2009-140-Initiating Reorganization For Americh Road No. 2RESOLUTION 2009-140 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS INITIATING THE REORGANIZATION OF THE UNINHABITED TERRITORY KNOWN AS "ARNERICH ROAD N0.2" TO THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS, SETTING THE MATTER FOR A HEARING ON FEBRUARY 1, 2010, DIRECTING MAILING, POSTING AND PUBLISHING OF NOTICES OF THE HEARING, AND INITIATING AN URBAN SERVICE AREA AMENDMENT (APNS: 537-11-009, 537-11-030, 537-17-005, 537-17-015, 537-17-018, 537-17-020, 537-17-021, 537-17-024, 537-17-027, 537-17-032) FILE #AN08-003. WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos has received a request for annexation of territory designated "Arnerich Road No. 2" from Robert L. Puette; and WHEREAS, the property (APNS: 537-11-009, 537-11-030, 537-17-005, 537-17-015, 537-07-018, 537-17-020, 537-17-021, 537-17-024, 537-17-027, 537-17-032) totaling 63.7 acres, more or less, is within 300 feet to the Town of Los Gatos along a public street and is within its urban service area; and WHEREAS, the following special districts would be affected by the proposal: Santa Clara County Library Service Area and Santa Clara County Lighting Service Area; and WHEREAS, the annexation would provide for use of Town services; and WHEREAS, this territory was pre-zoned over 25 years ago to Town of Los Gatos prezoning HR-20 (Hillside Residential, 20 to 160 acres for each dwelling unit) and RC (Resource Conservation); and WHEREAS, the Town of Los Gatos, as Lead Agency for environmental review for the reorganization has determined annexation of the subject property is exempt for the California Environmental Quality Act guidelines, pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3); and WHEREAS, the County Surveyor of Santa Clara County has found the map and description (Exhibits "A" and "B") to be in accordance with Government Code Section 56757, the boundaries to be definite and certain, and the proposal to be iri compliance with LAFCO's road annexation policies; and WHEREAS, as provided in Government Code Section 56757, the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos shall be the conducting authority for a reorganization including an annexation to the Town; and WHEREAS, the territory is uninhabited and some owners of land included in the proposal may make written protest to this annexation; and WHEREAS, Government Code Section 57008 provides that anon-100% consent annexation requires a public hearing to conduct protest proceedings; and WHEREAS, the Town of Los Gatos and Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District desire to maintain the existing positive relationship between the Town and the District; and, WHEREAS, Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District, desires to remain under the jurisdiction of the County of Santa Clara for the following reasons: (1) the area is dedicated open space requiring no municipal services; (2) the Town will not suffer any fiscal loss because open space properties provide no value for tax collection; and (3) it is more efficient for the open space preserve which the properties are a part of to remain under one jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, although the subject annexation does not create an area in which it would be difficult to provide services, an Urban Service Area Amendment ensures that the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District properties remain under the jurisdiction of the County of Santa Clara and that no island is created as a result of the subject annexation; and, WHEREAS, Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District has agreed to provide fees required by the Santa Clara County Local Agency Formation Commission ("LAFCO"); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos hereby initiates the reorganization of the uninhabited territory known as "Arnerich Road No. 2" to the Town of Los Gatos, setting the matter for a hearing on February 1, 2010, and directing mailing, posting and publishing of notices of the hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Council of Los Gatos hereby initiates an Urban Service Area Amendment to exclude APNs 575-04-O1 l and 575- 05-001 from the Town's USA and requests LAFCO approval of the USA amendment. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council held on the 21st of December, 2009, by the following vote: AYES: Joe Pirzynski, Steve Rice, Barbara Spector, Mike Wasserman and Mayor Diane McNutt NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SIGNED: ~~GGI~ / l'' ~/V MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: e LERK F THE TOWN ~OF LOS GATOS L TOS, CALIFORNIA -~~ EXHIBI'C "A" ARN>=RiCN ROAD ANNEXATION N0.2 ANNEXATON TO THE TOWN OF L05 GATOS GEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION OF °AREA A° (NORTH OF ARNERICH ROAD) All that celiain real property situate in a portion of Sections 24 and 25, Township 8 South, Range 1 West, Mounl Diablo Base and Meridian, in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: ' BEGINNING at the most Northeasterly Corner of Arnerich Road Annexation No, 1 to the Town of Los t3atos; . Thence, (1) Souih 81° 15' 00" East 26x.93 feet; Thence, (2) Souih 82° 00' 00" East 897.00 feet; Thence, (3) North 48° 45' 00" East 78.33 feet; Thence, (d) North 00° 30' 00" West f 64.82 feat; 'thence, (5} North 77° 53' 55" East 50.08 feet to a point on the southerly boundary line of Hioks Road Annexation No. 4 to the Town of Los Gatos, also being the southerly right-ot-Way line of Shannon Road; Thence, (6) South 44° 09' 30" East 87,74 feet along said southerly boundary Ilne of Hicks Road Annexation No. 4; Thence, (7) South 72° 56' 16" East 259.42 feet; Thence, ($) Norih 84° 03' 22" East 205.63 feet; Thence, (9} North 76° 3'2' 45" East 145.38 feet; Thence, (10) South 45° 55' 21" East 320.99 teat; Thence, (11) South 00° 33' 24" West 166.18 feet to a paint on the westerly boundary tine of Guadalupe No. 21 Annexation to the Gity of San Joso, also being tho westerly boundary Ilse of the lands described In that curtain Grant Deed from James Rolph II{and June Irene Rolph, his wife, to Guadalupe Rubbish Disposal Co., Inc., a California Corporation, recorded August 16, 1973 in Book 0520 of Oftlcia{ Records at Pages 296.300, Santa Clara County Records; Thence, leaving said southerly boundary Ifne of Hicks Road Annexailon Np. 4, (i2) South 41° 00' 00" West 185.56 feet along said westerly boundary Ilne of Guadalupe No, 21 Annexation; Thence, (13) South 08° 30' DD° West 264.00 feet; Thence, (t4) South i 4° 3D' OD° East 104.05 feet to a point, sold point bong (15} North 14° 30' 00" West 225.95 feet distant from the Section Corner common to Sections 19 and 30, Township 8 South, Range 1 East, and Sections 24 and 25, Township 8 South, flange 1 West, Mount Diablo Baso and Meridian; Thence, leaving said westerly boundary Ilne of Guadalupe No, 21 Annexailon (16} North 43° 54' ~" West 55.42 feet; Thence, (17) North 89° 52' O6" West 74.83 feet; Thence, (18) South 00° 34' 00" East 8.20 feet; Thence, (19) along a curve to the left having a radius of 30.33 feet threugh a central angle of 69° 4D' 20° an arc distance of 3G.88 feet; Thence, (20) South 19° 45' 4D" West 40.00 feet; Thence, (21) North 70° 14' 20° West 16.45 feet; Thence, (22) along a curve to the left hevfng a radius of 20.OD feet through a eenfraf angle of 85° 29' 00" an arc distance of 29.84 feetto a point on the boundary line said Arnerich Road Annexation No. 1; Thence, (23) North 31° 35' 04" West 60,41 feet along said Arnerich Road Annexation No. 1 boundary line; Thence, (24) 5oufh 24° 16' 40" West 116.05 foot; Thence, (25) along a curve to the right having a radius of i 00.00 feet through a central angle of 47° 00' 20" an azc distance of 82.04 feet; Thence, (26) South•71 ° 17' 00" West 138,60 feet; Thence, (27) Soutfi OD° 30' 00" East 10.56 feet; Thence, (28) North 31° 33' 55" West3-34 feat; Thence, (29) South 77° i7' 30" West 288.77 feet; Thence, {30) North OD° ~' 00" East 37.14 feet; Thence, (31) South 89° 30' 00" West 187.08 feet; Thence, (32) North OD° 00' 00" East 74.00 feet; Thence, (33} South 89° 30' 00" West 100.90 feet; Thence, _(34) South q4° 26' 49" West 42.39 feet; Thence, (35) Souih 89° 3D' 00' West 239.30 foal; Thence, (36) South 00° 00' 00" West 44.00 feet; Thence, (37) Spulh 89° 45' 16" West 826.70 feet; Thence, (38) North 00° 33' 26° West 1,151.50 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 47.91 acres of land, more or less.' Far assessment purposes only. Th/s description of land is not a legal property description as defined in the Subdivision Map Act and may not be used as the basis for an offer forsale of the land described. May 26, 2908 Masan-Sullc, Ino. Revised Augusl 19, 299U Job No. 97.73d Amer~h Road No. 2 Page 1 c12 Annexailon tc The Tavm of I.os Oalos a a ors o OF °AFIEA B° (SOUTH OF ARNERICH ROAD) All that certain real property situate to a portion of Sections 24 and 25, Townahlp 8 South, Range 1 West, and in a portion of Section 30, Township 8 South, Rango 1 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, In the County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: BEGINNING at the most Easterly Corner of Americh Read Annexation No. 1 to the Town of Los Gatos; Thence, (1) North 53° 30' 00' West 44.28 feet along the boundary line of said Americh Road Annexation No.1; Thence, (2) South 59° 48' 35" West 30;3.01 feat Thence, (3) South i7° 44' 00" West 151.10 feet; Thence, (4) Norih 69° 55' 24" West 144.85 feet; Thence, (5) South 71° 2b' Od' West 92.64 foal; Thence, (6) South 48° 46' 00° Wesf 145.00 feet; Thence, (7) North 10° 14' 00" West 289.90 feet; Thence, (e) North 38° 55' 00" West 173.30 feet; ' Thence, (9) North 68° 07` 20° West 136.30 feet; Thence, (10) South 76° 38' 00" West 383.47 feet; Thence, (11) Norih 00° 00' DO"West 254.19 feet to a point on the seutheriy right-ot-way Ilne of Americh Road; Thence, (12) North 80° 29' 3D" East 160,35 feet conilnuing along Arnedeh Road Annexation Ne.1 boundary line; Thence, (13} South 88° 29' 00" East 186.08 feet; Thence, (14) North 77° 17' 30" East 941.68 feet; Thence, (i 5) North 71 ° 17' 00" East 121.49 feet; Thence, (16) North 89° 30' 00" East 31.99 feat; Thenco, (17) Norih 71° 17' 00" East 57.22 feet; Thence, (18) along a tangent curve to the left having a radius of 160.00 feat through a central angle of 39° 15' 40" and arc distance of 109,64 feet; Thence, leaving said Americh Road Annexation No. 1 boundary Ilne, (19) 5ouih 08° 32' 00" West 84.90 feet; Thence, (20) North 89° 30' 00° East 220.07 feet; Thence, (21}.South 09° 43' 30" East 158.98 feet; Thence, (22) South 23° O6' 3D" East 243.84 feet; Thence, (23)-South 36° 30' 00° West 94.31 feet to the POINT OF B>GINNING and containing 13.19 acres of land, more or less, °Aroa A" North of Americh Road contaiNng 47.91 acres, "Area 8"South of Arnerieh Road eontalning 13.19 acres: Total computed acreage containing 61.10 acres, mare or less. For assessment purposos only. This description olland Is not a legal property descripilon as defined in the Subdivision Map Act and may not be used as the basis loran offer forsalo o/the land described. Mayzs, zsos Mason-SuOc, Inc. Revised Auguel 19, 2008 Joh No. 07-734 .Americh Road No. 2 Page 2 of 2 Annexation to Thc Town of Los Gatos 1G7NNY-r0bE0 tlINND313Ya •solvo S07 Nvloia3w43sva mevw tNnow uauRnx ox~sma ~.LS3M t3sJNYa'HLnOSO dINSNM01'9a 96Z BN011039dO NOILaOd Z 'ON Ob021 FI01213N2!`d SOLVO Soi d0 NRO& aa,L O,L NOILYX9NNY tl350dtllld 11~.. liaiHx~ 3sor krs 3D Aug 3hu OL NOOtlA311hN tL 'DN 3dN7tl0VlIB 03115f19Yi63 6tl SNYitl JUq ONNSfX3 ro / ({ ~~~ ~` ~.g z i Y 3o ~ ~O~ ~ U2~ ~~~ ni a M fir,\HEER{~ g 4 "> ~ 0~N5~N ~~b 0 0 ~ ,V ~1~ 6 n ~' ~ o F..{ y~rs' ~ ~ &~1Sla 'op z~ ~ ~ o~ J f 5 J AA tij s ~ O _~S Or /~y~q, N atlON U3NOtl1A yy `/~~ r~5 - - - V ~ N~ X40 ~ \ 4 °y ~ ~ ~ ~z n ~__ n'~Mx ~T2~N hH ~ ~~~ .. ~V 1a ~ P"n~ n: do d dd V// ~ d y (( ~~Oz-I ~R z (_ml O ~Np°~` _/al SC zz,a ~ .• ~J r , -_ dd~ ~ + ~~ ~~ V Q W fC ~ ~ ~~ ~ 1 W ~j 9 ~~~~~ °_ ~ ~ ~ .~ h zN - , Q a d ~~ _ ~a~ ; ~~; 1 ~~z ~ ~ a~ ~ • n `~ ~ 7J 0. rl d m I a ~~ i °' -~ 61.1 V d II ~• Q a h- BZZ~ J O ~~ ~~~ ~2~ &o riz ~~~ '~~~ ~•~ ~~~ ~' y O m ~~ Yn 'q h N~ ~b m .a $ti ~b O~ o_'t` c ,~ a E: ~~~~~ ro ~~~ 10 'i ~ o:~@~~ J O 4 J w00 =¢Q t- ~ p N{Wp a¢¢ ~WU O ~ W °o< ~_ N Ww0 LL Z N Z f ~O~ ~~d~ OWa ZpZ N}~}¢ O F ~ ~Wz ~o°d ~oa~ 0 z~~m O W Z J W ~ 'z" r" Q ~ p J w w a O z o ~ a ~ z ~ ~ WN ~ 4 z o I 1' F- Z ~ Z m ~ a u ~~ ~ i ~ i as i so1vN soy eo wao>. aw ~ Dl NDLLYX3NNJ l 'ON OJOa t1~IN9NNr AB 03N9110YL9 SV Sll1Yn NIADL DHLSfX3 /- v~Y4 ~ xi~I r I 1 .... - "~ 1 '~iN I_ ~ Q .1~ ' ..`J.,= ~~ ~ s - ~ ~ m 1 b$ `k a a o P ,fie "~ ~ . 1FA 0.\a' ~ ~F 1. ~ ~ ~ Y<`` pN n ~z ~ g° o dg - ~o- - ~Q- i,a~wm- - Nao- - ~~ zo ~ 8. m~ U333a3333z33wWwwmwa3www3 N rv j, gym{{ ~~ o Zi b o v r i p g m p m o$~ 0 0 z~+wYr~Wn~zmxzv,xzzzmv,zw~m }d I ~ ~ m ~ .~ 2 CS N .~ ~ m ai H CI i4 of m ,,,) o J ~ . 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