Ord 2168 - Amending Ordinance No. 1920 relating to Zone Change No. 88 (University/Edelen Historic District)ORDINANCE 2168 ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1920 RELATING TO ZONE CHANGE NO. 88 (UNIVERSITY/EDELEN HISTORIC DISTRICT) The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos does hereby ordain: SECTION I The district delineated on the attached map is hereby designated historically and culturally significant as the University/Edelen Historic District HD -86-I13. SECTION II The district is designated to be historically, architecturally, or aesthetically significant for the reasons listed below: A. Property: University/Edelen District Boundaries: North - Saratoga Avenue South - Main Street East - Los Gatos Creek West - Old Southern Pacific Railroad (see map - Exhibit A) B. Historic Designation HD -86-1B C. Description of Designation: District D. Description of Characteristics which justify designation: Historical: The University/Edelen area was originally part of the Mason Tract. In September 1880, the area was subdivided into five parcels ranging from 6.75 acres to 10 acres. These parcels were further subdivided and became the Miles/Edelen Subdivision (The Vineyard Lots), the Hagerty Subdivision, the Quick Subdivision, the Bentley/Pierce Subdivision and the Engrish Subdivision which created the lots forming the University/Edelen Area. These subdivisions predated the turn of the century. Architecture: Victorian is predominant architecture, including informal wood frame cottages and impressive homes, intermixed with Craftsman/Bungalow style cottages built somewhat later. Also present in smaller numbers are Colonial Revival. Contributing structures are both residential and commercial. Individual architectural distinction is not as important in a historic district as the neighborhood entity created. The University/Edelen district has easily identifiable boundaries which add to its perception as a distinct neighborhood. Significant Residential Structures: Harry Perrin Home - 315 University Avenue: This house is estimated to have been built in 1895. The original owners were Harry and 'Theresa Perrin. Mr. Perrin was a brick mason and contractor and built the house with his own hands for his bride. They sold the house in 1906. Mr. Perrin later constructed the revetments for the Presidio of San Francisco. The house has been called "Honeymoon House." The home is an excellent example of romanesque style architecture. In 1972 a major remodeling job was redone under the direction of Boris and Nancy Baranowskci. The interior was redone and made into law offices. In 1989 the structure was significantly damaged by the earthquake and in 1990 the building under went major repair and the seismic retrofit was completed in 1991 by VSL Corporation. Miles House (Los Gatos Museum Restoration Award, 1971), 130 Edelen: This Queen Anne, two-story Victorian was built by contractor-land developer O. E. Miles in 1886. The house was converted to a duplex in 1932 and was then reverted to a single -family house in 1963. The home was used as a movie set for the 1970 Orson Wells movie "The Toy Factory." Sldnkle House, 129 Edelen: This Queen Anne, two-story Victorian was built by pharmacist A. Skinkle, Jr., in 1890. He was co-owner of Watkins Skinkle Drug Store on Main Street and Santa Cruz Avenue. Skinkle was president, in 1895, of the Borad of Trade (forerunner to the Chamber of Commerce). 91 Bentley 189p3/�9/�3 Edelen 18908 X487 438 Edelen 1930 508 444 Edelen 20th centu P 44-7 Edelen 19th .enccRy 4-24 Edelen 49998 24-7- Edelen VAor' 249 Edelen 19283 223-3 Edelen 48193 239 Edelen 4-9983 232 Fdelem 39188 2-5 Edelen 19288 258 Edelen 19283 68 Miles 4 9 _ 72 Aliles, 18988 48 U::w-er-" 4493 44-2 Univ t), 393GR 423 Tey 481988 225 ei'sii'yF 4988s 21-0 U::vei!siy 4928s 247 Universit), 39183 219- University NJA 238 Univetsi 19203 241 Ui3iversi£jF 49308 2.-4-2 Tey 1860s 245 Unive£Sity 1930s 2258 University 49283 2r 7 University. 1930s, 2:/54 48988 TTUniversrty .266 a['17p'lTsl[y 19905 343 Univetsity 49283 324 Win• 49283 Mill 327 Universitv 1890S 329 Unwetsit 19203 330 Untver 19883 333 Universes 421$3 259 Univer-sity 34483 31 i- Edelet] 1880 903 338 €delen 1890s- 898s329 4-29Edelen 4�98s 330 1Jdelen 4 886 260 Rdelen 1880s 5 University 4-4=183 4-1-8 TAY 38805 322 University 4$70°8WS 326 UniverS� 38893 4-28 U-ffiversii 1890S 204 Univer3it 4890S 202 U-niver3i 1870S 5 University1880 0S 224 TUniv2 -si y 1920S 231 Universi tg 49383 232 University 39203 2-3-7 Universi 1980,-, 256 Univet3i 4-8883 262 Uniiers4t) 38903 303 Ueiver3it 49183 383 th-iivergi 39303 34-5 Universi c.1895 324 TAY 48903 330 University p,4 /A 644 Urrivers#ty 39303 Significant Commercial Structures: Old Town - 50 University Avenue: The most popular commercial structure in the Historic District are located at Old Town (formerly the University Avenue School and Auditorium). The property was a school site from 1881 to 1964. At one tune (1893- 1908), the site included both a gratrunar school and high school. Although the structures have been remodeled over time, they still maintain the historic character and charm of the old school site. The first school opened on August 8, 1881. The structure was added to in 1885 and an addition for a high school was constructed in 1893. A final addition was constructed in 1916. The old building was demolished and a new one built in 1923. The original two -floor school built in 1923 was modeled after the early California -Spanish mission of San Juan Capistrano. The school was abandoned in 1961. The property was sold in 1964 and converted into a Fine Arts Center housing more than 50 shops and restaurants the school auditorium and was the home of California Actors Theater and other performance groups until 1982. Today, the stripped Spanish Colonial Revival stucco. schoolhouse has been reconstructed to work neady as a shopping center in the woodsy contemporary style. The result is a complex and pleasing design, curiously recalling the Monterey Colonial Revival. The school auditorium/ theater remains available for theatrical performances and cultural events. E. Description of particular features subject to preservation in addition to items covered under Section 4.86.120 of the Zoning Ordinance are as follows: 1. Date stamps in concrete sidewalks. 2. All existing picket and ornate wire fences, rock walls and front yard concrete walls shall be repaired and retained. SECTION III arehiteet....,1 of/ores r elearl.TJenhance TollT. ho ,.«, l:..ti,..,il., the existing o ,. ,.h:tt ec....,1 ..r.J1 .,A design ,.P the structure Any :stoney, eellence f•aati.,-,.,, to the deciding body against uneertaint), by the deeiding holy regarding of. nh...,,.,.,,..o„t of the proposed existing street.,, must be resolved. the applieant. the new by the h\ Cont.•:h..ti., - SttucZure.S. eentfibutors to h:, .a- arch:teeturall, Sefi.ti.,.T : The str ettires identified the dlstriet have been delevfniRed er It ...n signiqennt.GF t,. T.aa herein as , requifed the ..ntributuing ehitect, rai integrity properly remodel or ocuruet..ffeu vv uhuta tthuat is ,..,,1 .,,.t a t • a on toan),F historic damaged in the vem-ndeling regaFding demolitions). alteration „P.. ntributing..t....et..,.,, proserTed or addition oees t., c t• rrT The following provisieRs are or n herein guidelines . ating style or design as p7ov4ded herein, should be temadeled ot empanded consistent with its ne v atehtteetni:all styles @.e. eEhef than Vieie==a=, Cta€t span /Bangal©w, Mission Revisal Aled=terianeaf� -7tJ N/ Guidelines : LLL41.11111.J. shall incei7potate and continue the same style pattet-es and design elements. Ofig�fial repaired and f!ettsed protected whenevef- possible. exte6ef elements shall -be "heta an addition of remodel reqtvit:es the use of newly consitucted extef-iot elements, ��l and alteintions afrehifeeatf-al he eensistent design. with and All exteiief- eentiatte elements including, the ei-igi but shall style and net limited siding atchitectui!al the existing to, shall scale reeflines, be consistent style and and petehes, design. ehafactef doorways, with and New cons"uetien 6atough windows, continue compatible the should trim original main design and seeend materials story shall not defflinate weed siding, the ofiginal , structure. (e.g., fteal New matetials shall identically match eiriginal materials in shape, size,pf!ehibited. and pattem. (me traditienal elements ai7e ace, � table). Upon ty services a demonstration and other of ii acceptable p y the applicant, altemative the to the decision maldng oii,-_inal I-U;lA; body may appto-,'e e otigifial Pf!etected Exteiioi7 matefial is unfeasible Elements: due to The unreasonable cost and e) protected exterioi7 elements-Of feef. he­­, alterations ,, defined to include, but af-e not hmited , dears, Windows, glasa, posts, f!aihfigs, stairways, ettpelas, gables, windows,per-ches, bay mouldings, V.vi uL. , ViµJ lV.l 1l.µ LlAll. ,reek walls, , Jauiagal.J, ivvi lines, eaves l.J UIiLLoverhangs,eelers, , as detemained elements is pi7o-Aded by the as deciding follows! bedy. Consistent with these ' flush, generally but of should f:aised be w7 flat painted paffel not design. stained Front doors (not applicable to doefs patteins shall be ean i7eal be shown wood ftamed te fit the of simple existing design unless style. Glass or €aAevoing. (2) Windows decorations and Glass: Original b€ r-4aiti€d windows, and glass and window restored, it is s.I-.--" veneefs> he-ases may have st�ucco covered ehitnneys.. Painted meta steve pipe 3s 5i3ro'eoczravrr3 pf!ejeet-iens of less ef the than fetii! 5at3Etu"re. feet are i�3Csize, parnitted i shape; Ghinaneys shall not be eantileveTed and shall be ttaf-f!ewet a the tep thaft at its base. > > g: ;gi.rv�r..au, and Vu.., same size, GVii.>u4i.LLVii shape, of L1lw and ift same leEations. structures ef similai7 style and design in clistfict and be in appropriate locations on—: a New concrete er (6) pee€s Gables, Eaves and Ov f . Roofs shall existing style body. in 11 seias afid design genet-a!, gable a,e lo be eensqueted and ends should approved be of wood. by the deeidin symmetfical. Roof eeverings- Eaves- Tesemble atchAtectufal weed, if style of they the building. are eempatible with Mission Revival the oi! Mediten7anean coloi7, texture, style sauctures thickness and shape shall to have tide i7ooS, loolc tilce the of�wflal of a 1?7 Siding: Siding be appropriate ,., ..,,..,..0 +e the and }„uw,,.".t existing style on o"uCi'u'te ana--deffigft-.—A44 shall a. Wood be Fabfieated Siding synthetie and vinyl must et- siding teal weed Wood and not pi7oduet. a, composite, Metal produas identically New 0 are match prohibited. existing in siding size, depth, rust angle, slope, type width and depth of cut, if any. Old deteidotated shdtigles may be i7eplacect-, hewevet, new shing4es must match existing shingles in size, shape, dimension pattern.in and walls shall mateh these existing on the etty, tir shall bleek. hitteduction of new rock "Fall pattettis7or existing -to must mateh Replaeement dimension,(9) existing in colo -I O�idth and pr-efile. New fencing shall be of open design, shall be consaucted o wood, otnate wite (does not include chain linlo of yaf!d feneing the a: shall be of traditional construction and Deeefrative Ttitn/NiouldinL-s/C3intei:bg�aj-! All be i7epaij7ed and retained. existing -to must mateh Replaeement dimension,(9) other deeerative ,.ftn, ffiEffliding, vevieusly mateida's gingerbread, existing is diseoui7aged. etre. enaileas whete not (10) Golei�s� Yet- Victorians, traditional 3 or 4 eelet paintings eelei!s—are encoutag oil Mission Reviaaif Meditetranean, 7 tiladitional use C eai!fh iones d d (i1Garages: Style, i'ee%nehproportions, and overall design of the garage materials these of the .,....,.. are (or- earriage d arehiteetural ^ ..f the -house. ........ ............... house, ......t,.::Yoi:ury oto.), details shall Exterior as be F ^t....^^ well as building eonsistent with of garages than t.., spy., of the hoose moll up fet Aiich is beingbuilt doe...,, alumi ;u„ the ffame e windows, are ete. This and design of a conqib-ating structure in t1ge disaiet may de) s&. Howevet, the sa..Al E)f Seetieft H!, C.I. hetein, must be adhei7ed to by the applicant. 3. Standards ft)i7 Review: Qr- ... . ..... AM -------------- of sim . design unless pattei�ns can be shown te fit the existing style. Glass of wifidews in dffona� .. use of the vi.baiiui material d) H.aefietElements Sabjeet to Review: To be reviewed are! all elements __ of sim . design unless pattei�ns can be shown te fit the existing style. Glass of wifidews in dffona� w be c must the same ffiatefials, felative .i dimension, a having a same type c decorative _ _. .... ..... . . Ill. Picket Fences /Re a^ / e n:_l_... fences/rock __ / ...t e. i7bo.. shall match ot- be vei7y sinailar to these eft a contributing u n or othei! deeefative elements feneing shall be of epen design, shall be eensa=aeted wire (does not ineltAe ehain et wrought permitted. S- - alfid fear yard Pneing a] s building lef is pfel-Abited. New ef wood, ornate iron and shall be shall be tvaditional decorative mateilals shall ., shape, be dimension and leeatien of these eonsigtent with that on ether contribudiig st±uetures of same style and design in the disaiet. Pte.... Alissioy,._,:_ ,.1 /TTed 7 .]' 1 use F h c�rrrnnT r�� This Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos on October 6, 2008, and adopted by the following vote as an ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos at a meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos on October 20, 2008. This ordinance takes effect 30 days after it is adopted. COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: Steve Glickman, Diane McNutt, Joe Pirzynski, Mike Wasserman, and Mayor Barbara Spector NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SIGNED: J MAY9A OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LO ATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: �(—'S��L CLE F THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA •xoarrr�rr.�r�.��rtrr .. _ _ , _ _ • . . � . .. _ . ■_ — — _ 1 ♦ 1 _ ♦lfflpl • • All ♦ _ IL • •• • • . • o!I EXHIBIT A