2000-061- Confirming Diagram And Assessment, And Levying And Authorizing Collection Of Assessments For Landscaping And Lighting Assessment District No.1- Hillbrook Benefit Zone For Fiscal Year 2000-20RESOLUTION 2000 - 61 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS CONFIRMING DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENT, AND LEVYING AND AUTHORIZING COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS FOR LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. HILLBROOK BENEFIT ZONE FOR FISCAL YEAR 2000-2001 WHEREAS, on April 3, 2000, the Town Council ordered the District Engineer to prepare and file a report.regarding Landscaping and. Lighting .Assessment District No. 1 - Hillbrool{ Benefit Zone .regarding the improvements in the District .and proposed assessments to support those improvements; and WHEREAS, the District Engineer prepared and filed that report; and WHEREAS, the Town Council considered and approved that report; and WHEREAS, the Engineer's Report contains a detailed description of the improvements in the .District, the boundaries of the .District, and the proposed assessments upon assessable lots and parcels of land within the District; and WHEREAS, on May 1, 2000, the Town Council adopted Resolution No. 20.00-37 declaring. its intention to levy and collect assessments m Landscaping and Lighting District No. 1 Hillbrool{ Benefit Zone, and set the matter .for public hearing in accordance with State law; and WHEREAS; notice of the public .hearing was duly .mailed and published in .accordance with State law; and WHEREAS, the public hearing on the. proposed levy of assessments was held by the Town Council on June 5, .2000, at which time all .interested persons present were heard; and WHEREAS, the proposed assessments are not proposed to be increased from any previous .year; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has received and considered all written .and oral statements and protests regarding the proposed assessment, i NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The diagram .and assessment attached hereto as Exhibits A .and B are approved. 2. This Resolution shall constitute the levy of assessment for Landscaping .and Lighting Assessment District No. 1 - Hillbroolc Benefit Zone, for. Fiscal Year 2000-2001. 3. The Town Clerlc shall transmit a certified copy of this .Resolution to the Tax Collector of Santa Clara County for entry on the County Assessment Roll opposite each lot or parcel of land in the amount assessed pursuant to the Resolution, and collection pursuant to Streets and .Highways Code .Sec. 22646 and payment to the Town pursuant to Streets and Highways Code Sec. 22647.. PASSED AND .ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos held on the St" day of June, 2000 by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBBRS: AYES: Randy Attaway, Jan Hutchins, Linda Lubeck, Joe Pirzynski, Mayor Steven Blanton NAYS.: None ABSENT:- None ABSTAIN: None SIGNED.: MA OR OF THE TOWN O LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: ~~`~` CLERK. O~ THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS Cp1~TOS, CALIFORNIA ,~-~ H ~~ O,c ~C~RppRgT~~ 1a~~ ~~ .~ Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District No. 1 HILLBROOK BENEFIT .ZONE 2000-2001 ENGINEER'S REPORT Exhibit A N:~B&E\M f LLIE\C V R-SH'C. W PD Rev.: 3/29/2000 , < < ENGINEER' S REPORT LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING .ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 (Pursuant to the Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972) HILLBROOK BENEFIT 'ZONE The Engineer of Work respectfully submits the enclosed report as directed by the Town Council. G6GA c~_..- y -~l 7--x,0 SCOT . ALMAN DATE Engineer of Worlc I HEREBY CERTIFY that the enclosed Engineer's Report, with Assessment and Assessment Diagram thereto attached, was filed with me on the ~ ~ `~ day of .~~..,~J~/ , 2000, TO L~ T n of Los Gatos Santa Clara :County, California I HEREBY CERTIFY that the enclosed Engineer's Report, with Assessment and Assessment Diagram thereto attached, was approved and confirmed by the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, California on the day of ` , 2000.,. by Resolution No, 2000-~~~_. L TO' L ~R , To n of Los Gatos Santa Clara County, California I HEREBY CERTIFY that the enclosed Engineer's Report, with Assessment and Assessment Diagram thereto attached was filed with the County Assessor ofthe County of Santa Clara on the -day of , 2000, TO o ~ n o,f Los Gatos Santa Clara County, California 3 ENGINEER'S REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2000-2001 LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 (Pursuant to the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972) HILLBROOK BENEFIT ZONE Scott D. Alman, Engineer of Work for Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District No. 1-- HillbrookBenefit Zone, Town of Los Gatos, Santa Clara County, California,. makes this report, as directed by the Town Council, pursuant to Section 22566, et seq. of the Streets and Highways Code (Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972). The improvements that are the subject of this report .are briefly described as follows: The maintenance of trees, landscaping, irrigation systems, hardscape and fences as currently exist on APN: 523-11-028, located at the southeast corner of Blossom Hill Road and Hillbrook Drive, Los Gatos, California. This report consists of four parts, as follows: PART A: Diagram of Existing Improvements. PART B: An estimate. of the cost of the improvements. PART C: An assessment of the estimated cost of the improvements on each benefited parcel within the assessment district, the method by which the Engineer of Work has determined the amount proposed to be assessed against each parcel, and a list of the owners of real property within this assessment district, as shown on the last equalized assessment roll for taxes, or as known to the Clerk. PART D: A diagram showing all of the parcel of real property within this assessment district. The diagram is keyed to Part C by assessment number. Respectfully submitted, SCOTT~S. ALMAN Interim Director of Parks and Public Works Engineer of Work ~~~~~ DATE ~ :i 2 PART A Existing Improvements to be Maintained C~ I os som V I I I goad ~~'OOK ~ ~ ' ~~ \'` ~~ .....LA..•.:..... /` .U ~~~~ ' +~ ~~. %~% ~,~ 23-11-28 ~! ~, 4 V~ .. ~`~ GX ,• ~j '~ ,~ ~~ r/ /~%~,~ i ~ /,/ Landscaping 8c Lighting Assessment District No.l Hillbrook Benefit Zone N tJot to Sc~lc HDZ-I: \DWG\PPA29'-L.dwq Drn, by: C,G. Rev,i 4/ 19/ 96 by T.D. Landscaping & Lighting Assessment District No. 1 Page 3 Ilillbrook Benefit Zone PART 8 ESTIMATE OF THE COST OF IMPROVEMENTS FISCAL YEAR 2000-2001 FISCAL YEAR 1999-2000 REVENUE 1. Fund Balance From 1998-1999 2. 1999-2000 Assessment 3 . 1999-.2000 Interest. TOTAL REVENUE FISCAL YEAR 1999-2000 EXPENSES 1. General maintenance (Cleanup, trash removal, irrigation system repair, mainten- ance and replacement. of landscaping & street trees) 2. Publication & notification charges (legal) 3. P. G. & E.--Electric 4. San Jose Water Co,--Water S. Town administrative charges TOTAL EXPENSES FOR 1999-2000 FISCAL YEAR 2000-2001 REVENUE 1. Fund Balance From 1999-.2000 2. 2000-2001 Assessment 3. 2000-2001 Interest TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUE $ .28,800 1,700 1,500 $ 32,000 3,000 300 490 660 290 $ 4,740 $ 27.,260 1,700 1.,500 yl J V,-f V V BDBZ-1\Ellg-Rpts\Hbbz2000.x1s r Landscaping & Lighting Page 4 Assessment District No. 1 Hillbrook Benefit Zone FISCAL YEAR 2000-2001 EXPENSES 1. General :maintenance 4,120 (Cleanup, trash removal, .irrigation system repair, mainten- anceand replacement of landscaping & street trees) 2. Publication & notification charges 300 3. P. G. & E.--Electric 700 4. San Jose Water Co,--Water 520 5. Town administrative charges 290 TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENSES ROR 2000-2001 $ 5.,930 BALANCE TO CARRY FORWARD'TO 2001-2002 $ 24,530 BDBZ-1:\Bpg-Rpts\Hbbz2000.x1s Landscaping & Lighting Assessment District No. 1 Page 5 Hillbrook Benefit Zone PART C ASSESSMENT ROLL FISCAL YEAR 2000-2001 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AMOUNT OF PROPERTY NUMBER ASSESSMENT DESCRIPTION Lot 1 $50.00 523-11-027 Lot 2 50.00 523-11-026 Lot 3 50.00 523-11-025 Lot 4 50:00 523-11-024 Lot 5 50,00 523-11-023 Lot 6 50.00 523-11-022 Lot 7 50.00 ~ 523 -11-021 Lot 8 50..00 523-11-020 Lot 9 50.00 523-11-019 Lot 10 50.00 523-11-018 Lot 11 50.00 523-07-030 Lot 12 50.00 523-07-029 Lot 13 50.00 523-07-028 Lot 14 50.00 523-07-027 Lot 15 50.00 523-07-026 Lot 16 50.00 523-07-025 Lot 17 50..00 523-07-024 Lot 18 50.00 523-07-023 Lot 19 50.00 523-07-022 Lot 20 50.00 523-07-021 Lot 21 50:00 523-07-020 Lot 22 50.00 523-07-019 Lot 23 50.00 523-07-018 Lot 24 50.00 523-07-017 Lot 25 50.00 523-07-016 Lot 26 .50.00 523-07-015 Landscaping & Lighting. Page 6 Assessment District No. 1 Hillbrook Benefit Zone Lot 27 50.:00 523-07-014 Lot 28 50.:00 523-07-013 Lot 29 50..00 523-07-012 Lot 30 50:00 523-07-O1 l Lot 31 50.00 523-07-010 Lot 32 .50.00 523-07-009 Lot 33 50.00 5.23-07-008 Lot 34 50:00 5.23-07=007 TOTAL ASSESSMENT: $1,700 The lines and dimensions of each parcel are those shown on the maps of the County Assessor of the County of Santa Clara and the County assessment roll. METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT OF ASSESSMENT The total amount of the assessment was apportioned equably to all the lots within Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District No. 1--Hillbrook Benefit Zone. PROPERTY OWNERS LIST 523-11-027 Braddi, Louis J , Jr. and Joan N, 523-11-026 Cordell, Robert Q., II 523-11-025 Fallon, Donald J. 523-11-024 Wheldon, James M. and Raymonde M., Trustee .523-11-023 Sorensen, Joanne Marie Living Trust 523-11-022 Sprague, Margaret L., Trustee 523-11-021 Rubenstein, Charles B. 523-11-020 Frey, William A. and Lea F., Trustee 523-11-019 Greene, Wayne M., Trustee 523-11-01'8 Pearson, Karl M., Jr. and Lorelda M. 523-07-030 Cusick, Joseph ID. andKathryn V., Trustee 523-07-029 Allari, Donard L. and Mary E. Landscaping & Lighting Assessment District No. 1 523-07-028 Ruh1e, Philip G, and Nancy A., Trustee 523-07-027 Spiteri, Ralph J. & La Verne C. 523-07-026 McCoy, Jerome K. and .Sheryl D. 523-07-025 Stapleton, Teresa A. and Michael E. 523-07-024 Harwood, Michael and Elizabeth 523-07-023 Laclcovic, Colette .5.23-07-022 Rogers, Broderick W. and Francisca G. .523-07-021 Pitruzzella, Vincenzo, D, and Audrey K. 523-07-020 Slutman, Allen C. and Roberta M., Trustee 523-07-019 Bond, Joann G. 523-07-018 Sautter, Grace E., Trustee 523-07-017 McGilvray, W. C. and Leslie E. Trustee 523-07-016 Raynaud, .Joseph B. and Theresa C., Trustee 523-07-01:5 Krlc, Reuel J. and Margaret A. 523-07-014 Steele, Charles C., Jr. and Nancy J., Trustee 523-07-,013 Easley, Thomas E. and Imagene 523-07-012 .Morris, Elena C. 523-07-011 Workman, Dale S. and Bonnie J. 523-07-010 Downey, William C. and Joy H. 523-07-009 Kaminski, Edward F. and Carole H. 523-07-008 Jemison, Paul and Patricia 523-07-007 Schneider, Linda V. Page 7 Hillbrook Benefit Zone Part D Asse sment Diagram hI ossom N i1I po~~ ~~ /~L ~ 523-11-28' ~O L 523-07-0 32 33 523-07-07 ,` 523-11-27. s23-o7-09 34 '~ ~i 1 J 31 ~~ III iii Sio _07~~ ~j 523-i1-26 n' L any ~' 2 X523. ~' V ~' ~ ~ ~ s2s-11-2s 30 0>~ ~~ N i ~-07 s2321-2o i~ _ 3 N N 523-1;-24 I2 `p7 `L~ ~'y -183-07 523-07-21 t~ 29 ~~!~~ ~ 23 2~ fti~ ;~j 523-a1_ n2~ \ (,4 523_ 523'07_22 ~ ~~ ~ 5 23 n '17 °j 4 9 ti~ ~ t`' 2 4 523,p>_ `1 ,OL ~v 523_ir`22 23 N s~ ~~ j~~'/ ~, 18 ~' 6 "~\p'2.~ ~I ~c/25v`~' .523-.07_24 \~ ~ ~~V 7 3..I1~~,1 A 2 6 ~ 17 ~ L~ ~ s2 s~"~. 523-07_ ~, = ~ 8 3_~l_20 ors s2 Y 16 7` ~ s23_rr_ /9 31526 !\ ~ 9 N NO~. "W SCai~ 523,p7,2j ~ , 523_,1 Area Maintained 14 w~` ~~ 10 18 by Benefit Zone 13~ ~~ ~~Sfr 3'° 6 ~~/ ~2 m 12 q ~ ~.~/ ` ~ b~ 0~,2 11 0 .. . .......... . ,~ ~Z~ hZ~/o^ L:~l~D S GAPING ANT) LI~I-TYING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N(~. 1 Hillbx°ool~ Be~e~i~ Zane NDL-I: \L~WG`\l;X-A,dwq ~%rawn. by: "I'nsh {~uarl:~ td~:visrd: 2/ :7B/ ~.y by T;G~.