2008-062-Approving An Agreement For Professional Consultant Services With Geomartix Consultants, Inc. For Geology And Geotechnical Peer Review For Private Development ProjectsRESOLUTION 2008-062 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS APPROVING AN AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL CONSULTANT SERVICES WITH GEOMATRIX CONSULTANTS, INC. FOR GEOLOGY AND GEOTECHNICAL PEER REVIEW FOR PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Council to secure professional consultant services to provide assistance to the Town in the implementation of tasks related to the geology and geotechnical peer review for private development projects; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has selected the firm of Geomatrix Consultants Inc, to provide professional services in connection with the geology and geotechnical peer review for private development projects; and NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED that the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos hereby approves the attached Agreement for Professional Services with Geomatrix Consultants, Inc. to provide professional services in connection with the geology and geotechnical peer review for private development projects for a period of two years; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement on behalf of the Council. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council held on the 2nd day of June, 2008 by the following voter COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: Steve Glickman, Diane McNutt, Joe Pirzynslci, Milce Wasserman, and Mayor Barbara Spector NAYS ABSENT: ABSTAIN: GATOS ATTEST: n o~.~G+~-.c_. E OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CAL,IF'ORNIA SCOPE OF WORK Geomatrix will peer review development applications for the 't'own Engineering and Cozruntuity Development Departments. Eeview wlll foCl13 on the geologic and geotechnical aspects of geology and geoteclnr~ical reports, plans, design calculations, and other data necessary for private development within the Town. Given the location acid seismic environrrnent of the `t'own, the primary geologic, geoteclmical and seismic issues to be addressed are: 1) potential fox' earthgnullce groiuid shalcitrg and the secondary effects of; 2} potential far ground surface rupture; 2) potential for seismically-induced landslidir~rg; 3) potential for seisrnically~induced liquefactions, all mandated for review by the State. ether significant issues to be addressed during project review include: 1) grading; 2} slope stability; 3) expansive soils and bedrock; 4) erosion and sedimentation; 5) settlement; and 5) the design of foundations, walls, and flatwon•lc. . Peer review will occtu early in the planning approval process in order to identify and address potential development constraints. The goal is to protect public health at~nd safety fluough irnplernentation of tlne Tawn Seismic Safety Element of the General Plan, applicable Ordinances of the Town Ivlunicipal Code, and tluough administration of State and local laws, regulations, and policies. E~IIBIT A GEOMATRIX CONSULTANTS, INC, SCHEDULE OF Cl,'IARGES ,.~.~~~ ~~- Effective January 2S, 2008 The Schedule of Charges applies to all services provided by and/or through Geomatrix Consultants, 'The schedule of chargesmay be revised periodically, as conditions require. LAT30R: Labor charges are for teclvtical work, including technical typing, editing, and graphics involved hr the preparation of reports and correspondence and for the tune associated with pt'oduction ofsuch documents, Direct charges are not made for secretarial service, office management, accounting, and maintenance, because these items are included in overhead. Labor category charge rates for Geomatrix Consultants, Ina are listed below. Regional and other flictors may influence rates charged For certain individuals, Rates for individuals will he provided on request• LABOR CATEGORY HOtIItLY RATS Principal $210 - 350 Senior Consultant 210 - 350 Senior Decision Analyst 2] 0 - 300 Senior lI 190 - 210 Senior I 180 GIS Programmer/Web Designer 140 Project II 136 Project I 126 Field Engineer 115 Staff II 1 l S Staff I 105 Senior' Technician 90 Field Technician 8S CAD/Graphic Designer 93 Pr-ojcct Assistant 73 Technical Ltditor 88 Support Staff GS Time spent in travel in the interest of the client will be charged at hourly rates, except that no more than 8 howl of travel time will be charged hi any day. When it is necessary for an employee to be away from the office overnight, actual costs, or a negotiated rate, will be charged for livh~g expenses. Employee expenses will be charged at cost plus 15%, Charges for expert winless services will be at the hourly rates shown. However, for depositions and for court appearances, the rate is twice the amount shown. There will be a 4-hour minhnum per-day charge for depositions and an 8-hour minimum per-day charge for covet appearances. Special accounting services will be hilled at the Support Staff rate. COMMUNICATIONS CIIARGE: Four percent (4%) of Labor charges for routine photocopying, regular mail postage, and faxJtelephone/cellular phone usage. OUTSIDE SERVICES: Outside services wip he charged at cost plus 15%. Cmrunon outside itenvs include; consultants, drilling services, laboratory testhig, equipment and vehicle rental, printing and photographic work, postage and shipping, conference calls, travel attd transportation, REIMBUILSABLES: Non-routine Photocopies $0.12/sheet Specialized Computer Applications $25.00/hour Field equipment, vehicles, specialized reproduction On request INVOICES: Invoices will be rendered at least monthly, either as a final or partial billing, and will be payable upon receipt. An additional late payment charge of 1 1l2% per month or the rnaxhnum charge allowed by law, whichever is less, will he payable on accounts not paid within 30 days &•om billing date, Geomnll•tti Cortstrltauts is rutF.9un! Oppa•leurlty/~Iffr~nmlive Action Employer, and rrs sareh adhel'es to ali applicable federal, sinle, mid local Imvs mul regulnli0lrs in this regm•d. ~XH~~ Ti\firm ~igmt\corporate\schedules of chnrges4SCHOFC]{G-1-25-Q8_FINAL;doc rage r or ~