Ord 0642-AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 5217~:~~ ner y.:.' Tr1 64.2 rr: i1. . \NCE T~0 AN A .\T 02D.i.. ..f'i~....+ pq, iF A!", r--v ~°~iD~. _s ~T n .J/1 0.L2 T_,`-1E T0'. Jii '-.i n. ~e G J' ~ . S zr 1 W.+ :Ce_~~'-.J rr"T';~ 3~rf r;i] 1"" T 11n j~nr. 1 n -7 F , ET ro r x^n_'-Fe s7 A7y i +.J1iq.~Jwr^ }.~d E . J...1 d-a.:.1 L33_ S.. COUNTY 3 .J. _ _ CF .:J.: a.l_.te i s~~ ~ T 9. y., ~ i B. tt~ ~~3 bL~Ai'N.s5 NO. EViS~'G•'i~.~' OF THE ~s~C1~ei 3A!RT`~`A `.~~r_u`s"~r,.~ 1S~SI .LnLE.'~i'' ,~''i3.V j1~: I T ,A r 1dq E d d1 DDTii},Ve n' . rgzr*"> 3 n TITLE j' ,O F r,.v '°NT 4"'T it e1 ] '4..4_J L~'~ •~vF lyI er1n~% ~ lJ ALL YJL. ..i L J OF THE :JCii.'u f .G {t-{ ~.9 JJ. w:.L, L 0~ k I1~ TAN" E L--°..~~ 1 . F ~T r Ty ? n TZ 3 j t- I Tw t. _ THE E C r^~~ ~ 'I AT`~~.:' ~ E COD It E AND 7D ' •CTI" YNS (go 1. 26 - 12 R~ r _`I ~'~°6.) G7 x i 1 fy rs[ p. COD Ya-A11.1 L7E"d ~ 3 _'i C,. a ~ - . n p 7 n n'.f. a., IVT af!. 7T CO-DE O T I. -t i :'"Tq OF SAN; ~!.D 'y g ^ 3" PT7'~!' [4 r^e-rL.~. G n .rl._% NiA _,'cEk iJ li.c=.i. THE qq,, E'EPI; G ALV~ Tom'' Li\.+~`:Lt:..a .i_~'+.7 ~'~+.ij :.d Y EENIS' ' .n ;~1'F D'v';5:~.5 C.,!y..^ AND I f 'g- li l6 ''ti y / d!._..s.ui iLV L3 . !..•.L*Ti i_:., L'1 TAY {/y- iM1~~ p rtt'tTEe^: ? , BY .r,,. ✓'V'/ry +C.'v~ 4y7 7'..r~'~:'~ r °'rtv np-- 1L,3N ^ sD 7 `.i 7 ,er, 1~{i vp~T .LL4i4J ''pr f d~ n nD E'~G F011 VI , h'~TAY.Y L.'✓O. TING BY 6_.5E.~a.~C v 0_:.ggsTTl ORDINANCE ~3iA~..E NO. iq3.~6'(00.3 OF .,_~~r -~O ~~T~,TY OF SATti':A ,J.~..A:.~~ ~'L~°.~I .~:~~,.~)vy? AN Y'.41~iEJV~T 1V >3' a.[E~'Cu..LIOIN 4.3.1-11 AND L p 'i~"aT 'v s"..e , '9 1' 1,ia 3 y TITLE 4 OF , AND ADDING i1%T11,1:.a 4 APT_~~ TITLE 4 TO, _ a ETA Iii° TG i~~Ei 12REGUs._A].I1~~G O HE -,EE IT\T ADM, L„ ENSI~uG G,a ANIIAE,S' j~E~ COUNCIL a T'T 1,~~ ~.C~~~,~ir3 ~_tS'.. GA ~C 3 - G_?~AITv Eq ' SECTION, 1: Ii:at _ecti.on 1 of <;ro nanCe lo. 521 en- =t1ed "AN M10INTANCE ADC~,P'IING BY, ~ER, N E AND 13 k s ; YING ORDI T T~~J NANCE O J€ ' "L ®~w7 ~'H` (T~N`TTY OF OF JL+ EE i. nC4~'V iY Y O' ITT' OF ID ~A r,J e:~ z i ,tea E ...t LS. ~~w~v:.V °Aii o_mNATiCiE ADDING C AITEE 3', s. TITLE ~ THE SAT`.LA CIA12EA CO.~N 1 03DINANCE, COD AND i~~ E:ALING A Z - T I:.JL~`5 ~ AN ~ ~ ITYa~ OF THE 7SAID CODE AND SECTIONS 3.1.265-12.1 TH )UGH GF THE ADMINIST 1.TIVE CODE OF THE GGU.s?TY OF 3AINTA AND REGULATING THE KEEPING AND :LIB ENS) ING OF DOGS AND GT EI, ANI , .LS 0 AND PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES? -passed and adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos on the 23rd day oZE November, 1959, be and tine same is hereby amended to read as follows Section (a) The Board o- LE sors of t'f e County of Santa Clara having on Tt~aYo23, 1959 gassed and ador~ted Ordinance No. NS-403 -oroviding for and regulating the k-eep- ing and licensing of dogs and other a'L?sffi3u-^~iS, ~1~`3 _ said ordinance was duly, and regularly adopted by reference and mod. fled by Ordinance T~To. 521 of the Town of Los Gatos, passed and adapted the Town ~Jouncil of the Toren of .Los Gatos on November 23, 1959, and the Board o 1 Supervisors of the County of 3anta Clara, having on the 9th day of January, 1961, passed and adopted ordinance No. NS-60°0.3 entitled 'SAN CPRDINAN E ATMENDING ISE,GTIGN 4. ).1-11 AND ARTICLE 2, Gz`s..s: T x< 3 E C,7 , TI TL 4 AND ADDING ARTICLE 4, C Ax TES. 3 TITLE 4 T0, 1-1EUa 7ING TO THE REGULATING OF YHE KEEP ING AND LIGENS ING 0- ANIMALS,, ° p which said ordinance has been publi shed and printed as required-by law, and not less than three copies thereof all certified to be true copies by 'the Town Clerk of the Town of Los Gatos having been for at least fifteen days preceding the public hearing on this ordinance and con- tinuously since, and are. now, -:andshall be kept on file in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Los Gatos for public inspection thereof; reference being hereby made to said ordinance for all the regulations, pro- visions, conditions,:terms and requirements therein shown, and. said regulations, provisions, conditions, terms and requirements of said Ordinance No. N5-600.3 are, and each is, hereby adopted by reference and made a part hereof the same as if fully set forth in th.jis ordinance, and are and each is by such reference adopted as sections of this ordinance, bearing the same numer -al section designations as appear in said Santa Clara County Ordinance with exceptions as are hereinafter set forta in :subsection and as 'such are and each is adopted as and for an ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos. (b 'Sections 2, 4, and 3 o~. said Santa Clara vounty Ordinance No. Nil-403 and ° ec`tion 4 of 3anta Clara County Ordinance No. N3-5.00.3 are hereby omitted end 2 deleted therefrom. (2) Tn.enever the word "vo=: nty" or "CO. 2G is ."msse'r.: 4 in Sections 4.3.1-7, 4.3.1-11; 4.3.2-2°;. 4o..~ x .2".~° 4.i.2-10;; J~ 4.3..2-6; 4..; 4.3.2-99 4.3.3-4;° 4.3.3-5 of manta Clara County Ordinance, No. NS-403 except as amended or repealed by said Santa Clara County Ordinance No. NS-600.3 and Whenever the word "County" n,1 or o.", is used in Sections 4.3.2-2; 4.3.2-3; 4.3.2-3; 4.3.2-10; 4.3.L-I19 it shall be deemed to include the Twords "Town of Los Gatos." (3) In place of the words and figures "Section 1.4-2 of this Code" or "Section 1.4-2"T as they appear or are used in Section 4.3.1-11 of said County Ordinance No. N-600..,. the words r°O_di Hance kTO. 642 of the Town of Los Gatos" shall be deemed to appear in lieu thereof. %SECTION 2: This Ordinance shalt' be published once within fifteen (15) days after its final passage in the "Los Gatos Times-Saratoga Observer", a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the Town of Les Gatos., California. continued Introduced at a lregular meeting of the Town Council of the Torn of Los Gatos after a Public Hearing thereon held in the manner and after notice given thereof as required by law, this 9th day of April , 1962. PASSED AND ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE MTN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS, held' on the 16th day of April , 1962, by the following vote.' 3 3 Xl l IL AYES: OOUNOILtEN: Henry O. Crall James E. Donati John, Lincoln Gail E. Packard Alberto F. Merrill N0,EsS: COUNCII2 N: None ABSENT: ;OUN"ILTIEN: None y , ZZ, F H T OF LOS` S ~ ATTEST: TO'--II\ CLE K x TEE TOTj'N OF LOS TOS