M04-19-10 Retreat1 MINUTES OF THE 2010 COUNCIL/COMMISSION RETREAT APRIL 19, 2010 The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Special Meeting on Monday, April 19, 2010 at 8:15 P.M. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Diane McNutt, Vice Mayor Joe Pirzynski, Council Member Steve Rice, and Council Member Barbara Spector. Absent: Council Member Mike Wasserman. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS Open/Closed Verbal Communications DISCUSSIONS This Study Session is a Retreat Format - Council held discussions with Town Commissions/Boards on the following items: 1. 2010-12 Core Value and Strategic Goals Mayor Diane McNutt commented about the Council’s core values and strategic goals for the next two years. 2. Fiscal Year 2010-11 Budget Outlook Jenny Haruyama, Finance Budget Manager made a presentation on the proposed 2010-2011 budget. Mayor Diane McNutt  Commented on the Town’s budget challenges and how important the Commissions are to the Town Council and the community. 2 Discussions – Continued 3. Council and Commission Chair Leadership Discussion on Town Priorities Commission Comments  Questioned how the Town responds to the garbage cans that are overflowing in the downtown area and around Los Gatos High School .  Commented about the General Plan and the Transportation and Parking Commission’s role with streets, roads, and crosswalks.  Questioned if there is an increased use of consultants and questioned if the Town has looked into keeping those costs down.  Questioned the decrease in the amount of Commission meeting’s and the increased attendance at community meetings.  Expressed concerns about filling vacant positions and would like to see a more aggressive recruitment process.  Questioned when the Los Gatos Boulevard plan would be coming forward.  Questioned if the strategic goals have been adopted by Counci l.  Questioned how the Commissions can more effectively achieve the goals. Mr. Larson  Commented about the Town’s operating procedures for upkeep of the downtown.  Clarified that sometimes it is more cost effective to hire consultants.  Clarified the process for contract bidding.  Commented that the Town staff has reduced costs from 6-8% in each of the last three to five years.  Clarified that the General Plan is the top priority and after that is adopted the same staff would be working on the Los Gatos Boulevard plan. Mayor Diane McNutt  Questioned how the Commissions could work together to achieve the strategic goals. Commission Comments  Complemented the Library Board on the poet laureate selection process.  Commented on incorporating the Youth Commission into youth art goals which are being developed by the Arts and Culture Commission.  Suggested having periodic multi-commission meetings. 3 Discussions - Continued Mr. Larson  Commented about the upcoming sports facility and the various Commissions’ roles with that process. Council Comments  Questioned if the Youth Commission would be interested in interacting with other commissions. Commission Comments  Commented that the Youth Commission could work to integrate the youth with goals that other Commissions are working on.  Suggested a desire to communicate among the Commissions.  Commented that if the Commissions interacted and worked on shared goals that it may save staff time.  Suggested that it would be productive if the Council attended some of these meetings.  Commented that the Sustainability Committee does provide an opportunity for multiple Commissions to come together.  Suggested sending agendas or minutes from Commission meetings to each Commission. Mr. Larson  Suggested a meeting with members from each Commission to design shared work plans. Commission Comments  Commented that these meetings need to be well planned out to be effective.  Questioned the timeframe of completion for the current strategic goals. Mr. Larson  Clarified that Council and staff are targeting completion of the current goals within two years. Council Comments  Commented that the work on the goals would be overlapping.  Commented on what it means to be a policy maker and what it means to be a volunteer or the eyes of the community.  Commented on the Commissions’ roles as members of the community.  Questioned the process to request clarification on policy issues at the Commission level. 4 Discussions – Continued Mr. Larson  Clarified that the Commissioner’s Handbook addresses the protocol for requests and for clarification from Council.  Commented that the process would begin at the staff liaison level.  Requested guidance on priority goals and which Commissions would be associated with those goals. Council Comments  Questioned if a priority list could be created. Commission Comments  Commented that a prioritized list would be helpful in achieving goals as strategic goals may change and are subject to shifting.  Commented on the importance of communication throughout the process. ADJOURNMENT AT 9:46 P.M. Attest: Jackie D. Rose, Clerk Administrator