Ord 1328 - AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS1 'A ' L ORDINANCE NO. 1328 ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1 . Section 2.00.010 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SEC. 2 .00.010 : SCO For the purposes of the Zoning Ordinance, certain words and phrases are defined in this Chapter 2.00. SEC TION 2 . Section 2.00.020 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SEC. 2.00.020: ACCESSORY BUILDING OR STRUC'T'URE A subordinate building or structure on the same lot or building site, the use of which is incidental to that of the main structure or building and which is used exclusively by the occupants or owners of the main structure or building. SEC 3 . Section 2.00.08b of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read:, SEC. 2. 00.080 : BUILDI Any structure used or intended to be used to shelter a person or personal property. SECTION 4. (This section was referred to the Planning Commission and is not a part of this ordinance.) -1- Retyped 7.20 -76 per Council revision of 7­19­76. SECTION 5 . Section 2.00.310 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SEC.2,.00.310: LOT CORRIDOR A lot with access to a street by means of a strip of land having less frontage or width than that required for the parcel by this Ordinance. SECTION 6 . Section 3.10.040 is added to the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos to read: SEC. 3.10.040: CORRIDOR LOTS The minimum width of a corridor to a corridor lot shall be 20 feet. The area of the corridor_ shall not be applied toward satisfying the minimum lot area requirement. A corridor may not serve more than one lot. SECT 7 . Section 3.30.030 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is repealed. _S ECTION 8 . Chapter 3.36 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is repealed. SECTION 9 . The Table of Sign Regulations in Section 3.38.030 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: �M sue: a t }� is i n At f C Cn U) 0, rJ c O f!J H a, 4- V) W O fO C O O }, C1' c -f- 0 1 _ v i.1 m O X - 0 o c E m 0 U V ro C 4 w - "I c O 0) 7 cr U L • vt C U a) al C 0) _0 O (1) C: cm a 7 C U 'O 0 O O C L L ro Ot 1 Q rJ r_ V, f u O a) a) a) O 'O L > E as 4 1C E_ X • x s v O 7 ON X a) C m O v 7 E L w U a L C -C V 3 CC U c vi U m u c U -C 0 (U N U „ rn n. > O N 0. C L 1. O M O O O U) c T -C •— 0 10 v)O r)E N Z n Lrl N 0 OO U OI O O at "X w X X X X 7 N N -7' U K D Ol OC i/1 N O M N U'l N M •.Ol X X X X w N N N �O N M X X M V U CO V) U 7 oc :3 of �s M � M� X X X X N -T N 10 N M X X r eA 1 !S/ U a) c0 CC 7 K l0 OD Y X X X X )b .- N .7 1 Z O O - c 0-0 n- O vt O O M .m 16 " U N N U L L N Ln al O X N a) OO y N 1 L C O U J n U- u X X U �O N M X a) 7 7 > U •- 7 c 11 41 c [ _ c 4- ^ 4- • C N 4- (O n ) U 0 0 vi 0 o o W44 a o V) 0.0) Mm4 N a) 0- v a� v M m F-4 c i ro mN w 1 �- U "O 7 U "•1 • C L L. O U ¢ • C L L L O U ¢ O C a) �- O 1 N u F fill u c 1., 4r� U U ' U N 6. '- N 0. .Q)O U r ►� a Q 1' L L L Fwd . 1 4- •-y n. E O 0 vt •- U L N �O Trail U 0 1., 1 •- N 10 a) 0 N a >. L .•- N IO T 4 - O � a vt� 4) U a H a) a F �o a _ (� Q C c 4 O 2 U O' k 9 0 0 0 `v 0 �o �o ( N � C � ' \ ' U 4.1 Fwd 1..1 p, k� 4- 4- o _ L' + E �E FEX as wra auaosnnvevmumasviTertv vxtt R4 u asaeuvum ° a a a) U) 0, rJ c O f!J L a, 4- V) W O fO C O O }, N c -f- 0 1 _ v i.1 m v 0 o c E m 0 L a) C 4 > - "I c O 0) • vt C U a) al C 0) _0 O (1) C: cm 7 C U 'O 0 O O C L L ro Ot 1 Q rJ r_ V, f u O a) a) a) O 'O L > E as 4 1C U s v U - TL a) C m O E L .c •- U U + L C -C V 3 U c vi U m u c U -C 0 (U „ rn n. > O N 0. C L 0- O U) c T -C •— 0 10 v)O r)E N N 0 OI 0 at SECTION 10 . Section 3.38.040 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SEC. 3.38.04 PLANNED DEVELOPMEN OVERLAY ZO The signs shown on the Official Development Plan referred to in Chapter 4.82 may be erected in the PD zone. SECTION 11 . Section 3.41.050 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is repealed. SECTION 12 . Section 3.42.010 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is repealed. SEC 13 . Section 3.42.010 is added to the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos to read: SEC. 3.42.010 STANDARDS FOR DEVELOPMENT All permanent off - street parking lots and parking garages shall be constructed as provided in this Chapter 3.42. Where the rules of a zone pertaining to yards, landscaping, fencing or lighting are stricter than those contained in this Chapter 3.42, the rules of the zone apply. SEC 14 . Section 3.42.020 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is repealed. SECTION 15 . Section 3.42.020 is added to the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos to read: SEC. 3.42.020 LOCATION OF REQUIRED OFF- STREET PARKING SPACES All off- street parking spaces shall be on the same zoning plot as the use for which they are provided. SECTION 16 . Section 3.42.030 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: S EC. 3.42.03 DRI VEWAYS Off - street parking lots and parking garages must be connected to streets or alleys by driveways which comply with the following requirements: (l) Driveways which serve not more than two parking spaces shall be at least ten feet .wide if they provide either ingress or egress only, and not less than 18 feet wide if they provide both ingress and egress. The Planning Director may authorize a reduction in width of two -way driveways if he.finds that conditions make the 18 foot requirement impractical. (2) Driveways which serve more than two and not more than ten parking spaces shall be at least ten feet wide if they provide either ingress or egress only, and not less than 18 feet wide if they provide both ingress and egress. (3) Driveways which serve more than ten and not more than 25 parking spaces shall be at least 11 feet wide if they provide either ingress or egress only, and not less than 20 feet wide if they provide both ingress and egress. (4) Driveways which serve more than 25 parking spaces shall be at least 12 feet wide if they provide either ingress or egress only, and not less than 22 feet wide if they provide both ingress and egress. (5) The minimum distance from a wall, fence or similar obstacle to the edge of any driveway shall be - two feet. (6) All driveways less than 18 feet in width and more than 1.50 feet in length shall be developed with turn -out areas to prevent the obstruction of access to emergency vehicles in such numbers, at such locations and design. ui.a constructed to such standards as the Director of Public Works prescribes. (7) When a garage or carport opens onto a street (excluding alleys) the length of the driveway shall not be less than 25 feet. (8) Unless otherwise authorized by the Fire Marshal, a vertical clearance of at least 12 feet shall be maintained above all driveways. (9) Unless otherwise authorized by the Fire Marshal, curves in a driveway more than 150 feet long shall have at least a 45 foot outside radius. SEC 17 . Section 3.42.040 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SEC. 3. SI ZE AND LOCATIO OF SPACES AND AISLES All parking spaces and aisles shall conform to the following standards: -5- (1) For the purpose of determining parking space dimensions, the front limit of the space shall. be the face of any wall or barrier (bumper height or higher). If such wall or barrier exists, the front limit shall be a line perpendicular to the side line of the space, two feet forward of the face of curb or wheel stop. (2) All parking spaces shall be at least nine feet by 20 feet. All aisle widths shall be a minimum of 12 feet for one -way aisles, and a minimum of 22 feet for two -way aisles. (3) Parking space width shall be increased to ten feet if adjacent on one side to a wall, fence, hedge or structure; and to 11 feet if adjacent on both sides to such walls, fences, hedges or structures. (4) Off - street parking spaces parallel with the aisle shall be at least 22 feet long. (5) Aisle widths and stall. sizes may be interpolated from the following schedule: n th f t 11 Angle of stall Degree Parallel Parking 30 35 37 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 perpendicular to aisle Feet 9.0 17.8 18.8 19.3 19.8 20.5 21.1 21.5 21.8 21.9 21.9 21.6 21.3 20.7 20.0 Minimum width of o ne -way aisles Feet 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 13.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0 24.0 26.0 (6) When the configuration of the property or the location of existing structures constrict design of parking areas, the Committee may modify parking stall and aisle width dimensions, provided that the applicant can demonstrate the modification would not impair the function of the parking area. (7) Parking space boundaries shall be delineated by double striping. Each double stripe shall consist of two four inch lines, separated by an 18 inch space. (8) Diagonal parking is encouraged wherever possible but shall be discouraged from having two -way aisles." (9) One -way ais.l.es shall not dead -end. Dead -ends on two -way aisles are permissible if turn- around space is provided. (10) The minimum inside turning radius for aisles and islands shall be 20 feet (11) Off- street parking shall have maneuvering areas adequate to eliminate aisle -to -aisle circulation via the street. (12) Off - street parking areas shall be designed so that automobiles will not be backed onto a street, except for parking areas that are not on an arterial street serving single family dwellings. SECTION 1 8. Section 3.42.050 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SEC. 3.42.050 SU RFACING All outdoor off - street parking spaces, driveways and maneuvering areas shall be paved with a compacted base not less than four inches thick, surfaced with asphaltic . concrete or Portland cement concrete pavement or other surfacing approved by the Director of Public Works. The paved area shall bc provided with drainage facilz ^° - J to the approval of the Director of Public Works, adequate to dispose of all accumulated surface water. SECTION 19 . Section 3.42.060 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SEC. 3.42.060 LIGHTING All parking lot and parking garage lighting facilities shall conform to the following standards: (1) The location, design, intensity, light hue and shielding of lighting fixtures shall be subject to approval by the Committee. (2) Lighting used in connection with off - street parking spaces located in, or adjacent to, any residential zone shall be arranged and shielded so that the light will riot shine directly on land in such residential zone. -7- SECTION 20 . Section 3.42.070 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SEC. 3.42.070: SCREENING AND LANDSCAPING (1) Except for those which serve single or two family dwellings, 411 outdoor off- street parking spaces shall be screened on all sides which adjoin, face, or are across the street from either properties situated in a residential zone or properties developed. with a residential use. The design of all screening is subject to approval by the Planning Director. (2) Wherever a parking lot is adjacent to a street, a landscaped buffer at least ten feet wide is required. Where the parking lot is adjacent to a side or rear property line or to an alley, a landscaped buffer at least five feet wide is required. The required width of landscaped buffers is exclusive of curbing or allowance for vehicle overhang, and is measured from the property line or street or alley right -of- way (3) All landscaped areas shall be completely enclosed by a six inch continuous concrete curb. At any point where a curb around a landscaped area serves as a wheel stop, a vehicle overhang allowance of two feet including the width of the curb shall be added to the landscaped area. (4) All portions of the parking area not used for automobile maneuvering and parking or for pedestrian walkways shall be landscaped. (5) All landscaped areas shall be provided with complete irrigation facilities. (6) At least five per cent of the interior of all parking areas shall be landscaped. In order to be included in the calculation of the amount of interior landscaping, all landscaped areas must be at least five feet in any dimension exclusive curbing and vehicle overhang allowances, except that landscaped areas separating side by side parking spaces are included in the calculation if they are at least three feet wide exclusive of curbs.. (7) Ranks of 15 or more parking spaces shall be interrupted by a landscaped area at least three feet wide exclusive of curbs at intervals no greater than ten spaces. (8) Trees shall be a major design feature in all parking lots. ME SECTION 21 . Section 3..42.080 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SEC. 3.42.080 CU RBS, WHEEL STOPS AND MARKINGS (1) Except for spaces which serve single or two family dwellings, all off- street parking spaces shall have wheel stops. Wheel stops must be continuous curbing and shall not be separate blocks. (2) Opposing ranks of parking stalls shall be separated by a raised curbed island. (3) All off.- street parking areas shall be provided with entrance, exit and traffic flow markings so arranged and marked as - to provide for orderly and safe parking of automobiles, subject to the approval of the Director of Public Works. SECTION 22 . Section 3.42.100 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read SEC. 3.42.100 TEMPORARY PARKING LOT When this Ordinance requires that parking be provided to serve a building which is being remodeled or a building which occupies the site of an approved parking lot intended to serve a building construction, t- pa�..king may be provided. Temporary parking lots shall be surfaced, lighted, landscaped, and otherwise improved, consistent with the purpose of such lots as temporary facilities, to be safe and present an acceptable appearance. Architecture and Site Approval, with an expiration date, is required for all temporary parking lots. SECTION 23 . Section 3.42.110 is added to the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos to read: SEC 3 .42.110: TOWN CONSTRU TEMPORARY PARKI LOTS The Town may construct temporary parking lots to alleviate parking shortages. The standards and procedures are the same as provided in Section 3.42.100. SECTION 24 . Chapter 3..45, Garbage and Waste Containers, is added to the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos to read: CHAPTER 3.45 Garbage and Waste Containers SEC. 3.45.010 GARBAGE AND WASTE CONTAINERS An enclosure is required on all zoning plots where activities other than single and two family residential are conducted to store and screen from view garbage and waste containers. Where such enclosures are required all garbage and waste containers shall be placed in them except during the period of time necessary to allow removal of the waste. If the enclosure is not a building or part of a building it shall be a wall or fence, at least six feet high.. The Planning Director may approve a lower wall or fence if he finds that .reduction in height would not result in a reduction in the effectiveness of the screening. SECTION 25 . Section 4.22.040 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SEC. 4.22.0 D EVELOPMENT STANDARDS (1) Bu ildi n g height, limits The maximum height for any principal building or structure shall be two stories, but not exceeding 30 feet. (2) Lot Area The minimum lot area is 20 acres. SECTION 26 . Section 4.24.050 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SEC. 4.24.050 P.APJ<TNG AREAS Off - street parking spaces shall not be in required front yards; provided that on application for Architecture and Site Approval the reviewing body may waive this requirement if the applicant can show that this requirement is unreasonable as to his property- _10- SECTION 27 . Section 4.24.060 of the Zoning of 'the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SEC. 4.24.060 GRADING No grading for which a grading permit is required by the Town regulations shall be authorized except with Architecture and Site Approval. The reviewing body shall not grant approval for grading except on finding that the purpose for which the grading is proposed is essential for the establishment or maintenance of a use which is expressly permitted herein and that the design, scope and location of the grading proposed will be compatible with adjacent areas and will result in the least disturbance of the terrain and natural land features. All grading for which no permits or approval are required shall be subject to the provisions set forth in section 4.24.070. S ECTION 28 . Section 4.26.050 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SEC. 4.26.050 LOT FRONT AND DEPTH (1) Minimum lot frontage -and depth requirements are: Minimum .Lot Area Frontage Frontage Interior Corner Lot Lot _ De pth R -1: 8,000 60 ft. 80 ft. 100 ft. R -1: 10,000 80 ft. 90 ft. 120 ft. R -1: 12,000 90 ft. 95 ft. 120 ft. R -1: 15,000 100 ft. 100 ft. 125 ft. R -1: 20,000 110 ft. 115 ft. 140 ft. R -1: 30,000 110 ft. 120 ft. 145 ft. R -1: 40,000 150 ft. 150 ft. 150 ft. (2) The minimum frontage for a lot on a cul -de -sac bulb is 30 feet and the minimum width is 60 feet. j3) The minimum depth of lots facing or backing on freeways, major highways, secondary highways, railroad rights -of -way, schools or parks is 125 feet. SECT 29 . Section 4.26.060 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: -11-- S EC. 4.26.060 YARDS Minimum front, side and rear yards are: Where an entire side of a block is developed at one time, the minimum front yard requirements may be reduced by five feet to create a staggered building line, provided the average of the front yards equals the requirements of this subsection of this ordinance. SECTION 30 . Section 4.26.090 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SEC. 4.26.090 PAR KING AREAS Off- street parking spaces shall not be in required front yards; provided that on application for Architecture and Site Approval the reviewing body may waive this requirement if the applicant can show that this requirement is unreasonable as to his property. SECTION 31 . Section 4.28.130 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SEC. 4.28. PARKING AREAS Off- street parking spaces shall not be in required front yards; provided that on application for Architecture and Site Approval the reviewing body may waive this requirement if the applicant can show that this requirement is unreasonable as to his property. SECTION 32 . Section 4.30.050 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: -12- Front Side Rear Side Yard Lot Area Yard Yard Yard Abutting Stree R -1: 8,000 25 ft. 8 ft. 20 ft. 15 ft. R -1: 10,000 25 ft. 10 ft. 20 ft. 15 ft. R -1: 12,000 25 ft. 10 ft. 20 ft. 15 ft. R -1: 15,000 25 ft. 12 ft. 25 ft. 15 ft. R -1: 20,000 30 ft. 15 ft. 25 ft. 20 ft. R -l': 30,000 30 ft. 16 ft. 25 ft. 20 ft. R -1: 40,000 30 ft. 16 ft. 25-ft. 20 ft. Where an entire side of a block is developed at one time, the minimum front yard requirements may be reduced by five feet to create a staggered building line, provided the average of the front yards equals the requirements of this subsection of this ordinance. SECTION 30 . Section 4.26.090 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SEC. 4.26.090 PAR KING AREAS Off- street parking spaces shall not be in required front yards; provided that on application for Architecture and Site Approval the reviewing body may waive this requirement if the applicant can show that this requirement is unreasonable as to his property. SECTION 31 . Section 4.28.130 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SEC. 4.28. PARKING AREAS Off- street parking spaces shall not be in required front yards; provided that on application for Architecture and Site Approval the reviewing body may waive this requirement if the applicant can show that this requirement is unreasonable as to his property. SECTION 32 . Section 4.30.050 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: -12- S EC. 4.30.050 LOT FRONTAGE AND DEPTH (1) The minimum lot frontage in the R -D zone for interior lots is 80 feet and for corner lots is 90 feet. The minimum depth for lots in the R -D zone is 100 feet. (2) The minimum frontage for a lot on a cul -de -sac bulb is 30 feet and the minimum lot width is 60 feet. (3) The minimum depth of lots facing or backing on freeways, major highways, secondary highways, railroad rights -of -way, schools or parks is 125 feet. SECTION 33 . Section 4.30.090 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SEC. 4.30.090 PARKI ARE Off- street parking spaces shall not be in required front yards; provided that on application for Architecture and Site Approval the reviewing body may waive this requirement if the applicant can show that this requirement is unreasonable as to his property. SECTI 3 4. Subsection (4) of Section 4.32.030 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SRC, 4. 32.030: US PERMITTED B CONDITIONAL USE PER MIT (4) Public utility stations, transmission lines, storage tanks, drainage ways and the like when found by the Camuittee to be necessary for the public health, safety and general welfare. SECTION 35 . Section 4.32.140 of the Zoning Ordinance of the, Town of Los Gatos is repealed. SECTION 36 . Section 4.40.050 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is repealed. SECTION 37 . Subsection (3) of Section 4.40.060 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SEC. 4.40.060 SEASONAL SALE OF CHRISTMAS TRE OR PUMPKI (3) .All signs and outdoor advertising material shall be subject to the standards of Chapters 3.30 through 3.39 of this and their size and location shall be subject to approval by the Planning Director. _S ECTION 38 . Section 4.54.100 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Toum of Los Gatos is repealed. -13- SECTION 3 9. Section 4.60.100 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is repealed. SECTION 40 . Section 4.'60.110 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is repealed. SECTION 41 . Section 4.74.050 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SEC. 4.74.050 AREA The minimum lot area is 40,000 square feet. SEC 42 . Section 4.74.110 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is repealed. SECTION 43 . Section 4.76.040 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: S EC. 4.76.040 LOT AREA The minimum lot area is 80,000 square feet. SECTI 44 . Section 4.76.090 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SEC. 4.76.090 SP ECIAL YARD REQUIREMENTS (1) All yards up to the building not used for parking and access roads shall be landscaped and maintained in a neat and attractive condition at all times. (2) Where a lot has its side and rear yards adjacent to a street, the reviewing body may designate such additional landscaping and setback requirements as are necessary to maintain the area in a uniform character. . (3) Natural water courses, stands of trees, and the like, which are dedicated to the public use, may be counted as part of the required yard. SECTION 45 . Section 4.80.010 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SEC. 4.80.010: SCOPE The term overlay zones includes the PD (Planned Development) zone, Chapter 4.82, R (Rehabilitation) zone, Chapter 4.84, and the LHP (Landmark and Historic Preservation) zone, Chapter 4.86. The zone with which an overlay zone is combined is called the underlying zone. --14- SECTION 46 . Chapter 4:82 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is repealed. SECTION 47 . Chapter 4.82 is added to the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos to read: Chapter 4.82 PD or Planned Development Overlay Zone SEC. 4.82.010 A PPLICAT ION The following ordinances -that concern designation of land PD and RPD have at various times been adopted by the Town: 847, 855, 938, 967, 977, 992, 1053, 1061, 1067, 1077., 1109, 1110, 1121, 1123, 1129, 1172, 1216, 1247, 1275, 1279, 1281, and 1302. Of the foregoing ordinances, the following: (1) Have heretofore been repealed -- 847, 967, 977, and 1123. (2 ) Are hereby repealed by Ordinance No. 1328 -- 855 and 992. (3) Remain in effect, subject to the further provisions of this section 4.82.010 -- 938, 1053, 1061, 1067, 1077, 1109, 1 1 l n, 1-1.21, 1129, 1172, 121 6. 1247, 1275, 1279, 1281, and 1302. If a PD or RPD ordinance was in effect before the effective date of Ordinance No. 1328 and is not repealed by the provisions of this section 4.82.010, the regulations of such ordinance (including regulations that may have been incorporated by reference to the general provisions of a zoning ordinance then in effect) continue to apply to the land designated therein. However, any change in activities conducted on, or any new construction (including grading) on land in such PD or RPD zone is subject to the regulations of this Chapter 4.82. SEC. 4.82.015: PRECISE PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURE When precise plan review was required for land zoned PD by ordinances which remain in effect under the provisions of section 4.82.010, the review will be conducted in the manner specified by the PD zone procedural rules in effect at the time of the first Committee hearing to consider the precise plan. Where precise plans for distinct phases of development in a PD project are processed separately, the provisions of this section 4.82.015 shall apply separately to the precise plans for each phase. -15- SEC. 4.82.020: INTENT The purpose of the PD zone is to provide for alternative uses and developments more consistent with site characteristics than are allowed in other zones, and so create an optimum quantity and use of open space and encourage good design. The PD zone permits establishment of a single use or the integration of several uses not ordinarily permitted by the regulations of any other zone. Such flexibility is possible only if use and development is in compliance with a. complete development plan showing relationships of the use or uses to each other, to the district as a whole, and to surrounding areas. SEC. 4.82.030 P D AND UNDERLYING ZONE ALTER A lot zoned PD may be used either in the manner provided in the PD zone or the manner provided in the underlying zone but not both: the two zones are complete alternatives. All of the regulations of the zone used apply, and none of the regulations of the other zone, except in the situation where a PD zone is used and the PD ordinance expressly incorporates provisions of the underlying zone. However, once land is used in the manner provided in one of the zones an election shall not then be made to use the land in the manner provided in the other zone unless the land is made to conform in all respects to the rules of the other zone. In this respect no nonconforming use privilege exists. SEC. 4.82.040 PROPER SUBDIVISION REQUIRED Notwithstanding the provisions of section 4.82.030, land zoned PD may not be used in either the manner provided -in the PD zoning ordinance or the manner provided in the underlying zone unless the land is subdivided in conformity with the regulations of the applicable zone. SEC. 4.82.05 RELATIONSHIP OF PD PROCEDURES TO OTHER ORDINANCE Compliance with the provisions of this Chapter does not relieve the applicant from having to comply with the Subdivision Ordinance or any other applicable ordinance of the Town. Subdivision maps shall be processed concurrently with Architecture and Site Approval. SEC. 4.82.060 GENERAL PROVISIONS IN PD ZON Unless expressly provided otherwise in the PD zoning ordinance, the general provi.sions,of this Ordinance which apply to all zones also apply to PD zones. Every PD ordinance shall, include a statement of the extent to which the provisions of Chapters 4.10 and 4.40 apply. -16- SEC. 4.82.070 SITE AREA A planned development zone shall not consist of less than 40,000 square feet of contiguous site area. SEC. 4.82.080 USES PERMITTED All uses or combinations thereof to the extent specified in the Official Development Plan. SE C. 4.82.090 DENSITY REGULATIONS in residential planned developments the Official Development Plan prescribes the density,_which may not exceed the allowable density limits of the land use element of the General Plan and any specific plan. SEC. 4.82.100 ADOPTION OF OFFICIAL, DEVELOPMENT PLAN The applicant shall file a preliminary development plan drawn to scale with any application for PD zoning showing: (1) A land use plan locating all proposed uses. (2) A tentative site plan illustrating the following: (a) Building placement. (b) Open space, public and private; indicating how it is to be used. (c) Natural features such as creeks, major trees, bluffs, etc. (d) Sidewalks, paths, and trails. (e) Parking areas. (f) Vehicular circulation. (g) Major features on adjacent property which affect the development proposal or are potentially affected by it. (3) Schematic architectural elevations.of all buildings and structures illustrated in relationship to each other and any major structures on adjacent property which are affected by the development proposal or are potentially affected by it. (4) Schedule for any phasing of development. -17-- (5) Future lot lines, condominium units and easement areas, all subject to subdivision approval. ('6) Tabulation of land area including the areas of: (a) Entire planned development. (b) Public streets. (c) Private streets. (d) Driveways. (e) Land covered by buildings including garages and carports. (f) Landscaped public open space.. (g) Landscaped private open space. (h) Uncovered off- street parking. (i) Net land after deduction of all public and private streets. (7) Floor area of each type of occupancy (for example: shops, offices, warehouses or dwellings). (8) Proposed number of off- street parking spaces. (9) Grading, soils, and geologic information. (10) Proposed signing. (11) Copies of any instrument or document such as covenants, conditions and restrictions which is intended to be used to affect the subdividing of the land. (12) Such other information as the Commission or Planning Director may require, which may include but is not limited to market analysis showing the need for the planned development and its components. SEC. 4.82.110: PD ORDINANCE Any ordinance rezoning land to PD shall incorporate the preliminary development plan as the Official Development Plan. Either such ordinance, or the underlying zone, but not both, governs all development and use of the land. The Official Development Plan shall specify the total.. number of permitted buildings, the categories of uses permitted, the total numbers of units of use, such as shops, offices, warehouses or dwellings, streets, sign regulations, and the total number of parking spaces or the formula by which the total number is to be calculated in such detail as is appropriate, and sh,all include any other performance standards which the Council determines are needed. SEC. 4.82.120 ARCHITE AND SI TE APPROVAL In a PD zone Architecture and Site Approval. is required before any grading or construction work is performed, whether or not a permit is required for the work, and before any permit for grading or construction is issued. However, if the grading or construction is to be done under the regulations of the underlying zone, the regulations of that zone, including regulations pertaining to approvals and permits, apply. SEC. 4.82.130 PHASED DEVELOPMENT Phased development shall be approved only if each phase is designed to stand as an independent development and each meets the requirements of this Ordinance. SEC. 4.82.140 DEDICATION PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF FIRST BUILDING P ERM IT To assure that open spare will be available for the entire developed PD zone, public sites and development rights for required open spaces for any phase shall be dedicated in advance of the issuance of any permits. Dedications for other purpo� ,-� lu:xy b� required before the issuance of the first building permit. SEC. 4.82.150 CHANGE IN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Changes in the Official Development Plan are made by ordinance. SECTION 48 . Chapter 4.84 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is repealed. SECTION 49 . Chapter 4.84 is added to the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos to read: Chapter 4.84 R or Rehabilitation Overlay Zone SEC. 4.84.010: APPLICATION The provisions of Chapter 4.84 apply in the R (Rehabilitation Overlay) zone. The R zone is combined with a residential zone. If the regulations of the R zone differ from the regulations of the underlying zone, the regulations of the R zone prevail. -19- SE C. 4.84.02 INTENT The R zone is intended to encourage the restoration or rehabilitation of old single family residential buildings by allowing a mixture of uses. SEC. 4.84.030 USES PERMITTED All uses specified as permitted uses in the regulations of the underlying zone are permitted. SEC. 4.84.040: USES PERMITTED BY CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT The following uses are permitted by conditional use permit: (1) All uses specified as allowable with a conditional use permit by the regulations of the underlying zone. (2) Business and professional offices. (3) Retail businesses, services and processes. SEC. 4.84.050 OTHER REGULATIONS All other regulations of the underlying zone apply, with the exception that the Committee may determine when granting a conditional use permit pursuant to section 4.84.040 that standard Ordi.SxanC:e reaui...remAnt for Ciif Nca.ira.._n and ul..ii %eway width may be reduced or eliminated based on a finding that such action is necessary for and consistent with the restoration or rehabilitation of the structure concerned. SECTION 50 . The title of Chapter 4.86 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: Chapter 4. LHP or Landmark and Historic Preservation Overlay Zone y _20_ Lk .: . ::.'ST.. SECTION 51 . Section 4.:86.010 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SEC. 4;.86.010 PU RPOSES It is hereby found that structures, sites and areas of special character or special historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value have been and continue to be unnecessarily destroyed or impaired, despite the feasibility of preserving them. It is further found that the public health, safety and welfare require prevention of needless destruction and impairment, and promotion of the economic utilization and discouragement of the decay and desuetude of such structures, sites and areas. The purpose of the LH:P (Landmark and Historic . Preservation Overlay) zone is to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the public through: (1) The protection, enhancement, perpetuation and use of structures, sites and areas that are reminders of past eras, events and persons important in local, state or national history, or which provide significant examples of architectural styles of the past or are landmarks in the history of architecture, or which are unique and irreplaceable assets to the Town and its neighborhoods, or which provide for this and future generations examples of the physical surroundings in which past generations lived, (2) The development and maintenance of appropriate settings and environment for such structures, (3) The enhancement of property values, the stabilization of neighborhoods and areas of the Town, the increase of economic and financial benefits to the Town and its inhabitants, and the promotion of tourist trade and interest, (4) The enrichment of human life in its educational and cultural dimensions by serving aesthetic as well as material needs and fostering knowledge of the living heritage of the past. SECTION 52 . Section 4.86.030 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: . -21- SEC 4.86.030 POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE COMMITTEE The Committee: (1) Shall hear and determine permit applications for construction, alteration, demolition and remedial work on landmark sites and in historic districts, as provided in sections 4.86.140 through 4.86.180. (2) May take steps to encourage or bring about preservation of structures or other features where the Committee has decided to suspend action on a permit application, as provided in section 4.86.170. (3) May', on request of the property owner, advise with respect to any proposed work not requiring a Town permit on a designated landmark site or in a designated historic district. Examples of the work referred to are painting and repainting of exterior surfaces, roofing, fencing, landscaping, glazing, and installation of lighting fixtures. In advising, the Committee shall be guided by - the purposes and standards specified in this Chapter. This subsection does not impose regulations or controls on any property. SECTION 53 . Section 4.86.060 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SE C. 4.86.060 IN ITIATION OF DESIGNATION Initiation of designation proceedings shall be by resolution of the Council or Commission. The date of initiation is the date the resolution is adopted. SECTION 54 . Section 4.86.070 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SEC. 4.86.070: PROCEDURE Except as provided by this Chapter the proceedings for LHP designation are the same as for any other zoning of land. SECTION J5 . .Section 4.86.080 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: -22- SEC. 4 HEAR ING BY PLAN COMMISSION In addition to notices required by section 5.50.070, notice shall also be mailed to the Los Gatos Heritage Preservation Advisory Committee. (1) Actio and Time Limit The Commission shall consider the degree of conformity of the proposed designation with the purposes and standards of this Chapter'4.86 and the General Plan. The Commission shall determine the matter within 120 days after the initiation of designation proceedings. (2 ) Notice of Action The Commission shall promptly notify the property owner of action taken. If the Commission approves or modifies the proposed designation in whole or in part, it shall transmit the proposal, together with a copy of the resolution of approval, to the Council. _SECT 5 6. Section 4.86.090 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is repealed. SECTIO 57 . Section 4.86.130 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to .read: SEC. 4.86.130: APPLICATION FOR PERMIT Applications for permits to do work for which a permit is required by section 4.86.120 shall include plans and specifications showing the proposed exterior appearance, color and texture of materials, and the proposed architectural design of the exterior of the structure. Where required by the Committee, applications shall also show the relationship of the proposed work to the environs. SECTION 58. Section 4.86.150 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SE 4. 86.150: N OTICE In addition to the notice required by section 5.40.090, written notice shall be given to the Las Gatos Heritage Preservation Advisory Committee. SECTION 59 . Section 4.86.190 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of ]"cos Gatos is amended to read: -23- Retyped 7- 20-76 per Council_ revision of 7- 19-76. S EC. 4.86.1 SHOWING OF HARDSHIP IN CASES OF PROPOSED ALTERA DEMOLITIONS OR CONSTRUCTION If the applicant presents facts clearly demonstrating to the satisfaction of the Committee that failure to approve his application will work immediate and substantial hardship because of conditions peculiar to the particular structure or other feature involved, the Committee may approve the application even though it does not meet the standards set forth in either the enabling or designating ordinance. SECTION 60 . Section 4.86.200 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SEC. 4.86.200 A PPLICA BI LITY (1) No application for a permit to construct, alter, demolish or remove any structure or other feature on a proposed landmark site or in a proposed historic district, filed subsequent to the date of initiation of proceedings to designate the landmark site or historic district, shall be approved while the proceedings are pending; provided, however, that if final action on the designation has not been completed. 180 days after initiation of designation proceedings, the permit application may be approved. (2) The regulations of this Chapter 4.86 do not apply to the construction, alteration, demolition or removal of any structure or other feature on a landmark site or in a historic district, where a permit for the performance of such work was validly issued and used before initiation of proceedings for designation of the landmark site or historic district. For the purpose of this subsection 4.86.200(2), a permit is used if substantial construction work specifically for the purpose for which the permit is issued is lawfully performed after the permit is issued, and in reliance on the permit. (The term "construction" includes grading). S 6 1. Section 4.86.220 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SEC. 4.86.2 DUTY TO KEEP IN G OOD REPAIR The owner, lessee, and any other person in actual charge or possession of a designated landmark or structure in the LHP zone shall keep all of the exterior portions in good repair as well as -24- all of the interior portions which are subject to control by the terms of the designating ordinance, and all portions whose maintenance is necessary to prevent deterioration or decay of any exterior portion. SECTION 62 . Section 4.86.240 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is repealed. SECTION 63 . Section 4.86.250 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is repealed. SECTION 64. Section 5.10.020 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SEC. 5.10.020: CERTIFI OF USE AND OCCUPANCY A certificate of use and occupancy is required before: (1) Occupancy of any new building or commencement of any activity when Architecture and Site Approval is required for either. (2) Any change of occupancy of land or buildings other than a =,a�.ang 3.11 resideni of a dTn7elling or props -etors of 'a'. continuing business enterprise. SECTION 65 . Section 5.10.030 of the Zoning ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is repealed. SECTION 66. Section 5.10.500 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is repealed. SECTION 67 . Section 5.20.020 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SE C. 5.20.020 ARCHITECTURE AND SITE AP PU RPOSE AND INTE Achievement of the following goals is important to maintain the continuation of the economic well- -being and stability of the Town and the preservation of the health, safety and welfare of its citizens: (1) quality in architectural design in residential and commercial structures and site complementing the Town environment, -25- and (2) the preservation of.open spaces in the form of recreational areas, malls, plazas and pedestrian areas. In the main, the Town contains small businesses, professional office's and residences. Municipal revenues derive principally from the property tax and taxes derived from retail trade. Local employment depends to an unusual extent on the success of small business ventures, which in turn depend on trade in specialty items sold to visitors. Much of the business and residential area of the Town is composed of a mixture of old and new buildings and the condition and style of each reflects on the other. For example, a new building loses value and its occupant's trade is diminished if an old building nearby is permitted to decay, and old buildings are permitted to decay when the design of new buildings nearby does not compliment them. The purpose of Architecture and Site Approval is to regulate the height, width, shape, proportion, siting, exterior construction and design of buildings to insure that they are architecturally compatible with their surroundings and to promote a unified but diverse and distinctive theme which harmonizes with adjacent commercial and residential development. SECTI 68 . Section 5.20.030 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SEC 5.20.030: APPROV _RE UTREn Architecture and Site Approval is required in all zones for new construction of a building, exterior alteration or addition to a building, construction of a parking lot, intensification of land use and as otherwise specified in this Ordinance, with the following exceptions: (1) Single family dwellings in the R -1, R•lM, R -D, and R -M zones. (2) Two family dwellings in the R -1M, R -D, and R -M zones. (For the purposes of this section only, intensification of land use means all changes in use which require more parking). SECTION 69 . Section 5.40.060 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SEC. 5.40.060 HEARINGS REQUIRED Hearings are required in the determination of the following matters: -26- (1) Amendments to this Ordinance which change land from one zone to another or which create, abolish or alter a zone or the regulations of a zone which govern a land use. ('2 ) Variances (3) Conditional use permits. (4) Appeals, regardless of whether a hearing was required for the original determination. (5) Augmentation of nonconforming uses. (6) Revocations or Town-.initiated modifications of any permit or approval, regardless of whether a hearing was required for the initial determination. (7) Applicant- initiated modifications for any permit or approval when a hearing was required for the initial determination. (8) Time extensions for any permit or approval when a hearing was required for the original determination. (9) Alteration or demolition of a designated landmark. (10) Construction on a designated landmark site or within a historic district. (11) Whether to extend suspension of action on applications for (9) and (10) above. For the purposes of this section, a matter is deemed to be one where a hearing was required for the original determination, if a hearing is currently required by this Ordinance for such original determinations. _S ECTION 70 . Section 5.60.010 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SEC. 5.60.010 PLANNING DIRECTOR The Planning Director: (1) Prescribes all forms and contents of applications. (2) Keeps all records of Planning Commission, Architecture and Site Committee, Planning Director and Planning Department work, except records transmitted to the Town Council and retained by the Town Clerk. -27- (3) Investigates applications. (4) Gives all notices except notices.of proceedings of the Town Council. (5) Prepares Committee and Commission agendas, sets Committee and Commission hearing dates (subject to the requirements of this Ordinance) and establishes filing deadlines. (6) Issues permits for temporary sales of Christmas trees and pumpkins, use and occupancy certificates, horse permits, and amateur horse events, home occupations and sign permits. (7) Determines revocations or modifications of animal permits, and home occupation permits. (8) May refer any matter assigned by ordinance to him for decision to the Committee for decision. (9) Determines applications for sign approval when action is not required by the Council, Commission or Committee. (10) Determines applications for sec. 3.20.060 tree permits. (11) Determines applications for sec: 3.65.010 demolition permits. (12) Where action is based on an application or notice of appeal prepares a wr:s..tten notification of F�_1�_ appeal, except determinations by the Council, and sends the notifications to all applicants and appellants. (13) Prepares and sends notifications required by statute to the county assessor. (14) Notifies applicants of hearing. (15) Keeps records of nonconforming signs and mails notices to owners of such signs. (16) Corrects Zoning Map. SECTION 71 . Section 5.60.100 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SEC. 5.6 0.100: ARCHITECTURE•AND SITE COMMITTEE The Committee: (1) Determines variance applications. (2) Determines conditional use permit applications. (3) Determines demolition permit applications. (4) May refer any matter to the Planning Commission for determination. (5) Determines time extension when it would have had the power•to grant the original approval.. (6) Determines applications to augment a nonconforming use. (7) Determines applications for neighborhood identification signs, roof signs, and signs on fred- standing walls. (8) Reviews and makes recommendations to the Council concerning community - oriented bulletin boards and kiosks proposed to be erected on public property. (9) Determines applications for Architecture and Site Approval. (10) Determines applications to alter or demolish structures, sites and areas designated, determines whether the Committee must suspend action on applications to alter or demolish structures, sites and areas designated under the provisions of Chapter 4.86, or for which designation proceedings are pending. (11) Determines whether to permit demolition or alteration of structures, sites and areas under the provisions of section 4.86.190. (12) Determines matters referred to it by the Planning Director. (13) Determines whether to allow all deviations from the standards of this Ordinance which are specifically authorized by this Ordinance except variances, and determines when stricter standards than those generally imposed by this Ordinance but specifically provided for in this Ordinance, apply. (14) Determines applications for grading permits in the RC and HR zones. (15) Determines requirements for access to remote areas in the RC and HR zones. (16) Determines applications for section 3.20.060 tree permits. (17) Hears appeals from decisions of the Planning Director. (18) Determines revocations and modifications of zoning approvals as provided in section 5.30.120. (19) Determines location and adequacy of required open space for residential.. condominiums in any zone and for multiple family developments in the R -M zone. _29_ SECTION 72. Section 5..60.200 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SEC. 5.60.200: PLA NNING COMMI The Planning Commission: (1) Hears and recommends proposals for zone changes, prezonings, and amendments to this Ordinance, including those referred to it by the Town Council. (2) May initiate zone changes and amendments to this Ordinance. (3) Determines matters referred to it by the Committee. (4) Determines vwhether to hear applications for rezoning made within one year of a similar application. (5) Determines the matter of termination of nonconforming uses. (6) Determines applications for section 3.20.060 tree permits. (7) Determines sign programs for planned developments in conjunction with review of preliminary development plan. (8) Performs any administrative functions required by but not specifically assigned by this Ordinance. SECTION 7 3. Section 5.60.300 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SEC. 5.60.300 TOWN COUNCIL The Town Council: (1) Hears appeals from decisions of the Committee and Commission. (2) Adopts ordinances. (3) May initiate zone changes and amendments to this Ordinance. (4) Determines whether to extend suspension under sections 4.86.170 and 5.60.100(10). (5) Determines applications for permits for signs on public property, including but not limited to community- oriented bulletin boards and kiosks. -30- SE 74 . Subsection 1.3 b of Ordinance No. 867 (referred to in Section 3 of Ordinance No. 1.316) concerning the adoption of the Zoning Map is repealed, and those portions of all ordinances after Ordinance No. 867 which revise the Zoning Map and which have been adopted before adoption of Ordinance No. _ 1328 are repealed. SECTION 7 5. The eight maps shown on six sheets attached hereto numbered 112, 113, 126, 1.27, 139, 140, 141 and 153 are the Zoning Map of the Town. SECTION 76 . Section 1.00.025 is added to the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos to read: SEC. 1.00.025 U SE OF ZONING MAP The Zoning Map of the Town shows zone boundaries. All other features of such maps are illustrative and are shown for the purpose of assisting in determining the location of zone boundaries. Correction in the Zoning Map may be made by the Planning Director so that the map will show features such as streets, buildings, territorial limits of public agencies and lot lines correctly, but changes in zone boundaries are made only by ordinance. SECTION 77 . Section 4.86.040 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SEC. 4.86.040: LOS GATOS HERITAGE PRESERVATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Los Gatos Heritage Preservation Advisory Committee is hereby recognized as a private, voluntary committee composed of citizens interested in historic preservation. Both the Commission and the Committee may consult with and shall consider the ideas and recommendations of the Los Gatos Heritage Preservation Advisory Committee. -31- Retyped 7 -20 -76 per Council revision of 7- 19 -76. SECTION 78 . Section 4..86.160 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SEC. 4.86.160 D ECISION, TIME LIMIT The Committee shall consider any report from the Los Gatos Heritage Preservation Advisory Committee and shall ascertain whether the proposed work conforms to this Ordinance and to the provisions of the designating ordinance. The Committee shall approve, suspend or disapprove the application within 120 days after the filing of a complete application with the Planning Director. SECTION 7 Section 4.86.170 of the Zoning ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: S EC. 4. 86.170: SUSPENDED To obtain sufficient time for steps necessary to preserve the structure concerned, the Committee may suspend action on an application to permit construction, alteration, demolition or removal for a period not to exceed 180 days. The Council may, by resolution, extend the suspension for an additional period not to exceed 1.80 days, if the resolution is adopted not more than 90 days and not less than 30 days prior to the expiration of the original 180 day period. During the suspension period, the Committee may consult with the Los Gatos Heritage Preservation Advisory Committee and other civic groups, public agencies and interested citizens, make recommendations for acquisition of property by public or private bodies or agencies, explore the possibility of moving one or more structures or other features, and take any other reasonable measures. SECTION 80 ® Section 5.10.300 of the Zoning Ordinance of - the Town of Los Gatos is amended to read: SEC. 5.10.300 SIGN PE RMITS (Reserved, see Sec. 3.30.040) This Ordinance shall take effect and shall be in force thirty (30) days after the date of its adoption. The Town Clerk of the Town of Los Gatos shall cause this Ordinance to published once within fifteen (15) days after its adoption, in the Los Gatos Times- Saratoga Observer, a newspaper of general.circulation, published and circulated in the Town of Los Gatos. The above and foregoing Ordinance was duly and regularly introduced at a .regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos held on the _._. 13th,,,__, day of __July__ , 1976. -•32- Retyped 7•- 20--76 per Council revision of 7- 19 -76. PASSED AND ADOPTED as an Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos, California, at a reg ular meeting of the Town Council held on the 2 nd day of Augu 1976, 'by the following vote: AYES : COUNCIL MEMBERS Mark B. D i Duca, Mardi Gua l t i er i, John B Lochner. Albert Smith a nd Ruth Cannon ' NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS None SIGNED: ATTEST: N ..-- .IC -1 CLERK 00 THE TO I OF I&., GATOS YOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS -33- Retyped 7 -20 -76 per Council revision of 7-19-76. Add'it'ional large attachments or exhibits have not been scanned. Please see original file for reference.