Ord 2147 - Extending an urgency interim ordinance establishing a streamlined review process for a replacement facility at 15200 Los Gatos Boulevard (Los Gatos Auto Mall)ORDINANCE 2147 ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATO S AMENDING THE TOWN CODE EFFECTING A ZONE CHANG E FROM HR-2% TO HR-2 4:PD FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE TERMINUS OF SHADY LANE (APNs 527-12-001. 527-09-001 & 004) THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I The Town Code of the Town of Los Gatos is hereby amended to change the zoning on property at to terminus of Shady Lane (Santa Clara County Assessor Parcel Numbers 527-12-001. 527-09-001 & 004) as shown on the map attached hereto as Exhibit A, and is part of this Ordinance, from HR-2%a (Hillside Residential, 2% Acres per Dwelling Unit) to HR-2%:PD (Hillside Residential, 2% Acres per Dwelling Unit, Planned Development). SECTION II The PD (Planned Development Overlay) zone established by this Ordinance authorizes the following construction and use of improvements: 1. Construction of 19 new single-family dwelling units. 2. Landscaping, streets, trails, and other improvements shown and required on the Officia l Development Plan. 3. Dedication of 42.87 acres of scenic easements as shown on the Official Development Plans. 4. Dedication of trail easements to the Town of Los Gatos as shown on the Officia l Development Plans. 5.Uses permitted are those specified in the HR (Hillside Residential) zone by Section s 29.40.235 (Permitted Uses) and 29.20.185 (Conditional Uses) of the Zoning Ordinance, as those sections exist at the time of the adoption of this Ordinance, or as they may be amende d in the future. However, no use listed in Section 29.20.185 is allowed unless specifically authorized by this Ordinance, or by a Conditional Use Permit. SECTION III COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER DEVELOPMENT STANDARD S All provisions of the Town Code apply, except when the Official Development Pla n specifically shows otherwise. SECTION IV A recorded subdivision map and Architecture and Site Approval and Subdivision Approval are required before construction work for the dwelling units is performed, whether or not a permi t is required for the work and before any permit for construction is issued. Construction permits shall only be in a manner complying with Section 29.80.130 of the Town Code. SECTION V The attached Exhibit A (Map), and Exhibit B (Official Development Plans), are part of th e Official Development Plan. The following conditions must be complied with before issuance of an y grading, or construction permits: TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Planning Division 1.ARCHITECTURE AND SITE APPROVAL REQUIRED. A separate Architecture and Site application and approval is required for each of the new single family homes and for the infrastructure improvements. The Development Review Committee may be the deciding body of the infrastructure improvements and for Architecture and Site applications where th e proposed home is in compliance with the Hillside Development Standards & Guidelines, except for lots 2 and 12 which shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission due to concerns about visibility. 2.OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLANS. The Official Development Plans provided are conceptual in nature. Final building footprints and building designs shall be determine d during the architecture and site approval process. Page 2 of 28 3.SUBDIVISION REQUIRED. A tentative map application shall be approved for the project prior to the issuance of building permits. The Development Review Committee maybe the deciding body of the tentative map. 4.ARCHITECTURAL RESTRICTIONS. The applicant shall submit the proposed architectural restrictions for the project through an Architecture and Site application fo r review and approval by the Planning Commission, prior to recordation of the Final Map. 5.ENTRY MONUMENT. The entry monument shall be modified to be consistent with the Hillside Development Standards & Guidelines as part of the Architecture & Site approva l for the infrastructure improvements. 6.HOUSE SITING. New homes shall be sited within the grading envelopes shown on the Official Development Plans unless it can be demonstrated that another location is more appropriate for the lot. The burden of proof is on the applicant to justify any deviation from the approved grading envelope. 7.BUILDABLE LOT AND LANDSCAPE AREAS. Any improvement or planting within the buildable lot and landscape areas shown on the Official Development Plans must comply with the Hillside Development Standards & Guidelines. 8.FENCING. Fence locations shall be reviewed and approved during the Architecture & Site review(s). The developer will include in the CC&R's for the project a restriction limiting the home owners from replacing the fence type approved during the Architecture & Site review(s). Fencing shall be restricted to open design, such as wood with wire mesh an d wood or concrete split-rail fencing. CC&R' s shall prohibit fencing within scenic easements. 9.CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN. The conceptual landscape plan shall be revised to be consistent with the scenic easements shown on the conceptual site plan, sheet 2 of th e Official Development Plans. 10. SETBACKS. The minimum setbacks are those specified by the HR zoning district. 11.HEIGHT. The maximum height for homes shall be 25 feet unless it is determined that a home will be visible from a Town viewing platform, in which case the height shall be restricted to 18 feet. Page 3 of 28 12.**AESTHETICS MITIGATION MEASURE 4.2-2a. Proposed lots on the westerly and easterly ridge lines (lots 2, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17 and 19) shall be subject to a view analysi s in accordance with the Town's Hillside Development Standards & Guidelines. 13.**AESTHETICS MITIGATION MEASURE 4.2-2b. As part of the Architecture and Site review, the Town will require home designs to be consistent with the Hillside Developmen t Standards & Guidelines (HDS&G) for site planning, development intensity, architectural design site elements and landscape design. 14.EXTERIOR LIGHTING. All exterior lighting shall be reviewed and approved as part of th e Architecture & Site review(s) and shall comply with the HDS&G. Lighting shall be down directed and shall not reflect or encroach onto neighboring properties. Flood lights shall not be installed unless it can be demonstrated that they are clearly needed for safety. 15.COLOR REFLECTIVITY DEED RESTRICTION. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a deed restriction shall be recorded by the applicant with the Santa Clara County Recorder's Office that states that all exterior paint colors shall not exceed a light reflectivity value of 30, shall blend with the natural color of the vegetation that surrounds the site, an d shall be maintained in conformance with the Town's Hillside Development Standards as may be amended by the Town. 16.BELOW MARKET PRICE (BMP) IN-LIEU FEE: A Below Market Price (BMP) in-lieu fee shall be paid by the property owner/developer pursuant to Town Code Section 29.10.3025 and any applicable Town Resolutions. The fee amount shall be based upon the Town Council fee resolution in effect at the time a final or vesting tentative map is approved. 17.COMMUNITY BENEFIT. The applicant shall enter into an agreement with the Town for provision of the community benefits being offered with the project. The agreement shall include details on the timing and implementation of each item and shall be approved by the Town Attorney and the Director of Community Development prior to issuance of any building permits for the project. Page 4 of 28 18. PROJECT CC&R's. CC&R's shall be provided with the Tentative Map application and shall address the following: a.maintenance of landscaping in the public right-of-wa y b.maintenance of storm drain system c.landscape guidelines (shall be compliant with the Hillside Development Standard s & Guidelines, EIR and safe fire protocol). 19. FINAL CC&R's. Final CC&R's shall be approved by the Town Attorney prior to th e recording of the Final Map. The CC&R's shall include provisions for traffic circulation, vehicle parking enforcement procedures, and landscaping, exterior lighting and fencin g restrictions. The approved CC&R's shall become conditions of this Ordinance. 20. TREE REMOVAL PERMIT. A Tree Removal Permit shall be obtained for the removal of any ordinance sized tree prior to the issuance of a Building, Grading or Encroachmen t Permit. The only trees to be removed are those identified in the September 17, 2004 arboris t report prepared by Arbor Resources. If it becomes necessary to remove any additional trees, a separate Tree Removal Permit shall be submitted for review by the Town. Review by the Town's Consulting Arborist maybe required at the discretion of the Director of Communit y Development. 21. **BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES MITIGATION MEASURE 4.3-la. Focused surveys shall be conducted for the three special status plant species having the potential to occur in the oa k woodland habitat. If mitigation plantings occur in grassland or chaparral, surveys for thre e special status plant species having the potential to occur in these habitats shall also be done. 22. **BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES MITIGATION MEASURE 4.3-lb. If any special status species would be affected by the project, a Special Status Plant Species Mitigation and Monitoring Plan should be required to either avoid, minimize or compensate for the impact. 23. * *BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES MITIGATION MEASURE 4.3-3a. Prior to recordation of the Final Map a formal wetland delineation shall be completed and submitted to the USAC E for verification. If the USACE, CDFG and/or RWQCB claim jurisdiction over the seasona l wetlands and seasonal drainages on the site, the project applicant shall submit appropriat e permit applications to those agencies claiming jurisdiction prior to project construction and comply with the terms of the permits. Page 5 of 28 24. **BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES MITIGATION MEASURE 4.3-3b. The section of the proposed Shady Lane Extension located west of the site boundary (where the seasona l drainage channel extends along the north side) shall be widened to the south to the extent feasible to avoid impacts on the riparian corridor and avoid identified tree removal along thi s corridor. 25. **BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES MITIGATION MEASURE 4.3-4. Due to the temporal loss associated with proposed tree removal, replacement trees shall be planted at a 3:1 replacement/loss ratio. Based on a maximum potential removal of approximately 122 to 142 trees; mitigation planting of 366 to 426 oak trees in specified areas will be required. A Tree Protection and Preservation Plan shall be developed by the applicant and individual lo t owners to ensure survival of trees to be retained and appropriate compensation for impact s on mixed oak woodlands. 26. **BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES MITIGATION MEASURE 4.3-5. The applicant and futur e lot owners shall replace trees removed in accordance with the Los Gatos Tree Protectio n Ordinance 2114 which is as follows: a.Two replacement trees (24-inch box size) for each impacted tree assigned a high suitability rating: b.One replacement tree (24-inch box size) for each impacted tree assigned a moderate suitability rating. A total of approximately 105 replacement trees shall be required for road, lot, and driveway development. 27. **BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES MITIGATION MEASURE 4.3-8. A protocol-level, pre-construction survey for nesting raptors shall be conducted by a qualified ornithologist. The preconstruction surveys shall be conducted no more than 14 days prior to the initiation of demolition and/or construction activities during the early part of the breeding season and no more than 30 days prior to the initiation of these activities during the late part of th e breeding season. During this survey, the ornithologist will inspect all trees and electrica l towers in and immediately adjacent to the impact areas for raptor nests. If an active raptor nest is found close enough to the construction/demolition area to be disturbed by these Page 6 of 28 activities, the ornithologist, in consultation with the DFG, will determine the extent of a construction-free buffer zone (typically 75 meters [250 feet]) to be established around th e nest to remain until the young have fledged. 28.**HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MITIGATION MEASURE 4.5-2b. Prior to recordation of the Final Map a wildlife management plan shall be prepared to provide guidelines for establishment of defensible space and fuel breaks, use of appropriat e building materials, selection of appropriate landscape species, and implementation of appropriate vegetation management practices to minimize fuel loads. Building Division 29.*GEOLOGY AND SOILS MITIGATION MEASURE 4.4-la. Project plans shall demonstrate compliance with 1997 Uniform Building Code requirements for structural and seismic loads and recommendations made by Terrasearch. 30.**AIR QUALITY MITIGATION MEASURE 4.9-1. The project shall comply with BAAQMD basic, enhanced, and applicable optional control measures to minimize short-ter m emissions. 31.**NOISE MITIGATION MEASURE 4.9-1 Truck noise shall be minimized by limiting truck operations to the less noise-sensitive daytime working hours, as well as limiting travel speeds and avoiding compression braking as trucks travel downhill along Shady Lane. 32.**PUBLIC SERVICES AND UTILITIES MITIGATION MEASURE 4.11-1. Affected school districts will charge the project applicant impact fees based on the size of new home s (per square foot basis) and by supplemental parcel taxes on the new residential parcels. 33. PERMITS REQUIRED: A building permit shall be required for the construction of sit e retaining walls and the proposed water tank pad. 34.CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: The Conditions of Approval must be blue-lined in full on the cover sheet of the construction plans. 35. SIZE OF PLANS. The maximum size of construction plans submitted for building permit s shall be 24 inches by 36 inches. Page 7 of 28 36. • STREET NAMES & HOUSE NUMBERS: Submit requests for new street names and/or house numbers from the Office of the Town clerk prior to the building permit applicatio n process. 37. SOILS REPORT: A soils report, prepared to the satisfaction of the Building Official, containing retaining wall and pad foundation design recommendations, shall be submitte d with the building permit application. This report shall be prepared by a licensed civi l engineer specializing in soils mechanics. ALTERNATE: Design the foundation for an allowable soils 1,000 psf design pressure (Uniform Building Code Volume 2 - Section 1805). 38. FOUNDATION INSPECTIONS: A pad certificate prepared by a licensed civil engineer or land surveyor shall be submitted to the project building inspector at foundation inspection. This certificate shall certify compliance with the recommendations as specified in the soil s report; and, the on-site retaining wall locations and elevations are prepared according to approved plans. Horizontal and vertical controls shall be set and certified by a licensed surveyor or registered civil engineer for the following items: a. On-site retaining wall location b. Finish floor elevation c. Foundation corner locations 39. RESIDENTIAL TOWN ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS. The residences shall be designed with adaptability features for single-family residences per Town Resolution 1994-61. a.Wooden backing (no smaller than 2-inches by eight-inches) shall be provided in all bathroom walls at water closets, showers and bathtub, located at 34-inches from th e floor to the center of the backing, suitable for installation of grab bars. b.All passage doors shall have a 36-inch wide door including a five foot by five foo t level landing no more than one-inch out of plane with the immediate interior floo r level, with an 18-inch clearance at interior strike edge. c. Door buzzer, bell or chime shall be hard wired. 40. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: When a special inspection is required byUBC Section 1701, the architect or engineer of record shall prepare an inspection program that shall be submitted to the Building Official for approval prior to issuance of the building permit. The Town Page 8 of 28 Special Inspection form must be completely filled-out, signed by all requested parties an d be blue-lined on the construction plans. Special Inspection forms are available from the Building Division Service Counter. 41. SOLAR HOT WATER HEATING. The residences shall be pre-plumbed for solar hot wate r heating. The plans shall show the location of a stub and valve located in the attics for sola r heating use. 42. TITLE 24 ENERGY COMPLIANCE. California Title 24 Energy Compliance forms CR- IB and MF-IR shall be printed on the construction plans. 43. HAZARDOUS FIRE ZONE. This project requires Class A roofmg assembly. 44. TOWN FIREPLACE STANDARDS. New fireplaces shall be EPA Phase II approved appliances per Town Ordinance 1905. Tree limbs within 10 feet of chimneys shall be cut. 45. PLANS: The construction plans shall be prepared under the direct supervision of a licensed architect or engineer. (Business and Professionals Code Section 5538). 46. NON-POINT SOURCE POLLUTION STANDARDS. The Town standard Santa Clara Valley Non-point Source Pollution Control Program specification sheet shall be part of plan submittal. The specification sheet is available at the Building Division service counter. 47. APPROVALS REQUIRED: The project requires the following agencies approval befor e issuing a building permit: a.Community Development: Suzanne Davis at 354-687 5 b.Engineering Department: Fletcher Parsons at 395-3460 c.Parks & Public Works Department: (408) 399-5777 d.Santa Clara County Fire Department: (408) 378-4010 Note: Obtain the school district forms from the Town Building Department, after th e Building Department has approved the building plans. TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF PARKS & PUBLIC WORKS: Engineering Division 48. **AESTHETICS MITIGATION MEASURE 4.2-3 (STREET LIGHTING). Lighting shall be kept to a minimum and shall be installed only at intersections, dangerous curves, end o f Page 9 of 28 cul-de-sacs and multi-use parking areas if needed for safety as determined by the Town Engineer. Developer shall submit detailed plans of proposed street lighting, including photometrics, for lighting to be installed prior to approval of Final Map. 49.**GEOLOGY AND SOILS MITIGATION MEASURE 4.4-lb. A screening level slope stability analysis shall be completed for Cross-section H-H. 50.**GEOLOGY AND SOILS MITIGATION MEASURE 4.4-3a. The applicant shall repair the debris flows/landslides located on Lots 1 and 10. 51.**GEOLOGY AND SOILS MITIGATION MEASURE 4.4-3b. Prior to development of each home site, a lot-specific geologic and geotechnical investigation shall be conducted to identify and address potential geotechnical hazards. Each individual report shall be peer reviewed by the Town's Geotechncial Consultant. 52.**GEOLOGY AND SOILS MITIGATION MEASURE 4.4-3c. To the extent feasible, proposed development should avoid slopes over 30% unless designed in accordance with the Town's Hillside Standards and Guidelines. 53.**GEOLOGY AND SOILS MITIGATION MEASURE 4.4-3d. Grading associated with development of homes and driveways shall be minimized. 54.**GEOLOGY AND SOILS MITIGATION MEASURE 4.4-3e. All utilities located on slopes over 30% shall be directional drilled. 55.**HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY MITIGATIONMEASURE 4.6-1. To mitigate the project's impact on downstream flood hazards, the proposed detention basin shall b e adequately sized to accommodate surface runoff generated on project streets and lots durin g the 100-year design storm, prior to recordation of the Final Map. Specifically, the final system shall be designed to satisfy both the HMP (continuous modeling) and 100-year storm criteria, that it shall provide two feet of freeboard for the 10-year storm and zero feet for th e 100-year, and that the road shall be designed to act as a spillway in the event of "overflooding" from an event larger than the 100-year. 56.**OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION MITIGATION MEASURE 4.12-la. New trails shall meet Town requirements regarding ownership, maintenance, materials, alignments, width, grade, parking, and signage. Page 10 of 28 57.**OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION MITIGATION MEASURE 4.12-3a.. If a tennis court and/or par course is to be installed, the Town will require a detailed soils investigation; grading, drainage, and utilities extension to be shown on plans; proof of maintenance and construction access rights from Francis Oaks Way; and preparation of a traffic control plan for Francis Oaks Way. 58.**OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION MITIGATION MEASURE 4.12-3b. Project CC&R's shall prohibit project residents from using Francis Oaks Way for access or parkin g while using the par course, if installed. 59.CERTIFICATE OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT. A Certificate of Lot Line Adjustment shal l be recorded for the off-site parcels as shown on the Official Development Plans. Two copies of the legal description for each new lot configuration, a plat map (8-V2 in. X 11 in.) and two copies of the legal description of the land to be exchanged shall be submitted to th e Engineering Division of the Parks & Public Works Department for review and approval. The submittal shall include closure calculations, title reports less than 90 days old and th e appropriate fee. The certificate shall be recorded before any permits may be issued. 60.GRADING PERMIT. A grading permit is required for site grading and drainage. The grading permit application (with grading plans) shall be made to the Engineering Division of the Parks & Public Works Department located at 41 Miles Avenue. The grading plans shall include final grading, drainage, retaining wall location, driveway, utilities and interi m erosion control. Grading plans shall list earthwork quantities and a table of existing an d proposed impervious areas. Unless specifically allowed by the Director of Parks and Publi c Works, the grading permit will be issued concurrently with the building permit. The grading permit is for work outside the building footprint(s). A separate building permit, issued by the Building Department on E. Main Street is needed for grading within the building footprint. 61.SOILS REPORT. One copy of the soils and geologic report shall be submitted with the grading permit application. The soils report shall include specific criteria and standards governing site grading, drainage, pavement design, retaining wall design, and erosion control. The report shall be signed and "wet stamped" by the engineer or geologist, i n conformance with Section 6735 of the California Business and Professions Code. Page 11 of 28 62.SOILS REVIEW. Prior to issuance of any permit, the applicant's soils engineer shall revie w the final grading and drainage plans to ensure that designs for foundations, retaining walls, site grading, and site drainage are in accordance with their recommendations and the pee r review comments. The applicant's soils engineer's approval shall then be conveyed to th e Town either by letter or by signing the plans. 63.SOILS ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION. During construction, all excavations and grading shall be inspected by the applicant's soils engineer prior to placement of concrete and/or backfill so they can verify that the actual conditions are a s anticipated in the design-level geotechnical report, and recommend appropriate changes i n the recommendations contained in the report, if necessary. The results of the construction observation and testing should be documented in an "as-built" letter/report prepared by th e applicants soils engineer and submitted to the Town before fmal release of any occupancy permit is granted. 64.DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT. The Applicant shall enter an agreement to construct public improvements in accordance with Town Code §24.40.020. 65.FINAL MAP. A final map shall be recorded. Two copies of the final map shall be submitte d to the Engineering Division of the Parks & Public Works Department for review an d approval. The submittal shall include closure calculations, title report and appropriate fees. The map shall be recorded prior to issuance of any building permits for the project. 66. DEDICATIONS. The following shall be dedicated prior to issuance of any permits: a.Shady Lane extension (west of project site boundary): 40 foot street right-of-way with a 10 foot wide Public Service Easement (PSE) on each side. b.New interior streets. A 40-foot street right-of-way with the chord of a 20-foot radius at all intersections and a standard 42-foot radius cul-de-sac. c.Public Service Easement (P SE). Ten (10) feet wide, next to the new street rights-of- way. d.Ingress-egress, storm drainage and sanitary sewer easements, as required. e.Trail Easement. Ten (10) feet wide, as shown on the Official Development Plan. f. Trail easement. Over the area between the overlook and Blossom Hill Road for installation of a trail should the Town decide to implement this trail connection. Page 12 of 28 67. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. The following improvements shall be installed by th e developer. Plans for those improvements shall be prepared by a California registered civil engineer, reviewed and approved by the Town, and guaranteed by contract, Faithfu l Performance Security and Labor & Materials Security before the issuance of a buildin g permit or the recordation of a map. The improvements must be completed and accepted by the Town before a Certificate of Occupancy for any new building can be issued. a.New Streets. Curb, gutter, new street paving, signing, striping, lighting, storm drainage and sanitary sewers, as required. Curbs shall be rolled concrete to the satisfaction of the Director of Parks and Public Works. b.Shady Lane. Curb as required in the vicinity of Drysdale Drive to reduce overban k erosion in the roadside ditch. 68. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT SECURITY. The applicant shall supply suitable securities for all public improvements that are a part of the development in a form acceptable to the Tow n in the amount of 100% (performance) and 100% (labor and material) prior to issuance of any permit. Applicant shall provide two (2) copies of documents verifying the cost of the public improvements to the satisfaction of the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department. 69. INSURANCE. One million dollars ($1,000,000) of liability insurance holding the Tow n harmless shall be provided in a format acceptable to the Town Attorney before recordation of the map. 70. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PLAN. The Applicant shall submit a construction management plan that shall incorporate at a minimum the Earth Movement Plan, Traffi c Control Plan, Project Schedule, site security fencing, employee parking, construction staging area, construction trailer, and proposed outhouse locations. 71. CONSTRUCTION STREET PARKING. No vehicle having a manufacturer's rated gros s vehicle weight exceeding ten thousand (10,000) pounds shall be allowed to park on th e portion of a street which abuts property in a residential zone without prior approval from th e Town Engineer (§ 15.40.070). Page 13 of 28 72. PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING. Prior to issuance of any permit or the commencemen t of any site work, the general contractor shall: a.Along with the project applicant, attend a pre-construction meeting with the Town Engineer to discuss the project conditions of approval, working hours, sit e maintenance and other construction matters; b.Acknowledge in writing that they have read and understand the project conditions o f approval, and will make certain that all project sub-contractors have read and understand them prior to commencing work and that a copy of the project condition s of approval will be posted on site at all times during construction. 73. PRECONSTRUCTION PAVEMENT SURVEY. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the project applicant shall complete a pavement condition survey documenting the extent of existing pavement defects using a 35-mm or digital video camera. The survey shall be conducted across the full extent of Francis Oaks Way, Drysdale Drive, Gum Tree Lane an d Shady Lane. The results shall be documented in a report and submitted to the Town fo r review. 74. POST-CONSTRUCTION PAVEMENT SURVEY. The project Applicant will complete a pavement condition survey and pavement deflection analysis to determine whether roa d damage occurred as a result of project construction and whether there were changes in pavement strength. Rehabilitation improvements required to restore the pavement to pre- construction condition and strength shall be determined using State of California procedure s for deflection analysis. The results shall be documented in a report and submitted to the Town for review and approval. The Applicant shall be responsible for completing an y required road repairs prior to release of the faithful performance bond. 75. TRAFFIC IMPACT MITIGATION FEE (RESIDENTIAL). The developer shall pay a proportional the project's share of transportation improvements needed to serve cumulative development within the Town of Los Gatos. The fee amount will be based upon the Town Council resolution in effect at the time the request of Certificate of Occupancy is made. The fee shall be paid before issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. The traffic impact mitigation fee for each new house in this project using the current fee schedule is $5,742. Page 14 of 28 The final fee shall be calculated from the final plans using the rate schedule in effect at th e time of the request for building permit. 76.**TRANSPORTATION AND TRAFFIC MITIGATION MEASURE 4.7-1 Construction truck traffic shall be minimized on Drysdale Drive and Gum Tree Lane. Prior to issuance of any permits the applicant shall work with the Town to develop a traffic control plan that reduces traffic safety hazards. 77.**TRANSPORTATION AND TRAFFIC MITIGATION MEASURE 4.7-3. Access roads are recommended to be widened to 22 feet of paved width, where practical. Curve warning signs, delineators, and advisory speeds, should be installed to enhance the traffic safety.A guard rail shall be installed along the north side of Gum Tree Lane (just west of the project's western boundary) where the road extends directly above existing homes to the north. Repaving of the access roads should also be considered. At the intersection of Shady Lane, two driveways and the project entrance, a stop sign should be installed for traffic exiting the project if the angle and elevation constraints cannot be improved. 78.**TRANSPORTATION AND TRAFFIC MITIGATION MEASURE 4.7-5. The Town may require provision of parking bays along project roadways (wherever topography allows). Parking bay analysis shall be done as part of the Architecture & Site review for th e infrastructure improvements. 79.**TRANSPORTATION AND TRAFFIC MITIGATION MEASURE 4.7-6. During Architecture and Site review for each proposed lot, proposed driveways shall be reviewed for adequate sight distance at the driveway intersections. On lots with long driveways, driveways should be designed to allow vehicles to turnaround near the garage so that drivers could exit long driveways going forward. 80.GENERAL. All public improvements shall be made according to the latest adopted Town Standard Drawings and the Town Standard Specifications or as otherwise approved by th e Director of Parks and Public Works. All work shall conform to the applicable Tow n ordinances. The adjacent public right-of-way shall be kept clear of all job related dirt and debris at the end of the day. Dirt and debris shall not be washed into storm drainag e facilities. The storing of goods and materials on the sidewalk and/or the street will not be Page 15 of 28 allowed unless a special permit is issued. The developer's representative in charge shall be at the job site during all working hours. Failure to maintain the public right-of-way according to this condition may result in the Town performing the required maintenance at the developer's expense. 81. ENCROACHMENT PERMIT. All work in the public right-of-way will require a Construction Encroachment Permit. All work over $ 5,000 will require construction security. 82. PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTIONS. The developer or his representative shall notify th e Engineering Inspector at least twenty-four (24) hours before starting an work pertaining t o on-site drainage facilities, grading or paving, and all work in the Town's right-of-way. Failure to do so will result in rejection ow work that went on without inspection. 83. GRADING. No grading or earth-disturbing activities shall be initiated in hillside area s between October 1 and April 15 of each year unless approved by the Town Engineer. 84. RETAINING WALLS. A building permit, issued by the Building Department at 110 E. Main Street, may be required for site retaining walls. Walls are not reviewed or approved by the Engineering Division of Parks and Public Works during the grading permit plan review process. 85. SURVEYING CONTROLS. Horizontal and vertical controls shall be set and certified by a licensed surveyor or registered civil engineer qualified to practice land surveying, for the following items: a.Retaining wall--top of wall elevations and locations. b.Toe and top of cut and fill slopes. c.Top of future curb along one side of the new street. 86. EROSION CONTROL. Interim and final erosion. control plans shall be prepared and submitted to the Engineering Division of the Parks & Public Works Department. A Notice of Intent (NOT) and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be submitted to the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board for projects disturbing mor e than one acre. A maximum of two weeks is allowed between clearing of an area an d stabilizing/building on an area if grading is allowed during the rainy season. Interim erosion control measures, to be carried out during construction and before installation of the final Page 16 of 28 landscaping shall be included. Interim erosion control method shall include, but are not limited to: silt fences, fiber rolls (with locations and details), erosion control blankets, Tow n standard seeding specification, filter berms, check dams, retention basins, etc. Provide erosion control measures as needed to protect downstream water quality during winter months. The grading, drainage, erosion control plans and SWPPP shall be in compliance with applicable measures contained in the amended provisions C.3 and C.14 of Order 01-024 of the amended Santa Clara County NPDES Permit. 87.DUST CONTROL. Blowing dust shall be reduced by timing construction activities so that paving and building construction begin as soon as possible after completion of grading, an d by landscaping disturbed soils as soon as possible. Further, water trucks shall be present and in use at the construction site. All portions of the site subject to blowing dust shall be watered as often as deemed necessary by the Town, or a minimum of three times daily, or apply (non-toxic) soil stabilizers on all unpaved access roads, parking areas, and stagin g areas at construction sites in order to insure proper control of blowing dust for the duration of the project. Watering on public streets shall not occur. Streets will be cleaned by street sweepers or by hand as often as deemed necessary by the Town Engineer, or at least once a day. Watering associated with on-site construction activity shall take place between th e hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. and shall include at least one late-afternoon watering to minimiz e the effects of blowing dust. All public streets soiled or littered due to this constructio n activity shall be cleaned and swept on a daily basis during the workweek to the satisfactio n of the Town. Demolition or earthwork activities shall be halted when wind speeds (instantaneous gusts) exceed 25 MPH. All trucks hauling soil, sand, or other loose debri s shall be covered. 88.DUST CONTROL (SITES > 4 ACRES).The following measures should be implemented at construction sites greater than four acres in area: a.Hydroseed or apply (non-toxic) soil stabilizers to inactive construction areas (previously graded areas inactive for ten days or more). b.Enclose, cover, water twice daily or apply (non-toxic) soil binders to exposed stockpiles (dirt, sand, etc.) Page 17 of 28. c.Limit traffic speeds on unpaved roads to 15 mph. d.Install sandbags or other erosion control measures to prevent silt runoff to public roadways. e.Replant vegetation in disturbed areas as quickly as possible. 89. SILT AND MUD IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. It is the responsibility of contractor and home owner to make sure that all dirt tracked into the public right-of-way is cleaned up on a daily basis. Mud, silt, concrete and other construction debris SHALL NOT be washed into the Town's storm drains or creeks. 90 UTILITIES. The developer shall install all utility services, including telephone, electri c power and all other communications lines underground, as required by Town Code §27.50.015(b). Cable television capability shall be provided to all new lots. 91.UTILITY COMPANY REVIEW. Letters from the electric, telephone, cable, and tras h companies indicating that the proposed improvements and easements are acceptable shall b e provided prior to recordation of the final map. 92.ABOVE GROUND UTILITIES. The applicant shall submit a 75-percent progress printing to the Town for review of above ground utilities including backflow prevention devices, fir e department connections, gas and water meters, off-street valve boxes, hydrants, site lighting, electrical/communication/cable boxes, transformers, and mail boxes. Above ground utilitie s shall be reviewed and approved by Community Development prior to issuance of any permit. 93.WATER SYSTEM DESIGN. Water plans prepared by SJWC must be reviewed and approved prior to issuance of any permit. 94.DESIGN CHANGES. The Applicant's registered Engineer shall notify the Town Engineer, in writing, at least 72 hours in advance of all differences between the proposed work and th e design indicated on the plans. Any proposed changes shall be subject to the approval of th e Town before altered work is started. Any approved changes shall be incorporated into the final "as-built" drawings. 95.JOINT TRENCH PLANS. Joint trench plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Town prior to issuance of any permit. Page 18 of 28 96.RESTORATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. The developer shall repair or replace all existing improvements not designated for removal that are damaged or removed because o f developer's operations. Improvements such as, but not limited to: curbs, gutters, sidewalks, driveways, signs, pavements, raised pavement markers, thermoplastic pavement markings, etc. shall be repaired and replaced to a condition equal to or better than the origina l condition. Existing improvement to be repaired or replaced shall be at the direction of the Engineering Construction Inspector, and shall comply with all Title 24 Disabled Acces s provisions. Developer shall request a walk-through with the Engineering Construction Inspector before the start of construction to verify existing conditions. 97.DRIVEWAY APPROACH. The developer shall install a minimum of one (1) Town standard residential driveway approach for each lot. The new driveway approaches shall be constructed per Town Standard Detail. 98.AS-BUILT PLANS. After completion of the construction of all work, the original plans shall have all changes (change orders and field changes) clearly marked. The "as-built" plans shall again be signed and "wet-stamped" by the civil engineer who prepared the plans, attesting to the changes. The original "as-built" plans shall be review and approved th e Engineering Inspector. A Mylar and AutoCAD disk of the approved "as-built" plans shall be provided to the Town before the Faithful Performance Security or Occupancy Permit i s released. The AutoCAD file shall include only the following information and shall conform to the layer naming convention: a) Building Outline, Layer: BLDG-OUTLINE; b) Driveway, Layer: DRIVEWAY; c) Retaining Wall, Layer: RETAINING WALL; d) Swimming Pool, Layer: SWIMMING-POOL; e) Tennis Court, Layer: TENNIS-COURT; f) Property Line, Layer: PROPERTY-LINE; g) Contours, Layer: NEWCONTOUR. All as-built digital files must be on the same coordinate basis as the Town's survey control network and shall b e submitted in AutoCAD version 2000 or higher. 99.SANITARY SEWER LATERAL. Sanitary sewer laterals are televised by West Valley Sanitation District and approved by the Town of Los Gatos before they are used or reused. Install a sanitary sewer lateral clean-out at the property line of each new lot. Page 19 of 28 100.SANITARY SEWER BACKWATER VALVE. Drainage piping serving fixtures which have flood level rims less than twelve (12) inches (304.8 mm) above the elevation of the next upstream manhole and/or flushing inlet cover at the public or private sewer system servin g such drainage piping shall be protected from backflow of sewage by installing an approved type backwater valve. Fixtures above such elevation shall not discharge through the backwater valve, unless first approved by the Administrative (Sec. 6.50.025). The Town shall not incur any liability or responsibility for damage resulting from a sewer overflow where the property owner or other person has failed to install a backwater valve, as defined section 103(e) of the Uniform Plumbing Code adopted by section 6.50.010 of the Town Code and maintain such device in a functional operating condition. Evidence of West Valley Sanitation District's decision on whether a backwater device is needed shall be provide d prior to issuance of a building permit. 101.CURB AND GUTTER. The developer shall repair and replace to existing Town standards any curb and gutter damaged now or during construction of this project. New curb and gutter shall be constructed per Town Standard Detail. The limits of curb and gutter repair will be determined by the Engineering Construction Inspector during the construction phase of th e project. 102.SITE DRAINAGE. Rainwater leaders shall be discharged to splash blocks. No through curb drains will be allowed. 103.NPDES. On-site drainage systems shall include a filtration device such as a bio-swale or permeable pavement. 104.STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN. A storm water management shall be included with the grading permit application for all Group 1 and Group 2 projects as defined in the amended provisions C.3 of Order 01-024 of the amended Santa Clara County NPDE S Permit. The plan shall delineate source control measures and BMP's together with the sizin g calculations. The plan shall be certified by a professional pre-qualified by the Town. In the event that storm water measures proposed on the Planning approval differ significantly from those certified on the Building/Grading Permit, the Town may require a modification of th e Planning approval prior to release of the Building Permit. The applicant may elect to have the Planning submittal certified to avoid this possibility. Page 20 of 28 105.FENCING. Any fencing proposed within 200-feet of an intersection shall comply wit h Town Code Section §23.10.080. 106.CONSTRUCTION NOISE. Between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., weekdays and 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. weekends and holidays, construction, alteration or repair activities shall b e allowed. No individual piece of equipment shall produce a noise level exceeding eighty-fiv e (85) dBA at twenty-five (25) feet. If the device is located within a structure on the property, the measurement shall be made at distances as close to twenty-five (25) feet from the devic e as possible. The noise level at any point outside of the property plane shall not exceed eighty-five (85) dBA. 107.GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. Good housekeeping practices shall be observed at all time s during the course of construction. Superintendence of construction shall be diligently performed by a person or persons authorized to do so at all times during working hours. The storing of goods and/or materials on the sidewalk and/or the street will not be allowed unless a special permit is issued by the Engineering Division. 108.HAULING OF SOIL. Hauling of soil on or off-site shall not occur during the morning or evening peak periods (between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.). Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall work with the Town Building and Engineering Department Engineering Inspectors to devise a traffic control plan to ensure safe and efficient traffic flow under periods when soil is hauled on or ff the projec t site. This may include, but is not limited to provisions for the developer/owner to plac e construction notification signs noting the dates and time of construction and hauling activities, or providing additional traffic control. Cover all trucks hauling soil, sand, and other loose debris or require all trucks to maintain at least two feet of freeboard. 109.EXISTING WATER WELLS. Prior to issuance of any permit, all existing wells affected by this project shall be identified and properly registered with the District, and either b e maintained or destroyed in accordance with District standards. Destruction of any well and the construction of any new wells proposed, including monitoring wells, require a permi t from the District prior to construction. Property owners or their representative should contact the District Wells and Water Production Unit at (408) 265-2607, extension 2660, for mor e information. Page 21 of 28 110. OFFSITE EASEMENTS. Formal easements and/or agreements shall be recorde d concurrently with the Final Map documenting the following: a.Emergency Access rights to Shannon Road via private driveways. b.Emergency Access rights to Blossom Hill Road via Francis Oaks Way if an emergency access road is approved. c.Public Access rights through 15777 and 15769 Shady Lane for a off-street trail. Additional rights through 15980 Short Road and 104 Angel Court are also required if not already in-place. d.Waterline easement rights as required including, but not limited to, Francis Oak s Way and the Ganal, Greiner, and Moffat properties. 111. SHADY LANE TRAIL. An off-site trail shall be provided between existing trail facilities near the intersection of Shady Lane & Short Road and the project site. The specific trail alignment shall be determined during Architecture and Site review of the infrastructure and shall bereflected on the Tentative Map. 112. ONSITE TRAILS. On-site trails shall be provided generally as specified in Figure 3 of the Los Gatos Hillside Specific Plan and as shown on the Official Development Plans. The specific trail alignments shall be determined during Architecture and Site review of th e infrastructure and shall be reflected on the Tentative Map. The trail connection shown in Figure 3, connecting the project site and Blossom Hill Road, shall terminate at the ridge lin e and not extend fully to Blossom Hill Road. 113. TRAIL SPECIFICATIONS. On-Site trails shall be as wide as 6-feet where practical. Trail width may be reduced to 4-feet in locations where a 6-foot width would require retaining wall, grading beyond the edge of trail, or would result in a maximum combined cut and fill depth of 2-feet. Vertical earth slopes of up to 1-foot high may be utilized to maximize trail width. Trailhead signage and gates shall be provided per Midpeninsula Regional Openspac e standard details. 114. UTILITY COMPANY REVIEW. Prior to recordation of the Final Map, the applicant shal l submit letters from SJWC, WVSD, ans PG&E stating that they have reviewed the map an d have no objection to recording the map. Page 22 of 28 115.SANITARY SEWER EJECTOR PUMPS. Sanitary sewer ejector pumps shall be provide d at Lots 9, 12, 14, 17, and 21. A rear lot sewer gravity sewer will not be allowed. 116.ACCESS TO PARCEL 527-12-002. A 40-foot right of way shall be dedicated across Lot s 19 and 21 to create future access to parcel 527-12-002 (Greiner parcel). A No Access easement in favor of the Town shall be recorded across the full right of way width at the project site boundary. Town Council must approve the removal of the No Access easement. The right of way and No Access easement shall be reflected on the Tentative Map. 117.NO ACCESS EASEMENT. Prior to recordation of the Final Map, the applicant shall ente r an agreement with The Town of Los Gatos specifying the conditions for removal of the No Access Easement across Lots 19 and 21. 118.OFFSITE WATER ALIGNMENT. Detailed off-site water alignment alternatives shall be studied for conformance with the Town's Hillside Development Standards & Guideline s (HDS&G) during the Architecture and Site review of project infrastructure. The applicant shall implement the alternative that best conforms to the HDS&G as determined by th e Town. 119.NEW WATER SYSTEM. The properties shown on the map attached as Exhibit C shall be connected to the new water system. The applicant shall provide all necessary water infrastructure up through the water meter at no cost to the residents. The residents shall be responsible for any improvements between the meter and the house (such as storag e facilities, pressure pumps, piping, etc.). The water system shall be installed prior to issuance of the first occupancy permit for the project. 120.ELIMINATION OF SHADY LANE MUTUAL WATER COMPANY. The applicant shall provide public water and public fire hydrants to all members of the Shady Lane Mutual Water Company. The applicant shall provide all necessary water infrastructure up through the water meter at no cost to the residents. The residents shall be responsible for any improvements between the meter and the house (such as storage facilities, pressure pumps, piping, etc.). The residents will also be responsible for dissolution of the existing water company including any applications to the State or Local agencies, and demolition o f existing facilities, if any. The water system shall be installed prior to issuance of the first occupancy permit for the project. Page 23 of 28 121.MAINTENANCE OF PUBLIC FACILITIES. Prior to recordation of the Final Map, the applicant shall enter into a maintenance agreement with the Town. The Homeowner's Association shall maintain all landscaping within the public right of way for the new on-site roadways, as well as landscaping within the Shady Lane extension west of the project sit e boundary, and shall perform routine maintenance on the public storm drain system withi n the project boundaries. The Town shall be responsible for storm drain infrastructure repairs. The agreement shall include provisions to address paragraph C.3 of the Town's Regional Board permit. 122.FUTURE STUDIES. Any post project traffic or parking counts, or other studies imposed by Planning Commission or Town Council shall be funded by the applicant. 123.PLAN CHECK FEES. Plan check fees shall be deposited with the Town prior to submittal of plans to the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department. 124.INSPECTION FEES. Inspection fees shall be deposited with the Town prior to issuance of any Permit or recordation of the Final Map. Parks Division 125.AERATION TUBES. All impervious surface encroaching under the dripline of existing trees shall have aeration tubes installed and these tube locations shown on the plans. 126.IRRIGATION. All newly planted landscaping shall be irrigated by an in-ground irrigation system. Special care shall be taken to avoid irrigation which will endanger existing nativ e trees and vegetation. 127.BUILDING FOUNDATIONS: Any buildings under the dripline of existing trees shall have a foundation built from pier and grade beam to minimize impaction on existing trees. 128.TREE STAKING: All newly planted trees are required to be double staked to Tow n standards. 129.GENERAL. All existing and newly planted trees shown on the plan are specific subjects of approval of this plan and must remain on site. 130.IRRIGATION SYSTEM. Water efficient irrigation systems shall be utilized to conserve water in all project irrigation of publicly landscaped areas. Page 24 of 28 131.WATER EFFICIENT ORDINANCE. This project is subject to the Town's Water Efficient Ordinance. A deposit of $5,000 is required when the landscape, irrigation plans, and wate r calculations are submitted for review. The review fee will be based on actual cost. 132.TREE PROTECTION. Tree protection fencing shall be placed at the dripline of existing trees to be saved in the area of construction. Fencing shall be four feet high chain link attached to steel poles driven two feet into the ground when at the dripline of the tree. If the fence has to be within eight feet of the trunk of the tree a fence base may be used, as in a typical chain link fence that is rented. The fencing must be inspected and approved by the Parks Superintendent and must be installed prior to issuance of a grading and/or buildin g permit. 133.ORNAMENTAL LANDSCAPING. All formal landscaping shall be within 30 feet of th e perimeter of the houses. Any planting beyond the 30-foot perimeter shall be nativ e vegetation that is drought and fire resistant, and planted in natural clusters. 134.LANDSCAPE GUIDELINES. The adopted landscape guidelines and plant lists shall be incorporated into the CC&Rs for the project. TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE SANTA CLARA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT: 135.**HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MITIGATION MEASURE 4.5-2a. Trees should be pruned to ensure that branches do not overhang roofs of proposed homes, and understory vegetation (brush or shrubs) under existing trees should be cleared. 136.**PUBLIC SERVICES AND UTILITIES MITIGATION MEASURE 4.11-2. The project shall meet all Department requirements in order to mitigate the project's increased deman d on fire protection services. 137.AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM REQUIRED. New homes shall be protected throughout by an approved automatic fire sprinkler system, hydraulically designed per National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard #13d. 138.FIRE HYDRANTS REQUIRED. Provide fire hydrants at locations to be determined jointly by the Fire Department and San Jose Water Company. Hydrants shall have a minimum single flow of 1,000 GPM at 20 psi residual, with spacing not to exceed 500 feet. Prior to Page 25 of 28 applying for building permits, the applicant shall provide civil drawings reflecting all fire hydrants serving the site. The final determination of placement and number of hydrants shall be to the satisfaction of the Dire Department. 139.FIRE HYDRANT LOCATION IDENTIFIER. Prior to project inspection, the general contractor shall ensure theat an approved ("Blue" Dot") fire hydrant location identifier ha s been placed in the roadway as directed by the Fire Department. 140.TIMING OF REQUIRED WATER SUPPLY INSTALLATIONS. Installations of required fire service(s) and fire hydrants(s) shall be tested and accepted by the Fire Department, prior to the start of framing or delivery of bulk combustible materials. Building permit issuanc e may be withheld until required installations are completed, tested, and accepted. 141.FIRE APPARATUS(ENGINE) ACCESS ROADS. Provide access roadways with a paved all weather surface and a minimum unobstructed width of 20 feet, vertical clearance of 13 feet 6 inches, minimum circulating turning radius of 36 feet outside and 23 feet inside, an d a maximum slope of 15%. Installations shall conform with Fire Department Standard Detail s and Specifications A-1. 142.FIRE APPARATUS (ENGINE) TURN-AROUND. Provide an approved fire department engine roadway turnaround with a minimum radius of 36 feet outside and 23 feet inside. Installations shall conform with Fire Department Standard Details and Specifications A-1. Cul-de-sac diameters shall be no less than 72 feet. 143.TIMING OF REQUIRED ROADWAY INSTALLATIONS. Required driveways and/or access roads up through first lift of asphalt shall be inspected and accepted by the Fir e Department prior to the start of construction: Bulk combustible materials shall not be delivered to the site until installations are complete. During construction emergency acces s roads shall be maintained clear and unimpeded. Note that building permit issuance may be withheld until installations are completed. 144.EMERGENCY GATES/ACCESS GATES. Gate installations shall conform with Fire Department Standard Details and Specifications G-1 and when open, shall not obstruct any portion of the required width for emergency access roadways or driveways. Locks, if provided, shall be Fire Department approved prior to installation. This condition applies to single family home sites as well as gated emergency access roadways. Page 26 of 28 145.PARKING ALONG ROADWAYS. The required width of fire access roadways shall no t be obstructed in any manner and parking shall not be allowed along roadways less than 28 feet in width. Roadway widths shall be measured curb face to curb face, with parking space s based on an eight foot width. 146.FIRE LANE MARKING REQUIRED. Roadways deemed necessary to facilitate emergency vehicle access shall be identified in accordance with Fire Department Standard Details an d Specification A-6 and Local Government Standards. This condition shall apply through the length of access roads as well as at emergency access roadway gates. 147.REQUIRED ACCESS TO BUILDINGS. Provide access to all portions of all residence s within 150 feet travel distance from fir apparatus access points. 148.PREMISE IDENTIFICATION. Approved numbers or addresses shall be placed on all new and buildings in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property. Numbers shall contrast with their background. 149.EMERGENCY ACCESS ROADWAYS. Emergency access roadways shall conform to Standard Detail and Specification A-4 regarding circulation radius, gradient and pavemen t widths. 150.WATER SYSTEM. San Jose Water Company shall provide plans for the new water system to the Fire Department upon completion of engineering and system design. The applicant shall help facilitate this. TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE POLICE CHIEF: 151.**PUBLIC SERVICES AND UTILITIES MITIGATION MEASURE 4.11-3. The project shall comply with Police Depaitinent's specified basic requirements. Page 27 of 28 SECTION VI This Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Lo s Gatos on December 19, 2005, and adopted by the following vote as an ordinance of the Town of Lo s Gatos at a meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos on January 17, 2006 and become s effective 30 days after it is adopted. COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: Steve Glickman Joe Pirzynski, Mike Wasserman, Mayor Diane McNutt. NAYS: Barbara Spector ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None =tomb lay MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATO S LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA SIGNED: CLERK ADMINISTRATOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATO S LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA C:\Documents and Settings\MRasmuss\Local Settings\Temp\ShadyLane-Highlands-AP.wpd Page 28 of 28 TOWN OF LOS GATOS Exhibit A Application No.PD-04-03 Change of zoning map amending Town Zoning Ordinance Zone Change from HR 2 1/2 to HR-2 1/2: PD APPROVED by Planning Commission Date November 15, 2005 Shady Lane Water System 500 0 500 Feet • Properties with Option to Connect to Water System Exhibit C EXHIBIT B DEVELOPMENT PLANS ARE.AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW 1N THE CLERK DEPARTMENT AND WILL BE FILED WITH THE ORDINANCE UPON APPROVAL BY COUNCIL HIGHLANDS OF LOS GATOS SUBDIVISIO N TOWN OF LOS GATOS GENEPA- OWNERS& SUBDIVIDER: ENGINEER: ZONING: TOTAL LOTS: SUBDIVIDED AREA: WATER SYSTEM: SANITARY SEWERS: DRAINAGE STREET IMPROVEMENTS: EXISTING LAND USE: PROPOSED LAND USE: GAS AND ELECTRIC TELEPHONE CABLE FIRE SERVICE: ASSESSOR'S PARCEL No.: MINTYMAP N.T.S.SANDY HARRIS 906 CAPRI DRIVE CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)569-5681 MARK THOMAS & COMPANY, INC. 90 ARCHER ST SAN JOSE, CA 9511 2 (408)453-537 3 HR-2 1/2(HILLSIDE RESIDENTIAL) 0-1 DU/ACRE 19 66.28± ACRES SAN JOSE WATER COMPAN Y WEST VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT PER TOWN OF LOS GATOS REQUIREMENTS PER TOWN OF LOS GATOS STANDARD S VACANT HILLSIDE RESIDENTIAL (HR) PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC SBC COMCAS T PER SANTA CLARA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENTS REQUIREMENTS 527-09-001,004 527-12-001 PROPOSED EXISTIN G ar-n-•-a __1S'HDPE SD_ rRs55 E-~ RECEIVED INDEXOF SHEET DESCRIPTIO N 11 11E SHEET CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN SLOPE ANALYSIS PLAN LEAST RESTRICTIVE DEVELOPMENT AREA (LRDA) PLA N KEY MAP CONCEPTUAL GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN CONCEPTUAL GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN CONCEPTUAL GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN CONCEPTUAL GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN CONCEPTUAL GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN CROSS SECTIO N CROSS SECTIO N CONCEPTUAL U11UTY PLA NGUMTREE DRIVE TREE PLAN - SHADY LANE TREE PLAN - LOT 1&22 TREE PLAN - LOT 2&3 TREE PLAN - LOT 4,5.6,&7TREE PLAN - LOT 8 'TREE PLAN - LOT 9.10,11,&12TREE PLAN - LOT 13,14,15,&17 TREE PLAN - LOT 16,18,19,20,&21 LEGEND DESCRIPTION PROPERTY (BOUNDARY) UNE LOT UNE/RIGHT-OF-WAY STREET CENTERLINE RETAINING WALL STORM DRAIN UNE (SIZE & TYPE) STORM DRAIN MANHOLE SANITARY SEWER UNE (SIZE & TYPE) SANITARY SEWER LATERAL (STUB)SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE SANITARY SEWER CLEAN OUT DRAINAGE (CURB) INLET CATCH BASI N FLARED END SECTION (AT 011TFALL) ELECTRICAL POLE ROCK SLOPE PROTECTIO N CURB & GUTTER CONTOUR (ELEVATION) LIMIT OF GRADING EXISTING CREEK/DITCH FLOW UNE DRAINAGE FLOW PATH SLOPE (PERCENTAGE) FIRE HYDRANT GUARD RAIL OCT °19 2005 `--TOWN OF,;LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION P,T 5ca -3 1 INDEX MAP SCALE: 1"=200' MARK THOMAS & COMPANY, INC. Prating EEngkleeMg,$DNByI,"QOIdPoMI(IgSeMces (408)453-5373 FAX (408)453-5390 DESIGNED BY: DP DATE: 7/18/05 SCALE: AS SHOWN MT&CO. JOB N0.:23-53009 90 ARCHER STREET SAN JOSE, CA 95112 NUM DATEBY REVISIONSDATE NMI OF LOS GATOS ow) DATE DRAIN BY: OP HIGHLANDS OF LOS GATOS SUBDIVISION EXHIMMIA FILE NO. 23-53009 TITLE SHEET TOWN OF LOS GATOS 1 If INDEX MAP SCALE: 1"=200' HIGHLANDS OF LOS GATOS SUBDIVISIO N TOWN OF LOS GATOS GENERAL NOTE& OWNERS& SUBDIVIDER: ENGINEER: ZONING: TOTAL LOTS: SUBDIVIDED AREA: WATER SYSTEM: SANITARY SEWERS: DRAINAGE: STREET IMPROVEMENTS: EXISTING LAND USE: PROPOSED LAND USE: GAS AND ELECTRIC TELEPHONE: CABLE FIRE SERVICE: ASSESSOR'S PARCEL No.: 527-09-001,004 527-12-00 1 SANDY HARRI S 906 CAPRI DRIVECAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)569-5681 MARK THOMAS & COMPANY, INC. 90 ARCHER ST SAN JOSE, CA 9511 2 (408)453-5373 HR-2 1/2(HILLSIDE RESIDENTIAL) 0-1 DU/ACRE VICINITY MAP N.T.S. 19 66.281 ACRES SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY WEST VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT PER TOWN OF LOS GATOS REQUIREMENT S PER TOWN OF LOS GATOS STANDARD S VACANT HILLSIDE RESIDENTIAL (HR) PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRI C SBC COMCAST PER SANTA CLARA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENTS REQUIREMENTS INDEX OF SH FTS SHEET DESCRIPTIO N I TITLE SHEET 2 CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN 3 SLOPE ANALYSIS PLAN 4 LEAST RESTRICTIVE DEVELOPMENT AREA (LRDA) PLA N5 KEY MAP 6 CONCEPTUAL GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN 7 CONCEPTUAL GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN8 CONCEPTUAL GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLA N9 CONCEPTUAL GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN 10 CONCEPTUAL GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN 11 CROSS SECTIO N 12 CROSS SECTIO N 13 CONCEPTUAL UTILITY PLAN14 GUMTREE DRIVE 15 TREE PLAN - SHADY LANE 16 TREE PLAN - LOT 1&22 17 TREE PLAN - LOT 2&3 18 TREE PLAN - LOT 4,5,6,&719 TREE PLAN - LOT 8 20 TREE PLAN - LOT 9,10,11,&12 21 TREE PLAN - LOT 13,14,15,&1722 TREE PLAN - LOT 16,18,19,20,&21 PROPOSED EXISTIN G -_-- - a®a MM 15'HOPE SD_ ems P du 3 1n LEGEND DESCRIPTIO N PROPERTY (BOUNDARY) LINE LOT LINE/RIGHT-OF-WAY STREET CENTERLIN E RETAINING WALL STORM DRAIN LINE (SIZE & TYPE) STORM DRAIN MANHOLE SANITARY SEWER LINE (SIZE & TYPE) SANITARY SEWER LATERAL (STUB)SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE DAG SEWER CLEAN OUT •RECEIVEDDRAINAGE (CURB) INLET A CATCH BASIN 11 FLARED END SECTION (AT OIJTFALL) OC TELECTRICAL POLE 4'9 9 2005 ROCK SLOPE PROTECTION csRg-l 9 CURB & GUIILN CONTOUR (ELEVATION) TOWN OF, LOS GATOS LIMIT OF GRADING PLANNING DIVISION EXISTING CREEK/DITCH FLOW LINE DRAINAGE FLOW PATH SLOPE (PERCENTAGE) FIRE HYDRANT GUARD RAIL MARK THOMAS & COMPANY, INC. Providing Engineering, Sniveling and Planning SeMce s (408)453-537 3 FAX (408)453-5390 EXHIBITS. HIGHLANDS OF LOS GATOS SUBDIVISIO N 90 ARCHER STREE T SAN JOSE, CA 95112 NT&CO. JOB NO.:23-53000 A 1011 CF LOS GATOS (O RC)DATE DATE TITLE SHEET TOWN OF LOS GATO S NUN A DESIGNED BY:OP DRAWN BY: DP REVISION SBY DATE A DATE: 7/18/05 ASCALE: AS SHOWN FILE NO. 23-53003 LOT NUMBER BUILDABLE LOT & LANDSCAPE AREA SCENIC EASEMENT AREA (ACRES) LOT ARE A (ACRES) 1 1.081 1.15±2.23* 2 1.27±2.75±4.02± 5 0.72±1.481 2.20± 7 0.89±3.10±3.991 8 0.91±1.35±2.26± 9 1.24±1.28±2.52± 10 1.45t 0.79±2.24t 11 0.82±0.431 1.25± 12 0.96±1.85±2.81± 13 0.83±0.64±1.47± 1.4 0.74±0.66t 1.40± 15 1.07±1.131 2.20± 16 0.61±0.52t 1.13± 17 0.83±0.50±1.331 18 0.66±0.981 1.64i 19*1.07±0.751 1.82+ 20 0.581 0.641 1.22± 21 0.92±0.25t 1.17 1 22 1.47±0.62±2.09 1 19 LOTS 18.12±20.87t 38.991 PROPOSED RIGHT OF WA Y TO BE DEDICATED TO THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS TOTAL LOT AREA (EXCLUDING WATER TANK MAINTENANCE ACCESS EASEMENT) R.O.W. AREA (TO BE DEDICATED TO TH E TOM OF LOS GATOS) LANDS AREA TO BE EXCHANGED 0.46± AC FOR DIXON, MONTI, ESHKAR SCENIC EASEMENT AREA 22.05± AC (IN ADDITION TO INDIVIDUAL LOT SCENIC EASEMENT) WATER TAN KTANK MAINTENANCE ACCESS EASEMENT AREA (FOR DEVELOPMENT) SUB-TOTAL SITE AREA =66.28±AC MINIMUM LAND AREA (PER = a = greater of 0.6893-0.0117865 1 LOT) or 2.5 or 2.5 0.6893-0.011786(35.60) MARK THOMAS 8c COMPANY, INC. Provldlag Engineesirg, Stweying and Planning SeMcas 90 ARCHER STREE T SAN JOSE, CA 95112 (408) 453-5373 FAX (408)453-5390 DESIGNED BY:.DP CRAM BY: DP DATE: SCALE: MT&CO. JOB NO.:23-53009 7/18/05 INN100' A A A NUN DATE PENSIONS vymOF LOS GATOSORO DATE DATE TOWN OF LOS GATO S HIGHLANDS OF LOS GATOS SUBDMSION CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN CALIFORNIA FILE NO. 23-53009 NOTE: 1. SLOPE INSIDE BUILDING ENVELOP FOR LOTS 2,8,9,11,14,15,17,20 & 22 IS WITHIN 30% OR LESS BASED ON FIELD SURVEY (BY OTHERS). SEE GRADING PLANS FOR EXISITNG ELEVATIONS. DESIGNED BY: DP,NNN DATE BY PENSIONS TONR IT LOS GATOS (ORC)DATEMARK THOMAS & COMPANY, INC. Raiding EnGg,SuNe SuNe~ng and Planning Sates DRAWN BY: DP DATE.: 7/18/05 A DATE 90 ARCHER STREET (408) 453-5373 SAN JOSE, CA 95112 FAX (408) 453-5390 ScALE: 1'=100' A NT&CO. JOB NO.:23-53009 A HIGHLANDS OF LOS GATOS SUBDIVISION SLOPE ANALYSIS PLAN TOWN OF LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA FILE NO. 2T-53OO 9 LEGEND HISTORIC DEBRIS FLOW/LANDSLIDE. MITIGATION PER GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATION. (SEE SLIDE REPAIR DETAIL SHEET 12) HISTORIC DEBRIS FLOW/LANDSLID E (NO MITIGATION REQUIRED) SOIL CREEP AREA. NO MITIGATION REQUIRED. NOTE 1.REFER TO GEOLOGIC MAPS PREPARED BY TERRASEARC H AND STEVEN F. CONNELLY FOR SPECIFIC TEST PI T LOCATIONS AND OTHER GEOLOGICAL FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATION. 2.SLOPE INSIDE BUILDING ENVELOP FOR LOTS 2,8, 9,11,14,15,17,20 & 22 IS WITHIN 30% OR LESS PE R FIELD SURVEY (BY OTHERS). SEE GRADING PLAN S FOR ELEVA11ONS. NATURAL WATER COURSE / DRAINAGE SWALE LEAST RESTRICTIVE DEVELOPMENT ARE A (LRDA) EXISTING ROSS CREEK PROPOSED TRAIL (4' MIN.) DESIGNED BY:DP NuM DATE BY PENSIONS TOIT Cr LOS GA10S (0BC)DATEMARK THOMAS & COMPANY, IN'C.DRANK BY: DP APioMngEngu lg„figandPlamugSeMces DATE: 7/18/05 A DATE 90 ARCHER STREET (408) 453-537 3 SAN JOSE, CA 95112 FAX (408) 453-5390 SCALE: 1`=100' A MT&CO.JO B NO.: 23-5300 0 A HIGHLANDS OF LOS GATOS SUBDMSIO N LEAST RESTRICTIVE DEVELOPMENT AREA (LRDA) TOWN OF LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA FILE NO. 23-53008 nit MARK THOMAS & COMPANY, INC. PooWdlgEngInee Surveying and Planningames 90 ARCHER STREET SAN JOSE, CA 95112 (408)453-537 3 FAX(408)453-5390 HIGHLANDS OF LOS GATOS SUBDIVISION KEY MAP (FOR CONCEPTUAL GRADING & DRAINAGE PLANS) TOWN OF LOS GATOS CALIFORNI A WAN OP LOS GATOS MC)DATEB YDESIGNED BY:DP DATE NUM REVISIONS ADRAWN BY: DP A DATEDATE: 7/18/05 ASCALE: AMT&CO. JOB NO.: 23-53009 ALE NO. 23-53009 QUANTMES MAXIMUM CUT (FT) MAXIMU M FILL (FT) LAN E DAD) CUT: 2,0001 CY FILL: 650i CY NET: 1,350±CY CUT 4 4 IDS COURT CUT: 1501 CY FILL: 250*CY NET: 100*CY FILL 2 2 T CUT: 40i CY FILL: 80± CY NET 40± CY FILL 2 3 NCY ACCESS CUT: 751 CY FILL: 10*CY NET: 65± CY CUT 4 1 L FIR E ROAD CUT: 100i CY FILL: 400± CY NET: 300±CY ALL 2 5 IN POND CUT: 10± CY FILL: 15i CY NET 5*CY FILL 1 1 ANK GED) CUT: 800± CY FILL: Ot CY NET: 800± CY CUT 14 0 CUT: 0*CY FILL: 750± CY NET 750± CY FILL 0 5 CUT: 0± CY ALL: 900± CY NET: 900± CY FILL 0 5 PAI R : 10) CUT: 5,200± CY FILL: 5,200±CY NET: 0± CY FILL - CUT:8.375±CY 8,255*CY NET; 120±CY CUT CONTINENCY:24tCY(20%) RTHWORK QUANTITIES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. kY EARTHWORK QUANTITIES ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THIS ESTIMATE. TO LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR DRIVEWAY CUT/FILL QUANTITIES. MENTION BASti CRIT13GA DN BASIN :AREA DED AREA) 10,600 SF ON BASIN ,AT GRADED 4 FEET )N BASIN (AT GRADED 0.7 Ac/Ft. )N BASI N )PE 3:1 MAX TO LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR INDIVIDUAL LOT (PAD) AN DMY GRADING. VG ENVELOP CORNER ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON SURVEY (BY OTHERS). ABBREVIATION DI DRAIN INLET CdW DRIVEWAY FLOW UNE EL ELEVATION G.E. GARAGE ELEVATION HOPE HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE H.R. HIGH POIN T LP. LOW POIN T PVC POLYVINYL L CHLORID E R R S ROW RIGHT OF WAY SD STORM DRAIN SDMH STORM DRAIN MANHOLE SS SANITARY SEWER SSMH SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE SM. STANDARD TG TOP OF GRATE TYP. WITHH EX. ELECTRICAL POLE ToOTHBERE sR.ELOCATED BY LANDS OF' OAR A RLMDICIS T081 OF IDS GKKG DATE HIG17LANDS OF LOS GATOS SUBDIVISION A DATE A A MARK THOMAS & COMPANY, INC. Provirftng Engineering, Surveying and Planning Services 90 ARCHER STREET (408) 453-537 3 SAN JOSE, CA 95112 FAX (408) 453-5390 .ISEASP-EU DRAM 07 DP DATE: 7718705 SCALE 2 1--40. CCOCEPIUAL GRAMM&DRAINAGE PLAN )MARK THOMAS & COMPANY, INC. ProvirEng Engineering, Surveying and Mantling Services 90 ARCHER STREET (408) 453-537 3 SAN ,tOSE, CA 95112 FAX (408) 453-5390 E TR TO LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR INDIVIDUAL LOT (PAD) AN D VEWAY GRADING. WING ENVELOP CORNER ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ONLD SURVEY (BY OTHERS). hiroAmR ingKEilgTiIII Al suAryeS and Unprtg AservicesN Y , INC.D CE111101ED BY;W._ DRAM BY: DP A DATE 15.10F U8 081C* &CI 7ME: 18/05 A90 ARCHER STREET (408) 453-537 3SAN JOSE, CA 95112 FAX (408) 453-5390:1%40'A MT&00. MI NO.: 25•43(88 A Tnuni 11 n, nom - HIGHLANDS OF LOS GATOS SUBDMSION WADING DRNIMOE KLAN DA'IE .t,TB REFER TO LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR INDIVIDUAL LOT (PAD) ANDDRIVEWAY GRADING. 3UILDING D110,_OP CORNER ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ONMELD SURVEY (BY OTHERS). MARK THOMAS & COMPANY, INC. Providlg Engine*,Surveying and Pluming Services 90 ARCHER STREET (408) 453-5373 SAN JOSE,CA 95112 FAX (408) 453-5390 HIGHLANDS OF LOS GATOS 8USDIVSION CONCEPTUAL GRAMM GI DRAINAGE PLAN TOWN OF LOS GATOS DESIGNED BY:DP NUM DATE BY FEN9IONS TOM OF LOS 6ATp$ [qC DATE'0~ M A R N H Os A S &COMPANY , I N C.DRAWN BY A a HIGHLANDS OF LOS GATOS SUBDIVISIO N Pf0' TAE(~QI I,1M1f IQ01F~WON3!Il~$EMiC2S ,11J DATE: 7/18/05 A JNNY 458 DATE p Ha 35458 90 ARCHER STREET (408) 453-5373* x,09/30/ CONCEPTUAL GRADING & DRAINAGE PLANSAN JOSE, CA 95112 FAX (408) 453-5390~A~ 1"...40' NT&C0. JOB NO.: 23-53008 y Q "f alcv~~~TOWN OF LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA FILE a9z NOTE 1.REFER TO LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR INDIVIDUAL LOT (PAD) AN DDRIVEWAY GRADING. 2.BUILDING ENVELOP CORNER ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ONFIELD SURVEY (BY OTHERS). '.. PAD 485.0 -JW 486 Ot RETAINING' ' , :WALL UMIT OF HISTORI C DEBRIS FILQW/{ANDSUD E SLOPE REPAIR PER GEUIECHNIC&L'E IGINEER S;' R ECOMMENDA1ION.-SEE.., ;_SUDS REP IR;DEINL:; (.:'., a,. SHEEf,12, Lf OP ES IT OF HISfQRIC D) Bh(S !F~ OW~LRND;SIID(:L REPAIR;PER GEOTECHNICAL;i ENGINEERS RECOMMENDATI EET ONSEE; SLIDE REPAIR DETAIL SH 1\2i' (MIN) WIDE TRAIL . " SEEE.DETAI L NO Y 'SHEET ACCESS ROAD..:.E 12 tll STREET. (E. PROPOSED'60'ROW i ROW 30' PROPOSED 1 22'ROADWAY 132'117.5' 1 ROW SECTION D•D D-D NTS 7 SECTION AA A_ 2:1 MAX Y(. CONCRETE SWALEA--A RETAINING WALL GRADE BEAM & POS T ROW PROPOSEDI40'ROW k..7---- ROLLED CURB SLING GROUN D NTS PROPOSEDI22'ROADWAY v "'f• •t~l`(}LLiS:i-.5., ii:{i;~ii~(illiL:i~y 44a`i w: ASPHALT CONCRETE OVER AGGREGATE BASE. PAVEMENT SECTION PER GEOTECHNICAL REPORT SEMENBIBB-B NTS 6 SECTION Se NTS 9 3' LANDSCAPE VERTICAL CURB VERTICAL CURB ASPHALT CONCRETE OVER AGGREGATE BAS E PAVEMENT SECTION PER GEOTECHNICAL REPORT EXISTING GROUND ROW 1 1, J~,~~~a~~~ ~~ ~~N~7f~LX•'•X~L•l~i ry-t~~'~~a`~~v~.~. 20' 11' PROPOSED,22' ROADWAY ROLLED CUR B 3'2.5' LANDSCAPE PROPOSED4C'ROW 20' RO W 1I 'PROPOSEDI40'ROW ROW 1 20'20' SECTIONC-C C-C NTS 7 SECTION F-F F-F NTS 9 MARK THOMAS & COMPANY, INC. DESIGNED BY:DP NUM DATE BY REHSIONS TOM OF LC6 GAT OS(IMO)DATE,XFEIWapk HIGHLANDS OF LOS GATOS SUBDMSION~.,., . ppAWMBY: DP A fitt P~O?IgE11gI0ee1C(~,&N'eyngardPhn~ngSeWce sD DATE: 7/18/05 A JMMYW. SANS DATE Ia, 35458 CROSS SE~~QNS OF 90 ARCHER STREET (408)453-5373 NONE A -E,,oB/30/0 dN LSAN JOSE, CA 95112 FAX(408)453-5390 wpm;~FILE No ITTt60.JOB NO.: 93 53D00 0°~ ~"TOWN OF LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA YS-UIIUGA SECTION D-DD-D NTS 7 VERTICAL CUR B ASPHALT CONCRETE OVER AGGREGATE BASE. PAVEMENT SECTION PER GEOTECHNICAL REPORT SECTION AA NTS ROW ROW ROW I PROPOSED 40'ROW 1 20 20' PROPOSEDI40'ROW PROPOSED,22' ROADWAY 2.5' 3' INOSCWE CONCRETE SWALE-~ 2:1 MAX GRADE BEAM & POST RETAINING WALL xt 2'.3, LANDSCAPE ASPHALT CONCRETE OVER AGGREGATE BASE. PAVEMENT SECTION PER GEOTECHNICAL REPORT PROPOSED 22'ROADWAY 5' EXISTING GROUN D ASPHALT CONCRETE OVER AGGREGATE BASE PAVEMENT SECTION PER GEOTECHNICAL REPORT-- \-ROLLED CUR B VERTICAL CUR B SECTION D"D B-B NTS 6 SECTION E"EE-E NTS 9 ROLLED CURB 20' ASPHALT CONCRETE OVER AGGREGATE BASE. PAVEMENT SECTION PER GEOTECHNICAL REPORT- PROPOSEDI40'ROW PROPOSED 22'ROADWAY 20' 3' 1' -LANDSCAPE1 ,041.0 RETAINING WALL RADE BEAM & POST :1 MAX CONCRETE SWALE ROW SECTION F -F F-F NIS 9 SEC ZION C-C C-C NTS 7 MARK THOMAS & COMPANY, INC. Pra+) gErL,1eerIg,SIU NgadPIaINI)gSeNIces 90 ARCHER STREET SAN JOSE, CA 95112 (408)453-537 3 FAX(408)453-5390 DESIGNED BY: DP DRAM BY: DP DATE: SCALE: NON E MT&CO. JOB NO.: 23-53009 7/16/05 NUN A A A A DATE REASONSBY TOAM OF LOS GATOS (LAO)DATE DATE TOWN OF LOS GATO S HIGHLANDS OF LOS GATOS SUBDIVISION CROSS SECTIONS CALIFORNIA FILE NO. 23-53009 LIMIT OF HISTORIC LOOSE FILL PROPOSED BLDG ENVELOPE SECTION K-K N.T.S. ENCHIN G FINISHED GRADEE PROPOSED t18' ROW ROW J 9' SECTIONfill H-H NTS 7 SECTION I-I N.T.S. 9' ROW TYPICAL TRAL DETAIL SECTION L-L N.T.S. TYPICAL ME HYDRANT LOCATION N.T.S. N.T.S. Ali AL N.T.S. 4'MIN. TRAIL HIGHLANDS OF LOS GATOS SUBDIVISION CROSS SECTIONS TOWN OF LOS GATOS CALIFORNI A MARK THOMAS & COMPANY, INC, ProVdigEngneetilgSun+T gadPlannngSeWces 90 ARCHER STREET (408)453-537 3 SAN JOSE, CA 95112 FAX (408)453-5390 TOM 0' LOS GATOSMILD_DESIGNED BY: DP NUM DATE BY REMSIONS DATE DRAVN BY: DP DATE: 7/18/05 SCALE: NONE MT§C0. JOB N0.:23-53009 A A A DATE A FlIE NO. 23-53009 MARK THOMAS & COMPANY, INC. Prey gEgkeelrig,SungaNciR'amrlagSe Ices 90 ARCHER STREET (408) 453-5373 SAN JOSE, CA 95112 FAX (408) 453-5390 DESIGNED BY: DP DRAM BY DP DATE 7/18/05 SCALE: 1-=100' MT&CO. JOB NO.: 23-53009 DATE.BY DATE DATE TOWN OF LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA 7IE NO. 23-53009 HIGHLANDS OF LOS GATOS SUBDIVISION CONCEPTUAL U11UTY PLAN NUM A A A A LEG_END EXISTING PAVED ROAD. ROAD WIDTHS ARE AS SHOWN. t NOTES: 1 1 1 M S & C O M P A N Y I N C DESIGNED BY OP NUM DATE BY REMSIONS TOM OF LO S G ATO S IRC)DATEA S R H Kngln T O Sune M i/T A and , . Provi ng E eeftn g, Hannk)g SeMces DRAWN BY: DP A 90 ARCHER STREET (408) 453-5373 DATE: A SAN JOSE, CA 95112 FAX (408) 453-5390-60SCALE MT&CO. :A JOB NO.: 23-53009 DATE 1. EXISTING ROAD WIDTHS ARE APPROXIMATE FIEL D MEASUREMENTS ONLY PROVIDED BY OTHERS. HIGHLANDS OF LOS GATOS SUBDIVISION GUMTREE DRIVE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FILE F40. 23-53009 CALIFORNI A x x w a v 0 t m a, ID 00 N P Z D ox 0 0o Nao W I U,c~,~ w.l I w w 0 x m a,m o U) 2 C w(wrn P~,O p p w co N J- Am 2 e u DDD a aN m DO~ o o~ca<Rm ol-~ v Fio~ p ~'AO o m o o= z m HIGHLANDS OF LOS GATOS SUBDMSION TREE PLAN LOTS 1,22 TOWN OF LOS GATOS CALIFORNI A 1) EXISTNG TREES TO BE SAVED WEH TREE PROTECTION FENCENO GRADING IN TREE WELL AREA EXTREME CAUTION TO AVOID DISTURBANCE TO TREE ROOTS MATCH LINE (SEE SHEET 17) MARK THOMAS&COMPANY,INC. Pmhg EngIneerolg,Sussying and Flog SeMces 90 ARCHER STREE T SAN JOSE, CA 95112 (408)453-537 3 FAX(408)453-5390 SCALE: A MT@CO.JOB NO.:23-53009 A BY DATEDATE REVISION SNUM A TOM OFLOS GAIOS 1090)DESIGNED BY: DP A DATE DESIGNED BY: DP NUM DATE BY REMSIONS TORN OF LOS GATOS (ORC)DATE DRAM BY: DP A DATE: 7/18/05 A SCALE: 1'30' A MT&CO. JOB NO.: 23-53009 A :C14D EEXISTING TREES TTOO BE LLVIDR~TREE PROTECTION FENCEGRADING IN EE EXTREME CAUTION TO AVOID DISTURBANCE TO TREE ROOTS MARK THOMAS & COMPANY, INC. PrakIng EDglner Sng, Suneftand Pbnning Ses 90 ARCHER STREET (408)453-537 3 SAN JOSE, CA 95112 FAX(408)453-5390 DATE TREE PLAN LOT 2 TOWN OF LOS GATOS CALIFORNI A HIGHLANDS OF LOS GATOS SUBDIVISION FILE NO. 23-53009 x x w a v 0 t m a, ID 00 N P Z D ox 0 0o Nao W I U,c~,~ w.l I w w 0 x m a,m o U) 2 C w(wrn P~,O p p w co N J- Am 2 e u DDD a aN m DO~ o o~ca<Rm ol-~ v Fio~ p ~'AO o m o o= z m HIGHLANDS OF LOS GATOS SUBDMSION TREE PLAN LOTS 1,22 TOWN OF LOS GATOS CALIFORNI A 1) EXISTNG TREES TO BE SAVED WEH TREE PROTECTION FENCENO GRADING IN TREE WELL AREA EXTREME CAUTION TO AVOID DISTURBANCE TO TREE ROOTS MATCH LINE (SEE SHEET 17) MARK THOMAS&COMPANY,INC. Pmhg EngIneerolg,Sussying and Flog SeMces 90 ARCHER STREE T SAN JOSE, CA 95112 (408)453-537 3 FAX(408)453-5390 SCALE: A MT@CO.JOB NO.:23-53009 A BY DATEDATE REVISION SNUM A TOM OFLOS GAIOS 1090)DESIGNED BY: DP A DATE DESIGNED BY: DP NUM DATE BY REMSIONS TORN OF LOS GATOS (ORC)DATE DRAM BY: DP A DATE: 7/18/05 A SCALE: 1'30' A MT&CO. JOB NO.: 23-53009 A :C14D EEXISTING TREES TTOO BE LLVIDR~TREE PROTECTION FENCEGRADING IN EE EXTREME CAUTION TO AVOID DISTURBANCE TO TREE ROOTS MARK THOMAS & COMPANY, INC. PrakIng EDglner Sng, Suneftand Pbnning Ses 90 ARCHER STREET (408)453-537 3 SAN JOSE, CA 95112 FAX(408)453-5390 DATE TREE PLAN LOT 2 TOWN OF LOS GATOS CALIFORNI A HIGHLANDS OF LOS GATOS SUBDIVISION FILE NO. 23-53009 x x w a v 0 t m a, ID 00 N P Z D ox 0 0o Nao W I U,c~,~ w.l I w w 0 x m a,m o U) 2 C w(wrn P~,O p p w co N J- Am 2 e u DDD a aN m DO~ o o~ca<Rm ol-~ v Fio~ p ~'AO o m o o= z m HIGHLANDS OF LOS GATOS SUBDMSION TREE PLAN LOTS 1,22 TOWN OF LOS GATOS CALIFORNI A 1) EXISTNG TREES TO BE SAVED WEH TREE PROTECTION FENCENO GRADING IN TREE WELL AREA EXTREME CAUTION TO AVOID DISTURBANCE TO TREE ROOTS MATCH LINE (SEE SHEET 17) MARK THOMAS&COMPANY,INC. Pmhg EngIneerolg,Sussying and Flog SeMces 90 ARCHER STREE T SAN JOSE, CA 95112 (408)453-537 3 FAX(408)453-5390 SCALE: A MT@CO.JOB NO.:23-53009 A BY DATEDATE REVISION SNUM A TOM OFLOS GAIOS 1090)DESIGNED BY: DP A DATE DESIGNED BY: DP NUM DATE BY REMSIONS TORN OF LOS GATOS (ORC)DATE DRAM BY: DP A DATE: 7/18/05 A SCALE: 1'30' A MT&CO. JOB NO.: 23-53009 A :C14D EEXISTING TREES TTOO BE LLVIDR~TREE PROTECTION FENCEGRADING IN EE EXTREME CAUTION TO AVOID DISTURBANCE TO TREE ROOTS MARK THOMAS & COMPANY, INC. PrakIng EDglner Sng, Suneftand Pbnning Ses 90 ARCHER STREET (408)453-537 3 SAN JOSE, CA 95112 FAX(408)453-5390 DATE TREE PLAN LOT 2 TOWN OF LOS GATOS CALIFORNI A HIGHLANDS OF LOS GATOS SUBDIVISION FILE NO. 23-53009 :6'0 2 %f0?,it'OAK/}I50 ')(B 0AK.}151 10 044}43 9 X10 •047(}452. ... +70'04Kn40 ' x,b OAK}453 i( 2-10,1204'4 445 5 15 1s'oAK 051 . )AO'Owc,n57 3-10'S OAIC 14} 3-8 T,-4044144, tl ;; &18 9#126xtx',aaK nz7.,, ' 4112 OAK}138,'x13,044('}131%12,0Xs 10'.12'OAK }1,29 ®9':9"0AK„}133 r' -OAK}I33o .' # .4-1O ',QAk 5-19",QAK,142 `. 9 OAH,}f36. ,~, 0A K X135 •15 044}141, x10'.DAK}I61..' xl1•aAK,ns a I0',12',1+04K,}153 '•:~yi2',14091< }1,65. `. 510:,13'044.#166' x28 QAH n87' ~d10',~=12'a3';15.16•UAK'1yxo3, x,80+12",13°0A1<X202 `' . .4, 2-)6',170',1-6'ON(81i34. ''tlt6",}T*AK4201, 2-18':,OAK}340 >aL EXISTING TREES TO BE SAVED WITH TREE PROTECTION FENC ENO GRADING IN TREE WELL AREAEXTREME CAUTION TO AVOID DISTURBANCE TO TREE ROOTS DATE DATE TOWN OF LOS GATOS F4LE NO. CALIFORNIA 23-53908 90 ARCHER STREET SAN JOSE, CA 95112 (408)453-5373 FAX (408)453-5390 SCALE: MT&C0. JOB NO.: 23-53004 HIGHLANDS OF LOS GATOS SUBDIVISION TREE PLA N MARK THOMAS & COMPANY, INC. ProvkingEngineeling,Soveyinga)dPlannIngWces DESIGNED BY:DP DRAMBY: DP DATE: 7/18109 BY REVISION SDATE NUM A MANCFLOSGATOS lOTS) EGIEND )EXISTING TREES TO BE SAVED WITH TREE PROTECTION FENC ENO GRADING IN TREE WELL AREAEXTREME CAU11ON TO AVOID' DISTURBANCE TO TREE ROOTS DATE DATEREVISION SBY TORN OF LOSGATOS (MO) DATE DESIGNED BY:OP DRAV8T BY: DP DATE: 7/18/05 SCALE: MT&CO. JOB N0.:23-53009 A HIGHLANDS OF LOS GATOS SUBDIVISION TREE PLAN LOT 8 TOWN OF LOS GATOS CALIFORNI A 90 ARCHER STREET (408)453-537 3 SAN JOSE, CA 95112 FAX (408)453-539 0 MARK THOMAS & COMPANY, INC. Rating Ertglneebg, Sunvltg and Planning Serttes NUN A A A FI LE NO. 23-53009