Ord 0444-AMENDING SECTION 3.02 OF ORDINANCE NO. 392 OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS RELATING TO ZONING11L_:4 0 OaDINANCE NO. NG SECTION 3°.02 OF G ICE NO -NG The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The Zoning Map of the Town of Los Gatos, which said map was adopted as a part of Ordinance No. 392 of said Town, is hereby changed and amended by adding thereto a new Sectional District No. 3.02.24 a map of which said Sectional District No. 3.02.24, is attached hereto and entitled "Sectional District No. 3,02.24 of the Zoning Map of the Town of Los Gatos." SECTION 2. The exterior boundaries of the Zoning Map of the Town of Los Gatos as shown on that certain map entitled "Index Map to Sectional District Naps, Zoning Map of the Town of Los Gatos," which said Index Map was adopted as a portion of Ordinance No. 392 of said Town of Los Gatos on the 12th th day of March, 1956, and which said Index Map to Sectional District Maps is referred to in Section 3.02 of said Ordinance No. 392, are I hereby enlarged, changed and extended by adding to said Index Map the aforesaid Sectional District No. 3.02.24 referred to in Section 1 of this Ordinance. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be published once in the LOS'GATOS TIMES-SARATOGA OBSERVED, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the Town of Los Gatos. The above and foregoing ordinance was duly and regularly introduced at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos held on the 7th day of October, 1957, and was thereafter on the day of 1957, at a>~~ meeting duly and regularly adopted by the following vote: S01'd~,1 40 NPAO1 3H1 :40'C33QN3VVY SV `zee •ojfjNyNlMdo :10 10* QNd 00'12 NOI.L339M Q3N1~3(3 Sid MIVO Nn09 1:)i%d_Lsi 3 Smm3a ~L Mol aW `7~ '1-561 t - o rtnpr,,~/ aql uo umol ins 40AAX -ON 90unuIP40 40 Pvd n sv dvyy xaPuJ bWuvdwooan pub dvw JoulslQ Jauocpas 9141 oopo P9'vjW 04llvD 40 QMS'o-Inl:) oluns 4o Xjuno:) vo. vq 9110 urno., aye So 1JounoD uMol aLil Ivul A;!pgD Apq am. r~.l n~.at unuu~) vIuJopIt7D-s d 40 a~n~c, `n.1nJ~ bjuvS 4o A4unoo 'sopq sol vmol ;)ql do dvVj buf uoZ aql #o dnyq 4ou, siq jouoi joaS sj uoi l.niosvi ~ 111 . -sOsbq gm 40 Nmo I 3HS. :do p3(3NRW`d SV '7,6£ 'pN 93N`tifNIGNO =fO 10,2 QNY 00''2 NOls39s11 CaNI~3Q sV MJaaNnoi3 s~t~ssta s 3a- . L ~aat t~nol ,k>~nW 'L564 ` - rp 4o Avpryl at41 uo uM01 qns 40AAX -ON 9OUIDUIP40 40 .Ind n sn dvw xapul bwundwooob pub dvw 401.1191Q Iauolpas 9141 40po POU04110-D 40 a4v~Sbluos 40 Aluno:) "so~vE) 91 jo umoi„ aH+ 40 J4ounoD umo1 aLij Imil A;!pgo Ao)gq am.. ur,wa~~ , , .171 u 10;! 1 VD - axie 40 a4DlG'n.lblD bWns 40 A4uncrD 'solog sol pmoi ;;ql 4a dvW busuoz aql JodD'A 4oulsiQ jnuotjoas ~t uoitn!osa.. 1 T V17 W 3H.i ~Q rC a(3N3VVY S`V C) Z6£ "ON 30NVNi a.. CJ?30 30 10'8 QNY 00''2 NOU03S NI C13N133(3 Sid Az:iV(3 Nnoa 1:)i%d .LSSQ S310N3Ct ~ a~{O~ -4421 mol I 1961 r ° pp o rtnpr~/ aql uo umo1 *9 401W -ON 90UVUIP-10 40 Pod n sn dnyy xapul bufAuvdwooon pun dby4 401.4910 jauoc. 0as S141 40po P!P'vJu.J04!IvD 40 9PIS "MID0 DIu05 40 Aluno:) 'so. oE) sol 4o unno .L 241 40 J!ounoD uMol aq1 4ouj A;!; ta_o Aga,laq am. rta a~.at i soV SO'l ~.s a,4.N Ut7LU,l1C1 e , IVIUJOP IVID 40 a40IG'vJvJD nWc, 40 A4uncO -90109 sot 10 umol aqf 10 data buiuoZ ay; jo dvW 4ou. srq jnuolloas siuj uotlniosa.I Aq IcI0Pn `L561'. 40 ADR7-,/ auy uopfp'D,u.I0jjjDD 40 91D#S 'D.ID(D Dlups jo Ajuno) 'so.ing soT 40 uMOL al.jj 40 uolsslWWOD buluuvld UMOU NI P41 4419D Agalaq 9M 7~ 4 tt 0•do :os Q' 7- '501'V9 SOZ ~O N=AAO_L 3HS-30 dVW !DNiN02 3H.L :JO SdVW 10i21151Q WHO1.035 01 d'VW )(aaNI 9H.I 01 -Z-ZO'12 'ON ± :)t'~1SM "WHOUD35 M3N'' VNIGGV A43 'tfiN?lO~t'Ib0 d0 31y1.S '"Vl~ ) ` INYS =10 h.LNno: '56_LvE) SO-i do Nmo-L 2H1 :1O Z62 'ON 9:)HVNIC IdO -:10 ZO'9 NO1-.73s 01 1N3W®N3wY Nv S3.Ln.l.I.15N00 d` w X:DC3NI SIHI "SOI` 9 SO'I 30 NMO1 3HI 30103(3N.3rjy Sy `Z6,; -ON 33NdN IC]210 30 10'C O NY 00'SS N01103S NI 03NI43a . Sd x8vaNno9 1DIbISIC] "1YN01173S S3ION30 • • • .009 .O Z Ld~~~}'dt11 ~ -N ~ Y o <I Z ddW 101111S1CI IVN01103S M3N b 013 SOl d0 NMO.L 3H1. :10 Z62 'ON 37Nt SaN3V4V C3NV SdbYV 171?l1SM IVN011' 01 SC3NOdS321bO7 dVW S1H1 'VI NIdC VINVS d0 A1Nno:) 'SO.Lv5> SO-1 :10 N. 3H1 :10 W*ZO'S 'ON 1DRUSlC3 I VNOII:)3S i v vv t W1,