Ord 0360- REGULATING THE MAKING OF OPENING INTO AND CUTTING INTO AND THE PLACING OF STRUCTURES OR THE CHANGE OR REMOVAL OF ANY STRUCTURESOYDIJI'\IUN CE 1110. 360 it,Tv I 0RDIhkT.'~uTryE r~ RTC_GUL, _-~I_i;~G Tim T a F'iT T 1.I U fI' T<i''~G OF OPL; ~Jy I ~GIi,.~-J, i ND M'TI TG Iii' D i iL PLr''>CII', G OF STRUCTtiRT:'S, OR THE CHAT.i GE T'' Olt JEE T~~ VAt~~(`t nL OF i, r I Y S 1nRUCURE rte. .,E, ir"L HE PLI~CI ~'~G OF OB3TNUC'1OJ`S, UPOv, II'w Or OIL I.Y Y `T iT CT', r,,.V ..rte.'. .r r, q 1 Tn.Tn r,:%J ~LLL~, ROAD, -.s I~, Cli_r~t3 0% 1 F~,Fi~~ a.s 5 7i' THT; n v,3 G rf l-I v'd1 Li1L Vrl 1 r L~)i _ .1!: U ii 'J: In lu, I' OF L G "B'I L L 9 l~ - r RI'_ 1 1: ~rL :':I i' T. `L~ tU ~'OR r~ti7' li)1?'' G FOR .1 1CL-irGl ~ , ' 1 .~.ry n `T n r 1'j' T i rn-1- "1 r? ;'1 t-~"T P- 7 tiiv U PT' R C) U 1 J - iV ~1 _ F' t { 1. V 1 `JL 1 I`d %D 1 141 S ORD1 -Ir,. I4CEa T'IiIE. COUNVIu Jl TLS T0'. ur L'~ ; uAiJS D'DE5 OU. Div : S FOLLOIWS Section 1: No opening shall be made or caused to be made in any street, road, alley, sidewalk, curb or parking strip within the Town-',of Los Gatos,' or shall any.structure or obstruction of any kind., temporary or otherwise, be Placed thereon, or shall any structure which has been placed thereon be changed or removed except in accordance with a written permit of the Street Superintendent of the Town of Los Gatos, and under and in compliance with his instructions. Tuo street, road, alley, sidewalk, curb or parking strip shall be dug up for the laying or placing of pipes, conduits, sewers, wires or other `objects, and no tree or shrubbery in or on any street, road, alley, sidewalk, curb or parking strip. shall be threatened trimmed or removed and no obstruction placed thereon without a written permit as hereinbefore provided, and the work shall be done in the manner directed by and under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of ' Streets of the Town of, Los Gatos, and the entire expense of replacing said street, road, alley, sidewalk, curb or parking strip in as good condition as before shall be paid by the person, firm or corporation to a whom the permit is given or by whom the work is done. All work shall be subject to the inspection of the Street Superintendent-of the 'T'own of Los Gatos. The person, firm or corporation obtaining the permit or causing the work to be done shall cause the street, road, alley, I - _ sidewalk, curb or parking strip to be back filled, replaced, paved and surfaced in as good condition as it was before. The responsibility of j said person, firm or corporation shall not cease upon completion of the work and should„any defect occur within two (2) years from the date of completion of said work, then the person or persons obtaining said permit or causing said work to have been done shall be instructed and required to -repair and/or replace the same at the expense of the person, firm or corporation causing the same. The said SupF:rintendent of Streets may at his discretion, before granting a permit under the provisions of this urc.inance, require the applicant to file a satis- factory 'pond vTith the `owjr: of Los `r tos in such an amount as may be deemed sufficient by him conditioned for the proper compliance with the reauir event s of this Ordinance by the person granted. such permit. There shall be excepted herefrom utility pole holes and anchor holes made by any public utility in any area having no curbs, gutters and sidewalks, provided such utility pole holes and anchor holes are not located alon`- streets or thoroughfares in in;hi.ch underground cable is or has been layed for the. purpose of carrying electrical current for street lizlnting or other purposes. ction 2: iJN L" i "TT 1 C"~" 1`' II CT: Se F; i.G lJ "L 2i y 1 XP. 1. i a 'v 1 i f' 1. In any.location wherf-in underground cable is/or has been laid. for the purpose of carrying electrical current for street lighting or other purpose, any excavating, digging into or around such area, shall be under the inspection and.the supervision of the Superintendent of Streets of the Town of Los Gatos. Before causing; any excavating, digging into or around any such area, the person, firm or corporation contemplating such. work shall, upon authorization by the Superintendent of Streets, notify the Pacific Gas and Electric Company of the location and the tir e said work is to be done and recuest that the electric pourer effecting said area be shut off, and no work shall be done in said area until the electric power has been shut off. in the event a break in t _ e, cable occurs or any injury is . don to the cable or any pant or portion of the, street lighting electrical oyster, or any other property during this period of operation, or later as a -result thereof, the person, firm or corporation causing the same shall bear the costs of re-olacem.e:nt and repair as directed by the Street 'uperi(tend en.t. Section 3: El GECIr1S: };hen an emergency arises, such as a break in a water main, sewer line, gas main, electric cable or a like -2- Emergency, then the necessary work shall proceed without first having obtained a written permit therefor, providing the person, firm, cor- poration or whoever proceeds with such work shall, within twenty-four (24) hours following the next working day, (other than Saturdays, Sundays, or legal holidays) mail or deliver an emergency permit, upon . b ~,y forms to be furnished tine Town of Taos Gatos, to the Superintendent of Streets inforr. ing the 5uperi ntendent of Streets of the time and place work eras first commenced and the cause of such emergency. The Superin tendent of Streets shall sign and file said emergency permit and cause the necessary inspections to be made. !f upon inspection, she work is completed: to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets, he shall note the sane; upon said emergency permit; and in the event said work has not been done to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets, he shall cause such work to be done: to his satisfaction by the person, firm or corporation undertaking said varka IF Section 4: P IL !T3 Lx,, C«R. D: permits shall be issued in triplicate conies with the original copy to the applicant, and the two remaining copies for the; files of the Town of Los Gatos. Then required by the Superintendent of Streets, the applicant shall submit to the Superintendent of Streets an inspection slip which shall request in inspection of the work performed and shall state the numbcr of the original permit and giVe the time and place of the requested inspection. `applications for permits shall be made at .least twenty-four (24) hours in advance and under no conditions shall the work have been started prior to the obtaining of the permit, except as ' specified in Sections l and 3 hereof. Each permit shall give a date of completion, The Street Superintendent may, for good cause, extend the time for the completion of said work, Section j: PENALTIES- _`~ny person, firm or corporation, violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined the sum not to exceed Five :-hundred (JO0,00) 'dollars or imprisonment in the County Jail of the. County of ;Tanta Clara not to exceed six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment`. -3- -ection v : a _1 L~ `I" ")Ci : i'1ll his Ordinance s,~lal ] be ?7Ub11 shed once in the 0:'> a.'1'.! J.11L r! 1. a 12c=ws paper of general circulation,, printed and publisherd.` in the, 'I'o7m of Los xatos. Section . `E'-V7R" L1Lli Y: if any section, subsection, sent nce, ciausc', p?1rasG, or pOrtiOn of 11-his ordinance is for any r~ea.son held to be invalid or unconstitutional by trig d ec :Sion of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The Council of this Town hereby de=clares that it would have adopted this ordinance and each section, subsection, sentences, clause, phrase or portion thereof, irrespective; of the fact that any one or more s coons, subsections, clauses, phrases or portions be declared i~-ivalid or un- constitutional. The above and foregoing Ordinance was duly and. regularlyu.L')UCE.:J at a re=gular _eetin' of the `.LoT,'n Council of the '1ovm. of Los Gatos held on the 21st da r of December , 1953, and .:,ras thereafter at a regular mieetin of the `L'ovan Council of the Town of Los Gatos held on the day of , 1954, duly and regularly ADOPTED by the following vote ABS a 11 C Oli' CTL 2i' ~ . ~S e .1 LY-0 UP 1, )1 D_ a.. 1.. it r. 'A T cLL c ~ r l r T~ 1 0 LoS CATQS v~W