2008-021-Delcaring Election Results Of The Presidential Primary Election Of February 5, 2008RESOLUTION 2008-021 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS DECLARING ELECTION RESULTS OF THE PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY ELECTION OF FEBRUARY 5, 2008 WHEREAS, a Presidential Primary Election was held in the Town of Los Gatos on Tuesday, the 5th day of February, 2008; and was conducted in form and manner as required by the law of the State of California governing the elections of General Law Cities and, WHEREAS, Jesse Durazo, Registrar of Voters of Santa Clara County, has declared that at the Statewide Presidential Primary Election held on February 5, 2008, and consolidated therewith, a Presidential Primary Election was held in the TOWN OF LOS GATOS for the purpose of voting on two (2) initiative measures in the Town of Los Gatos and, WHEREAS, the results of said Elections were canvassed by the Office of the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters in accordance with applicable provisions of the California Elections Code and, WHEREAS, the Statement of Votes Cast and final official summary results (Exhibit B ), attached to the Certification (Exhibit A ), shows the whole number of votes cast for each measure in said Town and in each of the respective precincts and, WHEREAS, the total number of registered voters was 16, 647 and the total number of votes cast, including Vote by Mail and write-in ballots for MEASURE C was 11,440 AND MEASURE D was 12,164. That the measures voted far, and the number of votes received for each of said measures in each of said precincts, together with the Vote by Mail votes, write-in votes, together with the whole number of votes which they received in the entire Town of Los Gatos are as shown in Exhibit B. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Jackie D. Rose, Clerk Administrator Town of Los Gatos hereby certify the election of: Measure C -Shall the office of the Town Treasurer and Town Clerk be appointed? And Measure D -Shall the Town of Los Gatos construct and operate a skatepark for the free use of its citizens on its Miles Avenue property, in general conformance with the plans and specifications .approved by the Town. The one-time cost of design and construction shall be no more than $1,000,000 and shall be paid from existing town funds. The cost of operating the skatepark shall be no more than $50,000 per year? These costs shall be reduced by any contributions made by others, such as the $100,000 offered by the City of Monte Sereno, or other valuable contributions. RESOLVE FURTHER, that the Clerk Administrator shall enter upon the records of this Council the results of said Presidential Primary Election. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, California, held on the 17 day of March, 2008 by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: Steve Glickman, Diane McNutt, Joe Pirzynski, Mike Wasserman, and Mayor Barbara Spector NAYS: None ABSENT: ABSTAIN: c~=~ YOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST ``~..~. C OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION RESULTS STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ss. I; Jesse Durazo, Registrar of Voters of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, hereby declare: 1. A Presidential Primary Elections was held in the County of Santa Clara, in the Town of Los Gatos, on February 5, 2008 for the purpose of submitting the following measure to the voters: . C Shall the offices of Town Clerk and Town Treasurer be appointive? 2. The official canvass of the returns of the election was conducted by the Office of the Registrar of Voters in accordance with the appropriate .provisions of the Elections Code of the State of California. 3. The Statement of Votes Cast, now on file at my office, shows the whole number of votes cast for Measure C in each of the precincts and the total shown is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and Official Seal this 4th day of March, 2008. 'r.z3 ,~ ..~. ,,j~ .ry. ,,,! 9. c;a Je se uraz , Registr Voters ;~~ ;,~{. ~• i~,;'° ,. EXHIBIT A Santa Clara County Presidential Primary 2/5/2008 Final OTtlclal Results a Town of Los Gatos Measure C -Town of Los Gafos O Q 2 !A w ac - U FN- O .~ 4 m o j O 2 ~ 1- ur (7 N J O c , U m a o w ~ > o z PCT 9726 S Prechcl Reporting 866 200 23 1°~. 83 85 Vde oY Mal Reporting 866 403 46 5 % 226 135 PCT MAIL 3727 PrecncGReparUng 0 2 0 0% 2 0 Vde W Mai Reporting 0 0 0 0% 0 0 PCT 3728 Precinct Repating 1946 436 22 4°r< 203 174 Vde by Mal Reporting 1946 1079 555°(, 6I2 373 PCT 3729 Prec'rtcl Repof6rp 1474 383 26-0°4 222 117 Vde byMal Reporting 1474 773 52 a% 4fi3 257 PCT J732 Praincl Repoqug I1B7 260 219°/, 12fi 95 Vae 6y Mad Reporting 1167 599 50 5% 333 212 PCT 3733 Praiwt Reporting 1321 362 28.9% 199 WB VdeW Mae Repcx9ng 1321 592 44 8 % 33fi 221 PCT 3734 Precnct Repatirg 1574 397 25.2% 206 140 Vde SY Mad.Reponing 1574 820 52 1 % 492 251 PCT MAIL 3736 Precnct Reporting 2 2 100.0°l 1 1 Vae a7 Mad Reputhg 2 0 0.0% 0 0 PCT 3737 Proc'rct Reporting 777 965 21.2 % - 85 54 Vde by Mal Reportrcq 777 440 57 7 % 272 141 PCT 3741 S Prec'nd Reponting 1211 243 20.1 % 132 83 PCT 3741 S Vde 6Y Mail Repatirg 1211 693 572 % 385 233 PCT 7749 - ~ Precnd Reporting 1340 315 23 5% 156 121 Vda try Mai RepdGrg 1340 643 48.0°6 379 216 PCT 3750 ~ PrecncT.Repd'tirg 599 204 341% 90 82 - vae try Mai Reposing 599 238 39.7 % 129 95 PCT MAIL 3752 ~~ Precinct Reporting 17 1 I 64 7% 6 1 Vote W Mal Reporting 17 0 0.0% 0 0 PCT 3760 Precitot Repatinq 980 252 25 7% 117 46 r ~ ~ Vde b/ Mao Reporting 980 478 46 B% 2B2 150 PCT 3767 PreciwY Reporting 1342 387 20.8% 210 128 Vde lry Mail Retwrtug 1342 607 45 2% 349 204 PCT 3774 Precitcl Reporting 1161 300 25.4% 147 124 Vde W Mai Reporting 1181 620 52.5% 372 204 PCT 3T75 Pnecktd Reportirg 1029 226 22.0% 135 66 Vae W Mai Reporting 102 532 - 51.7% 330 153 GRAND TOTALS 16;84 6 12 69 0 75.3°/ . 7,08 0 4.360 CERTIFICATE OF ELECTI®N RESULTS STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ss. I, Jesse Durazo, Registrar of Voters of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, hereby declare: 1. A Presidential Primary Elections was held in the County of Santa Clara, in the Town of Los Gatos, on February 5, 2008 for the purpose of submitting the following measure to the voters: D Shall the Town of Los Gatos be required to construct and operate a skatepark for the free use of its citizens on its Miles Avenue property, generally conforming with plans and specifications approved by the Town, the one-time cost to design and construct not to exceed $1,000,000, paid from existing Town funds, the annual operating cost not to exceed $50,000, said costs to be reduced by any valuable contributions made by others? 2. The official canvass of the returns of the election was conducted by the Office of the Registrar of Voters in accordance with the appropriate provisions of the Elections Code of the State of California. 3. The Statement of Votes Cast, now on file at my office, shows the whole number of votes cast for Measure D in each of the precincts and the total shown is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and Official Seal this 4th day of March, 2008. ~n~'~~ (~, '!~Jp~( , r ~ ~ tti ~t j1 a ~ 1~~ ,., ~ , '. r , rI ,~ ~ dF,, ~, s' s e Durazo, e ' r of Voters San[a Clar .unty Presidential Primary 2/5!2008 Final OfticlalRrasutts ~q Town of Los Gatos Measure D Town of Los Gatos ~~, I Z a ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ •• N D W O J O C t° o a `~Y Z PCT 37265 Precv+d Hepor4rg 856 200 231°e 96 B2 Vde W MaA Reposing 886 403 465 % 162 218 PCtMAIL 7727 Precr+crAepating 0 2 00% 2 0 Vde by Mail Repcxtirq 0 0 0 0°•0 0 0 PGT 3726 Prac'nct Reparlirg 1946 436 22.4 % t i B 275 Vaa try Ma,l Reporting t 946 1079 55 5°., 262 790 PCT9929 Precinct Repatirp 1474 303 26 0 % 156 211 Vde try Idatl Reporting 1474 773 52 4 % 2B3 455 PCT 3732 Prec++cl Reporting 1187 260 21 9°.6 84 162 Vde oY Mad Reporlirq 1 1 B7 599 50.5°, 159 424 PCT J73J Predict Reporting 1321 382 28.9 % 140 228 Vaa W Mal Reposing 1321 592 44.0 % 153 426 PCT 373a Precinct Repaving 1574 397 25 290 150 226 Vde W Mdd,Peponing 7 574 B20 52 1°: 229 563 PCT MAIL 3736 Prac'net ReparGng 2 - 2 100 0% 0 2 Vae 6Y Mail Reporting 2 0 0 0% 0 0 PCT 3737 Precinct Reporting 777 165 21 2% 51 100 Vde try Mal Reporting 777 448 57 7% 134 299 PCT 374t S Precmd Repaving 1271 243 20 1 % ~ 97 l33 PCT 3741 S Vde ty Mail Reporting 1211 693 57.2°/ 187 479 PCT 3749 Precinct Reporlrtg 1340 315 23 5 % 132 160 Vae try Mail Regaling 1340 643 48.0% 213 414 PC7 3750 Precinct R~tin9 599 204 34.1 % 94 91 Vaa W Mao ReporWg 599 238 39 7% B5 146 PCT MA1L 3752 Preci+d RePatkg 17 11 64.7% a 7 ~; Vae W Mad Repatug 17 0 0.0% 0 0 PCT 3760 Pracncl Relxirting 98D 252 25.7% 85 151 Vaatry Mail Reposing 980 478 48.8% 126 331 PCT.3767 ~ Precinct Reporting 1342 387 28.8 % 177 190 Vaa IN Mad Repotting 1342 607 45.2% 215 373 PCT 3774 ~ Precnct Reporting i I B t 30 0 25.4 % 11 2 170 Vde W Mad Roporlinq 178 1 $2 0 52,5 % 24 0 363 PCT 3775 PrecitcCRepatirg 102 9 22 6 22.0% 7 3 '144 Vae W MaA Aepat'rg 102 9 S3 2 51.7 % 14 4 37D GRAND TOTALS 16,84 6 12,69 0 75.3% 4,16 3 8,001