Ord 0407-LOS GATOS CREEK NO. 2r 'i.•%i f,_1_.,_. iii 1. i:r _'1 uiwit l- A x.2 1. ~ .11 'E-' A7'fj 'J.-l~nt.,.~ R 1rQ~S ?.liS 1~.Tl. L'y D ;~T .CL 0R GAT OS CREEK 1`3'10. 2-1 _I Ai TO i° TO THE rev 1 av tJ:.~^^ LO ~ T CJs" fi u ill :iii Cl l sC L 1~ 'i - ! . OF ~lJ Gyi'.v 9XCi e lJRDli~Ti+i ri 51 on the 4th day of Septembers 1955, the Council of the :'o-wn of i OS atos did pass G'1d adopt a EHesolLt_i o 7 giving notic e oC the +oroposal to a-y"I ex certain tei-"1"itory to the Town of a°..'os Gat-Os. said territory neinc,, there-in designated as y'Tos P.:atos. Creep 'No. 2-A ~ nnexation", and said action being taken by the Council of said Tol,rlq as the leg-i slative body of the Town, said. Resolution describing the boundaries of the territory so proposed to be annexed to said Town; ^.n said Hesol'utio did contain a notice of the da-,, -our an,- p.~.Lace Z'i en and IIere the said CUuY:iL'il o:,~ Sr : d ' 01m, would i'lea'" protests made by any person owning real property within the territory proposed to be Annexed, the-time of said hearing ceinnot Q less than forty nor more than sixty days from the date of the passage of said Resolution; and 22nd day of '1 . vctober , 19;5 on the at the hour of 7:1C', o'clock p.m. :s."'_, the Los Gatos ToT'i Council C hazibers in tiie ov^in .tall of the Town of Los uatos, County of Santa Clara, State of California, said time and place being the day, hour and place fixed a~'. said Resolution for hear -.g protests to the said annexation, the said. Couancil of said Town did hear and pass upon c''-,.l°.. -protests made ;G said proposed annexation and did determine r,t`1;fic_v no ~.~Y°Ot esIlas . to said pro- Nosed annexation have been made by or on behalf of the ot,,ners of one c alf of t,e value of the'ter-.;tort' proposed to be annexed as sho`tm, by "se last equalized assess,31ent roll, nor by -o-L o Lic and private o,^,''ners of equal to one- half of the value of +he t emit®ry p 'opoSec to he annexed as determined by Said legislative body;. and said teirito. is contiguous. to tie Toifu o f ?~o" p ~S c't.~..•o and 110 _ ~.c ri._... .i _L ' d `v '.ritor -i i th e '"s ~ o..~ ~,nt .r o• *r. an ~1.*' .a ~ ~ ti Clray and Page / of ~ a-es all of the procedural requirements e the . Annexa -ion of Uninhabited Territory kct of 1939, particularly Government Code sections 35300 to 35311 inclusive have been fully complied.ya th; Na,13 THEREFjRE the said Council of the Town of Los Gatos does hereby approve the annexation of said territory, hereinafter described, to the Town of Los' Gatos and, does hereby further ordain that the s aid terr- t orb{ be and is hereby annexed. to the lo~~ of cos Gatos. That said territo.-Y ~,he annexation of ~~r4~~cra to the 'T'o~~< of ion Gatos is herein an dj prove is aly° that territory situate in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, more particularly des- cribed as follows; in gage of rages A k • .i Beginning at the point of intersection of the Southeasterly line of the lands of the Southern Pacific Company- , formerly So7ath Pacific Coast Railroad Company with the Northerly line of Parcel 4, as said Parcel 4 is described in that certain Deed from Francis W. Doetsch, et al, to Joseph Doetsch, et ux, dated November 5, 1935 and recorded January 72 1936 in Book 756 of Official Records, page 228, Santa Clara County Records, said point of beginning being also in the Town Limits of the Town of Los Gatos; running thence along the Town Limits of the Town of Los Gatos, and along said Northerly line of Parcel 4 and the Easterly prolongation of the Northerly line of said Parcel 4, Easterly to the point of intersection thereof with the center line of the Los Gatos Creek, said last named point of intersection being also an angle point in the ToAM Limits of the Town of Los Gatos; thence leaving said Too+rn Limits and running in a generally Northeasterly direction along the center line of the Los Gatos Creek, and along the Northwesterly line of Lot 4, as said Creek line and Lot line were established in the Partition of the lands of the Estate of Jonathan Parr in the Rancho Rinconada de Los Gatos, to a 211 x 4" redwood stake marked G.P. from which a sycamore 25" in diameter and marked "B.T.G.111 bears N. 830 E. 27 links, said 211 x 491 stake being also the most Easterly corner of that certain parcel of land conveyed by A. E. Messmer to Erle R. Kennedy by Deed dated February 27, 1913 and recorded in Liber 398 of Deeds, at page 545, Santa Clara County Records; running thence along the Northeasterly line of said parcel of land so conveyed to Kennedy and along the Northwesterly prolongation of the Northeasterly line thereof Northwesterly to the point of intersection of said Northwesterly prolonged line with the Northwesterly line of the Santa Clara-Los Gatos Road; running thence along the Northwesterly line of the Santa Clara-Los Gatos Road, Northeasterly to the point of intersection thereof with the Southwesterly line of Parr Avenue; thence running along the South- westerly line of Parr Avenue, Northwesterly to the point of inter- section of said Southwesterly line of Parr Avenue -with the South- easterly line of Capri Drive, formerly San Tomas Aquino Road; Page I of Pages i thence running along the Southeasterly line of Capri Drive, South- westerly to the point of intersection thereof iaith the Northeaster- ly line of that certain parcel of land conveyed by A. M. Davison, as Trustee to Bill Vlamis, by Trustee's Deed dated July 6, 193.4 recorded July 26, 193: in Book 697 of Official Records, at page 246, Santa Clara County Records; running thence along said Northeasterly line of the parcel of land so conveyed to Vlamis, and the Southeasterly prolongation thereof, Southeasterly to the point of intersection of said prolonged line with the Southeasterly line of the lands of the Southern Pacific Company; running thence along said Southeasterly line of the lands of the Southern Pacific Company, Southwesterly to the point of beginning. Page - of e.r Pages I C Introduced at a continued regular me eting of the Tovvn Council of the Town of Los {G atos, State of California, held on the 22nd day of October 1956. , PASSED AND AD0 '1,D riS Atv ;HDINA TI O SHE `?'avv OF LOS rI COS V ^0UNIv'IL THEREOF HELD (y~, O 1 rn TE r DAB OF fl-~s ~:°rt w ' 19~_CLI Y by the f olsozF:iY?~ v o -e r. r n . 4 r0 "G' NO S: COU11 IL -11 A 0 _r.~ .i )R O THE TO' r q O LOS L7T14JS rn ^ rn m , g o 11 A. S % . . dL+L~ C 772, T-7 77 r,11O-1,1.1,A1,1 OF -L "IN Page ~r of P -ages