Ord 0362- CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION IN THE TOWN`x ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION IN THE T01%3N OF LOS GATOS FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE ELECTORS OF SAID TC`,,7N A PROPOSITICN OF INCURRING BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID TaUN FOR THE ACQUISITION, C0NST .UCTION AND COI,'IPLETICN OF CERTAIN !,,~JNICIP AL I14PRO' EMENTS, DECLARING T~}E ESTIMATED COST 0-' SAID JJ.UNICI'~AL I1JPROVF"N~ENTS, THE AiIOUNT OF T?rH' PRIG?CIFAL OF SAID INDEBTEDNESS TO BE INCURRED THF_=~EF'OR, AND THE IM XI'MUY FATE OF INTEREST TO BE PAID THE=EON, PROVIDI7G FOR THE COTSOLIL`ATTCr? OF SAID ELECTION WITH THE GENL'RAL JNICIPAL ELECTI^;i AND PRCVIDT"va FOR NOTICE 'T 'H F:i~OF. :`-ROSS-TO TAI T('71Fr:AY THE TC,N COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LCS GA77OS DOES ORDAIN AS F OLLOir1 S '4HEP.EAS, the Totian Council of the Tot°an of Los Gatos by Resolution passed and. adopted at a regular meeting thereof on the 25th day of January, 1954,b,,,- a two-thirds vote of all of its members, did determine that the public interest and necessity demand the acquisition and construction and com-oletion of the municipal improvements hereinafter mentioned; that the said. municipal imProver~~ents are necessary a-ncl, convenient to carry out" the objects, -purposes and powers of the Torn: that the cost of the -orooosed municipal im?orovenents Tp=ill be too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenue of the Torn; anc that the indebted-ness proposed to be incurred will require an expendi- ture greater than the amount allowed for it by the annual tax levy of the tcTv.7n; that said- Resolution t,,,as duly entered. in the minutes of saA6 meeting and is noiP7 on file any'. of record in the Office of the Town Clem. A?C:,', T I'E ORL, IT IS ORDERED AS FOLDMI; A special municipal election is hereby called and ordered, and will be held in the ToT1!n of Los Gatos on Tuesaay, the 15th day of April, 1954, and at which election there shall be submitted to --1- the oualified voters of the Town the question of incurring a bonded. indebtedness by the Town for the objects and. purposes set forth in the follotaring proposition, PRQPCSITICNt GRCSS-Tfli~ ~IG"a~i'. Sha!'. the Town of Los Gatos incur a bonded indebtedness in the principal amount of T in accordance with the provisions of the Ordina.nce calling the election of which this proposition is submitted, for the objects ana purposes of acquiring a.na constructing or completing the following municipal improvements, to-wit: The acquisition, construction or completion of a cross-town hig-hanay and. 'IV-he acquisit-41 on of lands and easements therefor and by doing such incidental work as may be necessary to complete the same? The estimated cost of the municipal improvements as set forth in the above proposition is zr)< and the amount of the principal of the indebtedness proposed "Co be incurred for the municipal improvements described in the above proposition is the sum of $ 117 _ j The Town Council, does hereby subr it to the qualified voters at the said. special municipal election, this Ordinance and. the pro:aosi.ticn hereinabove set forth, The Toi?an Council proposes to issue and sell bonds of the Town in the amount and for the objects and purposes specified' in the saic'.. proposition if two-thirds of the cualified electors voting on such proposition vote for ltd If t-v.3o-thirds of the qualified electors voting on such proposition vote in favor thereof, the proposition shah be deemed The bonds shall be negotiable in form and of the character known a.s "Serial". and shall bear interest at the rate not ex- ceeding six per cent (e%) per annum, payable semi-annually, except that interest for the first year after the da.te of the bonds me.y be made payable at the end of said yea.ro The said. special municipal election shall be held and conducted, and the votes thereof canvassed, and the returns there- of made, and the results thereof ascertained_ and determined as herein provided; and in all particulars not prescribed. by this Ordinance the election shall be conducted. as other municipal elections. The said special municipal election is hereby consoli- dated.vith the general municipal election which ill be held 1, rii thi n the Towr_ of Los Gatos, on Tuesday, the 13th day of A,, pri 19da, The special municipal election shall be held in the manner provided for tie general municipal election:, and the precincts, polling places, and the officers of election, shall be the same as those set forth in Resolation Designating and. Providing for the Consolidation of Precincts, Listing Polling Places and Election Officers and Providing for the Giving of TNtotice, adopted by the Council on the SAday of > ~G~i~- 1934a The elections hereby consolidated shall be held in all respects as if there were only one election and. only one form of ballot shall be used. All persons cua.lified to vote at t'ne general municipal election shall be qualified to vote on the pronosition submitted at the special municipal election. Ea1lot s of the form and to the number- movie ed by lat.,7 shall be provided for the election. On the ballots, in addition to any other printed matter ia?^:lch mG'~T be required by law, t 0 voting squares i e shall be set off } ~o the right of the propositior~ ~ nip „bmit}~ed at the election, in the manner provided by law, one having the word "YES" printed before it, the other h<^v ng the ,,?odd "NO printed before it. • r Each voter to vote for the proposition and for incurring the banded indebtedness shall stamp a cross ;X1 in the blank space opposite the word "RTES" on the ballot to the right of the proposition; and to vote against the proposition and against in- curring the indebtedness shall stamp a cross A) in the blank space opposite the word ONO" on the ballot to the right of the proposition. The polls shall be opened at 7:00, o'clock A. M. of.the day of the election, and shall be kept open until 7;00 o'clock., P.P. of the same day, when the polls shall be closed, except as to voters in line as provided in Section 5734 of the Elections Code. This Section is subject to the provisions of law governing the general municipal election, which will be observed. This ordinance is adopted pursuant to Article I, compris- ing Sections 43600 to 43639, inclusive, of Chapter 4, Division 4, Title 4 of the Government Code of the State of California. This Ordinance shall be published once a week for two weeks in "The Los Gatos Daily Times," a. daily newspaper of gener- al circulation, printed and published less than six days a week in the town, and such publication shall constitute notice of the election. This Ordinance shall be forthrith entered upon the minutes of the Council in the Ordinance Book of the Town, This Ordinance, being an ordinance calling and ordering an election, shall take effect immediately upon its adoption, PASSED AND ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOUTv COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS held on the /220day of 01"ar;~2 $ 19542 by the following vote: AYES COUNCIL2J1F-! t J-1 & d- -4- 0 0U NC i LI,tENT a / Der OV C OU N;C I I I IIEN 1'o be Subl_shed Idarch. 17 and March 24, 1954