M11-15-10 Council/Agency Meeting 12/6/10 Item # P a g e 1 MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL/PARKING AUTHORITY/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING NOVEMBER 15, 2010 The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on Monday, November 15, 2010 at 7:00 P.M. TOWN COUNCIL/PARKING AUTHORITY/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Diane McNutt, Vice Mayor Joe Pirzynski, Council Member Steve Rice, Council Member Barbara Spector, and Council Member Mike Wasserman. Absent: None. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE • Kayla Arlene Ployhar, Daves Avenue Elementary, led the Pledge of Allegiance. The audience was invited to participate. PRESENTATIONS • Mayor Diane McNutt announced that the Town has been awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting (CAFR) for Fiscal Year Ending 2009. • Steve Conway accepted the award on behalf of the Town. CLOSED SESSION REPORT • Mayor Diane McNutt welcomed Judith Propp as the new Town Attorney for the Town of Los Gatos. • Ms. Propp stated that there was no Closed Session to report for this meeting. TOWN COUNCIL COUNCIL/TOWN MANAGER REPORTS Council Matters • Vice Mayor Pirzynski invited the community to participate in the annual Silicon Valley Turkey Trot which will be held on Thanksgiving morning. Manager Matters Mr. Larson • Commented that the Town installed a new digital integrated library system for use in our Library. • Commented that the vertical steel structures for the new Library construction will be lifted into place during the next few weeks. • Commented that November 20, 2010 is the annual Senior Luncheon, December 3, 2010 is the Town's annual Tree Lighting event, and December 4, 2010 is the annual Children's Holiday Parade. P a g e 2 Did You Know?? Jessica von Borck, Economic Vitality Manager • Commented on the free valet parking and free pedicab rides throughout downtown during the upcoming holiday season. • Suggested that more information can be found by visiting the Town’s website at www.LosGatosCA.gov or the Chamber of Commerce’s website at www.LosGatosChamber.com. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Accept Santa Clara County Cities Association Bylaws. 2. Approve Council minutes of November 8, 2010 Special Meeting. 3. PPW Job No. 09-12 Fiscal Year 09/10 - Retaining Wall Replacement at Cleland Avenue 411-815-9930. Authorize the Town Manager to execute Certificate of Acceptance and Notice of Completion accepting the work of RP Engineering Company, and authorizing recording by the Clerk Administrator. 4. Hazardous Vegetation Abatement (Weeds) a. Adopt resolution declaring hazardous vegetation (weeds) a nuisance and setting a public hearing in order to hear protests. RESOLUTION 2010-103 b. Set January 18, 2011 as a public hearing date on this annual program. TOWN COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 5. Approve Council/Agency minutes of November 1, 2010 MOTION: Motion by Vice Mayor Joe Pirzynski to approve Consent Items #1-5. Seconded by Council Member Steve Rice. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. P a g e 3 VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Wright • Thanked Council and the Town for the cooperation and collaboration that the City of Monte Sereno and the Town of Los Gatos have shared throughout the years. • Congratulated the presumed new Mayor and Vice Mayor as well as the newly elected Council Members and Supervisor-Elect Mike Wasserman. Mr. Lucas • Commented that the West Valley Mission Community College District Board of Trustees has extended their congratulations to the newly elected Town Council Members and to Supervisor-Elect Mike Wasserman. Closed Verbal Communications TOWN COUNCIL OTHER BUSINESS • There was no Other Business scheduled for this meeting. APPOINTMENT OF MAYOR AND VICE MAYOR MOTION: Motion by Mayor Diane McNutt to nominate Vice Mayor Joe Pirzynski as Mayor for 2010-11. Seconded by Council Member Mike Wasserman. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Mayor Joe Pirzynski • Commented on his goals for the upcoming year as Mayor. MOTION: Motion by Mayor Joe Pirzynski to nominate Council Member Steve Rice as Vice Mayor for 2010-11. Seconded by Council Member Barbara Spector. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Vice Mayor Rice • Commented on his goals for the upcoming year as Vice Mayor. P a g e 4 Appointments – Continued Mayor Joe Pirzynski • Presented the ceremonial gavel to Former Mayor Diane McNutt and expressed his gratitude for all her work this past year as Mayor. Council Member Diane McNutt • Spoke about the Town’s accomplishments during her year as Mayor. Former Mayor’s Joanne Benjamin and Randy Attaway conducted the swearing in of Mayor Joe Pirzynski and Vice Mayor Steve Rice. Mayor Joe Pirzynski invited the community to celebrate "Democracy in Action" in the Town Council Chamber Lobby. ADJOURNMENT TO "DEMOCRACY IN ACTION." Attest: /s/ Jackie D. Rose _____________________________ Jackie D. Rose, Clerk Administrator