2008-124-Adopting Revised Music In The Park Guidelines And Rescinding Resolution 2003-138RESOLUTION 2008-124 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS ADOPTING REVISED MUSIC IN THE PARK GUIDELINES AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION 2003-138 WHEREAS, the Town of Los Gatos Community Services Department and Arts Commission coordinate the production of an annual Music in the Parl< .(formerly Music in the Plaza) concert series; and WHEREAS, the Town Council adopted Resolution 2003-13$, "Resolution of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos Adopting Music in the Plaza Guidelines," at its December 3, 2003, meeting; and WHEREAS, the purpose of said Guidelines are to define the program purpose, funding, and general responsibilities; and WHEREAS, the Music in the Parlc Guidelines have been revised for adoption by COL1nC11. NnW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos (1) repeals Resolution 2003-138; and (2) adopts the revised Town of Los Gatos Music in the Parlc Guidelines attached as Exhibit A. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, California, held on the 3rd day of November, 2008, by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: Diane McNutt, Joe Pirzynski, Milce Wasserman, and Mayor Barbara Spector NAYS: Steve Gliclanan ABSENT: ABSTAIN: S BD: ~~~~~ MAY/OTC OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS I-®~S (UATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: a.L_ CLERI~~ F THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS `LOSjGATOS, CALIFORNIA Exhibit A DRAFT TOWN OF' LOS GATOS MUSIC IN THE PA12I~ G~CTIDELINES A. Purpose These guidelines identify the responsibilities of the Town of I,os Gatos Cotrununity Services Department and the Town of Los Gatos Arts Cotntnission in producing the Music in the Park {MII') stuntner concert series. MIP is a Tawn o f •Los Gatos A. its project. Together, the Community Services Department and Arts Commission shall strive to plan and produce fie- ran Havre than twelve concerts per season which; • Provide a oa~i=ten social mid-ettltl experience tln°oiagla ryr~l.asic• far Los Gatos families and ether oontmunity members; -• ;/~=ibis-a-voriet~,~--~.~~~d-a-di-var-~it3~ t~#' ettltut•~1-o~~t~tl~i~y-i~sl~}t~e c-0sr~a~-atzd-dE e Serve as a sigrratcare .serr.'es tv leverage anal sccppart. the Arts in Los G<rtar; • ~/Ieot-tl~ Delitler° the highest quality rrausical u~'+~~ae~tatrds ~ea~~er•ierrce possible <.rt. the Los C,rttos Civic Certter° lnwn; These guidelines shall serve as a i-nt~t-tea-1 guide to managing MIP; a33t1-»y~lze~mot~led =fton=-tit'==o~o-tin~e~tlz° "~~~Cotz-z~~ls~iaiz-~=~Y-at-t~~~~d• Any contemplated changes to the guidelines that might touch on Town budget or other policy issues sha11 be brought to the Town Council for its review. B. Project 1C~tyndvrg 1. ~i~rim-isii=cc~i,•,"'lvrimiy'-aii~ad-~yfei~t3nlZ~}ty-6e~i„ii;b„+;.,,~~,..,;~0.7U...The-T-~o-`v'vz=v~r~~c~iv tutee Arts Commission and etlzet=deszgyrcatecl volunteers slrcall raise, firrr.ds sarf~eient to cover ravrr-staf~ f •co,st,s, Contt7butions rrt.ade to MIS tlae Arts are deposited to the Town's General rand acrd cn•e accorrrated for separately. Funds raised by the Arts Conunission for each MIP concert series must be on deposit with the Town on or before May ~-5..1. 2. The Conztmrt7ity Services Departtztertt shall arrniccr/ly recorzztnend a an-aln~uall~roject budget sufl~zcient to cover the cost of al'1 MIP expenses to be incurred in the rre~l fiscal year. Project erperases shall be based err hr°ior• year''s expenses, plus a modest anrraral CPl inflcr.tion adju.strn~nt. The rar~rnabor ofspvrrsorships shall be lirnitecl to 4(1. 3. Tlzc Town is responsible for ercecuting all project related agreements itzcluding but not limited to per-1'ormcrs, sound technicians, printers, graphic artists and advertising. Cotzztnissiorzers should forward all docutzzeizts requiring signatures to Town staff_for hr°ocessirag~. 4.T-13e-Cetnt3zrttit3F-S or~~-slz~tll-""^Y~t~r-rat-o-ssrvis~set~--hereitz -~5-~~Z-v~`~'ii-~~3(~r.3i ni~'r~1~S~`~-ii~i~i~i~3~-~ nr o ,~Al.,+;,,n 4., .. ;~1 T.,1.. ~I~ ~3 2l-f~~H£-~i~ i-S ~3~~&3112~-: 9. After the concert series ltas been. completed c~ncl all expenses have been paid, staff lti~ill,fincali~e the project batdget ar7d calcaalate the pz•ogrxtm. balance, A por^tion of any positive grogram halcznce ma>> be clesigz~atecl. cts "excess revenarc~ "and recomnaerticled to Co~ancil.for iJaclusiori ira the Tolrrt',s Commatnity GrantPz°ogr•arrz ,for g-r•arzting to the carts cageracieslprojects serving Las Gatos resiclerats. ~~ii".~~O~il-n~fT ..., lry.,+r.rti A,-1., 17.,.,,,,,;.,x;.,,, X7,.,11 , o l'.,,,~,~ AiT~TIa f`""on'r ~31~51-17:U'SSC~$j 3'-G~.s~G3l~.Tbruii+;,~..- ~ ~~~ ,,,,,I ,, .; .1 ., .,ll~~i~t~-S°vi~r~~6@~~vCZI-1u`v°tr'81ii-u~ r~-z~A „~co. ~ » • x;1,;1;+;,,~ , ,..~9S@-~el~`spe~~~4'~'~`6Ai3ee~}f ,,, ,,~ ~~-so==se-~i-s-}~1-~i~iad. L. Town of Las Gatos Staff Responsibilities -~f~1"p ~v=dr'ii-ar~v'S-C-r~-`f3i3311~1~i~~g1'VlC-G'-5-D8p~l-i ~„• c~cxrc-~izi j-;n •,11 . ----.; ,7„ ~1.g ~cvvr~:Z`.`~~oi=v'?6~-".rkl"1-L'E?Oi'-liiu~-cii ji;.'. Lo,s Gatos stcaff'shalll~rovide the follolti~izag services in coordinating the production of Music, in the Par^Ic.• 1. Provide use of Civic Center Park for summer concert set°ies. 2. Coon°dizl.ate rdl internal coz~ir~zunicatiorrs with other Tow7a Staff and Council, 3, Pr^epar•e and execzate all contr^acls. 4. Proivide fiscal czccozzrating and management, S. C'oordinczte the proditctian of all nclvertisr'zag materials. G~~7`1 n,.,,,n ~ o „nv „~ ~,~;~. n,,,.l~ ~ ,. „ .+ +„ ~,~ lei ~ ~.,,,,., s , 49-fir,-to-7- 99 ~3~1:• fe~;~ i3~c-i~~~~-oF t-vt~el-va-(-l~},~t3i~1$a~-e-~:,,,,.~~st~-'x-'te'n-~ei~ic~-} ~//Ay~ y~~~~~~ ~F+1 iy ~, 1 -rn 1-. 1 1.1 + 7 r + ~~r~.~_ l ill T~T~: ~:11i~ t!A I.11V y7 y1 y~V VV11V V1 G~~~ s~~~c~l-lecl ler-;ffei'~>mina-f>z~ax~-ar•--lae-t~i$n~i~i~e-app~~t~t ley-tl~~ fk-ts-C-ot~-miss%oi3--aiafl-del-~x~ty-sees-Bar-e-e-t~r: v~~~~~~-ic#~use-ef~-~-e~~rsta~~;d-t~~, +„ +1,;,.f„ ism ~1,,,;,.,,~ .,,,,1~ o;z,.~~~~oat~~~bles c. P-}~~iel~-~tse-c}f~E3s-G,~tos-]~c~~©x~e~>d-C-vr-;•t-~rf'o-rr•~st~ee~~e-e-~s: [~----~Cell}3Ti111}lt el'~,~^~; C~ '1;, n+~ +l,o f:,tl Y ~ ,er ~w~13~ ~°r: >r~., ..~! ~~: ~ ~!~.,: T-ems c1~~~1~tr~r~tis-ar~~l-1,,,.,,=-~o=aior tl=e-£~c~s -asse~t~~ -way^~~==tea= • T-~3er-k~~~i~~-of~t~-ke~a~-dal-i~~t{/nts;-tal3~es; o~=ci-cl-rhrs-te-~;^r~~ r~rerl~-~asl~ ~•-~.-ss e-~~~bl-y-~l~ld-Flisas'~t~f~ta:ga ,~,• ~lo 01,,,.+t~ie-a~--ae~es~--l~~l)fl UT~' H.'a~-;;v'i-u-r~~iif~-$e~~2f~~€Gl,,,,ii~ccii ..-t,~,,, ,,,,,;,,+,,,,,,.,se-~~~ ~~~n;~~#o~,,,, „~+r,P r „n r..,+„n -~To;nl,r,orkoed trl' ~- -~~r'ea#t~-ti}ne-#;~ii#e-~'o~' „ ,,,,,,,r;~i„ n r SIP-~i7i3eG;,, ~~ ,a;~+,.;~,,,+o +„ n,.+~ ram„ .,~is:~it~o „r #, rte,.,,.,+„ .,~~~~ir~a~-C-o,,,,,,;n~;,,,,,»./r,,,,,3er1-~P,,,i.P,• r,,,,,,~,~ c;n.~ ~-,~'l~oe#; ~, p;'°pA;~e~ r~A,7„rP „~„~,.~ ,-,,,P,•~ ~,,,,,,P ,iP+o,,,,-,;,,Pa t,<, n,.+~ r,,,,,,,,;~~;,,,,~ i; ~cxr,,,•r, ,,,;+i, n,~-Alm :~~;,,,, +„ „ ,,~,`i`,~,~,~,~+eP, .<,t,~,.., „ .,,,+;,,~i ;,, +1,P ,,,,,,,a,,,,+;,,,, ~~r-~~~.nm -vl~•"+'[rv-~.iicti-i~zizi~~l~#~-~d$tlttttC6k-@i,,,it„ P„+, o~~'iv#_ T A ., „+., ~ A•77~ , ,•a ~ F';1 P „r1 , n1n+P.i „ ~ „+~ , 7~ rTii] T~,. 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'1"own of Los Gatos Arts Connnussip~>< Responsibilities The Arts Co>n]nissian o~t~-~-~~~~„ shall provide the follo~?ving services contingent upon sufficient funding to cover concert expenses as dose-r-ibot~-abe~vo. 1, Solicit sponsorships, 7. Selectperfor^mers within G~acideline specifications. 3, Assist with clisGi`°iUuGing adver°tising rnatei°ials, 4, Coon°cliraccte logistics at each MIP concer^t. G~N~It~ ,~.. T,,,,.,1.,,,,,,i~t-appro~7l-into-€E>-ltd,-n;n;,,,. n+,.n+nn;nn ; ~t~I~nc~witt] T-ex~t~~t~~~~- ar]el-P--rose-~k3t-es-te-ol~s~re-tl,~+ r~~^~s-€u~13~-fiIl]c~t:;~1- ~. Tl,•nf+.~..~i3t--L~}7]3~~G-~t3fl13-fol~t~-~PC~1€~-EI.13Ei-c~~3~Ti'OVl~; +~COoi'f~lk]t~+o „-, ~,.,.b, n„rl; n~"~t.I,•~,' ~,'~1~~ n+ A ~7T~ „~,• f ,•173 f~]NES-c15-i3p~7t'o}71=i•ct '~, - ~'-v~z'.vc`Ii$ ~vlll~i]12"-~i~irca1iiiiv-St3L~~'i~-IC=d~~t~1-gI3-&t6C-~t~H-S]3}3t3e3t-A<I~'-. ~l. ~>:rr~rit-III? 3'-T o,a no T~ ~ , ~ n ~ l ,.,~to~e~oi]~3~~3]t3T ~el~~zt'r ~ ~-nsi]t foi i~veiehfg-anal-t};3~]x~;: N:\CSbUV1USIC 1N THE PAltIClMusic in the Pnrk\DRAPT M1P Guidelines.docl0/36!2008 Page ~ ,~, °;r f ~--G~~k~-.`,n~=~~~=~~~a.~:~er•-~~~ I~p-~l~aet , ~l.>1..~,u~; .,..~e~s- -~.8E3~-~$2•n,,,;nn;r,,,o,. F ,. ,_,"r.12-C-E313661-4'y 7 ~".~ ran„~,,,,;"";n,,,,,-;r,,.,,np613~ul~31f' .,~~c~c-~p-i1~I-fin I,n,,,,n "+r.r,,;ni,1,,,,•1,op,~ r~,,,,+~,.,1,~-~,.;a",.1,~fc~ra ~ r1; n+,,;1,,,+~ GneC-k~u--~6-~ n,Tz- oiiz-rcr~-Lrl-ld-sol~Il~l +°"_cccinii~zicii ~ ;"+.,.;+1, . n+,,,, n., r1 ~2~P-~v., n~Ft,n",,;+"1:+,,+oF+" +^1,10" ",,.1 n1,";,." -~-~°ci ipi`v YC--'~r."n .,.;+1,;,, 1,,. "~Y.;+"1;+,. +o„+ ~_,_._o~nnr~ T~iT'7~~~~no,•+„~ ;n+,•nr~„nn .,o,•~ vrnnrn n„rr~.•~~~~Z~,~,r. T A r,,,,t, o,•" • r A +1, "„1r "++n„r7;,, R r R..r--.~„-~;,-m-r-r,.- c a ,+n n,h n++o„~~I~a~epelfi , o1I" "~cv°~idllTly6•o n+;. n}.nr+ +n~,~ I~i~-n,•„in_rz-vin 1~~,.on ",~7 " . ~lr,lli~ti~ „" ,. >nrl +n ~T~;~~-1.tlo~=~io0~`~3~ a~~~1=~Z311~i/-i~3£~-p~1~114~-3 ~~:~i~-f61 Z;1~~~•„~~ "nl,nr7„1o ., nn,7n~i{-C-"v'rYr"v'-n°iic ii=rrvrr-- •,""~f-?X25-i{17{~3f=•Hii~i(?1riE3Hs'il „"z-~a~1c^vr3-Pri-iir'~°.z~i-°ccc: ~: ~o~~c-~i~tt~~ci-~~s~pei~t~or~; --~~llo}ru~~-ail-appfi~~ir~g-baFac~-sele~a-: :'~r.----n'e-pare-sc~ie-e~i}~e D-zcoii^v~I-`~s-&F3f~-p~i~81t13€~s;-pI•n<,;~70 ~+„ff,,,;+1, ~C-11£~le-c~Iif~- ~erl€sl~e~-fc~r--eael3-'e}t~e~ , a- ~~o=:?-~llatio~~i#1~-std-f-cleve-lop-a rrra~-lFeti-I~g;-s~r'a~ogy w13ic1~-sol3s~e~-:s-tl~~tts~_.-- o#=~c~~t~p~og}~~~3:~j uF~l3-t~p~es~-a~•ve~.,i~;; a~-o1l~el=•-13t~etie~l-i#e~r~ 1~--~}2-~I#~-p~br,n ...~~-xvi~~,~'e~-~6~c~i~~#Ijbj~-~ ---• E~oe~i~,~~-i~~x~orlfi:~t~e~l-0f' ~~ee-~~c1~e~-fii~il~i~I-~l~e-Lo~~#os-wee-lck~'I'i~~le~- app~-<>pz~i;~tE{i,°~ ; oo~;~tt~Ii#-~1~~:3~k~i~-~e~r•~; E~- airi'~1,,,+o Td7b „r;"+n}~~~~8-~t1j-8i'-r~pAHSA1-S-Et13f~-8i~~•~^T.zci 13ess~n .,+ 1 o n+ +„ „-v~eel~s-p~ioi tE~--t~Cn ,,,.+. ,, ~ , +1, ^ r~ ~~ r~P-1••~IECS-~~°-.piti•-+s'iiivn~x of i1,.,"„ +1, "+ „ „~t~~elC~ ~6. ~„ .~.$~:;L,,~+i°v~''n"Q~ciuiiv-ai ci£€U~i~ElE~9 •. " !" „1; „~~~-&~ ]~~-~?-8411G61~ ~~Ti03=-~6-~~e~`rx=&tti^-'c`~iiv~2'~p1t~Et13t~-Cy-el~#i3lli,;+„ C+,,,., ri n o" rie~~,i+ti~,,,'s+ f~2e~r„1 o~=~~-~.,~iy'-iv''xii - v1-e~61~-E6i3eeT~. 4. ~'-~' -Olga--VO~~IT~±'~Itz; ~. €~i3fi-llae-~~p-c~~~pll~rs uF~iea-c-#.i~l-~I~-t~-~~~a~li~st~o~r~I~P ea1~~~ v~x: ^•~1~=,~~-~*~~~-~=l=-tt~-~rs~~Eat~l~~le~1 of ~1-1-~p "+n ,.,,1,,,1~oI- i' ' A e-11k61~i" „+ ~F v,,,, F T ~('!vcs+va ~r v11117t~L-1~-Y~)~3~1Gc`~t~fjy~d' ' 80-9 ~~l~i-k-t3 ;-mac-1-~o~lr,,,~-~tpe~sate3a-D~"; ~-„,~.nR~ oH~: N:\CSDIMUSIC IN T1ifi PARK\Music in the P~irklDRAi"I' MTP Guidelines,docl(?/30/2008 Page 5 Summary Notes Attaclunent 2 Arts Commission Meeting September'[7, 2008 Meeting Purpose and Objectives (stated in advance on the agenda) ^ Purpose; To review the 200.8 Music in the Park summer series and explore the role of MIP within the Arts Commission and in relation to the Town of Los Gatos. • Objective ~: Debrief the 2008 MIP summer series M Objective 2: Discuss how MIP fits within the scope of the Commission ^ Objective 3: Assess the relationship between MIP and the Town • Objective 4: Plan for next facilitated Arts Commission meeting Introduction Activity: UlChat Commissioners enjoy Most about M1P • Creating community and giving back to the community • Making people happy ^ Providing a place for families to be together y >Txpressions of appreciation from the community debrief 2008 MIP • Strengths and successes o Tribute band concept o Turnout/crowds o The community loved it o Music quality o Support from Town staff o Garbage control and recycling a Sponsorships o The Cash biography o The flexibility and responsiveness of the Arts Commissioners o The dedication of the Arts Commissioners (in time and energy) Challenges and concerns o Managing the size of the event. Arts Commissioners agree that MIP should not grow beyond the 2008 attendance, which was large by historical standards. o Monitoring blankets/adapting to the new ordinance. Arts Commissioners agree that they should not have to assume a police role in enforcing ordinances, rules and policies. o Marketing that targets L.os Gatos residents exclusively. o Sound quality/sound engineer, M!I' and the Arts Commission • Goals of MIP o To provide a rich experience for the community o To achieve excellence in providing a quality product o Target and attract Los Gatos residents o Maintain the size at current levels, or less ^ How M{P fits within the scope of the Arts Commission's work o AC is known for MIP o M1P expends most of its time and resources on MIP Ideas to expand the role of the Arts Commission o Leverage MIP to create awareness of other Commission programs, Los Gatos museums .and other arts groups and .programs in the Los Gatos community. Far example, 'use the tent at MiP to market other arts groups and programs v Engage in collaborative efforts with other art groups and programs o Note: The goals, objectives and activities of the Arts Commission as stipulated in the AC Master Plan .include all "arts programs and prgjects," so expanding the role beyond MIP is expected. Proposed Action Items • Consult with the Town Attorney to determine the extent to which, if at all, the Arts Commission can be involved in the selection of the sound engineer. As a starting point, the Commission will need to review sound specifications and be clear on the sound requirements that are needed. Work to streamline the MiP process. Begin by developing a written document that describes all of the steps necessary to plan and implement MIP, including a timeline with key dates. Clarify with Council the MIP guideline that the concert series should "Exhibit a variety of styles and diversity of cultural origins that may include costume and dance." For example, does that mean diversity as it is reflected in Los Gatos? • Consider increasing the number of sponsorships and the dollar amount donated. This is part of a larger effork to .create a budget that will enable MIP to be financially sustainable. ^ Post signs at concert events that are consistent and clear regarding rules and policies (i.e. ordinance restricting blanket use). • Review the grant program with an eye toward infusing it with new ideas and people. Attachment 3 NI•C7STC IN THE PARK BUDGET SUiVdIVIARY Following is a sunuliary of MIP revet~.ues from the 2002 to 2pp8 Conceit Series: 2002 2003- 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 TOr 7anizations/13usiuesses $25,850 $28,850 $24,700 $28,700 $36,250 $36,300 $47,250 Individuatls $3,190 $5,717 $8,310 $3 485 $9,610 $11,550 $9,SSU Nnrnl~er of S onsorslii .~s (1) 20 + 5 22+2 19 + 4 19 +2 32 + 26 35 + 10 40 + 18 Other (2) ,$1,770 $5,287 $2,442 $8,388 $5,116 $3,035 $2,697 Number oi' Couccrts (3) 12 + 1 10 + 1 8 + 2 8 -I- 2 9 + 2 9 -F 2 10 Totalltevenues: $30,810 $39,853 $35,452 $40,574 $50,976 $50,885 $59,447 iVetReven~~es; $948 $10,929 -$2,435 $1,423 $11,537 $9,377 .$7,166 Reserve carry-over $28,370 $35,536 Fallowing is a. summary of MIP expenses froth the 2002 to 2008 CoTZCert Series: 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Band/Sound $17,813 $18,418 $21,904 $24,907 $27,900 $30,90p $33,665 Marketing $6,116 $4,131 $8,166 $5,406 .$4,706 $3,255 $5,844 Labor $4,646 $4,397 $4,762 $6,794 :$4,185 $6,105 $6,325 lees ~ Licenses $720 $1,038 $1,469 $1,328 $1,578 $528 $537 Supplies/Misc. $567 $939 $1,586 $717 $1,071 $720 $5,960 Totals ~xpenscs: X29,862 $28,924 $37,887 $39,151 $39,439 $41,508 $52,331 IJnreimbursed S[aff time $11,360 $9,114 $9,891 $12,279 $14,000* $16,000* `T'otal Expenses rv/Stai'f time $40 284 ~b47,001 $49,042 $51,718 $55,508 $68,331 (l.) Total number of gold iirzd platinum level sponsorships phrs silver sponsorships (2) Grant avvarcl ~rntl rxierchandise sales (3) Number ol• concerts plus July 4th ~Esf:irxaated figures Sponsor•slrip fee; 2002 - $1,200 2005 ~ $1,250 2006 - $250 (silver sponsors added) 200'7 ~ $1,500 (opening/closing added) N:\CSb\MUSIC IN'I'i-iF PARK\Music iii the Yarkl]~Iistarical Researoh\1vfiP ReseAi•ch Tables,doc