2009-106 - Approving Agreement Of Purchase And Sale And Escrow Instructions For Acquisition Of 930 University Avenue (Apn 424-31-064) (2)RESOLUTION 2009-106 RESOLUTION OF T)FIE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS APPROVING AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE AND ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS FOR ACQUISITION OF 930 UNIVERSITY AVENUE (APN 424-3I-064) WHERI,AS: A. In June 2007 Council approved the sale of a 13-acre Town-owned .parcel located in Vasona Park (the "Vasona Parlc Property") to the County of Santa Clara for $6 million and the transfer to the Town of a ,66 acre County- owtled parcel adjacent to Oak Meadow Park, with both properties remaining in park use in perpetuity and with a guarantee that the County will allow Billy Jones Raih•oad to continue to operate on County property. Pursuant to Council direction, the proceeds from the sale, and all interest accruing thereof, are reserved for use in acquving and developing community and youth sports facilities. B. Verizon Corporation owns a 2.7 acre property (APN 424-31-064) located at 930 University Avenue (the "Property"), currently used as a corporation yard, which Verizon offered for sale on the open market. C, The Property is entirely unconstrained for development of a multipurpose sports facility. D. The Town's offer to acquire the property was tentatively accepted by Verizon Corporation, subject to Council's approval of the Agreement of Purchase and Sale and Escrow Instructions attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference. E. Council wishes to complete the acquisition of the Property for purposes of developing a community and youth sports facility consistent with prior direction given with regard to the use of the proceeds of the sale of the Vasona Parlc Property. 12I;SOLVED: "I'he Agreement of Purchase and .Sale and Escrow Instructions for Acquisition of 930 University Avenue is approved and the Town Manager is hereby authorized to execute the agreement in substantially the form of Exhibit "A" hereto, PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town o.f Los Gatos, California held on the 215' day of September, 2009, by the following vote: COUNCI]~ MF,MBERS: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABS`f AIN: Diane McNutt, Joe Pirzynski, Steve Rice, Barbara Spector, Mayor IVlike Wasserman None SIGNED: ~~ ~~~~e~~ G%~~~%~~ MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: CLERI kl~ 1NIS"1P.A"T'tJIo OF TILE TOWN OF LOS GATOS 1.,OS GA`fOS, C~LI,IFORN`lA AGRTE,NII l'~tT Or PUItCJ'IASE AIVI~ SALE ~IYD 1SCR(7W YNS`I'R'UCTCOI'dS This Agreement of Purchase and Sale and 1!,scraw lalstructions (tlle "Agreement") is made as of'Septetalber 1, 2009 by and between Vericon California Inc., a Cal}forma corparation ("Seller"), and ~1'orvn of l.,os Gatos, a muialctpal par-poraCLOn (`Buyer"), Recitals A.. Seller is the o~a~ncr of the "Property" (as defined in Paragraph 1,1 bela~v) which .includes approximately 2.7 ~ acres of improved lallcl, inc:htdizlg a building consisting; ofi approximately l ~,~0 l square feei anti a building consisting of approximately 4,292 square feet (collectively, i'he "13ullding"} commonly rcfcrrcc3 to as 930 University Avenue, Los Uatos, Santa Clara. County, California (Assessor's C'arcel No. 42431-064). B. Seller desires to sell the Property to Buyer and Buyer desires to purc}aasc the Property krona Seller on the tel'nas azld conditions contained in this Agreement. TT-Il PARTIES AGR1•JI; AS I<OLLO~VS; Sale of Propea-t)!; PLirGhase Price. 1.1 Sale of Property. Seller shall sell to Buyer and Buyer shall purchase frarn Seller, a.t. the price and upon tlae teT~lns and conditions set foT~tll in this Agreean.ent; (.}} that ecl~taiaa.l•ea1 propert}' containing approxixrlatel}f 2.73 acres oi, land located ai X30 University Avenue, J,os Gatos, Sarlt:a Clara. County, Calil-orx)ul and rrtore particularly desaribccl 11a 1JY1111?lt "l. l" (the "I.aiad"},; (lt) ftlly 1111p1'0'tr[,n1C.nt5 Sltllated bn t}le LanCl .(the "lnlprOVCn7C;ntS"}~ atld (iii} all appuz•tenanc;es to the Lallct owned by Seller, includialg, ~~r}thaut limitation, all clevelopnlent rights, air rights, mineral rights, water, water rights and water stock relating to the T and (the ",Appurtenant I~igllts"). "l'he Land, the Improvcnlr;nts, and the flppurteiaant Rights a.re collectively referred to heroin as the "Rea} Property," Tllc Real Property, and t}te F'el•sonal Property, if any, as described in Paragraph 1.2 bclo~~~ are collectively referred to .herein as t}ae "Trope-rty " ] .2 Sale o:f Personal :Pa~oper-ty. ~13uyer acknowledges that no personal propel•ly (:`Personal Property") is being conveyed to Buyer pLtrsuant to this ~1.breement. 1.3 Purchase Pz~ic.e. Buyer sllal:l pay to Seller as the fatal purchase price Tor the Property (tlac "Purchase Price'') tlae Burn of 53;100,000 payable Fls follows; 1,,'l L}eposrt..F3uycr sh:~ll deliver the Brun oF~50,000 (the "Initial peposit") to "i~scraw I-Iold~r" (as det7nec) in Ptr.ragraph 7.. l bcloti~) in i.n•liazcaiatoJy available funds pronaptl5r after Buyer's delivery of the partially executed Agreement. to Seller or Escrow I=[olclcr, Buyel• ackna~~~ledges and agrees that. not~~~ithstancling the initial execution of• the rlgree:lalant, no a(;rGernent shall exist betwe;cn Seller and Buyer until fhe Initial bcposit is t9933G3G,'a E~IIBIT A clc;livcrecl to Lseror~~ Holder, and Seller shall have no obligations to Buyer with respect to the I'ro}?erty until the lnitiak Deposit is delivered• Provided Buyer has nc~t t~t7l~inated this Agreement prior to itre e;ncl of the "1?easibility Period," as dc'I'ined in Paragraph 2.9,1 below,l3uyer shall deliver an additional sum C)'I.' `~a0,000 (ihe "tldditional l.~eposit") in immediately avzlilt-zble funds to Escrarv 1-Ivlder prior fio the en.d of the ]~ easibility Period. I('Ruyer fails to deliver the Additional Deposit w.ithirt the time period set forth in this ptu•agraph, this Agreement shall autontaticallyterm~nate and the provisions of Paragraph 2.11 below shall apply, Escrow Holder is u•revocably autllorize(1 and instructed to deliver the Initial Deposit and Acic~iitional Deposit {collectivel}~, the "Deposit") to Seller upon the expiration v1'llae 1~easibility Period if Buyer has not terminakecl this Agreerrtet~c pa•iar to such exp.irativn date, Buyel• al;rees to execute all d.oct.tlrten.tatiorl reasonably required by Escrow Holder to effectuate the release of funds in accorda.rtce with the terms of this Subparagral7h 1,3.1 • 1,3,2 I3ala.nce, The suns of $3;000,000 (the `Balance"), constituting the balance of the Purchase Price, shall be deposited by Buyer in imtnediutely available funds into Esct•or~~ no later than t~vv (2) business days before the "Closing 'Date" (as defined in Paragraph 2,2 below). EscrvrG~: Clvsin~nditions, 2. ] Eseroyy. No later than five (5} business days after the execution of this Agreement by Bt~iyer and Seller; Buyer and Seller shall open an escrow (the ");straw") with l~'.iclelity National Title (ihe "Fscro'~v I~olcler") and shall deliver a fully executed copy of this Agreement tv I,SCI'aGY Holder. The deposit with 13sero4v 1-Iolder al'{ 1) a fully eaecutecl original vl• fhis Agrec:nlent and (2} the Initial Deposit by Buyer shall constitute fihe openint; of Escrow (the "Openi.t-tg ol'l;scrow"} and atzthoxi~ation tv Iscrvr~v Holder to aet in acevrdance with the terms of Ellis agreement, l::,scrvw HpJder's standard provisions tire. attached hereto as Exhibit: "2,1" at1d shall becon.~e a part hereof; provided, 17or~levar that if there is an}~ conflict or inconsistency between such standatd provisions and this Agreement, then this Agreement shall cvnirol. 2,2 Glosln~ Date. The Escrow shall close on November 12, 2009 (the "Closing Date"). Notwithstanding the i:oregoing, tl~c "Glvsing" (as defln.ed .in Pzu•agraph 2.7 .below) ar Close of lscra~v shall not occur unless tl~e canclitians to tl3e Close o'f Escrow set. forth in this tl,greement have been satisfied or waived, includhlg; vlithotlt limktation, (i) the conditions set forth in Paragraphs 2,9 find 2, l0 below, (ii) the cortclition that all items described in Pttragraplrs 2,S tuxl 2.6 below shall have been cle;po~>itcd w.ifh escrow I•lolder, and {iii) the CC)I]dltlol7 that the "Title Col7~pany" {as defined in Paragraph 2,3 belor~~) has unconditionally eoannlitted t.a issue the "T'itle Policy" (as de:Cned in Ptlrttgral~la 2,3 below). if any of such conditions have not been satisfied ar waived an yr belbrc: the Closing Date, t17is Agreement a.nc! the Fscror~~ shall terta3inate; provided, however that such tcrminatiorl shall not affect any claims that either party may have against. the other for atay breach of this Agreement. IP neither party is in de.{cult hereunder, upon any termination of this Agr~cment, the provisions of Paragraph 2,11 shall apply. 2,3 'l~itle and Title Insurance. Seller sha11 convey title to the 12ea1. Property to l:3uy(:r b}! a grtUlt deed in the form of l:;xhibit " 2.3" attached hereto (the "Grant _2~ ;)73lG:fG.3 Deed"). At the "Close of Escrow," 1~idelity National `l:itle (the "Title Company"), shall issue tlu'ough E5e1'OV4` au (Jtivner's Policy of Title Tnsuran.ce (the "Title Policy") t~~tth CLTf1 coverage, l[11leSS l~t.tyel' elects iLLTA coverage and pays the additional cost. of such coverage pursuit}t to Paragraph 2.1.2 below, in which event the Title Co~npaxry shall issue the 1'itlc Policy with AI.,Tn coverage, ~~{ith liability in the amount of the Purchase Prica, insuritlg fet; title to the Real Property vested in t3uyer, subject only to the follo~vitag exceptions (the "Permitted Exceptions"}: Policy; delinquent or payable over tithe; (i) the standard printed exceptions set forth in the Title (ii) general and special taxes and assessments not tl~cn {iii) those cet•tain exceptions ~~~l~ich have beer,. approved by Buyer as prnvidcd in Paragraph 2.9,1 below; and 13l.1ve1', ~,~1 COSCS, {iv) any exceptions to title created by or made through 2.4.1 Escrow Holder's :fees ~~~ith respect to the Lscrow shall be shared equally by Seller and Buyer. 2,1.2 Seller sha11 pay the premium ].'or a Cr,TA Standard Policy of Title 7nst:tt•ance. Tire additional cost l'or an tl(.,TA Owner's Policy, if selected by Buyer, and any etldorserne;nts to the "l°itle Policy requested by Buyer sl~al.l be paid for by );3uyer• Buyer shall pay a]I costs and expenses, ilany, incurred in connection with Its avta.inii>g a suttiey ofthc; Property. 2,4.3 x.11 expenses and charges incurred in connection with tl~e discharge of delinquent taxes, .if'any, or monetar}~ liens or monc;taiy encumbrances on Che Property, other than (a) those created by pa' made tlu~ou~h Buyer, (b) bonds, taxes and. assesstnc;rats pa}bible over time, except Co the extent payable by Seller under Par•alraplx 2,4.4 below, (c) itzterests granting royalties to tltircl parties, (d) liens arising out o[~ any legal proceedings encumbering the Property, t'rot~vithstanding the fact that stitch liens could be discharges{ by the pa}m~ent o.l'n~aney, and (e) any exception to title that cannot expressiy, by its teens, be discharged by payment of money, shall be paid by Seller 2.4.4 ~1;L1 inst<tl]n~ents of bonds, special taxes or assessments which the a lien on tlae Property ttncl due and payable in fu]! prior to the t.it77e of Closing shall be prorated in tl~e manner set forth ]n Paragraph 2,8.1 ]~elow; provided, however, that ir~t deterrnitiii~g any ruz~ounC payable by Seller; such assesstalents shall be a:mo.rtized over .the lon.l;est l7eriod oftinre per.tnitted by the taxing auU~ority Co make such pa}anent, even if the; assessment is assessed as a.lur7~p su~n• 2,4,5 Fach party shat] be responsible fot• payment of'tlle fees and expenses of its counsel relatsng to this Agreement a.nd the transactions contemplated heraby. -3- ~~~~3acae.~ 2,1.6 Any county dac><n)aentary or tr•anst'er taxes and recording 1.'ees shall be paid by Seller. Atay city docutnetatary or transfea: taxes shall be paid one~laalf by Buyer and one~laalf by Seller, 2,1.7 Ata}+ other closing costs or charges shall be paid by tlao party that customarily pays such costs or charges in the Santa Clara County, California, 2.5 Deposit of Dacuanelats and. Frinds lay Seller. Seller shall deposit with Escrow Holder the f'olla~uin~ items no later than t4vo (2~ business days prior to the CLasing Date, duly ex.ecutecl and ac1<na~vledged where recl~ua•ed: 2,5.1 The Grant Deed, 2.5,2 A completed California. )rranehise T ax 13oacd l~artn 5~3_~r,~ attd an affidavit ce)~tifying that Seller is not a "foreign person" as defined in the Intcrtial lZevcnue Code. 2.5.3 All othcs- docurents as may reasonably be rc;quirecl by }~scro~v Holder or the Title Caml)2ny to close the Escrow in accordance with this Agrecia)eni, 2.6 D81)USIt Of DOCU1Tlelat5 a7)d ~UndS by l3llyei'. ~llyel' Shall del)aslt u~itlt rscra~v TJoldea• the folla~ving teara.s no later than t~~vo (2) business days prior. to tlae Cl.casing l~atc; duly cxecattecl. and ftcl~io~vledged wlicre required; 2.f;,1 "C'h.e F3alance. plus such Gtdditiataal PuiadS aS are regclirecl to pay f3uycr's costs and prarations as provided in Para~~t~~ph 2.4 above and Paral;raph ,'_.8 bc;low, less an.y credits buyer is entitled to hereunder, 2.6.2 A completed and originally execnteci Prelimitaary Chattgc; ol'Oujnership Report in the Porrn required by ilae Satata Clara Coutaly Recorder's O'1'IICG (lhe "Change of Ownership Repast"). 2.6.3 ~1 certiCed copy a~I~resolutions of the governing body of I-3'llyc'r adppted at a la1e<'.t1111? Urs41C11 ~Ulrernltag bod}1 approving this Agreement and the transa.clions carrten7plated hereunder ("Buyer's Resolutiatas"); as soon after such meeting as the Rover's Resolutions are available. 2.6,d All other :limds and docunac;nts as naay tae reasonably required by Escrnul Bolder or the Title Canaplny to close the_ 1/scrour in accordance with this A greena.ent. 2,7 belts+ery of Documents toad funds at Closing. `1'hc performance oC tlae ilCfS Set i'at'll) in this paragraph shall Gonstrtute the "Closing" or the "Close of Escrour" as suah t.errT~s are used. in dais ~agreemert. The Lscrn~v I-lalder shall cot7ducC the Clasi.ng by recording and distributing the following described documents arrcl funds ita the following .manner: 2.7.1 Deliver Buyer's Resolutions to Seller. _Ll_ ~e73;sr~sc~.~ 2.7,2 Deliver to Seller rn1 the Closing Date in~mcdiately available funds in the sung of the Balance, and suclx other fu-xds, if any, clue Seller by z'easan of prorations, less Seller's G.lasing GostS and prorations, if any, as provided in Paragraph 2.~1 avow anal Paragraph 2.8 be]aw, anti any credits Buyer is entitled to lxereuncler, 2.7.3 Pay Elie costs refen•ed t.a itl.Paragraph 2,~ above. 2.7,'1 Record tlxe Gz•atlt Decd in the Office; ot'the County Recarcler of Santa Clara County and sitnultataeously deliver the Change of Qwtxarshi.p Report to $L1CI7 ~)1'f1Ce. Gapy to Seller 2,7.5 Obtain and deliver the original Title Policy to Bu}per and a 2.8 Prorations. 2,$,1 Taxes, 1-scro~v Holder shall prorate on a 36S-day basis the ad valorem tuxes an the Real Property for the Guct'ent fiscal year and all installnlezats ofbotxds, special taxes, and assessinetl.ts payable over tune as of the Close of ;/scrow based ttl~an the m.nst carrent real estate tax information available, Buyer acktxowleelgcs That Seller is obligated to pay 1o the California State l3oarcf of Lqualizatian the; ad valaz•cm taxes on the Real Property far tlxe cnf.ire tax fiscal year during which the C.lase of Esorow occurs even tlxough (a) Seller tivill own the Praperty for less than t11e entire fiscal year, and (b) such payment foxy be due fallowing the Close c>:f lscro~~+• Therefare, Buyer a.grecs that at the Close of lascra~~+ Sellcl• sllal I be credited and Buyer shall be debited an amount. equal to that portion of the act valorem taxes on the Property attributable to the period frotxz t:he Clare of L;scro~v to t11e encl of the tax fiscal year in Gvhich the Close oi')rscrorv occurs. ~1.ny bill for supplemental ad valar:em Mixes ("Suppletnen.tal Taxes") on the-Real Property wh.tch is ]ssued after the Close of lscrow shall be prora.t.ed by 13uycr and Seller outside of 1/scrow titter the G:lose of )scrotiv P:ach parley shall renxit its pro .rata Shale of any suGlx Supplemental Taxes, as reasonably deternl.inGd by Seller and approved by Buyer, such Bu}rer's approval trot to be unreasollal~ly i~vithlleld, to the requesting paz•ty outside: of )~;sc>:aw within ten (10) days aftc;r such party's receipt oP a copy of tlxe bill for such Supplcialcntal Tastes from the requesting party, Notwitlxstaxxdzng the proz•at.iaxi proccclui'c: described above; Buyer shall assz,ttl~e and shall pay all ta~:es and asscssmcnt.s (il~chtding, a{1 roil-back taxes and assessments) levied or assessed agaixxst any portion of the .Kcal Property as the result of a clxange in the use ox' ownership oC the .Real Property occurrizxg fi•om and after the C.lositxg Date, and shall defctzd, iudetnnify, and hold Seller harn~tlcss from any cost, expense, liability, ar obli.gation (inGluc{ing, ~~~ithaut lira~rtatian., reasonable attorneys' fees and costs) with respect. to any such taxes or assessments, Tll[s prav.isiotx shall survive the: Clare afEscro~x~, 2,8.2 Utilities. Bscz•ow 1-folder shall prorate through Escrotiv, on a 3Ci5-clay basis, all wa[ez•, gas, eleetriG and ether utility set-~+iccs, if any, on file PrUpe1•t}r. Any such itCm that is not determinable at the Closing shall be adjusted by the parties by cash paymealt outside; af'Escrow when dctertnined. 2,z) Buyer's Condit[ons to C:losin~. ]3uycr s11a11 not be obligated to praceeci to the Close of Lscrow anti the Closing shall not acc.z.tr unless and until, in addition to all _~_ 19733636,3 other conciifi.ons contained izr this Agreezll.ent, the following condit.iozls have been satisfied or waived i]a writing by Buyet•: 2.9.1 Evaluation of'Proper~. On or before the ex]airati.on of the period eratl]n~ thirty {34) days after the Opening a.(' Escrow (the "Feasilaility Period"), Buyer, in I3Llye]''S sole discretion, shall have approved file Property, lnCllidrrlg, Y\~Stl1(7Ut 11111Itat1011, t110 t'eSLlltS 0'l' all l]]S]aCCtl.OnS, teStS or SkL1dlE5 Of tlae Pt'Upirl't}' CotlduCteCl by C7i' an behalf of 1'3uyer. BlayeT Shall dell\~el t0 Selll:I', ]71.Olllptl}' upotl 1'eCelpt, CopleS of all Wl'ttten illSpeCtlpI11'e5l]lt.S, tests atld studies of the Property conducY.ed by oe on behalf of Buyer; provided, however, that Buyer shall not be obligated to deliver to Seller proprietary information relating to Buyer's potential use; of the; Property; incluclirlg architeetttral studies tlncl evaluation, i~urther, without limiting the generality of fhe foregoing, Buyer shall have approved ti]e feaSiblllty Of 1tS Obtaarrlllg SUCK povcrnmellta.l approvals as may be required for Btaycr's proposed use of the Propcriy, including,, withoa.It limitation, any changes in zotling (the "~oning Appro~trals"), 13z.tyer's failure to notify Senor or Lsero~v Holtlcrpriot• t.o the expiration of the )µeasibility Period of Buyer's disapproval ofthe Prapeaty or any of 1~uyex's feasibility studies shall constitute 13>:tyer's election to proceed t.o the Close of Lscro~v All inspections, tests and studies conducted lay I:3uycr shall be at Buyer's so.Le post and expense. I'rio.r to the; Closing, Seller shall cooperate t~rith Buyer as reasonably regttcsted lay anti at the sole expense of Bztyer (and to the extent possible) for the pur-laosc of obtarn.i.rlg all Toning Approvals and permits I•equirecl in connection ~~'ith Bayer's proposed Use of the Property; provided, however, that the effectiveness of any such Zorai]ig Aplarova.ls affecting t:he Property shall be expressly conditioned upon th.e occurtezlce of the Close of Escrow and shall ~7ot be b.i.tlditag upon Seller, 2.9,2 Relatecl,~ ocitments, ti~jithin ten (1(l) days after the c-;?cecutiotr of this rLgrectalent b}r Buyer and 5cllcr; Seller shall have made a~a'tlable to Bu}rer copies of any teclmica.l studies or reports in Seder's possession (including a copy of the most recent stu•vey of the Property (if any) and copies of Building ]clans (i.('' any)) anti which. are located at the office of(t) Seller's Broker, (2) Ve.rizo.n Calilorn.ia ln.c. Buildinl; Sea'vices I~e;partnlent, acid (i) Ve.r..iz.nn Califoriria Inc, Environmental Compliance llepart.ment regarding the environmenfial, seismic,. or geological condition. of the Property. Seller (a) has not inclepealdcntly investigitted an}1 infornl.atioll included i.n such studies or repoa-t; a]id {b) htzs not. rnacle an.cl does not make any retaresentatio]as or wan•anty re~;arciing file truth, acctu'acy aI• coatlpletencss oi'the in.fol'mation tlaacle, available to Buyer. Seller shall use colntnercially reasonable efforts to make available the docurllentation described above to Buyer; providccl, ho~~'evel• that .Buyer acknowledges and agrees that despite. Se11ez's conlnacrcially reasonable efforts to rzral<e available to Buyer the docun•]entation described herein, documents Waxy inadvertently not be provided to Buyci•, and :Hover shall nlalce its own 'Independent inspection of the Property in the nranzle;r set forth in Paragt'aph S below. Nol~vithskandillg anything to the eontr~uy contained in this Paragraph ?_•9,2, ,Seller does not z'epreseut or warrant that any ,such stuclics or reports exist or a1•e i.n Seller's possession, and :Buyer assumes khe entire risk of any inacfverterat failuue by Seller to deliver any cl.oeunlents to Buyer. 2..9.3 Evaluation of'T'i~le l~cpot•[, Within ten (10) days alter the. execution of this Agreerneilt by Buyer and Sellc;r, the Title Colnpaza}` Shall Have delivered to 13uver a pa•elin?i.rlar}' title t•epol•t issued by the Title Company (the "Prelinl]naty Report") 1'c7r the Properly (as «rell as copies of all title documents r4fcrrecl to therein). -ti- \9733636 3 2.9.4 Title Review• (i) ~1p»roval• Buyer s11all not Have disapproved the Preliminary 1Zeport ~vit11i11 the earlier of (a) .fifteen (1.5) cttlenday days tt~Pter the reoeil?t ai'the Preliminary Report. alxl copies of 111 doeutrlents referenced therein, or (U) the exliration o.f the Feasibility Period. Buyer shall provide to Seller and Escrow Balder rvt•itten notice of i3u}rer's disapproval. of 1ny title exception (the "First Notic;c"), Any title exception not so disapproved shall be deemed ap111•avecl, provided that iPa supplemental report is issued showing any exception 11ot shown an the Preliminary Report, Btlyer shall have an additional tell (1Q) calendar days a`li:er receipt of such sttpplcm~ntal repast and copies of all documents referred to therein (.not previously provided Ca Buyerj la approve or disapprove any such title. exception. Not«~ithst~uiding a11yLln1lg to t11e Ct)lltrat'y contained. in the foregoixlg paragraph, Buyer shall trot be entitled to ext:end the title review beyond d1e expiration of the Feasibility Period for any supplemental title report issued in connection with a survey of the Property obtained on behalf of Buyer. Buyer shall .not be entitled to disapprove Bans Per current non-delinquent property taxes or any exception to title created or made through Buyer, (ii.) Disala . r")~ O~~tll. Should Buyer disapprove any nlattci•s of title, then within ten (10) calendar drays after Seller's receipt af'such. First Natiee (the "Seco11c1 Notice Pel~iocl"), Seller shall provide notice to Buyer and Escrow Holder whether Seller is willing or able, it1 Seller's soJ.e discretion, to attell•]pt to cause such elisapproveci items to be el.in'linated priot• to or at. Clasiug (tl.1e "Se:cond Notlcc"); providccl, however, that if Seller does not provide such Second Notice, Seller shall tae deemed to have elected not to attempt to remove the disapproved title exceptions. T'F the Second l~latiGe states that Seller ~a-ill attempt to cause sttch disapproved. title excal7tions to be removed from title to the Real Propert}! prior to ar at Clasitlg, then Seller covenants to use colntilercially reasonable efforts to so remove them. T1'the Secancl Nrotiee states tltat Sellet• is unable or unwilling to remove such disapproved title exceptions (ar if Scher Pails to send the Second Natiee), then ~vitltin teu (10) calendar days after (a) receipt of such Second Notice, ar (b) cxpirati.an of the Second Noti.cc Period if Seller fails to send the Second Notice,l3tiyer shall provide a notice to Seller and L.scrati~~ holder stating ti~~het.her Buyer will waive, in T3uyer's sale discretion., Seller's inlbility ar unwillingness to remove all t11e specified disapproved title exceptions .('i-o711 title to the R.ea] Pt•opel•ty (th.e "1'hi.rd Notice"); provided, ha~vever, Buyer's failure to give such Third I~totice shall be deemed to be a rG't'C(Sal t0 4Va1Ve T3Lly~•1''S disapproval o:l't11e title exceptions. if 13uye1•'s Third Notice specifies that Buyer waives prior disapp]•avals except as to those hatters Seller has elinlinatec) or will eliminate prior to or at the C.lasing, the cotldi.tian catitainec] in this Paragraph 29.4 sfl.all be clc.e:nled satisfied; sa long as any disapproved title exceptions which Sellc;r has agreed to eliminate prior to or at the Closing have been eliminated prior. in or at C11e Closing. If the Thirci Notice specifies that Buyer refuses to vvaive its prior disapprovals (or if'the 'third Notice is not provided), this Agreement and the Lseraw shall tel~n1l11ate itt a.ccordancc with Paragraph 2.T l herein. '>,9,5 Issuance o1'Tatle Policv• 'T'he `Clete Company shall have issued the `T'itle Polic}~ as of ells Close of Escrarv, 2.9,C Waiver. 7'he Poregaillg conditions set earth in Paragraphs 2.9.T, 2.9.2, 2,9,3, ?_9.4 and 29.5 above are for ells belleCi.t oP Buyer, and nlay b~ _~_ it3T~3616-3 waived by Buyer in rrrriting delivered to Seller and >/scror~v 7-Talder, In satisfying the foregoing conditions, Buyer and Seller shall each exercise good faith, reasonableness and diligence. I Iowever•, decisions authorized to be .made in the sole discretion of either Buyer or Seller shall be final .and riot subject to review or challenge on any basis, 2.10 Seller's Conditions to Closin~,• Seller shall not lie obligated to proceed to the Close of Bscraw and the Closing shall not occur unless and until, in addition. to all other conditions contained in this ,agreement, the following conditions have been satisried or wvaived in r~~riting by Seller: 2,1.0.1 PerPor7a~an.ce of Obli 7ations. At or prior Co the Closing Date, Buyer sJrall Dave perfonnecl all of Buyer's obligations herein that are to be pet'fot•mec1 prior to fihe Closing, 7.10.2 Waiver. It. is hca-eby understood that t'he (;ondition se.t forth in Paragraphs 2.10.1 above is :(:or tlae benefit of Seller and tray be waived by .Seller in r~lriting clelirfered to Buyer anti T:scrow Holder. 1n satisfying the conditions in this Paragraph 2.10, Seller ~ncl Buyer shall each exercise goad faith, reasonableness, and cliliget7ce. iTorrlever, decisions ruthorized to be u~ade in the sole discretion of Gather Buyer or Seller shall be final and not. subject to revicrv or challenge on an}~ basis. 2.11 '1'ernlination, Upon any tern7ination of this Agreement and the T'scror}7 (il' applicable) far any reason, other than either l~artl~'s clcfattlt hereunder, (i) each party shall execute such documents as F..scrorr~ Holder may reasonably require to evidc;nce such texn~i:nation, (ii} Iscrorv Holder shall charge its 'fees aa7d expenses to bath parties equally, (iii) subject to the provisions of Paragraph (ii} above, Bserow 1-folder shall return all doeurnents and fonds to the party wllo deposited them, (ire) Buyer shall a~eturn to Scaler al] documents delivered to iC by Seller relating to the Property, {v)13uyer shall deliver to Seller all Documents ]~eJating to the Property, as defined in Pt(ragrapli 1 l below, (vi} Seller shall t•eturn to i3uycr any portion of tl~e Deposit previously delivered to .Seller, and (vii) all obligations of either party relating to this Agreemcrtt and the Property shall terminate, 3. Sc11er's TZepresenlati.ons and ~Vi,'arxanties, Seller ltcreby rc}~resents anct warrants to Buyer that, unless otl~ervvise larovided, at the date of exe,cut.ion hereof and at and as of the Closing Date: 3.1 Cor_____~ o~•ate l~istence told Authority,, Scllex• is a corporatio~~ (i) validly existing ai~cl in good staridi.t7g under the larr7s of the State of Catifornia; arld {ii) duty authorized, qualified an<l licensed under any and all laws, ordinances, rules, i"e;gulati(7ns and requirements of all governnzenta:l authorities to do all things required of it under ar in c:annection with this flgree~nent. `t'his Agreement and all agreements, instr•uu1ents and docurnc-nts herein prm~ided co be executed or t.o be caused to be executed by Seller are clialy executed by told bi.ncling upon Seller. each. individual executing this ~~grecrn.ent ou behtt.lf of Seller represents anal warrants that he or she is duly authorized to exCcute and deliver this Agreement on ScLler's behalf, .9 r33G~C.:> _g_ 3•`~ Non->?oreign Pet•san, Sellet• is not a "foretbn person" rr~ithin the: tneaning of Internal Revenue Code ~14~5. ~l. l~ll~er'S 1Z.l:pl'eSeri[at10.nS Piid.Warrankies. Bayer herelay represents rand warrants to Seller that ai the elate of esccut.ion hereof acrd at and as of the C.lasing :Date, Bu)fer is a mulaicipal corporation (i) validl}~ existing and in goon standing under the laws o#the state o{'its incorpot•ation and the State of California; and (.ii) duly authorized, qualified and licensed under any and fill lar~~s, ordinances, .rules, regtalatians clad regllli'GltlentS of all governnaetttal authorities to clo all things required ofrt under or in connection with this Agreetnent• This Agreeralerlt and alt agt•eetnents, instruments and documents laercin provided to be executed or t.o be caused to be executed by Buyer are duly e.xecuied and binding on T3uyer, Lach individual executitag flats Agt•cenaent on behal#'ofBuyer represents and warrants that lte or she is duly authorized to execute and deliver' this elgreemetat on Buyer's belxall•. S. Buyer's Examination of the Pro ~e~• Bxcept as provided in Paragraph ; of this Agreement, Seller makes no representation or warranty respecting the Property, or airy portion thereof', or otherwi>5e in connection tiviih the transaction con.tett~plated laereUy, Without liuaitilag the gc:taeral.ity of Cl7e ~I'oregoing, .)buyer heret~y acknowledges and agt•ees that Buyer mill be purchasing the Property "r1S 1S" with all faults, without representation, warl•anty or gtraraniee of'any lcinri, either exl>ress or in3plied, i.ncltuling, vvithout limitatiotl, any ~varrataty of condition, mel•chantability, hal~ital7ility or fitness :tor a partic~llar use or• purpose or the; value, accrrraey oi' ittfot`rrttttion, tnarlcetaUilit~J, prospects for Cutur~e development, use or occupancy., except as provided in Paragraph 3 above, and more spe;cifical.ly that: (1) Prior fie the Close of Escror~,~, Buyer will have made its oven independent investigation of the Propert}7 and all either aspects of this tralas~iction, including, vvitlaout li~rtitation, the financial value of the Property and pro•jcctecl future income and expenses fiirr the Propc:rt}~, and Mils relied entirely thereon and on the aclviee of its independent consLlltants (if ar-iy) in entering into this Agreement, and not eta ttny infornla.tion or ma.Cerial supplied by or on behalf' of Scl.lcr• (ir) Prior to rite Close of Tsscrorv,l:3uyer vlill have rc.vier~~ed all instruments, records and docuataents which Buyer deemed appropriate or aclrrisable t~ 1'e View 117 COnrleettOn 4Vlth rile Pl'Opel't}~ and this transaction, and Bu}rcr will har1e detern~ined tl.iat .the tr:Fo.I•.rnation and data colitained ttrerein. or evidc;taccd (hereby ~~'as satisfacto.ry to l3uver• • (iii) Seller rnalces no representation or 4vat7•anty 4vith respect to the zoning or pernaitt.cd use of any pol'tion of the Property. (iv) Priol• to the Close of'lscrorv, Buyerwill be fully satisfic.cl tlattt the Prn•chase Price is fair and adequate cousidet•ation for the Pr'oper'ty, (v) Subject to the conditions, cavenanis, representations and rxfarranties of tl7e l~artie;s set f=orth. heren~, notwithstanding any adverse effect on tlac traarlcetability, desirability or value o('the Property or ata}r portion thereof which occa,u•s Uct~z-een the execution of~this Agr•eemenf and the Closing; Date, inelucling, w:ith.out linaitatiota, any <adver•sc eff''cct arising (rein or related to any changes oi• proposed changes to any governmental lar~vs, 19733fi3G.3 _g.. ordinances, statt.tt:es, rules or regulations, the transactions contemplated by this Agrc:enlent shall be aansumnlatecl an the terms and conditions contained herein. (vi) Buyer aekno~vledgcs receipt of that certain Property Risk Natural Lazard Disciostlre Report prepared by JCP-'LGS k'ropel•t}~ Disclosure Reports, dated June 9, 2009. 6, azardous Nlateri.al. 6.l Definition al' H.acardotts Nlaterial, AS llSed lle!'elIl, the term "I-~azarclous Material" means an}~ hazardous or toxic substance, material, or waste 4vhich is or becomt;s regulated b}~ any laaal govet•tllnental alrtllarity, the State of California or the [lnitecl States Governtllent. Th.e tornt "I-Iaza.rdous Iviaterial" .includes, without lilnitatioll, any nlateria] or S1tbStalleC: \•V.~liell 1,S (i) deI'~ned as "hazardous wade," "extremely 11aZardOllS waStC;" U1' "1'eSt1'ICtCd hazardous waste" under Seotions 2S11:i, 251 1.7 or 25122.7, or listed pursuant to Section 25 ]~lU, of'the California I-lealth and Safety Code,l7ivision ?_0, Chapter C.S (Hazardous Waste Control L,ativ), (ii) defined as a "hazard04LS SW17StaI.1Ce" tl.ll.del' SeGtlon 2531 G Uf t11e C'.ali.fornla 1-lcalth anti .Safety Coda, Division 20, Chapter 6.8 (Carpenter-Preste}~-Tanner Ilazardous Substance ~~ccourtt Act), (iii) defined as a "hazaldous material," "1-3azar.dous substance," or "hazardous ~,vaste" under :Section 25501 of the Californ.]a IIcaltll aild Safety Code, Division 2U, Chapter 6,95 {l°Tazardaus Materials Release Rosponse Plans and Inventory), (iv) defined as a "hazardous substance" under Section 252111 Uf the CaH:I'arnia Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6,7 (Uncl.crground Storal;e c7I'11arardous Substances), (v) petroleulal, (vi) ~sbestas, (vii) listed under Article 9 or defnled as "hararclous" or "extrcnlely llazardaus" pursuant to Article d of Title 22 of the California Adn1i11istrative Code, I~ivisio114.5, Chapter 11, (vrii) clcfinccl as a "]Iazardous waste," "harardoGts sl:lbsta-nee" or similrtr term under thn lice-feral ~~atcr 1'ollutio.n Control Act (3 i U•S.C. 51:31.'1), (ix) defined as a "hazardous \~vaste" pursuant to Section 1004 of the federal Resoure;e Ccnlse3-vation told Recovery Acl, 42 U.S.C, ~69U1 et sect. (42 U,S,C, X6903), (x) defined as a "hazardous substance" ]Jt11'Stlallt to SeCt1Un I()1 0{ file GUn11)t'Che11S1Ve Fnvironnlental Res}Ja31sc, Con'lpensation turd Liability Act, 42 U,S,C, $9601 et sect, (d2 U,S,G, §9601), or (xi) which rec}uiri;s investigation or renlediatioll under any federal, State or local statute, regulation, c>rclinance; orclea•, actioal, policy or c;o111111pn ]aw. U.2 Presence of I-Iflzai'dU1ls Material, Ruyot• aclalowled~;es that (i) the Building contains certain asbestos colltainillg trlatel•ial (the "identified ~-CM") as identifiied 111 t11at certain ComlJrehellsive Asbestos 5urve}J Report dated. March 16, 2009 prepared by l Iygienctics ~Cnvironnlental, (ii) Seiler will not relnave the l;dentified ACM, (iii) the 13ui1di11b may contaila tlthe:r asbestos and lead panrt winch will not be. removed by Seller, (iv) the Property may or may not contain cel•tain ot}1er I-lazardous Materials, (v) Seller has provided .Buyer with a copy QI'that certain ]?hose TF.,.1lviro1~t11en.Ca1 Site Assess111ent dated April l 3, 2009 and prepared by ATC Associates Iue. (tllc "Phase I"); a11d (vi} Seller mattes 11o represcn[aticln or waI•t•artty to Buyer regarding; fhe presellcc ar absence of any Flararelotls ?vlaterials on o1• under the Propelty. It shall 15e Buyer's responsibiIit}j under this Paragraph 6 to examine the Property and to review such 1•epol•ts Ur Uthe:l' d()t:U111.e17t9 it. deenlS I.leeeSSal')' to satisfy itself as to the presence or absence of qtly such I-lazardous Materials, V\~thoul limning lll.e gellera]ity of the foregoing, 13uycr fut•ihor aclcnawled~es and agrees that (a} Seiler is currently operatini; file "Lift" (as defined in Paragraph 18 below) ttt the 1'ropelty, (b) the disposition or removal of the 1,ift shall be gaverlled by the -10- \9?33b1b.1 terms of Paragtaph 18 belour, and (c) the Phase I vvas provided to Buyer <ls an accommodatiotl and far infot•tllationa.l purposes only. flccordingly, tilt Phase I cannot be re]iad upon by Buyer and Sellea• makes no representation or warranty to )buyer regarding the: h•uth, accuracy ar eoxnplet.eness of tb.e in:Por.n7ation contained therein, 6.3 lZight to Inst)eet, Prior to d1e expiratiatl of the Feasibility Period, Buyer shall nave the right, at its cost and cxpettse, t0 Co7tdllGt SL1Gl7 p11ySlCij1 inspections of the Property as necessary .in order to determine the presence or absence of Hazardous Material on or u.t7det• th.e Propert~~, Such. inspectlans by Buyc;r shall riot intel:fere with the ongoing operations at the Property, shall be cot7ducted at t•easonab}e times and under reasonable circumstances and shall be st.tbject to the prior approval o:i' Seller at7c1 Seller's right to monitor the inspection activities, Buyer shall promptly deliver the results of such inspections to Seller Buyer acknowledges and agrees that ~u1y soil san7ples ta]<en ti•om the 1'ropet•ty o.n 13uyet•'s behalPshall be taket.7 via the split ;sample method and Buyer or Buyer's Gonsultant shall inlme:diately provide Seller with a po1•tion oEthe sampled soli for Seller's }ndependent analysis, L~vllich u7depcnd.e.l7t analysis, if undet•taken, shall be undertaken at Seller's sole cost. 6:4 Cleanup of Hazardous Material. If, prior to the expiration of t17e 1°easibility Period, either Sel}.er or Buyer determines that a lcgallyunrtcceptable level, according to applicable governanental statldards, oI'H~uardot.ts Material exists on or under the Prolaet•ty, thert.:l3uyer may, in BrJyer's sole discretion, terminatr; this Agreement. In such case, Buyer shall bear its ot~~i1 inspc;ction costs, and the provisions o'f Paragraph 2,11 shall apply. If Buyer elects not to sa terminate this ngrec111eut, then S'ellcr may, in Seller's so}e discl"etion, either (1) teJaninate this !-\grecrnent, in L~jhieh event the provisions ofParagraph ?,1 I .shall apply, or (2} commc;nce to remove such Hazardous Nla.terial from the Ptoperty in wlaicll evel7t. the Close of L%scroLLr shall be delayed until followi.ilg Seller's aomplet}on of such rcntoval. If Seller colnlnences to relrtove such Hazardous Material, Seller shall thercaftor diligently proceed with such removal a#. Seller's sole cost and expense, and .iu accordance a~'ith rill applicable laws, rules, anti regulations. 6,5 13u~er's .Inspection, If Seller elocts to retxaovc such Hazardous Mater}al puxsuant. to Paragraph 6.4 abo~re, t.lpon eatrrpletion of such removal, Seller shall deliver to I3tiycr and to Escrow bolder notice stating that such removal has bean completed, ~+~ithitl thirty (~0} claps fallowing Buyer's receipt of such notice, B1tye1• s11a11 inspect the I'ropetty in ordet• to determil7c the presence or absence of I Iazardous Material on or wader the Propct•t~ ; .provided, however, that Seller shall have the right to reasonably approve I3u}per's t~geni Lvho is to G011Ch1Gt SUC}] 111SpeCtion. I~ Shell 1nSpEetlOll 1'eLTealS that the level pt Hfl'Lal•do115 Matel'lal remaining on ar under the PI•operly is at or less than the allowable level uncles app:l.icable gavernnleJltal rules c7r regulations, then Buyer shall be. obligated to proceed to the Close of Escrow, and i11c Close of Escrow shall occur upon the ~Iirst to Decor of (1) the C;lositlg Date, if' sitGh removal oI• Hazardous Matelial is cc)nlpleted at such lime, or (2} vdithin two (2) weeks tollawinl; Buyer's inspection. 6,6 Indenlnitica.t.}on, If the parties proceed t.o the Close of P;scro~v, I3lLyCr shall 111de111n11y, defend and hold Seller harmless fi•on1 all}r anti elf claims; clenlands (includitlg demands by any governlt"texxt~lt tt.gency}, .liabil.i.ti.es, costs, expetlses, penalties, datllages, losses and liens, J11G1Ud1nQ~ WitlloUt ]1171.1tc1t1o1:1 i'l':aSO1Tal:71e altoll7eys' fees, arisiJlg out c7f 19'/:JaG5G.3 ar r~~ith respect to (1) Hazardous Matet•ial on or lulder the Property, or znigrat.ing to ar from Clle Property at the Close of > scl~ow or released on or urtdcr the Property subsequent thereto, and (2) any clean-lip of any ai7d ail Hazardous Material which might remain or subsequently be placed on or'ander the Property, "I'hc indr:mnit}° pravideci for herein sha11 sul•v.ive the. Close of Fscrar~s7l7.ea•eunder and shall not be mergad into the Cxrant Deeci. b.7 Release, if the parties proceed to the Close of I~scro~v, then; 6.7.1 Buyer sand its employees, cantractors, a6cnts, and each of then.7, and its successclrs, assigns, heirs, devisees and executors, agree to forever z•elease, discharge and acquit Seller and its parent, subsidiary and/or affiliate corporations, partzlet'sllips (general and limited), partners, directors, olTicers, sharcholdel•s, and employees, and ea.cll of them (collectively, "I2eleas~:es"}, o.fiand from any and all claims, demands; obligations, liabilities,rnclebledness, breaches of. duty of any relatianship, acts, O1n15S1anS, misfeasance, 171alieasa[lce, Cat15E; Or Cat1SeS Of aGt1O11, CUStS, SL11T15 Of 111O71ey, ttCCOlirltS, (:at11pC..nSatiU11S, COt1Cl'aet5, CO11tCO~1e1'51eS, pl'On115GS, dalllage$, GOStS, lossc;s and expenses; ctf every type, 1ci31d, nature, descripCion or charactc;l•{inG[ucling ~ui.tllout limita.tionreasonable altarlleys' fees) (collectively "Claims"), .and it•respcctive of ho~,v, r~vhy ar by reason of what facts, whether heretofore or now existing, or wllicll ccluld,' mitl7t or array be claimed to exist in the .f:'4lturc, rvheth.cr knorr~n or tlnknowzl, suspected or unsuspected, linuidated or unliquidated, each as i f fully set forth herein at length, which in any rva}' arise out crP, or are connected rti~ith or relate to (1) any 7lazat•dous Material 017 0l• ttzlder the Property, or u7igrati.ng to or :from the 1'ropeJ-ty, at the: Close of Lsca•orv or released on or under the Pl•operl'.}+ subsequent thereto, and (~) any required clean-up of any and all 1-Iazardaus Mnterial which nlig.ht remain or subsequently be placed on or under the i'raperfiy, I11(;.l Ltding rh+.l'C11OL1(: Iitllltatian ally p81•SOnal lal)UrICS Sltffel'Cd Il}' aa7y person or p4rsons. The release provided for herein sJlall sul•vive the Close o'1' Escrow hereunder and shall not: be nlez•gc:d into the Grant Deed. 6.7.2 I311yt;1' atltl its SLICC4'SSOrS, assigns, heirs, der%isees and executors, abl•ces, represents allcl warrants that the matters released in I'alagraph 6,7,1 hereof are not limited to matters wll.icl7 al°e ]ulo~val or disclosed, and hereby waives any and all rights and benefits rvhicll it no~~~ llas, or i71 the future may Have, canlerl•ecl upon at b}1 virtue of the prarrisloals of Sectian 1 S~I2 of the: Civil Code of th.e State of California whi.c.l7 provides as follorr~s: "A GLii~IIRAI, RELEASE DUES NOT EXTEND TO CIyAIMS 1VHICII'lITE C;REI.~ITOR DOES ~t~t0"f T~NO~V OR SUSPECT `I'U I"sXIST IN HI,S OR III:~R FAVOR AT THE TIME OIi EXEC'l)'I'INCi TI-IE R.FI,E/~,SE, PVT-IICII (F TCNOW?~l LAY 1=11M UR 1-IIR 1\~IUST IIAVE MA'T'FRIl~LLV Ar'I~T'C'I'E,D Z~IIS OIt HLR- SL'~1'TLEMI;N`I' WITH TH1; DEL3".1'UR." Buyer's 'Lnitials Buyer also fu.l-thcr expressly waives sold relinquishes all statutes, rights, remedies anal benefits of all othea• jurisdictions, state and federal, wh.icll are all of the same or similar import oz• effect as Section 15=42 of the California Civi] Code. _12 19'73363Cs.3 Buyer's Initials 7n cortziectivn with the release contained in 1?at•agraph 6;7,1, Buyer agrees, represents and warrants tlr.at it realizes and aclcnowlcdges that factual matters now u3yknown to it may have given. or tx>ay hereafter,rive rise to Claitrrs which are presently unkno4vn, unanticipated ttrul unsuspected, and further agrees, represents and 4arrants that the release contained in Paragz'apkr 6.7,1 has been negotiated and agreed upon in light of Chat realization and that it nevertheless hereby intends to release, discharge anti acquit. Seller and l~.eleasees front any such unlcnowr~ Claims t.o the extent provided herein. 6.7,:1 Bu}rer hereby agrees, represents anal warrants that. it has had ad trice of counsel of its o4vn choosing in negotiations for anti fhe preparation of this tlgreement (including, ~~~ithout lizilitation., Paragraphs 6, 7.1 acrd 6,7.2 herei.n), that it has read Paragraph 6.7.1 hc;reof and Paragraph 6,7.2, that it has had such Paragraphs lolly cxplainec) by such counsel, and that it is fully aware ox their contents and legal effect. 6.7,1 Buyer ackno«rledges and agrees that no employee, agent, .legal counsel, or other representative of Seller; including Seller's Rrol<er (as de{mecl below) has been autl3orired to make, anti in executing this Elgreetrzent Buyer.has not relied upon, any staterr~ei~t of Seller, Seller's enaplayces, agents, Seller's Broker, or legal counsel, and shotitld Buyer be zzi:is(aken in its beliel'vvith regard to some issue affect or law regarding the matters herein released, it specifically agrees to assume; the risk. of such mistake, if any exists. Buyer hereby ackpolvledges that 13u}rer is rapable ot'perfoz•rning or causing to be performed a t.horar.igh and indcpender3t inyestic;atian, analysis and evaluation ol'tlre Property anti al] othez~ aspects a'f the tI•ansaction coraten~plated by this Agreen•3ent, and that. it has }red an opportunity to make, and to have its experts make its anti their investigation regarding the platters llerein rcleasec{ and al,l laws, rules and zegulatior7s rel.aCecl tl~ercto, 7. • Removal of Personi?I 1?ro~~~ty. Prior to the Close of 7 ;screw, Seller shall remove from fire Property any items of personal property owned by Seller. Such removal shall not. affect the amount. of the Purchase Price or an}= Other l'erzns or conditions of• th.is ~lgree3nent. Ezitr•y • 8,1 Right of 1nh•}t• 13uycr and its representatirres, employees, contractors, agents anti designees shall have the right to enter upon the Prolacrty, at Buyer's sole cost anti expense, {n order to inspect anti investigate the Pt•opel-ty and to concluc# any and all surveys, tests and stu.dic:s Buyer deems necessary or comrenient, provided that Liu}=er shall irnnlediately restore airy damage dozre to the Property as fire result of any sucl.~ tests, surveys or' studies. Prior to any cirtry tt.potz the Property, Buyer shall des.ignatc in writing to Sr;Iler one or rtrore repr•csentatives of Buyer wile shall accompanJ' any of such pcrsans each time they enter the Property. Such entry or reviev,J shall be made onl}' af}.er reasonable advance written notice to Seller b}= .Buyer {in. no even.t.less than 2r{ hours advatrce notice) and at times reasonably acceptable to Sellc;r. Buyer shall indemnify anc~ defend Seller against and hold Seller and the Property free and harpZless from any and all claims, demands, liabilities, costs, expenses, 17enalties, damages, losses azrd liens, including without limitation, I•easonab{c attorneys' fees, -13 \)73;G3G3 arising out of an.y suclx entry by I3uyc:r or its representatives, etrployees, agents, calatractors or designees. The indezlxnity provided .Car herein shall survive the termination ofthis t~-gxeetxxent ar klxe C.i.ose of Bserarv het•eunder anti shall not be rncrgecl into the Grant .Deed. The inspections of the Property s11a11 be subject. to the terms o:l'thzs Paragraph 8 and shall be considered elltrics upon t11.e Property far the purposes of this Paragraph $. $,2 Insurance. Commencing with Buyer's execution of this ~-lgreenleut and at all titn.es prior to the Close of Escrow, Buyer shall have in r;l'feGt wo.rl:a~•'s compensation a.nd enxplayer's liability insurance ruitll statutory limits of coverage as required by la~~r, and. with a limit of liability a:C at .least ~~.,000,OOU/$~#,UOO,UUU each occurretxee/aggregate, ilnCl CUinlne:rCla1 general liabilit}' 1nSUritnCe nam91'lg Seller a5 atl aCldltlanal lnSln'CCI, with Iinlits of 1101 ILSS than ~i2,00U,000 each occurrence, with $4,UUU,000 aggregate far badrly injury, including death z•esultzng therefi•ot11, and braacl form property clazllage, ineludin.g collapse and undc;rground prapez•ty damage, anti r=,=ai.ver of sttbrogation; 'These requiz•enlents may also ba s~rtisi:red with coverage provided through a municipal self insurance pool.. 'friar to entering the Property, 13u.yer shall deliver to Scl.ler certificates of insurance evidencing such cor=crags azxd further eviclcncing that such coverage ma}~ only be terminated or modified upoil thirty (3U} day's pz•ior tivritten notice to Seller, These covenants in this Paragraph 8 shall survive the Close of Lscrow anti slxall not be txlcrgcd into the Grant. T~eed• 9, Cozxdc:nlnatian; 17amag:e and laestruction. 9,1 Condezntxation, This Agreement is subject to the provisions of California Civil Code Sections 1662 (the "Sttt.titfe"). For the puz•poscs of the Statute, a taking by orninent domain of a portion of the Property shall bs deemed to affect a "nxa.terial path" i 1• the Cal<.ia1g exceeds ten percent (I U%) of the grass lane] area oI'thc, l~and• 1t is lxez'eby understood that iri the event ol'a taking of a "mafierial part" of the Property, then Buyer slxall not be obligated to praeee;cl fie the Close of > scrow 4leroundez•. In d1e er<ent of such a condemnation of less than a "nl~iteri.al Ixart," ~3uyer and Sc11er shall, nonetheless, pretest]. to Closing without reduction ot• abatem~:nt of the Ptn~chase Price, but Seller slxall assign to Buyer all of Scllcr's rig:ht to recover fi~on~ the condanulitag ftuthority at the Close of ~scrovv, Seller agrees that it will, both before and oiler L'he Closing Date; execute such documents or instruments artd further assurances as Buyer may reasatlably request in order to facilitate such recovery by 1-3uyer and Seller will cooperate in a.ny tnarxner reasonably requested 1?y Buyer, ilny such assignment shall be without representntian or ri~arranty by 5e]ler. ~•2 Damage and Destruction. For the purposes of the Statute, damage or drstructian to the Property shall be deemed to affect a "zxlaterial part" if the cost to repair such damage (as reasonably doternl'ined by Seller) exceeds ~~165,ODU• In the event of suc11 damage aFfecting doss than a 1ltaterial part of the Property, E3ttyer and Seller shall, nonetheless ,proceed to Closing without abatemenC ai' the Puz•clxase Price, but Seller shall assign to Buyer proceeds from any casualty insw:ancn received by Seller on ace.ount ol• any such damage which has not been renl.e.died ar repaire;d by Seller prior to the Closing Date;, Seller agrees that it ~a~ill l?c>ih before atxcl after tlxe Closing I7atc execute such documents or instruments and fut•ther assurances as Buyer may z•easonably request in ardor to facilitate such recovery lay Buyer and Seller rr=ill coaperato in qtly manner reasonably requested by I3u}rer• A.ny such assigntlxent shall be ~rrithaut representation or ~v<u~•anty by Seller. 1 ~} ~~a~~x~3~.a 10, Deliver>~ of possession• Subject t.o the rigl7ts of all tenants on the Property, if any, Seller shall deliv~r• possession of the Properly to Ruyel• at the Close of Lscra~~+• 11, Delivery of Documents Relating to the Proper ~7Jithitt te.n (10) days after the termination of this Agreement and the L,scrorv (il`al~!plicablc) for whatever reason except for a default b}~ Sellcr,l3uyer shall delayer to Scllcr, without warranty and to the ettent ttss.ignab[e by Bayer, at nn cast to Seller, (a) all technical data prepared or obtained b}r Liuyer, its .agents or contractors iI-I eonnectiou with the Property, including, but not limited to, land plans, leaps, engineering studies, soils stttclies, geological studies and other engineering infor.n'lation in Bilycr's possession or under Buyer's control, (b) all tivritten documentation prepared ar obtained by Buyer or filed with the applirable governmental authority in connection with C11c Toning Approya.Js, inchtdirtg without lilnitati~n, applications, plans and specifications and enyiranrrienta.l reports, and (e) all other ~~n•ittcn irtforlat.ation relating to the Propct•ty in any rnarlner whatsocver• that is in Buyer's passessiolt or under I3uyet•'s contrnl, 1nCludttl~ 1vit1]oltt 11111tt~1tlOr1, appraisals, drawings ant! slcetches, n~emorai~da, construction ciorumGnts, reports, studies and other technical O.t• htlsiuess 1nf01'Il'!t1t10n ((a), (b), and (c) are collectively referred to herein as, "Docut7~ents Relating, to the l'ropcrty"), Notwithstanding the 1"oragoing, .Documents Relating to the Property shall not include Buyer's prolarietary ini~lrmation relating to Buyer's patentia.l use of th.e Property, IllClllCllllg architcetural studios anal evt3lt:!ations. A11 Documents Relating to the Property shall be the propei-t}J of Scllcl•; laroylded, .l~awever, that I3t!yer hereby corltirms to Seller that all 1ocuments Relrttirtg to the Propert}r preparc;<I by Buyer's indel:>el~dent consultants are assignable to Seller. Buyer shall keep ~tnd shall require its agents L'o ls.eep all such information confidential both prior to and after any teI-rnination of this Agreement• Notwithstanding anythins~; io the conb~ary cont~Iinecl in Qlis Agreement, it this Agleement is terminated in accordance ~yith Paragt•aph 2.11 aboye al:Itl Seller is not in default of this Agreement, Seller shall not be required t.o cieliyer any portion of the Deposit _I~reviously delivered to Seller or any .athet• funds to ~•vhich Buyer is entitled and Tascrow Ilolder. is irrevocably authorized and instructed not to deliver the 1:?eposit or fin}~ other funds to 4vl~lieh Buyer is entitled until Buyer leas complied t~~ith the obliga.t.ions set fol'th in this Pal'agraph 11. 12, Commissions, i3uyer and Seller represent and v,Jarraltt to One a.nather that no broker, salesman or tinder has been engaged by them in colulectioaa with the transactions coni:emplaiecl by this Agrecmcrlt othel• than CB l~i.chard Gllis, Inc. I•epresenting Seller ("Seller's Broker''). Seller shall pay Seller's Broker tlvauglt Escrcati~f a eotnlrtission upon the Close of 1?scro~v pursuant to a separate a.greernent between Seller and Seller's Broker. In t}te event of a claim :for brokers' or iinclers' fees or corrlrxlissians in canneciion with [hc: negotiation or e~ecutial~~ oi'this .A1;reenlent or the transactions cont.cmplated hereby, Scllcr stroll indemnify, l•Iald harrltless and defend Buyer teorn and against such claim it' it shall be based upon any statement, !-epresertlation, ar agreement alleged to have been made by Seller (including any claim asserted by SeIIeI•'s 13rolccr), and 13uycr shall indemnify, hold harmless and dclend ~cller if such claim shill be based upon any statcnaent, representation, or aga•eelaient ,llleged la ha~~e been n~ad.e by Buyer (excluding an}r claim asserted by Seller's Brok.er). 13. 1.IC?U11':)ATTD D/1!\~AGTS, 13.1 BCJYER'S bFI~AUI_.T, NUT~'1'['1-ISTANDIIgCi ANY 0`1'H1~R PROVISfnl\I IIIRI;IN CQNTAINLD, IF THl1 SAT,L OF T.l~l PRC7PER"1'Y IS NO"1' -15- l~I733636,3 CUNSUivIMt-1TED I3Y R>~t150N OF ANY DEFt1~ULT BY }3UYFR, 'I'I-ILN SELLER. SHr1LL- BE ENTI"PLED TO LTQUIDATEIa DAMAGES TROIvi BU~`ER IN THE AMOUNT OF THE DEPOSIT (.~1 UU,000). BUYER AND SLI,LER HIRE:BY ACI~NO~VI,EDGI:'I'i-iAT SELLER'S DAMACiES ~,~SIICH WOULD RES~LILT FROM BUYER'S FAILUI~E'I"0 ACQUIRE TITS PROPERTY FC~R ANY REASON ARE IMPRACTICABLE, AND EX'I'REIvIELY DTFFICUL"I" TO ASCERTAIN, AND TIIE AMOiJN'1~ OP TIIE DEPOSIT IS A REASONABT...F ESTTNIATE OF SUCH DAMAGES. THE PAYMEN`T' OF SUCI-I AMOUNT AS LIQUIDATEIa DAMAGES FOR 1"'I~E. BREACI-I OF BUYER'S OT3LIGATION TO PLJIZCT-TASI3 THE PRUPL;RTY UNDER TIIIS AGREL:MI:;NT IS NO'T' INTENL3EI7 AS A T~ORFEITtJT~E OR PENALTY WITHIN THL \dEANTNG OF CALIFORI~tTA CIVIL COllL SEC`],I.ONS 3275 UR 3369, I3tJT IS INTENDED `I'O CONSTl"TU"I'E LIQtJTDATT;,D DAMAGES TO SELLER PURSUANT'1'O CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE S.I;CTIONS I67I, 1676 AND 1677. 3'HE PAR`T'IES I-1AVE SET FORTH THEIR INITIALS 13II.~()W 'f'O INDICATE 'T'HEIR ACrREEML;NT V,rTTH "CITE LiQUIDATE,D DAMAGES T'R.OVISION CON`I'AII~li3D IN TITIS PARAGR.API-I. NOTWI'I"I-IS`I'AND]NG ANY"I'IIING TO TiIF.. CONTPv1.RY CON'T'AINED H-L~,IZI3IN, THE PROVISIONS OF THIS 1'ARAGIZA.f'I-I AR1/ .NOT TN'1.CNDED AND SHAI.,I.: T~TO`I' I3E CONSTRUED '1'0 f.,TMIT OR NI GA"1'E i3t7YER'S INDEMNITICA.'I'ION GI3I.,ICre1'1'IONS AS SET FORTI-I ELSEWTIERT; 1N THIS AG1~EEsMENT,~~ r f i ] ~ - ~y` /j f ~1 F(~ -- Set er's T:~~iCia~ Buyer's Initials I3.2 SELLER'S DIF,~~ULT. N()TWITIISTANDING ANY O'T'I~EiZ PROVISION T-TEREIN CONTAINED, IF TIIE SALE OF 'T7lE PROPER"1 Y IS NOT CONSUI~~iMA"1'EL7 I3Y IZ.I ASON OF ANY DIarAUL T I3Y SELLER, 1'I1EN T:3U~`ER S1=TACT l3E EN'I'1`I'LL:D, AS ITS SOIaE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY, WI~E'1'T~IER AT T.,AW C)R 1N EQUITY, ET'I'ITER (A) TO TERMTNA"~I'E'I'H1S AGREEMEN`:L'' AND RECOVER ITS DCPUSI'I r1ND ITS AC"T't.lAL, IZEASONAI3LE, OU`["-OF-PUCICE"I" EXPTINSES TNCUP.I:LD IN C:ONl7I.tGTTNG ITS DUE U1LICrFINCE I'N'VESTIGATION OF TI°IT' PROPER:"I'Y III AN AMOUN'T"NOT ~1~0 EXCEI~D FIFTY THOUSAND DC)IaLARS (50,000) (7'T-TT~, ".DUI DIT...IGTNCE REIMI3URSEnlIEN"I"'), OR {.13) IN LILU Oi~ 7'ERNIIN,47'INC.'T TI~TL' AGR~;IMI N'1` r1ND RLCOVERING ITS .DE.T'OSIT r~ND 'i'1-lE DUI; D1L.IGENCI; RL;TNIBU:RSEA~TrI~lT, BIJ 1'LsR SI-IA:LL BP; ENTITI.,ED TU 1'L-RSUE SPECIFIC PL,IZl10RV:IANCE OF TINS AGREL:ivIEN'I' ~VITI-IOUT RTGT-IT TO ANY I)AMAUES (OTHER ~l,T-IA.N A RETt.J.RN OF 1'I~fI~. DEPOSIT AND TI-i.E TRUE DILIGENCE IZEIMI3UR.SEMIaNT IF SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE TS NOT GRAN"rED) OI;. O'T'HER EQUI7'ABT.,.E.RIaLI]sF WI-Lr-ITSOEVETi, BU"J' ONLY` IF BUYER FILES S1JCH SPL,C;11~1C PERFQRN.tANCE t\CTION TIIIR'I'Y (3U) DAYS AFTER THT SCHEDULED CLOSING I~A']~:f, ANTJ T3iJYER'tS FAILURE TO 1NT"I'IA'TE SUCH ACTION Wi'T'T-TIN SUCH. 'THIR"I"~S' (30) DAB` PERIOD CONS"I'I`I'UTL,S AN ABSOI.,tJTE F3F1R PROM BUYER'S IN,STITU"1 TON OF ANY SUCH PRUCELUI.NGS, DU~'ER ST-Tt1.IaL NOT I31=, LNTi."I'I,ID TO RL;C~ORD A LIEN OR LIS I'ENDINS AGAINST THE PROPERTY OT'.HER `I`I-IAN L~~ CONNECTION AND CONCURRENTLY WITI-I THE 1~1LING OIL SUCf~I SPf:sCIf~IC PERFORIvtANCE ACTION, _T6_ 1g733GJ6.3 Seller's Inltia s Buyer's Initials 1~1. Attorne's' Fees. If any action oar proceeding shall be brought by either party in order to enforce the provisions of this Agreement, or to collect damages as a result of" t.lle breach of any of the provisions of this Agreement, whether ol• not sclch action or proceeding is pursued to a ,juclgrllent, the prevailing part}~ shall be entitled to recover all reasonable attorneys' fees incurred. in connection therewith, inelluling costs. 1 S, Notices. Whenever Escrov~~ Holder or any party hereto shall desire fo deliver to the other any notice, demand, request or other conllnunicatiorl, each such notice, demand, request or other c:onununicalion shall be in ~~~riting, shall be biven 1.7y personal delivery, b}r registered or certified United Stafes nlai:l, retm•n.rcaeipt requested, or by overnight courier, postage prepaid, or by facsimile, addressed as follows: TO SJJLLI:R; Vl~R17..ON CAI~II~ORNIA 1NC. c/o Vernon Corporate Real Lstate 18508 Sal1d Cally011 AV~llue Irvine, CA 9261$ Attention; 'Z'any ~~Tallaee VSO heal Bstatc Fax Na. 949286-7410 ~VITI1 COI'I~S T0: l~~IcGuireWoocis LLI' .1800 Centul•y Park Bast, $'h T'loor Las Angeles, CA 9UU67 Attention: Joan A, Wolff, Bsq, Fax No. 310-31 S-$210 C13 Richard Bllis, Inc. clo Verizon Corporate Real Bstate 112 S, Lalcevierv Callyorl.Rd. (CASOICW) 'Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 Attention; Karolyn S. Lucci 1~ax Na, SOS-379-1454 'I'O 13UYI;R: `1'otivn ofLos Gatos 1101;. 1Vlain Street P,O. Box 949 Los Gatos, CA 95031. Atteutiorl: Orly P. ICorU, Fsq,, Town Attorney Fax No. x-10$-3:54-$431 TO 11SCltOW IiUI,ULR; i~'iilelity National `I°itle 801 S. Fil;uerorl Street, Suite $70 Los Angeles, CA 9001'7 ~17- \)7336~G.3 Attention; Linda l~.ane, Escrtazv Oili.cer Fax No. Z13-6~9~9330 A.ny such .notice, demand, a~c;cluest or other communication shall be deemed effective on the cta)r of actual d.elivcry or refusal tv accept as sho~nrn by the addressee's r~tw•n receipt or fax conlirmativn, if the date vIt which any notice required to be delivered hereunder falls on a weel<encl or legal holiday, then such notice may be delivered on the next business day immediately fo]lowing such weekelzd or holiday, 1•f the date of Closing, ox any other date, such as the expiration ol'the Feasibility Period fall an a ~veekencl or legal holiday, then such date shall autoltlatica.lly be extended to the next business day immediately following such ~~,~eekend yr holiday, Tlae 1'oregosng aclch•esses nzay be changed by notice fiiven izz accordance 1a~ith this 1'aragz•aph I S. l C. Anrcntlment• Com lete Agreement. All anzGndments anti supl~letuents to this Agreement nntsC be in t~rritin~ and executed by Buyer anti Seller, ill understandings anal alreen~eatts bettiveen the parties (including any printed of[er of sale provided by Seller to l3uyerj regarding the Property are merged in ibis ~1:greemcnt, which alone folly anti eonlpletely exln'esscs the agrcemezzt. of the parties regaecling the l'raperty• '1'11is Agrecnlent has been entered Into a:lte:r 11111 investtgat.ron of the facts by botl.~ patties and ncitlzer paz•t.y has relied on any statement or representation not erribodied iu this document. This />greement has been drtlftecl through a joint el'ti)rt of the parties and their counsel and therefore shall not be construed against either v'1'the parties as the clI•aitsperson. l /. Governing z,at~, •1•his Agreelnenfi shall lie governed under tlrc la~~~s of the ,state of California. Venue for any legal action concerning this Agreement shall be in the Santa Clara Superior Col.u•t. 18. ~~di•~ulic Veliicle);i1't. 1:3uyer aclcnv~`~leclgcs that Seller currently operates vile (1) in-~rou.nd hydraulic vclticie Iif't (the "I,iff.") al the Property. (Jn yr before the expiraiivil of the l;easibility Period, Sc11cr shall conlmcnce (a) the removal vf~Qze I.,ifl :from the Properly, (b) the rernctlitttion of hazardous Material cootaminzrtion, if any, located on or under the Prapel-ty ~~~lzich eemediation .is required in can.nec;tion t~~itll such removal. of t:he llift, if any, (inch-dirll;, without limitation, the renaediativn UI'l=[aarclous Material contamination (to the exterl# required by applicable; law), if any, relcasecl or discharged frarn the Li'!t), in each case in accoxdanc:e wvith, and Lo the extent required by applicable la~v, (c) the restoration of tlae areas of'• the Property affected by such rezlzoval tv a condition reasonably eq>livalent. to the condition of the 1'xvporty prior tv such removal, and (d) the obtaining, if rerncdiation of the hazardous 1vlaterial is required and if othcr~vise required by al7pticab.le law (as mandatc;cl by the agency providing regulatory ovexsigllt), of a "ta.o further autiozl° letter fI•oyn th.e Satlta Glara County Central l~irc Protection District (collcctivcly, (a}, (b), (c) and (d) shall be t•eferred to as the "Removal ~~%orlt"). Cornnzencelrlent of'the I~enlvval GVor•]c may consist of applying i'or applicable permits and approvals to perform the Removal VJorit, Sellca• shall diligently prosecute the Removal t;~vrlc, and shall undertalGC and complete the Removal Warlc at Sel1e1•'s sole; cost a.nd expense in accordance tix~ith all applicable ]a~vs. Upon notilicatiorl tv Buyer from Sellc;r that Seller' has completed the ltetnoval 1Vvrk, Buyer shall have thirty (3t)) clays to inspect the Relzioval ~~'vrk. (the "Removal ~~'vrk inspection Period"). During such period, Buyer's envirann-tental consultant; ~vhieh consultant shall have been selected by 13uycr and 4lpprovecl in -l8~ 19733G3b3 writing by Seller (acting reasonably), shall review and approve the completion of tI1e Retnova[ Work, which approval shall not be'ttnreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. Bttyet•'s cil.vironmenta] consultant. shall be deet-~1ed approved by Seller i f Seller does not respond. to Buyer's xequest Icir approval within tti~+o (2) business days alter Buyer's request For apprQVal. In the event Seller disapproves Buyer's envirailinental consultant, the Removal Work inspection 1?eriod shall be extended by an additional five (S) business days to enable Buyer to identil:y a.nci obtain Sc[lcr's approval of a different environmental consultant. 7f Buyer fails to notify Seller ~vitl-iin the Reniaval bVork Inspection Period, the Removal Woz•lc shall be deemed appraved• Upon receipi of the aplroval (or deemed approval) by Buyer's consultant, Seller's obligations with respect to t11e Renlova[ Work shall terminate, Upon completion afthe Removal Work {and Buyer's environzuent~tl consultanNs approval or deemed approval of same), the environmental indemnity and the enviro.n.inental release contained. in 1'at•agraphs 6.6 and 6,7 above shall apply with respect to t11e Removal Warlc, the Lift anti any I-Iazardous l~~lttterial associated with eitllex of both, The parties hexeto ackna~vledge aitcl agree that as long as Seller diligently prosecutes the Removal Work to completion, then Seller shall not be (i) deemed in default of this Agreement, ar (i.i) obligated to pay •any charges (atller than the cost of performing the Removal Work) in connection with the Lift, Nat.wii.fastanding anything in this Agt•eeinent to the contrary (including, ~~~itllout .1it11itation, Paragr'ap11s 6.~1 and. 6,5 above), Buyer acktla~vledges and agrees that (w} the Removal Work may not be completed prior to the Close of);scra~v, (x) the Close of Lsero'cv \vill not be dslziycd far the ptit•pose of t11.e cailtpletian of the 1Ze;tnoval Work, (y) Buyer shall cooperate 4vit}1 Sellet• in coiulection wii:h the completion of the Removal Worlc after the Close ol.' I:sscrorv, if applicable, atld (z) Seller shall have reasonable access to thG portion of the 1'ropr:t•ty containing t11e Lift: in ordet• to permit Seller to complete i.he Removal Worl: after the Closing Date, if applicable. I3u}~er shall also etxter into such fttrtller agt•eenlents ztnd graalt such further per111isstons as teasanably necessary for Seller to aotrtplete t11e Removal Rroi•k. "I'he obligations of tlae: parties provitlt;d :for herein shall survive t11e Close of Escrow hereunder and shall not be nlctgcd into the G1•an(: Deed• 19. Cou.ntcrn~u•ts, Zf.~Ftdila~s ~,nd Detialecl Tern-is. T11is ~grec:nlent may be executed in several Counterparts each of which shall be an original, but. all ol'such counterparts shall constitute one such ilgreenlent, The headings used herein are for convenience only and are not to be construed to be part o1'this Agreement, For the purposes of this Agreement, {a}the term `'ulalud.i.ng" means "It1ClLtdllig v1'1thOUt 11n11taf10r1,'' and (b) 4vhetl a tithe period is speeifiecl in this Agreement f•ar the per:(ornlance of an act oi• the occurrence of an event, `;days" shall tnettn "calendar days,'' unless other\~~ise specified herein, 2.0, hlo Offer, Submission of this Agreetrierit .tor exan-tinatioil or signature by 13uyer is ilot effective as an agrecrncnt to sell the Property or atherw~i.se until execution by anti deliver, Co both Buyer anti Scllec of an original of this A.gt•eet~lent• 21, T~hnL oi• tl~e Essence. Time is of the essence of this Agree.~lxeni. 22. Waiver. Tl1e waiver by ono panty of performance of any covenant, condition or promise s}iafl not ialvaliclate this AgreetnenC, nor shall it be cansidet'e;d to be a waiver by it of ally other covenant, condition or protllise. T11e waiver by either oi• bath parties of the time for performing any act shall not constitute a waiver of the time tar perfarmialg any other act ar an identical act required to beperformed at a later i9n1e, lxcept ~zs specihcallyproviclecl in -19- \9733636.3 Paragraph 13 above, the exercise of any ren•tecly provided in this Agreement shall not be a waiver of any other remedy provided by law. 23, Thircl Parties. Nothing contained in this Agreement, expressed or implied, [s intended to confer upon auy person, atJaer than the parties hereto and Choir successors and assigns, any t•iglits or .remedies under ar by reason of thi.5 agreement. 2~1. Severability. If any one ar I11at•e of the provis[ons contained u~ this Agreement shall fox any reason Ue held to be invalid, illegal ax unenforceable in .any respect, such invalidity, illegality aa• unanfoxceability shall not affect any other provision hereof and this Agreement. shall be canst~•ued as if such invalid, illegal or waenforoeable pl-avision had nevel• .boon contanc;d herein, utxless such r'nvalidity, illogality or unenPaxccabi{ity materially affects the fransactiotxs contemplated by fll:is Agreement or the ability of either l:~arty to perfart>1 its obligations wilder this tlgreetrtt;tlt. In such case, e.ithex party trtay terminate this Agxeetrtent and tl1t Escrow oI1 written notice to the other paI•ty given no latex than ten (10) business days attet• the p~11•ty giving such .notice becomes aware of such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability, and the provisions of Paragraph 2. J l above shall appl~f. 25. ;1.'ax-De:farred ExchatYS;e. )/ach party shall reasonably cooperate ~~rith Cho other if such other party elects to cith~er acquire the Property or con~ley the Property in connection with atax-defet•I•cd exchange within the meaning of Section ICt3l of the lntel•nal Revenue; Carle aE 1986, as amended, provided tlxat (a) either party's election to e['fect a fax- dc,ferrec} exchai~~ge s11z11 not create ally additional conditions to the Close of Escrow ar extend the Closing Date; and (b) Scllex slxal.l not be obligated in any event to fake ar receive title to any other real property in connection ~a~ith such exchanle, Any such exch.Ltnge shall t7e accoinplishc;d b3' supplct-nental instructions, exchange clacunlent.s and an exchange ~icconlmadatar, if any, reasonably acceptable io both parties. The part}7 alec:fiing to enter ilitn a tax-cleforred excl~~inge shall indemnif}~ and hold the other party harmless ft•on1 and against any and a}1 liens, claims, darnages, liabilities, .losses, costs tulcl expenses, iricluditlg reasonable atta.xneys' fee;;, arising out. of or relating to thi; cooperating part}~'s participation it1 tl.1cCax-deferred exchange conternpJated by this Paragraph, `l'11c Close af•>~.scrow shall :not be conditianecl ot7, tl~e closing of airy laraposed tax-deferred exchange, and if swell proposed fax-deferred cxchtingc is not in a position to close cattcurrertt.ly Yvifh the Close of F..scrorv, J3uyer shall 1leverlhelcss be obligated to carnpie;tc the purchase o1' dle 1'raperty fi•orra Seller on Cho Closing Date an the terms turd conditions of this Agreement. 2G. f\dditional Documents. T_;ach party herat.o agr4es to porl'orni any further acts a.ncl to execute anti deliver any fiutliei• documents ~~~hich maybe reasa~labl3+ neccssa~•y to caxt•y out the provisions of this tLgreenaent, 27. Assi~mant; BilZdit~Effect. This ts,.greement shall naf be assignable by ]3uyer to ~tny otllex party vvitholtt the prior rvriitetl consel~f of• Seller, which Gollsent Se}lei• nay ~•~;.itlZhalcl iu its sole discret.ioll. 1'or purposes of this Paragraph, any agreement entered into bCi~veen [3uyer and a third patty prior fa the Close o1'Lscro~i~ t.o sell ar at:hc:r~vise transi'cr any irltcrest ia1 t17e Property, ncluclilxg, rvitl7out iilnitatian, the execution of escrow instructions canTemplating such a sale or Transfer shall be deemed an assign.tnent. Any such assigntllent without Seller's consent as provided herein, shall be deemed a nl.atet•ial breach of this 20 t9733G36.3 Agreement, and Seller, rnay, in Seller's sole cliscret.ion, elect. to tern7iuate this Agteement, in w17iG1] case this Agreement shall be null and void, Buyer shall have 17v fuliher tights hereiulder, anal Scllel' shall be entitled tp damages as provided it) T'al•ageaph 13. Subject to the 'Pvregoing, this A~,reement shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and. assigns of Scllel• and Buyer, 28. Waiver of Trial b Jul•~'. SLI.,>•,f R AND BUYER 1<N(~tiVTNCiLY, VOLUNTi112.ILY ANI7 INTENTIONALLY ~~'AIVE (TO T1TT EXTENT l'IRMI1"lED T3Y APPLICABLE I-,AW) ANA' FZTGHT "I'TIEY 11~IAY IIAVIJ TO A TRIAL aY JURY UI~ ANY 171SI'UTE ARISING UNDLR OR REI...ATING TO THIS AGRFEML•?NT, t1ND THE I~AR`.fIE.S AG.R.F3E "J'TlAT ANY Sli`CII T71S1'IJTI1 SkIALL 13L TRIM-D F3EFORL A JUDGE SITTINCr WITHOUT A JLIR~', 2c). Inde elldet1t Counsel, Each party acla7owledges that i:t has consulted with and 17z1,d th.e opportunity to consult r~rith independent counsel of its owtt choosing in connection rvi:th the 1]egotiat.ian and execution oftl]is Agl'een]ent. ~n. I~ittt'ttlt AGf'. 30.1 Seller shall take any actions t'llat may be required to comp)}1 with t17c terms of the USA patriot Ac:t of 2001; as an7endcci, a17y regulations prvmulg~it.ed antler the foregoil7~ larv, LxecuCi.r~e Ol'dc.~iNo. 73?2~[ oi1 Terrorist Iiinancing, a17y salletions program adu]il]istrated 1,y'the LJ,S. I)epartlnent of'I'reasury's OLl:ice of l~ol•eig11 Asset Contl•vl ()r Financial Crinli;s Enforcement A?etrr~arlc, or any .other ]ar•~1s,1•egulatiol)s, executive order's ol• govcrnlnent pragt'ams clesigrled to cvmbat tel'torislxt or mvncy laundering, or the effect of any o:t• the fvrcgoir)g 1~17afs, regulations, oxdcrs nr prvgl'an7s; if applicable, on the 13•ansactial7s described in this Agrccnlel7t. Se11er is not an entity .nalnecl ott t11e List of Specially ~)esignatcd Nationals alld f3lacl:ecl ]'erso)7s 177aint,~tned by the U.S. Dcparbnel]t of Tt•easury, as last updated prior to fihe date of this- A~;reen1e17t. 30,2 Buyer shall take any actial]s that may be required to colnlaly rvith the terms of the USA Patriot Act of 2001, as an]ended, any regulations pron]ulgated under the_ fo.regvit7g la~v,) xecutivc Order No. t 32261 on ~C'urt'vrist Financing, any sanctions progra171 acltninistrated by the T.J.S.. Depal't]]7ent of'I're.astu•y's Office of lioreign Asset Control or I'inGtnGial Cl~il]7es Enforce-111G.11t Netrr~ork, or an'y ot.h.Gt' la~,vs, regulations, exec'uttve orders yr goVerllTT)CJ]t prQ~ral115 Ci.eSlgl70d t() Gonlbat t(irrol'lsn7 C)r 117011eV laUttdel'ill~, al' the effect of any of 1170 f()1'8gQ117g lams, 1'tgtll`c1t10115, 01'Clirl'S Ot' prOgl'an]S, 1(' apI)llcable, oll the tranSaCt1017S desCl'lbed in this Agreernt~nt. Buyer is not an entity named. 017 the; List of Specially Designated .Na.ti.orn]ls ilnd I3lvclced Pel•sons lxtailltainecl lay tl]e [J.S..lllepartment ofTreasucy, as last updat.cd pl•ior to t17e date of this Agre(:mcnt. 3l . Backup ()Cfi?r. Until the 'Closing, 5cller may consider back-up viers for a p()1'tipn or all of the Property, 32. Lin]itation. vl~Liabili~t r, Rl:tyer aekt)o~vleclges alld agrees that lxeither the: sl7ttrel7olclers, o1'licers, elnl7loyee;s nor affiliates of Scllel' shall be liable for abligatiolls entered into by or vn behalf of,Sel.ier. Seller shall 77vt be Liable'I'vr any indirect,i.ncidentat, speculative, _21_ 19733636.3 pttxlitive, special, or consenucntial. cian-tages of qtly kind including, but not limited tp, loss of revenue, loss of gaoci~~viIl, IaSS of business oppol•tutaity, lass of pl•af'its, losses related to thkrd 1)arty claims ox any one or tatare of them .arising iti any manner Pram this Agreement ar the pel•farrltance or not~pei~farm.ance of.•obligatla.ns related thej•et.o regardless of. rho foresceability ther'eof'. Not~vithstandzng anything to the contrar}r set forth in Paragraph 13,2 above, if•prior to the Clasiarg Date .T3trver beca-nes ativare of :any existing or new item, fact or ci.reumstar~ce which renders a rel)resentation or wart'anty of Selk.er set faz-tll herein incat7'ect or untt•ue in att.y material 1•es])ect (collectively, the "Rcpresent.ation Matter") or that has a. material, adverse impact an the value of the Peoperty, then proviclecl such .representation ar ~,varrattty was true ~vhc;n ratade by Seller' Buyer's sole remedy shall be the right to terminate this Agreement a.nd obtain a refiulcl of the Deposit by providing ~~~rrk[ten ru)LiCe thereat to Sclltr no later than severs (7) businr:.ss days after Buyer .leat•ns of such Representation Matter. if Bayer does nat timely terminate this Agreement, thel~ Seller's representatian.s and war7•anties shall be automatically limileci to account for the Representation Matter, Buyer shall'he deetrted to have ~~~aived Buyer's right to pursue ally remedy for breach of tb.e representation or ~a~arr•a17ty made llnl7'LtC ail aCCal.glt Ot SUell Representation lvlatter, attd the parties stroll l>roceecl to the Close of Lscro~~,~, Notwithstanding anything to the contt•arv contained in this 1>`grcetnent, F3uyer.ltereby agrees t.llat 5e[ler•°s lt~aximnm. liability under this Agreement for acl.ual, direct damages shall not excc:ecl ~SO,n00 in tl,~e tlggregate and thtlt any Action ar claittt asserted 1~y Buyer against Seller nets( be ftlac] (if at all) ~~~ithin t1~~elve (12} months following the Closing, seed Bu}rer hereby ~~~rtives any right to bring any such cl~iirrt or action thereafter, The provisions of this Paragraph 32 shall sut-~~ive the Closing and shall not merge with the Grant Deed, ;9733Gzb.3 -~Z- IN WITNI?,SS W1IL;I2LUI~, the parties hereto have executed this Agreenae~3t as o.f the date first above written. ~P~~()V~~ ~5 ~'~? I~CI~iP~ Mc~UI~'EU11p~~S LL1~ .,~,.,, ~1P1'IZUVEll AS `['C) FORM; 13~; Qrry P. I~orl~, I~sn., Town /a.tCo~~ney Sl?aI.,.I,,I,.IZ: V.LItIGUN CALIi'OR-'~l~A INC., a C(~lifori~ia corporation f ~-1 ~l . .• '~ ~ Y Title; ~larist~plx~r=T~e71~ ~',;~e~~ttive Llit°ee~o~~_ V~®Real estate }3UYER; TO~jN Ur LOS UnTUS, a anu»icil~al corpo3'ation I3y~: Title; Tay; Title: ATTES 1' Clerk tlclininis~trator 23 1~)'7:i363G.3 Receipt of the foregoing instructions Uy Escra~~~ Holder is aclcno~vledged, said escro~~T holding is accepted and ~scro~u IIalde~• agrees to iloi.d and dispose of the funds atad clac~.uaients deposited in the escrow in aceorda.nce with these instructions. Dated: , 2U Ficlclity National "I'itlc Ily; 1=,illda Kat1e, .Esc]'04r~ (7fficer '7_~ t97,;3G3G.3 AG~~ ~'}VT~;N'I' 0~~ PCIRCT-SASE Al`Jl~ SALT. ANU rSC'12C~W YIVSTr2UCT~ONS LIST 01' LXHZ131~}'S 11~hibit 1.1 I..egal Description of 1'rap~rty Ex1lib.it 2."1 J;scraw Holder's Standard l'ravisions ]~xhil7it 2.3 Grant Deed _~5_ X9733636.3 AC~RFEMEINT O.~ PURC~IASL A1VD BALL AND E>~SCROW IiiTSTRUC'TIONS r~>:rz~~zT ~t r . r ~° LEGAL 17~SCRZPT~ON Or TIII; PROPERT4' [to be attacliecl] ~:xlilbit 'l ,'l - 7 ll73363G.3 i_E~AI~ Dl:~srRZPrzor~ THE IAND REFERREDTO HEREIN BELOW Is SITUATED IN THE UNINCORPURATI_DAREA, COUMY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND I5 pESCRISED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL ONE: Parcef 1, as shown orI that certain map entitled, ?FARCE=L 1~1AP MINOR LAND pNISION LANDS QF VERIZOP! CALIFORNIA INC, WHO ACQUIRED TrfL>; AS WESTERN CALIFORNIA TELCPHONC COMPANY, A CORPORATION, 7260-oR-714, TOWN OF Los GAT05, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA?, which map was filed in thr? office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California on May 10, 2007 in hook 813 of Maps at Pages S1 and 52, PARCCL TWO: An easement for Ingress and Egress, installi»g, repairing, accessing, operating and maintaining drainage, server, water, gas, power and/ar other utility conduits, IineS ar infrastructurr?, inclusive of talecarrniiunication lines, over and across that certain portion of Parcel 1 as shown an that certain map entitled, ?PARCEL MAP MINOR LAND DIVISION (ANDS OF VERI~ON CALIFORNIA INC. WHO ACQUIRED TTI~I.E AS WESTERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONC COMPANY, A CORPORATION, 7260-OR-7i~#, TOWN OF I.OS GATOS, COUNTY OF SANTA GI ARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA?, which map was filed in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California on May 10, 2007 in Book 813 of Maps at PacUes 51 and 52, and designated on said rnap as "INGRESS/EGRESS, UTILITY RND DRAINAGE EASEMENT TO BENEFIT I>ARCEL 1", and as further defined in that certain Declaration of Easement recorded May 10, 2007 as Instrument No. 1942G09G, Official Records. Said easement is to be appurtenant to, and for the berleflt nf, Parcel 1 as said Parcel is shown ort said Parcel Map• PARCEL T't-IREE: An easement for Ingress and Egress, installing, repairing, accessing, operating and malr7tcnining drainage, sewer, water conduits and other utility and irrigation purposes over and across tftat certain portion of Parcel 2 as shown or7 that certain map entitled, ?PARCCL MAP MINOR LAND DNISION LANDS OF VERIZON CALIFORNIA INC. Wl-i0 ACQUIRED T'il°l.F AS WESTERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY, A CORPORATION, 7260~Ott-71A, 1~OWN Oh LC75 GATOS, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA?, which n'rap was filed in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California on May i(l, 2007 in sook 813 of Maps at Pages 51 and 52, and designated In said map as "10' - WIpE WATER EASEMENT ~f'O BENEFIT PARCCL i", and as furfiiter defined in that certain Declaration of Easement recorded May 10, 2007 as Instrument No. 1992609G, Official Records. Said easement is to be appurtenant to, and for the benefit of, parcel 1 as said Parcel is shown nn said Parcel Map. APN: 429-3i-OG4 AGRrrIYIENT 01~ ~'URCHA~J; ANll ~AL~ E1.N;i? ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS L.XI=IIBIT "2,1" rSCR04V .1-1()L,I~LR'S S"I'ANDARI) PROVISIONS T'O; I'IDTI-,ZTY IOTATTCDI`dAI, TI'T)L,~ 1. Til17e is 6.1.'the Esset7ce of~these instructions. ICthis escro4v is nrat in a condition to close by t17e CT.,OSI.NG DATI as provided fot• in the forEgoing Purcl7asE AgrEen7eni. and 4vritlcu. denland for cancellation is rccei.vEd by you Dram any principal to Ibis esero~i' a€'ler said date, you shall act. iu accordance with Paragraph 7 of t-11~se Genet•al 17rovisions. If no conl]ictiug instructiatl of denlar~cl for cancellation is 171ade, you will proceed to close Chic escrow when the principals have complied r~'ith the csetow instructions. In tl1E event one o.r more of the C1etZeral Provisions arc held to be invalid, ih.ose remaining rvi11 continue to be operative. Any amenclmerlts of or supplements to any instructiai7s affecting escrow must be in writing, You arc alrtl)al'1GEd, prior t.o tlte; etosr; of esctorn>, to pay fi•orn fitnds on deposit any Fees necessary to obtain any demand and/or report as may be re;gtaired in this cscrol~l and at the el.osE of. esero~v charge the patties as ap}n•apria.te. `t'he principals will hand yon any funds and instrurneilts rrc}uired fi'ol:n eaell respacti.vely to com}7lete this escrow, Interc;st on any ne~~• tlnancing n7ay begin to accrue an the date loan funds/praceecls are clisbtu•secl by the nets lEnclcr, and barrowEr agrees to pay san7e in accordance; ~~vith leruler'S instructions, 2. You aI•e instruote:d to deliver and/or'1'EC0I'd all d0ClIt17CI1t$ and d1Sb111'S4'• all ~L1I1C1S 1'lrhen you Can Comply V,']tll t11CSE 1n5t1'LiCt1011S and ISSUE arty tltle inSL11'a17Ce }7allcy aS Called for herein. ']'hest insttuctions, together with a17y an7enclrnants and/or sup}71elrlents, n7a}' be executed in coul7terpart.s and togctlier shall constitute one and the same docun7ent, If these instt•L.lctions relate. to a sale, anal if there is no other vvritten agrecn7.cnt bctwcen the }7arties laertaining therEto, buyer agrees to buy anti seller agI•ees to sell upon the teams and conditions hGreaf. X111 dac1.u77.e1.zCs, l~tr}artces al7d staten7ents due the undersigned arE to bE mailed to the- respc;c;tive adclresses Shawn ,17eI•ein, unless otherwise dil•e;cted, 1n the event that a17y party to this escro~~' utilizes Paasil:nile tr~u7sinitted signed docutx7ents, al} patties hereby agrEC to acct:pt and ]let"(''-17v InSn"Llet the ESCi'Obti' hOldel' to rEly t1paT1 SL1C11 d0CLtI11Ent.S as if th4y bale O]"l~lnal Sl~,l'IalLll'e$, 13U)'c:]- and sellel' fltrtl7et' aC1C31o1VICd~e that ally CI0CUn7Cl1tS to be 1'GCa]'C1Ed 1)Eal'ing n077 al'l~,lnal (facsi:mile) signatures ~~rill not be acecptecl for recording by the caunty recorder. 3. The phrase "close of escro~~sr" (or COL) as used in this escrow means the elate on 4vhieh doctunenis are >•ecorded, unless atl7erwise specified. 4. tlssume a :i0 driy 171onth in any proration llErein provided, and unless otl7ci-v~'ise instlalctcd, you arc to use the inl~orn7aCion co.ntainecl .in aloe latest available; tax statL.i7lent, includilig any supplenlcntal taxes of record, tE17ta1 statemEl7t as p.raviclcd by seller and benc:Gciary's o1• association-statel7lerit:s deliveccd 'into escrc:lw for proration purposes. )iXhll)lt 1,1 } s9 r33G3G.3 .5. Upc7n c)ose of escrow you are instl•llcted to charge our r:rspective accounts the costs attrihutab)c to each, including buf. not lin7ited to costs as provided for herein .and/ar in acCardztnce with our respective estin~atecl statetnel]ts attached hereta and n7ad.e a part hereof. G. I~ecol•cla.t)on of any instruments delivered t)7xoug17 this escrow, if necessary ar proper far the issllanee of the policy of title insurance called fat•, is authorized, No examination or insurance as to the amount or payment of personal propet~ty tares is recluirecl unless speclicall}' reclltestecl, 7. If del7aalld to cancel is subnlrtted after the Closing, Date, aaly principal so requesting you t0 CanCQI t17iS eSGI'aw Sha)1 file 17Ut)Ce Ol' d8111and to cancel in your office in utiriting. You sha.l) 4vithil~ tl7.ree (3) worlcia7g days therealler mail by certifrcd mail one copy of such notice to each of the other principals at. the address stated in this escrow, Unless written oa,jectioi7 thereto is Filed in your office by a larix7cip~11 witltit7 fifteen (l S) Galen.cllu days aver the date of such mailing, yoll are instructe<t to cancel this escrow. if this is a sale escrow, you may retul7] the lender's papers and/t5r funds upon lender's danlalld, S• Iu the event that this escrow is oanceled, ally fees or charges due Fidelity National Title: including. t;•~tuc;ellation fees tu7d any expenditures incur..red or autho7•ized shall be paid fi•oln funds an deposit. unless othertivise specifica)l.y a~7reed to or determined by a c:aurt of conlpe;telrt jln'isdictian. Upoa.~ paynlealt therett:, retln-11 d.ocunlents alld n]onles to the parties as set FUl'E1] ia7 ll7e Iaa'e~Olalg PUCC17aSe /~~]'eelllel1t, Ur aS-O1'del'Cd 17)' tl]e COUL't, alld Maid ally ext%C11teCl 11]Stl'lin]C11t5. 9, if there is no written activity b}= a principal to this escrow within any six- rrlonth period after the Closing Date scat forth in the Purchase tlgrecment, li)dclity National `l~itlc 171ay, at its option, terminate its agency obligation and cancel this esero«', returning all dacllnler]ts, 111a11]CS Ur other Ite111S Ilcld, to Che respective parties entitled thereto, less any foes and charges as larovided herein. U. if far any reason, fittlds are retained or remain in escrow after the closing date, }rou nlay deduct thereli~canl a r.4asollable claar~;e as custodian, of not less than ~2S.UU per n]onth, unless otherwise sl)ecii'ied. 11. In the event that you sholtld. receive written conilicf)ng dc;rrlands or claims with respect to dais esc;ro~v, Or bvtt)7 1'CSpeCt t0 t)1e 1'igl1t5 of a11y al' the laarties hereta, or with respect to any n7oney or property de;positecl herein, you sk7a)l have the absol7.lte right at your opt.iou to cliscantillue any ol• all 1'i:lrther acts until suet] conflict is resalvecl to your satisfaction, )nel.llding by means of filinb ail action in ia]terpleader if agrcetnetat is not reached within a reasonable time. L2, l:n the event that any (~ffel• to Purchase, Deposit Receipt, or ;u1y other iorn7 of Purchase tlgreenlent (collective)y, ll7e "i'urc.hasc Agreement") is deposited in this escl•orv, i.(' t.l]ere is a conflict behvec:n the terans of'thesc Ciencral 1'rovisi.ons and the. Purchase Agrcament; the terms of the Purchase A.greelrlent shall control, ~9733Ga6,3 ~xh)bit 2.1 - 2 13. The parties hereto, by execut.iou oC thc;se illstr47ctions ae.kna~i~ledgc that the cscrar~' holder assumes nc71•ospansil7ilit)' or liability whatsoever for t11e supervision oC any act or the perforlnanee at any condition which t5 a C()lldltl()11 Sui7seClllC%llt t0 the C1oS11'rg of t11iS eSern 4V. ] ~l. 117 the absence of lnslructions to the contrary, }%au are 1lcreb}' authorized to utilizE wire services, ovel~light taut .day, or other expedited delivery services (as opposed to the regular U•S, M.ait) and fo charge the respective party's account acca7'dingly. 15. Concerning any real property involved i11 this transaction you are released from anti shall have; no liability, obligation n1• responsibility with respect to (~}) witliholding of firncls pursuant to Section i 415 of the Tn#crnai ReverntE Code of 191TG as alxrended, watt to Sections 1 ~6~2 and 18668 of the California Revenue watt Taxation Cade, (b) advising the patties as to the reclt}irenlen#s of said Section 1415, (c) deterr7liniug whethel• the tr'ansferat' is tr f:areign person ore 1lonresident under such Section, nor {;d) obtaining a notl foreign affiidavit or c}ther exemptiorl front witl111o1di11g under said Sections nor otherwise making any itlclui7y ccanccrnii7g compliance with such Sections by any }warty to the transaction, 1 C• 1f you pay a dctnan.d to pay in full a rcvalving line a1' ci•eclit or ec]liityline loan, you arc hereby instructed an nay behalf a17d far my bene:tit, to requesC that the 1e11der issuing said demand cancel said revs}lying line or equityline of credit, 7 7• You are authorized to i'ua`r}ish to any affiliate elf T'idelifi}~ Na.tianaJ ".ritlo, ~u7v attorney, broker or lender identified with. this transa.ctioil or any one acting all behalf' of'such lender any irtfornlatiarr, instruc#ions, alnendn7ents, statements, ar notices of canGeha.tior} given in eannceiio.n ~~'itla [his escro~'~', Tf' any G11EG1C SUb1771'tted t0 eSC.l'pW iS di5}10nat'(:d. When presented 1'ar pa1'177~a7t, you are authorized to notify all ilritlcipals ~rnd/or their respective agents ol'such talon pa.y n7 enl. 18. All n.atice.s, chanT;e of instt•uctinns, C0111mlln1eat1o11S and daClimelllS are t0 be deiiverEd in w1•iting to the office of T'idefit}' National Title, as set. fbrth herein, 19. Ail :['ands received in this esr.row shall be cle]aosited with other, escra~v funds in one or lnor(; ~1arl~interest bcaritlg dcrnarld accounts of r'idclity Natiorlal Title in any state ot• federal brlnlc or slay state or fecle;ral savings told lean association {"the depository institG}tions") and may be transter'rcd to any other such accounts, '1~[1e }7ar'ties to this escrow ac:[cnawleclge that tivh.i.le these accounts do not bear interest, because of these and ether t7anki1lg 1•elrltionsllips tivith the depositary institutions, l~~idelit~' tila.ti.ox7aT T.if1E and its affiliates 171ay receive Pi•on7 sc7n7c of the depository instittttiotls an array a:l'banlcing SBI"VLC[:S, 1GC01711170d£Ltla11S a1• other benefits, p'idetity National Title and its afffiliates also may elect. to enter into other business transactions ~vit17 or obtain loans far investment or other purlaclses 1i•om some of the depositor}' institutions, All of such services, accaln.modations watt other benefits slla!] rtccruc, dh•eetly ar inciirecily, to I'iclelity's`lational'~'itle watt its afl'tliates and Choy shall have na obligation to account to the parties to this escraay fnr flee value a.f' sr~ch services, i1GCa117777C)d~ltral7$ Or' Ot11C'!' bC1lGfitS. Fxhib}t 2.1 - 3 `•973'3636.3 A11 disbrzr~sernents shall lze rzzadC by .Fide.lity National Titlc; check, uazless otherwise instructed. Iiidelity National Title shall not be responsible for any clclay in closing if' funds received by escrow are not available far i.~nzrrediate withdrawal. Fidelity National Title may, pit its option, require concurr•crit ia3stt"11Ct1oI1S tl'oill Yl}1 pl~incipals prior to release of any Rands on deposit in this escr•o~~~. 20. You are atztliorizecl to destroy or otherwise dispose of arty and alt clocr.uneazts; papers, .instrtactions, correspondence and other n'ratc;ria} per#aialing to this c;scrotial at the expiration of six (6) years from the close o:f escror~v or cancel}anon thereof, without liability Lurcl wvit.l1out fiu•ther n.otice~, IMPORTANT NO"I'TCE Lxcapt for ~~~irc tritnsfers, fluids remitted to this escro«~ arc: subject to availaUil}ty requirer~aerits unposed by Section ] 2~I13, T of tine California Tnsuranc;e Code. CASI~III:,IZ'S, CIR1'IF11;D or TELLER'S clzeel<s, payable to I'TTaLLITY NATTONAT. TITLI Lyre generally available for disbursement on the next business day follo~virzg the date of deposit. (7ther forms of paymeizt an.ay cause exteazded delays in the closinl; of your transaction pursuant to the requireal~ents imposed by State I.ativ (Wire transfer information available upoiz :regriest) ALL PAR'T'IES TO THIS ESCRC)W ACKNCWI;EDGf; THAT PIDE~,ITY NA'T'IONAL `T'ITLE DOF,S NC)T PROVIDE? T.,T;CiAL ADVICE NOR HAS IT M~1D'L; ANY TNVIISTTCinT1C)N, IlL;I'RESIsNT'ATIONS OR A.SSURANCI:S ~VI-IATSO1Vl~R RI~GARDING THE LI;;C)AT, AS'PIvC"T'S O}~Z CC7~%II'T..I,~1NGL OT' r1'1-ITS `fRAN:SACTION WITI-I ANY TAX, SIC'CIRI'CIL;S C)R rINY OTI-TER 5TA`I'E' OR FEDERAL LA~JS, T7' IS RliCOT\~TIt~1ENT~EU THAT T1-]T PAR'T'IES QB'T'A:fN 1N1.~] ;PENDEN'T' I,LGAL COUNS.I?T.. AS TO SUC;II MATTERS. Etiltibit 2.1 - ~ ~,ei3~~~r>:; THE FOREGOING ESCR0IV INSTRUCTTO~NS AND GENERAL i'ROVISIONS HAVE BEEN READ AND ARE IINDLRSTQOD .AND AGP.EED TO BY EAC1-I OP '1"IIE IJNDEIZSIGNED. SELLETt; VERIZON CALIFORNIA INC,, a Cailtornia corporation By: 'l~itle; Cl.lrrellt Addl•ess: VERI~ON CAI.,IT'ORNIA INC, c/o Veriron Corporate; Real Ij•state 1SS05 Sand Canyon t-lven~le Irvine. CA 92C 18 Attention: Toby ~~rallace VSO Real Estate BUYER; TOWN OI~ LOS GATOS, a municipal CCIr}70l'atlon 13y:~ Title; By:_ Title: Gurrenl Address: TOWN Oli LOS GATOS l 1 U E. Main. Street I',O, 13ox 949 Los Gatos, CA 950 1 Attention: Oa•ry I'. I~or~, Esq., '1'otivi7 Atiorn~y Exllibit'L.1 w 5 19733b36,:S ACXRI!/EML1~`T aT j<'URCHASIIJ AND SALR Ai~Ill ESCRUW INSTRUCTIONS CTR.AN"I' DLI~D R~',CORDING P.~QUL:S"I'LD 13Y AND 1~4~IlEN RDCORDDl7 tI~IAI)_., TO AND MAIL. TAX BILLS TO; To~vr~ of I..os Gatos 110 ~;, Main Street I'.C7. I~ax 949 Los Gatos, CA 95031 Attention- .Iac;lcie Rose To~~vn Clerlc Adrniz~istratar Space ~\bave T'or Recorder's lJse GRA;`~T nFI,D ri'itle (:)rdr-.r ~ 10. Lscro~v Na. .~\ PN N a. ------- _.~ The tnxlersigncd grantor declares; Dacumcntary Transfer 7'a~ is $ _ { ~ C(~n71J11tP.Cl on full Viiltte Ot [Jl'Opel'ty C011VCyed; Ol' {) cottiplaled on fu11 value less value of i:iens atld encurrzUr~tnces .rellirtining at time of sale:. () Unincorporated area.; () City of _~ >•OR A VALUA}3L>; CQNS~f1»RATIQN, receipt of t-vhieh is hereby ttckaaativiedt;Gd, VERILON Cf1L1I'ORNIA II~tC., a Crrlifarnia corporation, tormer.Iy 1<noxS'n as GTJ/ California lncorporat.ed ("Grt•antor„), hereby GRAI~rTS to T0~1N nF LOS GATOS, a municipal carporatioli ("Crrantee"), the fallavvll~~; desari.bed real praporty in tlae Cattnty of Salltz Clara, Sirrte of Califol•nia; P.tsR A'I'T!1CIII;1? L~CGAJ., DCSCRII''1'ION Exhibit 2,3 - 1 E~r~:,;~:,c~.~ '1`l~is 1"ore~oii~~ grant oi'real property 15 SLII)~CGt• CO 11071-C1C11I14~tilellt ta~~S, all easetr~ents, covet~a~ats, conditions ~tnd restrictions; and all other mnttcrs of record affecting title fo s~~ch. property. L~ated;~_ __~•, 200, V~R1ZC)I~7 CAI.,IF(772:N1~ INC„ a Cali Fornia c-orparatioil By; Title; Exhibit 2,3 - 2. \9713636.;, ~c1~l~~w~>Jnrslvtr,~rT STAT1a 01~ CALIFORN.IA. ) COUi~~TY Or _ ) On ~, ~, before me, _ , personally appeared ,who proved to me on tha basis of satisfactoay evidence to be tine pez-soi~(s) whose na~z3e(s) is/are szibscribed to the within instrument at~d aelcnowledged to me that he/sloe/they executed the same ia~ hi.s/her/their authori2ecl c.apacity(ies), and that by his/l-ter/their si~nattiu'e(s} oiY the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. 7 certify under P};MALTY OF PF,RJIJRY iulder llte laws ol'the ~tatc of Califoa~7ia that the Ioregoing par~t.~raph. is true and correct, W7TN:ESS any hand and official seal, Notary Public (Seal j Exhibit 2.3 ~ 3 19733636,3 L~OAL C1i~SCRXP'fIQN THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN BELOW I5 SITUATED IN THE UNINCORPORA fED ARCA, COUNTY OF SAhIi'A CLAELA, STATE O(= CALIFORNIA, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; PARCEL ONC; Parcel i, as shown on that certain map entitled, ?PARCEL MAP MINOR IAND DNISION LANpS OF VERIZON CALIFORNIA INC, WI-l0 ACQUIRED T1Tl.C AS WESTERN CALIFORNIA. TELEPHONE COMPAIJY, A CORPORATION, nro•oR-719, TOWN. 01= LOS GATOS, COU(dTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA?, which map was filed in the office bf the Recorder of the Cotjnty of Santa Clara, State of California ort May 10, 2407 in Book B13 of Maps at Pages 51 and 52. PARCEL TWO; An easement for Ingress and Ogress, Installing, repairing, accessing, operating and maintaining drainage, sewer, water, gas, powt~r and/or other utility conduits, lines or infrastructure, inclusive of telecommunication lines, over and across tftat ccrtaln portion of Parcel 2 as shown on that certain map enL'3tled, ?PARCEL MAP MINOR LAND DIVISION (..ANDS OF VERIZON CALIFORNIA INC. GVHQ ACQUIRED TITLE AS WCSfERN CALIFORNIA TL--LEPl-IONE COMPANY, A CORPORATION, 7264-OR~719, TOWN OF LOS GA'FOS, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE QF CALM=ORNIA?, which map was filed In the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California act May I0, 2007 in Book B13 of Maps at Pages 51. and 52, and designated on said map as "INGRESS/EGRESS, UTIl1lY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT TO BENEFIT PARCEL I",and as further defined in that certain l7eclaration of Easement recorded May 10, 20D7 as Instrument No. 19x7.6046, Official Records. Said easement Is to be appurtenant to, and for the benefit of, Parcel 1 as said Parcel ds shown on said Parcel Map. PARCEL l HREI==. An easement For Ingress and Egress, Installing, repairing, accessing, operating and malntain9ng drainage, sewer, water conduits and other utility and irrlgaticm purposes overand across that certain portirn~ of Parcel 2 as shown an that certain map entitled, ?PARCEL MAP MINOR LAND DNISIOfV {ANDS OF VERI7_UN CALIFORNIA INC, WHO ACQUIRED TITLE A5 WE51'ERN CALIFORNIA "1"CLEPHONE COMPANY, A CORPORATION, 7264°OR-714, TOWfV OF LOS GATOS, COUNTY OF SAN'T'A CLARA, 5rATE Oi~ CALIFORNIA?, which-map was filed in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California on May 14, 2407 in Book 1313 of Maps at Pages Sl and S2, and designated in said Wrap as "10' -WIDE WATER EASEMENT TO BiNEFTTAARCEL 1", and as further defined in that certain Declaration of Easement recorded May 1.0, 2447 as Instrument No. i942609G, Official Records. Said easement is to be appurtenant to, and for the benefit af, Parcel 1 as said Parcel is shown on said Parcel .Map, APN: x}24-3I-069