Ord 1351 - DESIGNATING SIX (6) LANDMARKS AND ONE (1) DISTRICT AS HISTORICALLY AND CULTURALLY SIGNIFICANTORDINANCE NO. 1351 AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING SIX (6) LANDMARKS AND ONE (1) DISTRICT AS HISTORICALLY AND CULTURALLY SIGNIFICANT THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The following landmarks and district are hereby designated historically and culturally significant: HD -76 -1 HD -76 -2 HD -76 -4 HD -76 -6 HD -76 -7 HD -76 -9 Fairview Plaz Rankin Block Gardner House Simond Adobe 37, 41 and 45 Cohen House - s and Environs - 131 West Main Street - 16230 Shannon Road - 14610 Quito Road East Main Street 204 Los Gatos Boulevard A detailed description of the designated landmarks and district, the characteristics which justify designation, and a map showing the location and delineation of the historic site, are part of this Ordinance. SECTION 2. The property listed is designated to be historic, architectural, or aesthetic significance for the reasons listed below. A. Property: Fairview Plaza and Environs B. Historic Designation No.: HD -76 -1 C. Description of Designation: District D. Description of characteristics which justify the designation: "FAIRVIEW PLAZA" was the original name given the euZ -de -sae termination of Pennsylvania Avenue in the subdivision known as "Fairview Addition," surveyed in June, 1885 by Herrmann Brothers, Land Surveyors, San Jose, California, for Mr. F. H. McCullagh and recorded in County of Santa CZara, Book 5 of Maps, Page 26. "FAIRVIEW PLAZA" retains the same configuration as originaZZy mapped and contains a Zandscaped island as.a focal point. Approximately three quarters of the homes within the subdivision were built prior to 1900 and retain the character of that era. The pedestrian waZk ZabeZed "TurnstiZe Walk" on the original map remains essentially unchanged and is Zocated at the eastern end of the euZ -de -sae. WhiZe originaZZy named "Pennsylvania Avenue," that portion of the street within the "Fairview Addition" subdivision has been renamed Fairview PZaza (from the cuZ -de -sae west to the intersection with Oak KnoZZ Road, Manzanita Avenue, and Wadsworth Avenue). Both the street and adjoining houses are popularZy referred to as "FAIRVIEW PLAZA. I "FAIRVIEW PLAZA." is a rare and unique neighborhood because of the authentic, weZZ- maintained Victorian houses in close proximity with one another. The atmosphere is enhanced because the street is not a "through street," thus aZZowing a scaZe and sense of "separateness" which is not found in most other neighborhoods. This quality could be easiZy destroyed by unenZightened and heavy- handed "improvements" to buildings or roads. Designation of the houses and street known coZZectiveZy as "FAIRVIEW PLAZA" will provide the Town with a tool to help protect and maintain this part of our heritage. E. Description of particular features that should be preserved in addition to items covered under section 4.86.120. 1. CentraZ PZaza Island 2. The access to Turnstile WaZk -2- 3. Front Yard Fencing. (Fencing should be Limited to established heights of approximately 3 -3�,- feet and should be of an open design). 4. Front Yard Setbacks. (.The open front yards around the pZaza are essentiaZ to the character of the area. Where building additions within existing front yards are proposed, the minimum required front yard should be the average of the front yards of the two adjoining residences). 5. Building Facades Visible From Fairview Plaza. (Protected eZements should incZude exterior trim, materials, colors, and the treatment of the door, windows, porches, stairways and the Like). 6. Landscaping Plans. (Landscaping pZans should be required in conjunction with major building additions and remodeZs). -3- �R' Avr r . S� 30 50 50 3 /�J•• `�'c4 •� GI a 80 e _ i �AlPvIZw PLAZAI- - 26.4/ � ��. • • If2V /�W PI-AZA 3 30 50 50 N N: SO SO SO /, 3 ti� O TI QrW N Q.... F 1 ALA Q St G2 A �- T 0 T � T ILA l,�V /Vl� �'G�4ZANV • I Approved by Planning Commission date Z�, 1977 Approved by Town Council date April 4, l -- Town Clerk Mayor �;, t` / SECTION 3. The property listed is designated to be historic, architectural, or aesthetic significance for the reasons listed below. A. Property: Rankin Block (MontebeZZo Building) MontebeZZo Way and Main Street B. Historic Designation No.: HD -76 -2 C. Description of Designation: Landmark D. Description of characteristics which justify the designation: BuiZt after the fire of 1901 on the site of the Commercial Bank Building, the Rankin Block housed the Los Gatos Post Office from 1917 to 1948. It has been somewhat remodeZed over the years, but remains fundamentaZZy much the same. The buiZding now houses the Los Gatos Chamber of Commerce. E. Description of particular features that should be preserved in addition to items covered under section 4.86.120: W.�. -5- V)' r P 1 AP A. i T SGAL� I I" - I OO Approved by Planning Commission date ��L Z� /977 Approved by Town Council date Apr i 1 4, 197 0- r T �� f��.ct,110_ Town Clerk Mayor' M T SECTION 4. The property listed is designated to be historic, architectural, or aesthetic significance for the reasons listed below., A. Property: Gardner House, 16230 Shannon Road B. Historic Designation No.: HD -76 -4 C. Description of Designation: Landmark D. Description of characteristics which justify the designation: This ZoveZy Victorian was built by Captain M. S. Gardner, who bought the Spring Creek Ranch and severaZ hundred acres of the originaZ Rancho de Rinconada in 1872, paying $18,000 in gold dust for 644 acres. The property boundaries ran to what is now BZossom HiZZ Road to Kennedy Road, from Los Gatos BouZevard to Short Road. His daughter buiZt a house on the corner of the property which is now King's Court Shopping Center. Captain Gardner came across the pZains from New York with the Knickerbocker Company in 1849 and made his fortune in mining before coming to Los Gatos. He died in 1878. The house is Located on the corner of Shannon Road and Bonnie Lane. It has the feeZ of elegant, spacious, oZd- fashioned privacy. LoveZy oZd trees have been preserved, and there is a Large used -brick terrace across the entire back of the house, eneZosed by an iron fence. E. Description of particular features that should be preserved in addition to items covered under section 4.86.120. None MA 1 32 �0 9 i r- - -I I T0JWFN 0-�F' LOS GA\ T--j'QS I ft /STO/Z /G- .2 55/0- ATIC/u ICJ -76 -4 Approved by Planning Commission date 93191'7 Approved by Town Council date A pril 97, d. , Town Clerk Mayor -,L, ` , A- -8- SECTION 5. The property listed is designated to be historic, architectural, or aesthetic significance for the reasons listed below. A. Property: Simond Adobe, 14610 Quito Road B. Historic Designation No.: HD -76 -6 C. Description of Designation: Landmark D. Description of characteristics which justify the designation: A wing of the present residence with its thick adobe walls, tiZe fZoor and beamed ceiling, was one of the onZy adobes built with arched windows, which shows the french influence of Claude Simond, who built it in 1853. Messieurs Simond Zeased 4,206 acres from Sebastian ParaZta on January 17, 1852, then bought 2,500 acres from him at one dollar an acre on January 18, 1853. He went bankrupt at the same time as Mr. Forbes, and Lost the property to Edward Auzerais on ApriZ 10, 1857. After several changes in ownership, it was bought by Isabel AZviso De Arguella De Hernandez, wife of Francisco Hernandez, who was the youngest son of Jose Hernandez, and because of this it has been mistakenZy caLZed "Hernandez Adobe." E. Description of particular features that should be preserved in addition to items covered under section 4.86.120. This designation applies onZy to the adobe portion of the residence (a living room wing). W 1: /rte �� I � I ��• O rj s � , � '02 ��• •• 3.02 � �p� T 0J( OF LOJS---) G-- � A\ T Oj 8 aff'��71C -7NA 10 :51M oNr APOee Approved by Pla nning Com mission date 1'25 Approved by Town Council date April 4. 1 ��O�r. ► -1 Town Clerk Mayor , -�� SECTION 6. The property listed is designated to be historic, architectural, or aesthetic significance for the reasons listed below. A. Property: 37, 41 and 45 East Main Street B. Historic Designation No.: HD -76 -7 C. Description of Designation: Landmark D. Description of characteristics which justify the designation: These buiZdings were connected one -to- another upstairs, with a common stairway access between two of them. Pictures taken of Main Street in 1892 show this buiZding in its originaZ state, along side of the Rex HoteZ. They are aZZ brick. E. Description of particular features that should be preserved in addition to items covered under section 4.86.120. None J\ IV AAA 1 H' Approved by 1 1 own Council datril 4, 1977, Town Clerk Ma or — - 60 0 k ..z z Q 7 SECTION 7. The property listed is designated to be historic, architectural, or aesthetic significance for the reasons listed below. A. Property: Cohen House, 204 Los Gatos Boulevard B. Historic Designation No.: HD -76 -9 C. Description of Designation: Landmark D. Description of characteristics which justify the designation: House owned by Miss Emily Cohen, who was one of the founders of the Los Gatos History Club -- 1900 -1912. She died in the 1930's. E. Description of particular features that should be preserved in addition to items covered under section 4.86.120. This designation applies to the existing building and the site. The property is situated in the RM:5 -12 zone and has sufficient Zand area for several more units. Any new units to be constructed should be eompatible with the existing building. -13- Q � i SG,4LE / I T - 0-- �W- / N - 0-- Wd' L 0 8 G-r Ak T. - 70 8 1 14157 -01` M: / T101-1 C,Ok7 �i---1 ffOL15 Approved by Planning Commission date Approved by Town Council date Apr 4, 1 9 7 ' �r ✓ ,1 351 �c.f,r -� Town Clerk all ��� Manor - _ N h� Tx/ / SECTION 8. The Town Clerk shall attest to the adoption of this Ordinance. This Ordinance shall be published once in the Los Gatos Times- Saratoga Observer, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the Town of Los Gatos within fifteen (15) days of its final passage and this Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days following its final passage. The above and foregoing Ordinance was duly and regularly introduced at a meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos held on the 21st day of March 1977. PASSED AND ADOPTED as an Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos, California, at a regular meeting of the Town Council held on the 4th day of April 1977, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBER Ruth Cannon, Mark B. DiDuca Mardi Gualtieri John B. Lochner Albert B Smith NOES: COUNCIL MEMBER None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBER Non SIGNED: ATTEST: 9 2 2� CLERK 0 TIME TQWN OF LOS GATOS 1K`� r MAYOR OF SHE YNA ` GATOS -15-