WHEREAS,, on the 21stday of May, 1956, the Council of the
Town of Los Gatos did pass and adopt a Resolution giving notice of the
proposal to annex certain uninhabited territory to the Town of Los
Gatos, said territory being therein designated as "LOS GATOS CREEK
ANNE`XA.TION", and said action being taken by the Council of said Town
as the legislative body of the Town pursuant to a written petition
therefor, said Resolution describing the boundaries of the territory
so proposed to be annexed to said Town; and
WHEREAS, said Resolution did contain a notice of the day,
hour and place when and where the said Council of said Town would hear
protests made by any person owning real property within the territory
proposed to be annexed, the time of said hearing being not less than
forty nor more than sixty days from the date of the passage of said
resolution; and
WHEREAS, on the 2nd day of July, 1956, at the hour of 7:30
o'clock P.M., in the Los Gatos Town Council Chambers in the Town Hall
of the Town of Los Gatos, County of Santa Clara, State of California,
said time and place being the day, hour and place faxed in said
Resolution for hearing protests to the said annexation, the said
Council of said Town did hear and pass upon all protests made to said
proposed annexation and did determine that no protests to said pro-
posed annexation have been made by or on behalf of the owners of one-
half of the value of the territory proposed to be annexed as shown by
- the last equalized assessment roll, nor by public and private owners
of equal to one half of the value of the territory proposed to be
annexed as determined by said legislative body; and
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WHEREAS, said territory is contiguous to the Town of Las
Gatos, and is uninhabited territory in the County of Santa. Clara, and
all of the procedural requirements of the Annexation of Uninhabited
Territory Act of 1939, particularly Government Code sections 35300 to
35314 inclusive have been fully complied with;
NOW. THEREFORE, the said Council of the Town of Los Gatos
does.hereby approve the annexation of said territory, hereinafter
described, to the Town of Los Gatos and does hereby further ordain
that the said territory be and is hereby annexed to the Town of Los
r Gatti s.
That said territory, the annexation of which to the 'own of
.Los Gatos is herein approved, is all that territory situate in the
County of Santa Clara, State of California, more particularly described
as follows:
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Beginning at the most northerly point in the Town Limits
Line; Tojrun of Los Gatos, said point being also in the southerly
line of Farley Road', being 40 feet in width; thence westerly along
said southerly line of Farley Road to the point of intersection
with the southerly prolongation of the easterly line of that
certain parcel of land as described in the Decree of Distribution
of the Estate of Lila P, Whitehill, deceased, to Ruth Whitehill,
dated August 24, 1951, recorded August 24, 1951 in Book 2272
Official Records, Page 437, Santa Clara" County Records; thence
northerly along said southerly prolongation of said easterly line
of said last named parcel to the point of intersection with the
northerly line of Farley Road, said point being also on the west-
erly line of the lands of the Santa Clara Valley Water Conserva-
tion District; thence northerly following the various courses and
distances of said westerly line of said lends of the Santa Clara.'
Valley Water Conservation District, being also the easterly lines
of the hereinbefore mentioned parcel of Ruth Whitehill and of
that certain parcel of land as described in the Deed from Frank
R. Carter.and Clara A. Carter to Harry L. Marsh and Myrtle A.
Marsh, dated April 10, 1945, recorded April 17, 1945 in Book 1249.
Official Records, Page 460 Santa Clara County Records, to the
point of intersection with the easterly line of the Southern
Pacific Railroad right of way; thence,northerly along the various
courses and distances of said easterly line of said Southern
Pacific Railroad right of way to the point of intersection with
the northerly line of that certain parcel of land referred to as
Parcel No. 4 as described in the Deed from. Francis W.. Doetsch,
Ralph. P. Doetsch and Joseph P. Doetsch and Cozetta Doetsch to
Joseph Doetsch and Caroline Doetsch, dated November 5, 1935,
recorded January 7, 1936 in Book 756 Official Records, Page 22$1
Santa Clara County Records; thence easterly along said northerly
line of said Parcel No. 4 and continuing easterly along the north-
erly line of Parcel No. 2 as described in the last mentioned Deed,
to the northeast corner of said Parcel No. 2, being also a point
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in the center line of Los Gatos Creek; thence southerly along the
easterly line of said Parcel No. 2 to the southeast corner of
said Parcel No, 2, being also the northeast corner of Parcel No. 1
as described in the last mentioned Deed, said southeast and said
northeast corners being in the centerline of Los Gatos Creek;
thence southerly, following the various courses and distances of
the easterly line of said Parcel No. 1 to the southeast corner
thereof, being also the northeast corner of Parcel No. 3 as des-
✓ crbed in the last mentioned Deed; thence continuing southerly
following the various courses and distances of the easterly line
o-~ said Parcel No. 3 to the point of intersection with the north-
erly line of that certain parcel of land as described in and
platted on Exhibit 1 attached to and made part.of the Deed and
Agreement by and between Caroline Doetsch and Joseph C. Doetsch,
to and with Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District, dated
October 6; 1934, recorded October 25, 1934 in Book 709 Official
Records, Page 101; thence southwesterly in a direct line-to a
point on the easterly prolongation of the southerly line of the
hereinbefore described parcel of Harry L. Marsh and Myrtle A.
Marsh, said point being distant easterly 225 feet from the south-
easterly corner of said.last named parcel; thence southeasterly
.in a direct line to an angle point.in the most northerly Town
Limits Line, Town of Los Gatos, said point being distant easterly
350 feet more or less, from the pdint of beginning as measured
along said most northerly Town. Limits Line; thence westerly follow-
ng said most northerly Town Limits Line to the point of
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