WHEREAS, on the 21st day of May, 1956, the Council of the
Town of Los G.tos did pass and adopt a Resolution giving notice of the
proposal to annex certain uninhabited territory to the Town of Los
Gatos, said territory being therein designated as "Northwest Number
One Annexation," and said action being taken by the Council of said
Town as the legislative body of the Tow-r. said ?resolution describing
the boundaries of the territory so proposed to be annexed to said Town;
WHEREAS, said Resolution did contain a notice of the day,
hour and place when and where the said Council of said- To- JA would hear
protests made by any person owning real property within the territory
proposed to be annexed, the time said hearing being not less than
forty nor more than sixty days from the date of the passage of said
Resolution; and
W-11EREAS, on the 2nd day of July, 1956, at the hour of '7:30
p.m. in the Los Gatos Town Council Chambers in the TovArn Nall of the
Town of Los Gatos, Count7T of Santa. Clara, State of California, said
time and place being the day, hour and place fixed in said Resolution
for hearing protests to the said annexation, it appearing that in
Action No. 99075 in the Superior Court of the State of California in
and for the County of Santa Clara, the Court by Its Order, duly and
regularly served enjoined the Town Council from., further proceeding
with the annexation known as Yorthwest Number one save and except a
right of continuance of Public Nearing on said annexation and. in
compliance therewith the Town Council has duly and regularly continued
said Public Nearing for protest to said annexation to July 9th and
thereafter to the 16th and thereafter. to the 23rd, and thereafter
to the 30th and thereafter to the 31st, 1956, and it further. appear-
ing that the said Superior Court on July 31, 1956 by its order duly
made and entered, ordered that the Temporary injunction issued out of
said Court on June 28, 1956; be and the same was dismissed, dis-
charged and dissolved whereupon the said Council of said Town on
July 31, 1956 at the hour of 7;3.0 p,m. at a continued regular
meeting, being the time and place to which said Hearing was duly
and regularly continued as aforesaid, did hear and pass upon all
proJ,,~sts made to said proposed annexation and did determine that no
protests to said proposed annexation have been made by or on behalf
of the Owners of one-half of the value of the territory proposed to
be annexed as shown by the last equalized assessment roll, nor by
public and private owners of equal to one-half of the value of the
territory proposed to be annexed as determined by said legislative
body; and
WHEREAS, said territory is contiguous to the Town of Los
Gatos, and is `uninhabited territory in the County of Santa Clara,
and all of the procedural requirements of the Annexation of Unin-
habited Territory Act of 1939, particularly Government Code
sections 35300 to 35314 inclusive have been fully complied with:
NOW) THEREEORIF, the said Council of the Town of Los
Gatos does hereby approve the a.r_r..exation of said territory, here-
inafter described, to the Town of Los Gatos and does hereby further
ordain that the said territory be and is hereby annexed to the Town
of Los Gatos.
That said territory, the annexation of which to the Town
of Los Gatos is herein approved, is all that territory situate in
the County of Santa Clara, State of California, more particularly
Beginning on the northwesterly line of the Town Limits,
Tokn of Los Gatos,, at the point of intersection with the south-
westerly line of that certain marvel of land as described in the
Deed from Katherine A. Klein to Lester.- Stewart dated May 279 19369
recorded June 1, 1936, in Book 776 Official Records, Page 53, Santa
Clara County Records; thence northwesterly along said southwesterly
line of said last named parcel to the most westerly corner thereof,
being also the most easterly corner of that certain parcel of land
as described in the Deed from Adelia Brady to Lawrence H..Weaverling
and Mable L. Weaverling, dated August 18, 1936, recorded August 18,
19; in Book 787 Official Records, Page 36, Santa Clara County
Records; thence northwesterly along the northeasterly line of said
last named parcel to the most northerly- corner thereof; thence
southwesterly along the northwesterly line of said last named
parcel to the point of intersection with the easterly line of Rose
Avenue being 60.feet in width; thence southwesterly along said
easterly line of Rose Avenue to the point of intersection with the
southeasterly prolongation of the southwesterly line of that
certain parcel of land as described in the Deed from Aleiander R.
Tunzi and Evelyn C. Tunzi to Corporation of the Presiding Bishop
of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, dated April l$,
1953, recorded May 11, 1953, in Book 2630, Official Records, Page
394, Santa Clara County Records; thence northwesterly along said
southeasterly prolongation of said southwesterly line of said last
named parcel and continuing northwesterly along said southwesterly
line of said last named parcel to the most westerly corner thereof;
thence northeasterly along the northwesterly line -of said last
named parcel to the most northerly corner thereof; thence south-
easterly along the first course of the northeasterly line of said
last named parcel and along the southeasterly prolongation of said,
first course'of said northeasterly line to the point of inter-
section with the southwesterly prolongation of the northwesterly
line of that certain parcel of land as described in the Deed from
San Jose Abstract & Title Insurance Company to Gene Rugah.i and
Page of Page
Gina Rugani, dated February 23, 1945, recorded March 5; 1945, in
Book 1250 Official Records, Page 73; Santa Clara County records;
thence northeasterly along said southwesterly prolongation of said
northwesterly line of said lash - ed.. par=cel and contifra. ng northeast-
erly along said northwesterly lime of said last named parcel t.o
the point of intersection with the northeasterly line of the sub-
division shown upon that certain map entitled "Rose Bill Tract",
which map was filed for record in the Office of the Recorder of
the County of Santa Clara, State of California on December 22,
1947, in Book 15 of Maps, Pages 22 and 23; thence northwesterly
ang said northeasterly line of said last named subdivision to
the point of intersection with the southeasterly line of that
certain parcel of land as described in the Deed from William A.
Burgstrom and Lupe Burgstrom to Mule Austin Smith and Marjorie
Ann Smith, dated March 17, 1952, recorded earth 1S, 1952, in Book
2385 Official Records, Page 134, Santa Clara County Records;
thence following the various courses and distances of the exterior
boundaries of said last named parcel northeasterly, easterly,
northwesterly, southwesterly and northwesterly to the point of
intersection with the southeasterly line of the subdivision shown
upon that certain map entitled .?'View Field", which map was filed
for record. in the Office of the Recorder of the County of Santa
Clara, State of California, on September 18, 1911, in Book N of
Maps, Page 58; thence northeasterly along said southeasterly line
of said last named subdivision to the point of intersection with
the southerly line of that certain parcel of land as described in
the Deed from William D. Johnson and Lucy Johnson to Harold E.
Galst and Harriett J. Galst, dated March 10, 1950, recorded March
205, 1950, in Book 1947 Official Records, Page 307, Santa Clara
County Records; thence following the exterior boundaries of said
last named parcel westerly., northerly and easterly to the point
of intersection with the westerly line of that certain parcel of
land as described in the Deed from Harold E. Galst and Harriett
J. Galst to Herbert H. Sanders and Marian C. Sanders, dated June
Fagt of Pages
• 0
11, 1953, recorded June 19, 1953, in Book 2667 Official Records,;
Page 171, Santa Clara County Records; thence following the exterior
boundaries of said last named parcel northerly and easterly to the
point of intersection with the westerly line of Lot 9 of the sub-
division shown upon that certain map entitled 44Daves Tract".
which map was filed for record in the Office of the Recorder of
the County of Santa Clara, State of California,. on November 21,
1$$1i in Book A of Maps, Page 68; thence following the exterior
boundaries of said Lot 9 of said last named subdivision northerly
and easterly to the point of intersection with the westerly line
w4hat certain parcel of land as described in the Deed from
William C. Vollgraff and Kathleen M. Vollgraff to John S,
Fujikawa and Flora T. Fujikawa9 dated NoA ber 169 1953, recorded
November l6, 1953, in Book 2758 Official Records, Page 173, Santa
Clara County Records; thence following the exterior boundaries
of said last named parcel southerly and easterly to the point of
intersection with the westerly line of that certain parcel of
land as described in the Deed from Edwin William Hernstedt and
Florence May Hernstedt to Martin A Nailer, dated July 15, 19552
recorded July 21, 1955, in Book 3231 Official Records, Page 8,
Santa Clara County Records; thence following the exterior boun-
daries of said last named parcel southerly and easterly to the
point of intersection with the easterly line of that certain
parcel of land as described in the Deed of Trust between Edwin
William Hernstedt and Florence May Hernstedt, trustor, California
Pacific Title and Trust Company, trustee, and Mable C. Klindt and
Louis J. Klindt, beneficiary, dated MAy 242 1935, recorded Jane
7, 1935, in Book 727 Official Records, Page 575, Santa Clara
County Records; thence southerly along said easterly line of said
last named parcel to the point of intersection with the northerly
line of that certain parcel of land as described in the Deed from
Edwin William Hernstedt and Florence May Hernstedt to Harold V. Ely
and Shirley Ann Ely, dated May 31 , 1955, recorded June 3, 1955, in
Book 3190 Official Records, Page 67, Santa Clara County Records;
Page of 'Pages
thence following the exterior boundaries of said last named
parcel westerly, southerly and easterly to the point of inter-
section with the easterly line of the hereinbefore mentioned
parcel described in the Deed of Trust between Edwin William
Hernstedt and Florence May Hernstedt, trustor, California Pacific
Title and Trust Company, trustee, and Mable C. Klindt and Louis
J. Klindt, beneficiary; thence following the exterior boundaries
of said last named parcel southerly, westerly and southerly to the
point of intersection with the northerly trine of that certain
parcel of land as described in the Deed by and between Edwin
UJi-Hiam Hernstedt and Florence Tfil y Hernstedt, as trustor, and
Corporation of America, as trustee, and Bank of America, '11,a.tional
Trust and Savings Association, as beneficiary, dated. December 8,
1937, recorded December 16, 1937, in Book 853 Official Records,
Page 332, Santa Clara County Records; thence following the exterior
boundaries of said last named parcel southerly and westerly to
the point of intersection with the westerly line of that certain
parcel of land as described in the Deed from G. Orville Lacy and
Laura M. Lacy to W. L. Andrews and Carol Ea Andrews, dated
November 29, 1950, recorded December 5, 1950, in Book_ 2108 Official
Records, Page 281, Santa Clara County Records; thence following
the exterior boundaries of said last named parcel southerly and
easterly to the point of intersection with the westerly line of
that certain parcel of land as described in the Deed from James R.
Vertin and Dorothy E. Vertin to Peter Sieber and Alma Sieber, dated
July 18, 1953, recorded July 29, 1953, in Book 26;2 Official
Records, Page 407, Santa Clara County Records; thence southerly
along said westerly line of said last named parcel to the point
of intersection with the northerly line of that certain herein-
before mentioned parcel of Gene Rugani and Gina Rugani; thence
easterly along said northerly line of said last named parcel to
the point of intersection with the northwesterly line of the sub-
division shown upon that certain map entitled 111tariposa court",
Thich map was filed for record in the Office of the Recorder of
Page of . Pages
the County of Santa Clara., State of California, on May 6,. 19161.
in Book 10 of Maps,' Page 11; thence so t-hwesterly along said
northwesterly line of said Mariposa Cou= t Subdivision to the
most westerly corner thereof; thence southeasterly along the south-
westerly line of said Mariposa Court Subdivision , to the most
southerly corner thereof, being also a point on the northeasterly
line of the hereinbefore mentioned parcel of Lester Stewart;
thence southeasterly along said northeasterly line of said last
named parcel to the point of intersection with the northwesterly
Town Limits line, Tou,.i of Los Gatos; thence southwesterly along
said--northwesterly To-vim Limits line, Town of Los Gatos, to the
point of beginning,
Page - of Pages
Introduced at a continued regular meeting of the
Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, State of California,
held on the 31st day of July, 1956.
THEREOF HELD ON THE 6th DAY OF August 1956) by the
following vote:
!7m. 0. Graham
Janes A. too-ps
Jame s Tho mo s o n
Alberto E. ilerrill
Beverl H. Blatnick
By G~