1999-091-Execute An Agreement With Argo, Incorporated To Provide Consulting Services In An Effort To Identify Problems Associated With The Delivery Of Law Enforcement Services And To Find Solutions To Resolve Those Problems RESOLUTION 1999 - 91 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH ARGO, INCORPORATED TO PROVIDE CONSUI;TING SERVICES IN AN EFFORT TO IDENTIFY .PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE .DELIVERY OF LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES AND TO FIND SOLUTIONS TO RESOLVE THOSE PROBLEMS WHEREAS,inJune,1999, Mr. Car1Bo11ig, C.E.O. ofARGO,INCORPORATED{ARGO), approached the Police Department with a proposal to develop a joint venture to identify problems associated with the delivery of law enforcement services; and WHEREAS, ARGO specializes in finding solutions to complex problems and bringing the resources together to resolve those problems; and WHEREAS, in exchange, the Police Department will identify problems associated with the delivery of law enforcement services and agrees to serve as a test and demonstration site for the identified solutions; and WHEREAS, the community benefits from this agreement by receiving more efficient .and effective police services at no cost; and WHEREAS, the contract articulates the responsibilities of ARGO and the Police Department, and enables the Town to participate in this program without liability; and. WHEREAS, Argo has agreed to hold the Town harmless and to meet all of the Town's business license and .insurance requirements; and WHEREAS, the contract also specifies that the Town will not be liable for any costs associated with this agreement or the products and services provided by ARGO or .any other company, and; WHEREAS, the Police Department has complete control over the services or products that it agrees to accept; and WHEREAS, the Town can terminate the agreement at any time for :any reason; and WIEREAS, this agreement creates awin-win situation for the Police Department and Community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT .RESOLVED, by the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos that the Town Manager is authorized to execute an agreement with ARGO Corporation to provide consulting services in an effort to identify problems associated with the delivery of law enforcement services and to find solutions to resolve those problems. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, California, held on the 21St day of June, 1999, by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: Steven Blanton, Linda Lubeck, Joe Pirzynski, Mayor Jan Hutchins. NAYS : None ABSENT: Randy Attaway ABSTAIN: None SIGNED GATOS ATTEST: GQit~C~~~-l ~ ~~ _ c~ ~~. z CLERK OP THE 'TO`'~N~ Op' LO ATOS LOS GATOS, CALI:IaGR,1VIA CALIFORNIA