1999-131-Execute Fifth Amendment To Agreement With The Santa Clara County Fire Marshal Increasing Fees Foe The Abatement Of Hazardous VegetationRESOLiJTI01~11999 - fl3fl RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWI~T OF LOS GATOS AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANAGED T"O EXECUTE FIFTI~ .AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT WITH THE SANTA CLARA COUNTY FIRE MARSHAL INCREASING FEES FOR THE ABATEMENT DF HAZARDOUS VEGETATION BE IT .RESOLVED, an agreement was previously entered into on March 6, 1978 between the County of Santa Clara and the Town of Los Gatos, as amended on June 15,1981, February 15, 19~~, January 14, 1996, and August 1~, 199, and BE )«° h+'iJRT~IER RESOLVED, by the Town of Los Gatos, County of Santa Clara, State of California, that the Town of I.os Gatos enter into an amendment (attached as .Exhibit A as the Fifth Amendment to Agreement) with the County of .Santa Clara, and the Town Manager is authorized, and is hereby directed, to execute said amendment to the agreement in the name and on behalf of the- Town of Los Gatos. .PASSED A.ND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, California, held on the 7th day of September,1999 by the following vote. COUNCIL MEMBERS: AXES: Steven Blanton, Linda Lubeck, Joe Pirzynski, Mayor Jan Hutchins. NAYS: None ABSENT: Randy Attaway ABSTAIN: None SIGNET): ATTE0.7Te yypp 7~ J7~~ g? ~l /~1 CLERl~ ®F TH~ T® yV.1V O.,0." / 13 GATOh7 LOS GATOS, CALT~'~Ri~.~.~, , CALIFORNIA GATOS ~ a ~.~P x ~~y~._ A~i~iphm,ea~-Ar--- O ~ Proposed p~e~~ -~+~~~ FIFTH AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN SANTA CLAflA COUNTY AND THE TOWN OF .LOS GATOS fOR ABATEMENT OF WEEDS The Agreement forahe Abatement of Weeds ,(Agreement) between the County of Santa Clara '(County) and the Town of Los Gatos (Town) ,previously entered into on March 6, 1978, as amended on June 15, 1981., February 15, 1983, January 14, 1996 and August 18, 1998 fs hereby amended ao 'increase ahe charge for the County's program .costs to administer the Hazardous Vegetation'Management Program. IT IS AGREED between the parties as follows: 1 . Statement of 'Costs Section 5. of the Agreement shall be amended to read as follows: County shall render to Town an itemized statement or report of the cost of the weed abatement services performed for the respective parcels of land in the Town on or before the 1 Oth day of August of each year, which shall include the County's administrative costs of 140 % of the cost of the weed abatement contractor for the respective parcels for which services were performed. The statement shall .include the description of the lots and parcels of land for which services were .performed, and verification by signature of ahe County official administering the Hazardous Vegetation Management'Program. Charges for services performed on parcels owned by the Town will include a reduced administrative fee of 70% of the cost of the weed abatement contractor. 2. Duration of Agreement Section 12. of the Agreement shall be amended to read as follows: The Agreement became effective on the date of execution and shall run until the governing body of the Town or the County shall exercise the right to terminate this Agreement as of the 1st day of September of any year,. by giving .notice to the other party not less than 10 days prior to the date of termination. The increased charge for the County's administration costs shall be effective commehcing with the Fiscai Year 2000 weed abatement season. . Except as modified herein, all other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain the same. SANTA CLARA COUNTY Paul D. Romero, Director Environmental Resources Agency August 17, 19.99 .Approved as to form and legality: James E. Lewis, Deputy County Counsel T N OF OS.GATO ----~~ - Date APPROVE S TOnORM: ~~ TOWN CLERK MAR ~~ ~ , Attachment B Los Gatos Jurisdictional Summary 96/97 Season 97/98 Season Parcels Inspected 394 397 Parcels Abated 48 45 Avg. Cost/Parcei includin Pro ram fee $268 $256 Note: The 98/99 season data is not yet completed. The proposed County .administrative cost increase to 140% of the cost of the weed abatement contractor equates to an effective 4.35% increase in the average cost per parcel. ' Using the 97/98 season's average cost per parcel., the 4.35% increase would equate to an increase per parcel of $11.14 in the. 98/99 season. Attachment C County-wide Summary FY 97 FY 98 FY 99 Actuals Actuals Estimated Beginning Balance ($53,449) ($57,866) ($53,840) Revenues 497,162 379,315 428,983 Expenditures: Staffing 180,607- 138.,356 * 129,864 Genera's 48,237 23,350 28,473 Lnterest .20,412 22,902 20,000 Subtotal Program 249,256 184,608 178,337 Administration Contract Abatement 252,323 190,'681 206,362 .501,.579 375,289 384.,699 Surplus (Deficit) (4,417) 4,026 44,284 Ending Balance (57,866) (53,840) (9,556) * Both FY98 and FY99 staffing costs are artificially low due to salary savings from vacancies due to turnovers and .medical leave. virecwr Department of Parks, Forestry, Maintenance, Building and Engineering Town of Los Gatos i 10 East Main St. Los Gatos, CA 95032 Re: Proposed .Amendment to AdJust Hazardous Vegetation Management Program Fees Dear Mr. Baker, For the past twenty years Santa Clara County has provided hazardous vegetation management services. to local jurisdictions in order to address. the issue of public fire safety in a cost effective manner. Since then, we have been fortunate to create partnerships with twelve jurisdictions to provide timely weed and brush .abatement services and thereby reduce fire danger. The economy of scale employed by this Program and our efforts. to keep administrative costs to a minimum have allowed us to continue to provide these services to yourresidents at minimal cost. We are committed to minimizing costs, but at the same time we must ensure cost recovery of the Hazardous Vegetation ..Management Program as directed by the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors. Beginhing with the start of the 1999/2000 weed abatement season in September 1999 we propose to raise our Hazardous Vegetation Management Program fees from 130% to 140% of the ~,veed abatement contract costs. The proposed County administrative cost increase twill equate to an average increase of only 4,35% or $.11.14 per parcel in your jurisdiction. This increase will cover the rising costs of Program admihistration anticipated'for FY00 due to the negotiated labor union contract costs recently approved by the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors which .includes salary and benefit increases. A proposed amendment to our agreement for-weed abatement services is provided in Attachment A. The property owner would only .incur costs if they choose not to maintain their property according to the minimum fire safety standards and the County provides weed abatement services. In keeping with the procedures of the current Program, if a property owner provides their own abatement, theyare not assessed a fee for our inspection services. For your reference we have provided Attachment B that summarizes the number of parcels inspected, number of parcels abated and the average cost per parcel including .Program fees for weed abatement services in your jurisdiction for the 96/97 and 97/98 seasons. Attachment C provides an accounting of the Hazardous Vegetation .Management Program on a county-wide Board cif Supervisors: Donald F. Gage, Blanca Alvarado, Pete McHugh, James T. Beall Jr., S. Joseph Simitian County Executive: Richard ~~'ittenberg e.o~ ~ basis for the same,period of time. Even with the proposed fee adjustment, we believe the benefits realized by the economy of scale still allow our services to be competitive. Please let us know if we can provide any assistance as you carry the amendment forward to your City Councils for approval Considering our desire to provide uninterrupted service., we suggest the approval ,process by your Council and our Board of Supervisors be completed this summer. Please return a signed amendment to my attention by September 1, 1999. If you do not wish to continue oontracfing with the County for weed abatement services, we would appreciate being notified of your decision by August 4, 1999 so that we may ':inform our Board of Supervisors and make any necessary adjustments to the Hazardous Vegetation Management Program. We anticipate our Board will take action on the amendments August 17, 1999. If you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at (408) 299-3805 ext. 207. We thank you for your support will look forward to working with you. Since ~ ly~r~ Judy ',au>Sders, Sr. Deputy Fire Marshal Attachments Attachment A: Proposed Amendment Attachment B: Jurisdictional Summary Attachment C: County-wide Summary cc: Richard Wittenberg, County Executive Paul D. Romero, Director .Peter Ng, 'Financial and Administrative Services Manager Lauren Harvey, Sr. Management Analyst