Ord 0437-NORTHEAST NUMBER THREE ANNEXATIONA711 TH 07 _3TAIN r ti T"1V T T f, I'T n ? Y T1 ~?T S ! _D T_ Zi ....Ji 1 4'1 vl •.V l _a n! x' Si .i: TO `P E. 0- LOS' 'JS ✓ {:T _ rL E TJ',_'i JnT IrT OF T.T C 3 'J ~ i ✓_~i.l e.~\. i!'_! ~ tJ 1..1.._ N on the 3rd day of June, 1877, the Council of the Town of Los Getos di oars and adopt a =resolution icing notice of the proQosal to annex certain u1ni,n' abited te-rr t ory to the Town , to of Lis Gatos said 4_rp rritory being therein desio-hated as `0~TH.L 'T E T-H E: and said action beint taken by the ~o7ncil of said To :n as Che legisyative body of the Town pursuant to a w i tten Petition therefor, said resolution deScribinc, the boundaries of the territory so pr-.pJ'osed to be annexed to said Town : and said resolution did contain a nOti tJce of the day, hour and nlace when and v^aere the said 'ouncil of said Town n l would ;hear rjrotests ade )y any person owning real property within the territory -pr.o~posed to be annexed, the time of said hearinE being not less than forty nor more tr1an sixty da:1S from. the :gate of the oas.sage of said 'iesoluti on; and on the lyth day of Jul7r, 1957, at the hour of 7:30 o i clock p.m. in the Los ",.`cos Town : OUrii ll i_ia"~ erS in the otnrn call of the 'Town of i,os Gatos, County of Santa Cla-?~a, Stagy to of ali forma, ' said time and glace bein- the da~~, ho .zr and ace.:F i <ed in said ResDlzztion for hea.rin,; 'JrOteStS to said al1~. tiation, -Lie Said vouncil of said 'TioVS'i'] did hear and pass upon all :,`r'o a sts ::Jade to M1 sa .v J-ooosaO an_lexatlon and did C1('Germine tLlat Imo ,)rot`.,stS to sL;i proposed annexation. nave beer- _-aade 37 or on `jehalf of t~e o vners as one-half of t=ie value of t i.a ,)_r' oiD'OSeQtO be a1:1c,L,~ed . as shown by v:kle list e-qual'-i Zed, roll, nor i;)v pudic and ~:ni'vate O ,vnerS of ` zal to o! "e-half, of the value of the territory proposed to be annexed as 6etermined b-, said 1 -c!, - slat! T° body -and _ Pa e of rakes ti., said territory is. corlti uous to the Town of Los Gatos, and is unl nhablted t°rritory in the County of Santa Clara and all of the orocedural re quire rents of the ann°jiation of Uninhabited Ternitory .pct of 1939, particularly Government Code sections 35300 to 35314 'inclusive ?Nave been fully cbm-plied w",th; NO A, U ~rOR,E, 'the said °Council o" the Town of Lis Gatos does hereby approve the annexation of said territory, hereinafter descrined', to the Town of Los autos and does hereby further ordain that the said territory be and is hereby annexed to the Town of Los G~tos~ That said territory, the annexation of which to the Town of Los Gatos is herein approved, is all that territory situate in the ount- of Santa Clara, Mate of California, more particularly described as fol:lows Beginning on the northeasterly line of the Town Limits of the Toti~m of Los Gatos at -the point of intersection of the Southeasterly line of Lot 8 of Tract No. 320, Terreno del Sol Subdivision, filed for record on June 25, 1916 in the Office.of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 11 a_[' INTaps, at Page 1, Santa Clara County Records; thence along said Southeast erly line of said Lot 8 of said last named subdivision Northeasterly to an angle point where said Southeasterly line becomes the Easterly line oy said Lot 8; thence along said Easterly line of said Lot S and along the northerly prolongation of said Easterly line, northerly to the point of intersection thereof with the No-theasterly line of Camino del Sol, as the sam.o noes exists; thence along the various courses and distances of said northeasterly line of said Camino del Sol, Northwesterly to tie point of intersection thereof v;-ith the Southesterly lire of San Jose-Los Gatos Road, as the same now exists; thence along said Southeasterly line of said San Jose-Los Gatos Road, Southwesterly to the point of intersection thereof with the Northeasterly Town L-units. line of the Town of Los Gatos, being also the Southwesterly line of the all"orementioned Lot 8 of Terreno del Sol Subdivision; thence along said Town Limits line of the Town of Los Gatos and along said Southwesterly line of said Lot 8 of Terreno del Sol Subdivision, Southeasterly to the point,of b eginning. Introduced at a, reEular .reeti zag o the To i : ouncil of the Town of Los Gatos; Mate of , lirbrnia, held on the l"th day of July, 1957• F E 1 ADOPTED 1v ,l .?DI^ ] ff.r n 1 TST TG..1 T OF SL A'S . _ .tu .,E v_. LOS -AiV J iii ✓ L1'd1A ^m 5 t ey 7~+ ~ ~LTVG )1~ ("MT ,.7_tiJ ;1d'~~~ "17 T 'i"'0 y.. ^r'/ COUNCIL, 1-~:...f .~.J ~~/1~' T-J.t. ~.l/ ON '-HE J_7 _ ji 19'57- U 1 ; cf ~11" T 9 d r Tl^ 1~,a i LLii1r~V r 1 p c tin ....:J L._~.:f~ 7 T J "J TJ~,] ' C ~ T _t~+.E 1I !A /'y' 4a/ /7V- loo 1 T ~1 ,Y?1~.. LOJ .'ATOa '1 T .i ^I T i i'.' y OF LOS ATOM i Page of Pages