1973-044 - St. Luke's ChurchR ESOLUT BON N0, 1973-44 A RESO LUTI.ON AFF [RM[NG A DEC[S [ON OF THE TOWN PLANN [NG COMM[55 [;ON WHEREAS St. Lukes Church has duly and regularly filed an appeal with the Town Councils from a decis ion of the Town Planning Commission as fol1 ow58 denial of request to remove two pa lm trees at 20 University Avenue, WHEREAS.n pursuant the retoy a public hearing with respect to said appeal has been duly and regularly held by the Town Council; and YIHEREASa the Town Council has determined that the dec is ion of the Town Plan ni ng Commission should be affirmed. NOW, THEREFORE2 BE [T RESO LVEDe The decision of the Yown Plann ing Commissions as heYeinabove setf orthp is hereby affirmed. PASSED AND ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEET [NG OF THE TOWN COUNC LL OP THE 7041N OF LOS GATOS this 16th day of Ap Yi 1, 1973, by the following votes; AYESS COUNC FLMENe Charles E, DeFYeitas Egon Jensen ,[ohn B, Lochner Mark B, DiD uca NOES. CDUNC[LMEN; Ruth Cannon AB SE NTB COUNC [LMEN> None MAYOR OF THE TOWN OP' LOS GATOS ATTESTo i U; ~ / i CLERK OF/THE 'IYOWN OF~LOS TOS