1999-118-Execute An Agreement With GTE Network Services For An Upgrade To The Town's Telephone SystemRESOI~iJTION 1999-11~ RESOLUTION OF' THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH GTE NETWORK SERVICES FOR AN UPGRADE TO THE TOWN'S TELEPHONE SYSTEM WHEREAS, the Town desires to upgrade its telephone system to be Year 2000 compliant, and W~IEREAS, the Town has received a proposal from GTE Network Services to provide such an upgrade. RESOLVED, by the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, County of Santa Clara, State of California, that the Town of Los Gatos enter into an agreement with GTENetwork Services to provide a Year 2000 compliant telephone system upgrade (Exhibit A), and that the Town Manager is authorized, and is hereby directed, to execute said agreement in the name and on behalf of the Town of Los Gatos. .PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, California, :held on the 19th day of July, 1999 by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES.: Randy Attaway, Steven Blanton, Linda Lubeck, Joe Pirzynski, Mayor Jan Hutchins NAYS: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None .~- --~-•. SIGNED: MAY OF 'THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST> CIa~~K ~~ ~H~ TOWN ®~ L GATOS L®~ C~rATOS, C,~LIFORNIA JUL 14 '99 01~42PM GTE NORTH BRANCH P.2i7 ~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ 33 Letter of Ae~ree~~nt July 13, 1999 Ms. Judy Baldwin. CrT~ 1~letwork Services business Account Manager 12677 Alcosta )3oulevard, 3~ Floor .San lemon, CA 9~5g3-OS11 dear 1VIs: >3aldvvin, Upom execution of this agreement by the 'Fowz~ of Los Gatos {xQwn), GTE Network Services (C~T'E) agrees to upgrade the ~ovun.°s e~istix~g N®rcel telephone swiull and Mer.'idian 14~ai1 system as ®utlined nthe scope ofservices and in accorclance withtheprarrisions andpricirtg ofthe State o~Calif®r~a's California Multiple Awards Schedule (CHAS) contract #3-95-58-0412A, which, by this reference, as ncorpgrat~d herein. SCOPE OF SERVICES GTE will upgrade the Town's existing telephone switch fzozn a Meridian ~~' t®a Meridian Option 61 C and upgrade the voice mail systerr~ from Meridian ~1ai1 release 4 to Meridian Mail ILelease ~I 2 as specified by this agreement including .Attachment A, which, .b~y this reference, is itt~orparated herein.. GTE will install all equipment, materials, and software as needed to accomplish this upgrade. GTE will test and certify that the upgraded system functions properly in all .respects; and. that 4kie t®l~hone system, including the provided hardware; software; aacl materials will result in dull Year 2000. cornplianc~ as required by :the State of California under CHAS contracts (See t~ttachrxrerrt A). C{3MPENaAT3t~N In the performance of flue agreement, GT2r shall receive $79,775, including taxes, as specified. by this agreement including Attachment B, which, by this reference, is incvrparated herein. S'1'AR~ OF VITORK GT>s will initiate services and order all needed ®quipment and materials within 72 business hoLrrs from receipt of purchase order from Town. EXNIBIt p ~-,~ SOld`~ S0~ ~0 NMOl Wd60:b® b6~ £i ~nr JUL 14 '99 01~4~PM GTE NORTH BRANCH P.3/7 CHANQE O~EiZS -All changes to this contract shall be in writing and signed by the 'Town and CrTE. C®MPhETION OF WORi~ GTE will. complete the entixeproject, including irssting and certification, within IO weeks of the issuance of the Town's purchase order.. 1PAYMEIeT~` TERMS Upon certification o£ the system by GTE and .acceptance of the system by the Town, CS'TE will invoice the Town. Payment sha11 be net thirty (30) days, All invoices #a the Town shall refference khe Town's purchase ordez somber and be.addressed as f®llows 'Town of Los Gatos Attn: Accounts payable P,O, Box 949 Los Gatos, CA 95030 11vSU'1.t.41~TCE GTE a~ees to provide the Town with insuraxlae certificates rt~eeting all Town. insurance requirements, and agrees to gnaintain such insurance ti~rough.the completion ofthe v,~orlc co~'~red l;y this agreement. ~USIAtESS LICENSE GTE is authorized to do busine6s throughout the .Mate of California as licensed by the State of California Public TJtilities Commission, GTE believes'~ov~nn. of Los Gatos. Code Section 14.14°030 exempts GTE from the requirements o£ Chapter I4, Licenses and P~iscellaneous Easiness Regulations, If it is determined by the Town of Los Gatos that GTE does not qualify foz~ exeynption under Section 14.10.030 for the purposes of this agreement, GTE agrees to obtain a business lie®nse in aeeordauce r~vith the requirements of Chapter 14. Please have this letter of agreement executed in the space provided below by a person .authorized to bind GTE Network Services and then mum it to m®. I wvill circulate the letter of agreert9,®nt for signature by the Town. T will provide :you with a -copy of the fully executed letter o£ agreement. CsTE's authorized signature,. along with that of the Town Manager, ~k-all evidence the parties' acceptance ®f the terms and oanditions of this .letter of agreement. ~ • d SOldJ S01 .~0 NMOJ, Wd60 : b0 66 ~ £Z 1n~ .~UL 14 '99 01:43PM GTE NORTH BRANCH ~eTs' ti111~ S/01?r6, Jagnes ~. Piper Assistant Town ~1anager T'ovvn of Los Gates: T~avid ~. IGriapp, °~'®wn IVlanager ATTESTS . Clerk of the Tows of Los Csatos, Loy Gat®s, Calift~rnia. 1Viaxiaan. Cosgr®ve, Tov~m Clerk ~ppr~ved as t~ Fozrn: ®rry I'. Korb, Town Attorney b'd P.4i7 GTE Network Servzces Name: ~ + ~ ~..1~~~ ~C3~r- T'itle: `~'~ J SOlI~ SO"1 ~0 NMOl Wd6e : b8 ~6 ~ ~i -~nr JUL_14 '99,_ 01~44PM GTE. NORTH BRANCH ~1~ 916 3~~ !44! P.5i7~ 2,~ ~~ ,u:a s JId GC e,.u ,.wwr,w, uur •.u.ov ..r..y~ ..v .. ~ .., . _ ud,lwi f ~'~®CU ~Gltll~~ Y ~~ Y ~~1V {V iS~314th Sheet, Room 100 • Sact~e~tor Calitomia 95814 CALIFORNIA MUI~TtPLE AWARD ~CWEDULE (CMIAS) ~~~ v~~ xooo (~~ coiw~`tiAt~ttcim CER7I~IC/ATft7N ey signing pelow, Contractor cestiFies that they wilt setl only Yeas 2000 compliant prodaets andlor services to the State ®f California under the CMAS progrAm (all present and ltatu~e contracts), and that Year 2000 • eompliant.pra®ttcts ehdJor sCrvices rvleet the fatfowtng requiremettls' lnformati®~ 1"eehnoto9Y'Products andlor services . The Contractor waatirants that itS hardware,. Software, and firmware prodeiets seed services delivet~d under this contract shall be able to accurately pro from, into,aancl bet~n- ®11' the not limited fv, ealeulating, corttparing, andtor s®quencittg) twentieth and twenty-first eentunas, and the .years 7999 .and 2000 sad leap y®ar calculations to th® extent that other inlol'nlation technology used iss Gpmbiaati6n witi~ the informati®n teehnotoSy being acquired, properly exchanges date data with it. 'his warraa~eyy is subject tt~ the warranty firms aaM or ~etlnedles the state reray oth®twiuia sa trove warranty shall be construed to limit ally rig under this c®ntraCt with respect to dcfectS other tin Year 2000 perfortrtacrce• Nora-Infocrnatiott Teehnoto .Products andtar Services 'The Contractor warrants and represents that the goads or seMOes sold, leas®d ®r licensed to tfie State at California. its agencies, Of .its. pOliticat subdivision saes of ng is this cor-tracPlpurci,ase ot'dcr :are "Year .2000 compliant." For pure contraetlpurchase ord®r, a good or service is Year 2000 compliant if it with continue to fune6on fully before.. at and after 'the Year 2000 without int®truptiQC ands 'if applicable, With full ability to accur'at®ly and :unambiguously Pcocess• displaY< oorttpsre, t;alGUlate. manipulate and otherwise utilize date information. This warranty and represefttatierrr suparseetes alt .warranty disclaimers and. litnltatioas and. all limitations en tiat-ility provided by or through Corltraetor a5 th®y pertain to Year 2000 C®rc+pliance issues. Resellers must obtain written cor-ti[mation from the maau(adurer that the oroQucts atrdlor services are Year 2000 compliant, .per trte above delinitcot~- Resellers are not. required io obtain Y2K Compliance Cerwftcatiolrs froth Microsoft Or Ordcte, 70TRL p.02 ~I Ad"t~~dYIT~~ ;~ v, Revised OSt29198 (bulletin 19) a~ c~s° a N SSS$SSgS~c~i~SSSSSSSgSSSSrNN~D~ OhtO S tNS rNi O V CVg N~ ~tm~m ~ti~~~~~ ~~ ti ~~y'~hpp ~N ~~tRN ~~r 5~~ m cfl ~i~9 ~d~ ~ CV CV O~~ ~ ~ Q ~iA ~ N3 ~ E9 ~ FH fH V~ d3 ~ ~ N~ N t9 ~J ~ p ~ E~ z W ggSgggS$~c~iI,~ ggggggggggg g°r°_cFi,°c$,~ gc?a"o, g _ ~ ~ U ~ 4O ~ z ~ J~J~ a vz ~°° a o ap wO~c~ ~ v'`~~w w~ >~ ~g w 4 W~W~~ ~~0~ ~ F-~'JWLY U' WWI O~ ~ N ~ w~ U' ~0~~ ~~ ~W~m fpm-~ij,j ZIWiZY ~ ~ } O W ~~~a'LLJ M-a W~Wd.a ~Q~Q fn O~. W J ¢ N ~~,~ QUQoWZ~V~~~~J~p~vc~~¢ ZWZ~o~ QzOQ p Q O C~ ~-Om~zmW~° ~a ~~-c~~w~Q ~a~ z ~' F- ~ o'~ 0 a~a= O,~.O W Q.~aF-Ywo6 pY >~ _ O O O ~ ~ C9 - .~ z w g I- a I-- U u.. 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