shall be directed inward and shall not cause the illumination of the adjacent riparian habitat. c. Dust control must be practiced during demolition and grading. d. The Town of Los Gatos routinely requires implementation of protective measures for all projects adjacent to stream courses. For all work adjacent to stream channels, best management practices (BMPs) shall be implemented to prevent bank erosion, sedimentation, release of contaminants, accidental incursion by construction equipment below the tops of bank. Such measures may include installation of silt fencing, hay bales, straw wattles or other protective devices to prevent the downslope migration of silt or sediment from the Required as a condition of approval. Directors of Community Development and Parks and Public Works Ensure these measures are incorporated into project plans. Monitoring: During and after construction. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM DATE: April 1, 2013 PROJECT: Albright Office Park, Albright Way PD-12-001, S-12-078 3 Mitigation Measure Implemen- tation Responsibility Timing & Monitoring construction site. Measures to be Implemented During Project Operation e. Post-construction BMPs incorporated into the project’s drainage plan shall comply with Provision C.3.c of the Municipal Regional Stormwater Permit (see Impact 4.5-5 in Section 4.3, Hydrology and Water Quality, for more discussion) to ensure that no significant adverse effects on water quality of Los Gatos Creek or the adjacent riparian habitat would result. f. Exterior lighting shall be directed inward and shall not cause the illumination of the adjacent riparian habitat. g. Restrictions shall be in place to prevent the placement of pet food containers by employees outdoors in areas accessible to wildlife. h. Free-roaming domestic pets (e.g., cats, off-leash dogs) of employees shall not be permitted. i. All exterior trash receptacles shall be designed and maintained to exclude wildlife. j. All storm water treatment facilities must be in accordance with local and regional water quality standards to ensure there is no release of contaminants into the aquatic environment. 4.4 Geology, Soils, and Seismicity 4.4-3a, Fill Removal: In accordance with the recommendations of the project geotechnical report, the project sponsor shall require the removal of existing fill materials within proposed building excavations to a lateral distance of at least 5 feet beyond the building footprint or to a lateral distance equal to the fill depth below the perimeter footing, whichever is greater. Reuse of the fill materials shall only be allowed if they meet the requirements for engineered fill specified in the geotechnical report for the project. Materials such as debris, wood, and trash that do not meet the requirements shall be screened out of the fill materials and removed from the site. Fill materials shall be placed in lifts and compacted in accordance with the compaction requirements specified in the geotechnical report. While it is preferable to replace all existing fills with engineered fills, those fill materials extending into planned pavement and flat work areas (e.g. pedestrian concrete and pavers) may be left in place at the project sponsor’s option. However, the project sponsor must determine that the fills are of low risk for future differential settlement and ensure that the upper 12- to 18-inches of fill below the subgrade is re-worked and compacted in accordance with the compaction requirements specified in the geotechnical report. If there are updates or revisions to the project geotechnical report, the above mitigation requirements shall be revised to match the updated recommendations as necessary. Mitigation Measure 4.4-3b, Abandonment of Existing Utilities: In accordance with the recommendations of the project geotechnical report, the project sponsor shall ensure that existing utilities are completely removed from all building areas. A utility may only be abandoned in Required as a condition of approval. Directors of Community Development and Parks and Public Works Prior to issuance of any Grading Permit. Monitoring: Ensure that all recommenda- tions of the project geotechnical report are properly implemented including proper characterization of undocumented fill materials. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM DATE: April 1, 2013 PROJECT: Albright Office Park, Albright Way PD-12-001, S-12-078 4 Mitigation Measure Implemen- tation Responsibility Timing & Monitoring place if it would not pose an unacceptable risk, and if approved by the geotechnical engineer. If abandoned in place, the utility must be completely backfilled with grout or sand-cement slurry and the ends outside of the building area must be capped with concrete. Trench fills must also be removed and replaced with engineered fill with the trench side slopes flattened to at least 1:1. If there are updates or revisions to the project geotechnical report, the above mitigation requirements shall be revised to match the updated recommendations as necessary. Mitigation Measure 4.4-3c, Excavation Safety: In accordance with the recommendations of the project geotechnical report, the project sponsor shall ensure that the below grade excavations within the upper five feet below the building subgrade are sloped at 3:1 (vertical:horizontal) and that those deeper than five feet below the building subgrade as well as those excavations in pavement and flatwork areas are sloped at a maximum inclination of 1.5:1. Alternatively, temporary shoring may be used to support the excavations. The design of the shoring shall be left to the construction contractor’s judgment, but shall comply with the standards set forth in the geotechnical report for the project. A California-licensed civil or structural engineer must design and be in charge of the temporary shoring design. The shoring shall support adjacent improvements such as utilities, pavements, and buildings. A pre-condition survey shall be conducted including photographs and installation of monitoring points for existing site improvements. All sensitive improvements shall be located and monitored for horizontal and vertical deflections and distress cracking based on the pre-construction survey. For multi-level excavations, the installation of inclinometers at critical areas may be required for more detailed deflection monitoring. The monitoring frequency shall be established and agreed to by the project team prior to start of shoring construction. If there are updates or revisions to the project geotechnical report, the above mitigation requirements shall be revised to match the updated recommendations as necessary. Mitigation Measure 4.4-3d, Implement Recommendations of Geotechnical Report: The project sponsor shall implement all of the recommendations of the project geotechnical report, and any associated updates or revisions, related to review of plans and specifications for proposed buildings; demolition observation and testing; construction observation and testing; site demolition, clearing, and preparation; subgrade preparation; subgrade stabilization; material for fill; compaction requirements; trench backfill; site drainage; foundations; concrete slabs and pedestrian pavements; vehicular pavements; and retaining walls. 4.7 Noise and Vibration 4.7-1, Administrative Controls: Prior to Grading Permit issuance, the project applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Town of Los Gatos Public Works Department that the project complies with the following: Required as a condition of approval. Directors of Community Development and Parks and Prior to issuance of any Grading Permit. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM DATE: April 1, 2013 PROJECT: Albright Office Park, Albright Way PD-12-001, S-12-078 5 Mitigation Measure Implemen- tation Responsibility Timing & Monitoring a. Pursuant to the Town of Los Gatos Municipal Code Section 16.20.035, construction activities (including operation of haul and delivery trucks) shall occur between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. on weekdays and 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on weekends and holidays. Additionally, pursuant to Municipal Code Section 16.20.035(2) the Contractor shall demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Town of Los Gatos Public Works Department, that construction noise shall not exceed 85 dBA outside of the property line. This shall be accomplished through the use of properly maintained mufflers and other state-required noise attenuation devices. b. Property occupants located adjacent to the project boundary shall be sent a notice, at least 15 days prior to commencement of construction of each phase, regarding the construction schedule of the proposed project. A sign, legible at a distance of 50 feet shall also be posted at the project construction site. All notices and signs shall be reviewed and approved by the Town of Los Gatos Public Works Department prior to mailing or posting and shall indicate the dates and duration of construction activities, as well as provide a contact name for the contractor’s Noise Disturbance Coordinator and a telephone number where residents can contact that person about the construction process and register complaints. c. The Contractor shall provide, to the satisfaction of the Town of Los Gatos Public Works Department, a qualified “Noise Disturbance Coordinator.” The Disturbance Coordinator shall be responsible for responding to any local complaints about construction noise. When a complaint is received, the Disturbance Coordinator shall notify the Town within 24-hours of the complaint and determine the cause of the noise complaint (e.g., starting too early, bad muffler, etc.) and shall implement reasonable measures to resolve the complaint, as deemed acceptable by the Public Works Department. d. Construction haul routes shall be designed to avoid noise sensitive uses (e.g., residences, convalescent homes, etc.) to the extent feasible and shall be restricted to collector streets in the project vicinity (i.e. Winchester Boulevard and Lark Avenue). e. During construction, stationary construction equipment shall be placed such that emitted noise is directed away from sensitive noise receivers. Public Works Ensure these measures are incorporated into project plans. Monitoring: Prior to and during construction. 4.7-2, Vibration Controls: To prevent cosmetic damage to existing adjacent structures, the project contractor shall avoid use of large, truck- mounted vibratory compactors within 15 feet of adjacent structures, and shall not use any equipment that generates vibration levels that exceed 0.5 in/sec PPV, the cosmetic damage threshold for transient vibration, when measured at the closest residential structures. Required as a condition of approval. Directors of Community Development and Parks and Public Works Prior to issuance of any Grading Permit. Ensure that these measures are incorporated into project plans. Monitoring: During construction. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM DATE: April 1, 2013 PROJECT: Albright Office Park, Albright Way PD-12-001, S-12-078 6 Mitigation Measure Implemen- tation Responsibility Timing & Monitoring 4.8 Air Quality 4.8-1a, BAAQMD Basic and Additional Construction Mitigation Measures: Prior to issuance of any Grading or Demolition Permit, the Town Engineer and the Chief Building Official shall confirm that the Grading Plan, Building Plans, and specifications stipulate that the following basic and enhanced construction mitigation measures shall be implemented as required by BAAQMD Guidelines while project phases are under construction:  Water all active construction areas to maintain 12% soil moisture.  All grading shall be suspended when winds exceed 20 miles per hour.  All haul trucks transporting soil, sand, or other loose material off- site shall be covered.  Pave, apply water three times daily, or apply (non-toxic) soil stabilizers on all unpaved access roads, parking areas, and staging areas at construction sites.  Hydroseed or apply non-toxic soil stabilizers to inactive construction areas (previously graded areas inactive for ten days or more).  Enclose, cover, water twice daily or apply non-toxic soil binders to exposed stockpiles (dirt, sand, etc.).  All visible mud or dirt track-out onto adjacent public roads shall be removed using wet power vacuum street sweepers at least once per day. Install sandbags or other erosion control measures to prevent silt runoff to public roadways.  Wind breaks and perimeter sand bags shall be used to minimize erosion.  The amount of simultaneously disturbed surface shall be minimized as much as possible.  Site access points from public roadways shall be paved or treated to prevent track-out.  Replace vegetation in disturbed areas as quickly as possible.  All vehicle speeds on unpaved roads shall be limited to 15 mph.  All roadways, driveways, and sidewalks to be paved shall be completed as soon as possible.  Idling times shall be minimized either by shutting equipment off when not in use or reducing the maximum idling time to two minutes. Clear signage shall be provided for construction workers at all access points.  All construction equipment shall be maintained and properly tuned in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications. All equipment shall be checked by a certified mechanic and determined to be running in proper condition prior to operation.  Post a publicly visible sign with the telephone number and person to contact at the Town regarding dust complaints. This person shall respond and take corrective action within 48 hours. The BAAQMD’s phone number shall also be visible to ensure Required as a condition of approval. Director of Community Development Prior to issuance of any Grading Permit, Demolition Permit, or Building Permit. Ensure these measures are incorporated into project plans. Monitoring: During construction. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM DATE: April 1, 2013 PROJECT: Albright Office Park, Albright Way PD-12-001, S-12-078 7 Mitigation Measure Implemen- tation Responsibility Timing & Monitoring compliance with applicable regulations. 4.8-1b, BAAQMD Architectural Coatings Mitigation Measures: Prior to issuance of any Building Permit, the Chief Building Official shall confirm that the Building Plans and specifications include the following BAAQMD additional construction mitigation measures (during the application of architectural coatings in Years 3 and 4):  Use low volatile organic compounds (VOC) (i.e., reactive organic gases [ROG]) coatings beyond the BAAQMD requirements (i.e., Regulation 8, Rule 3: Architectural Coatings).  VOC content of architectural coatings shall not exceed 150 grams VOC per liter of coating. 4.8-1c, Haul Truck VMT Limits: The following limitations shall be adhered to during soil hauling activities (during mass and fine grading) for construction Years 1 and 2 only in order to ensure NOX emissions would be reduced to less-than-significant levels:  Phase 1 (Year 1): Trucks hauling soil during Phase 1, shall not exceed a vehicle miles traveled (VMT) per day during mass grading of 1,653 miles.  Phase 2 (Year 2): Trucks hauling soil during Phase 2 shall not travel more than 1,943 VMT. VMT during fine grading shall not exceed 545 miles (NOX mitigation is not necessary in Year 3).  Phase 3 (Years 4 and 5): No mitigation is necessary. Per BAAQMD policy, these travel distance limits are daily averages for a 7-day week. VMT’s shall be logged weekly and supplied to the Town Engineer and the Chief Building Official on a monthly basis. These limitations shall be stipulated in construction bids, plans, and specifications. 4.9 Greenhouse Gases 4.9-1, GHG Reduction Measures: Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall demonstrate the incorporation of a combination (one or more) of sustainable project design features that would meet the EIR significance threshold of 4.6 MT CO2e/sp/year. The applicant’s current proposal is to implement the GHG mitigation measures identified in Table 4.9-2 of this EIR, which would achieve the reductions necessary to achieve the 4.6 MT CO2e/sp/year threshold. Those measures shall be carried out, except that, at the applicant’s election and subject to approval by the Community Development Director, the applicant may substitute alternative measures of equivalent effectiveness to one or more of the measures identified in Table 4.9-2. In the event that the BAAQMD has assigned percent reductions for such alternative measures, such reductions shall be considered by Town Staff in determining whether such measures truly are equivalent in their effectiveness to those identified in Table 4.9-2. The following menu of measures provides examples of potential alternatives to the measures already accounted for in Table 4.9-2:  Include solar photovoltaic or other technology to generate electricity on-site to reduce consumption from the electrical grid.  Implement an employee telecommuting program. Required as a condition of approval. Director of Community Development Prior to issuance of any Building Permits. Ensure that necessary measures are incorporated into project plans to ensure that the GHG significance threshold is met. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM DATE: April 1, 2013 PROJECT: Albright Office Park, Albright Way PD-12-001, S-12-078 8 Mitigation Measure Implemen- tation Responsibility Timing & Monitoring  Implement an on-site carpool matching program for employees.  100% Increase in Diversity of Land Uses (provide on-site employee amenities)  Increase Energy Efficiency Beyond Title 24  Work with the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) to implement acceptable off-site mitigation. This would involve an agreement with the BAAQMD and payment of fees or the purchase of carbon credits. The BAAQMD would commit to reducing the type and amount of emissions identified in the agreement. 4.10 Hazards and Hazardous Materials 4.10-2, Hazardous Building Materials Surveys and Abatement: Prior to demolition of each building, the project applicant shall incorporate into contract specifications the requirement that the contractor(s) have a hazardous building materials survey completed by a Registered Environmental Assessor or a registered engineer. This survey shall be completed prior to any demolition activities associated with the project. If any friable asbestos-containing materials or lead- containing materials are identified, adequate abatement practices, such as containment and/or removal, shall be implemented in accordance with applicable laws prior to demolition. Specifically, asbestos abatement shall be conducted in accordance with Section 19827.5 of the California Health and Safety Code, as implemented by the BAAQMD, and 8 CCR Section 1529 and Sections 341.6 through 341.14, as implemented by Cal/OSHA. Lead-based paint abatement shall be conducted in accordance with Cal/OSHA’s Lead in Construction Standard. Any PCB-containing equipment, fluorescent light tubes containing mercury vapors, and fluorescent light ballasts containing DEHP shall also be removed and legally disposed of in accordance with applicable laws including 22 CCR Section 66261.24 for PCBs, 22 CCR Section 66273.8 for fluorescent lamp tubes, and 22 CCR Division 4.5, Chapter 11 for DEHP. Required as a condition of approval. Directors of Community Development and Parks and Public Works Prior to issuance of any Demolition Permit. Ensure these measures are incorporated into project plans and contract specifications. 4.10-3a, Update Environmental Database Review. The project applicant shall retain a qualified professional to update the environmental database review performed as part of the Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment no more than three months prior to the start of any construction activities that would involve disturbance of greater than 50 cubic yards of soil. The qualified professional shall prepare a report summarizing the results of the environmental database review that assesses the potential for any identified chemical release sites to affect soil quality at the proposed project site and identifies appropriate soil analysis to evaluate the potential for soil contamination at the proposed project site, if needed. In response, the project applicant shall implement the recommended soil analyses, if any. 4.10-3b, Contingency Plan. The project applicant shall require the construction contractor(s) to have a contingency plan for sampling and analysis of potential hazardous materials and for coordination with the Santa Clara County Department of Environmental Health in accordance with the Voluntary Cleanup Program in the event that previously Required as a condition of approval. Directors of Community Development and Parks and Public Works Prior to issuance of any Grading Permit. Ensure these measures are incorporated into project plans and contract specifications. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM DATE: April 1, 2013 PROJECT: Albright Office Park, Albright Way PD-12-001, S-12-078 9 Mitigation Measure Implemen- tation Responsibility Timing & Monitoring unidentified hazardous materials are encountered during construction. If previously unidentified soil contamination is identified, per the contingency plan, the contractor(s) shall be required to modify their health and safety plan to include the new data, conduct sampling to assess the chemicals present, and identify appropriate disposal methods. Evidence of potential contamination includes soil discoloration, suspicious odors, the presence of underground storage tanks, or the presence of buried building materials. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM DATE: April 1, 2013 PROJECT: Albright Office Park, Albright Way PD-12-001, S-12-078 10 4.11 Cultural Resources 4.11-2a, Archaeological Monitor: A qualified archaeologist shall be retained to monitor the site clearing and grading operations in those areas where buildings will be removed and/or new construction will occur. The archaeologist shall be present on-site to observe site clearing at a representative sample of building removal areas until he/she is satisfied that there is no longer a potential for finding buried resources. In the event that any potentially significant archaeological resources (i.e., potential historical resources or unique archaeological resources) are discovered, the project archaeologist shall stop work inside a zone designated by him/her where additional archaeological resources could be found. A plan for the evaluation of the resource shall be submitted to the Community Development Director for approval. Evaluation normally takes the form of limited hand excavation and analysis of materials and information removed to determine if the resource is eligible for inclusion on the California Register of Historic Resources (CRHR). 4.11-2b, Identification of Eligible Resources. If an eligible resource (i.e., an historical resource or a unique archaeological resource) is identified, a plan for mitigation of impacts to the resource shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for approval before any additional construction related earthmoving can occur inside the zone designated as archaeologically sensitive. Whether the proposed plan is feasible shall be determined by the Community Development Department after consideration of the viability of avoidance in light of project design and logistics. In lieu of avoidance, mitigation could include additional hand excavation to record and remove for analysis significant archaeological materials, combined with additional archaeological monitoring of soils inside the archaeologically sensitive zone. 4.11-2c, Discovery of Human Remains. Required monitoring will also serve to identify and reduce damage to human burials and associated grave goods. In the event that human remains are discovered, it shall be the responsibility of the project archaeologist to contact the County Coroner’s Office and the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC). The NAHC is responsible for naming a Most Likely Descendant (MLD) who shall represent tribal interests in regards to human remains and associated grave goods. The MLD shall make recommendations to the Community Development Director regarding the method for exposure and removal of human burials and associated grave goods, and shall advise the Community Development Director regarding the place and method of reburial of these materials. Required as a condition of approval. Director of Community Development Monitoring: During construction. 4.11-3, Halt Construction and Evaluate Resource: Prior to the commencement of construction activities, the project applicant shall provide for a qualified paleontologist to provide construction personnel with training on procedures to be followed in the event that a fossil site or fossil occurrence is encountered during construction. The training shall include instructions on identification techniques and how to further avoid disturbing the fossils until a paleontological specialist can assess the site. An informational package shall be provided for construction Required as a condition of approval. Director of Community Development Monitoring: During construction. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM DATE: April 1, 2013 PROJECT: Albright Office Park, Albright Way PD-12-001, S-12-078 11 personnel not present at the meeting. In the event that a paleontological resource (fossilized invertebrate, vertebrate, plan or micro-fossil) is found during construction, excavation within 50 feet of the find shall be temporarily halted or diverted until the discovery is evaluated. Upon discovery, the Community Development Director shall be notified immediately and a qualified paleontologist shall be retained to document and assess the discovery in accordance with Society of Vertebrate Paleontology’s 2010 Standard Procedures for the Assessment and Mitigation of Adverse Impacts to Paleontological Resources, and determine procedures to be followed before construction is allowed to resume at the location of the find. If the Community Development Director determines that avoidance is not feasible, the paleontologist will prepare an excavation plan for mitigating the project’s impact on this resource, including preparation, identification, cataloging, and curation of any salvaged specimens.